2024年四川省广安九年级中考适应性考试英语试题(3月)(含答案 )

英 语 试 题
A. 本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,试题卷共8页,答题卡共2页。满分120分。考试时间90分钟。
B. 考试结束后,请将答题卡交回。
卷I (共两部分; 满分70分)
第一部分完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并将其选项转涂到答题卡上的相应位置。
High school seems bigger. There are (1) students and it’s a totally new environment. It could be a (2) time for new students, (3) in fact, it isn’t really that bad.
The first day of course is always terrifying, but, then again, the first day of middle school was probably the (4) . Of course you might get lost during the first few days (5) your classes, but after a while what seems like a large school really isn’t.
One thing that’s really cool about high school is that there are so many classes that you can (6) . For example, if you like (7) , there are many art classes. At the same time, there are (8) classes, which you can’t take in middle-school (9) photography and psychology(心理学). There are many new things in high school that make it much more (10) .
In high school, you’re able to join more clubs, play more sports and take part in more (11) , and at the same time make new friends with kids with the same (12) as you. Also, these activities can give you (13) to learn something that you might not have had the opportunity to (14) in middle school.
High school is different (15) everyone, but there’s one thing that’s (16) . You’re going to have just as much fun here as you (17) before. But having fun isn’t enough though! You’re (18) so you have to be more responsible. Everything changes when you get (19) , but the changes aren’t that bad. You (20) worry too much about growing up.
A. less B. few C. more D. many
A. scary B. popular C. good D. worried
A. but B. and C. while D. or
A. different B. same C. rich D. difficult
A. attending to B. looking for C. finding out D. knowing of
A. take B. act C. give D. learn
A. dancing B. sports C. art D. singing
A. other B. another C. others D. the other
A. without B. like C. except D. as
A. fun B. boring C. busy D. tiring
A. activities B. meetings C. lectures D. groups
A. habits B. classes C. jobs D. interests
A. chance B. time C. place D. space
A. charge B. learn C. challenge D. contain
A. in B. from C. on D. for
A. right B. certain C. doubtful D. believable
A. did B. created C. remembered D. made
A. taking classesB. growing upC. joining activitiesD.making friends
A. older B. cleverer C. taller D. wiser
A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. won’t
第三部分阅读理解 (共两节; 满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)
阅读下列短文, 从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 并将其选项转涂到答题卡上的相应位置。
Why do they plan this yard sale
A. Because the yard sale is held twice every year.B. Because the April’s sale was not very successful.
C. Because they have a lot of old things to deal with. D. Because they want to raise money for the community.
22. The yard sale will __________.
A. start at 5 pm B. last two daysC. be held in June D. be held in the community
23. What can’t you do during the sale
A. Make extra money.B. Do some spring cleaning.
C. Leave items out overnight.D. Know more about your neighbors.
A If we laid all of theblood vessels(血管)in the human body end to end,they would reach about 100,000km long.That’s nearly two anda half times aroundEarth! B For the first time, Coca-colahas showed thatit uses 3,000,000 tons of plastic bottles each year. That’s the weight of 15,000 blue whales—the largest animal on Earth. C If your throat tickles(发痒), pressing your ear might make it go away. That’s because your throat and ears share the same group of nerves(神经).When you press your ear,the nerves in your throat can feel it.
D It takes about 7 to 8 trees to makeenough O2 for one person to breathe for a year.Each person needs around 750 kg of O2 per year. A large tree might make around 100kg of O2 per year. E To young children, a year might seen to last forever. But older people might say that it flies by. Why is that?According to the US scientists, young people’s brains deal with information faster than older people. They take in more information and do more things in a day. So they feel like each day last longer. However, older people’s brains take in less information and see a day pass more quickly. F About 200 muscles(肌肉)work together when you takea step.That’s a lot of work for your muscles, since many people take about 10,000 steps a day.If you want to get some easy exercise,walking is good for you.
Match passages A﹣F with the two topics:① People & Surroundings;②The Human Body.
Which of the following is right?____
C. ①﹣BD;②﹣ACEF D. ①﹣BF;②﹣ACDE
25. Why does the editor present readers the six passages?____
A. To help readers know more about human body and environmental protection.
B. To ask readers to protect the environment and take more exercise.
C. To tell readers to have less unhealthy drink and plant more trees.
D. To tell readers some interesting facts.
26. Which of the following questions is answered in the passages?
A. Why do kids and older people feel a year differently?
B. Why could a large tree produce about 100 kg of O2 per year?
C. How do our 200 muscles work together when we take a step?
D. How many trees are there on Earth
27. Which of the following leads to the figure“30,000”?____
A. The amount of muscles working together by taking 150 steps.
B. The length of vessels in 3 human bodies joining together.
C. The weight of O2 for 40 persons to breathe a year.
D. None of the above is right.
“Son!” Tim’s father shouted. “Is it possible for you to turn that noise down! ”
“Sorry, Dad, but I love to play it loud because it makes me happy!” Tim replied while driving. He had bought the car a week before he got his driver’s licence. The old car was all he could afford with the money he’d earned since he was 14 mowing lawns (修草坪) in his neighbourhood.
“Tim,” his father asked again with that same worried look Tim was used to seeing, “what makes you happy by listening to that screaming (尖声的) guitar and what’s the name of that trash ”
“The song is called Happy. ”
“All I hear is that noisy guitar.”
“You never listen long enough to hear the words!”
They continued arguing.
As Tim neared the bend in the narrow road leading to their home, a new red sports car was out of control. Tim madly tried to turn to the right but the red car hit the driver's side of Tim’s car very quickly.
Tim’s father saw Tim’s face was covered in blood. The driver of the red sports car ran near. “Sir, I'm sorry! Here’s my phone!” the young man shouted with a strong smell of beer(啤酒) on his breath.
Tim was taken to the hospital. As Tim’s mother arrived, she and her husband cried with fear uncontrollably. Then the doctor asked them to come to a private room. “Your son asked that if he died, I’d promise to tell his dad something. Sir, he asked me to tell you to please listen long enough to hear the words.”
Two weeks after Tim’s funeral (葬礼), his father opened the door of the car that he simply could not bear to sell. He turned Tim’s favourite song up loudly and listened until he heard the words. “I’m so happy; I’m so grateful.”
He knew what Tim had been trying to tell him for so many years. Tearfully he read the words: “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but sadness destroys the spirit.”
What did Tim’s father think of Tim’s favourite music before the accident
It was exciting.
It was just like rubbish.
C. It was a kind of soft music.
D. It was popular with the young.
29. What might be the cause of the accident
A. Tim’s father didn’t pay attention while listening to music.
B. Tim had just learned driving one week before.
C. The road was too narrow for the two cars.
D. The driver of the red sports car drank too much beer.
30. What did Tim expect his father to do before he died
A. To listen to the words of that song.B. To bury him with his favourite CD.
C. To learn to sing his favourite song.D. To sell his old car later.
31. What would be the best title for the passage
A. Be happy.B. Tell my dad to hear the words.
C. Happy: Tim’s favourite song.D. Father and son.
Big data(数据)is a lot of sets of information that are put together so they can be used by a computer program. Thecomputer program looks for different kinds of answers or patterns in the data. Big data can have different kinds ofinformation from many sources, such as information that comes from schools, social media sites, companies and governments. One set of data can have people’s names and addresses. Another set can have what they like, where they go to school, and how much time they spend on the computer.
Big data can be used in many ways. The government uses it to understand how many people travel on buses or trains. This information is then used to make bus or train systems better. Some schools use big data to understand which children may need extra help in class. The teacher can then give certain students more help or support so those students can succeed in panies use big data, too. It helps them understand who buys their products. For example, one company uses weather data to see when people eat the most ice cream.
Big data can be used for good reasons. Some hospitals use big data to predict if a baby who is born too early will get sick. The hospital can then take extra steps to take care of that baby so he or she does not get sick. Big data can also be used for bad reasons. It can be used to predict which kinds of people are likely to break the law or hurt others, even if they have not done anything wrong.
How can big data be used for good and bad things It is because the computer programs used to look at big data and understand it are written by people. People think a certain way. Because they think a certain way, they build a model of those ideas. These ideas are then used to look at the data. Sometimes, these ideas are helpful for people or businesses. Other times, bad ideas can cause problems for certain groups of people.
This reading is about_______ .
what big data is and how it is used
B. what schools and hospitals people like
C.where important data is collected and stored
D. how big data is controlled by governments and companies
One company uses weather information to_______ .
help children in need
B.know when people will visit the hospital
C. find out who rides the bus or train
D.understand when people will need ice cream
34. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is______ .
A.big data can be used for good reasons
B.we can use big data in a number of ways
C.big data can be used for both good and bad reasons
D.we can use big data to prevent babies from getting sick
35. The overall tone(总基调)of this reading is______ .
A.sad and personal
B.personal and scientific
C.informative but silly
D.scientific and informative
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)
How to Make Friends
Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and improves health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leave us without a friend. 36____________ But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.
Associate with others.
The first step in making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.
Start a conversation
Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. 37____________ You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.
Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together. Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.
Let it grow
It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press(强迫) your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend. 39____________ The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.
Enjoy your friendship
The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. 40____________ Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.
A. Be cheerful.
B. Do things together.
C. Do not wait to be spoken to.
D. Try not to find faults (缺点) with your friends.
E. Making new friends comes easy for some people.
F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.
G. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.
41. March comes after_______________(二月).
42. Linda___________(保证)me that she would come to my party, but she still didn’t come.
43. I hope to travel to some______________(欧洲的)countries some day.
44. Unluckily, we were______________(打败)by Class One last match.
45. The_____________(污染)of environment is getting worse and worse.
46. My sister always_____________(期盼)to work abroad.
47. I____________(更喜欢)playing football to playing basketball in the past.
48. My favorite subject is chemistry, because I like doing______________(实验).
49. We were______________(分开)into 3 groups to play the game.
50. Most women don’t know much about cars. In their eyes, these cars are quite__________(相似的).
forget replace good I daughter somebody whether like hold let
When I was in middle school, I felt I was always____51____people down. Once I brought my friend Daisy to my home. I noticed that all my family members seemed____52_____Daisy better than me.
I felt very sad. I even thought they didn’t love me. I wondered___53_____they would miss me if I died some day.So I told my mum, “Daisy is more patient than I have ever been. You must want her to be your___54_____instead of me.
My mum explained that Daisy was a lovely girl, but___55_____could replace(代替) me in the family. She said I was the only person who could fill my role. She made me realize that even if Imade mistakes, I was a beloved member of the family who could never be____56_____.
From then on, I tried to find out who I was and what made me special. I look at___57_____in a new way. Then I started to be positive(积极的) towards my life, and was happy about who I really was. I came to feel much___58____as I knew that no one could ever replace me.
Each of us_____59____a special place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So____60_____that you will be replaced. You can’t be.
Jaden is an eight-years-old boy. He experienced the unlucky things of life twice. 61. ___________
First he lost his dad when he was four and then his mom died unexpectedly in her
sleep last month. Jaden’s heart was broken. His parentsdeath hit him lot. 62. ___________
But things always go towards a good side. A few weeks after, Jaden told his 63. ___________
aunt that he was tired of see everyone sad all the time. He’d like to see more 64. ___________
smiles around him. He hoped that a number of the smiles could reach 100. Then 65. ___________
he asked his aunt to buy him some little toys and took him to the center of the city 66. ___________
“I’mtrying to make people tosmile,”said Jaden. At first, he was not sure if the people 67. ___________
passing by would like to receive his toys. In fact, he was always successfully 68. __________
and got close to his dream step by step, so no one could refuse such a little 69. ___________
boy’s giving and expecting.
“I’m keeping a count of 100 smiles,” said Jaden. When asking if he could make 70. __________
it,he answered, “I think I can.”
任务型阅读 (共5小题,每题2分,共10分)
If you play Douyin, some family videos called “four-generationchallenge”must have caughtyour eye. These videos started on Chinese short-video platform Douyin and have spread to socialmedia in other countries. People from all over the world are interested in the videos and even madetheir own.
In these videos, a young child calls out to their mother or father; the parent enters the roomsmiling, turns around and calls out to their own parent; the grandparent then enters smiling and callsout to their parent—the great-grandparent.
These videos show the structure of a Chinese family. In many Chinese families, severalgenerations live together. This is called an extended family(大家庭). Usually it is “four-two-one”—four grandparents, two parents, one child. And in most East Asian cultures, it is common for many generations of a single family to live together under one roof.
Also, the videos show how much Chinese people love their family. “They make me miss mygrandma.”A Facebook user from England wrote. In fact, the“four-generation” videos have not onlytouched many foreigners in Western countries, but also given them a deeper look into Chinese familyvalues.
In most Western countries, most families are nuclear families(小家庭), or families that aremade up of just children and their parents.
In Western culture, privacy and independence are highly valued. Kids usually move out of thehouse after they turn 18. Many of them work part-time jobs in order to payfor college and rent. If they choose to continue living with their parents after becoming adult, people will think they are immature(不成熟的) or unsuccessful.
Although family structures in the East and West may be different, the love and bonds between family members are common. That might be why the“four-generation”videos have won so manyhearts around the world.
Have the videos spread to social media in other countries (No more than 3 words)
What does “four-two-one” mean when we talk about Chinese extended family (No more than 10 words)
What do Western people pay much attention to in Westernculture according to this passage (No more than 3 words)
What do people think of those who live with their parents after 18 in Western countries (No more than 8 words)
What might be the reason why the “four-generation” videos are popular all over the world (No more than 21 words)
第四部分书面表达 (满分10分)
三年前 你来到新的班级没有朋友,感到孤独
三年中 Kevin多次给你写信,他在信中: 鼓励你多交朋友; 告诉你学好英语的方法,如...; 和你分享快乐,如...; 你变得...
要求:1. 不低于80词;2. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3. 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。
Dear Kevin,
How time flies! We have been friends for three years. I’m writing to thank you for your great help!
Three years ago,_______________________________________________________________________________
Hope to see you soon!
Li Hua
英 语 试 题
卷I (共两部分; 满分70分)
完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
第三部分阅读理解 (共两节; 满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)
(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)
41. February 42. promised/assured 43. European 44. beaten/defeated 45. pollution
46. expects 47. preferred 48. experiments 49. divided 50. similar
letting 52. to like 53. whether 54. daughter 55. nobody
replaced 57. myself 58. better 59. holds 60. forget
eight-year-old 62. parents’ 63. later 64. seeing 65. the
take 67. / 68. successful 69. because 70. asked
任务型阅读 (共5小题,每题2分,共10分)
Yes, they have. (No more than 3 words)
(It means) “four grandparents, two parents, one child”. (No more than 10 words)
Privacy and independence. (No more than 3 words)
(People/They will think) They are immature or unsuccessful. (No more than 8 words)
Although family structures in the East and West may be different, the love and bonds between family members are common. (No more than 21 words)
第四部分书面表达 (满分10分)
三年前 你来到新的班级没有朋友,感到孤独(1分)
三年中 Kevin多次给你写信(1分),他在信中: 鼓励你多交朋友(1分); 告诉你学好英语的方法(1分),如...(1分); 和你分享快乐(1分),如...(1分); 你变得...(1分)
要求:1. 不低于80词;2. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3. 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。
Dear Kevin,
How time flies! We have been friends for three years. I’m writing to thank you for your great help!
Three years ago,__________________________________________________________________.
Hope to see you soon!




下一篇:2024年山东省济南育英中学中考三模物理试题( 无答案)