
(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:90分)
1.—It’s getting hot these days and it is hard for me to stay _______ in class.
—You’re not alone.
A.quiet B.fresh C.strong D.careful
2.—Ted, _______ does it take you to get to the museum by Metro Line 3
—About fifteen minutes. It’s a good place to visit.
A.how soon B.how far C.how long D.how often
3.C919 _______ its first flight (飞行) at the end of May, 2023.
A.finishes B.finished C.will finish D.finish
4.—Look out! You are driving _______ a red light!
—Sorry, I didn’t notice it.
A.across B.past C.through D.along
5.—What do you think of _______ film Slam Dunk
—It’s _______ interesting film.
A.an, an B.a, an C.the, a D.the, an
6.—________ you________ him tomorrow
—Yes, I am.
A.Are; visiting B.Do; visit C.Will; visit D.Are; going to visit
7.—Tom, where are you going this weekend
—Xuanwu Park. We can _______ tents, have a picnic and enjoy the beautiful view there.
A.pick up B.grow up C.put out D.put up
8.—You can _______ between joining the dancing club and going to the chess club.
—I’d like to go to the chess club, for I like playing chess better.
A.forget B.decide C.reach D.enter
9.Look at the picture! The students are ________.
A.getting into the car B.running after each other
C.asking the policeman for help D.crossing the road in order (有序的)
10.—What is your plan for the coming Mother’s Day
—I ________ a big dinner for my mother.
A.make B.am making C.made D.am going to make
11.—There five NBA basketball matches on TV tonight.
—Excellent! I can’t wait to watch.
A.will have B.will be C.is going to have D.is going to be
12.—You can’t go out these days. What can I do for you
—Thanks, but you need to do ________. The volunteers have helped us a lot.
A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything
13.—Sally, there is a pencil on the floor. Is it yours
—Oh...yes. It’s________. Thank you.
A.his B.hers C.yours D.mine
—Warm and comfortable.
A.What is your dream home B.What does your dream home like
C.What is your dream home like D.How does your dream home like
15.—Hello. May I speak to Mrs King, please
—________ There isn’t a Mrs King here.
A.Speaking. B.Wrong number. C.Who are you D.This is her.
It was a cold Friday night. Tim was 16 . Suddenly, he woke up. He opened his eyes. Then he 17 the scratching sound again. Tim got up, pulled his 18 around him and went to the window of his third-story flat.
Tim looked down. He saw two dark figures below his 19 . Two men were standing on the ledge (窗台) outside his neighbor’s bedroom window. They were 20 break into the Lim family’s flat below! They seemed to know that Mr. Lim and his family had left for a 21 in Bangkok that morning and would not be back till Monday.
Tim ran to his parents’ room. “Dad, there’re two burglars below my bedroom window!” he 22 . Tim’s father took a look and 23 to the telephone to call the police.
After ten minutes, the police came. They pointed 24 guns at the burglars. The burglars knew that they could not 25 . They came down and gave themselves up.
16.A.playing B.sleeping C.fighting D.hunting
17.A.felt B.smelt C.saw D.heard
18.A.body B.camera C.blanket D.rubbish
19.A.window B.bed C.seat D.chair
20.A.asking for B.looking out C.helping to D.trying to
21.A.mile B.term C.holiday D.minute
22.A.searched B.shouted C.smiled D.nodded
23.A.poured B.touched C.wanted D.rushed
24.A.his B.her C.its D.their
25.A.lose way B.run way C.turn around D.hurry up
Do you know ChatGPT It’s an artificial intelligence (AI, 人工智能) tool (工具). It can answer questions, tell stories and do much more. But it’s very “thirsty (渴的)”, said a new study.
ChatGPT has “homes” around the world in data centers (数据中心). When it works, the computers at the data centers get very hot. Workers then have to use water to cool them down.
Cold water goes into pipes (管道) near the computers. The water needs to be very clean. They can’t use seawater because it can eat away at the pipes.
When you ask ChatGPT 20 to 50 questions, it “drinks” 500 milliliters of water. Scientists used 700,000 liters of water to build ChatGPT. The water use is very big. People can make 370 cars with it.
ChatGPT is just one AI tool. You need data centers to do everything on the Internet. There are more than 8,000 data centers around the world. The number is still growing. We may have to “fight (斗争)” with AI for water in the future.
26.What do we know about the data centers in Paragraph 2
a. They are AIs just like ChatGPT.
b. They are in different places in the world.
c. They are ChatGPT’s homes to keep it cool.
d. The computers there get hot when ChatGPT works.
A.ab B.bc C.ac D.bd
27.What kind of water can be used to cool down the computers
A.Seawater. B.Dirty water. C.Cold and clean water. D.Hot water.
28.Which can be the best title (标题) for the passage
A.Everyone must save water! B.Does the Internet work well
C.Give the AI a drink D.ChatGPT’s future
Do you often dream when sleeping How do you feel after having a dream Is it useful to our heath “Dream maybe more important than sleep. We all need to dream,” some scientists say.
Dreams take up (占据) about a quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams each night Dreams are like short films. They are usually in color. Some dreams are like old films. They come to us over and over again. That maybe because the dreamer is worrying about something.
Dreaming maybe a way of trying to find an answer. Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They may think about their work all day. These ideas can carry over into dreams. Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a nice dream. But often we can’t remember the dram. Dreams can go away quickly from memory (记忆).
Too much dreaming can be harmful (有害的). The more we sleep, the longer we dream The mind (头脑) is working hard when we dram. That is why we may have along sleep and still wake up tired.
29.The first paragraph tells us that dream is very ______.
A.interesting B.important C.tiring D.harmful
30.When the dreamer is worrying about something, ______.
A.his dreams are black and white B.he dreams of his daily work
C.he may have the same dream D.dreams make him feel sad
31.Which of the following is True according to the passage
A.Dreams are useful but too much of it can be harmful.
B.People always remember their dreams when they wake up.
C.If a boy sleeps for 8 hours a day, he may dream for 4 hours.
D.We should have along sleep because we need more dreams.
During my second year in high school, I got sick and missed classes for three days. When I went back to school, I needed to finish a lot of homework and some tests (测试). So I had to stay up really late to finish them all that night.
The next day at school, I found that I had forgotten to prepare for the test on Remeo and Juliet! Worse still, I had not talked with my classmates in class and I hadn’t had notes. When lunch came, I went to the English room.
Very soon I found that I didn’t know most of the questions on the test paper. All I could do was to try to guess the answers. Suddenly, my pencil fell and broke. Standing by the blackboard picking my pencil up, I looked down and there lay the answer paper for the test on the floor! Wow! I could say goodbye to all my worries of failing the test. My heart (心) started beating very fast, and a voice (声音) whispered, “Yes! Read over the answers quickly!” Another voice came out, “No! The teacher will find it!” My mind turned back and forth. “Yes! No! Yes! No!” This went on for ten of the longest seconds in my life.
At last, I decided to ________. I was happy with what I did.
The next day, I saw my test paper lying face down on my desk. I knew what was waiting for me. I looked at it for a while before I kept myself calm down.
You can only guess my surprise when I learned that I had passed the test. I have never been so happy in my whole life to see my grade, a “C”!
My mum says the victories (胜利) that take the most courage (勇气) are won within. Now, I know what she really wants to tell me.
32.The writer felt ________ when he saw the answer paper on the floor in Paragraph 3.
A.brave B.lucky C.afraid D.clever
33.Which expression (表达) can be put in ________
A.look at the answer paper B.share the answers with others
C.say goodbye to all my worries D.finish the test on my own
34.What can we know about the writer from the story
A.He was good at all the subjects before. B.He got the answers from the answer paper.
C.He was very happy with his “C” this time. D.He passed the test with his mother’s help.
35.What is the best title (标题) of the passage
A.The Answer Paper B.A Difficult Test
C.Mothers Always Know D.Doing the Test by Guessing
It was a cleaning day for the family. John and his mom were busy cleaning the house. Then, John’s mom noticed an old chair. That old chair was for John’s grandpa.
“John, come and help me,” John’s mom said. “We’ll take the chair to the side of the road. The rubbish truck will come to ▲ tomorrow.”
When they tried to move the chair, John’s grandpa saw it and cried. “No! You can’t take my chair,” “But it’s so old,” John’s mom replied. “We’ll buy you a new one.” “No,” he said, trying to get his chair back.
John’s mom finally gave up (放弃) and left. The old man sat into his chair and closed his eyes.
“Grandpa, why won’t you let us throw the chair ” John asked. “You don’t understand, John,” His grandpa said, “I sat in this chair with your grandma when I asked her to marry (嫁) me. And I sat in this chair the night your father was born. Many years later, I sat in this chair when the doctor told me that your grandma was badly ill. I was very sad, but the chair gave me comfort (安慰) and warmth.” The old man’s voice changed when he thought of that unlucky day.
“I understand.” John looked at his grandpa and said, “this is not just any old chair. It is more like a friend.” “Yes.” he nodded.
However, that night, when John and his grandpa were sleeping. John’s parents carried the chair outside. The next morning. John woke up and heard the sound of the rubbish truck. He quickly ran downstairs and found the snow-covered chair stood helplessly at the side of the road. The truck was going to pull (拉) it away.
“Wait! Stop!” John shouted and rushed outside. The big noises from the truck suddenly stopped. He then ran back inside and cried, “Mom, you can’t throw out grandpa’s chair. It is like a true friend in his life!”
Hearing this, John’s mom ran outside and carefully moved away the snow on the chair. She carried it back with John.
36.Which of the following’ can be put in ▲
A.clean it up B.pay for it C.pick it up D.look for it
37.The underlined part “that unlucky day” refers to (指的是) the day when ________.
A.John’s father was born B.Grandpa asked Grandma to marry him
C.Grandma was badly ill D.John’s mother married his father
38.How did John feel when he heard the sound of the rubbish truck early in the morning
A.Worried. B.Sorry. C.Surprised. D.Happy.
39.What can we learn about from the story
A.The story happened in summer. B.Grandpa liked collecting old chairs.
C.John’s mother bought Grandpa a new chair. D.Grandpa loved Grandma so much.
40.Which is the best title for the story
A.Throw or Collect B.John’s Happy Family
C.Forget or Remember D.Grandpa’s Old Chair
41.Can you give me some colour (粉笔) , please We are going to design the blackboard.
42.Were you fond of (收集) match boxes at the age of 8
43.Tom loves his pet very much and he (刷) its fur three times a day.
44.Last Monday Jane (丢失) her watch on her way home.
45.Can you believe that a man in the UK can live food for three weeks (没有)
46.Oh, it’s you! When did you come I you were still in the reading room. (think)
47.Jim (fall) off the bike and hurt himself just now.
48.Be quiet! Those boys a party for the elderly. (plan)
49.Turn left into Fourth Street, you the bank of China in front of you. (find)
50.We won’t go camping if it tomorrow. (rain)
look up anyone careful good decide
A dictionary is very useful for 51 who wants to find out the meaning of new words. Using a dictionary seems simple, but there are a few steps to follow. First, 52 which dictionary you need to use because there are different kinds of them. If you get one, find the word you want to 53 by using the alphabetical(按字母顺序的)guide and then you can read its meanings 54 and make some notes. You may also want to know how to read the word in a right way. Finally, don’t be afraid to explore(探索)the rest of the dictionary. Many dictionaries give notes and sentences that help you understand the words 55 than before.
A)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中第56- 65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案填写在答题卡标号为56-65的相应横线上。
It is usual for everyone to have a bad day. Someone may complain that such days come more often. However, the good news is that you can do many things to turn them around.
We can turn to your good friends. Our friends are always there to help us. They never leave us alone. So on a bad day, you can always ask for their help. Sometimes, friends have a good sense of humour. Their jokes can make you laugh a lot.
If peace (宁静) is what you need to make things right again, just relax (放松). Sometimes, when things don’t come with your wishes, you can sit with a book and read for a while or go for a walk. You may also listen to some light music to relax. It is really helpful.
Write down your ideas about the things and people that make you unhappy. It’s not easy to find someone to listen to all your problems. So what can you do next It’s writing out all the things.
Do something good. You can go out and grow some plants in the park, feed a person without home or help an old lady with her shopping bags. Live a little through other people’s joy, and you will feel good about yourself.
If you have a bad day at school or at home, just watch the TV show or movie you like best. For example, after you finish all the work at home, enjoy some snacks in front of the TV. Of course, do not let this turn into a habit.
56 to turn a bad day around
People always have some bad days in their lives. We can do many things to turn them around.
Stay with a friend On a bad day, you can ask for your 57 help. Sometimes, your friends are 58 . They can tell you funny jokes.
Relax a little You can get peace by 59 or walking. Listening to some light music 60 you to relax too.
Write everything down It’s 61 to find someone to listen to all your problems. Just write down everything that makes you unhappy.
Do something good Doing something good can make you 62 good about yourself. You can grow some plants, give 63 to a person without home or help the elderly carry bags.
Watch your 64 TV show or movie You can watch TV with some 65 after you finish all your work at home. Be careful not to make it a habit to do so.
China is building 5G network. Shanghai vice-mayor (副市长) Wu Qing made the first 5G v 66 call on a Huawei Mate X phone on March 30, CGTN reported. Shanghai is the first c 67 in China to start a test run of SG networks.
About 100 t 68 faster than 4G networks, 5G will help people download thing faster than ever. It will also be used in o 69 areas.
Self-diving can may be one of the b 70 breakthrough(突破). Today's self—driving test cars have one p 71 . When the car “sees” something, it s 72 this information to a data(数据) center to wait for the instructions(指令).
However, the car can run into the things if it d 73 receive instructions in time. 5G networks will make the time this takes shorter and the cars will be N noted.
5G could also power the internet of things (IoT物联网). This means very big online network that connect(连换) everything and e 74 . Very fast internet speeds are the key to realizing it. For example, with loT, your f 75 will order eggs online when it notices that there are no eggs left inside.
I’m Andy, an exchange student from the USA.I would like to know about your life.What were you happy with and unhappy with Why (Give at least 2 points each, like your study, weekends, community, friends, lifestyle...)What do you plan to do during the coming summer holiday (1, 2...)Please email me at Andy@. Thank you!Andy
1. 不少于90词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 短文应包括所给信息,并适当发挥;
3. 条理清楚,语句连贯;
4. 不可出现真实的校名、姓名等。
Dear Andy,
I am writing to tell you about my life. Time flies! I spend a whole year studying in Grade 7. At the end of the term, I want to summarize(总结) my life. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
考查形容词辨析。quiet安静的;fresh新鲜的;strong强壮的;careful小心的。根据“It’s getting hot these days and it is hard for me to stay...in class.”和常识可知,天气越来越燥热,所以很难在课堂上保持安静。故选A。
考查特殊疑问句。how soon多久以后,一般用于将来时,回答用in+时间段;how far多远,是对距离进行提问;how long多久,对长度或一段时间的提问;how often多久一次,是对频率进行的提问。根据答语“About fifteen minutes.”可知,是对时间段进行的提问,因此疑问词应用how long。故选C。
考查一般过去时。根据“at the end of May, 2023”可知,句子要用一般过去时,谓语动词要用过去式。故选B。
考查介词辨析。across穿过(物体表面);past经过;through穿过(物体内部);along沿着。drive through a red light“开车闯红灯”,是固定搭配。故选C。
考查冠词的用法。不定冠词a/an表示泛指,具有“一”的概念,在以辅音音素开头的词前用a,在以元音音素开头的词前用an;the是定冠词,用于特指。根据“Slam Dunk”可知第一个空格填the,特指电影;第二个空格填an,句子中的film是泛指,interesting是以元音音素开头的词。故选D。
考查时态。根据“tomorrow”和答语“Yes, I am”可知,此处用be going to do表达一般将来时。故选D。
考查动词短语。pick up拾起,捡起;grow up成长;put out扑灭;put up搭建。根据“We can...tents, have a picnic and enjoy the beautiful view there.”可知,此处指“搭帐篷”。故选D。
考查动词辨析。forget忘记;decide决定;reach到达;enter进入。根据“between joining the dancing club and going to the chess club.”可知,是在舞蹈俱乐部和象棋俱乐部之间作出决定。故选B。
考查动词短语。getting into the car上车;running after each other彼此追逐;asking the policeman for help向警察求助;crossing the road in order有序地过马路。根据图片内容可知,学生们正在有序过马路。故选D。
考查动词时态。make一般现在时;am making现在进行时;made一般过去时;am going to make一般将来时。根据问题“What is your plan for the coming Mother’s Day ”可知,动作发生在将来,因此用一般将来时。故选D。
考查时态。根据there可知,此处是there be结构,不能与have混用,排除选项A和C;又根据tonight可知,该句为there be的一般将来时,结构为“There will be”或“There is/are going to be”,结合“five NBA basketball matches”可知,be动词应用are。故选B。
考查不定代词辨析。nothing没有什么事;everything每件事;something某事;anything任何事。根据“The volunteers have helped us a lot.”可知,志愿者已经帮助了很多,说明你什么都不需要做。故选A。
考查名词性物主代词词义辨析。his他的;hers她的;yours你的、你们的;mine我的。根据上文“Sally, there is a pencil on the floor. Is it yours ”以及“yes”可知,此处应是说“它是我的。”,所以应用mine。故选D。
考查特殊疑问句。What is your dream home 你梦想中的家是什么;What does your dream home like 你梦想中家喜欢什么;what is your dream home like 你梦想中的家是什么样的;How does your dream home like错误格式。根据“Warm and comfortable.”可知,询问梦想中的家是什么样的,故选C。
考查情景交际。Speaking请讲;Wrong number你打错了;Who are you你是谁;This is her这是她。根据“There isn’t a Mrs King here.”可知,空处指打错电话了。故选B。
16.B 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.D 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.B
playing玩;sleeping睡觉;fighting打架;hunting打猎。根据“Suddenly, he woke up.”可知,他原本正在睡觉。故选B。
body身体;camera相机;blanket毯子;rubbish垃圾。根据“Tim got up”可知,他起床后,拉上毯子裹住自己。故选C。
window窗户;bed床;seat座位;chair椅子。根据上文“went to the window of his third-story flat.”可知,他看到的是窗户下面的黑影,故选A。
asking for请求;looking out小心;helping to帮助;trying to试图。空后的“break”是动词原形,由此可排除A和B;结合语境可知这两个人试图闯入林家的公寓。故选D。
mile英里;term学期;holiday假期;minute分钟。根据“and would not be back till Monday.”可知,林先生一家人是去度假,故选C。
22.句意:“爸爸,我卧室的窗户下面有两个窃贼!” 他喊道。
searched搜寻;shouted大喊;smiled微笑;nodded点头。根据“Dad, there’re two burglars below my bedroom window!”可知,窗户下面有小偷,所以蒂姆应是很着急的,所以大声地告诉父母。故选B。
poured倒出;touched触摸;wanted想要;rushed冲,奔。根据上文“Tim ran to his parents’ room.”可知,情况紧急,所以父亲赶紧冲到电话旁,打电话报警,故选D。
lose way迷路;run away逃跑;turn around转身;hurry up赶快。根据下文“They came down and gave themselves up.”可知,他们知道自己逃不掉了,所以下来投降了,故选B。
26.D 27.C 28.C
26.细节理解题。根据第二段中“ChatGPT has ‘homes’ around the world in data centers.”可知,ChatGPT的数据中心在世界各地,b句表述正确;根据“When it works, the computers at the data centers get very hot.”可知,当ChatGPT工作时,数据中心的计算机会变得非常热,d句表述正确。故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Cold water goes into pipes near the computers. The water needs to be very clean.”可知,冷却电脑应该使用干净的冷水。故选C。
29.B 30.C 31.A
29.细节理解题。根据第一段“Dream may be more important than sleep.”可知第一段主要介绍梦很重要。故选B。
30.推理判断题。根据第二段“They come to us over and over again. That maybe because the dreamer is worrying about something.”可知如果做梦的人正在担心某事,他可能做同一个梦。故选C。
31.细节理解题。根据第一段“We all need to dream”和最后一段“Too much dreaming can be harmful (有害的).”可知梦有用但太多的梦有害,故选A。
32.B 33.D 34.C 35.A
32.推理判断题。根据“I looked down and there lay the answer paper for the test on the floor! Wow! I could say goodbye to all my worries of failing the test.”可知,作者看到答案时认为自己不需要再为考试可能不及格而担忧了,故推知作者看到答案时觉得自己是幸运的。故选B。
33.推理判断题。根据“I knew what was waiting for me. I looked at it for a while before I kept myself calm down. You can only guess my surprise when I learned that I had passed the test”可知,作者等待成绩时猜测自己可能不及格,在看到自己及格的成绩时感到很惊讶,可推知作者并没有看答案,而是选择自己完成测试,故D选项可置于横线处。故选D。
34.细节理解题题。根据“I have never been so happy in my whole life to see my grade, a ‘C’!”可知,作者对自己“C”的成绩感到很满意。故选C。
35.最佳标题题。通读全文可知,文章讲述了作者在测试中看到了试卷的答案,最终作者决定靠自己完成测试,取得了令自己满意的成绩。文中的这份答案不仅仅是测试的答案,更是测试了作者诚实的品质,故可作为文章标题的是The Answer Paper。故选A。
36.C 37.C 38.A 39.D 40.D
36.词句猜测题。根据“We’ll take the chair to the side of the road.”(我们把椅子搬到路边去。)可知这个旧椅子不要了,要扔掉,结合“The rubbish truck”可知,垃圾车明天会来取走它的,应用pick up。故选C。
37.词句猜测题。根据“Many years later, I sat in this chair when the doctor told me that your grandma was badly ill. I was very sad, but the chair gave me comfort (安慰) and warmth”(许多年后,当医生告诉我你奶奶病得很重的时候,我坐在这张椅子上。我很伤心,但椅子给了我安慰和温暖)可知这里的that unlucky day是指“奶奶病得很重”的那一天。故选C。
38.推理判断题。根据“John woke up and heard the sound of the rubbish truck. He quickly ran downstairs and found the snow-covered chair stood helplessly at the side of the road.”和“Mom, you can’t throw out grandpa’s chair. It is like a true friend in his life!”可知约翰一大早听到垃圾车的声音时很担心,担心垃圾车会把爷爷的椅子带走了。故选A。
39.细节理解题。根据“Mom, you can’t throw out grandpa’s chair. It is like a true friend in his life!”以及“Many years later, I sat in this chair when the doctor told me that your grandma was badly ill. I was very sad, but the chair gave me comfort (安慰) and warmth”可推断爷爷非常爱奶奶,故选D。
【详解】句意:你能给我一些彩色粉笔吗?我们要设计黑板。根据“some colour”可知此处指不同颜色的粉笔,故chalk是可数名词,此处用名词复数。故填chalks。
【详解】句意:上周一,简在回家的路上丢了手表。lose意为“丢失”,动词。根据“last Monday”可知,该句时态为“一般过去时”,动词用过去式,lose的过去式形式为lost。故填lost。
【详解】句意:你能相信一个英国人不吃东西能活三个星期吗?根据“live ... food”可知“没有”在此处用介词without表示。故填without。
【详解】句意:哦, 是你!你什么时候来的?我以为你还在阅览室。根据“you were still in the reading room”可知“认为”这个动作发生在过去,用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填thought。
【详解】句意:吉姆刚才从自行车上摔下来,伤到了自己。根据“hurt himself just now”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填fell。
48.are planning
【详解】句意:安静!那些男孩正计划为老年人举办一个聚会。根据“Be quiet”可知他们正在计划,用现在进行时,主语是名词复数,be动词用are。故填are planning。
49.will find
【详解】句意:向左转到第四大街,你会发现中国银行就在你前面。分析题干,该句型为“祈使句+and+陈述句”,该陈述句所表达的意思为祈使句动作的结果,故该陈述句用一般将来时will do。故填will find。
51.anyone 52.decide 53.look up 54.carefully 55.better
52.句意:首先,决定你需要使用哪本字典,因为它们有不同的种类。根据“which dictionary you need to use”及所给出词汇可知,决定需要使用哪一本字典。句子是祈使句,空缺处应填动词decide,故填decide。
53.句意:如果你有一本(字典),用字母表找到你想查找的单词,然后你可以仔细阅读它的含义并做一些笔记。根据“find the word you want to … by using the alphabetical(按字母顺序的)guide”及所给词汇可知,用字母表找到你想查找的单词。want to do sth.“想要做某事”,空缺处应填动词原形短语look up,故填look up。
56.How/Ways 57.friends’/friend’s 58.humorous 59.reading 60.helps 61.hard/difficult 62.feel 63.food 64.favourite 65.snacks
56.根据“It is usual for everyone to have a bad day....However, the good news is that you can do many things to turn them around.”和全文可知,每个人都会遇到糟糕的一天,我们可以做一些事情来扭转局面,下文主要介绍了如何改变糟糕的一天或改变糟糕一天的方法,副词how“如何”或名词复数ways“方法”均符合语境,位于句首,首字母h或w需大写。故填How/Ways。
57.根据“We can turn to your good friends. Our friends are always there to help us...So on a bad day, you can always ask for their help.”可知,我们可以求助于好朋友,我们的朋友总是在那里帮助我们,所以在糟糕的日子里,你或你们可以寻求朋友的帮助,名词help前需填名词所有格,名词所有格friends’“朋友们的”或friend’s“朋友的”均符合语境。故填friends’/friend’s。
58.根据“Sometimes, friends have a good sense of humour.”可知,有时候,朋友们很有幽默感,are后需填形容词,形容词humorous“有幽默感的”符合语境。故填humorous。
59.根据“If peace is what you need to make things right again, just relax. Sometimes, when things don’t come with your wishes, you can sit with a book and read for a while or go for a walk.”可知,如果你需要平静下来,你可以坐在那里看书或散步,介词by后需填动名词,表示通过某种方式,动名词reading“阅读”符合语境。故填reading。
60.根据“You may also listen to some light music to relax.”可知,你也可以听一些轻音乐来放松,即轻音乐也可以帮助你放松,时态为一般现在时,主语为some light music,动词用“三单”形式,helps“帮助”。故填helps。
61.根据“It’s not easy to find someone to listen to all your problems,...”可知,找到一个人倾听你所有的问题并不容易,即找到一个人来倾听你所有的问题是困难的,固定句式It+adj+to do sth表示“做某事是……的”,空处需填形容词,形容词hard“艰难的”和difficult“困难的”均符合语境。故填hard/difficult。
62.根据“Live a little through other people’s joy, and you will feel good about yourself.”可知,生活在别人的快乐中,你会自我感觉良好,即做好事可以使你自我感觉良好,make sb do表示“使某人做某事”,空处需填动词原形,feel good about oneself表示“自我感觉良好”,动词feel“使人感觉……”符合语境。故填feel。
63.根据“You can go out and grow some plants in the park, feed a person without home or help an old lady with her shopping bags.”可知,你可以出去在公园里种一些植物,养活一个没有家的人,或者帮助一位老太太拿购物袋,即你可以提供食物给无家可归的人,give food表示“提供食物”。故填food。
64.根据“If you have a bad day at school or at home, just watch the TV show or movie you like best.”可知,如果你在学校或家里度过了糟糕的一天,只需看你最喜欢的电视节目或电影,TV show前需填形容词,形容词favourite“最喜欢的”符合语境。故填favourite。
65.根据“...after you finish all the work at home, enjoy some snacks in front of the TV.”可知,当你在家完成所有的工作后,在电视机前享用一些零食,即观看电视时吃些零食,some后需填名词复数,名词复数snacks“零食”符合语境。故填snacks。
66.video 67.city 68.times 69.other 70.biggest 71.problem 72.sends 73.doesn’t 74.everywhere 75.fridge
66.句意:据CGTN报道,上海市副市长吴青3月30日首次在华为Mate X手机上进行5G视频通话。由常识可知,上海副市长用华为进行5G视频通话,video call视频通话。故填video。
67.句意:上海是中国第一个启动5G网络试运行的城市。由“Shanghai is the ____city in China”可知,上海是中国第一个启动5G网络试运行的城市。city城市,可数名词,由句中is可知,此处用其单数形式。故填city。
68.句意:5G的速度是4G网络的100倍左右,它将帮助人们以前所未有的速度下载东西。由“5G will help people download thing faster than ever.”可知,5G的速度是4G的100倍左右。由100可知,此处应用复数形式times,即100倍。故填times。
69.句意:它也将用于其他领域。由下文“Self-diving can may be…”可知,5G还应用于其他领域。other其他的,形容词,作定语修饰名词area。故填other。
70.句意:自动驾驶可能是最大的突破之一。本句为“one of the+最高级+名词复数”句式,结合句意及首字母可知,自动驾驶是最大的突破之一,故此处应为最高级biggest。故填biggest。
71.句意:今天的自动驾驶测试车有一个问题。由下文“the car can run into the things”可知,自动驾驶车还存在问题。problem问题,可数名词,由one可知,此处用其单数形式。故填problem。
72.句意:当汽车“看到”什么东西时,它会把这个信息发送到数据中心等待指示。由“it _____ this information to a data(数招) center”可知,汽车会发送信息到数据中心。send发送,动词,本句为一般现在时,主语it为第三人称单数,故此处应用其单三形式。故填sends。
73.句意:但是,如果没有及时收到指令,汽车可能会撞到这些东西。由“the car can run into the things”可知,汽车如果没有收到指令,就会撞到东西,故从句为否定句。句中有实义动词receive,且本句为一般现在时,主语it为第三人称单数,故应将助动词doesn’t提前。故填doesn’t。
75.句意:例如,有了loT,当你的冰箱发现里面没有鸡蛋时,它会在网上订购鸡蛋。由“there are no eggs left inside”可知,鸡蛋应该是放在冰箱里的。fridge冰箱,可数名词,由句中your可知,此处用其单数形式。故填fridge。
Dear Andy,
I am writing to tell you about my life. Time flies! I spend a whole year studying in Grade 7. At the end of the term, I want to summarize my life.
The happiest thing for me is that I have made lots of new friends. We have many things in common, and we often discuss things we are interested in together. The unhappy thing that left a deep impression on me was that my studies were not as good as before, especially in maths, which made me feel boring.
During this summer holiday, I am going to travel to Yunnan with my parents by plane. We will stay there for a week and visit places of interest. In addition, I want to ask Amy for help because she is very good at maths. I hope I can get better grades next term.
①lots of许多
②have…in common有……共同点
③be going to do sth计划做某事
④ask sb for help向某人寻求帮助
⑤be good at擅长
① In addition, I want to ask Amy for help because she is very good at maths.(原因状语从句)
②I hope I can get better grades in next semester.(宾语从句)
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