Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes单元综合测评卷(含解析+听力书面材料)新目标九年级全册

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
(  )1.What can not be allowed to bring in the museum
A. Cameras.       B. Drinks.       C. Snacks.
(  )2.Which ball was invented the earliest
A. Basketball. B. Volleyball. C. Football.
(  )3.Why does the man want to keep the window closed
A. Because it is cold outside.
B. Because he is ill.
C. Because the air inside is fresh.
(  )4.When will the man leave for Thailand
A. On the morning of July 21st.
B. On the afternoon of July 21st.
C. On the evening of July 22nd.
(  )5.What is the relationship between the two speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Father and daughter. C. Neighbors.
(  )6.Why did the man argue with his neighbor
A. Her children were very noisy.
B. Her dog often went to his room.
C. She played loud music.
(  )7.What is the result of the problem
A. The woman agreed to turn the sound down.
B. The woman agreed to lend me two of her CDs.
C. The woman agreed to talk with her children.
(  )8.What is the man doing with his phone
A. Watching a movie. B. Listening to music. C. Looking at some photos.
(  )9.Where did the man go last week
A. A village. B. A city. C. A town.
(  )10.How long did the man stay there
A. For three days. B. For four days. C. For a week.
(  )11.Who is Susie
A. A girl. B. A robot. C. A cartoon character.
(  )12.What can Susie do
A. Drive a car. B. Go shopping. C. Feed the dog.
(  )13.What languages can Susie teach you to speak
A. English and Chinese. B. Chinese and French. C. English and French.
(  )14.How long can Susie keep working
A. For 6 hours. B. For 10 hours. C. For 14 hours.
(  )15.Where can you most probably find Susie
A. At home. B. At school. C. In a park.
A  B  C  D  E
16.     17.     18.     19.     20.    
  Sam was worried. The following morning, he would have art class. It was his favourite class, but there was a  21 . Sam saw the world differently from everybody else. When he drew, birds had different-sized wings, and buildings had strange shapes. Every time he painted a picture, his teachers and classmates would be  22 .
It was time for the art class. Nervously, Sam looked at the white piece of paper in front of him.
"Good morning, class," said Mr White. "Today, we're going to paint..."
Sam  23 , wondering what the next word would be. Please, he thought, not houses, not buildings...
"We're going to paint  24 , "said Mr White, with a smile.
"Yes! Great!" said Sam  25 .
"We can't paint that!" shouted Mike from the other side of the classroom.
"Sure, you can," replied Mr White  26 . "Think about it, Mike. What makes you happy "
"Umm...beaches, sunshine, and...ice-cream!" said Mike.
"Well, there you go. That's how you paint it. Start working!" said Mr White.
Sam was already  27 . He splashed (泼洒) a lot of paints all over the  28 . It was really beautiful! There were shapes that we didn't have in the real world and the colours were so shining. The whole class  29  and Sam looked proud.
From that day on, Sam was never  30  about art class. He knew that he could paint happiness, no matter what he painted.
(  )21A. difference B. problem C. reason D. way
(  )22A. encouraged B. relaxed C. satisfied D. surprised
(  )23A. agreed B. replied C. understood D. waited
(  )24A. buildings B. houses C. happiness D. summer
(  )25A. excitedly B. carelessly C. kindly D. sadly
(  )26A. angrily B. patiently C. secretly D. worriedly
(  )27A. painting B. playing C. talking D. writing
(  )28A. book B. floor C. paper D. wall
(  )29A. cheered B. doubted C. finished D. regretted
(  )30A. careful B. certain C. happy D. nervous
In an English class, Mr. Lin asked his students to make family rules, and now let's read some of them.
Li Huan, 12, from Beijing   If I could make some rules for my family, I think the most important one would be to have all my family members do housework together. My mother usually does all the housework, from cooking to cleaning, while my father and I do nothing, so it's unfair. We can make the rule more specific(具体的). My father and mother can take turns in cooking. I'll be responsible(负责的) for washing dishes, and on weekends, we can clean the house together.
Tian Lihua, 12, from Guangzhou   I would like to live in a tidy and clean home, so I want to make a rule that people should not leave rubbish in their rooms or in the living room. And we should tidy up the house together every week. What's more, I really hope that my family can have dinner together every day, so no one can be late or eat before others. It is enjoyable for us to have meals together after a long day. We can talk to each other and have fun.
Li Bo, 14, from Guiyang   I want to set some rules for my father. To stay fit, he should have breakfast, exercise every day and stop smoking. Now, he always watches TV for too long time and doesn't read books, so I want him to only watch TV for one hour every day. Instead, he can read a book, and we can discuss it together as a family every week.
(  )31.Who will be responsible for washing dishes
A. Tian Lihua. B. Li Huan.
C. Li Bo. D. All of the above.
(  )32.To avoid throwing rubbish at home, what does Tian Lihua want to do
A. Make a rule. B. Make a plan.
C. Make a list. D. Make a study.
(  )33.How does Tian Lihua feel about eating meals with her family together
A. Bored. B. Stressed.
C. Pleased. D. Tired.
(  )34.Why does Li Bo set some rules for his dad
A. To keep him healthy.
B. To make him happy.
C. To make him wealthy.
D. To make him confident.
(  )35.Where is the text probably taken from
A. A science book. B. A magazine.
C. A storybook. D. An ad.
  Every school has its own set of rules to keep students disciplined(遵守纪律的). Some schools are much stricter than others. There are also some rules that look strange or funny to us. Here are some funny school rules.
  In Japan, most schools require that students wear uniforms such as sports suits or skirts. They also demand that girls' white socks should be folded and boys' heads should be shaved(剃). And Japanese schools also tell students that they must not date(约会), go to the movies, leave home after sunset or play video games without permission(允许) from the school.
  In America, for safety at some schools, students must have a pair of indoor shoes to change into at school every day. This makes sure students won't fall over on the wet floors and the schools are kept clean. Gum chewing(嚼口香糖) is not allowed in many US school buildings, as it is difficult to clean up. And if students chew gum in class,     . It is bad for their grades.
  In Britain, strange hairstyles are not allowed in some schools. But they might allow students to wear certain hairstyles during the World Cup years. Two students had a special design shaved into their hair during the 2014 World Cup. But they were not accepted by their school after that because the school said the rules had changed since then.
(  )36.Which of the following is not allowed in Japanese schools according to the text
A. Shaving their heads.
B. Wearing sports suits.
C. Playing video games at home.
D. Dating without permission from the school.
(  )37.Which is the best one to be put into the blank in the third paragraph
A. it is hard to clean up as well B. they will make too much noise
C. they may not focus on their study D. it is unfair for the others who don't
(  )38.What can we infer(推断) from the text
A. All school rules are proper.
B. School rules in the UK are not strict.
C. Schools in different countries have different school rules.
D. School rules in Japan are better than those in the US.
(  )39.[中考创新考法|篇章结构题]Which of the following best shows the structure(结构) of the text
A. B. C. D.
(  )40.What does the text mainly talk about
A. How foreign students keep themselves disciplined.
B. How important school rules become.
C. Some special school rules.
D. The ways for foreign students to get used to their school rules.
Free time is a good chance for teenagers to have fun. What about free time with parents around Some teenagers want free play without parents' supervision(监管) while parents and experts(专家) may think differently.
Lin Tao, a middle school student, thinks teenagers should be free to play. "Last time I played with my parents around,I was nervous and just couldn't enjoy myself to the fullest," Lin says. "And my friend Chen Xiaoxin has similar experiences.Once,he went out to play with his classmates. Everyone felt uncomfortable with his mother's supervision."
Wang Min,a mother of a 14-year-old boy,thinks playtime needs supervision. She explains, "People usually say I like to control my kid,but that's not true.I am just worried that he will get into trouble. Some guys may have a bad influence on him, and some games like LARP(剧本杀) may mislead him. He might even get indulged in the stories and can't get back to real life."
Mr. Ma, a doctor of social studies, says it's understandable for teenagers to wish for freedom. Free play helps them to be independent. Parents can give them more space.They don't have to supervise them all the time.However, teenagers should find out the exact details(细节) about the activities before playtime. Then they can communicate with their parents and decide together whether they can go out to play alone.
(  )41.According to the passage, free time is a good chance for teenagers to_____.
A. study hard B. have fun
C. get into trouble D. mislead parents
(  )42.Lin Tao supports his own idea by     .
A. listing numbers B. raising questions
C. comparing facts D. giving examples
(  )43.The underlined words "get indulged in" in Para.(段落) 3 probably mean "______".
A. get lost in B. get interested in
C. be tired of D. be proud of
(  )44.According to the passage,which of the following may Mr. Ma support
A. He Kai's parents are around every time he plays with his friends.
B. Feng Zhongfan's parents never ask him about whom he plays with.
C. Liu Xiang goes out without knowing anything about the activities.
D. Xie Hao talks to his parents about the exact details before playtime.
(  )45.What is the best title for the passage
A. Teenagers should be free to play
B. Teenagers' playtime needs supervision
C. What about free time with parents around
D. What can parents do in their children's playtime
Imagine that you're taking an exam. You find it difficult to answer those questions, and time is running out. Would you choose to cheat 46.   
Certainly, it's not correct. It's important to follow the rules because the world will be in a mess without rules. 47.     However, as time goes by, some rules have become barriers(障碍) to the development of people and society. We'll be less creative if we're too well-behaved(行为端正的) in the world full of rules. We have to think outside the box. 48.     But you need to learn how to do it.
Learn the rules first
Qi Baishi was a talented Chinese artist. He found his own style after spending much time learning traditional drawing and painting skills. Break it after you master(掌握) it — that's what you can learn from great minds.
Evaluate(评估) if the result is worth(值得) it
49.     Before breaking the rules, think over whether it will go against your values. Try to make a wise decision and you must be prepared for the bad results.
50.     So we have reason to believe that we can try to break the rules when they prevent us from becoming better. Of course, we can break the rules sometimes, but we can't break the law.
A. Each person has their own values.
B. So sometimes, it's okay to break the rules.
C. Probably some of us have once cheated in a test.
D. All in all, rules are meant to help us, not to rule us.
E. For example, if we all do what we want to do on the road, accidents will happen everywhere.
  阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。 每词限用一次。
educate from these how develop good chance tiny one manage
  According to the study, babies who get on well with their mothers are better-behaved, more patient and more mature(成熟的). And there is a(n) 51.     that they will be even more successful in the future because of 52.     qualities, Science Daily reported.
"Most parents try their 53.     to help the child's future development, and they want to build a positive and close relationship to get good results several years later," says Grazyna 54.     the University of Iowa, US. For the study, 102 mothers, fathers and babies had volunteered from the time the children were 55.     babies until they were almost four and a half years old.Children who had developed a close and positive relationship with their mothers in the first two years did much better than children who hadn't 56.     such ties(关系).
The researchers also studied 57.     relationships between mothers and children worked.When mothers and babies developed this closeness well in the 58. ________ two years, mothers didn't need to use too many rules later to 59.     their children. And in turn, the children could do better in the school later. Some of these findings were similar for fathers and children. Fathers who 60.     to build positive relationships could also make their children have better performances when the children were four and a half.
A: Hi, David. I haven't seen you since we graduated from Chuangxinjie Primary School. You have become a tall boy.
B: Sure. And I used to be shy, but now I'm very outgoing.
A: Sounds good.By the way, tomorrow is Saturday. 61.            
B: I'm going to the History Museum. There are many new inventions on show this weekend.
A: A show 62.            
B: It will last four hours. 63.            
A: Yes, I'd love to go with you. But I need to ask my parents first.
B: I know parents always care about us so much. 64.            .
A: I hope so. What can I do
B: 65.            
A: Good idea.I will have a try. See you.
  [课标理念|侧重自主构思]假如你是李华,你是你校英文电台"Say It Out"栏目的成员,最近你收到一名叫Mary的中学生发来的求助邮件,请根据邮件内容给她回复。
Dear Li Hua,
I'm a middle school student. Recently I argued with my parents over using the mobile phone. I prefer to do homework with the help of my mobile phone. But my parents think I depend too much on it. So they don't allow me to use it when I do my homework. It makes me crazy. What should I do Can you give me some advice
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Sad Mary
Dear Mary,
  Best wishes.
Unit 7 单元综合测评卷答案
听力 1—5 CCBAC 6—10 CACAC
11—15 BACCA 16—20 BDEAC
完形 21—25 BDDCA 26—30 BACAD
阅读 A[31—35] BACAB B[36—40] DCCAC
C[41—45] BDADC D[46—50] CEBAD
  【短文大意】 萨姆喜欢上美术课,但是他看世界的角度与他人不同,他的画也很独特,老师和同学都对他的画感到诧异,这令他上美术课时感到很紧张。但怀特老师的一节美术课改变了他的想法。
21.B difference"差异";problem"问题";reason"原因";way"方式"。设空前是说,美术课是萨姆最喜欢的课,设空后是说,萨姆看世界的角度和别人不一样,故此处是说,他遇到一个问题,故选B。
22.D 设空前提到,他的画里鸟的翅膀大小不同,建筑物的形状很奇特,故此处是说,每次他画画的时候,他的老师和同学都会对他的画感到诧异,故用surprised。
23.D agreed"同意";replied"回复";understood"理解";waited"等待"。根据常识可知,老师在说话,萨姆应该是在等待老师说的下一个字是什么,故选D。
24.C 根据下文中的"What makes you happy"和"He knew that he could paint happiness"可知,老师让他们画的是快乐,故用happiness。
25.A 根据上文内容可知,萨姆希望老师别让他们画房子、建筑物之类的,而老师刚好没让他们画这些,且由设空前的"Yes! Great!"可知,萨姆应该很激动,故用excitedly。
26.B 根据设空后怀特老师说的话可知,怀特老师非常耐心地回答了学生的问题,故用patiently。
27.A 怀特老师解释完后让学生们开始画画,故此处是说,萨姆已经开始画了,故用painting。
28.C 此处是说,萨姆把大量颜料泼洒在纸上,故用paper。
29.A cheered"欢呼";doubted"怀疑";finished"结束";regretted"后悔"。设空前是说,萨姆的画非常漂亮,由此可知,同学们为之欢呼,萨姆看上去很自豪,故选A。
30.D 根据上文中的"Nervously, Sam looked at the white piece of paper"可知,萨姆之前上美术课的时候很紧张,而这次的美术课使他找回了信心,从此,他上美术课不再紧张了,故用nervous。
  【A篇短文大意】 本文中,几个学生介绍了自己的家规。
31.B 细节理解题。根据第一栏中的"I'll be responsible(负责的) for washing dishes"可知,李欢在家负责洗碗,故选B。
32.A 细节理解题。根据第二栏中的"I would like to live in a tidy and clean home, so I want to make a rule that people should not leave rubbish in their rooms or in the living room"可知,田丽华想住在一个干净整洁的家里,所以她想制定一个规则,即人们不应该把垃圾留在他们的房间或客厅里,故选A。
33.C 细节理解题。根据第二栏中的"It is enjoyable for us to have meals together after a long day. We can talk to each other and have fun"可知,田丽华认为在漫长的一天之后,家人们一起吃饭是很愉快的,可以互相交谈,玩得很开心,故选C。
34.A 细节理解题。根据第三栏中的"I want to set some rules for my father. To stay fit, he should have breakfast, exercise every day and stop smoking"可知,李波为他的爸爸制定了一些规则是为了让爸爸保持健康,故选A。
35.B 文章出处题。本文中,几个学生介绍了自己的家规,由此可知,这篇文章可能出自杂志,故选B。
  【B篇短文大意】 本文主要介绍了国外学校的一些有趣的校规。
36.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的"Japanese schools also tell students that they must not date(约会)... without permission(允许) from the school"可知应选D。
37.C 推理判断题。根据空后的"It is bad for their grades"可推知空处是说对学习的影响,故选C。
38.C 推理判断题。根据全文内容可推知,不同国家的学校有不同的校规,故选C。
39.A 篇章结构题。本文第一段介绍每所学校都有自己的校规,有的校规很奇怪或很有趣,引出下文内容;第二段介绍日本的一些校规;第三段介绍美国的一些校规;第四段介绍英国的一些校规。第二、第三与第四段为并列关系,故选A。
40.C 主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据首段内容可知,本文主要介绍了国外学校的一些有趣的校规,故C项符合题意。
  【C篇短文大意】 青少年空闲时间玩耍是否需要家长监督 本文给出了几种不同的观点。
41.B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的第一句可知选B。
42.D 推理判断题。分析第二段内容可知,林涛用自己和朋友的例子来证实自己的观点,故选D。
43.A 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的"can't get back to real life"可知,此处是说,他甚至可能沉迷在剧本杀的故事里,无法回归现实生活。故get indulged in表示"沉迷,迷失",与get lost in意思相同。
44.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,马博士认为父母应该给青少年更多空间,他们不必一直监管青少年,青少年应该在玩耍之前弄清活动的具体细节,然后和他们的父母交流,一起决定他们是否可以单独出去玩。故D项"谢豪在玩耍之前和其父母谈论具体细节"是马博士可能会支持的行为。
45.C 标题归纳题。通读全文,尤其是第一段可知,本文就青少年空闲时间玩耍是否需要家长监督这个问题给出了几种不同的观点。故C项最适合作本文的标题。
  【D篇短文大意】 本文主要介绍了要遵守规则,但有时也要打破规则,并提出了打破规则时的一些建议。
46.C 根据上文中的"Would you choose to cheat "和下文中的"Certainly, it's not correct"并结合选项可知应选C项"可能我们中有些人曾经在考试中作过弊"。
47.E 空前说,遵守规则很重要,因为没有规则的话,世界将会是一团糟。E项"比如,如果我们都在道路上做我们想做的事,那么事故将会到处发生"通过举例进一步阐释空前的观点,符合文意。故选E。
48.B 空前是说过于遵守规则的坏处,并告诉我们必须跳出固有的思维模式,B项中的"break the rules"符合空前观点。
49.A 根据空后的"Before breaking the rules, think over whether it will go against your values"并结合选项可知应选A,values是提示信息。
50.D D项"总之,规则是用来帮助我们的,而不是用来统治我们的"起总结作用,且承接空后的观点,符合文意。故选D。
  【短文大意】 研究者们通过实验验证了一个事实:孩子与爸爸妈妈的关系会影响孩子未来的发展,与父母相处好的孩子更乖巧、更有耐心、更成熟。
51.chance   52.these  53.best   54.from  55.tiny
56.developed 57.how 58.first 59.educate 60.managed
61.What are you going to do/What's your plan/What will you do/Where are you going/...
62.How long will the show last/...
63.Would you love to go with me/...
64.But you should make your own decision/...
65.How about having a talk with your parents/...
One possible version:
Dear Mary,
I'm sorry to hear that you are in trouble. It's common to have such problems at your age. Cheer up and here is my advice.
Firstly, it's a good way to work out problems by searching online. But using your mobile phone too often will certainly take up too much of your time and do harm to your study. Maybe your parents worry about it. I suggest that you should have a good talk with them about how to use your mobile phone properly in order for you to understand each other. You should tell them you'll think more while studying. Besides, there are many ways to deal with problems you meet in homework, such as asking the teachers for help and working with classmates.
I hope my advice will be helpful.
  Best wishes.
Li Hua
1.W: Mr. Black, are we allowed to bring a camera or any drinks to the museum
M: Sure. But we can't bring any snacks.
2.M: It is said that basketball was invented earlier than volleyball. Is that right
W: Yes, that's true. But football was invented the earliest.
3.W: Do you mind if I open the window and let some fresh air in
M: Sorry! Please don't do that. I've caught a cold.
4.W: There are two planes flying to Thailand every day. One is early in the morning; the other is late in the afternoon. Which one do you want
M: I'll take the earlier one. Please give me two tickets on July 21st.
5.W: Hello. This is Alice.
M: Hello, Alice. This is Jim. Can you help me My wife is at home. I've called her several times, but nobody answered. Could you please go to the next door and have a look
W: Don't worry. I'll go right now.
W: Could you tell me why you argued with your neighbor
M: She played music very loudly late at night. It almost drove me mad.
W: How did you solve the problem
M: I talked to her about my worries, and she agreed to turn the sound down.
W: So now you get along well with each other
M: Yes. In fact, I found that I like some of her music. She has lent me two of her CDs.
W: Are you listening to music with your phone
M: No, I'm looking at some photos that I took last week. I stored them in my phone.
W: Where did you take the photos
M: In a village. I went camping with my classmates last week.
W: How long did you stay there
M: We planned to stay there for only four days. But finally we stayed there for another three days.
  I'm here today to introduce a new product. This is unlike anything you've ever seen before. Here, seen in public for the first time, is Susie the Robot! She has big and bright eyes like a lovely cartoon character. Susie can do many different things. She will help you at home with dinner and cleaning. She can walk the dog, drive a car,and make coffee. She can speak six different languages, and she can even teach you how to speak English and French! In order for Susie to do her best, she needs to be turned off to get enough electricity at night. She will keep working for 14 hours without stopping.
  Before we go to another country, it is necessary for us to learn something about its customs and history.Take Britain as an example.Here are some things you need to know.
  In Britain, you should shake hands when you meet someone for the first time. You should use Mr or Mrs when you speak to older people. If you go to a tea party, you should only drink tea instead of coffee or juice.
  When you visit Britain, don't miss two cities — London and Liverpool. London is the capital of Britain and it is about two thousand years old. Liverpool is famous for its football. It's an unforgettable experience to watch a football match. But remember, it's impolite to speak loudly in public. By the way, don't throw rubbish on the ground.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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