Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark单元综合测评卷(含解析+听力书面材料)新目标九年级全册

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.
(  )1.What did Mike use to be
A. A teacher.      B. A reporter.      C. A clerk.
(  )2.How often does Mary eat hamburgers
A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
(  )3.What did Maria use to be like
A. Active. B. Shy. C. Confident.
(  )4.What does Jenny like doing now on weekends
A. Drawing pictures. B. Reading English books. C. Watching TV.
(  )5.What does the boy like to watch best
A. The game show. B. The talent show. C. Sports.
(  )6.How long has Lucy learned in the library
A. For twenty-one days. B. For fourteen days. C. For seven days.
(  )7.What did Peter do in the afternoon when camping last summer
A. He played soccer or basketball.
B. He went swimming or boating.
C. He sang or told stories.
(  )8.What did they use to do after school when they were in their primary school
A. To have fun for a long time.
B. To study for tests.
C. To do their homework.
(  )9.Why doesn't Alice like the P.E. class
A. Because she is too tired to exercise.
B. Because she is not good at sports.
C. Because she doesn't like wearing her school uniform.
(  )10.What was she afraid to do in the English classes
A. Read texts aloud. B. Answer questions. C. Do exercises.
(  )11.When did she begin to show interest in English
A. Five years ago.
B. At the age of 16.
C. After going to middle school.
(  )12.How did she learn English in her free time
A. By reading English stories.
B. By listening to English songs.
C. By going to the English corner.
(  )13.What did Mary use to be afraid of
A. High places. B. The dark. C. Being alone.
(  )14.When did Mary's parents use to return home from Shenzhen
A. In October. B. In November. C. In December.
(  )15.Who taught Mary to cook chicken when she was young
A. Her grandparents. B. Her aunt. C. Her uncle.
Name Used to like Now like
Tom 16.     VCDs Doing 17.   
Michael 18.    Going to the movies
Kate Reading 19.     Cooking
Jim Listening to music 20.     online
  You never know where life will lead you. When I was a young boy, I got  21  up my nose one time. After that I  22  wanted to get in the water again. I thought swimming was not for me.
One day, I  23  my skateboard and broke my leg so badly, and the doctors said I could never really skateboard again. They said swimming was the only  24  that would be good for me.
Well, I gave it a  25 . Every week, I got a little  26  and hated swimming a little less. I worked at it so much that one day my high school swimming coach asked me to  27  the school team. You can imagine how that made me and my family feel  28  I was so afraid of the water before!
Much to everyone's surprise, I won third place in the city finals.  29  is a big part of my life now. You never know which road life will take you down. Look at me — a swimmer!
For this reason, I say: don't limit(限制) your  30 . And remember, life is a swimming pool. Jump in and start swimming! You might be surprised at where you end up.
(  )21.A. water     B. sand     C. juice     D. air
(  )22.A. still B. never C. also D. even
(  )23.A. turned down B. looked at C. waited for D. fell off
(  )24.A. exercise B. story C. housework D. journey
(  )25.A. visit B. hand C. try D. call
(  )26.A. better B. slower C. higher D. heavier
(  )27.A. check B. catch C. join D. invite
(  )28.A. or B. as C. if D. so
(  )29.A. Skating B. Swimming C. Jumping D. Coaching
(  )30.A. excuses B. praises C. words D. choices
  Changes are happening all the time. Nothing in life ever stays the same. So what can we do when going through life changes Here are three suggestions:
Find time for self-reflection(自省) Having time to reflect is important at any time in your life, but it's especially important during the changing time. Self-reflection exercise like meditation(冥想) and yoga needs some quiet time. If we deal with changes correctly, it can give us chances of self-growth.
 ▲  When we go through big changes, we think we are dealing with something no one else can understand or is going through. Sometimes we just don't want to cause trouble for others. But it's a good idea to stay with friends who can cheer you up and help you look at things in a new way.
Set smart goals and make small wins Setting smart goals helps you decide how to make the change happen and succeed. Write out your goals and your plans to meet them. This will help you get new directions and keep active. Start with small wins and then build up to bigger goals.
(  )31.Which of the following sentences can be put in  ▲ 
A. Give a hand to your friend
B. Deal with changes by yourself
C. Be with your friends
D. Look at things differently
(  )32.Setting smart goals can help people     .
A. meet new friends
B. achieve success
C. make great plans
D. live a happy life
(  )33.What's the passage mainly about
A. How to keep off changes in our life.
B. How to make life change slowly.
C. How to get through life changes.
D. How life changes influence us.
  The list for the sixth-grade basketball team was announced online. I was a little worried because I knew how much my 12-year-old son wanted to make the team.
  I read the list of 13 names for a few minutes. Finally, I had to tell myself that my son wasn't among the players who were allowed to continue playing. I felt sad. I wished it had been about victory(成功). Like every parent, I love to say, "You did it!"
  Instead, I had to give my son a speech to comfort(安慰) him, which was a lot less exciting, but probably more important. It was not really a speech, but a discussion about spirit, courage and not giving up. Although it was painful for me to see myself so disappointed(失望), I needed to keep my own feelings in check. I put my own feelings aside and let my son have a safe place to calm down his own moods. And when he was done, I needed to encourage him to continue to improve skills. That day was a loss, but the only way to get another was to get on the basketball court again.
  My son is 15 years old now. And, after being cut out of the team for three years in a row(连续地), he got to see his name on the list for the high school team. Last week, my husband and I watched him play in his first game. The smile on his face when he made his first shot in is something I will never forget. After so many failures(败绩), it was a win that didn't come easy for him. And it wouldn't have happened if he had given up trying.
(  )34.Why did the writer feel sad at first
A. Because her son didn't keep feeling confident.
B. Because her son didn't enter the basketball team.
C. Because her son decided to stop playing basketball.
D. Because her son failed in a few basketball matches.
(  )35.What does the underlined part "keep my own feelings in check" in Paragraph 3 mean
A. Hide my own feelings.   B. Hurt my own feelings.
C. Follow my own feelings.   D. Show my own feelings.
(  )36.What can be inferred(推断) about the writer's son
A. He felt unhappy with his parents.
B. He stopped working on his game skills.
C. He played in the high school team at the age of 12.
D. He was finally accepted by his high school team.
(  )37.[中考创新考法|叙事方式]How does the writer organize her ideas in this passage
A. By using the space order.   B. From general to specific.
C. By using the time order.   D. From specific to general.
Modern technology has made our life easier. With an Internet connection and a mobile phone, we can find almost anything. This is the sharing economy(经济), and it is now a $20 billion-a-year business. But some people wonder how good it is for society in general.
People used to live in a hotel on their vacation, but now they can stay in someone's private house. They pay less, but what influence does this have on the hotel industry and the economy Hotels receive fewer guests, but they still have to pay salaries(薪水) to their workers and taxes(税) to the government. So some hotels might close down.
Then there are car-sharing websites. Instead of using your own car for a long trip, you can get a ride with someone for a small amount of money. Some people think this helps reduce air pollution. But how many people choose to use these websites rather than taking the bus or the train Public transportation is, after all, much kinder to the environment than cars.
The sharing economy is still growing rapidly. Some economists think it will be worth $335 billion by 2025.As new technology makes accommodations(住宿), transportation, and other services easier, the question "Is it good for the economy, the environment, and people " will remain.
(  )38.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 1 refer to
A. Great service.    B. A mobile phone.
C. Modern technology.   D. The sharing economy.
(  )39.Which of the following does the writer support most according to Paragraph 3
A. Driving your own car.    B. Taking the bus or the train.
C. Using car-sharing websites.   D. Getting a ride with someone.
(  )40.What do the economists think the sharing economy will be like in the next few years
A. It will grow.
B. It will be bad for people.
C. It will bring the government trouble.
D. It will help people save more money.
(  )41.What is the purpose of the passage
A. To tell us how to save money.
B. To introduce what the sharing economy is.
C. To encourage us to share with other people.
D. To explain how modern technology makes our life easier.
Social phobia(社交恐惧症) seems to have been common these days. Many young people describe themselves as having "social phobia". 42.     But is this a real illness
In fact, this is just a reaction(反应) to certain social situations. US researcher Ty Tashiro wrote a book that explains that some people don't "read" social situations correctly so they end up feeling uncomfortable. 43.     As a result, they start to act embarrassedly because they don't want this to happen. This might make them find it hard to socialize or refuse to do so. They gradually prefer to stay in instead of going out to meet new people. 44.    
"Real" social phobia can be described as social anxiety disorder(社交焦虑症) and it is much more serious. People with social anxiety disorder want to go out and communicate with people, but they are so afraid of doing it that they cannot leave their homes. 45.     And they may experience panic attacks(恐慌).
46.     Some people simply use self-help books to help themselves get more control over their minds. Those who have more serious cases of social anxiety disorder can take medicine.
A. Luckily, social anxiety disorder can be treated.
B. But this doesn't mean they have social phobia.
C. For example, they might be afraid of breaking some kind of unspoken rule.
D. They prefer not to go out much, and it's hard for them to make new friends.
E. Their brains simply won't allow them to communicate with others in a normal way.
  阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。 每词限用一次。
smile speech shy think proud speak deal one help influence
This is a story about my good friend and me. I used to be the 47.________ person in my class. When I was in Grade 7, our Chinese teacher asked all of the students in our class to give a(n) 48.     at the beginning of our Chinese lesson. When we got this assignment(任务), I felt a little afraid. "What should I do " I 49.    .
  The day to give our speech in public finally arrived. Although I had all the information I needed, I was still worried about whether I would be a good 50.    . At that moment, my friend Christina came over and told me to relax. She said she was sure that I could 51.     with it. This made me feel better.
  Finally, it was my turn. I took a deep breath and began my speech. But I forgot the 52.     sentence! I was so embarrassed(尴尬的). Then, I saw Christina. She was 53.     at me.
  I remembered what she said and it was really 54.    . At last, I finished my speech successfully. Everyone thought the speech was great and I was 55.     of myself.
  Sometimes, one simple sentence can 56.     someone a lot. Try to encourage others. All of you will feel happy.
Li Wei is a 14-year-old boy from the countryside. He works very hard and does well in school. 57.     is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. When his parents moved to the city to work, they could not be at home to take care of him. So he became 58.     interested in studying. Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations. Finally, his parents made a decision to send him to 59.     boarding school. However, Li Wei was shy and was not able to make friends quickly in school. He found life there difficult.One day he told his teacher that he wanted to leave the school. His teacher was worried about him and she called his parents. She advised them to have a talk with their son 60._______ person.
The conversation influenced his life. He realized that his parents 61.________ always love him, and they would take pride in everything good that he did.Now he is much happier and more outgoing than he used to be. He even joins the school basketball team and becomes active in many other activities.
W: Hi, Wang Tao. Long time no see. Where have you been these days
M: 62.            .
W: That's great. Did you see any changes in your hometown
M: Yes. 63.            .
W: Like what
M: First, the road became wider and cleaner. 64.                .
W: Wonderful. Our country is developing so fast.
M: 65.            
W: I went on a trip to Shenzhen with my parents.
M: I heard it used to be a small and quiet village.
W: 66.            . Great changes have taken place all over our country.
M: I am proud of our country.
内容包括:1.Tell us an experience about your positive change.
2.What should we do to prepare for our growth
Unit 4 单元测评卷答案
听力 1—5 ABBBB 6—10 ABAAB
11—15 CACAB 16.Collecting 17.sports
18.Painting 19.storybooks 20.Chatting
完形 21—25 ABDAC 26—30 ACBBD
阅读 A[31—33] CBC B[34—37] BADC
C[38—41] DBAB D[42—46] DCBEA
  【短文大意】 幼时呛水的经历让"我"对游泳产生了惧怕心理。然而,一次意外受伤让"我"再次与游泳结缘。在"我"的努力尝试与练习下,"我"的游泳技能不断精进,"我"也因此获得了市级奖项。这次经历让"我"明白:永远不要给自己的人生设限。
21.A 根据下文的描述可知,有一次水淹到了"我"的鼻子那里,故所缺的词是water。
22.B 根据下文中的"swimming was not for me"可知,从那以后"我"再也不想进到水里了,故never符合文意。
23.D 根据下文中的"broke my leg"可知,"我"从滑板上摔了下来,fall off...意为"从……跌落",故选D。
24.A 此处表示"他们说游泳是唯一对我有好处的锻炼",故所缺的词是exercise。
25.C 根据下文的描述可知,"我"尝试去游泳。try意为"尝试",符合文意。
26.A 根据设空后的"and hated swimming a little less"可知,每周,"我"的游泳技能会进步一点儿。get better意为"改善,进步",故选A。
27.C 此处是说,"我"的高中游泳教练要"我"加入校游泳队,故所缺的词是join。
28.B 此处是说,你可以想象到"我"和"我"家人的感受,因为"我"以前很怕水,故as符合题意。
She works as a tour guide.她的职业是导游。
(2)作副词,用于"as... as..."结构,意为"像……一样,如同"。用法示例:
You're as tall as your father.你和你父亲一样高。
I met him as I was leaving.我正要离开时遇见了他。
As you know, Julia is leaving soon.你是知道的,朱莉娅马上要离开了。
She may need some help as she's new.她是新来的,可能需要一些帮助。
29.B 此处是说,现在游泳是"我"生活中的一个重要部分,故所缺的词是Swimming。
30.D 根据上文中的"You never know which road life will take you down. Look at me — a swimmer"可知,不要限制你的选择,故所缺的词是choices。
  【A篇短文大意】 面对生活中的变化,我们应该如何做 本文给出了三条建议。
31.C  推理判断题。根据 ▲ 对应内容中的"But it's a good idea to stay with friends who can cheer you up and help you look at things in a new way"可知,我们在经历人生中的重大变化时,可以与身边积极乐观的朋友待在一起,故选C。
32.B 细节理解题。根据文中的"Setting smart goals helps you decide how to make the change happen and succeed"可知,设定明智的目标可以帮助人们获得成功,故选B。
33.C 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段中的"So what can we do when going through life changes Here are three suggestions"可知,本文主要介绍的是如何应对生活中的变化,故选C。
  【B篇短文大意】 本文讲述了作者的儿子在六年级时想加入学校篮球队,但失败了。作者在查到名单里没有儿子的名字后,她控制自己的情感,安慰并鼓励儿子。最后经过三年的坚持,儿子终于成功加入篮球队。
34.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的"I had to tell myself that my son wasn't among the players who were allowed to continue playing. I felt sad"可知,作者感觉难过,是因为儿子没能进入篮球队,故选B。
35.A 词句猜测题。根据第三段中的"Although it was painful for me to see myself so disappointed(失望), I needed to..."可知,本句话含有Although引导的让步状语从句,表示虽然失望,但是不能表现出来,即隐藏自己的情感,故选A。
36.D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的"he got to see his name on the list for the high school team"可知,儿子在高中篮球队的名单上看到了自己的名字,由此可推知,他进入了高中篮球队,故选D。
37.C 推理判断题。根据"I was a little worried because I knew how much my 12-year-old son wanted to make the team"和"My son is 15 years old now. And, after being cut out of the team for three years in a row(连续地)... Last week..."可知,本文是按照时间的先后顺序来组织作者的观点的,故选C。
  【C篇短文大意】 科技使生活更便捷,共享经济应运而生。共享经济究竟是什么 它有什么优势和问题呢 我们通过本文一起来了解一下。
38.D 代词指代题。此处it指代上文的名词the sharing economy,故选D。
39.B 推理判断题。第三段主要讲了在线拼车的优势,但是由最后一句"Public transportation is, after all, much kinder to the environment than cars"可知,和拼车相比,使用公共交通工具对环境更好,由此可推知,作者最支持使用公共汽车或火车之类的公共交通工具,故选B。
40.A 细节理解题。由最后一段中的"The sharing economy is still growing rapidly. Some economists think it will be worth $335 billion by 2025"可知,经济学家认为在接下来的若干年内,共享经济将会继续增长,故选A。
41.B 推理判断题。本文主要讲了共享经济,所以提及该关键词的B项符合题意。
  【D篇短文大意】 本文主要介绍了社交恐惧症的相关信息。
42.D 设空前提到,许多年轻人称他们自己患有"社交恐惧症";设空后说"但这真是一种疾病吗"。由此可推知,设空处应描述年轻人的表现,故D项"他们不愿意经常外出,并且对他们来说结交新朋友很困难"符合语境。
43.C 设空前提到,Ty Tashiro在自己的书中解释说,一些人没有准确地理解社交场合,所以他们会感到不舒服;设空后提到,因此他们开始表现得很尴尬,因为他们不想让这一情况发生。由此可推知,C项"例如,他们可能害怕打破某种未言明的规则"符合语境。
44.B 根据下文中的"‘真正的'社交恐惧症可以被称为社交焦虑症,而且它更严重一些"可知,B项"但这并不意味着他们患有社交恐惧症"符合文意。
45.E 设空前提到,患有社交焦虑症的人想出去和人们交流,但他们太害怕这样做了,以至于无法出门;设空后说,并且他们可能会经历恐慌。由此可推知,E项"他们的大脑根本不允许他们正常地和别人交流"符合语境。
46.A 本段主要介绍了患有社交焦虑症的人如何控制或治疗这一疾病,由此可推知,A项"幸运的是,社交焦虑症能够被治疗"符合语境。
  【第一节短文大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的好朋友在她遇到困难时支持并鼓励她,帮助她演讲成功。
47.shyest/shiest  48.speech  49.thought  50.speaker  51.deal
52.first 53.smiling 54.helpful 55.proud 56.influence
  【第二节短文大意】 本文介绍了李伟从过去到现在发生的变化。
57.It  58.less  59.a  60.in  61.would
62.Oh, I have been to my hometown/I have been to my hometown/...
63.It changed a lot/I saw many great changes/...
64.Second, most people live in new houses/Second, the people's life has improved a lot/And all the people are living a happy life/...
65.What about you/How about your vacation/Where did you go then/...
66.Yes, but it's a modern city now/Yes, you're right/...
One possible version:
  Without doubt, the change is an important part during our growth. I used to be a shy girl and be afraid of speaking in public. However, I had to take part in an important speech competition. In order to finish it well, I decided to challenge my shyness and overcome the difficulties. I spent a lot of time practicing speaking in the face of the mirror. As a result, I expressed myself successfully. It was the experience that made me grow a lot.
  As a matter of fact, we all will face a lot of problems and trouble ahead of our life. Only if we believe ourselves and try our best can we be better and better.
1.W: Where did you work before you came to this city, Mike
M: I used to teach in a school. I love the job very much.
2.M: Hamburgers are my favorite food and I used to eat them every day. What about you, Mary
W: I think hamburgers are junk food. I only eat them on Sundays.
3.M: Maria, nice to see you. I haven t seen you for two years. You have changed a lot.
W: Yes, I used to be shy but now I m very confident and active.
4.M: What did you use to do on weekends, Jenny
W: I uesd to watch TV, but now I like reading English books.
5.W: Did you have a good time last night
M: No, I felt quite bored. I wanted to watch my favorite TV program, Rock&Roast last night. But my mother didn t let me watch it.
W: I think it is fun to watch. Doesn t she like it
M: She doesn t mind it but she likes the game show, Running Man, more than any other program. My father was bored, too, because he couldn t watch his favorite sports, either.
听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
M: What are you doing these days, Lucy
W: I m learning French in a library.
M: How long have you learned there
W: Since three weeks ago.
M: Oh, did you use to learn something during the summer vacation
W: No, I used to travel a lot. I have been to many places of interest.But this year I want to learn a new foreign language. What did you do last summer, Peter
M: Well, I spent two weeks in a sports camp. In the morning, we played soccer or basketball.In the afternoon, we went swimming or boating. We sang or told stories in the evening.
W: Hi, Jack.Long time no see!
M: Hi, Alice. Glad to meet you.
W: I really miss the life of our primary school. We used to have a lot of time to have fun after school every day.
M: Yes. Now we have to study harder in order to enter a dream senior high school.
W: What s more, we have to wear school uniforms. What about you
M: I don t mind it. Anyway, I don t need to think about what to wear every day.
W: Another bad thing is that we have to exercise in each P.E. class.
M: What I remember you used to like sports in the primary school.
W: Yes. But now I m too tired to exercise anymore.
Li Hong is a 16-year-old girl. She is good at English. However, four years ago she was very shy and her English was poor. She was afraid to answer the teacher s questions in the English classes.
After she went to middle school, things were different. Her English teacher Mr. Gao taught very well and she liked him very much. She began to show interest in English. She listened carefully in class and took part in the class activities.In her free time, she read many English stories and watched lots of English movies. Now she is working hard and hopes to study abroad one day.
M: I used to be afraid of the dark and Frank used to be afraid of high places. What about you, Mary
W: I used to be afraid of being alone. When I was young, both my parents worked in Shenzhen.
M: Did they often return home to see you
W: No. They were very busy. They returned home only once a year.
M: Only once a year Did they return home in November or December
W: Oh, neither. They returned home in October.
M: What did you do after school when you were young
W: I helped my grandparents with the housework. Sometimes I cooked meals for them.
M: Really Who taught you to cook
W: Hmm... My uncle taught me to cook fish. My aunt taught me to cook chicken and my grandparents taught me to cook vegetables.
Different people have different hobbies. My classmates like doing different things after school. And their hobbies are changing all the time. Tom used to like collecting VCDs, but now he likes doing sports. Michael used to like painting, but now he likes going to the movies. Kate used to like reading storybooks, but now she likes cooking. She teaches herself to cook by a book. She can cook delicious food. Jim used to like listening to music, but now he enjoys chatting on the Internet.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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