
Telephone Message
From:Garrett To:Mr.Brown
The time
During Garrett's 25.
middle school year.
The matter
Garrett had a hard time 26.
At first Garrett thought it was because he'd been going to bed 27.
during the
The reason
summer vacation.
The fact
Garrett found himself 28.
awake in bed until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning.
The influence Garrett's 29.
became worse and worse.His teacher was 30.
with him.
E-mail him at Garrett007@,or call him at 638-4935.
A.as B.from C.also D.celebrate
E.and F.real
The images of Chinese dragons(loong in Chinese)appeared over 6,000 years ago.They
are not the images which have any similarity with dinosaurs,as well as are different 31.
western dragons.In fact,loong is not a 32.
creature.It was created
by ancient Chinese.Chinese combined the advantages of several animals
to create the images,like snakes,horses and so on.
Loong was always regarded 33.
a lucky animal by Chinese
people to bring a good year for people.Besides this,it was a symbol of power and royal
dignity in China.Only the emperors could put on the clothes with the images of loong.The答案:
63.The midday is one of the most exciting time for Ruoyun during weekdays.
64.The students turn their chairs into loungers at around 12:30
in the afternoon.
65.The "lying-down napping project"has been welcomed by parents and students
66.Napping on the desk will lead to/cause
the numbness in arms and legs according to
67.Do you think a good nap is good for our study Why or why not
Yes(,I do).Because we will be more energetic in the afternoon if we have a good nap.
Mary got good grades in this test.How
she was!
The 14th National People's Congress
in Beijing on March 5,2023.
I prefer movies like Never Say Never
our younger generation
something to think about.
Learn to express yourself honestly,and you will find it
easy to make friends.
As a junior high school student,it's
to follow the rules at school.听力材料:
1. M: How do you pass the time on the subway, Alice
W: I usually read books.
2. W: Look at the sign. Does it mean “No touching” or “No photos”
M: It means neither. It means “No littering”.
3. W: Hurry up, John. The movie will begin soon.
M: Don't worry. The movie will begin at twenty to eight.
4. M: I hear you visited the Summer Palace last Sunday.
W: Yes, we did. The cloudy weather was suitable for the trip.
5. M: Where did you go last weekend, Lily
W: I went to the sports center. I played tennis with my dad.
6. W: How many bananas do we need to make the fruit milk shake
M: Three is enough. I bought some yesterday.
7. How often do you go to the library
8. How far is it from your home to the zoo
9. What does your friend John look like
10. Could you carry the box for me, please
11. We will go to Wanfenglin National Scenic Spot this summer vacation.
12. Don't go swimming in the river.
13. M: Lucy, which do you like better, English or Chinese
W: I like English better than Chinese. But I think math is more interesting than both of them.
14. M: Why hasn't Jim arrived yet
W: Don't worry! The movie won't begin until 5:00 p.m. I'm sure he'll make it.
15. M: Excuse me, could you please tell me if there is a hospital near here
W: Yes. Walk along this road, and it's next to the bank on the right.
16. M: Lucy, Mr. Brown is leaving. Let's have a goodbye party for him.
W: Good idea! He is our favorite teacher and we will miss him.
17. M: I'm really excited that we will go back to school next Monday.
W: You took the words right out of my mouth!
18. W: Ben, is this bag yours
M: Yes, thank you, Alice. But the notebook is Amy's.
第四节听对话, 根据对话内容及问题, 选择最佳选项。(读两遍)
听下面一段对话, 回答第 19、20题。
M: Hey, Claire, where are you
W: I'm in a clothes shop. I'm looking for a new jacket.
M: Well, do you want to go to the cinema on Saturday
W: I'd love to, but I have to help my parents clean the house that day. Can we do this another day
M: Sure. Good luck with the shopping!
W: Thank you. Goodbye.
听下面一段对话, 回答第21、22题。
M: Hi, Sally. Welcome to Teen Talk. Today we will talk about dreams. What do you want to be in your future
W: I wanted to be a teacher when I was young, but now I dream to be a great reporter in the future.
M: Well, why is that
W: I think reporters can travel everywhere and have different experiences in life.
M: That's right. And what have you prepared for your dream
W: I go to the library four times a week. Besides, I host a class meeting to improve my ability of expression.
M: You're great. Hope your dream can come true.
W: Thank you very much.
听下面一段对话, 回答第23、24题。
M: Molly, there's a running race next month. Let's do it!
W: Oh, I'm busy that weekend. But you should do it, Jack.
M: But I'd like to do it with you.
W: Never mind. I can give you lots of advice.
M: OK then!
W: You should get some good training. And how much time have you got before the race
M: Six weeks.
W: You still have lots of time to train. I believe you.
M: OK, I will do it. Thank you.
第五节听短文, 完成表中所缺信息, 每空仅填一词。(读三遍)
(M)Hi, Mr. Brown, this is Garrett. I am calling to ask for your help. I had a hard time waking up during my second middle school year. At first I thought it was because I'd been going to bed late during the summer vacation. I was sure I could get used to my school timetable after a couple of weeks. But as the school year went by, I found myself lying awake in bed until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning, even though I got up at 6:30 a.m. every day. I began falling asleep in class and my grades became worse. The teacher was really angry with me. I am very worried about it. I really need your help. Would you please speak to me personally Please e-mail me at Garrett007@, or call me at 638-4935.



