
请考生将选择题答案用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上:其他试题用 05 毫米的黑色签字笔将答案书写在答题卡上,答在本试卷上一律无效。
1.—Yesterday I bought two tickets ____ the movie Avatar on my way ____ home. It'll be on tomorrow. Will you go with me
A.to; to B./; to C./; / D.to;/
2.They are having a skating competition ____ money for charity(慈善).
A.to raise B.raise C.raised D.raising
3.Thanks for ____ us so much. We can't finish our work on time without you.
A.helps B.helping C.helped D.help
4.—How do you like the dish
—It ____ nice and ____ delicious.
A.look; tastes B.tastes; smells
C.looks; eats D.smells; tastes
5.Now please put some oil in the pan and fry the meat ___________.
A.gentle B.careful C.finely D.lightly
6.He drove too fast last night. ____, he hit the wall.
A.Such as B.As a result C.As soon as D.In fact
7.—Do you have any sisters
—Yes, I have an ____ sister. I am 3 years younger than her.
A.old B.older C.oldest D.elder
8.Please dry these clothes.
A.clean B.cleaning C.cleaned D.to clean
9.What did she say
A.other B.things C.else D.others
10.—My brother wants to be an Olympic champion in the future.
—I hope his dream will ____.
A.come back B.come true C.get along D.work on
11.What do you think ________
A.we should do B.should we do
C.we should go D.should we go
12.Do you know he is a teacher or not
A.if B.whether C.that D.what
13.Linda is ____ of speaking in front of many people.
A.sad B.good C.glad D.afraid
14.—Why do you get angry, dear
—____ David broke my sunglasses.
A.If B.As soon as C.After D.Because
15.He is a man.
A.short-neck B.short-necked C.short neck D.short necked
从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(每小题1.5分,满分 15 分)
Unlike many of my friends, I didn't take any training lessons or hobby classes during this summer vacation. I had a really good 16. .
This vacation, I got used to staying in a 17. coffee shop, listening to an English song and enjoying a cup of tea. I liked wind to blow over my ears, to bathe(沐浴) in the sunshine with my 18. closed. I liked to dream and think about things. I thought I had already grown up, but the idea 19. because a book said: Only the one who is able to think for himself can be considered an adult. I didn't fit the description so I am still like a child 20. my way in the dark.
This vacation, I had a deeper understanding of life and death. The death is waiting for us at the 21. of our life. But during our lifetime, we can make our life different and meaningful(有意义的). I also learned to live and work alone. Now I can take care of myself and in the future I am able to live 22. my own. As for me, this vacation was the 23. unforgettable one because I learned so much and understood a lot.
Time passes by as usual, and 24. is able to stop it. 25. I get a sense of pressure because the new school term is in only five days, I still can't wait to meet my old friends and teachers. Hope I can have fun in the new term, too.
16.A.look B.test C.grade D.rest
17.A.noisy B.quiet C.cheap D.expensive
18.A.doors B.windows C.eyes D.ears
19.A.changed B.passed C.raised D.continued
20.A.looking for B.looking after C.giving up D.giving out
21.A.beginning B.middle C.back D.end
22.A.on B.in C.for D.with
23.A.most B.more C.least D.less
24.A.anything B.nothing C.everything D.something
25.A.Because B.So C.Although D.Unless
第一节 阅读下面A、B、C、D四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。
Anna posted 15-05 10:30 I'm worried about my friend Jolin. She wants to be a model and she's thin, but she thinks she's fat. She always eats very little. She's getting too thin, but whenever I talk to her about this, she gets angry. How can I help her
Peter posted 15-05 15:00 I went out with a group of friends yesterday. We saw a lady lying in the street. She looked very sick. My friends made jokes about her and laughed. Though I wanted to help her, my friends told me not to. It was terrible of them to laugh at her, and I regret (后悔) not saying anything. I feel sorry of myself. What should I do in this situation
Simon posted 15-05 19:10 I've just started wearing braces (牙箍), but I dislike them. I don't see any advantage in wearing them. I feel terrible when I smile or open my mouth. The braces hurt my teeth, and it's difficult for me to eat. I feel it was a mistake for my mother to make me wear these ugly braces. What do you advise
Julie posted 15-05 22:03 I have to share a room with my seven-year-old sister, and she is driving me mad! She has a habit of playing the piano when I'm studying, and she always takes my things without telling me. I try to keep the room tidy, but she always makes a mess. I love my sister, but sometimes I can't stand her! What should I do
26.What does the underlined word "this" refer to
A.Jolin's schoolwork. B.Jolin's health.
C.Jolin's dream. D.Jolin's feeling.
27.Why did Peter feel sorry of himself
①He didn't have fun with his friends. ②He didn't do what his friends asked.
③He didn't follow his heart to help the sick lady. ④He didn't stop his friends laughing at the sick lady.
A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②④
28.Why does Simon wear braces
A.Because his mother made him do it.
B.Because his friends wear braces too.
C.Because it could make eating easier.
D.Because they make him very special.
29.Which of the following may Julie say to her sister
A."Let's go to bed early and get up early!"
B."You can take away whatever you like!"
C."What a beautiful piano piece you play!"
D."Please put away things after using them!"
30.What do we know from the text
A.Anna and Simon posted problems in the morning.
B.The text is from a science magazine for teenagers.
C.Linda may be a teacher who gives help to students.
D.Both Anna and Julie can't get along with their family.
Once upon a time, a great hero, Da Yu, cut a mountain with his magic sword(剑) and made a way. It was called the Dragon Gate, a place with magic. The Yellow River ran through it.
Every spring, water ran from the top of the mountain into the river. The water made great waves(浪) and big noises. The sound scared all the animals on the mountain.
The carp(鲤鱼) in the river were not afraid. They were small but brave. They jumped over the waves toward the Dragon Gate. They dreamed of making their way to the Dragon Gate. There, a miracle waited for them.
The carp began to jump, but one after another they began to fall. They tried but couldn't get to the Dragon Gate.
Soon there was just one little golden carp left, keeping jumping. He jumped higher and higher. He jumped over the highest wave. Finally, he jumped across to a cloud! He had made it to the Dragon Gate! He could see colorful clouds. He could see the sky. It was beautiful!
Then the little carp felt strange. He looked back at his tail. It grew and sparked(冒火花) and it was on fire! Suddenly, it began to rain heavily. The rain put out the fire on the carp's tail.
The little carp looked back again. His fish tail was gone. His body had changed. Golden scales(鳞) covered his body. He was not a fish anymore!
The little carp had turned into a golden dragon! He was made of magic! It was a miracle!
31.What can we learn about The Dragon Gate
A.Hou Yi made it with his sword.
B.It was a good place full of magic.
C.The Yangtze River ran through it.
D.It was at the foot of the mountain.
32.What does the underlined word "miracle" mean in Paragraph Three
A.神仙 B.侠客 C.神龙 D.奇迹
33.Which is true according to the text
A.Only the little golden carp was good at jumping.
B.The little carp knew a lot about the Dragon Gate.
C.It's difficult for the carp to get to the Dragon Gate.
D.Most carp succeeded in reaching the Dragon Gate.
34.What happened to the little carp after getting to the Dragon Gate
A.It learned to rain. B.It became a dragon.
C.Its body was on fire. D.Its tail stopped growing.
35.What does the text tell us
A.All roads lead to Rome.
B.Many hands make light work.
C.A good medicine tastes terrible.
D.Where there is a will, there is a way.
the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, one island stands alone. It is near
Antarctica. But it is far away that people had difficulty finding it. At about
6.4 km long, the island is covered in glaciers (冰川).
It is home to an inactive volcano(死火山)and huge amounts
of ice. The sharp and high rocks around the island make sea landings almost
impossible. This is Bouvet Island, the loneliest island in the world.
French man found out Bouvet Island in 1739, but the island was so difficult to
reach that nobody set foot on it for nearly a hundred years. No people live on
Bouvet Island, and few plants grow there. Seals (海狮)
come and go, but they haven't seen people since the government didn't allow
people to catch seals and whales in the area any more. The island is cold all
year round, with an average (平均的) temperature of
recent years, Bouvet Island has been known a little more by the world. Norway,
which claimed (宣称拥有)the island in 1928, set
up an unmanned weather station there in 1977. Today, this quiet island near the
South Pole sends weather data to a satellite (卫星),
which passes the information to researchers in Norway. Scientists learn more
every day about the island and its environment. Anyhow, Bouvet Island stands
strong and silent in the cold weather condition.
36.What is Bouvet Island like
A.It's lonely and icy. B.It is full of volcanoes.
C.It's about 4.6 km long. D.It's far from Antarctica.
37.When might humans first arrive on the island
A.In 1739. B.In 1822. C.In 1928. D.In 1977.
38.What can we learn from the text
A.Bouvet Island is close to the North Pole.
B.There are many plants in the Bouvet island.
C.Bouvet Island belongs to the United States.
D.Catching whales isn't allowed in the island.
39.What is the topic of the text mainly about
A.Sports and health. B.Music and art.
C.Problems and advice. D.Geography and nature.
40.What's the best title of the text
A.The Loneliest Island B.The Best Weather Station
C.The Newest Research D.The Hardest Weather Condition
Should Students Wear
schools have a rule that students must wear uniforms to class. According to the
National Center for Education Statistics, uniforms are required (要求) at about 22% of U.S. public schools. Many schools say uniforms
make it easier for students to focus in class. But some students think uniforms
are uncomfortable and that kids should have the freedom to express themselves
through their clothing. Should students be allowed to wear what they want TIME for Kids did a research among their
readers. Here two of them share their opinions.
YES! by Yuna Chong, 9,
from California
are as much about safety as they are about inclusion (包含). Teachers don't worry about losing sight of students at the
playground or on a field trip. Also, when kids wear uniforms, both the older
and younger students feel like they are part of the same group. I wear a
uniform and feel like my school is one big team. I feel included.
think it is harder to bully someone about his or her clothes if you are all
wearing the same thing. When everyone is dressed the same, you don't have to
worry about how you look or about wearing the latest style. Parents can also save
money! And in the morning I can save time because I don't have to choose what
kind of clothes I should wear.
NO! by Emerson
Sperling, 12, from New York
don't think kids should have to wear a uniform. If students are wearing the
exact same thing, they can't express themselves. Kids should feel like they can
be their own person.
school hours, we should also be comfortable. If we're in scratchy shirts and
uncomfortable dress, we're not going to focus very well. I know that the
teachers don't want us to focus on anyone else's clothing, but it's still
uncomfortable to be in a uniform all day.
41.How many public schools in the U.S. ask students to wear uniforms
A.About 9%. B.About 22%. C.About 12%. D.About 15%.
42.Which is not true according to Yuna Chong
A.The students may think they are part of the same group when wearing uniforms.
B.The students don't have to worry about how they look when wearing uniforms.
C.The students can save time in the morning when wearing uniforms.
D.The students may feel uncomfortable when wearing uniforms.
43.Who are Yuna Chong and Emerson Sperling
A.The students from New York.
B.The parents of the students.
C.The readers of Time for Kids.
D.The writers of Education Statistics.
44.Which one has the similar meaning of the underlined phrases in the second paragraph
A.be not able to see students B.be not able to help students
C.be not able to play with students D.be not able to care for students
45.What's the purpose (目的) of writing this article
A.To ask students to wear uniforms at school.
B.To show different opinions about wearing uniforms.
C.To show the importance of wearing uniforms.
D.To ask students to express themselves.
第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中逸出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(每小题2分,满分10分)
Every year in Australia, the greatest long-distance runners race more than 500 miles (805 km) from Sydney to Melbourne.  46.   It makes many world-class professional runners interested in, who have become spokespeople for sports shoes and sports drinks.
In 1983, however, as the competitors lined up to race, they were joined by a 61-year-old farmer. His name was Cliff Young. The other runners mistook him a spectator(观众).  47.   He explained that on his family's sheep farm, he often had to round up 2,000 or so animals by himself. "Sometimes I had to run after those sheep for two or three days," he said.
 48.   Instead of chasing after them, Cliff shuffled(拖着脚走) along in an unusual way. The other runners and the spectators thought he would never finish the race. But something happened. When all the other runners took a break to sleep, Cliff kept running. The other runners caught up to him each morning, but finally Cliff was too far ahead to be passed.  49.  
Cliff received $10,000 for winning the race. He said he did not realize there would be prize money, and he shared the money with other runners.  50.   Since then, many runners have used his shuffling stride(快步走). No one sleeps during the race anymore, either. The farmer changed long-distance racing and proved that age and style aren't everything.
A. Cliff told them that he was there to race.
B. Doing this made him a hero in Australia.
C. The race takes more than five days to complete.
D. When the race began, the younger runners flew past Cliff.
E. On the fifth day, the sheep farmer shuffled into first place.
四、情景交际 根据情景提示,完成下列各题(每小题2分,分10分)
buy old help for thing of be share they own
In America, parents want their children to do something they can. For example, they want them to know how to use money.
When the children     still very young, parents begin telling them the kinds of money. When the children become a little    , parents teach them to keep money for   future. If children want to buy something, they can use their   money. Parents will tell them what they should buy or what they shouldn't    .
When children use the money, parents often tell them to    with others. In this way, children can learn to be    . Parents also teach children to make a plan for using money. It is good   them.
In America, people often sell some of their old    . So the children often put the old toys in front     their houses. If people buy them, the children can get some money. Some children help others wash cars or sell newspapers to get money.
五、52 短文填词(共10题,每小题1分,共10分)
One day
when Picasso was walking along a road, a woman passed by and saw him. She ran
to Picasso for a painting as a gift. Picasso smiled and said    (polite), "I'm sorry, Madam. I have
nothing to paint. I am    / empti/ handed here. I may make you a painting some other time."
the woman didn't give up. She    (keep)
on, "Please, I am a big fan of you and I want to meet you for years."
Hearing this, Picasso was moved and then took out a small     of
paper and a pen, and began to draw something. Within 10 seconds, Picasso
finished    (draw)
and handed it to the woman, "Take this! It's a million-dollar painting."
But the woman thought Picasso was just playing a joke on her. How
could it be    /w θ/ a million dollars just in 10 seconds So she went to the market
and was  (surprise)
to learn that it was true.
meeting Picasso again, she wished she could be his student. She said, "Please
teach me so that I can do the same thing     such a short time."
smiled and said, "Dear, the drawing I made was not in 10 seconds     my
thirty-year efforts towards the arts!" The woman was speechless.
We fix our eyes on others'  /s k ses/ more often than the hard work and patience behind it. If we want
to reach it, we need experience and struggle(奋斗).
Work hard and you can a    your dream in the future.
Many t    from all over the world came to visit Ciqikou during May Day
55.Deng Ziqi has a good
v    and she sings very well.
It's midnight, but I can't fall asleep. I'm still a   .
57.It is s    of you to believe what he said.
He was just cheating you!
微笑绽放多彩郑州,志愿倾情魅力河南。在过去的一年中,有太多的志愿者在郑州这片土地上诠释着生命的价值!某英文网站发起了以"我的志愿者经历"为主题的活动,请你以"My volunteer experience"为题目进行投稿,记录下你的一次志愿者经历吧。
My volunteer experience
【解析】【分析】句意:—昨天,我在回家的路上买了两张电影《阿凡达》的票,是明天的,你要和我一起去吗?—当然。the ticket to…,……的票;on one's way to...去……的路上,home为副词,故不用to。故答案为D。
【解析】【分析】句意:他们在举行滑冰比赛为慈善募捐。短语:raise money募捐,此处表示目的,故用不定式,故答案为A。
【解析】【分析】句意:他昨晚开车太快了,因此,他撞到了墙上。such as例如;as a result结果是;因此;as soon as一……就;in fact实际上。根据句意,故答案为B。
【解析】【分析】句意:请干洗这些衣服。please后跟动词原形;短语:dry clean干洗。故答案为A。
【解析】【分析】句意:她还说了什么?what else别的什么。else跟在疑问词或不定代词后,意思是“别的……”。other后跟复数名词;things放在what后面属于冗余结构;others别人。故答案为C。
【解析】【分析】句意:—我哥哥将来想当奥运会冠军。—我希望他的梦想会实现。come back回来;come true实现;get along进展;work on从事。根据句意,故答案为B。
【解析】【分析】句意:你知道他是不是一个老师?由句末的or not可知考查whether……or not结构。其他均不与or not连用。故答案为B。
【点评】考查宾语从句的引导词,牢记固定搭配whether……or not。
【解析】【分析】句意:琳达害怕在许多人前讲话。be afraid of…意为“害怕做某事”。sad伤心的;good好的;glad高兴的;afraid害怕的。根据句意可知答案为D。
【解析】【分析】—你为什么这么生气,亲爱的?—因为大卫把我的墨镜打破了。if如果;as soon as一……就;after在……后;because因为。根据句意可知,why的回答用because。故答案为D。
16.句意:我有一次真正好的休息。A. 表情,B. 考试,C. 分数,D. 休息。上文提到他假期不用上课,所以可以好好休息一下,故选D。
17.句意:这个假期我习惯于待在一个安静的咖啡店里,听着英文歌,享受一杯茶。A. 吵闹的,B. 安静的,C. 便宜的,D. 贵的。作者在这里听歌,喝茶,沐浴阳光,由此可知这是一个安静的咖啡店。故选B。
18.句意:我喜欢风吹过我的耳朵,闭着眼睛沐浴阳光。A. 门,B. 窗户,C. 眼睛,D. 耳朵。作者很享受地待在咖啡馆里,所以应该是闭着眼睛。故选C。
19.句意:我原来觉得我已经长大了,但是这个想法改变了,因为一本书曾经说过,只有能够独立思考的人才算是成年人。A. 改变,B. 通过,C. 升起,D. 继续。 I thought I had already grown up, 这是我原来的想法,由句中的but可知这个想法改变了,故选A。
20.句意:我不符合这个描述,所以我依旧像个孩子一样,在黑暗中寻找我的路。作者在思考如何成为一个成年人,就像在黑暗中寻找一条路一样。A. 寻找,B. 照顾,C. 放弃,D. 分发。故选A。
21.句意:死亡在生命的尽头等着我们。A. 开始,B. 中间,C. 后面,D. 结尾。因为生命的尽头是死亡,故选D。
22.句意:现在我可以照顾自己,将来我也可以靠自己生活。A. 在......上,B. 在......里,C. 为了,D. 带着。此处用到固定短语,on my own ,靠我自己,故选A。
23.句意:对我来说,这个假期是最难忘的一个假期,因为学到了很多,懂得了很多。根据句意及空格前的the可知,此处应用最高级, unforgettable的最高级是前面加most,故选A。
25.句意:尽管我有种压力,因为离新学期只有五天了,我仍然等不及见老朋友和老师。A. 因为,B. 因此,C. 尽管,D. 除非。根据句意可知,此处是让步状语从句,应用although来引导。故选C。
26.推理判断题。根据I'm worried about my friend Jolin."和"She's getting too thin, but whenever I talk to her about this, she gets angry.可知,Anna很担心她的朋友Jolin的健康,因为她越来越瘦,每当和她谈论这个,她都会生气。由此可以推断出划线单词指的是"Jolin的健康"。故选B。
27.细节理解题。根据My friends made jokes about her and laughed. Though I wanted to help her, my friends told me not to. It was terrible of them to laugh at her, and I regret(后悔)not saying anything.可知,Peter很后悔没能阻止朋友们嘲笑这个生病的女士,也没有按照自己的内心去帮助这位女士,即选③④。故选B。
28.细节理解题。根据I feel it was a mistake for my mother to make me wear these ugly braces.可知,牙箍是妈妈让他戴上的。故选A。
29.推理判断题。根据I try to keep the room tidy, but she always makes a mess.可知,她的妹妹总是将房间弄得很乱,由此可推断出,Julie可能对她妹妹说"请在使用它们之后整理好"。故选D。
30.推理判断题。根据页面标题Aunt Linda's advice page和每个表格中最后一句How can I help her What should I do in this situation What do you advise What should I do "可推测出琳达可能是一位给学生帮助的老师。故选C。
31.细节理解题。根据It was called the Dragon Gate, a place with magic.可知,龙门,是一个充满了魔法的地方。故选B。
32.词句猜测题。根据There, a miracle waited for them.和It was called the Dragon Gate, a place with magic.以及The little carp had turned into a golden dragon! He was made of magic! It was a miracle!可知,龙门是一个充满了魔法的地方,小鲤鱼越过龙门之后变成了一条金龙,这真的是一个奇迹,miracle的含义为"奇迹"。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据They tried but couldn't get to the Dragon Gate.可知,鲤鱼很难越过龙门。故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据The little carp had turned into a golden dragon!可知,鲤鱼变成了龙。故选B。
36.细节理解题。根据文中语句one island stands alone. It is near Antarctica. But it is far away that people had difficulty finding it. At about 6.4 km long, the island is covered in glaciers (冰川). It is home to an inactive volcano(死火山)and huge amounts of ice. 可知布韦岛很孤独,而且有大量的冰。故选A。
37.推理判断题。根据文中语句A French man found out Bouvet Island in 1739, but the island was so difficult to reach that nobody set foot on it for nearly a hundred years. 可知一个法国人在 1739 年发现了布韦岛,但该岛非常难以到达,以至于近一百年来没有人踏上它,由此可推至可能在1822年有人踏上布韦岛。故选B。
38.细节理解题。根据语句the government didn't allow people to catch seals and whales in the area any more可知政府不允许人们在该地区捕捉海豹和鲸鱼。故选D。
39.主旨大意题。根据文中语句This is Bouvet Island, the loneliest island in the world."以及全文内容可知本文主要讲述了世界上最孤独的岛屿——布韦岛,所以话题是地理和自然。故选D。
40.最佳标题题。根据" This is Bouvet Island, the loneliest island in the world."以及全文内容可知本文主要讲述了世界上最孤独的岛屿——布韦岛,故选A。
41.细节理解题。根据"uniforms are required(要求)at about 22% of U.S. public schools"可知,大约22%的美国公立学校要求学生穿校服。故选B。
42.细节理解题。根据"but it's still uncomfortable to be in a uniform all day"可知,是Emerson认为穿制服不舒服,这不是Yuna的观点。故选D。
43.细节理解题。根据"TIME for Kids did a research among their readers. Here two of them share their opinions."可知,他们都是《儿童时代》的读者。故选C。
44.词义猜测题。根据"Teachers don't worry about losing sight of students at the playground or on a field trip"可知,如果学生们穿着制服,老师不用担心看不到他们,所以划线部分与be not able to see students同义。故选A。
45.主旨大意题。根据"Here two of them share their opinions"可知,本文主要分享了两种对于穿校服的不同观点。故选B。
A. Cliff told them that he was there to race.克利夫告诉他们他是来比赛的。
B. Doing this made him a hero in Australia.这样做使他成为澳大利亚的英雄。
C. The race takes more than five days to complete.比赛需要五天多的时间才能完成。
D. When the race began, the younger runners flew past Cliff.比赛开始时,年轻的选手们飞过悬崖。
E. On the fifth day, the sheep farmer shuffled into first place.第五天,养羊的农民慢慢地排在第一位。
46.根据语句Every year in Australia, the greatest long-distance runners race more than 500 miles (805 km) from Sydney to Melbourne. 可知,此处介绍的是长跑的基本情况;选项 The race takes more than five days to complete.符合语境,故选C。
47.根据语句The other runners mistook him a spectator(观众).可知,Cliff不是观众,而是赛跑者;选项Cliff told them that he was there to race.符合语境,故选A。
48.根据语句Instead of chasing after them, Cliff shuffled(拖着脚走) along in an unusual way.可知,Cliff跟在其他赛跑者的后面,选项When the race began, the younger runners flew past Cliff.符合语境,故选D。
49.根据语句The other runners caught up to him each morning, but finally Cliff was too far ahead to be passed可知,Cliff最后超越了其他人,选项On the fifth day, the sheep farmer shuffled into first place.符合语境,故选E。
50.根据语句Since then, many runners have used his shuffling stride(快步走). No one sleeps during the race anymore, either. The farmer changed long-distance racing and proved that age and style aren't everything.可知,Cliff改变了长跑比赛,所以成为了一个英雄,选项Doing this made him a hero in Australia.符合语境,故选B。
【解析】【分析】文章大意: 本文主要讲述了美国人从小就开始培养孩子的金钱观念,让他们认识金钱的价值,学会花钱的方式,以及做人的道理,培养孩子独立生活的能力。
(1)句意:当孩子们仍然还非常小时,父母开始告诉他们钱的种类。分析句子成分,主语是the children,young是形容词,因此这里缺少be动词,主语是复数,be动词要用are,故答案为are。
(2)句意:当孩子们变得更大点,父母们教他们为他们的未来保留钱。空格前有系动词become,因此这里要用形容词作表语,再结合句意可知这里说的是“长大一点”,用old,a little后要用比较级,故答案为older。
(3)句意:当孩子们变得更大点,父母们教他们为他们的未来保留钱。空格后的future是名词,因此其前要用形容词性物主代词,由parents teach them to keep money可知这里说的是“为他们的未来存钱”,他们的,their,故答案为their。
(4)句意:如果孩子们想买一些东西他们能用他们自己的钱。由上文parents teach them to keep money for3future.可知这里要说的是“用自己的钱买东西”,自己的,own,故答案为own。
(5)句意:父母将会告诉孩子们他们应该买什么和不该买什么。由what they should buy可知这里要说的是“不应该买什么”,买,buy,故答案为buy。
(6)句意:当孩子们使用钱时,父母经常告诉他们要和他人分享。由句意可知这里说的是“和他人分享”,与……分享,share with,固定搭配,故答案为share。
(8)句意:这对他们有利。be good for,对……有利,固定搭配,故答案为for。
(9)句意:在美国,人们总是卖他们的一些旧东西。空格前的old是形容词,因此要修饰名词,再由old toys可知应是说“旧物品”,用thing,空格前有some修饰,因此thing要用复数形式,故答案为things。
(10)句意:因此孩子们经常将旧玩具放他们房子前。in front of,在……前面,固定搭配,故答案为of。
2.句意:我两手空空。根据空格后音标 / empti/ 可知,空格处单词为empty,故答案为empty。
3.句意:她继续说道。keep,坚持,继续,动词。根据上文 However, the woman didn't give up. 可知,动词时态为一般过去时,keep过去时为kept,故答案为kept。
4.句意:听到这些后,毕加索被感到了,然后拿出一张纸和一支笔开始画。根据空格后内容 of paper 纸,应该用a piece of 来修饰,意为一张纸,故答案为piece。
5.句意:在10秒钟内,毕加索完成了绘画并把它交给了这位女士。draw,花花,动词。finish doing sth.完成做某事,固定结构,故答案为drawing。
6.句意:仅在10秒内就完成了这幅画怎么可能值一百万美元。根据空格后音标 /w θ/ 可知,该单词为worth,故答案为worth。
7.句意:因此他去了市场惊讶地发现那是真的。 surprise,使……吃惊,动词。be surprised to do sth. 做某事感到惊讶,固定结构,故答案为surprised。
8.句意:请教给我,以便我能在如此短的时间内做到同样的事情。根据上文 Picasso smiled and said, "Dear, the drawing I made was not in 10 seconds 可知,在如此短的时间内应该用介词Within或者in。故答案为in/within 。
9.句意:毕加索笑着说“亲爱的,我画的画不是在十秒钟内完成的,而是靠我30年在艺术方面的努力”根据空格前Dear, the drawing I made was not in 10 seconds和空格后my thirty-year efforts towards the arts! 内容可知,前后表示转折关系,应该用but连接,故答案为but。
10.句意:我们把眼光更多地放在别人的成功上而不是成功背后的努力工作与耐心。根据空格后音标 /s k ses/可知,此处单词为success,成功,名词,故答案为success。
【解析】【分析】句意:努力工作,你就能在未来实现你的梦想。can后跟情态动词,根据语境可知这里是“实现”(梦想),achieve one's dream,实现梦想,故答案为achieve。
【解析】【分析】句意:邓紫棋有一副好嗓子,唱得非常好。根据 she sings very well.可知她有一副好嗓子,voice,嗓音,声音,根据a,可知用单数形式,故答案为voice。
【解析】【分析】句意:午夜了,但我睡不着。我还醒着。根据 I can't fall asleep. 可知是我还醒着,be awake,醒着的,故答案为awake。
【解析】【分析】句意:你真愚蠢,竟然相信了他的话。他只是在欺骗你!固定句式:It's +adj+of sb to do sth,某人做某事是……的;根据句意可知应是表示愚蠢的词,stupid/silly愚蠢的,故答案填stupid/silly。
【点评】考查单词拼写,掌握固定句式:It's +adj+of sb to do sth,某人做某事是……的。
七.【答案】My volunteer experience
As a volunteer, I can not only help people in need, but also I can learn a lot from my experience. That is why I enjoy being a volunteer.
I still remember my experience of being a volunteer last year. At that time, I had to stay at home because of COVID-19. I joined a group to help the neighbors throw out their rubbish. Every morning, I needed to get up very early, wear a mask and collect the rubbish from door to door. At first, I found it hard to get up early. It was very tiring, but I did it for one month. I got a thank-you letter from the neighbors in the end.
In a word, I feel proud of being a volunteer, which means I am able to offer help. What's more, I am also thankful to the people who have helped me.
【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文写作,以My volunteer experience为题目,写一篇短文关于志愿服务经历,内容要包括你做了什么样的志愿者活动,为什么要那样做,注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。本文是描述自己的志愿服务经历,所以用第一人称行文,描述经历时,时态用一般过去时,描述原因和感受时,用一般现在时;描写的过程中,要以亲身经历为主,要合情合理、符合实际、贴近生活,短文应叙述完整,逻辑清晰。
【点评】第一段总写用了not only......but also....简述参与志愿者原因,表述原因用了 That is why 的句子较好;第二段具体写志愿者的经历,用了相关的时间如 At that time 那时候, Every morning 每天早上; At first 首先,起初等描述经历很有层次;第三段写参与志愿者的感受,用了较好的句子总结In a word 总之,和 What's more 而且,总述志愿者的感受。
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上一篇:2024年广东省12市联考中考三模英语试卷(含听力原文+解析 无听力音频)
