Unit 6 Bird watching 单元测试卷(含解析)牛津版译林英语八年级上学期

Unit 6 Birdwatching
(  )1.(2023·上海黄浦区期中改编)The volunteer spoke as     as she could to make the visitors understand her.
A. quickly   B. easily   C. quietly   D. clearly
(  )2.(2023·哈尔滨南岗区模拟改编)—What do you think of the sofa
—Not bad, but it may take up too much     in our room.
A. space B. time C. money D. effort
(  )3.(2023·成都第七中学期中改编)Parents and teachers should be patient with the kids when they make mistakes. After all, nobody is     and it takes time to improve.
A. perfect B. lucky C. crazy D. terrible
(  )4.Lao She's Teahouse the changes in Chinese society over fifty years.
A. describes B. improves C. prepares D. corrects
(  )5.Some fishermen keep fishing in Zhalong. This may lead to     food for birds. 
A. smaller and smaller B. more and more
C. fewer and fewer D. less and less
(  )6.     fresh fruit and vegetables, my mother usually gets up early to go to the market every morning.
A. Buy B. Buying C. To buy D. Buys
(  )7.(2023·上海徐汇中学期中改编)Reading     me with fun and it also enables me to understand the world around me.
A. provides B. offers C. prevents D. practises
(  )8. Most people drink coffee to get energy     just smelling the aroma(香味) of coffee can have the same effect.
A. as B. while C. when D. for
(  )9.He took a notebook with him in order to     what he saw and heard at once.
A. cut down B. write down
C. get up D. put up
(  )10.—Could you help me carry the equipment(设备) to the basketball field, Robin
—    . I'll do it at once.
A. Not at all B. No problem
C. Wait a moment D. Not really
  Hummingbirds(蜂鸟) make a humming noise when they fly. They make this noise because they  11  their wings so fast. They usually flap their wings up to 80 times a second. Flapping makes a lot of noise. That's  12  we call them hummingbirds.
  Hummingbirds fly in a special way. They move their wings very fast when they fly. This means they can stay in one place in the sky. Hummingbirds are very small. One type called the bee hummingbird is the  13  bird in the world. They are just a little bit bigger than bees. I  14  that's why they get their name.
  Hummingbirds move fast. It takes lots of  15  to move as fast as they do. So they need to eat a lot of food. Their favourite food is nectar(花蜜) inside some flowers. They drink nectar more than their own weight every day. They  16  visit hundreds of flowers to get enough nectar to live. Hummingbirds don't use their long beaks. They have tongues(舌头) just like you. They use  17  tongues for eating. They flick(轻弹) their tongues in and out of their mouths  18  they are inside flowers. They enjoy nectar. Flowers give them the energy they need.
  Hummingbirds  19  flowers too. They get pollen(花粉) on their heads and beaks when they feed. Hummingbirds bring pollen from one flower to the next.  20  flowers make more seeds(种子). More seeds mean more flowers. More flowers mean more food for hummingbirds. Isn't that amazing
(  )11.A. beat B. fly C. blow D. pull
(  )12.A. what B. how C. why D. where
(  )13.A. longest B. biggest C. largest D. smallest
(  )14.A. accept B. guess C. hope D. agree
(  )15.A. energy B. time C. space D. food
(  )16.A. can B. may C. should D. have to
(  )17.A. my B. her C. their D. his
(  )18.A. after B. while C. before D. because
(  )19.A. help B. enjoy C. shake D. feed
(  )20.A. At the same time B. From then on
C. In this way D. By the way
Dicky bird, Dicky bird,
Where are you flying away
Why do you fly when I wish you to stay
I would never harm(伤害) you, if you would come,
And sing a song while you sit on my thumb(拇指).
Dear girl, I will sing to you here in the tree,
But do not come any nearer to me.
Your wide-open hand and your eyes big and bright,
Fill poor little Dicky with fright.
I love you, dear Dicky,
So why should you fear(害怕)
If you come with me, my sweet, pretty dear,
You shall live in a silver house so happy,
And feed on a piece of white sugar each day.
Oh, little girl, my home is in this tree.
I love the fresh air, the sunshine so free.
My three babies are calling me, so I must fly,
And sing as I leave you,
"Goodbye, goodbye."
(  )21.The girl's wide-open hand and big and bright eyes make the bird     .
A. excited B. happy C. sad D. afraid
(  )22.The girl will give     to the bird if it comes with her.
A. some leaves B. some sugar
C. some cookies D. some water
(  )23.The bird's home is     , and it doesn't want to leave.
A. in the grass B. in the house
C. in the hole D. in the tree
The leaf was heavy. An ant struggled to carry it home. From behind him, he heard someone laugh. It was a grasshopper(蚱蜢). "It's a beautiful summer day," said the grasshopper. "Why don't you put your work down and play There will be time to gather(收集) food later."
  "It is a beautiful day," replied the ant. "But if I don't work on warm days, my family will have nothing to eat on cold days."
  As time went by, every time the grasshopper saw the ant, he laughed. "Work, work, work! There's more to life than work."
  Summer came to an end. The weather became cool. The ant kept busy. He wanted to gather as much food as he could before the coming winter. The grasshopper also felt the chill of autumn. He began to look around for things to gather. There was not much left. And time was running out.
  Finally, the snow came. The ant huddled(挤在一起) with his family for warmth. They ate leaves until they were full. They played games. At night, they slept well. The grasshopper, meanwhile, grew hungry and finally died.
(  )24.Which word can be used to describe the ant
A. Hard-working.
B. Short-sighted(目光短浅的).
C. Warm-hearted.
D. Easy-going.
(  )25. The grasshopper believes     .
A. there are some less important things in one's life than work
B. work is the most important thing in one's life
C. there are some other things worth doing besides work
D. work is necessary if one wants to live a good life
(  )26.The underlined word "chill" in the fourth paragraph has the same meaning as "    ".
A. colour B. cold C. warmth D. danger
(  )27.What's the main idea of this passage
A. Laughing at others is wrong.
B. It is very important to have fun.
C. It is necessary to be kind to others.
D. It is best to prepare for what might happen.
There is a kind of bird called the starling(椋鸟). A few starlings were brought to the United States from Europe more than a hundred years ago. Now they are found all over the United States.
Starlings are mostly black. Their mouths are straight and sharp(尖的). They are about six inches long with short tails. Their feathers sometimes seem to change colors.
Starlings like to live in groups of many birds. You will know when a group of starlings is nearby. They will make a lot of noise.
Some birds have beautiful songs. They always sound the same. People often know a bird by its song. This is not true about starlings. They can make many different sounds.
Starlings are also very hungry birds. They eat plants, strawberries, and small insects. Starlings do something that is not very nice. They eat so much that there is no food for other birds. When starlings come to an area, they often drive away other birds.
Just like other birds, starlings like to keep their babies safe. They make homes of sticks and feathers. Starlings can live in trees and also buildings. Starlings sometimes make their living places in a person's house. Can you imagine waking up and finding a starling flying in your bedroom
(  )28.[课标新增|图文转换]Which of the following shows the picture of the starlings
(  )29.Starlings eat the following things EXCEPT    .
A. plants B. apples
C. strawberries D. small insects
(  )30.The writer's main purpose in writing the text is to     .
A. show that starlings are special birds
B. encourage people to protect starlings
C. share some facts about starlings
D. explain why starlings appear in people's houses
(  )31.Where is the text most probably taken from
A. A history book.
B. A society report.
C. A nature magazine.
D. A medicine book.
Owls are active mainly at night. They hunt when it's dark. Most of us go for our work and study in the daytime. We almost never see owls, but many of us like these night birds very much. Our love for owls has a long history, and it's in all cultures. No matter how far you go back, there are always some kinds of art works or stories that include an owl. These days, we can find owls on some logos, in children's books, etc. So what makes owls so popular
Some bird scientists believe owls' popularity lies largely in their "cool" looks. In order to see clearly in the dark, owls have large eyes. Unlike human eyes, their eyes are cylindrical(圆筒状的). So owls cannot roll(翻转) their eyes. Their heads have to do most of the rolling-around work.Therefore, owls can turn their heads almost around on their necks.
Owls also use sound to hunt. Their ears are lopsided(不平衡的)—the left ear is a little higher than the right ear. A sound goes in one ear before it arrives in the other. This helps owls tell which direction the sound is coming from. To make their sense of hearing even better, the owls' whole face acts like a satellite dish(碟形卫星天线) for sound waves. Their beaks are very small so that they won't get in the way.
Thanks to such unusual looks and abilities, owls are known as strange and wonderful animals. For a long time, people have made up lots of myths(神话) about them. Some have described owls as the goddess of wisdom. Some have said owls are witches(女巫). These stories have made more people become interested in owls and made them become more popular!
(  )32.Which of the following is NOT the reason that owls become so popular
A. A long history. B. "Cool" looks.
C. Unusual abilities. D. Lots of stories.
(  )33.According to Paragraph 3, where should the ears be located when you face the following owl
A. ①② B. ③④ C. ①④ D. ②③
(  )34.The underlined word "them" in the last paragraph refers to(指)     .
A. myths B. owls C. looks D. abilities
(  )35.Which is the BEST title of the passage
A. Why Are Owls So Popular
B. Say No to Strange Owls
C. Becoming Strange and Wonderful
D. An Active Bird Is Born
Butterflies at Risk
  What's causing problems for these beautiful insects
  Something is harming monarch butterflies. Monarch butterflies are famous for their long migrations(迁徙) covering thousands of miles. Yet the number of monarch butterflies is dropping. Bad weather conditions are putting the butterflies in danger. Some butterfly experts say that the number of monarch butterflies has been cut by 22 percent in the forests in Mexico. In recent years, unusually low temperatures and rain have caused monarch butterflies to die in large numbers. These conditions have also caused new butterflies not to hatch(孵化).
  Will they return
  Monarch butterflies are very sensitive(敏感的) to change because of the long distances they travel.They cover thousands of miles each year, flying between their winter homes in Mexico or Southern California and their summer homes in the Midwest. Other animals also migrate. And many travel much farther. A bird called the Arctic tern makes round trip between the Arctic and the Antarctic every year. Like the Arctic tern, a type of gray whale has a long migration. It travels 12,400 miles from Baja California in Mexico to waters off Alaska and back. The longest migration ever recorded is by the sooty shearwater. Every year this kind of bird flies 40,000 miles from New Zealand to the northern part of the Pacific Ocean to find food.
  The monarch butterflies don't travel as far as animals like the Arctic tern and the sooty shearwater, but their journey isn't safe. Every year as many as 100 million monarch butterflies leave Mexico for the first leg of the migration. It's hard to imagine that such a large number might be in danger. Many scientists tell us that the danger is very real.
  In Mexico people are destroying the natural environment. They cut down the trees where millions of monarch butterflies spend the winter and use chemicals to kill the milkweed, the monarch butterflies' favourite food. Monarch butterflies spend the winter in Mexico and California. In both places, development is destroying their homes. Unless steps are taken to protect their habitats, the monarch butterflies' migration could become a thing of the past.
  "If we lose the whole migration, we will lose one of the nation's most magnificent phenomena," said Chip Taylor, a professor at the University of Kansas. These butterflies are the symbol of the richness of biological diversity(生物多样性).
36.Are monarch butterflies famous for their long migrations
37.What is putting the butterflies in danger
38.Where are monarch butterflies' winter homes
39.What animal has the longest migration
40.What can people do to protect monarch butterflies
A: Hi, David. What did you do last night
B: I saw a film. It's about golden monkeys.
A: 41.   
B: Wonderful. But it made me sad.
A: Did you learn a lot from the film
B: Yes, I did. 42.     And there are not many golden monkeys left.
A: What a pity!
B: 43.   
A: I agree with you. 44.   
B: Hmm, I think we should give them a warm home, and shouldn't hurt them.
A: 45.   
B: Good idea. The club must be interesting.
A. Let's join the Love Animal Club first.
B. But what should we do to protect them
C. I learned golden monkeys are in danger.
D. I think we should protect them.
E. How was it
F. What's the film about
G. Where do most animals live
Dear Chairperson,
  I would like to join the Birdwatching Society.
Yours sincerely,
Zhao Yang

Unit 6 名校好题提升卷
单选 1—5 DAAAD 6—10 CABBB
完形 11—15 ACDBA 16—20 DCBAC
阅读 A[21—23] DBD B[24—37] ACBD
C[28—31] ABCC D[32—35] ACBA
1.D 考查副词词义辨析。根据题干中的"she could to make the visitors understand her"可知,此处是说志愿者说得很清晰。
2.A 考查名词词义辨析。根据设空后的"in our room"可知,此处是说沙发可能占很大空间。故选A。
3.A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当孩子犯错时,家长和老师应该对他们有耐心。毕竟,没有人是完美的,提高需要时间。根据句意可知选A。
4.A 考查动词词义辨析。describe描述;improve改进,改善;prepare准备;correct纠正。结合本题语境可知,老舍的《茶馆》描述了中国社会50多年的变化,故答案为A。
5.D 考查比较级。句意:一些渔民一直在扎龙捕鱼。这可能会导致鸟类的食物越来越少。结合句意及设空后的不可数名词food可知选D。
6.C 考查动词不定式的用法。句意:为了买新鲜的水果和蔬菜,我的妈妈通常每天早上早起去市场。此处应用动词不定式表目的。故选C。
7.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:读书给我提供乐趣,它也使我能够了解我周围的世界。provide提供,符合语境。故选A。
【点拨】 offer sth. to sb./offer sb. sth.提供某物给某人; provide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.提供某物给某人。
8.B 考查连词。句意:大多数人喝咖啡来获取能量,而只闻咖啡的香味也能达到相同的效果。设空前后表示对比,while然而,符合句意。
9.B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他随身带着一个笔记本以便马上写下所见所闻。cut down砍倒;write down写下,记下;get up起床;put up张贴。结合句意可知选B。
10.B 考查情景交际。A项意为"别客气";B项意为"没问题";C项意为"稍等一下";D项意为"其实并没有"。根据题干中的"你能帮我把这个设备搬到篮球场吗"及答语中的"我马上就去做"可推知,此处"No problem"符合语境。故选B。
  【短文大意】 本文主要介绍了蜂鸟的相关信息。
11.A 此处是说,蜂鸟制造噪声是因为它们拍打翅膀太快了。beat拍打,符合文意。
12.C 结合上文可知,此处是说,那就是我们叫它们蜂鸟的原因。
13.D 根据上下文可知此处应用smallest。
14.B 此处是说,"我"猜测那就是它们名字的由来。guess猜测,符合文意。
15.A 此处是说,蜂鸟需要许多能量来快速移动。energy能量,符合文意。
16.D 此处是说,为了生存,它们必须找成百上千朵花来获得足够的花蜜。have to不得不,符合文意。
17.C 根据设空前的They可知,此处应用形容词性物主代词their。
18.B 此处是说,当它们置身于花中的时候,它们轻弹舌头来吃花蜜。while当……的时候,符合文意。
19.A 结合下文可知,此处是说,蜂鸟也帮助花儿。故选A。
20.C 此处是说,以这种方式,花儿们结出更多的种子。故选C。
  【A篇短文大意】 这是一首诗歌,呈现了女孩与鸟儿之间的对话。女孩十分喜爱鸟儿,但鸟儿追求自由,不愿与女孩亲近。
21.D 细节理解题。根据第一个Bird下面的"Your wide-open hand and your eyes big and bright, Fill poor little Dicky with fright"和第二个Girl下面的"So why should you fear(害怕) "可知选D。
22.B 细节理解题。根据第二个Girl下面的"You shall live in a silver house so happy, And feed on a piece of white sugar each day"可知选B。
23.D 细节理解题。根据第二个Bird下面的"Oh, little girl, my home is in this tree"可知选D。
  【B篇短文大意】 本文是一则小故事,讲述了蚂蚁在夏天为寒冬收集食物,而蚱蜢却不以为意。最后,蚂蚁和它的家人度过了寒冬,而蚱蜢则死于饥饿。这篇文章告诫我们凡事预则立,不预则废,引导学生要未雨绸缪,提前做好规划。
24.A 推理判断题。通读文章可知,蚂蚁不辞辛劳地寻找、储存食物,为冬天做准备,所以可推断出它是勤劳的。故选A。
25.C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的"Work, work, work! There's more to life than work"可知,蚱蜢认为生活中不仅仅有工作,即它认为除工作外还有其他的事值得做。故选C。
26.B 词义猜测题。结合下文可知,蚱蜢开始寻找食物了,因为它也感觉到秋天的凉意了。故选B。
27.D 主旨大意题。本文主要通过一则蚂蚁与蚱蜢的小故事来引导学生要未雨绸缪,故选D。
  【C篇短文大意】 本文是一篇说明文。文章向我们介绍了椋鸟的相关信息。
28.A 图文转换题。根据"Their mouths are straight and sharp(尖的). They are about six inches long with short tails"和"Starlings like to live in groups of many birds"可知,椋鸟的嘴又直又尖,尾巴是短短的,且喜欢群居,所以推断图片A应是椋鸟,故选A。
29.B 细节理解题。根据"They eat plants, strawberries, and small insects"可知,椋鸟吃植物、草莓和小昆虫,故选B。
30.C 主旨大意题。根据全文可知,文章主要介绍了椋鸟的样貌、生活习惯等信息,故选C。
31.C 推理判断题。根据文章可知,文中介绍的是一种鸟,所以推断文章应是选自自然杂志,故选C。
  【D篇短文大意】 文章主要从外貌和能力两个方面阐述了猫头鹰受欢迎的原因。
32.A 细节理解题。根据文中的"Some bird scientists believe owls' popularity lies largely in their ‘cool' looks"以及最后一段的内容可知选A。
33.C 图文转换题。根据文中的"Their ears are lopsided(不平衡的)—the left ear is a little higher than the right ear"可知选C。
34.B 代词指代题。根据最后一段中的"These stories have made more people become interested in owls"可知,这些故事让更多的人对猫头鹰感兴趣,由此可知,应该是猫头鹰变得更受欢迎了。故选B。
35.A 标题归纳题。文章主要从外貌和能力两个方面阐述了猫头鹰受欢迎的原因,故A项最适合作本文的标题。
  【短文大意】 本文主要介绍了处境危险的蝴蝶的相关信息。
36.Yes, they are.
37.Bad weather conditions.
38.In Mexico or Southern California.
39.The sooty shearwater.
40.People can protect monarch butterflies' habitats.
41—45 ECDBA
One possible version:
Dear Chairperson,
  I would like to join the Birdwatching Society.
  First, let me introduce myself. I am in Grade 8 of No. 6 Middle School. My favorite subjects are Biology and English. I am interested in collecting the pictures of different animals and listening to music.
  Last spring, I went to Zhalong Nature Reserve to see birds with my friends. At that time I found birds amazing and I decided to know more about birds. On the other hand, people cut down trees, which damages the habitat of birds. As a result, the number of the birds is becoming smaller and smaller. I think it's important for me to do something to protect them.
  I will be very happy if I can be a member of the Birdwatching Society. I can take part in activities from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. every Saturday. You can call me on 0519-82833988 or email me at83445133@.
Yours sincerely,
Zhao Yang
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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