
1.The high-speed train goes ______a speed of 300 kilometres per hour.
A. with B. at C. by D. for
2.Kate is brave. And ______ can prevent her from moving forward.
A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything
3.Jim's father won't ask for help ______ he has great trouble.
A. when B. unless C. though D. where
4.Summer holidays are coming. Tom's family ______ on a vacation.
A. goes B. will go C. has gone D. had gone
5.How heavily it was raining! They could ______ see the road clearly before them.
A. hardly B. seldom C. always D. often
6.A hobby is helpful. Everyone must ______ taking up his own.
A. succeed in B. have fun C. give up D. end up
7.Father once told me water ______ three forms: solid, liquid and gas.
A. will have B. had C. has D. is having
8.We got there too late. The old man ______ his bike to others.
A. is selling B. has sold C. sells D. had sold
9.Spring arrives. As you know, the days are getting ______.
A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest
10.Attention, my boys! You ______ three questions at a time later.
A. will be asked B. asked C. was asked D. is asked
Before 1970, people paid no attention to the environment around. And 1 laws protected the environment. Later something began to change. Then on April 22 that year, Earth Day was 2 to celebrate our planet, tell people about environmental problems, and encourage them to take action. Now Earth Day is celebrated all over the world. We face many challenges, such as plastic 3 , climate change, and so on. But we can work hard to make a difference. Here is an Earth-helping hero.
Adeline Tiffanie Suwana was twelve when her family's home flooded. Indonesia, her island nation in South-east Asia, is often hit hard by floods and other 4 disasters(灾难).
Adeline wanted to help. Studying the problem, she 5 that mangrove(红树) trees play an important role in flood protection. It made everyone feel very excited. The fact was that their big, tangled(缠结的) roots slow floodwaters and 6 soil from being washed away. But the trees were being cut down. Adeline gathered her classmates to plant 200 7 mangrove trees during a school break. They started a group called Friends of Nature. Friends of Nature works to keep the area's biodiversity(生物多样性), fight against climate change, and help people realize the 8 of the environment. They even started a project to get clean energy to villages far away.
Today, Adeline attends college, 9 how businesses can help the environment. Thanks to those who have been working on the environment, the world is becoming much more beautiful.
Remember: every one of us can be a 10 for the environment!
11.A. some B. few C. many D. any
12.A. created B. wasted C. tested D. searched
13.A. reduction B. technology C. introduction D. pollution
14.A. electronic B. main C. natural D. modern
15.A. explained B. learned C. advised D. wondered
16.A. warn B. keep C. manage D. choose
17.A. young B. weak C. old D. strong
18.A. happiness B. confidence C. importance D. sadness
19.A. directing B. imagining C. supposing D. studying
20.A. relative B. passenger C. hero D. enemy
Problem: My friend keeps copying my look, but I like looking special. What should I do —Ann Advice: The important thing is to tell your friend the truth without hurting her feelings. To do that, you can talk to her using kind words and not feeling angry. You can give her your advice on popular dressing or even suggest wearing clothes that go together. This way you'll still look like each other, but not twins!
Problem: My room is always messy. No matter what I do, I can't keep it clean! —Mike Advice: Here are some great ways to make your room a bit tidier. Start by picking up things you don't use or want anymore. You can give them away to those in need. Less things means less mess! Then, try to make it a habit to put away things after you use them. Done with your sports shoes for the day Back where they should be. Finally, set a timer(定时器) for five minutes each night to clean any mess!
Problem: I'm sad because I have to go to a summer camp. I just want to have a summer like my friends. Help me out! —Jessie Advice: We're sorry you're feeling this way! The best thing to do is to look at things on the bright side. There, a new group of kids will become your friends. They'll know exactly how you feel and help you. What's more, going to a summer camp doesn't mean a terrible summer. You'll still have fun in the sun with your friends.
21.What makes Ann feel worried
A. Her friend keeps copying her look. B. Her room is always messy.
C. She's sad to have a bad summer. D. She can't pass her test.
22.Which is the advice for Mike
A. Looking at things on the bright side.
B. Picking up things not used or wanted anymore.
C. Talking to his friend using kind words.
D. Giving his friend the advice on popular dressing.
23.Why does Jessie feel sad
A. Because of hating looking special.
B. Because of having a terrible spring.
C. Because of having to go to a summer camp.
D. Because of being afraid to go swimming.
On her way to school, Amber Williams found a penny on the ground. "See a penny, pick it up. All day long, you'll be lucky." Remembering the song, she quickly picked it up.
"I've never seen you smile so big, Amber." She looked around and saw Bella, the most popular girl in her class. They'd hardly spoken before, although they lived on the same street. "Was it because of the penny " she thought.
Over the next few hours, Amber had the best time ever. She got the strange answer in the math class. She found a five-dollar bill in her backpack. The most exciting moment came as she got a full mark in the history test. Mr. Smith praised her in class and everyone was cheering for her.
"That's it. I'll go nowhere without this penny," she decided.
Things kept going smoothly until school was over. Amber found the penny gone. She checked her backpack and then all her pockets. It was not there. Sitting at her desk, she felt like she was going to cry.
A hand suddenly appeared in front of her face. "Are you OK Do you need some help "
Amber recognized that voice. It was Bella. Though a bit shy, she told Bella about how the penny changed her life of bad luck. When she finished her story, Bella laughed.
"I don't think the penny did so much. I talked to you as you always seemed cool. And you are always a good student. I'm sure you studied after the test last night, didn't you "
It took Amber a minute to understand Bella. "I think you're right," she held her new friend's hand and smiled. "I'm making my own luck from now on."
24.Which did Amber Williams pick up
A. A penny. B. A five-dollar bill. C. A backpack. D. A book.
25.What do we know about Amber Williams' day
A. She got a bad time all day. B. It was full of interesting moments.
C. Everything went smoothly. D. Everything felt long and difficult.
26.What would Amber Williams decide to do at last
A. Always being a good student. B. Changing her unhappy life.
C. Finding a good way to be lucky. D. Making her own luck from now on.
There are about 8,000 million people living on our planet. Some people live a quiet life, have a good job and enjoy themselves every day. But do you know that some of them don't have enough food They are hungry, poor and in a bad situation. It's reported that more than 800 million people suffer from hunger. That's sad news for each kind person. What's more, it shouldn't be a problem since the world wastes about 930 million tons of food each year. XYZ Food Bank is working to help fix the problem. Now, you can, too! Just drop off some food so that we can continue to feed the poor. We accept: Canned food Biscuits Rice Boxed juice Noodles Candy *No opened food. *No expired(过期的) food. *No food that needs to be in a e and offer your help! Every little bit makes a difference. Email us at stophunger@. P. S. If you're free on weekends and interested in working as a volunteer, please call Mr. Huang at 138327516. During work time, three meals are free and one work suit is offered to you. Your job is to sort the foods according to the rules and put them in their own boxes. The job is not easy, so please think it over first. We're looking forward to your coming.
27.How many people don't have enough food
A. About 138 million. B. More than 930 million.
C. More than 800 million. D. About 930 million.
28.What does XYZ Food Bank work for
A. To help fix the food problem for the poor.
B. To sort the foods for the poor.
C. To save million tons of food for the poor.
D. To drop off some food for the poor.
29.How can you connect with XYZ Food Bank
A. By visiting their website. B. By e-mailing them.
C. By writing to them. D. By sending messages to them.
30.What is the writer trying to do in the text
A. To offer free meals to the poor. B. To help people find jobs.
C. To warn people not to waste food. D. To call on people to give away food.
A smile shows that a person is happy. For example, a person may smile when he or she is pleased with some progress in studies. Or a person may smile if a friend tells a funny joke. There are other good reasons to smile often.
It is easier to smile than to show unhappiness. In fact, it only takes 17 muscles(肌肉) to smile. On the other hand, it takes 43 muscles to show unhappiness. So give the muscles in your face a rest and smile!
Smiles are nice. People may try to look nice by exercising or wearing nice clothes. However, people often say a smile is the best thing a person can wear. That is because it is easy to be around someone who is smiling and happy. Almost no one wants to stay with someone who is always unhappy.
Smiles have power. Both smiling and laughing can easily and quickly spread from one person to another. If one person smiles, people around him or her want to smile, too. Similarly, when a person laughs, people tend to laugh with him or her. If a person is sad, the best thing to do is to share a smile or a laugh. It is the easiest way to cheer someone up.
Smiling and laughing are very good for the body. Even though you are sad, try smiling. You'll find that it will be difficult to stay sad for very long!
31.Why may a person smile according to the passage
A. Because of having the best thing.
B. Because of being pleased with progress in studies.
C. Because of staying with friends.
D. Because of finding the easiest way.
32.What does Paragraph 3 tell us
A. Smiles make people nice. B. It is easier to smile.
C. Smiles are powerful. D. Smiles are very good for your body.
33.What do we know about smiling and laughing in the passage
A. They can spread easily and quickly. B. It is difficult to describe them.
C. Smiling and laughing are not exercise. D. They are two same feelings.
34.Which word is close to the underlined word "tend"
A. Expect. B. Wish. C. Promise. D. Prefer.
35.Which is the proper title for the passage
A. Try to be Happy, please. B. Stay with someone happy, please.
C. Don't laugh loudly, please. D. Let's Smile, please!
Kristen Tapping, a graduate from London South Bank University, has invented a bike wheel that can help clean pollution from the air. It's called Rolloe.
The wheel uses fins(翼) to pull in air as it turns. It then uses filters(过滤器) to take in polluted air and give off clean air back into the environment. The wheel can filter more air if it goes faster, although it still works at low speeds.
Tapping said users would need to change the filter every week, or after about 250 kilometers, to make sure the wheel continues to work well. The wheel fits in the front of a standard bike and weighs about one kilogram.
Tapping said she was encouraged to create the wheel when she was biking around London. "In traffic, you always notice the pollution; the heat, the gases and the smell," she said. Shepredicts that if 10 percent of riders in London had a Rolloe on their bike, they could filter about 266,865 m of air a day, although this has yet to be tested.
A recent report shows that London's health costs because of air pollution are the highest out of the 432 European cities. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also said that outdoor air pollution causes about 4.2 million deaths around the world each year.
Tapping wants to use the wheel on shared bike projects at first, with the aim of making the wheels available for all bikes to use. She says she would also like to create a wheel that would fit in the back of a bike, as well as making them available in different sizes.
1、2题完成句子; 3~5题简略回答问题。
36.Kristen Tapping says Rollo e can help _________________ from the air.
37.The wheel uses filters to take in __________ and give off clean air back into the environment.
38.Where does the wheel fit
39.Why are London's health costs the highest out of the 432 European cities
40.What do you think of the wheel Why
41. Qian Xuesen is a great ①______(science). He was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in December 1911. After he graduated ②______ Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934, he got ③______ chance to study in the USA. A few years ④______(late), he became a teacher as well as a researcher that studies rockets and missile(导弹) theories.
When he was 44, he returned to ⑤______(we) country and the county space research was almost a blank. In 1956, he set up the ⑥______(one) research institute(研究所) of rockets and missiles. He made ⑦______ important contributions to the missile and space programs that he was honored as "The Father of China's Missiles". He passed away in October, 2009, but all the ⑧______(China) people will remember him forever. His devotion to our country was ⑨______(express) in his saying, "My career(事业) is in China, my ⑩______(succeed) is in China and my destination(终点) is in China!"
42.is, in this report, something new, there
43.is, at the meeting, speaking, who
44.pick, don't, please, flowers
45.has, what, Danny, a great chance
46.sure, help you, I'm, it'll, a lot
Season Spring Summer
Weather warm, windy hot, rainy
Activities fly kites go swimming
Meaning new hope... warmth(热情)...
Of the two seasons, I like
解析:结合句意,高速列车以每小时300公里的速度行驶。结合选项,A项:与,用;B项:在;C项:通过;D项:为了。结合固定搭配“at a speed of: 以……的速度”,故答案为B。
解析:本题考查时态。根据“Summer holidays are coming.(暑假快到了。)”可知,度假是将来的事情,应该用一般将来时,结构为“will+动词原形”,A选项是一般现在时,C选项是现在完成时,D选项是过去完成时,均排除。故答案为B。
解析:这句话意思是:爸爸曾经告诉过我水有三种形式:固体,液体和气体。“水有三种形式”这是一个一般性的事实,所以从句应该用一般现在时态。从句主语是water,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式has, A、B、D选项分别是将have这个动词变化为一般将来时、一般过去时和现在进行时的谓语动词形式,都不正确,所以正确答案是C选项。
解析:[解析]根据We got there too late. The old man _____ his bike to others.可知我们到那太晚了。那个老人已经把他的自行车卖给了其他人。由got可知我们到那是过去发生的动作,而老人把自行车卖给了其他人是在我们到达之前。故老人把自行车卖给了其他人发生在过去的过去。所以应该用过去完成时。A.现在进行时;B.现在完成时;C.一般现在时;D.过去完成时。故选D。
解析: A. long 长的,原级;B. longer更长的,比较级;C. longest最长的,最高级;D. the longest最长的,最高级。get变得,其后接形容词作表语;根据“Spring arrives.春天到了。”可知是现在和以前比较,白天越来越长了,因此用比较级。故选B。
解析: A项:一般将来时被动语态;B项:一般过去时;C项:一般过去时被动语态;D项:一般现在时被动语态。根据“一会儿”可知,句子时态为一般将来时,排除B、C、D选项,结合句意可知,本句主语为you,谓语动词为ask,宾语为three questions,根据题意可知,此处应使用被动语态,即一般将来时被动语态,其结构为:will be+done,动词ask的过去分词为asked,因此空格处应填will be asked,结合选项可知,只有A选项符合题意。故本题答案为A。
解析:题干:是什么让安感到担心 A选项:她的朋友一直模仿她的外表;B选项:她的房间总是很乱;C选项:她很难过有一个糟糕的夏天;D选项:她不能通过考试。根据第一个问题第一句“My friend keeps copying my look.(我的朋友一直模仿我的外表。)”可知,是朋友模仿外表,故选A。
解析:题干:哪一个是给迈克的建议 A选项:往好的方面看;B选项:拿走不用的东西;C选项:用善意的语言和你的朋友交谈;D选项:给你的朋友提供流行着装的建议。根据第二个问题第一句“Here are some great ways to make your room a bit tidier.(这里有一些很棒的方法可以让你的房间更整洁。)”可知,该段是给迈克的建议,根据第二句“Start by picking up things you don't use or want anymore.(从拿走你不再使用或想要的东西开始。)”可知,选B。
解析:D项:一本书。根据文章第一段第一句“On her way to school, Amber Williams found a penny on the ground.(在上学的路上,Amber Williams在地上发现了一便士。)”可知,Amber Williams捡到了一便士,故答案为A。
解析:题干意思是:我们对Amber Williams的一天了解多少 A项:她一整天都过得很不愉快;B项:它充满了有趣的时刻;C项:一切进展顺利;D项:一切都感觉漫长而艰难。根据文章第二段第一句“Over the next few hours, Amber had the best time ever.(在接下来的几个小时里,Amber度过了有史以来最美好的时光。)”可知,Amber的一天一切进展顺利,故答案为C。
解析:题干意思是:Amber Williams最后决定做什么 A项:永远做一个好学生;B项:改变她不幸的生活;C项:找到一个变得幸运的好方法;D项:从现在开始创造她自己的好运。根据文章最后一段最后一句“I'm making my own luck from now on.(从现在开始,我要创造我自己的好运。)”可知,Amber Williams最后决定从现在开始创造她自己的好运,故答案为D。
解析:题干意思是“根据这篇文章,一个人为什么可能微笑 ”,A项是因为有最好的东西;B项是因为对学习上的进步感到满意;C项是因为和朋友待在一起;D项是因为找到了最容易的方法。根据第一段中的“For example, a person may smile when he or she is pleased with some progress in studies.(例如,当一个人对学习上的进步感到满意时,他或她可能会微笑。)”,结合选项,可知本题正确答案为B。
解析:题干意思是“第三段告诉了我们什么 ”,A项是微笑让人更美丽;B项是微笑更容易;C项是微笑很有力量;D项是微笑对你的身体有好处。根据第三段中的“People may try to look nice by exercising or wearing nice clothes. However, people often say a smile is the best thing a person can wear.(人们可以通过锻炼或穿漂亮的衣服来让自己看起来更漂亮。然而,人们常说微笑是一个人能穿得最好的衣服。)”,结合选项,可知本题正确答案为A。
解析:题干意思是“关于文章中的微笑和大笑,我们知道什么 ”,A项是它们可以轻松快速地传播;B项是很难描述它们;C项是微笑和大笑不是锻炼;D项是它们是两种相同的感觉。根据第四段中的“Both smiling and laughing can easily and quickly spread from one person to another.(微笑和大笑都可以轻松快速地从一个人传播到另一个人。)”,结合选项,可知本题正确答案为A。
解析:题干意思是“哪个单词接近划线的单词“tend” ”, A项是期望;B项是希望;C项是承诺;D项是更喜欢。根据第四段中的“If one person smiles, people around him or her want to smile, too. Similarly, when a person laughs, people tend to laugh with him or her.(如果一个人微笑,他或她周围的人也想微笑。同样,当一个人大笑时,人们和他或她一起大笑。)”,结合选项,可知本题正确答案为D。
解析:题干意思是“这篇文章的正确题目是什么 ”,A项是试着去开心;B项是请和开心的人在一起;C项是请不要大笑;D项是请让我们微笑。通读全文可知本文主要讲述了微笑的意义。微笑表明一个人是快乐的。微笑比表现出不快乐容易得多。微笑是人们能穿得最好的衣服。微笑和大笑对人的身体都有好处。结合选项,可知本题正确答案为D。
36.答案: clean pollution
37.答案: polluted air
38.答案: In the front of a standard bike.
39.答案: Because of air pollution.
40.答案: It's wonderful. Because it is good for our environment.
41.答案:scientist; from; a; later; our; first; such; Chinese; expressed; success
42.答案:There is something new in this report.
43.答案:Who is speaking at the meeting
44.答案:Don't pick flowers, please.
45.答案:What a great chance Danny has!
46.答案:I'm sure it'll help you a lot.
Of the two seasons, I like spring better. In spring, the weather is warm and windy. I go out to the fields and enjoy the warm sunshine on warm days. And on windy days, I can fly kites with my friends. I watch the kites fly higher and higher in the sky. I feel so excited that I always forget something unhappy in my everyday life. In spring I have a new hope, so I work harder than before to make it come true. For me, it is interesting and meaningful every day.



