Unit 3 A day out 单元测试卷(含解析)牛津版译林英语八年级上学期

Unit 3 A day out
(  )1.(2023·北京大兴区期末)—In the future, people will have robots in     homes.
—That will be a better world.
A. they   B. them   C. their   D. themselves
(  )2.The CPC has started a new     to build a modern socialist(社会主义的) country in all respects(方面).
A. support B. vacation
C. sense D. journey
(  )3.(2023·北京育才学校期中改编)—The water here is so     , isn't it
—Yes, I can see the colourful fishes swimming in it.
A. deep B. cold C. clear D. warm
(  )4.The cake    delicious. I'd like to have another one.
A. tastes B. looks C. sounds D. feels
(  )5.—Who is the girl     a smile on her face
—My cousin. We often listen to music together     lunchtime.
A. has; at B. with; at
C. has; in D. with; in
(  )6.(2023·北京师范大学附属实验中学期中)—Greg, you are so talented in speaking Chinese. Can you also write in Chinese
—Yes, I can, but my writing is     my speaking.
A. not as well as B. as well as
C. not as good as D. as good as
(  )7.Although(尽管) we are tired, we feel happy because we     finished the task.
A. suddenly B. usually C. finally D. mostly
(  )8.(2023·武汉蔡甸区期中改编)—When will you go to see your grandpa
—I'll see him as soon as I     the plane. You know I miss him very much.
A. take off B. get off C. turn off D. fall off
(  )9.During the trip in the Sahara Desert, all the tourists couldn't bear(忍受) the hot weather. When the coach(长途汽车)     , they     at once.
A. arrived; got it on B. reached; got it on
C. reached; got on it D. arrived; got on it
(  )10.—I'm afraid I'm too tired to walk on.
—    !I believe you can do it.
A. Come on B. Take care
C. Have fun D. Enjoy yourself
Dear Li Lei,
How are you these days I'd like to tell you something about my trip.
My parents and I planned to 11  three days staying in Guilin. We enjoyed 12  here.
We came here by  13 . After a long trip, we  14  Guilin Railway Station. Unluckily, it was raining  15  when we arrived. Then we went to a famous park that day. I thought the view was much more beautiful in the  16  than usual.
On the 17  day of the trip, we went to the Lijiang River. We saw many different mountains along the  18 . Some are like people and some are like a few animals sitting together. The most interesting thing is a big rock. You may think  19  a horse if you look at it carefully enough. 20  wonderful! The mountains along the river are green and the water is clear. I was so  21  that I couldn't stop taking photos.
Today we went  22 . We bought some souvenirs(纪念品) and beautiful clothes  23  silk. We are busy packing our bags now so that(以便) we can get things ready quickly  24  we leave. We will be back home on Sunday. I'm looking forward to  25  Guilin again.
I hope you are enjoying your trip to the World Park, too!
(  )11.A. spend B. take C. pay D. cost
(  )12.A. myself B. ourselves C. yourself D. themselves
(  )13.A. bus B. plane C. train D. ship
(  )14.A. came B. got C. arrived D. reached
(  )15.A. easily B. heavily C. hardly D. quickly
(  )16.A. sun B. snow C. rain D. wind
(  )17.A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
(  )18.A. bag B. yard C. river D. store
(  )19.A. over B. of C. for D. out
(  )20.A. How B. How a C. What D. What a
(  )21.A. excited B. boring C. tired D. interesting
(  )22.A. swimming B. boating
C. hiking D. shopping
(  )23.A. make of B. made of C. make in D. made in
(  )24.A. because B. so C. after D. when
(  )25.A. seeing B. getting C. visiting D. taking
Have you ever gone hiking Hiking is a good way to exercise. What you see and hear on the way can be great fun, but it's important to be careful. Our school newspaper reporter Nelly asked Hanna, a famous hiker, to share some top tips(建议).
Nelly: It's important to take the right things when going hiking. What do we need to take
Hanna: Always take enough water and lots of healthy food. Take a map and don't forget to take a light and a whistle(哨子).
Nelly: A whistle
Hanna: If anything happens, you can use it to call for help.
Nelly: Great! What about clothes Can we wear common clothes
Hanna: It's important to wear hiking shoes. Take lots of clothes. Not just one T-shirt, but two or three. Not just one pair of socks, but two.
Nelly: Great! Any more tips
Hanna: Always go in a group and respect the countryside. Take your rubbish(垃圾) home with you. Don't pick flowers! And, of course, the most important tip — have a good time! It's a great activity.
Nelly: Thanks, Hanna! We can't wait to go!
(  )26.Why is a whistle necessary when you go hiking
A. Because you can play it to have fun.
B. Because you can use it for exercising.
C. Because you can take it for an adult.
D. Because you can blow it to call for help.
(  )27.Which of the following should you take when you go hiking
①apples ②flowers ③maps  ④hiking shoes
A. ①②③ B. ①②④
C. ①③④ D. ②③④
(  )28.What are Nelly and Hanna talking about
A. The fun of hiking. B. Some tips on hiking.
C. The time of hiking. D. Some places of hiking.
(  )29.Hanna thinks     is the most important thing about hiking.
A. enjoying yourself
B. taking the right things
C. taking more clothes
D. taking the rubbish home
There are many interesting things around the world. Here is something fun to visit.
The Piano House
This house in Huainan City of Anhui Province looks like a large piano, with a glass violin in the middle.Some university students in Hefei built it and hoped to bring the city plenty of tourists. It works! Now it has become one of the favorites for tourists in China. If you are a music lover, don't miss it.
Singing Roads
In Japan, some roads can play music as cars travel on them. Grooves(槽) are carefully cut into the road. The spaces between the grooves make different music as cars touch them. The closer the grooves are, the louder the music will be. Drivers can hear the beautiful songs best when driving at a certain speed. And all say they can make them keep wide awake when they feel tired.
Mr. Toilet House
This large building in South Korea was built by Mr.Toilet in 2007. His real name is Sim. Sim built it to tell people how important toilets are to the health of a society. It is a toilet museum and is suitable for children. And now it is a popular place for students and they love it. Opening time: March — October 10:00 — 18:00; November — February 10:00 — 17:00. Closed on Mondays.
(  )30.Chinese tourists like      very much.
A. the Piano House B. singing roads
C. Mr. Toilet D. the toilet museum
(  )31.According to the passage, the singing roads can play music because     .
A. those roads in Japan are very wide
B. cars are running very fast in Japan
C. there are some pianos on those roads
D. cars touch the spaces between the grooves
(  )32.The underlined word "they" refers to     .
A. spaces B. songs C. drivers D. tourists
(  )33.About Mr. Toilet House, the passage tells us the following EXCEPT     .
A. who Mr. Toilet is B. when Sim built it
C. why students like it D. how Sim built it
A visit to the old city of Petra in Jordan is an amazing experience. Around the city, there are mountains with many pink rocks. To get to the mountains, tourists walk for over a kilometer through a narrow hole in the rock. Then they come to a large building in the side of a cliff (悬崖).
Petra has many of these beautiful rock-cut buildings, and they make the city famous. Two thousand years ago, Petra was a busy and noisy place. People came from far away to buy and sell in the market places. The city became rich. At one time, more than 30,000 people lived there. But the pink rocks were not as safe as they looked. Earthquakes(地震) made many of the buildings fall down. As time went by, people stopped coming and living there. Finally, the world forgot the city of Petra.
In 1812, a Swiss traveler called Johann Burckhardt heard about the lost city. Local people told him that it was in the mountains, and someone took him there. When Burckhardt went back to Europe, he wrote about Petra and people started visiting the city.
  ▲   More than a million tourists go there every year. People sell postcards, camel rides and cold drinks there. There are museums, shops and restaurants, but nobody lives there. At night, the old city is quiet again.
(  )34.What is the right order of the following facts about Petra
a. A traveler wrote about Petra after visiting it.
b. Lots of tourists start visiting Petra every year.
c. Petra became rich and many people lived there.
d. The world began to forget Petra after earthquakes.
A. c-a-b-d B. d-a-b-c
C. c-d-a-b D. d-b-a-c
(  )35.Which sentence can be put in the blank "  ▲  " in Paragraph 4
A. There are also some problems in Petra.
B. These days, Petra is a busy place again.
C. However, Petra isn't as popular as before.
D. Maybe Petra will be different in the future.
(  )36.What's the best title for the passage
A. Petra: A Modern City
B. Petra: The Lost City
C. The Earthquakes in Petra
D. The Problems in Petra
A Walk in the Garden
  One day, Lily walked with her mother and came to a pretty garden. She saw clean roads and beautiful flowers.
  She turned to her mother and said, "Mum, come and look at this pretty garden. I hope I can open the gate and walk in."
  The gardener heard what Lily said, and kindly invited them to come into the garden. Her mother thanked him, and then said, "Lily, if I take you into this garden, be sure not to touch anything in it."
  Along the roads, Lily looked at everything, but she walked carefully so that she wouldn't touch anything.
  The gardener was much pleased with what Lily did, so he showed her some seeds and told her the names of different plants.
  While Lily was enjoying the beauty of flowers, a boy came to the gate. Finding it locked, he shook it hard. But it did not open. Then he shouted, "Let me in! Let me in! Will you let me in this garden "
  "No!" said the gardener. "I will not let you in, because yesterday when I let you in, you picked some of my fruit and messed up my garden." The boy felt sorry and went away slowly.
  Lily realized it's polite to take care of things not belonging to her, and she felt so happy when she got the flowers as a gift from the gardener.
(  )37.Who did Lily walk with when she came to a pretty garden
A. A boy. B. A gardener.
C. Her mother. D. Her father.
(  )38.Lily got into the garden after     .
A. she opened the gate herself
B. the gardener kindly invited her
C. her mother opened the gate for her
D. a boy shook the gate hard and broke in
(  )39.Why didn't the gardener let the boy in
A. Because the boy shook the gate and felt sorry.
B. Because the boy knew nothing about the plants.
C. Because the boy picked some of the flowers.
D. Because the boy messed up the garden.
(  )40.What does the writer want to tell us from this passage
A. We should accept something new.
B. We should value others' belongings.
C. We should get along well with others.
D. We should learn to say no at some point.
Some Ideas to Start Your Day Right
  Having success and being able to meet one's goals require knowledge, a sense of direction, hard work and resources. That sounds like a very difficult task. However, research shows that successful people have similar habits in their everyday life. For example, starting a day regularly is very important to them. Here are some ideas on how to start your day right.
1.Get up an hour early.
Getting up an hour early is a good way to start the day. Studies show that your attention span(注意力持续时间) is the strongest in the morning. In fact, the morning may be the most productive part of your day. Benjamin Franklin would probably agree. He once said, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
2.Drink a glass of water with lemon juice.
After brushing your teeth, drink a glass of water with lemon juice. Why Health experts say that this drink jump-starts the body's metabolism(新陈代谢). Not only does it jump-start your body's cells, but it also keeps them moving throughout the day.
3.Don't jump into social media as soon as you wake up.
You wake up in the morning. You decide to open up your Weibo account. Well, don't. It's a waste of time and may bring unhealthy emotions. We've all done it. You see a Weibo post about some society problems and the heated discussion pulls you in. Before you know it, an hour has passed, and you're angry with people you don't even know.
Physical fitness trainers often suggest some forms of exercise in the morning because the middle of the day is a busy time for most people. By the end of the day, you may not have the time or energy to exercise. Exercising in the morning prevents that from happening.
Isabel Smith, one of the experts on the research team, said, "In order to feel better during the day, I tried the healthy morning routines for a month. The result was amazing." She also added that she would keep doing so in the future.
41.Is starting a day regularly important to successful people
42.When is your attention span the strongest according to studies
43.What should you drink after you brush your teeth
44.Why shouldn't you jump into social media as soon as you wake up
45.What did Isabel Smith do to feel better during the day
Did Chinese people in the p 46  have three meals a day as we do now In fact, before and during the Qin and Han dynasties, most people ate two meals a day. They didn't have enough food b 47  farming was still undeveloped at this time. Usually, people had breakfast b 48  7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Their breakfast, as their m 49  meal, was more substantial(丰盛的) than their afternoon meal.
Still, during these times, some rich people had three meals a day. But poor people didn't u 50  do it.
Three meals a day became common d 51  the Sui and Tang dynasties as agriculture developed(农业发展) and the country became richer. At that time, lunch replaced(代替) breakfast as the main meal. We can often see the word "lunch" in poems. For example, poets of the Tang Dynasty Bai Juyi and Jia Dao b 52  wrote about lunch in their poems.
Long ago, the n 53  of meals someone ate a day largely depended on(取决于) their wealth(财富), social status(社会地位) and customs. For e 54 , during the Han Dynasty, emperors e 55  four meals a day while during the Qing Dynasty, emperors had only two meals a day.
46.     47.     48.     49.     50.    
51.     52.     53.     54.     55.    
Last summer vacation, I had a wonderful time in Beijing.
Unit 3 名校好题提升卷
单选 1—5 CDCAB 6—10 CCBDA
完形 11—15 ABCDB 16—20 CBCBA
21—25 ADBDC
阅读 A[26—29] DCBA B[30—33] ADBD
C[34—36] CBB D[37—40] CBDB
1.C 考查形容词性物主代词。they他们,主格;them他们,宾格;their他们的,形容词性物主代词;themselves他们自己,反身代词。根据"In the future, people will have robots in     homes"可知,在他们的家里有机器人,名词homes前用形容词性物主代词修饰。故选C。
2.D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:中国共产党开始了全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程。结合句意可知选D。
3.C 考查形容词词义辨析。根据题干中的"Yes, I can see the colourful fishes swimming in it"可知,此处是说这里的水很清澈,故选C。
4.A 考查动词词义辨析。taste有……味道;look看来好像;sound听起来好像;feel觉得。结合题干中的"我想再吃一块"可知,此处是说,这个蛋糕尝起来味道好极了。故选A。
5.B 考查介词的用法。——那个脸上带有微笑的女孩是谁 ——我的堂妹。我们经常在午餐时间一起听音乐。第一空应填with,表示"带有",此处介词短语修饰"the girl";表示"在午餐时间"应用"at lunchtime"。故选B。
6.C 考查原级比较。根据"Yes, I can, but my writing is     my speaking"可知,会用中文写作,但是写作不如口语好,所以应用not as... as...结构;此处作be动词的表语,应用形容词good,故选C。
7.C 考查副词词义辨析。句意:虽然我们很累,但我们感到很高兴,因为我们终于完成了任务。suddenly突然;usually通常;finally最终,终于;mostly主要地。结合句意可知选C。
8.B 考查动词短语辨析。take off脱下;get off下车;turn off关上;fall off跌落。根据设空后的"the plane"可知,此处是说下飞机。故选B。
9.D 考查动词词义辨析和动词短语的用法。此处是说,当长途汽车到达时,他们立即上车了。arrive"到达"为不及物动词,其后不直接跟宾语;reach"到达"为及物动词,其后要接宾语,故第一空用arrived。第二空表示"上车",应用got on,代词it应放在介词on之后。故选D。
10.A 考查情景交际。——恐怕我太累而不能往前走了。——加油!我相信你可以做到。A项意为"加油";B项意为"保重";C项意为"玩得开心";D项意为"玩得愉快"。结合句意可知选A。
【短文大意】 Jim写信告诉Li Lei他们一家在桂林游玩的情况。
11.A sb. spend some time (in) doing sth.表示"某人花费多少时间做某事",为固定搭配,故选A。
12.B enjoy oneself意为"玩得愉快"。由于主语是We,故应用反身代词ourselves。
13.C 由下文中的"Guilin Railway Station"可知,Jim一家是乘火车去桂林的。故选C。
14.D 结合上下文可知,经过一段很长的旅途之后,Jim一家到达了桂林火车站。reach意为"到达",后可直接跟宾语。故选D。
15.B 由设空前的Unluckily可知,Jim一家到的时候,雨下得很大。rain heavily意为"雨下得大"。故选B。
16.C 由上文中的"it was raining"可知,Jim认为雨中的景色比平时漂亮得多。故选C。
17.B 结合上下文可推断,本段介绍了Jim一家第二天的行程。故选B。
18.C 此处是说,河两岸有许多不同的山。故选C。
19.B 此处是说,如果你非常仔细地看它,你也许会想到一匹马。think of表示"想到"。故选B。
20.A 此处感叹形容词wonderful,应用How。
21.A 由上文可知,此处是说Jim很激动,不停地拍照片。故选A。
22.D 由下文中的"We bought some souvenirs(纪念品) and... silk"可知,今天Jim一家去购物。go shopping意为"购物"。
23.B 此处是说,由丝绸做的衣服。be made of意为"由……制成",此处made of silk作后置定语修饰clothes。
24.D 此处是说,现在Jim一家正忙于整理行李,以便能够在离开时快速收拾好东西。when表示"当……时"。故选D。
25.C 此处是说,Jim期盼再次游览桂林。故选C。
  【A篇短文大意】 本文通过一段采访,提出了一些关于远足的建议。
26.D 细节理解题。根据"If anything happens, you can use it to call for help"可知,如果发生什么事,可以用哨子来求助。故选D。
细节理解题解题技巧 细节理解题是阅读理解中的一种常见题型。此类题目较为简单,学生通常能直接从原文中找到相关信息。解答细节理解题时,学生可以先看后面的题目,然后带着问题去阅读材料,最后采取"对号入座"的方法,把原文信息跟后面的题目对照,即可得到答案。
27.C 细节理解题。根据"Always take enough water and lots of healthy food. Take a map and don't forget to take a light and a whistle(哨子)"和"It's important to wear hiking shoes"可知,应带上苹果这种健康食物、地图和登山鞋。故选C。
28.B 主旨大意题。根据第一段"Have you ever gone hiking... to share some top tips(建议)"和下文的对话可知,她们探讨的是关于远足的一些建议。故选B。
29.A 细节理解题。根据"the most important tip — have a good time"可知,Hanna认为对远足来说最重要的是要玩得开心。故选A。
  【B篇短文大意】 文章主要介绍了世界上一些可以参观的有趣的地方。
30.A 细节理解题。根据The Piano House下面的"Now it has become one of the favorites for tourists in China"可知选A。
31.D 细节理解题。根据文中的"Grooves(槽) are carefully cut into the road. The spaces between the grooves make different music as cars touch them"可知,汽车行驶时触及凹槽之间的空处,所以公路会演奏音乐。故选D。
32.B 代词指代题。根据文中的"Drivers can hear the beautiful songs best when driving at a certain speed.And all say they can make them keep wide awake when they feel tired"可知,司机在路上行驶时能听到音乐,音乐会使他们清醒。画线处的they指的是音乐,故选B。
33.D 细节理解题。根据文中的"This large building in South Korea was built by Mr.Toilet in 2007. His real name is Sim"和"It is a toilet museum and is suitable for children. And now it is a popular place for students and they love it"可知,文章介绍了修建该建筑的时间、马桶先生是谁和学生为什么喜欢Mr. Toilet House,但没有提及是怎样建造的。故选D。
  【C篇短文大意】 本文主要介绍了约旦古城——佩特拉。这座古城有着辉煌的历史,但是由于地震,许多建筑遭到破坏,古城也随之被人遗忘,直至1812年,一位来自瑞士的旅行者来到了这座古城,并在之后写下了关于它的事情,它才再次为人们所知,此后古城重现生机,成为旅游胜地。
34.C 细节理解题。根据"The city became rich. At one time, more than 30,000 people lived there" "Earthquakes(地震) made many of the buildings fall down. As time went by, people stopped coming... Finally, the world forgot the city of Petra""In 1812, a Swiss traveler called Johann Burckhardt heard about the lost city...When Burckhardt went back to Europe, he wrote about Petra and people started visiting the city"和"More than a million tourists go there every year"可知,从前佩特拉是一个富裕的城市,且曾有三万多人居住在那里,后来地震使得很多建筑物倒塌,随着时间流逝,佩特拉被世界遗忘,直至1812年,一位瑞士旅行者在这个地方游玩后写下了关于这座古城的事情,人们才再次知道这座古城,并且每年都会有超过一百万的游客去佩特拉旅游,所以关于佩特拉的事情的发展顺序为c-d-a-b。故选C。
35.B 推理判断题。根据上文中的"When Burckhardt went back to Europe, he wrote about Petra and people started visiting the city"和此空后的句子"More than a million tourists go there every year"可知,瑞士旅行者在佩特拉旅游后返回欧洲,并写下了关于这座古城的事情,此后人们又再次开始来这座城市旅游,每年都有超过一百万的游客来佩特拉,所以此空应讲佩特拉现在的情况,选项B"如今,佩特拉又是一个繁忙的地方了。"起承上启下的作用。故选B。
36.B 标题归纳题。根据"A visit to the old city of Petra in Jordan is an amazing experience""Finally, the world forgot the city of Petra"和"More than a million tourists go there every year"可知,游览约旦的佩特拉古城是一次非常美妙的经历,这座城市曾因地震而被世界遗忘,而如今这座城市又再次热闹起来,因此本文的最佳标题应为选项B"佩特拉:失落之城"。故选B。
  【D篇短文大意】 本文讲述了Lily和妈妈游览一个花园的故事,Lily从中明白了要珍惜并礼貌对待他人的所有物。
37.C 细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句可知选C。
38.B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的"The gardener heard what Lily said, and kindly invited them to come into the garden"可知选B。
39.D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的"I will not let you in, because yesterday when I let you in, you picked some of my fruit and messed up my garden"可知选D。
40.B 推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段可知,作者想要告诉我们要珍惜他人的所有物。故选B。
  【短文大意】 本文给出了几点关于如何正确地开始你的一天的建议。
41.Yes./Yes, it is.
42.In the morning.
43.A glass of water with lemon juice.
44.Because it's a waste of time and may bring unhealthy emotions.
45.She tried the healthy morning routines for a month.
  【短文大意】 本文是说明文,主要介绍了中国古代每日用餐次数的变化。
46.past 【解析】句意:过去的中国人像我们现在一样一日吃三餐吗 根据下文中的"before and during the Qin and Han dynasties, most people ate two meals a day"可知,此处是说过去的中国人,past符合语境,故填past。
47.because 【解析】根据文中的"They didn't have enough food""farming was still undeveloped at this time"和首字母提示可知,前后是因果关系,故填because。
48.between 【解析】根据文中的"people had breakfast""7 a.m. and 9 a.m."可知,此处是说早上7点到9点之间,between... and..."在……和……之间"符合语境,故填between。
49.main 【解析】根据下文中的"was more substantial(丰盛的) than their afternoon meal"及"lunch replaced(代替) breakfast as the main meal"可知,古人把早餐作为主餐,main"主要的"符合语境。
50.usually 【解析】句意:但穷人通常不会这么做。设空处作状语,需用副词。根据文意可知,此处是说穷人通常不像富人那样一天吃三顿饭,usually"通常"符合语境。
51.during 【解析】根据下文中的"the Sui and Tang dynasties"可知,此处是说在隋唐时期,一日三餐变得很普遍。during"在……期间"符合语境。
52.both 【解析】根据上文中的"Bai Juyi and Jia Dao"可知,白居易和贾岛两人都在诗中提到了午餐,both表示"两者都",符合语境。
53.number 【解析】根据下文中的"meals someone ate a day"可知,此处是说一个人一天吃多少顿饭。the number of表示"……的数量",是固定短语,故填number。
54.example 【解析】根据文意可知,这里是以汉代皇帝和清代皇帝为例,再结合首字母提示,固定短语for example"例如"符合语境,故填example。
55.enjoyed 【解析】此处是说,在汉朝,皇帝享受一日四餐。根据文意可知,enjoy"享受"符合语境;又结合文中的"during the Han Dynasty"可知,此处应用动词的过去式,故填enjoyed。
One possible version:
Last summer vacation, I had a wonderful time in Beijing.
I went to Beijing with my family by plane. When we got there, the weather was so sunny and hot that I almost couldn't stand it. During the Beijing trip, we visited the Palace Museum and saw many beautiful national treasures. It was educational for me to learn Chinese history from them. Also, I ate delicious Beijing food, such as Beijing Roast Duck. What's more, I took a lot of pictures of Beijing. I think I had so much fun in Beijing!
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.单元综合测评卷(含解析+听力书面材料)新目标九年级全册
