
( )1. A. out B. cow C. shout
( )2. A. ten B. two C. twin
( )3. A. make B. wake C. cake
( )4. A. where B. we’re C. they’re
( )5. A. birds B. boxes C. beds
( )6. A. cousin B. crayon C. clothes
( )7. A. parrot B. please C. picture
( )8. A. M3G59 B. M3J95 C. N5G39
( )9. A. make ice cream B. make a puppy C. make a wish
( )10. A. Welcome to my home. B. Welcome to Toy Museum.
C. Welcome to my farm.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. A. You’re right. B. I’m sorry. C. Yes, please.
( )2. A. They’re cows. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they’re cows.
( )3. A. She’s my aunt. B. He’s my uncle. C. I’m Mike.
( )4. A. It’s five. B. He’s five. C. She is five.
( )5. A. How lovely! B. Thank you. C. That’s OK.
A: Hurry up! It’s o’clock. It’s time for .
B: OK. But, is my
A: Is it your
B: No.
A: Look! It’s the .
B: Thank you. Let’s listen the teacher now.
1. ball pen ( )
2. three parrot ( )
3. dinner down ( )
4. too meet ( )
5. farm twin ( )
6. guess seven ( )
【答案】1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T
7. A. four B. five C. fine
8. A. who B. that C. what
9. A. bird B. pen C. rubber
10. A. pear B. fruit C. banana
11. A. your B. his C. you
【答案】7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. C
12. Would you like some _______
13. It’s cold (冷的). _______ the _______, please.
【答案】 ①. Close ②. window
【详解】句意:天气很冷。请_____。本题考查动词短语和形式。图片是关窗close the window,祈使句以动词原形开头,故答案为Close;window。
14. —Is the g_______ b_______ the door —Yes, she is.
【答案】 ①. girl##irl ②. behind##ehind
15. Nancy has t_______ p_______.
【答案】 ①. ten##en ②. pencils##encils
【详解】句意:南希有_______。本题考查名词词组,图意:十支铅笔ten pencils,故答案为ten;pencils。
16. It i_______ a pear tree. It’s _______ _______ tree.
【答案】 ①. isn’t##sn’t ②. an ③. apple
【详解】句意:它不是一棵梨树。它是一棵苹果树。本题考查否定句和名词词组。由第二句it's可知句子是一般现在时,主语是It,isn’t不是,根据图片显示是一棵梨树和一棵苹果树,an apple tree一棵苹果树,故答案为isn’t;an;apple。
17. This is my uncle, _______ Li. ( )
A. Mrs B. Miss C. Mr
18. _______ is it, Wang Bing ( )
A. What’s time B. What the time C. What time
【详解】句意:王兵,几点了?本题考查疑问词,询问时间What time is it = What’s the time 故选C。
19 —_______ the tall boy ( )
—He’s my twin brother.
A. Who’s B. Where’s C. What’s
20. —Are you eleven ( )
A. Yes, you are. B. No, we don’t. C. Yes, we are.
【详解】问句句意:你们是十一岁吗?本题考查一般疑问句的答语,are提问的一般疑问句,主语是you,肯定回答为Yes, I am. Yes, we are.否定回答为No, I am not. No, we aren’t. 故选C。
21. —What’s that _______ the tree ( )
—It’s a cat.
A. in B. for C. at
【详解】句意:—树上那个是什么?—它是一只猫。本题考查介词固定搭配,在树上in the tree,故选A。
22. —Is this _______ pen ( )
—Yes, it’s _______ pen.
A. your; your B. your; my C. my; my
23. Don’t _______ the parrot, Tom. ( )
A. listen B. look at C. look
【详解】句意:不要看那只鹦鹉,汤姆。本题考查动词短语。listen听,look看,都不及物动词,跟宾语要用listen to听,look at看。选项B符合题意,故选B。
24. It’s my _______ English book. ( )
A. a B. an C. /
25. How old _______ the man ( )
A. are B. is C. am
【详解】句意:那个人多大了?本题考查be动词,主语the man是单数第三人称,be动词用is。故选B。
26. —This picture is _______ you. ( )
—_______ nice picture!
A. for; How B. for; What a C. to; What
【详解】句意:—这张画是给你的。—好漂亮的一张画啊!本题考查介词辨析及感叹句,for为了,to朝,根据句意可知for符合;感叹句的构成:What +a /an +形容词 + 名词 +主语 +谓语 + 其他!How + 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 +谓语!故选B。
27. _______ a new bed over there. ( )
A. That is B. This is C. Is that D. Is this
【详解】句意:那边_____是一张新床。本题考查指示代词,A那是;B这是;该句是陈述句,而CD是以一般疑问句开头,排除;再根据over there那边可知主语用that那个。故选A。
28. It’s time _______ breakfast and it’s time _______ eat. ( )
A. to; for B. for; to C. for; for
【详解】句意:该吃早饭了,该吃东西了。本题考查固定搭配,It’s time for sth. = It’s time to do sth.该做某事了。故选B。
29. —I want a doll. _______ you ( )
—I want a robot.
A. What B. What about C. And about
【详解】句意:—我想要一个洋娃娃。你______?—我想要一个机器人。本题考查省略句,上句表达自己想要的东西,根据答语可知此处是询问对方想要的东西,一般用“What about you 你呢?”来询问对方同样的问题,故选B。
30. _______ on the farm go “oink, oink”. They like sleeping and eating. ( )
A. Ducks B. Dogs C. Pigs
A. I am sorry. B. It’s nine o’clock. C. Thank you! D. OK, Dad. E. It’s on your chair. F. I’m six.
31 Happy birthday! ( )
32. Wake up. ( )
33. Don’t shout in class. ( )
34. How old are you ( )
35. What’s the time ( )
36. Where’s the bird ( )
【答案】31. C 32. D 33. A 34. F 35. B 36. E
句意:你多大了?答句回答年龄,选项F“ 我六岁。”符合语境,故选F。
37. 你想告诉别人那些不是你的蜡笔,可以说:( )
A. Those are not my crayon. B. Those aren’t my crayons.
38. 当有客人到你家来,你会说:( )
A. Come in, please! B. Don’t talk.
39. 当别人与你分享热狗时,你回答说:( )
A. This hot dog is for you. B. Thank you.
40. 想知道小鸟是不是在黑板的旁边,可以问:( )
A. Is it beside the blackboard B. Is it on the blackboard
41. 你找不到你的书包,你可以这样问别人:( )
A. Where is my school bag B. Is that your school bag
42. is, This, John, grandpa, my (,.)
【答案】This is my grandpa, John.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。is是,This这,John约翰,grandpa爷爷,my我的。 根据所给的逗号和句号,可知句子是陈述句。根据各词词义可知连成句子:这是我爷爷,约翰。故答案为This is my grandpa, John.
43. is, Your, box, beautiful, lunch (.)
【答案】Your lunch box is beautiful.
【详解】本题考查句子结构,is是,Your你的,beautiful漂亮的,lunch box饭盒,根据所给的句号,可知句子是陈述句。根据各词词义可知连成句子: 你的饭盒很漂亮。故答案为Your lunch box is beautiful.
44. for, time, It’s, dinner (.)
【答案】It’s time for dinner.
【详解】It’s time for…是时候…,dinner晚餐,根据所给句号可知句子是陈述句,根据所给单词词义可以连成句子:该是吃晚餐的时候了。故答案为It’s time for dinner.
45. farm, Welcome, my, to(.)
【答案】Welcome to my farm.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。farm农场,Welcome to欢迎到,my我的,根据所给的句号和句首单词Welcome,可知句子是一个陈述句。根据所给词义可以连成句子:欢迎来到我的农场。故答案为Welcome to my farm.
46. are, What, those, the, tree, under ( )
【答案】What are those under the tree
【详解】本题考查句子结构。are是,What什么,those那些,under the tree在树下,根据所给的问号和特殊疑问词,可知句子是一个特殊疑问句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:树下的那些是什么?故答案为What are those under the tree
47. A. Nice to meet you, too.
B. Hello, Roy. This is my cousin, Eddie.
C. Nice to meet you, Eddie.
D. No, thank you. Don’t eat here.
E. Sorry.
F. Would you like a sweet
正确顺序:( ) ( ) ( ) ( F ) ( ) ( )
【答案】 ①. B ②. C ③. A ④. D ⑤. E
A. 我也很高兴认识你。
B. 你好,罗伊。这是我的表弟,埃迪。
C. 很高兴认识你,埃迪。
D. 不,谢谢。不要在这里吃东西。
E .对不起。
F. 你想吃糖果吗
【详解】首句引出话题,介绍埃迪,该句为Hello, Roy. This is my cousin, Eddie.
向艾迪问好,该句为Nice to meet you, Eddie.
对方同样问好,该句为Nice to meet you, too.
该句已给,该句为Would you like a sweet
回复对方,该句为No, thank you. Don’t eat here.
48. 例: Don’t run in the library.
【答案】Don’t talk in the library.
【详解】图意:禁止大声交谈,再仿照例句可知该句不要在图书馆交谈。故答案为Don’t talk in the library.
49. 例:—What are these —They’re pigs.
【答案】—What are those —They’re cows.
【详解】图意:奶牛cow,复数cows,奶牛在远处用those那些,再仿照例句可知该对话为:—那些是什么?—它们是奶牛。故答案为—What are those —They’re cows.
Bobby: Sam, please go to the shop and buy(买) some eggs for me.
Sam: OK!
Bobby: But be careful(小心), don’t make eggs broken(破碎).
(At 6, Sam comes back with a blue paper box.)
Bobby: What is this
Sam: Cakes!
Bobby: Where are my eggs
Sam: They are in the cakes now. No one is broken.
Bobby: ...
Sam: Ha! Ha!
50. What does Bobby want to buy ( )
A. Eggs. B. Fruits. C. Meat.
51. When does Sam come back home ( )
A. At 6. B. At 9. C. An hour later.
52. What colour is the box ( )
A. Red. B. Green. C. Blue.
53. What’s in the box ( )
A. Eggs. B. Cakes. C. Mouses.
54. Are all the eggs broken ( )
A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. We don’t know.
【答案】50. A 51. A 52. C 53. B 54. B
句意:鲍比想买什么?A鸡蛋。B水果。C肉。根据“Bobby: Sam, please go to the shop and buy(买) some eggs for me.”可知是鸡蛋。故选A。
句意:萨姆什么时候回家的?根据“At 6, Sam comes back with a blue paper box.”可知是六点。故选A。
句意:盒子是什么颜色的?A红色的。B绿色的。C蓝色的。根据“At 6, Sam comes back with a blue paper box.”可知是蓝色的。故选C。
句意:盒子里有什么?A鸡蛋。B蛋糕。C老鼠。根据“Bobby: What is this Sam: Cakes!”可知是蛋糕。故选B。
句意:鸡蛋都碎了吗?根据“Bobby: Where are my eggs Sam: They are in the cakes now. No one is broken.”可知鸡蛋没有碎,做成了蛋糕。故做否定回答,故选B。小学英语三年级(下)期末试卷
( )1. A. out B. cow C. shout
( )2. A. ten B. two C. twin
( )3. A. make B. wake C. cake
( )4. A. where B. we’re C. they’re
( )5. A. birds B. boxes C. beds
( )6. A. cousin B. crayon C. clothes
( )7. A. parrot B. please C. picture
( )8. A. M3G59 B. M3J95 C. N5G39
( )9. A. make ice cream B. make a puppy C. make a wish
( )10. A. Welcome to my home. B. Welcome to Toy Museum.
C. Welcome to my farm.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. A. You’re right. B. I’m sorry. C. Yes, please.
( )2. A. They’re cows. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they’re cows.
( )3. A. She’s my aunt. B. He’s my uncle. C. I’m Mike.
( )4. A. It’s five. B. He’s five. C. She is five.
( )5. A. How lovely! B. Thank you. C. That’s OK.
A: Hurry up! It’s o’clock. It’s time for .
B: OK. But, is my
A: Is it your
B: No.
A: Look! It’s the .
B: Thank you. Let’s listen the teacher now.
1. ball pen ( )
2. three parrot ( )
3. dinner down ( )
4. too meet ( )
5 farm twin ( )
6. guess seven ( )
7. A. four B. five C. fine
8. A. who B. that C. what
9. A. bird B. pen C. rubber
10. A. pear B. fruit C. banana
11. A. your B. his C. you
12. Would you like some _______
13. It’s cold (冷的). _______ the _______, please.
14. —Is the g_______ b_______ the door —Yes, she is.
15. Nancy has t_______ p_______.
16. It i_______ a pear tree. It’s _______ _______ tree.
17. This is my uncle, _______ Li. ( )
A. Mrs B. Miss C. Mr
18. _______ is it, Wang Bing ( )
A. What’s time B. What the time C. What time
19. —_______ the tall boy ( )
—He’s my twin brother.
A. Who’s B. Where’s C. What’s
20. —Are you eleven ( )
A. Yes, you are. B. No, we don’t. C. Yes, we are.
21. —What’s that _______ the tree ( )
—It’s a cat.
A. in B. for C. at
22. —Is this _______ pen ( )
—Yes it’s _______ pen.
A. your; your B. your; my C. my; my
23. Don’t _______ the parrot, Tom. ( )
A. listen B. look at C. look
24. It’s my _______ English book. ( )
A. a B. an C. /
25 How old _______ the man ( )
A are B. is C. am
26. —This picture is _______ you. ( )
—_______ nice picture!
A. for; How B. for; What a C. to; What
27. _______ a new bed over there. ( )
A. That is B. This is C. Is that D. Is this
28. It’s time _______ breakfast and it’s time _______ eat. ( )
A. to; for B. for; to C. for; for
29. —I want a doll. _______ you ( )
—I want a robot.
A. What B. What about C. And about
30. _______ on the farm go “oink, oink”. They like sleeping and eating. ( )
A. Ducks B. Dogs C. Pigs
A. I am sorry. B. It’s nine o’clock. C. Thank you! D. OK, Dad. E. It’s on your chair. F. I’m six.
31. Happy birthday! ( )
32. Wake up. ( )
33. Don’t shout in class. ( )
34. How old are you ( )
35. What’s the time ( )
36. Where’s the bird ( )
37. 你想告诉别人那些不是你的蜡笔,可以说:( )
A. Those are not my crayon. B. Those aren’t my crayons.
38. 当有客人到你家来,你会说:( )
A. Come in, please! B. Don’t talk.
39. 当别人与你分享热狗时,你回答说:( )
A. This hot dog is for you. B. Thank you.
40. 想知道小鸟是不是在黑板的旁边,可以问:( )
A. Is it beside the blackboard B. Is it on the blackboard
41. 你找不到你的书包,你可以这样问别人:( )
A. Where is my school bag B. Is that your school bag
42. is, This, John, grandpa, my (,.)
43. is, Your, box, beautiful, lunch (.)
44. for, time, It’s, dinner (.)
45. farm, Welcome, my, to(.)
46. are, What, those, the, tree, under ( )
47. A. Nice to meet you, too.
B. Hello, Roy. This is my cousin, Eddie.
C. Nice to meet you, Eddie.
D. No, thank you. Don’t eat here.
E. Sorry.
F. Would you like a sweet
正确顺序:( ) ( ) ( ) ( F ) ( ) ( )
48. 例: Don’t run in the library.
49. 例:—What are these —They’re pigs.
Bobby: Sam, please go to the shop and buy(买) some eggs for me.
Sam: OK!
Bobby: But be careful(小心), don’t make eggs broken(破碎的).
(At 6, Sam comes back with a blue paper box.)
Bobby: What is this
Sam: Cakes!
Bobby: Where are my eggs
Sam: They are in the cakes now No one is broken.
Bobby: ...
Sam: Ha! Ha!
50. What does Bobby want to buy ( )
A. Eggs. B. Fruits. C. Meat.
51. When does Sam come back home ( )
A. At 6. B. At 9. C. An hour later.
52. What colour is the box ( )
A. Red. B. Green. C. Blue.
53. What’s in the box ( )
A. Eggs. B. Cakes. C. Mouses.
54. Are all the eggs broken ( )
A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. We don’t know.



