Unit 6 How many? 单元测试(含答案)

Unit 6
1.看……__________ 2.how many__________
3.黑色的那个__________ 4.a bird__________
5.新蜡笔__________ 6.have a race__________
7.好主意 __________ 8.fly kites__________
1. My name is Kate. My hand is big. __________
2. She has ten eggs. __________
3. Mike is five years old. __________
4. Some oranges are in the box. __________
5. The duck under the desk is Lucy's. __________
—How many pens do you see
—I see _______.
2.—How many kites do you see
—I see _______.
3.The_______ is beautiful.
4.I see a _______.
5.—How many strawberries do you see
—I see_______ strawberries.
6.—How many kites do you see
—_______ .
7.—How many books do you see
—I see _______ .
8.I see _______ apples in the bag.
9.I have e _______ books on the chair.
10.I see _______ birds in the sky(天空).
(  )1.________ kites do you see
A.How many      B.How      C.How old
(  )2.________this
A.How’re      B.What’s     C.How is
(  )3.Look________the giraffe!
A.in          B.on      C.at
(  )4.I have________balls.
A.a      B.one      C.twelve
(  )5.It’s________beautiful.
A.so         B.and      C.under
(  )6.Ten and five makes________.
A.sixteen      B.fifteen      C.fourteen
(  )7.We have twenty________.
A.chair       B.the chair    C.chairs
(  )8.How many cars________you have
A.do      B.are      C.is
(  )9.The red________is a car!
A.a         B.one      C./
(  )10.I________thirteen pears.
A.haves      B.have      C.has
1. I have eighteen ________ (ball/balls).
2. A duck has two legs. Eight ducks have ________ (fourteen/sixteen) legs.
3. Liu Hui is a pupil. He is ________(eleven/nineteen) years old.
4. Three times five makes ________(eight/fifteen).
5. How many ______ (balloon / balloons) do you have
( )1. I see twelve cars on the desk.
( )2. I see fifteen apples in the bag.
( )3. I have eighteen books on the chair.
( )4. I have fourteen kites in my big box.
( )5. I see sixteen birds in the sky (天空).
( )How many crayons do you have
( ) Haha! Look! It is in my hand. I'm colouring (为.……着色)the flower.
( ) My new crayons.
( )I have twenty crayons. Open it and see!
( 1 ) What's in it
( )1, 2 ... 19. I see nineteen crayons. Where is the red one
1.we, eleven, pears, have(.)
2. twenty, have, I, books(. )
3. at, look, monkeys, the(. )
4. birds, many, you, how, do, see( )
5. one, bird, the, is ,black, a (. )
6.crayons, have, how, you, many, do( )
7.the, one, a, is, red, kite(.)
8.many, how, you, do, see, boats( )
9.have, friends, how, do , many, you( )
10.my, little, fingers, hand, has, five(.)
A.Is it on the desk B.Yes, I do. C.It's under your book. D.You have twelve crayons. E.Open it and see.
Wu Bin:Hello, Amy. Let's paint(绘画)!
Wu Bin:Do you have crayons
Wu Bin:How many crayons do you have
Wu Bin:One,two,three...3._______
Amy:Yes.Where is my green crayon
Wu Bin:4._______
Amy:No,it isn’t
Wu Bin: Look!5._______
Amy:Silly me!Thanks.
( )1.Sarah 想问Mike 看到了多少只猴子,可以说:________
A. Where are the monkeys
B. How many monkeys do you see
( )2.冬冬想告诉爸爸她看到11 辆车,可以说:________
A. I have eleven cars. B. I see eleven cars.
(  )3.你想知道露西有多少个玩具,可以问:________
A.How many toys do you have B.How old are you
(  )4.你想告诉别人你有十七本书,可以说:________
A.I have seven books. B.I have seventeen books.
(  )5.你告诉朋友你喜欢放风筝,可以说:________
A.The kite is so beautiful. B.I like flying kites.
(  )6.你想表达你看到了十一只小鸟,可以说:________
A.I see eleven birds. B.I have eleven birds.
(  )7.你想问朋友看到多少条鱼,可以问:________
A.How many fish do you see B.How many fish do you have
(  )8.当朋友问你“How many apples do you have ”,如果你想对他说“我只有一个。”时,你应该说: ________
A.I have only one. B. I see one.
( )9.当你想让别人看你的新书包时,可以说:________
A.Look at my school bag. B.Look at my new school bag.
( )10.你想知道盒子里装的什么礼物,妈妈让你打开看一看,她可以
A.Have a look and open. B.Open it and see.
十一、阅读绘本,判断句子正(T) 误(F) 。
The man has sixteen hats(帽子) . He wears (戴) a hat and sits down under the tree. There are thirteen monkeys in the tree.
The monkeys take (拿走) fifteen hats. The man is angry (生气的) . He stamps his foot. The monkeys stamp their feet. He shakes his arms, and the monkeys shake their arms.
The man throws(扔) his hat on the ground (地面) . The monkeys throw the hats on the ground.
The man picks up the hats and goes home happily.
( ) 1. The man has fifteen hats.
( ) 2. The monkeys take eleven hats.
( ) 3. The underlined word “tree” means(画线单词“tree”的意思是) “树”.
( ) 4. The man is clever (聪明的) .
( ) 5. The monkeys like to imitate(模仿) the man.
Sarah: Mum, let's go to the park. Mum: Great!
Sarah: Look at the kites. So beautiful! 1, 2, 3 ... I see thirteen kites. Mum: No, honey. The black one is a bird.
Sarah: Oh, yes. So many fish. How many fish can you see in the river Mum: I see twenty. How many girls can you see near here Sarah: I see five.
Mum: Haha! Sarah, you are here, too.
Sarah: Oh! I forgot (忘记) myself (我自己).Mum, I'm hungry. I want some apples. Mum: OK. And I want some bread.
( )1. Sarah is in the________.
A.200 B.park C.school
( )2. How many kites are there (有) in the sky (天空)
A.12. B.13. C.14.
( )3. How many fish can Sarah's mum see in the river
A.18. B.19. C.20.
( )4. Sarah wants some_______.
A. apples B. bananas C. grapes
( )5. Sarah's mum wants some_______.
A.eggs B. bread C. apples
例: —How many rulers do you have
—I have five rulers.
1.—How many pens do you have
1.look at 2.多少 3.the black one 4.一只鸟 5.new crayons 6.举行比赛
7.good idea 8.放风筝
1.hand 2.She 3.is 4.Some 5.Lucy's
1.eleven 2.one 3. balloon 4.bird 5.twelve 6.Thirteen 7.fourteen 8.fifteen 9.eighteen 10.sixteen
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B
1.balls 2.sixteen 3.eleven 4.fifteen 5.balloons
1.D 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.B
3 6 2 4 1 5
1.We have eleven pears. 2.I have twenty books.
3.Look at the monkeys. 4.How many birds do you see
5.The black one is a bird.
6.How many crayons do you have
7.The red one is a kite. 8.How many boats do you see
9.How many friends do you have
10.My hand has five little fingers.
1.B 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.C
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.B
1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B
1.—I have thirteen pens.
2.—How many erasers do you have
—I have ten erasers.



