07 短文首字母填空20篇-2023-2024年七年级英语下期期末高频考点专练(牛津译林版)(带答案详解)

07 短文首字母填空20篇
The mouse Mickey lives in a small house. Cheese (奶酪) is his favourite food in the world and he doesn’t like a 1 else. He eats cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There’s p 2 of cheese inside his house. He’s very happy living in his small house with his favourite cheese. But one day, he wakes up and finds his cheese missing. He has to go out to l 3 for it.
On the way, he meets a bird c 4 Mary. Mary advises (建议) him to look for his cheese near the river. Then, he meets a lion, the k 5 of the forest. He is friendly and t 6 Mickey to the river. Unluckily, they can’t find it.
Mickey is sad. When he wants to give up, he meets the frog (青蛙) Mike. Mike is helpful. He listens to Mickey’s s 7 and wants to help him. He advises Mickey to check the other side of the river. They have to cross the river, but it’s not e 8 for them because Mickey isn’t good at swimming. So Mike carries him on his back and swims a 9 the river. There, they find Mickey’s cheese. Someone takes it there from Mickey’s house.
Mickey is very happy. He t 10 all the animals who help him along the way. He knows he can not do it alone. He also learns about the importance of friendship.
Do you know that Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo has asked for public help by “adopting (领养)” zoo animals since (自从) years ago In February 2024, Miss Chen from Beijing paid 2,000 yuan and “adopted” a lesser panda (or red panda) at the zoo. The zoo would use the m 11 to buy food for its animals. If the animals don’t feel well, it will be paid for their medical c 12 .
As for Chen, she could get a certificate and l 13 about the lesser panda’s daily life online. She can go to the zoo for f 14 , she can also have the chance to feed (喂养) the animal and clean its living space.
Animals l 15 golden monkeys, koalas and tigers are all on the adoption list, according to the zoo’s WeChat account. E 16 animal has its own profile (简介) including a photo, its a 17 and personality (性格). For example, it shows that a 7-year-old golden monkey named “jinxiaomeng” is bold (勇敢的) and s 18 .
Online adoption is one of the ways the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo gets h 19 to get through hard times. More than 80 percent of the zoo’s income (收入) comes from v 20 tickets (门票).
Camp Zoo is a good place. The animals here are cute. They are kind to each other. But Giraffe is different. He always gets others’ food. He can do that because he has a long n 21 . When other animals have nothing to eat, there is always p 22 of food in Giraffe’s place. The other animals feel bad, so they put a s 23 at Giraffe’s door. It says, “The robber (强盗) giraffe. ” All the v 24 laugh at Giraffe. And they stop visiting him. So Camp Zoo sends (送) Giraffe to another zoo. Giraffe knows he is w 25 . In the new place, he never gets other animals’ food any more.
There are two mice. They are f 26 . One mouse lives in a small hole behind a big tree in the country; the o 27 mouse lives in a house next to a garden in the city. One day the Country mouse sees the City mouse. He says, “Come and see me at my house in the country. Let’s play t 28 .” So the City mouse comes.
After playing in the field, looking for d 29 kinds of food and eating a big meal with hundreds of friends there, the City mouse says, “Your house is not good, and the food is not good, either. W 30 do you live in the small hole in the field You should go and live in the city. It’s comfortable to live in a nice house m 31 of stone. You must go and see me at my house in the city. I have my o 32 large house.”
The Country mouse goes to the house of the City mouse on Sunday. It is a very good house. There is e 33 food in the kitchen for them to eat. But just as they begin to eat, they hear a great noise. The City mouse cries, “Run! Run! The c 34 is coming!” They run away quickly and hide.
After some time they come out. The Country mouse says, “I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. It is better to be p 35 and happy than to be rich and afraid.”
(22-23七年级下·江苏南通·期末)尉华在背诵Unit Seven Reading A brave young man时,其中一部分中忘记了五个单词,请你认真阅读短文,帮助他写出一个合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使短文通顺。
Lin Tao was 20 years old. He was brave enough to s 36 his neighbour from a fire. Lin Tao was at home by himself on May 10. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting for help. He ran outside and saw lots of s 37 from next door. He found his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen. Her left leg was badly h 38 and couldn’t get out. He ran to her bathroom. He poured water over his clothes to protect himself. Then he r 39 into the kitchen. He put a w 40 blanket over Mrs Sun and helped her out. Later some firemen came and put out the fire.
Trees are important in our daily life. They p 41 oxygen for us to breathe. But they often get hurt. One kind of hurt on trees is a tree hole. To help trees grow healthily, people usually take good c 42 of the tree holes.
Last winter, some Shanghai artists drew cute animals in the tree holes on the street, such as birds, cats and squirrels. These animals look l 43 . They are like living or hiding there.
These paintings are not h 44 to the trees. In f 45 , they cover the holes and stop the trees from losing water. The hole paintings not only make the street full of colour works of art, but also help people understand the protection of the environment.
Zibo barbecue(烧烤) is hot. On each t 46 is a small stove(炉子). People can help themselves to wrap skewers(裹肉串)in a thin pancake, usually with a spring onion(葱) i 47 the pancake.
Facts from Meituan and Dazhong Dianping s 48 that booking volume(预订量) for accommodation(住宿) in Zibo during the five-day May Day holiday is higher t 49 that in 2019. The number of people arriving and l 50 through Zibo railway station has reached 50,000 a day. Most of them come to t 51 Zibo barbecue. Visitors can visit some places of interest for f 52 with their high-speed railway tickets(高铁票). There are also new bus lines, so visitors can “get on the bus to rest, get o 53 to eat”. Volunteers are r 54 to help visitors at the railway station. What’s more, Zibo barbecue is delicious and costs l 55 money. Local people are warm to offer visitors water, fruit and even their homes to strangers who couldn’t find hotels. Why not go and see for yourself
Sarah was a very brave lady who liked to p 56 people from danger. One day, she heard someone shouting from her n 57 house. She saw a bad person hurting her neighbor and knew she had to act quickly. Sarah pushed the bad person away to keep her neighbor s 58 .
But then the bad person h 59 Sarah, too. Luckily, Sarah could get a 60 and helped her neighbor. She believed that anyone could be brave like her if they had the a 61 to protect themselves.
Sarah thought that being brave was not e 62 . So she started a self- defense (自卫) class to help people learn how to protect t 63 and others. She knew that it was i 64 to get away from danger.
Sarah’s story told us that anyone could be a h 65 if they stood up for what was right and helped others.
I’m Johnny. I’m a b 66 man and can’t see anything. Luckily, I have a good friend—my g 67 dog—Puppy. Puppy can do lots of things for me, for example, he can bark loudly to remind me if there’s something wrong. Puppy is also very s 68 . When I feel sad or worried, he is always the first one to know my feelings. Then, he will do many funny things to make me l 69 and feel relaxed again. All in all. Puppy is the best friend for me! I can’t live w 70 him.
The Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon rainforest in South America is the l 71 rainforest in the world. It covers five and a half million square kilometers of the Amazon Basin and spreads across nine countries.
The Amazon rainforest is very i 72 because it is home to thousands of animals, birds and insects. However, people are destroying the area by c 73 down many of the trees. This is called deforestation. Many living things l 74 their homes because of deforestation. As a result, the n 75 of kinds of animals, birds, insects and trees in the world is decreasing.
(22-23七年级下·广东广州·期中)Sydney is one of the biggest cities in Australia, and it is a great place to go s 76 .
Most tourists come here for its e 77 attractions like the Sydney Opera House or the Sydney Harbour Bridge, but Sydney’s natural attractions are also worth visiting. With warm weather and much sunshine, Sydney is f 78 for its beautiful beaches. So if you are travelling to Sydney, don’t f 79 to visit the beautiful beaches there.
To see one of Sydney’s best views, Sydney Tower is your p 80 choice. It takes you to the highest point above Sydney, so you can have a 360 degree view of this beautiful harbour city.
(22-23七年级下·全国·单元测试)Finbo is a little blue whale(鲸). He lives in the deep ocean w 81 his mother. We call him “little”, but he is not little at all. Do you know w 82 Finbo is much bigger than all of his friends.
Finbo’s f 83 game is playing “hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)” with his friends. They o 84 play this game in the ocean. But one thing m 85 Finbo feel unhappy all the time. When they play this game, Finbo always loses(输) the game. His friends can find h 86 at once. But he c 87 find his friends easily. Finbo is too big, and it is not d 88 for his friends to find him. Finbo feels very sad. He wants to be small l 89 his friends.
At last he doesn’t want to play the game and g 90 to his mother. “It’s just a game. It’s important for us to join and enjoy it. Don’t care.” his mum says.
(22-23七年级下·江苏扬州·阶段练习)In C 91 you can find dogs, cats, horses and so on, in almost every family. These are their pets. Canadians love these pets and pets are their good friends. B 92 they keep them at their houses, they take them to animal h 93 to give them needles(针) so that they won’t carry diseases(疾病). They have special animal food stores. Some people spend about two hundred Canadian dollars a month o 94 animal food.
When you visit people’s homes, they would be glad to s 95 you their pets. N 96 is allowed(允许) to kill any animal in this country. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you kill an animal, you will be punished(惩罚). If an animal happens to get run over by a car, people will be very s 97 about it.
People there have many reasons(理由) to like animals. One of t 98 is: When children g 99 up, they leave their parents and start their o 100 work and life. Then their parents will feel lonely, but pets can help them. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.
Taiwan is in the south-east of China. It is the largest land in China. Taiwan is famous for bananas, rice and tea.
Sun Moon Lake is one of the most i 101 places in Taiwan. It is the only n 102 big lake in Taiwan. The mountains round the lake and the clear water in it make the lake look like a beautiful picture.
Taipei 101 is the second highest b 103 in the world. It is 508 metres high and has 101 f 104 . There is a viewing platform(观景台) on the 89th one. When you stand there, you can get a bird’s-eye view of the whole Taipei.
More and more people now like to v 105 Taiwan and enjoy themselves there.
You say you plan to have a pet. I think it’s a good idea. In the USA, keeping pets is very p 106 . More than half of the f 107 have their pets. They keep many different kinds of animals. Most of them keep dogs a 108 their pets. There are about 65 million pet dogs in the country. It means that at l 109 40% of American families keep pet dogs.
People are always kind to their pets. They think pets are m 110 of their family, and give them the best food. Some pets are too fat. They need to lose weight(减肥)! Isn’t it interesting And of course, they also have h 111 for pets. And being a vet there is many people’s d 112 .
It is interesting to have a pet. But you should be sure to l 113 your pet when you get one. Pets are our f 114 . Pets will b 115 you much fun if you love them.
Let me tell you about my hometown. I l 116 in Kinsale. It may be one of the smallest towns in Southern Ireland, but it is also the most famous one.
The fish restaurants are wonderful and there are many good cooks here. They cook the best fish for visitors. The food is expensive but people enjoy it very much. So you can see many people from d 117 countries in every restaurant.
My town is very beautiful b 118 it is by the sea. In summer it is very cool and you can go swimming in the sea. There are three small shops and you can buy your friends many souvenirs (纪念品) here. They are very cheap and you can pay a little money for them.
People in my town are f 119 . They can make friends with you. If you are sick, there is a clinic with a doctor and a nurse. I’m Andy. You can ask me for h 120 when you have some trouble. I think you will enjoy the holiday.
(22-23七年级下·江苏扬州·阶段练习)My hometown is a beautiful city — Yangzhou. It’s a small city in Jiangsu Province.
Yangzhou is a city of w 121 . There are many rivers here and you can see many bridges o 122 them. As you know, Yangzhou is a good place to travel. You can enjoy some famous gardens, like Ge Garden and He Garden. After that, you can have a big m 123 . There are many restaurants here. They are from d 124 areas and c 125 . If you want to eat noodles and pastry, you can go to one place called “Weiyang Teahouse”.
Next, you must go to Yangzhou Library to have a look. It's on Wenchang Road. It’s very large and q 126 . I think it’s a good place to read books.
Yangzhou is a 127 a modern city. It’s only twenty minutes from the city c 128 to Yangzhou Industrial Park by bus. There are lots of tall b 129 and large factories. Most of the people in the industrial park are from foreign countries. But all of them can s 130 Chinese well, even some Youngzhou dialects (方言).
This is Yangzhou, an old city, an old garden, a new city and a new wonderful park.
(22-23七年级下·江苏镇江·阶段练习)Welcome to London! It’s an old and large c 131 . The Thames River runs through it. There are lots of things to do there.
Would you like to…
see the London Eye
It s 132 above the Thames River. It’s 135 metres tall. It has 32 capsule (密封舱) and 16 people can sit together in a capsule. You can see the whole London from its t 133 .
visit Hyde Park
This park is in the c 134 of London. It is one of the w 135 most famous parks. There is a beautiful l 136 in it. On it there are some swans (天鹅). You can go walking there.
go shopping
Oxford Street is a good place for you to enjoy s 137 . There are over 300 big shops along the street. Most of them are o 138 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
eat fish-and-chips
It is a kind of cheap (便宜) food in London. It tastes (品尝) very nice. It’s the l 139 people’s favourite. You can eat it in any fast food r 140 . You can take it with you when you go out.
(22-23七年级下·江苏徐州·阶段练习)On the south bank of the Yangtze River lies Nanjing, the c 141 of Jiangsu Province. As one of the most famous and historical cities in China, Nanjing has lots of wonderful places to v 142 , such as Confucius Temple, Qinhuai River, Xuanwu Lake and Zhonghua Gate.
March to May is the b 143 traveling time in a year. It’s not too hot or cold. All k 144 of flowers are waiting for you to enjoy. Do you like to do some s 145 The main shopping streets in Nanjing include the area near Xinjiekou in the city c 146 , Hunan Lu in the northern part and Fuzimiao area in the south. If you want to try some l 147 food in Nanjing, don’t miss Duck Blood Soup, Salted Duck and Tofu pudding.
Nanjing is called the gate of Jiangsu Province. It’s easy for people to come to Nanjing b 148 train or plane. When you are in the city, you can take an u 149 to most of the places you like to go.
March is always a time for people to get itchy feet. Welcome to Nanjing. We hope to m 150 you soon.
After visiting OZ, Dorothy told her t 151 buddies(伙伴) about the Wizard. “He’ll help me get back to Kansas, and he promises(承诺)to help all of you too,” she said. “So what must we do b 152 he will help us ” the Tin Woodman asked. “You need to go and ask him by y 153 ,” Dorothy said.
“I’ll wait here.”
So the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow and the Lion, one at a time, went into the palace of the Great Wizard. Sure enough, they got the s 154 promise from OZ, “I will help you only if you help Dorothy kill the West Witch.”
Now the friends started to f 155 the West Witch. In order to know more, Dorothy spoke to the Guardian of the Gates. “Can you tell me which r 156 leads to the West Witch ”
“There is no road,” the Guardian said. I think the best you can do is to keep walking to the w 157 . And I want to give you some advice. Do it as c 158 as you can. Or the evil Witch may kill all of you.
Then they thanked him and turned toward the west. As they went, some s 159 things suddenly happened. Dorothy’s green silk dress became white. The ribbon around Toto’s neck also lost its green. To their surprise, the land changed t 160 . It wasn’t flat any more and the flowers and trees disappeared(消失) quickly. What would Dorothy and her friends meet next
—Taken from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
People enjoy watching animals, but that is not a good reason to keep animals in zoos. Animals should live in the wild(野外).
Zoos try to give the animals natural(自然的)homes, but they are not the s 161 . Elephants, giraffes, and zebras, for example, l 162 in large groups in the wild. They travel many miles every day. They cannot do this in a zoo.
Usually, it is not e 163 to give animals natural food in a zoo. In the wild, an aardvark (非洲食蚁兽)eats t 164 of ants every night. In the zoo, an aardvark h 165 to eat meat, eggs and fruit.
The animals can’t do natural activities in a zoo. Scientists(科学家) find animals in zoos m 166 feel sad, just like us. Some animals will get sick when they stay in a small p 167 for a long time.
Some people say that zoos are good because they can h 168 endangered(濒危的)animals, but it’s hard for animals to have babies in zoos. S 169 people should let animals live in the wild.
Scientists should study animals in the wild, n 170 in zoos. And there are many other ways to learn about animals. Animals’ home is in the wild.
1.(a)nything 2.(p)lenty 3.(l)ook 4.(c)alled 5.(k)ing 6.(t)akes 7.(s)tory 8.(e)asy 9.(a)cross 10.(t)hanks
1.句意:奶酪是他最喜欢的食物, 除此之外他什么都不喜欢。根据“Cheese is his favourite food in the world and he doesn’t like...”奶酪是他最喜欢的食物,他不喜欢……。结合首字母,可知是anything else“其他的东西”,anything用于否定句。故填(a)nything。
2.句意:他的房子里有很多奶酪。根据“He’s very happy living in his small house with his favourite cheese”他很高兴住在他的小房子里,吃着他最喜欢的奶酪,所以前文应是说有很多奶酪,由于首字母p,可知是plenty of“许多”。故填(p)lenty。
3.句意:他不得不出去寻找它。根据“But one day, he wakes up and finds his cheese missing”但是有一天,他醒来发现他的奶酪不见了。 结合首字母,可知是look for“寻找”,go out to do sth“出去做某事”,故用look的原形。故填(l)ook。
4.句意:在路上,他遇到了一只叫玛丽的鸟。根据Mary是名字,结合首字母, 可知是call“叫作”。根据句子,可知这里为call的过去分词called“被叫作”作后置定语。故填(c)alled。
5.句意:然后,他遇到了森林之王狮子。根据he meets a lion他遇见了一只狮子,结合首字母,可知是king“国王”这里表示特指,king用单数形式。故填(k)ing。
6.句意:他很友好,带米奇去了河边。根据“...Mickey to the river”……米奇去了河边,结合首字母,可知是take...to...“带……到……” 根据前文is,可知时态为一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数形式,故用take的第三人称单数形式takes。故填(t)akes。
8.句意:他们必须过河,但这对他们来说并不容易,因为米奇不擅长游泳。根据“because Mickey isn’t good at swimming”因为米奇不擅长游泳,结合首字母,可知是easy“容易的”。故填(e)asy。
9.句意:所以迈克把他背在背上,游过了河。根据“Mickey to the river”米奇去了河边,结合首字母,可知是swim across“游过”。故填(a)cross。
10.句意:他感谢所有一路上帮助他的动物。根据“who help him”帮助他,结合首字母,可知是thank“感谢”根据is,可知时态为一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数形式,故用thank的第三人称单数形式thanks。故填(t)hanks。
11.(m)oney 12.(c)ost 13.(l)earn 14.(f)ree 15.(l)ike 16.(E)ach 17.(a)ge 18.(s)mart 19.(h)elp 20.(v)isitors’
11.句意:动物园将会用这笔钱来给动物们买食物。根据“Miss Chen from Beijing paid 2,000 yuan and ‘adopted’ a lesser panda (or red panda) at the zoo.”可知,领养动物的人需要支付一笔费用,然后动物园用这些钱来买食物。money“钱”,不可数名词。故填(m)oney。
12.句意:如果动物感觉不舒服,它将用来支付它们的医疗费用。本句接着讲述这笔钱的用途,medical cost“医疗费用”。故填(c)ost。
13.句意:至于陈,她可以得到一个证书,并在网上了解小熊猫的日常生活。leran about“学习关于”,情态动词后用动词原形。故填(l)earn。
14.句意:她可以免费去动物园,也可以有机会给动物喂食和打扫它的生活空间。固定短语for free“免费地”。故填(f)ree。
16.句意:每只动物都有自己的简介,包括照片、年龄和性格。根据“...animal has its own profile”可知,此处指每只动物都有自己的介绍,强调个体性。each“每个”,句首首字母大写。故填(E)ach。
17.句意:每只动物都有自己的简介,包括照片、年龄和性格。根据“For example, it shows that a 7-year-old golden monkey”可知,动物的介绍包括年龄。age“年龄”。故填(a)ge。
18.句意:例如,它展示了一只名叫“金小萌”的7岁金丝猴,是勇敢和聪明的。根据“golden monkey”并结合首字母s可知,此处指猴子是聪明的,smart“聪明的”,形容词作表语。故填(s)mart。
19.句意:网上领养是南京红山森林动物园获得帮助以度过艰难时期的方式之一。根据“get through hard times”及前文内容可知,动物园通过网上领养的方式得到了帮助。help“帮助”,不可数名词。故填(h)elp。
21.(n)eck 22.(p)lenty 23.(s)ign 24.(v)isitors 25.(w)rong
22.句意:当其他动物没有东西吃的时候,长颈鹿的地方总是有很多食物。plenty of很多的,固定短语故填(p)lenty。
23.句意:他们在长颈鹿门上放了个牌子。由“It says, ‘The robber (强盗) giraffe’”及首字母可知,此处指放了一个牌子,不定冠词a后接可数名词单数。故填(s)ign。
24.句意:所有的游客都嘲笑长颈鹿。由“And they stop visiting him”及首字母可知,此处指游客,all后接可数名词复数。故填(v)isitors。
25.句意:长颈鹿知道他错了。由“In the new place, he never gets other animals’ food any more”及首字母可知,应该是指他知道错了。故填(w)rong。
26.(f)riends 27.(o)ther 28.(t)ogether 29.(d)ifferent 30.(W)hy 31.(m)ade 32.(o)wn 33.(e)nough 34.(c)at 35.(p)oor
26.句意:它们是朋友。根据“They are...”及首字母和下文它们互相去看望对方可知,它们应是朋友,friend“朋友”,are后面跟名词复数,故填(f)riends。
27.句意:一只老鼠住在乡下一棵大树后面的一个小洞里;另一只老鼠住在城市花园旁边的一所房子里。根据“There are two mice.”和“ One mouse lives in a...”及语境可知,空处是介绍两只老鼠中的另一只,the other“两者中的另一个”,故填(o)ther。
28.句意:让我们一起玩吧。根据“Let’s play...”及首字母可知,此处指“一起玩”,together“一起”符合语境,故填(t)ogether。
29.句意:在田野里玩耍,寻找不同种类的食物,并与数百个朋友在那里吃了一顿大餐后,城里老鼠说…… 。根据“...kinds of”及首字母可知,此处考查different kinds of“不同种类的”,固定短语,故填(d)ifferent。
30.句意:你为什么住在田里的小洞里? 根据“Your house is not good, and the food is not good, either. ...do you live in the small hole in the field ”可知,城里老鼠说乡下老鼠住的,吃的都不好,结合首字母和语境可知,此处应是问“为什么还住在小洞里”,why“为什么”,提问原因,句首单词首字母要大写。故填(W)hy。
31.句意:住在漂亮的石头房子里很舒服。根据“a nice house ... of stone”可知,此处指石头做的房子里,空处作后置定语修饰名词house,所以用made“制作”,故填(m)ade。
32.句意:我有自己的大房子。固定短语one’s own“某人自己的”,故填(o)wn。
33.句意:厨房里有足够的食物给他们吃。根据“There is...food in the kitchen for them to eat.”及首字母可知,此处指“足够多的食物”,enough“足够的”,修饰后面的名词food,故填(e)nough。
34.句意:快跑!快跑!猫来了!根据“They run away quickly and hide.”及首字母和常识可知,老鼠怕猫,所以此处指“猫”来了,cat“猫”, is前面要用名词单数,故填(c)at。
36.(s)ave 37.(s)moke 38.(h)urt 39.(r)ushed 40.(w)et
36.句意:他勇敢地把邻居从火中救了出来。由“... her neighbour from fire”可知,从火中就出邻居。save“救”,且不定式符号to后加动词原形,故填(s)ave。
38.句意:她的左腿受了重伤,出不来了。根据“couldn’t get out”可知,腿受伤了不能出来,hurt“受伤的”,故填(h)urt。
39.句意:然后他冲进厨房。根据“He ran to her bathroom.”可知,他跑去浴室,然后冲进厨房。rush“冲”,且句子是一般过去时,动词用过去式rushed。故填(r)ushed。
41.(p)rovide 42.(c)are 43.(l)ively 44.(h)armful 45.(f)act
41.句意:它们为我们呼吸提供氧气。根据“oxygen for us ”可知树木为我们提供氧气,provide“提供”,动词,句子是一般现在时,主语是复数,动词用原形,故填(p)rovide。
42.句意:为了帮助树木健康生长,人们通常会好好照顾树洞。take care of“照顾”,为固定短语,故填(c)are。
43.句意:这些动物看起来很活泼。根据“They are like living or hiding there.”可知动物看上去很活泼。lively“活泼的”,形容词作表语,故填(l)ively。
44.句意:这些涂画对树木无害。根据“they cover the holes and stop the trees from losing water.”可知涂画对树木没有害处。harmful“有害的”,形容词作表语。故填(h)armful。
45.句意:事实上,它们覆盖了这些洞,阻止了树木的水分流失。此处是固定短语in fact“事实上”,符合语境,故填(f)act。
46.(t)able 47.(i)n/(i)nside 48.(s)how 49.(t)han 50.(l)eaving 51.(t)aste/(t)ry 52.(f)ree 53.(o)ff 54.(r)eady 55.(l)ittle
46.句意:每张桌子上都有一个小炉子。根据“…is a small stove(炉子).”及首字母提示可知,炉子应是放在桌上的,空处可填名词table“桌子”,由“each”可知此处用单数形式。故填(t)able。
47.句意:人们可以自己把烤串包在薄煎饼里,通常在煎饼里放一个大葱。根据“People can help themselves to wrap skewers(裹肉串)in a thin pancake…”可知前句说把烤串包在薄煎饼里,此处应指在煎饼里放葱,结合首字母提示可填in“在……里面”或inside“在里面”。故填(i)n/(i)nside。
48.句意:来自美团和大众点评的数据显示,五一五天期间,淄博的住宿预订量高于2019年。根据后文“…booking volume(预订量) for accommodation(住宿) in Zibo during the five-day May Day holiday is higher…that in 2019.”可知此处是显示美团和大众点评的数据,空处应填谓语动词show“显示”符合语境。故填(s)how。
49.句意:来自美团和大众点评的数据显示,五一五天期间,淄博的住宿预订量高于2019年。根据“higher…that in 2019”可知此处为比较级,空处可填than“比”。故填(t)han。
51.句意:通过淄博火车站到达和离开的人数已达到每天5万人。他们大多是来品尝(尝试)淄博烤肉的。根据“Most of them come to…Zibo barbecue.”及上下文描述可知,人们是去品尝淄博烧烤的,结合首字母提示可填taste“品尝”或try“尝试”,由“Most of them come to…”可知空处填动词原形即可。故填(t)aste/(t)ry。
52.句意:游客可以凭高铁票免费游览一些名胜古迹。根据“Visitors can visit some places of interest for…with their high-speed railway tickets(高铁票).”及首字母提示可推知,凭高铁票可以免费游览。for free意为“免费地”,故填(f)ree。
53.句意:还有新的公交线路,游客可以“上车休息,下车吃饭”。根据前半句“get on the bus to rest…”可知此处指的是下车,短语get off意为“下车”。故填(o)ff。
54.句意:志愿者们准备在火车站帮助来访者。根据“Volunteers are…to help”及句意可知,此处考查短语be ready to do sth“乐意做某事、准备做某事”,故填(r)eady。
55.句意:更重要的是,淄博烧烤很美味,而且花费很少。根据前文“What’s more, Zibo barbecue is delicious…”可推知淄博烧烤应是花费不多,空处填little“不多”符合语境,故填(l)ittle。
56.(p)rotect 57.(n)eighbor’s 58.(s)afe 59.(h)urt 60.(a)way 61.(a)bility 62.(e)nough 63.(t)hemselves 64.(i)mportant 65.(h)ero
【导语】 本文讲述了Sarah是一个爱见义勇为的人士。有一次在保护邻居的过程中虽然Sarah受到了坏人的攻击,但她依旧不忘初心,还开设课程帮助更多人。故事告诉我们,只要有勇气站出来,任何人都有可能成为英雄。
56.句意:Sarah是一位喜欢保护人们免受危险的勇敢女士。根据“Sarah was a very brave lady who liked to ... people from danger.”可知,此处说明Sarah会使他人免受危险。protect...from...表示“保护……免遭受……”,故填(p)rotect。
57.句意:有一天,她听到邻居家有人在大叫。根据下文“She saw a bad person hurting her neighbor and knew she had to act quickly ” 可知,邻居家有坏人闯入,因此叫声是从邻居的房子里传来的,因此需要填名词所有格。故填(n)eighbor’s。
58.句意:为了保护邻居的安全,Sarah把坏人推开了。根据“She saw a bad person hurting her neighbor and knew she had to act quickly ”和首字母“s”可知,Sarah快速行动是因为想确保邻居安全。故填(s)afe。
59.句意:但是那个坏人也伤害了Sarah。根据“She saw a bad person hurting her neighbor;But then the bad person ... Sarah, too. ”可知,坏人伤害了邻居,也伤害了Sarah,且故事发生在过去,要用一般过去时。故填(h)urt。
60.句意:幸运的是,Sarah可以脱身并帮助她的邻居。根据“ Luckily, Sarah could get ...and helped her neighbor ”可知,Sarah能帮助邻居是因为她摆脱了坏人的攻击。get away表示“抽身,逃离”,故填(a)way。
61.句意:她相信,只要有能力保护自己,任何人都可以像她一样勇敢。根据“ anyone could be brave like her if they had the ...to protect themselves.”和首字母“a”可知,自我保护是一种能让人们变勇敢的能力。故填(a)bility。
62.句意:Sarah认为仅仅勇敢是不够的。根据后文“So she started a self- defense (自卫) class ” 可知,Sarah还开了自我保护的课程,因此Sarah认为仅仅是勇敢还不够。故填(e)nough。
63.句意:因此,她开办了一个自卫班来帮助人们学习如何保护自己和他人。根据“So she started a self- defense (自卫) class to help people learn how to protect ...and others.”和首字母“ t ” 可知,Sarah开设这门课就是希望人们能够学会保护他们自己和他人。themselves“他们自己”。故填(t)hemselves。
64.句意:她知道远离危险是很重要的。根据“She knew that it was ...to get away from danger.”和首字母“ i ” 可知,Sarah知道摆脱危险的重要性。was是系动词,因此后面需要填形容词作表语,important“重要的”。故填(i)mportant。
65.句意:Sarah的故事告诉我们:如果他们坚持正确的事情并帮助别人,任何人都可以成为英雄。根据“Sarah’s story told us that anyone could be a ...if they stood up for what was right ”和首字母“ h” 可知,能坚持正确的事情和帮助他人的人可能成为一名英雄,hero“英雄”,a后跟单数名词。故填(h)ero。
66.(b)lind 67.(g)uide 68.(s)mart 69.(l)augh 70.(w)ithout 71.(l)argest 72.(i)mportant 73.(c)utting 74.(l)eave 75.(n)umber
66.句意:我是个盲人,什么也看不见。根据“can’t see anything”及首字母提示可知,这里指是个盲人,blind意为“失明的”,是形容词,在句中作定语,故填(b)lind。
67.句意:幸运的是,我有一个好朋友,我的导盲犬Puppy。根据“Puppy can do lots of things for me, for example, he can bark loudly to remind me if there’s something wrong”及首字母提示可知,此处指导盲犬,guide意为“向导”,名词作定语,故填(g)uide。
68.句意:Puppy也很聪明。根据“When I feel sad or worried, he is always the first one to know my feelings.”及首字母提示可知,这里指小狗很聪明,smart意为“聪明的”,是形容词,在句中作表语,故填(s)mart。
69.句意:然后,他会做很多有趣的事情,让我开怀大笑,再次感到放松。根据“When I feel sad or worried, he is always the first one to know my feelings.”及首字母提示可知,这里指会让我笑,laugh意为“笑”,make sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,故填(l)augh。
70.句意:没有他我活不下去。根据“Puppy is the best friend for me!”及首字母提示可知,这里指没有他活不下去,without意为“没有”,是介词,故填(w)ithout。
71.句意:南美洲的亚马逊雨林是世界上最大的雨林。根据“It covers five and a half million square kilometers of the Amazon Basin and spreads across nine countries.”及首字母提示可知,这里指世界上最大的雨林,large意为“大的”,形容词作定语,又因为定冠词the后应用最高级,故填(l)argest。
72.句意:亚马逊雨林非常重要,因为它是成千上万动物、鸟类和昆虫的家园。根据“because it is home to thousands of animals, birds and insects”及首字母提示可知,是指亚马逊雨林非常重要,important意为“重要的”,形容词在句中作表语,故填(i)mportant。
73.句意:然而,人们砍伐了许多树木,破坏了这个地区。根据“…down many of the trees”及首字母提示可知,这里指砍伐树木,cut down意为“砍伐”,介词by后跟动名词形式,故填(c)utting。
74.句意:许多生物因为森林砍伐而离开家园。根据“because of deforestation”及首字母提示可知,这里指离开家园,leave意为“离开”,该句为一般现在时,主语为“Many living things”,谓语动词用原形,故填(l)eave。
75.句意:因此,世界上动物、鸟类、昆虫和树木的种类正在减少。根据“…kinds of animals, birds, insects and trees in the world is decreasing”及首字母提示可知,这里指数量在减少,the number of意为“……的数量”,故填(n)umber。
76.(s)ightseeing 77.(e)xcellent 78.(f)amous 79.(f)orget 80.(p)erfect
76.句意:悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市之一,是一个观光的好地方。根据“it is a great place to go...”和首字母可知,此处是短语go sightseeing表示“去观光”。故填(s)ightseeing。
78.句意:天气温暖,阳光充足,悉尼以美丽的海滩而闻名。be famous for表示“因……而著名”,固定短语。故填(f)amous。
79.句意:所以如果你去悉尼旅行,别忘了去那里美丽的海滩。根据“don’t f...to visit the beautiful beaches there.”可知不要忘记去美丽的海滩。forget“忘记”;don’t后跟动词原形。故填(f)orget。
80.句意:想要看到悉尼最美的景色,悉尼塔是你的最佳选择。根据“It takes you to the highest point above Sydney, so you can have a 360 degree view of this beautiful harbour city.”可知想要悉尼最美的景色,悉尼塔是最好的选择。perfect“完美的”,形容词作定语。故填(p)erfect。
81.(w)ith 82.(w)hy 83.(f)avourite/(f)avorite 84.(o)ften 85.(m)akes 86.(h)im 87.(c)annot/(c)an’t 88.(d)ifficult 89.(l)ike 90.(g)oes
81.句意:他和他的妈妈住在深海里。根据“He lives in the deep ocean w...his mother.”可知,此处是live with短语,意为“和……住在一起”。故填(w)ith。
82.句意:你知道为什么吗?根据“Do you know w... Finbo is much bigger than all of his friends.”可知,此处在解释原因,why“为什么”符合语境。故填(w)hy。
83.句意:Finbo最喜欢的游戏是和他的朋友们玩“捉迷藏”。根据“Finbo’s f...game is playing ‘hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)’ with his friends.”可知,“捉迷藏”是Finbo最喜欢的游戏,favourite/favorite“最喜欢的”,作定语修饰game。故填(f)avourite/(f)avorite。
84.句意:他们经常在海里玩这个游戏。根据“They o...play this game in the ocean.”可知,他们经常在海里玩“捉迷藏”,often“经常”符合语境。故填(o)ften。
85.句意:但有一件事让Finbo一直感到不开心。根据“But one thing m...Finbo feel unhappy all the time.”和后文内容可知,有件事让Finbo感到不开心,make“让”,时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单。故填(m)akes。
86.句意:他的朋友能立刻找到他。根据“His friends can find h...at once.”可知,此处指Finbo,在动词后作宾语,用宾格him代替。故填(h)im。
87.句意:但是他不容易找到他的朋友们。根据“But he c...find his friends easily.”可知,Finbo不容易找到他的朋友们,cannot/can’t“不能”符合语境。故填(c)annot/(c)an’t。
88.句意:Finbo太大了,他的朋友们不难找到他。根据“Finbo is too big, and it is not d...for his friends to find him.”可知,Finbo太大了,所以他的朋友们不难找到他,difficult“困难的”,在句中作表语。故填(d)ifficult。
89.句意:他想像他的朋友们一样小。根据“He wants to be small l...his friends.”可知,他想像他的朋友们一样小,like“像”符合语境。故填(l)ike。
90.句意:最后,他不想玩游戏,去找他妈妈。根据“At last he doesn’t want to play the game and g...to his mother.”可知,Finbo去找妈妈了,go“去”,时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单。故填(g)oes。
91.(C)anada 92.(B)efore 93.(h)ospitals 94.(o)n 95.(s)how 96.(N)obody 97.(s)ad/(s)orry 98.(t)hem 99.(g)row 100.(o)wn
91.句意:在加拿大,你几乎每个家庭都有狗、猫、马等等。根据“Canadians love these pets and pets are their good friends.”可知是指加拿大,Canada“加拿大”,国名,故填(C)anada。
92.句意:在他们把它们养在家里之前,他们把它们带到动物医院给它们打针,这样它们就不会携带疾病。根据“they keep them at their houses, they take them to animal h...to give them needles(针)”可知加拿大人在把宠物带回家之前,会带它们去动物医院打针,before“在……之前”符合语境,故填(B)efore。
93.句意:在他们把它们养在家里之前,他们把它们带到动物医院给它们打针,这样它们就不会携带疾病。根据“give them needles(针)”可知打针要在医院,hospital“医院”,可数名词,此处应用复数表示泛指,故填(h)ospitals。
94.句意:有些人一个月在动物性食品上花费大约200加元。根据“Some people spend about two hundred Canadian dollars a month o...animal food.”可知此处是固定短语spend money on sth“在某物上花费金钱”。故填(o)n。
95.句意:当你拜访别人的家时,他们会很高兴给你看他们的宠物。根据“When you visit people’s homes, they would be glad to s...you their pets”可知加拿大人很喜欢把自己的宠物展示给别人看,show“展示”,动词,空前有不定式符号,动词用原形。故填(s)how。
96.句意:在这个国家,任何人都不允许杀死任何动物。根据“They have a law against killing wild animals.”可知没有人可以被允许杀死任何动物,nobody“没有人”符合语境。故填(N)obody。
97.句意:如果一只动物碰巧被汽车碾过,人们会为此感到非常难过。根据“If an animal happens to get run over by a car”结合加拿大人喜欢动物可知,如果被汽车碾过,他们肯定会难过,sad/sorry表示“难过的”。故填(s)ad/(s)orry。
98.句意:其中之一是:当孩子长大后,他们离开父母,开始自己的工作和生活。根据“People there have many reasons(理由) to like animals. One of”可知此空是代指许多理由,位于介词of后,应用宾格代词them,故填(t)hem。
99.句意:其中之一是:当孩子长大后,他们离开父母,开始自己的工作和生活。grow up“长大”,为固定短语,主语是复数,动词用原形。故填(g)row。
100.句意:其中之一是:当孩子长大后,他们离开父母,开始自己的工作和生活。根据“they leave their parents and start their o...work and life.”可知是指孩子开始自己的工作和生活,own“自己的”,故填(o)wn。
101.(i)nteresting 102.(n)atural 103.(b)uilding 104.(f)loors 105.(v)isit
101.句意:日月潭是台湾最有趣的地方之一。根据“one of the most”及“places”可知,空处应填形容词原级,结合句意及首字母可知,interesting“有趣的”符合语境。故填(i)nteresting。
103.句意:台北101是世界上第二高的建筑。根据 “the second highest”可知,空处应填单数名词,结合句意及首字母可知,building“建筑物”符合语境。故填(b)uilding。
105.句意:越来越多的人喜欢去台湾旅游,并且他们在那里玩得很开心。空处应填动词,结合句意及首字母可知,visit“参观,拜访”符合语境,like to do sth.“喜欢做某事”是固定用法。故填(v)isit。
106.(p)opular 107.(f)amilies 108.(a)s 109.(l)east 110.(m)embers 111.(h)ospitals 112.(d)ream 113.(l)ove/(l)ike 114.(f)riends 115.(b)ring
106.句意:在美国,养宠物是很流行的。根据“There are about 65 million pet dogs in the country.”可知该国约有6500万只宠物狗,结合首字母可知,应用popular表示“流行的”。故填(p)opular。
108.句意:大部分的人把狗作为宠物。根据“keep dogs … their pets”可知把狗……他们的宠物,结合首字母可知应用as表示“作为”。故填(a)s。
109.句意:似乎至少40%的美国家庭养宠物。短语at least表示“至少”。故填(l)east。
110.句意:他们觉得宠物是家庭的成员。根据“They think pets are m...of their family”可知将宠物当作家人,结合首字母可知,应用member表示“成员”,此处应用复数。故填(m)embers。
111.句意:当然,他们也有宠物的医院。根据“And being a vet…”可知成为一个兽医,结合首字母可知,应用hospital表示“医院”,此处应用复数。故填(h)ospitals。
112.句意:成为兽医是很多人的梦想。根据“And being a vet…”可知成为一个兽医,结合首字母可知,应用dream表示“梦想”。故填(d)ream。
113.句意:但是当你有宠物,你要确保爱宠物。短语be sure to do sth表示“确信做某事”,结合首字母可知,应用love或者like表示“喜爱”。故填(l)ove/(l)ike。
115.句意:如果你爱宠物,他们会给你带来很多乐趣。根据“much fun”可知是很多乐趣,结合首字母可知,应用bring表示“带来”,will后接动词原形。故填(b)ring。
116.(l)ive 117.(d)ifferent 118.(b)ecause 119.(f)riendly 120.(h)elp
116.句意:我住在金塞尔。根据“I...in Kinsale”及首字母可知,此处用live in“住在”,此句是一般现在时,主语是第一人称I,动词用原形,故填(l)ive。
117.句意:所以你可以在每家餐馆看到许多来自不同国家的人。根据“many people from...countries”及首字母可知,来自不同国家的人,different“不同的”,故填(d)ifferent。
118.句意:我的小镇非常美丽,因为它靠海。根据“it is by the sea”可知,空格后解释小镇很美丽的原因,用because引导原因状语从句,故填(b)ecause。
119.句意:我们镇上的人都很友好。根据下文“They can make friends with you.”可知,那里的人会与你交朋友,结合首字母,“People in my town are”应是表示人们很友好,friendly“友好的”,形容词作表语,故填(f)riendly。
120.句意:你有困难的时候可以找我帮忙。根据“You can ask me for”及首字母可知,此处指向我求助,ask for help“寻求帮助”,故填(h)elp。
121.water 122.over 123.meal 124.different 125.countries 126.quiet 127.also 128.center 129.buildings 130.speak
121.句意:扬州是一座水城。根据“There are many rivers here”可知扬州是一座水城。故填water。
122.句意:这里有很多河流,你可以在河流上看到很多桥。根据“There are many rivers here and you can see many bridges”可知桥在河流的上方。故填over。
123.句意:在那之后,你可以饱餐一顿。根据“There are many restaurants here”可知此处表达饱餐一顿,have a big meal“饱餐一顿”。故填meal。
124.句意:他们来自于不同的地区和国家。根据“There are many restaurants here”和首字母可知这些餐厅是来自于不同的地区。故填different。
125.句意:他们来自于不同的地区和国家。根据“There are many restaurants here. They are from…areas”可知他们来自于不同的地区,根据首字母可知此处应填countries。故填countries。
126.句意:图书馆又大又安静。根据“I think it’s a good place to read books”可知图书馆是读书的好地方,根据首字母可知此处应填quiet,表示“安静的”。故填quiet。
127.句意:扬州也是一座现代城市。根据“Yangzhou is … a modern city”可知句子结构完成,此空应填副词,根据“Yangzhou is a city of water”可知第二段介绍扬州一座水城,第三段介绍它也是一座现代城市。故填also。
128.句意:从市中心到扬州工业园做公交车只要20分钟。根据“from the city…to Yangzhou Industrial Park”可知此处表达市中心,其英文表达为city center。故填center。
129.句意:有很多高楼和大工厂。根据“tall”和首字母可知此处表达高楼,其英文表达为tall building,根据“lots of"可知此后跟名词复数。故填buildings。
130.句意:但是所有人说中文都说得很好,甚至一些方言他们也会。根据“from foreign”可知他们来自于外国;根据“But all of them can”可知此处表达他们都会说中文。故填speak。
131.(c)ity 132.(s)tands 133.(t)op 134.(c)entre/(c)enter 135.(w)orld’s 136.(l)ake 137.(s)hopping 138.(o)pen 139.(l)ocal 140.(r)estaurant
131.句意:这是一个古老的大城市。根据首字母提示及“Welcome to London!”可知,伦敦是一座城市,空前有an修饰,名词应用单数形式,故填(c)ity。
132.句意:它矗立在泰晤士河上方。根据“above the Thames River.”及首字母提示可知,伦敦眼矗立在泰晤士河上方,stand“矗立”,是动词,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式,故填(s)tands。
133.句意:从塔顶你可以看到整个伦敦。根据“You can see the whole London”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是top“顶部”,是名词,故填(t)op。
134.句意:这个公园在伦敦市中心。根据首字母提示及“This park is in the...of London.”可知,此处指的是“在……中心”,英语表达为in the centre/center of,故填(c)entre/(c)enter。
135.句意:它是世界上最著名的公园之一。根据“It is one of the...most famous parks.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“世界上最著名的公园”,此处应用名词所有格形式,故填(w)orld’s。
136.句意:里面有一个美丽的湖。根据“On it there are some swans (天鹅). You can go walking there.”及首字母提示可知,公园里有个湖,此处名词用单数形式,故填(l)ake。
137.句意:牛津街是你购物的好地方。根据“go shopping ”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是shopping“购物”,故填(s)hopping。
138.句意:大部分营业时间为上午10:00至下午7:00。根据“from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是open“开放的,营业的”,故填(o)pen。
139.句意:这是当地人的最爱。根据首字母提示及“people’s favourite. You can eat it in any fast food...”可知,此处指的是local“当地的”,是形容词作定语,故填(l)ocal。
140.句意:你可以在任何快餐店吃到它。根据“ You can eat it in any fast food”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是restaurant“餐馆”,此处名词用单数形式,故填(r)estaurant。
141.(c)apital 142.(v)isit 143.(b)est 144.(k)inds 145.(s)hopping 146.(c)enter/(c)entre 147.(l)ocal 148.(b)y 149.(u)nderground 150.(m)eet
141.句意:江苏省省会南京位于长江的南岸。根据“On the south bank of the Yangtze River lies Nanjing, the c...of Jiangsu Province.”可知,南京是江苏的省会,capital“省会”符合语境。故填(c)apital。
142.句意:作为中国最著名和历史悠久的城市之一,南京有许多精彩的地方可以参观,如夫子庙,秦淮河,玄武湖和中华门。根据“Nanjing has lots of wonderful places to v..., such as Confucius Temple, Qinhuai River, Xuanwu Lake and Zhonghua Gate.”可知,例举的都是可以参观的景点,visit“参观”符合语境。故填(v)isit。
143.句意:三月到五月是一年中最好的旅行时间。根据“March to May is the b...traveling time in a year.”可知,三月到五月是一年中最好的旅行时间,best“最好的”符合语境。故填(b)est。
144.句意:各种各样的花等着你去欣赏。根据“All k...of flowers are waiting for you to enjoy.”可知,此处是all kinds of短语,意为“各种各样的”。故填(k)inds。
145.句意:你喜欢购物吗?根据“Do you like to do some s... The main shopping streets...”可知,此处是do some shopping短语,意为“购物”。故填(s)hopping。
146.句意:南京的主要购物街包括市中心新街口附近的地区,北部的湖南路和南部的夫子庙地区。根据“the area near Xinjiekou in the city c...”可知,新街口在市中心,center/centre“中心”符合语境。故填(c)enter/(c)entre。
147.句意:如果你想尝试南京的当地美食,不要错过鸭血汤、盐水鸭和豆花。根据“If you want to try some l...food in Nanjing, don’t miss Duck Blood Soup, Salted Duck and Tofu pudding.”可知,介绍当地的美食,local“当地的”符合语境。故填(l)ocal。
148.句意:人们乘火车或飞机来南京很容易。根据“It’s easy for people to come to Nanjing b...train or plane.”可知,此处表示乘坐某种交通工具,by“乘坐”符合语境。故填(b)y。
149.句意:当你在城市里的时候,你可以乘地铁去大多数你想去的地方。根据“you can take an u...to most of the places you like to go”可知,在市内,可以乘坐地铁,underground“地铁”符合语境。故填(u)nderground。
150.句意:我们希望很快能见到你。根据“We hope to m...you soon.”可知,希望很快能见到你,meet“见面”,hope to do sth“希望做某事”。故填(m)eet。
151.(t)wo 152.(b)efore 153.(y)ourself 154.(s)ame 155.(f)ind 156.(r)oad 157.(w)est 158.(c)arefully 159.(s)trange 160.(t)oo
151.句意:参观奥兹国后,多萝西告诉她的两个伙伴关于巫师的事。根据“Dorothy told her t... buddies”可知,此处是指她的两个伙伴,two“两个”符合。故填(t)wo。
152.句意:所以在他帮助我们之前我们必须做什么?根据“So what must we do b... he will help us”可知,是指在他帮助我们之前,before“在……之前”。故填(b)efore。
153.句意:你需要自己去问他。by oneself“自行”,主语是You,反身代词用yourself“你自己”。故填(y)ourself。
154.句意:果然,他们从奥兹那里得到了同样的承诺。根据“they got the s... promise from OZ”可知,此处为same“相同的”,作定语。故填(s)ame。
155.句意:现在朋友们开始寻找西女巫。根据“In order to know more, Dorothy spoke to the Guardian of the Gates. ‘Can you tell me which r... leads to the West Witch ’”可知,他们开始寻找西女巫,find“寻找”,start to do sth“开始做某事”。故填(f)ind。
156.句意:你能告诉我哪一条路通往西女巫吗?根据“There is no road”可知,此处是road“路”,空格处用单数。故填(r)oad。
157.句意:我想你能做的最好的事就是继续向西走。根据“Can you tell me which ...leads to the West Witch”可知,此处是指继续向西走,west“西方”符合。故填(w)est。
158.句意:尽可能小心地做这件事。根据“Or the evil Witch may kill all of you.”可知,此处是指小心地做,carefully“小心地”,副词修饰动词。故填(c)arefully。
159.句意:当他们走的时候,一些奇怪的事情突然发生了。根据“Dorothy’s green silk dress became white.”可知,此处是指奇怪的事情,strange“奇怪的”,形容词作定语。故填(s)trange。
160.句意:令他们吃惊的是,土地也发生了变化。根据“Dorothy’s green silk dress became white. The ribbon around Toto’s neck also lost its green.”可知,此处是指土地也发生了变化,too“也”,用于肯定句末。故填(t)oo。
161.(s)ame 162.(l)ive 163.(e)asy 164.(t)housands 165.(h)as 166.(m)ight/(m)ay 167.(p)lace 168.(h)elp 169.(S)o 170.(n)ot
161.句意:动物园试图给动物提供自然的家园,但它们并不一样。根据“They travel many miles every day. They cannot do this in a zoo.”和常识可知,动物园提供的家园和野外不一样。the same“一样的……”。故填(s)ame。
162.句意:例如,大象、长颈鹿和斑马在野外成群结队地生活。根据“Elephants, giraffes, and zebras, for example, l...in large groups”可知,此处是指在野外成群结队地生活。live in表示“住在某地”,主语是复数,动词需用原形。故填(l)ive。
163.句意:通常,在动物园里给动物提供天然食物并不容易。根据“to give animals natural food in a zoo.”以及下文可知,给动物提供天然食物是不容易的。easy“容易的”,形容词作表语。故填(e)asy。
164.句意:在野外,土豚每天晚上吃掉成千上万的蚂蚁。根据“of ants”可知,此处是泛指数量多。thousands of意为“数以千计的”符合语境。故填(t)housands。
165.句意:在动物园里,土豚必须吃肉、蛋和水果。根据“In the zoo, an aardvark h...to eat meat, eggs and fruit.”可知,此处是指budebu可知,在此处是指不得不吃。has to“不得不”符合语境。故填(h)as。
166.句意:科学家发现动物园里的动物可能会和我们一样感到悲伤。根据“Scientists(科学家) find animals in zoos m...feel sad, just like us.”可知,此处是指动物也可能会感到悲伤。might/may表示“可能”,情态动词。故填(m)ight/(m)ay。
167.句意:有些动物长时间待在小地方会生病。根据“Some animals will get sick when they stay in a small p...for a long time.”和常识可知,动物园的动物只能在小地方。place“地方”,名词;冠词a后跟名词单数形式。故填(p)lace。
168.句意:有人说动物园很好,因为它们可以帮助濒危动物。根据“because they can h...endangered(濒危的)animals,”可知,此处是指动物园可以帮助濒危动物。help“帮助”,动词;情态动词后跟动词原形。故填(h)elp。
169.句意:所以人们应该让动物在野外生活。分析句子可知,“people should let animals live in the wild.”是“but it’s hard for animals to have babies in zoos.”的结果。故填(S)o。
170.句意:科学家应该研究野生动物,而不是动物园里的动物。根据“but that is not a good reason to keep animals in zoos. Animals should live in the wild(野外).”可知,作者认为科学家不应该研究动物园里的动物。not“不”。故填(n)ot。
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