
1.There are some English students in our school. _____________ like studying Chinese.
A. He B. She C. We D. They
2.The World Ocean Day is ____________ June 8.
A. at B. in C. on D. to
3.David had to stay in the hospital ____________ he hurt his head.
A. or B. so C. but D. because
4.John is good at languages. He _____________ speak Chinese, English and French.
A. could B. can C. would D. must
5.—____________ is your school from home — About 15 minutes ’ drive.
A. How far B. How soon C. How often D. How long
6.— Which do you like ____________ , basketball or football — Football.
A. well B. better C. best D. the best
7.If you go to Kunming in winter, you ____________ lots of birds from the north of China.
A. see B. saw C. will see D. have seen
8.The reading room ____________ yesterday afternoon.
A. cleaned B. cleans C. is cleaned D. was cleaned
9.I’m afraid we can’t go to have a picnic today. It _____________ very hard now.
A. rains B. is raining C. will rain D. has rained
10.I ____________ an email to Jim when he called me.
A. write B. am writing C. was writing D. will write
11.— Would you like to go to Beijing Wildlife Park with me — I’d love to, but I ____________ there twice.
A. go B. have been C. will go D. have gone
12.— Excuse me. Could you please tell me ____________ — Yes. It’s next to the supermarket.
A. where the bank is B. where is the bank
C. where the bank was D. where was the bank
It all started with a simple question: “Can I paint your portrait (肖像) ”
In the summer of 2015, Brian Peterson, an artist, had just moved to Santa Ana, California. Outside his apartment, a homeless man was often shouting on the street corner, sometimes keeping him 13 at night. Peterson, would pass the guy on his way to work, but they never spoke. What could they possibly have in common
One day, Peterson was relaxing in his living room, reading the book Love Does, when he was interrupted by the homeless man outside. Encouraged by the book’s heart-warming message, Peterson made an unexpected decision: He was going to go out and 14 himself.
In that first conversation, Peterson learned that the man’s name was Matt Faris. He’d moved to California from Kentucky to realize his dream in music, but he soon 15 on hard times and ended up living on the street.
“It was the strangest thing to me,” Peterson recalled. “I saw 16 on the face of a man who hadn’t had a shower in close to a year since his story and the life inside of him encouraged me.” And Peterson asked Faris if he could paint his portrait. Faris said yes.
Peterson’s connection with Faris 17 him to form Faces of Santa Ana, an organization focused on painting portraits of the unhoused. He sells the 18 , putting the money into a “love account” for his models. He then helps them use the money to get back on their feet.
Faris used the money from his portraits to record an album (专辑), fulfilling his musical dreams. Another subject, Kimberly Sondoval, used the money to support her daughter.
In the eight years since Faces of Santa Ana was founded, Peterson, has formed a new organization called Faces of Mankind, a group of artists who are creating portraits of people experiencing 19 around the country.
Peterson has painted 41 of these portraits himself. But there’s more to the finished products than the money they bring to someone who’s down and out.
“People often tell me, ‘I was the one that would cross the street. But I see homeless people 20 now, ’” Peterson says. “I didn’t know that would happen.”
13.A. alive B. awake C. quiet D. brave
14.A. greet B. enjoy C. praise D. introduce
15.A. went B. fell C. worked D. counted
16.A. dust B. respect C. beauty D. pity
17.A. led B. forced C. taught D. reminded
18.A. books B. paintings C. apartment D. company
19.A. loneliness B. sadness C. homelessness D. illness
20.A. differently B. confidently C. curiously D. honestly
Radajere Oleita thinks she may have a solution for two of our country’s continuous problems: rubbish and poverty ( 贫穷 ). Her solution is called the Chip Bag Project. The 26-year-old student and environmentalist from Detroit is asking a favor of local snack lovers, “Rather than throw your empty chip (薯片) bags into the bin, donate them so I can turn them into sleeping bags for the homeless” .
Chip eaters drop off their empty bags from Doritos, Lay’s, and other favorites at two locations in Detroit: a print shop and a clothing store, where Oleita and her volunteer helpers collect them. After they clean the chip bags in soapy hot water, they cut them open, lay them flat, and iron (熨) them together. They use padding (补丁) and liners from old coats to line the insides.
It takes about four hours to make a sleeping bag, and each takes around 150 to 300 chip bags, depending on whether they’re small or family size. The result is a sleeping bag that is “waterproof, lightweight, and easy to carry around,” Oleita told the Detroit News. Since its start in 2020, the Chip Bag Project has collected more than 800,000 chip bags and, as of last December, created 110 sleeping bags.
Sure, it would be simpler to raise the money to buy new sleeping bags for the homeless. But that’s only half the goal for Oleita—whose family moved to the United States from Nigeria 30 years ago with the hope of getting a better life —and her volunteers. “We are working hard to make a difference not only socially, but also environmentally,” she says.
And, of course, there’s the symbolic meaning of saving bags which would otherwise land in the rubbish and using them to help the homeless. It’s a powerful reminder that environmental unfair treatment and poverty often go hand in hand. As Oleita told : “I think it’s time to show connections between all of these problems.”
21.What does Oleita ask the chip eaters to do
A. Raise money to buy new sleeping bags.
B. Share snacks with the homeless people.
C. Throw the empty chip bags into the bin.
D. Send their chip bags to certain locations.
22.What is Oleita’s goal
A. To help people be healthier by eating less chips.
B. To solve the problems of poverty and rubbish.
C. To call on chip eaters to protect environment.
D. To run a clothing store to raise some money.
23.What can we learn from the passage
A. All roads lead to Rome.
B. Well begun is half done.
C. Where there is a will, there is a way.
D. We can kill two birds with one stone.
Why go to all the trouble of building a drone if nature has already done the job for you That is the attitude taken by researchers who are trying to
robotise insects. Some are working on turning flying insects into cyborgs (机械化有机体). Others prefer to focus on some small insects, by taking electronic control of cockroaches.
The first cyber-roach (半机械蟑螂) goes back to 1997, when Shimoyama Isao of Tokyo University sent electrical signals to a cockroach’s antennae, causing it to turn either left or right depending on which antenna was stimulated
(刺激). Others have built on this method by using other parts of their bodies. They have also
begun fitting the insects with instrument packs that might let them do a useful job: searching destroyed buildings for survivors.
One such is Sato Hirotaka of Nanyang Technological University, in Singapore. He has been working on cyber-insects for 15 years. Now, he has made another change to cyber-roaches. Instead of having their movements operated by a controller, his are run by computer programmes that react directly to build-in sensors in their backpacks. The backpacks contain a communications chip, a CO2 sensor, a motion sensor, a camera and a tiny battery.
For search-and-save operations in destroyed buildings, groups of these cyber-roaches would be sent into the remains, to search for signs of life such as movement and high CO2
levels from breathing. The AI that decides whether a set of signals actually show the presence of a human being is programmed directly into the camera. If it thinks it has spotted someone, it warns saviors.
To test this, Dr Sato and his team ran trials in a man-made disaster zone. They laid out pieces of destroyed buildings in various shapes and sizes in an area of 25m2. There were several people among them, as well as things that can mislead the cyber-roaches. After programming the start and finish points of the search, they sent the cyber-roaches out. It is proved that they are able to recognise humans correctly 87% of the time, a success number Dr Sato thinks could be improved still further by collecting many images from different sides.
The next step of the project is to improve the system for outdoors use. That done, products of the backpacks will be put into markets within five years.
24.What can we learn about Dr Sato’s cyber-roaches
A. They are run by computer programmes.
B. They use antennae to receive signals.
C. They can do more jobs than drones.
D. They are operated by a controller.
25.How did Dr Sato test his cyber-roaches
A. He stimulated the cockroaches ’ antennae.
B. He programmed the chips in the cockroaches ’ bodies.
C. He sent them to the man-made remains to search for life.
D. He set the start and finish points to mislead the cockroaches.
26.According to the passage, what does Dr Sato’s think of cyber-roaches
A. Cockroaches are proved to be future saviors.
B. They will be widely used outdoors within five years.
C. Cockroaches follow instructions better than other insects.
D. They can recognise lives better by collecting more images.
When I was organizing my clothes, I accidentally found a set of Hanfu I only wore once. Since a Chinese friend gave me a set of ancient-style hair accessories ( 配饰), I matched a
whole set of Hanfu. Then, ancient-style articles appeared in my clothes one after another. When I saw them again, I thought of a sentence: I may have been caught by the “birdcage ( 鸟笼) effect” !
“Birdcage effect (BCE)” is one of the top ten psychological ( 心理的 ) problems that human beings cannot easily deal with. BCE means that when you get something one day, you will probably prepare more things to match it. There is a story behind it. One day, James, a psychologist, joked with his friend Carlson and predicted that Carlson would surely raise a bird. At first, Carlson didn’t care. When James gave Carlson a birdcage on his birthday, friends who visited Carlson’s house believed that he had raised birds. During that process, Carlson kept explaining. In the end he really bought a bird. Like Carlson, many people have been or are being caught in the BCE.
My friend Tinny said she wanted to buy a good pen to match a pretty notebook her sister gave her. I joked that she must have been caught in the BCE. But my friend said with a smile: “Why not use the ‘birdcage effect ’ instead When I have a beautiful notebook, I will want to buy a pen that is smooth and easy to write, and next I will want to buy a book I like, and then start to take notes.”
For the first time, I heard that the BCE could be used in reverse. However, this reminded me of my middle school days, and I seemed to have used the BCE. One day, I bought a magazine and saw the call for writings published in the magazine, so I started writing. After that, I bought a beautiful notebook to record my feelings. More and more magazines appeared in my study, and my interest for writing increased.
How can we stop being caught in the BCE in many things and even use it Various “birdcages” unavoidably appear in life, but we can divide them. If it is not in line with the actual situation, it is a “negative birdcage”, so we must learn to stop losses in time. If it is a “positive birdcage” that drives us to develop upward, we can clear our goals up and encourage ourselves to move towards our goals. At this time, we will find that the BCE is actually not so terrible!
27.Why does the writer talk about Hanfu in Paragraph 1
A. To describe her life style B. To explain the origin of BCE
C. To introduce Chinese culture D. To show an example of the BCE
28.The words “ in reverse” in Paragraph 4 are closest in meaning to ____________ .
A. easily and smoothly B. in a creative way
C. in the other way round D. forward and backward
29.What can we learn from the passage
A. The term BCE came from Carlson’s story
B. James used the BCE to record his feelings
C. Tinny was caught in the BCE so she bought a good pen
D. The writer bought a book because he was caught in the BCE
30.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
A. The Birdcage Effect: Why Is It So Terrible
B. The Birdcage Effect: Why Are We Caught in It
C. The Birdcage Effect: How to Avoid It in Your Life
D. The Birdcage Effect: How to Use It to Your Advantage
31. Artificial intelligence (AI) can now create videos from your words, but how does itwork Sora is the latest jump in AI, allowing users to create realistic videos from a simple text. OpenAI, the creators of Dall-E and ChatGPT, created Sora.
So how has OpenAI done this Can you use the tool now And what does this mean for the future of video, film and content Let’s take a deep look into this tool.
Sora is an AI tool that is able to generate ( 生成 ) full videos from worded texts. Simply give it a text, for example, “a field of cats playing with one big dog” and you will receive a video matching that description.
OpenAI has shown a lot of example videos, most of which show Sora producing life-like videos. On the first look, it is hard to tell they are generated by AI, because of the
high quality of the videos, textures and camera movements.
初三英语试卷 第 8页(共 10 页)
In fact, Sora works like any AI image generator that has come before, just with a lot more steps. It is fed examples of videos with text explaining what is happening in the video. This helps the model to learn the connection between the image and what is happening. The model needs to understand 3D models, movements and more.
For now, Sora is not ready to use for the public. Just like in the past, OpenAI is being careful with offering out its tools. The first step involves a small number of people known as “red teamers” who test the tool for critical areas of harm or risk.
It will then become ready to use for a small number of designers and filmmakers to understand how the tool works with creative professionals. It is likely that Sora will then become ready for the public.
From the videos that have been shown so far, Sora appears to be ahead of anything we have seen before. However, it is not perfect. Watch a collection of Sora videos and the mistakes stand out. Body parts disappear and reappear, people come out of nowhere and feet float (漂浮) into the ground.
The main concern is that videos could be used to spread wrong information. OpenAI says it is “taking several safety steps” before making Sora open to the public, including working with experts in “misinformation and hateful content” and “building tools to help detect misleading content” .
(1) Who is the creator of Sora _____________________________________________________________
(2) What is Sora able to do _____________________________________________________________
(3) Who will test Sora first _____________________________________________________________
(4) What do you think of Sora Why (Please give at least two reasons.)
What should we do when we feel stressed Here are some ideas.
1 Keeping a problem to yourself can add to your stress. If you have a personal problem, or something is worrying you, talk it over with your parents or friends. Sharing what s on your mind can help you figure out what to do about the problem.
2 Lots of people feel stressed before a test, a try out, or a big moment. You might feel your heart beating fast or your hands shaking. You don t have to let those feelings hold you back. Your feelings will slowly go away after you step up to your big moment. As you get ready, remind yourself that you can deal with it. Be confident and tell yourself, “I ve got this.” Then take a deep breath and go ahead and give it your best try. Each time you try something, it s a chance to get better at it.
3 When something didn t go the way you hoped, you might have lots of strong feelings. You may feel upset, sad, disappointed, or angry. It s OK to feel the way you feel. But it s not OK to use actions to show your feelings. When you put feelings into words, it helps you choose wiser ways to act. You can t change what happened. But you can say how you feel and why. And that helps you let go of some stress and strong feelings.
A. Have an “I’ve got this” attitude.
B. Talk about a problem.
C. Put your feelings into words.
D. Do things actively.
32.A. A B. B C. C D. D
33.A. A B. B C. C D. D
34.A. A B. B C. C D. D
35.假如你是李华,你的学校下周日将组织全校师生去香山 (Fragrant Hills Park)徒步,请你给交换生 Tom写一封邮件,通知他集合的时间,地点,需要做什么准备及原因。
提示词语: gate, lunch, picnic, water
提示问题:● When and where are you going to meet
● What does Tom need to prepare Why
Dear Tom,
How is everything going __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I’m lookingforward to hiking with you.
Yours, Li Hua
提示词语:the Little Prince, experience, story, courage, friendship 提示问题:● Which book has influenced you most
● What is the book mainly about
● How has it influenced you
1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
4. 略
5. 略
6. 略
7. 略
8. 略
1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
4. 略
【小题2】Sora is able to generate full videos from worded texts.
【小题3】“Red teamers” .
【解析】1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
4. 略
【解析】1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
35.【答案】Dear Tom,
How is everything going I’m writing to tell you something about our school hiking in the Fragrant Hills Park next Sunday. We are going to meet at the school gate at 7:30 am.
For this trip, we all need to take lunch because there are no restaurants on the way. We will have a picnic together in the mountains because it is an opportunity for us to stay together since we are leaving school soon. How fun it will be! Also, please remember to take some water
since you are sure to need it during the long hiking.
I am lookingforward to hiking with you.
Yours, Li Hua
36.【答案】During my junior high school years, The Little Prince has influenced me most and it deeply touched my heart.
This book tells the story about the Little Prince’s experiences of visiting different planets as well as the love between him and his red rose. It contains deep meanings in very simple words, which makes it inspiring.
Whenever I feel confused or frustrated, the words from this book always give me courage to find my way to go through difficult times. Moreover, the book has taught me the true meaning of friendship, which makes me cherish every moment I have with my friends.
So, if you have some time, consider reading this book, and you might gain a lot from it, just as I have done.




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