
期 末 模 拟 卷 (一)
(时间:60分 满分:100分)
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分
1. A C 2. f 3. h j
4. M 5. R T
1.苹果 pple 2.狗 og 3.猫 at
4.书 ook 5.大象 lephant 6.足球 ootball
7.女孩 irl 8.长裤 tr users 9.绿色 reen
10. s hool
( )1. A. rice B. bike C. fish
( )2. A. tiger B. monkey C. blue
( )3. A. English B. swimming C. Music
( )4. A. milk B. apple C. pear
( )5. A. car B. ship C. favourite
( )1.星期一 A. Sunday B. Monday C. morning
( )2.购物 A. shopping B. work C. play
( )3.喜欢 A. ride B. play C. like
( )4.朋友 A. friend B. girl C. pupil
( )5.家 A. school B. work C. home
( )1. favourite toy is a kite.
A. I B. My B. Me
( )2.—Pass me the rice, please.
A. Here you are. B. Yes, I do. C. I like noodles.
( )3.—Do you like meat
A. Yes, I don't. B. No, I don't. C. Here you are.
( )4.—What’s this
—It is orange.
A. an B. a C.\
( )5. —
—It's the ABC song.
A. What's your favourite letter
B. What's your favourite song
C. Hi, the ABC song!
( )1. The cat likes fish. A.
( )2. That tiger is thin. B.
( )3. The basketball is small. C.
( )4. I don’t like noodles. D.
( )5. This panda is fat. E.
( )1. Do you like apples a. It's a tiger.
( )2. Does Tom like meat b. I like pandas.
( )3. What's this c. No, she doesn't.
( )4. Does Amy like cats d. Yes, I do.
( )5. What do you like e. Yes, he does.
( )6. Pass me the rice, please f. It's half past eight.
( )7. What are they g. It's the ABC song.
( )8. What's the time, please h. Here you are.
( )9. What's your favourite song i. They're lions.
( )10. How many boys j. Twelve boys.
( )1.当你询问别人身体状况时,你应说:
A. Hello. B. How are you
( )2.当你要询问别人是不是喜欢苹果时,你应说:
A. Do you like apples B. I like apples.
( )3.当别人送给你东西时,你应说:
A. Here you are. B. Thank you.
( )4.想请别人坐下时,你应说:
A. Stand up, please! B. Sit down, please!
( )5.在餐桌上想让别人帮你传过来米饭,应该说:
A. Here are you. B. Please pass me the rice.
九、把下列句子翻译成汉语。(15 分)
1. Does Tom go to school on Mondays
2. Do you like fish
3. I don't like riding my bike.
4. That monkey is big and fat.
5. My favourite colour is yellow.



