
1.—Have you ever heard of ________ woman scientist Tu Youyou
—Sure. I think she’s ________ amazing lady.
A. an; the B. the; an C. a; the D. the; a
2.—Lucy’s ________ is coming. Have you decided what to buy for her
—She likes collecting stamps, so I plan to buy her some new stamps.
A. childhood B. trouble C. illness D. birthday
3.According to the research, ________ of the students like watching English movies in our class.
A. three fifth B. three fifths C. three five D. third five
4.—Do you know who taught him Japanese
—Nobody. He learned it by ________.
A. his B. him C. himself D. he
5.We can see that the flower shop is ________ the candy shop in the picture.
A. across from B. next to C. in the middle of D. in front of
6.My sister Linda keeps on running every day ________ the weather is too bad.
A. when B. unless C. because D. since
7.I plan to travel to Shanghai next month, and I think 3, 000 yuan ________ enough.
A. was B. are C. is D. were
8.—________ will my father come I miss him very much.
—In about two weeks.
A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon
9.We’ve got into a good habit of ________ the lights when we leave the classroom.
A. turning on B. turning off C. turning up D. turning down
10.—Excuse me. Can I try on your yellow dress in size XL
—I’m really sorry. Si not ________ now in our shop.
A. available B. convenient C. necessary D. comfortable
11.________ healthy, my mother does yoga very often and has a good eating habit.
A.Keep B. To keep C. Keeping D. To be kept
12.—Have you decided where you are going to spend your holiday
—Not yet. We will ________ go to Guilin. because my mother wants to enjoy its natural beauty.
A. certainly B. finally C. probably D. recently
13.—Must I return the book today I haven’t finished it.
—No, you ________. You can keep it for five more days.
A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t
14.—What kind of books do you like best
—I like books ________ are about science and technology.
A. which B. who C. what D. when
15.You can’t imagine ________ when we knew our team was the winner of the volleyball match.
A. how were we excited B. we were how excited
C. how excited were we D. how excited we were
16.—Have you finished your homework, Jack
—Not yet. But I ________ it soon.
A. finished B. was finishing C. have finished D. will finish
17.—Who is your favorite teacher, Lucy
—Miss Liu. She is ________ boys and girls.
A. proud of B. popular with C. worried about D. strict with
18.Which of the following is TRUE according to the picture
A. It’s a cold rainy day in winter. B. It seems the man is watering the tree.
C. They are possibly a family. D. The girl is digging in the garden.
19.—Thank you for helping me out, Lily.
A. You’re welcome B. Sorry, I don’t know
C. Nothing serious D. I’m sorry to hear that
20.Which of the following shows that you can’t fish there
A. B. C. D.
Mr. Brown is a doctor. One afternoon, while he was reading a magazine at home, he received a 1 from his wife who worked in a supermarket. A child was in need of immediate help.
Mr. Brown was very 2 . He needed to help the child as soon as possible, but his car went wrong on the way. He got out of it and decided to take a taxi. 3 , it was the busiest time of the day. Suddenly, Mr. Brown saw a man who stopped his car in front of a 4 . Mr. Brown rushed to the man and asked whether he could 5 his car. To Mr. Brown’s surprise, the man 6 his car to Mr. Brown without saying anything. Mr. Brown drove to the supermarket 7 . There he saw a mother holding a baby, whose face had turned purple. Mr. Brown carefully hit him on the back. 8 spitting (吐) a button out, the child looked much better.
After that, Mr. Brown drove the car to the bookstore. He went into it and gave the car 9 to the man. Before he said something, the man took Mr. Brown’s hands and said, “Sir, thank you very much. The baby you 10 fifteen minutes ago is my son. My wife called and told me what had happened. Thank you so much.”
21.A. gift B. prize C. call D. letter
22.A. excited B. worried C. relaxed D. bored
23.A. Anyway B. Also C. Instead D. However
24.A. restaurant B. bookstore C. bank D. supermarket
25.A. buy B. take C. use D. park
26.A. brought B. lent C. sold D. passed
27.A. fast B. hard C. well D. ahead
28.A. When B. While C. After D. Before
29.A. key B. door C. wheel D. window
30.A. taught B. found C. loved D. saved
Join us for Newman Library’s First Annual Edible Book Contest! Time: May 24, 2024, 2: 00 pm—4: 00 pm Place: Newman Library What is an edible book Cook or bake some kind of food that has something to do with a book or your favorite character from a book. More creative designs (设计) can be found on the library’s home page at www.. Rules: ▲ It is open to young people under 18 years old for free. ▲ Bring a copy of the book or a photocopy of the book cover. ▲ Only 1 entry (参赛作品)per person is allowed. ▲Entries must be set up between noon and 1: 30 pm on May 24. Prizes: Entries will be judged (评判) by the public according to two age groups. They will not just be judged on taste, but on creative designs.
31.The Edible Book Contest will be held on May 24, 2024.
32.An edible book is not actually a real book according to the passage.
33.The contest is open to children under 12.
34.Only 18 people can take part in the contest.
35.Entries will be judged on creative designs instead of taste.
I believe that if people think good, speak good and do good, the circles of goodness will grow in the world. —Shari Arison
Years Volunteers Projects Countries In 2007, businesswoman Shari Arison launched the first Good Deeds Day in Israel. Every year since then, Good Deeds Day has united people from around the whole world for one day. Of course, doing good is for every day.
2007 7,000 130 1
2012 250,000 3,600 50
2016 1,500,000 14,000 75
2017 2,500,000 20,000 93
2018 3,500,000 20000 100
2023 4,300,000 21,000 110
Development of Good Deeds Day
① It is a network (网络) of volunteers who choose to organize events, improve their communities, and share resources and inspiration—all based on the simple idea that every single person can do something good, large or small, to improve the lives of others and positively change the world. ② In 2011, Good Deeds Day became international, with events in over ten international cities in four countries. ③ Good Deeds Day 2024 will take place on April 14; Good Deeds Day 2025 will take place on April 6; Good Deeds Day 2026 will take place on April 12; Good Deeds Day 2027 will take place on April 18.
36.What was Good Deeds Day like when it was started in 2007
A. It didn’t have any purpose. B. It was just a national event.
C. It was held every day that year. D. It was not a practice but an idea.
37.How many projects were launched on the 10th Good Deeds Day
A. 3,600. B. 14,000. C. 20,000. D. 21,000.
38.When was Good Deeds Day expanded to 100 countries
A. In 2016. B. In 2017. C. In 2018. D. In 2023.
39.Why is Good Deeds Day 2011 mentioned in the passage
A. The movement appeared on the international stage.
B. More than 10,000 projects were carried out that year.
C. Shari Arison made place for organizers in other cities.
D. Four countries joined together to organize a big event.
40.What can we learn about Good Deeds Day from the passage
A. It encourages volunteers to gather regularly.
B. It is organized by governments worldwide.
C. It is celebrated on the same day every year.
D. It values small good things in our daily life.
I was traveling by train from Circular Quay to Central in Sydney. Quietly sitting there reading, I suddenly found myself listening to the train guard’s announcement (通告). Usually, the guard’s announcement is quite boring or hard to understand. Few people will listen to these messages. But this one was different.
The guard said something along these lines, “Good morning, ladies, gentlemen and children. This is the 7:35 am service from Circular Quay to Central. You’ll be pleased to know that we are right on time. And what a lovely morning it is in Sydney today. The sun is shining, the temperature is about 21 degrees, birds are singing, and all’s right with the world. Thanks for catching my train this morning and I hope to see you again soon. Have a great day.”
Wow! Have you ever heard an announcement like that I certainly hadn’t. As I looked up from my paper, I noticed that other passengers were also looking up and appeared to be listening. Not only that, everyone was smiling!
I started thinking about this. As I got off the train at Central, I walked up to the guardroom and started to thank him. “Well, I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful announcement this morning. It made me feel cheerful. Most importantly, it got everyone’s attention and had everyone smile. Thank you so much for giving me and other passengers such a good start of the day. Please keep doing it.”
There is an important message for me in what happened today. When people are happy in their work, it shows in what they do and say.
41.What does the writer usually think of the train guard’s announcement
A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Important. D. Easy.
42.What did the train guard say at the beginning of his announcement
A. Good morning. B. Have a great day.
C. All’s right with the world. D. Thanks for catching my train.
43.Why did the writer thank the train guard
①Because he was friendly and helpful.
②Because his announcement made the writer feel cheerful.
③Because his announcement made everyone listen to him.
④Because his announcement made people start their day well.
A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ②③④ D. ①③④
44.What can we infer (推断) about the train guard from the passage
A. He’s a kind man.
B. He doesn’t like his job.
C. He doesn’t like making announcements.
D. He often makes special announcements.
45.What’s the best title for the passage
A. Cheerful train guard B. Train travel in Sydney
C. A good start of the day D. A special train announcement
Liu Cixin is a Chinese science fiction writer. He’s a nine-time winner of the Galaxy Award and the winner of the 2015 Hugo Award and the 2017 Locus Award. Liu has become not only the first Chinese writer but also the first Asian writer to win a Hugo Award. Read the time line to learn more about him.
The Wandering Earth was made into a film and the film won great popularity
The translation of Death’s End won the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel. The English version (版) of The Three-Body Problem won the Hugo Award for Best Novel.
Liu’s work Death’s End was translated by Ken Liu into English. American writer Ken Liu translated The Three-Body Problem into English.
His short story The Wandering Earth came out. His most famous work The Three-Body Problem came out.
He graduated from university and began to work as a computer engineer in Shanxi. He finished his first novel China 2185.
June 23 He was born in Shanxi, China.
46.Where is Ken Liu from
47.What’s the purpose of the time line
48.列举一条有关Liu Cixin的事实性信息(fact)。(用英语列举)
The translation of Death’s End won the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel in _______.
What can we know about The Three-Body Problem ①It’s Liu Cixin’s most ________ work. ②It’s translated into English by Ken Liu.
51.worse, because, laughed at, my, what, a lot, skill, become, smoothly, like
At the beginning of this new school year, I joined a boxing (拳击) class. I love sports and believe that sports can free ①_____ mind from daily worries and problems.
I was the only girl in the class. My first boxing class was exciting. Although I didn’t get any ②_____, I felt happy.
After about a month, the boys’ boxing skills improved ③_____, but I had a hard time seeing the difference. I didn’t know ④_____ I should do to improve it. I continued practicing, but things didn’t go ⑤_____. Each time I practiced, at least a boy ⑥_____ me. “Oh. you’re too short to box. You’re not strong. You punch (用拳猛击) ⑦_____ a mouse,” a boy once said. I knew he didn’t mean to hurt me. I still felt really upset. Actually they started to discourage me. However, I hid the feeling in me, ⑧_____ I thought that would show I was doubting myself. In a way, it would make things even ⑨_____. Instead, I replied, “I might not be as strong as you, and some of my punches need improving. I will probably be knocked down if we fight. However, that doesn’t mean I’m weak.”
I felt happy after I told him so, and in the following practices, Mr. Vernon was surprised to find my punches were ⑩_____ more and more powerful.
52.A: Hi, Jack. Where did you go yesterday morning ①_____
B: Oh, I went to the doctor and came back at eleven.
A: ②_____
B: I had a stomachache.
A: That sounds bad. ③_____
B: He asked me to take some medicine. Well, I feel much better now.
A: I’m glad to hear that. ④_____ What were you doing at that time
B: Er... oh I remember. I was taking a shower. Well, why did you call me
A: You know, I’ll travel to Shanghai next week. ⑤_____ Mine is broken.
B: Sure. You can come to fetch it any time tomorrow.
A: Great. Thanks a lot.
A. What did the doctor say
B. You should lie down and rest.
C. What was the matter with you
D. Was your father at home at that time
E. I called you at ten and you didn’t pick up.
F. Could I use your camera for a few days
G. But I called again at three in the afternoon.
53.David has a horse with a white mark on ________ (it) head.
54.A smooth surface is ________ (easy) to clean than a rough one.
55.The teacher ________ (allow) students to ask questions during class.
56.When we were young, we ________(teach) to treat older people with respect.
57.I don’t know him well. I’ve only met him ________ (two).
58.Miss Lin told her students ________ (check) their homework carefully after finishing it.
59.My sister likes dancing and she dreams of being a ________ (dance) in the future.
60.My mother always tells me the ________ (importance) of having breakfast.
61.Follow these tips, and you can enjoy your trip ________ (safe).
62.It’s natural that you ________(feel) nervous when you give a speech in front of so many people.
Listen! ________ ________ she is singing!
There is ________ ________ that she is the most patient nurse in the hospital.
In order not to get wet, you ________ ________ take an umbrella.
The writer ________ ________ five novels so far.
After ________ this picture ________ that one, Jim found they were similar.
68.电影No More Bets(《孤注一掷》)的热映,引发人们对“电信诈骗”“网络诈骗”等社会问题的关注与思考。假如你是李华,请以“Stay Safe Online”为题,用英语写一篇短文,警示大家要安全上网。
1. 包括提示中所有的写作要点;
2. 条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥;
3. 短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名等信息;
4. 词数:80左右。题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:privacy 隐私; click on 点击; link链接; property loss财产损失
Stay Safe Online
With the wide spread of the Internet, we have easy access to almost everything we want to know.
解析:句意:—你听说过女科学家屠呦呦吗?—当然。我觉得她是个了不起的女士。考查冠词。a一(表泛指,用于辅音音素前);an一(表泛指,用于元音音素前);the这/那(表特指)。根据“...woman scientist Tu Youyou”可知,此处特指女科学家屠呦呦,空处应是the;根据“she’s...amazing lady”可知,此处泛指“一位了不起的女士”,amazing以元音音素发音开头,空处应是an。故选B。
解析:句意:—露西的生日快到了。你决定给她买什么了吗?—她喜欢集邮,所以我打算给她买一些新邮票。考查名词辨析。childhood童年;trouble麻烦;illness疾病;birthday生日。根据“Have you decided what to buy for her ”可知,此处谈论生日礼物,故选D。
解析:句意:根据调查,我们班五分之三的学生喜欢看英语电影。考查分数的表达。分数的表达为:基数词作分子,序数词作分母,除了分子是“1”以外,其他情况下作分母的序数词都用复数形式。因此空处应是three fifths“五分之三”,为正确的分数表达。故选B。
解析:句意:—你知道是谁教他日语的吗?—没有人。他是自学的。考查代词辨析。his他的;him他,宾格;himself他自己;he他,主格。by oneself“靠自己”,固定短语,所以空处用反身代词himself。故选C。
解析:句意:我们可以看到图片中的花店就在糖果店的对面。考查介词短语。across from在……的对面;next to在……旁边;in the middle of在……中间;in front of在……前面。根据图片信息可知,花店与糖果店之间有一条街道,而花店在糖果店的对面,空处应是“across from”。故选A。
解析:句意:我妹妹琳达坚持每天跑步,除非天气太糟糕。考查连词辨析。when当……时;unless除非;because因为;since自从。根据“My sister Linda keeps on running every day...the weather is too bad.”可知,空处应是unless,表示“除非天气太糟糕,否则琳达每天都会去跑步”。故选B。
解析:句意:我计划下个月去上海旅游,我想3000元足够了。考查时态和主谓一致。根据“I think”可知,句子时态是一般现在时;主语是“3, 000 yuan”,视作不可数名词,故选C。
解析:句意:—我爸爸多久才能回来?我很想念他。—大约2周后。考查特殊疑问句辨析。how long多长时间;how often多久一次;how far多远;how soon多久。根据答语“In about two weeks.”可知,此空是询问 “多久才能回来”,所以空格处填how soon。故选D。
解析:句意:我们已经养成了离开教室时关灯的好习惯。考查动词短语辨析。turning on打开;turning off关掉;turning up声音开大;turning down声音关小。由“... the lights when we leave the classroom”可知是指关灯。故选B。
解析:句意:—对不起。我可以试穿一下你的XL码黄色连衣裙吗?—我真的很抱歉。XL码现在我们店里没有。考查形容词用法。available可用的;convenient方便的;necessary必要的;comfortable舒适的。根据回答句“I’m really sorry.”可判断,此处用not available表达“黄色裙子没有货了,不能试穿”。故选A。
解析:句意:为了保持健康,我妈妈经常做瑜伽,并且有良好的饮食习惯。考查动词不定式作目的状语。根据“my mother does yoga very often and has a good eating habit.”可知,妈妈为了健康做瑜伽,故选B。
解析:句意:—你决定去哪儿度假了吗?—还没有。我们可能会去桂林。因为我妈妈想欣赏它的自然美景。考查副词辨析。certainly当然;finally最后;probably可能;recently最近。根据“Not yet.”可知,还没有决定好去哪里,因此是可能会去桂林。故选C。
解析:句意:—我必须今天还书吗?我还没看完。—不,你不需要。你可以再借五天。考查情态动词。mustn’t禁止;can’t不能;shouldn’t不应该;needn’t不需要,不必要。根据“No, you...”可知,此处是否定回答。以Must引导的一般疑问句的否定回答用needn’t或 don’t have to。故选D。
解析:句意:—杰克,你完成作业了吗?—还没有,但是我会很快完成。考查时态。根据“soon”可知,此处表示将来的动作,用一般将来时will do。故选D。
解析:句意:—Lucy,你最喜欢的老师是谁?—刘老师。她很受男孩和女孩的欢迎。考查形容词短语。be proud of为……感到自豪;be popular with在……中受欢迎;be worried about对……担心;be strict with对……严格。根据“Who is your favorite teacher”可知,此处是介绍最喜欢的老师是刘老师,说明她是受欢迎的。故选B。
解析:句意:—谢谢你帮我。莉莉。 —不客气。考查情景交际。You’re welcome不客气;Sorry, I don’t know对不起,我不知道;Nothing serious没什么大不了的;I’m sorry to hear that听到这个我很难过。根据“Thank you for helping me out.”可知,对于别人的感谢作出回应,故选A。
解析:句意:布朗先生非常担心。excited兴奋的;worried担心的;relaxed放松的;bored无聊的。根据“He needed to help the child as soon as possible”可知,布朗先生非常担心那位需要帮助的孩子。故选B。
解析:句意:然而,这是一天中最忙的时候。Anyway不管怎样;Also此外;Instead反而;However然而。根据“He got out of it and decided to take a taxi. ...it was the busiest time of the day.”可知,布朗先生想打出租车,可那是一天中最忙的时候,所以很难打到出租车。设空处前后存在转折关系,空处应是however。故选D。
解析:句意:突然,布朗先生看见一个人把车停在一家书店前。restaurant餐馆;bookstore书店;bank银行;supermarket超市。根据最后一段的第一句“After that, Mr. Brown drove the car to the bookstore. He went into it and gave the car...to the man.”可知,那个人的车停在了书店前。故选B。
解析:句意:布朗先生冲到那个人面前,问他是否可以用他的车。buy买;take带走;use使用;park停(车)。根据“his car went wrong on the way”可知,布朗先生的车在路上出了问题,所以此处应是表示布朗先生问那个人是否可以用一下他的车。故选C。
解析:句意:令布朗先生吃惊的是,那个人什么也没说就把车借给了布朗先生。brought带来;lent借出;sold卖;passed经过,传送。根据“To Mr. Brown’s surprise, the man...his car to Mr. Brown without saying anything.”可知,车是那个人的,他什么也没说就把车借给了布朗先生去用。故选B。
解析:句意:布朗先生飞快地开车去超市。fast快速地;hard努力地,费力地;well好;ahead在前面。根据“He needed to help the child as soon as possible,”可知,布朗先生需要尽快帮助那个孩子,所以他很快速地开车去超市。故选A。
解析:句意:吐出一颗纽扣后,孩子看起来好多了。When当……时;While在……期间;After在……之后;Before在……之前。根据“...spitting (吐) a button out, the child looked much better.”可知,把一颗扣子吐出来之后,孩子看起来好多了。故选C。
解析:句意:他走进去,把车钥匙给了那个人。key钥匙;door门;wheel轮子;window窗。根据“He went into it and gave the car...to the man.”可知,把车还给那个人,所以应是把车钥匙还给他。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。由“Time: May 24, 2024, 2: 00 pm—4: 00 pm”可知大赛举行时间是2024年5月24日。本句正确,故填A。
解析:细节理解题。由“Cook or bake some kind of food that has something to do with a book or your favorite character from a book.”可知“可食用书”并非真正的书籍。本句正确,故填A。
解析:细节理解题。由“It is open to young people under 18 years old for free.”可知比赛对18岁以下的年轻人免费开放。本句错误,故填B。
解析:细节理解题。由“It is open to young people under 18 years old for free.”可知比赛对18岁以下的年轻人免费开放,并未提及只有18个人能参加比赛。本句错误。故填B。
解析:细节理解题。由“They will not just be judged on taste, but on creative designs.”可知评选标准包括味道和创意性的设计。本句错误。故填B。
解析:细节理解题。根据“In 2007, businesswoman Shari Arison launched the first Good Deeds Day in Israel. Every year since then, Good Deeds Day has united people from around the whole world for one day.”和表格内容可知,2007年举办了第一届“行善日”活动,每年举办一次,那么第十届“行善日”活动应是在2016年,2016年的“行善日”启动了14,000个项目。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据“In 2011, Good Deeds Day became international, with events in over ten international cities in four countries.”可知,2011年,“行善日”成为国际性活动,在四个国家的十多个国际城市举办活动。由此可推知,文章提到2011年的“行善日”是要表明该活动于2011年登上国际舞台。故选A。
解析:推理判断题。根据“all based on the simple idea that every single person can do something good, large or small, to improve the lives of others and positively change the world.”可知,“行善日”的理念是每个人都可以做一些或大或小的好事,来改善他人的生活,积极地改变世界。由此我们可以从“行善日”这个活动了解到好事是不论大小的,哪怕是生活中的小善事,都应该被重视。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据“Usually, the guard’s announcement is quite boring or hard to understand.”可知,作者认为通常情况下列车员的通告是很无聊或很难理解的。故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据“Good morning, ladies, gentlemen and children.”可知,列车员在通告开始时说了“早上好”。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据“I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful announcement this morning. It made me feel cheerful. Most importantly, it got everyone’s attention and had everyone smile. Thank you so much for giving me and other passengers such a good start of the day.”可知,作者想感谢列车员是因为他的通告使作者很高兴,并且得到了每个人的关注,而且给了作者和其他乘客一天这么好的开始。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。根据“When people are happy in their work, it shows in what they do and say.”可知,当人们在工作中感到快乐时,就会在他们的言行中表现出来,结合列车员给的通告可知,列车员应是一个亲切友好的人。故选A。
46.答案: America.
解析:根据“American writer Ken Liu translated The Three-Body Problem into English.”可知,Ken Liu是一名美国作家,他来自美国。故填America.
47.答案: To tell us more about Liu Cixin.
解析:根据文章内容可知,时间线的目的是为了告诉我们更多关于刘慈欣的事情。故填To tell us more about Liu Cixin.
48.答案: Liu left university in 1985.
解析:根据“He graduated from university”和时间线可知,刘慈欣于1985年从大学毕业,即1985年离开了大学。故填Liu left university in 1985.
49.答案: 2017
解析:根据“The translation of Death’s End won the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel.”及时间线可知,在2017年,《死神永生》的翻译版获得了最佳长篇科幻小说。故填2017。
50.答案: famous
解析:根据“His most famous work The Three-Body Problem came out.”可知,《三体》是刘慈欣 最著名的作品。故填famous。
51.答案:my; skills; a lot; what; smoothly; laughed at; like; Because; worse; becoming
解析:①句意:我热爱运动,相信运动可以使我的思想从日常的烦恼和问题中解脱出来。根据“I love sports and believe that sports can free...mind from daily worries and problems.”和备选词汇可知,“我”热爱运动,相信运动可以解放“我”的思想。空后是名词mind,空处应填入形容词性物主代词my。故填my。
②句意:虽然我没有掌握任何技能,但我感到很高兴。根据“My first boxing class was exciting.”和备选词汇可知,那是第一节拳击课,所以应是还没有掌握任何技能。skill“技能”,是可数名词,any后接其复数形式,表泛指。故填skills。
③句意:大约一个月后,男孩们的拳击技巧提高了很多,但我很难看出其中的区别。根据“After about a month, the boys’ boxing skills improved...”和备选词汇可知,一个月后,男孩们的拳击技巧提升了很多,空处应是a lot“许多”,作状语。故填a lot。
④句意:我不知道我应该做些什么来提高它。根据“I should do to improve it”可知,此处缺少do的宾语,结合备选词汇,what符合语境。故填what。
⑤句意:我继续练习,但事情并不顺利。根据“I continued practicing, but things didn’t go...”和备选词汇可知,but表示前后句意存在转折关系,此处指事情并不顺利,空处应是副词smoothly“顺利地”,修饰动词go。故填smoothly。
⑥句意:每次我练习,都至少有一个男孩嘲笑我。根据下文“Oh. you’re too short to box. You’re not strong...”和备选词汇可知,此处指“嘲笑”,laughed at“嘲笑”,句子用一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填laughed at。
⑦句意:你像老鼠一样出拳。根据“You’re not strong. You punch (用拳猛击)...a mouse,”和备选词汇可知,不够强壮,打拳击时就像老鼠一样出拳,空处应是介词like“像,如同”。故填like。
⑧句意:然而,我把这种感觉藏在心里,因为我认为这会表明我在怀疑自己。根据“I hid the feeling in me, ...I thought that would show I was doubting myself”可知,设空处的前后句意存在因果关系,前果后因,结合备选词汇,because符合语境。故填because。
⑨句意:在某种程度上,这会让事情变得更糟。根据“I thought that would show I was doubting myself. In a way, it would make things even...”和备选词汇可知,如果自己表现出一副自我怀疑的样子,那在某种程度上,则会让事情变得更糟。worse“更糟的”符合语境。故填worse。
⑩句意:在我这样告诉他之后我感到很高兴,在接下来的练习中,Mr. Vernon惊讶地发现我的拳越来越有力了。根据“my punches were...more and more powerful”和备选词汇可知,“我”的拳正变得越来越有力,空前是be动词were,空处应用become“变得”的现在分词becoming,构成进行时的结构。故填becoming。
解析:①根据上文“Where did you go yesterday morning ”和下文“Oh, I went to the doctor and came back at eleven.”可知,B去看医生了,十一点钟才回来的。此处应是讲述A问上述问题的背景,选项E“我十点钟给你打电话,你没接”符合情景。故选E。
②根据上文“Oh, I went to the doctor and came back at eleven.”和下文“I had a stomachache.”可知,B去看医生了,此处应是A向B询问“你怎么了”,选项C“你怎么了”符合情景。故选C。
③根据下文“He asked me to take some medicine.”可知,此处应是询问“医生怎么说/医生给了什么建议”,选项A“医生怎么说”符合情景。故选A。
④根据后文“What were you doing at that time ”可知,后文提到了时间,并且指代填空处提到的时间,选项G“但是我在下午三点又打了一次电话”符合情景。故选G。
⑤根据后文“Mine is broken.”可知,上一句话应是提到了某种东西,再结合下文“You can come to fetch it any time tomorrow.”可知,应该是A向B借东西,选项F“我可以借用你的相机几天”符合情景。故选F。
解析:句意:大卫有一匹头上有白色印记的马。结合提示词和空后的名词“head”可知,空格处应填形容词性物主代词its “它的”,表示所属关系。故填its。
解析:句意:老师允许学生在课堂上提问。结合语境,句子用一般现在时,主语“The teacher”是第三人称单数,此时谓语动词应用三单形式,故填allows。
56.答案:were taught
解析:句意:在我们年幼时,我们被教导要尊重老年人。根据“When we were young”可知此处时态为一般过去时;we与teach之间是被动关系,所以应用一般过去时的被动语态:was/were done,主语为we,应用were。故填were taught。
解析:句意:我不太了解他;我只见过他两次。根据“I’ve only met him...(two).”可知,我只见过他两次,空处应是twice“两次”。故填twice。
58.答案:to check
解析:句意:林老师告诉她的学生完成作业后仔细检查。tell sb to do sth“告诉某人做某事”,故填to check。
解析:句意:我妹妹喜欢跳舞,她梦想将来成为一名舞蹈家。根据“being a”可知,此处需要一个名词单数,dancer “舞者”符合句意,故填dancer。
62.答案:will feel
解析:句意:当你在如此多人前面做演讲时你将会感到紧张是自然的。根据when引导的时间状语从句遵循主将从现,所以主句是将来时,所以将feel变为will feel。故填will feel。
63.答案: How beautifully
解析:此句是感叹句,分析句子可知,横线上是副词修饰谓语动词。结构是“how+副词+主谓”,所以是How beautifully。故填How;beautifully。
64.答案: no doubt
解析:句意:毫无疑问,她是这家医院里最耐心的护士。本题考查固定句型there is no doubt that...,意为“毫无疑问”,that后接完整的句子。故填no;doubt。
65.答案:had better
解析:根据中英文对照横线上缺的是“最好”had better。故填had;better。
66.答案: has written
解析:“写”write,根据“so far”可知,时态是现在完成时,主语是The writer,助动词用has,“已经写了”has written。故填has;written。
67.答案: comparing with
解析:比较A和B:compare A with B,介词after后接动名词。故填comparing;with。
Stay Safe Online
With the wide spread of the Internet, we have easy access to almost everything we want to know. However, there are many unknown dangers around us. We can’t be more careful to stay safe online. But how can we stay safe online
First of all, protect our privacy. Don’t give away our personal information like our name or address. Second, we mustn’t click on any strange links or e-mails in order to avoid property loss. Third, never meet strangers we chat with online and never believe what the strangers say online.
Only when we follow the rules above can we build a healthy and safe online world.
①give away泄露
②in order to为了
③chat with和……聊天
Only when we follow the rules above can we build a healthy and safe online world. (部分倒装)



