2024年南通海安六年级毕业暨学业质量监测英语模拟试卷(含答案及听力原文 无听力音频)

(时间:60分钟 总分:100分)
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分
( )4.A.74361X B. 34761Y C. 73461S
( )5.A.air B. also C. appear
( )6.A.bite B. bin C.bring
( )7.A.clown B.clock C. cross
( )8.A.fall B.follow C. foolish
( )9. A. hit B.high C. hi
( )10. A. magazines B. newspapers C. mushrooms
( )1. A. I want to play football in the World Cup.
B.I wanted to make a cake for my mother.
C. She wants to be a great dancer.
( )2. A.Drinking a lot of sweet drinks.
B.Eating a lot of vegetables.
C. Eating much meat for dinner.
( )3. A. They are going to bring a cake.
B.We are going to bring a cake.
C. I brought a cake.
( )4. A.At eight o'clock. B.I'm twelve. C. It's twelve o'clock now.
( )5.A.Yes,they will. B.No,he doesn't. C.No,he won't.
( )1.A.Road safety. B.Food safety. C.Saving energy.
( )2.A.In the classroom. B. At a party. C.At home.
( )3. A.It's big and nice. B. It's small but nice. C. It's big but messy.
( )4.A.Yes,they will. B. No,they won't. C.Yes,he will.
( )5. A. He's going to America.
B.He's going to visit his grandparents.
C. He's going to have lessons.
The students are something about the world. There is a map on the blackboard. John tells the students some interesting.He wants to be a and to South Africa some day. Mike talks about some famous .They make many beautiful come true. Jack thinks the football players in the World Cup are great. He will see a football match next .Their teacher is listening to them ,and she says that they to study hard first.
( )1. I want to be a and go around the world.
A.traveller;travelling B. travelling;travel C. traveller;travel
( )2. I'm so thirsty. Do you have any here
A.oranges juice B.orange juice C. sweet pies
( )3.Eric likes playing football and playing piano very much.
A.the;/ B./;the C.the;the
( )4. Mr Li teaches English.We all like .
A.our;him B.us;her C.us;him
( )5.There are months in a year. My birthday is in the one.
A.twenty;twentieth B.twelve;twelfth C.twenty;twelfth
( )6. Road is very important. We must keep on the road.
A.safe;safety B.safety;safe C. safely;safe
( )7. My little brother lost his favourite toy. He .
A.talked excitedly B.danced beautifully C. cried sadly
( )8.They talked their plans the summer holiday Monday.
A.about;for;on B. to;for;in C. with;of;on
( )9. stories_ good for you to study Chinese.
A.Writing;are B.Write;is C.Writing;is
( )10. !That sign “Danger”.
A.Look out; means B.Look for;means C. Look out; mean
( )11.My father newspapers when he the metro yesterday.
A.read;take B.read;took C. will read; will take
( )12.There an interesting show here the day after tomorrow.
A.is going to B.will have C.will be
( )13. It's Helen's birthday today. Look! a nice cake!
A.What's B.What C. How
( )14.We eat or drink in the library. We keep quiet.
A.must; can B. should; shouldn't C. shouldn't; should
( )15.— you happy last summer holiday
—Yes,I .
A.Were;was B. Was;wasn't C.Were;were
The summer holiday is coming. Some kids make plans for it.
Many kids say they will travel with their parents during the holiday. Li Lei from Nanjing will go to Hong Kong with his parents. Gao Yuan will spend his holiday far away from his parents. He will spend 18 days in Australia.
Some students will study in summer. Yang Lan is not happy because she has to go to piano classes.She prefers(更喜欢)to stay at home and read interesting books. Wang Jin will have drawing lessons because he dreams of being an artist some day.
The summer holiday is a great chance to do many things. Keeping fit is an easy and cheap way to have fun. Running, swimming and dancing are all great exercise. There is always voluntary(志愿的)work to do too. Do something! Anything! If you don't, you'll be sorry when September comes.
( )1. Li Lei will go to Hong Kong with his parents this summer holiday.
( )2. Gao Yuan will stay in Australia for 18 days far away from his parents.
( )3. All the kids are happy to have lessons during the summer holiday.
( )4. Wang Jin wants to be an artist, so he will take dancing lessons this holiday.
( )5.It is important for us to do meaningful(有意义的)things in the summer holiday.
It is a hot day. Mrs Brown is walking by the sea. She sees a little green bottle in the sand.Mrs Brown takes the bottle and shakes it. A little man with a gold hat comes out. He says, “Thank you for helping me! I can give you three wishes. You should choose carefully.”Mrs Brown says,“I am hungry. I wish for a big dinner.” She sees a big dish with beef and chicken! Mrs Brown says,“I wish for a dog.”She sees a big black dog! But the dog eats the dinner. The little man says,“Be careful with your last wish! It shouldn't be big. It shouldn't be expensive.” What should Mrs Brown wish for She thinks hard. Not too big. Not too expensive. She says to the little man,“I wish for good health."
A. Mrs Brown sees a little man with a gold hat.
B.Mrs Brown wishes for a dog.
C. Mrs Brown wishes for a big dinner.
D.Mrs Brown wishes for good health.
E.Mrs Brown thinks hard.
1. →2. → →4. →5.
If you go to a new school, how to m 1 friends Let's read the following passage.
Smile and laugh. It really works. Make eye contact with others,s 2 at them when they look at you and laugh when they say s 3 funny. This makes you seem friendly and k 4 .
Invite others to do things with you. Ask some people to have lunch,or a 5 someone to take a walk with you. When you find a few people you like, ask them to p 6 with you after school.
Remember people's names. Try your best to remember their names and hobbies. Don't be afraid to ask people more than once w 7 their names are.
Be a good listener. B 8 a good listener helps you make friends. It also s 9 that you are not self-centred(自我为中心的).
If you f 10 these, you will have some more good friends. When people are saying something to you,listen!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
A.Then, the cat bit David's clothes very hard.
B.One night, David was sleeping. He heard his eat crying.
C. He picked up his cat and ran out of the house quickly.
D.David was very happy. His clever cat saved him!
E. But David was very tired. He didn't get up.
F. David sat up. Then he found his room was very hot. The house was on fire!
1. →2. → →4. →5. →
1.—Do (kangaroo) like eating (tomato)
—No.They like eating grass.
2.Sorry,sir. The sign means“No ”.Please don't .(smoke)
3.One day, two men (catch) the lion with a net. The lion was sad.
4.There (be) a show here soon. Let's (put) the things in order.
5.I'm (twelve),and my birthday is on (twenty) of June.
6.Nancy likes_ stories, and she wants to be a (write).
7. It's often (rain) here in spring. Trees and grass grow well.
1.I'm thirsty and hungry.(改为一般疑问句)
thirsty and hungry
2.He does well at school.(改为否定句)
He well at school.
3.The man used a net to catch the fish.(改为同义句)
The man the fish a net.
4.The weather in summer here is hot.(对画线部分提问)
is the weather in summer here
随着生活水平的提高,人们的健康意识越来越强。如何拥有一个健康的饮食呢?请你结合所学知识,以“A healthy diet”为题,写一篇英语短文。
A healthy diet
In a healthy diet,
一、1. You will find kangaroos in Australia.
2.I like painting very much.
3.I'd like to visit the London Eye some day.
4. The number over there is 74361X.
5. The clowns appear, and the children are happy.
6. Don't go there, The dog may bite you.
7. Cross the road safely with your parents,please.
8. It's a good habit to follow the rules.
9. Sam and Bobby fly kites high in the sky.
10. Nancy didn't get any newspapers this month.
二、1.What do you want to do in the future?
2. What rule should we follow in a healthy diet
3.What are you going to bring to the birthday party
4.When's the party going to end
5.Will Mike go to Hangzhou with his parents
三、1.A:Hi,how do you come to work, Helen?
B: On foot. Driving too much uses a lot of oil.
A:Yes. You're right. There isn't much oil in the world now.
Q:What are they talking about
2. A:Mike,please look at the blackboard. Why are you sleepy
B:Sorry,Miss Li. I had a bad cough last night.
A: I'm sorry to hear that. You can go home and have a good rest this afternoon.
B:Thank you.
Q:Where are they now
3.A:Welcome to my bedroom.
B:Wow! Your bedroom is small, but it's nice,Tina.
A:Thank you. And that's my brother Bobby's bedroom.
B:Oh,it's big, but the toys are all on the floor. He should put things in order.
Q:How is Bobby's bedroom
4.A:Dad,tomorrow is Mum's birthday, right
B:Yes. Let's make a card for her.
A:Good idea.Let's do it now.
Q:Will they make a card for Mum
5.A;What's your plan for the summer holiday,
B:I'm going to have some dancing lessons because I want to be a dancer in the future.What about you,Mike
A: I'm going back to the UK to see my grandparents.
Q:What is Mike going to do for the summer holiday
四、 The students are learning something about the world. There is a large map on the blackboard.John tells the students some interesting countries.He wants to be a visitor and travel to South Africa some day. Mike talks about some famous scientists. They make many beautiful dreams come true. Jack thinks the football players in the World Cup are great. He will see a football match next month. Their teacher is listening to them happily,and she says they need to study hard first.
一、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B
二、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C
三、1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B
四、learning,large, countries, visitor, travel,scientists,dreams,month,happily,need
五、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B
14.C 15.A
六、(A) 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T (B)1.A 2.C 3.B 4.E 5.D
七、1.make 2. smile 3. something 4.kind 5. ask 6. play 7. what 8. Being 9.shows 10.follow
八、1.B 2.E 3.A 4.F 5.C 6.D
九、1.kangaroos,tomatoes 2. smoking,smoke
3. caught 4, is going to/will be,put
5. twelve, the twentieth 6. writing,writer 7.rainy
十、1. Are you 2. doesn't do 3. caught, with 4.How
A healthy diet
In a healthy diet, there is a lot of rice and bread. There is also a lot of fruit and
vegetables.We can have some fish and meat in our meals. We can also have some
milk every day, because it is good for us. Eggs are important too. We can have some
every week. Sweet food is nice, but too much sweet food is bad for our body. Eat
a little at a time.



