
三年级下 期末
1.in class__________ 2.听 __________
3.in the library__________ 4.喝我的牛奶__________
5.my pencil__________ 6.你的蜡笔__________
7. over there__________ 8.我的午餐盒__________
9.behind the door__________ 10.在我的课桌里面__________
11. how old__________ 12.一个漂亮的蛋糕__________
13. wake up __________ 14.快点__________
15. my bag__________ 16.七点钟__________
17. these apples__________ 18.那些梨__________
19. on the farm__________ 20.欢迎来到…… __________
21. my uncle__________ 22.我的伯母__________
23. that man__________ 24.一位妇女__________
A.three B.talk C.sister D.crayon E.uncle F.twelve G.behind H.chicken I.eat J.on K.duck L.drink M.eleven N.under O.ruler P.rubber Q.cow R.aunt
1. I'm ten. ___________
2. That is a pig. ___________
3. Don't run. ___________
4. I have a pen. ___________
5. The bird is in the tree. ___________
6. This is my mother. ___________
1.—Where is my ball —It's _______ the desk.
2.—Don't drink my m_______. — I'm sorry.
3.—Who is that w_______ —She is my mother.
4. —Close the w_______, please. — All right.
5.-How old is she -She is_______.
6.-Who is that g_______ -She is my cousin.
7.The chicken is on the f_______.
8.It’s twelve o’clock. It’s time for l_______. .
9.The_______ are _______ (绿色的) and nice. I want to _______. (吃)
10.It’s Yang Ling’s birthday. She’s _______.
1. Are these________(apple/apples)
2. The pies________(are/is) for you.
3. Nice________(too/to) meet you.
4.What's________(this/that) over there
5.________(Not/Don't) eat my cake.
6.—What time is it
— It's ________ (twelve / seven) o'clock. Let's have breakfast.
7.It's hot. Please ________ (open / close) the door.
8.—Don't ________ (drink / shout). I want to sleep.
— All right.
9.____ (How / What) a nice cake!
10.—Where's my toy car
—It's ________ (in / behind) the door.
11.—Is that your_______(uncle / aunt) —No, he isn't.
( )1.—What are these —________
A. It's a pig. B. They're nice. C. They're cows.
( )2. —Where is the kite —It's ________ the tree now.
A. in B. on C. for
( )3. I want to sleep. Don't ________.
A. eat B. drink C. talk
( )4. —What's that on the desk —________
A. It's a hot dog. B. It's nice. C. It's lovely.
( )5. —Who's the little girl —________ my sister.
A. She's B. He's C. It's
( )6. It's 8 o'clock in the morning. It's time for ________.
A. dinner B. lunch C. school
( )7. —What are these in the bag —They're ________.
A. picture B. a picture C. pictures
( )8. Don't ________ the window. It's cold outside.
A. open B. close C. run
( )9. —This is my father. —________
A. Nice to meet you. B. Yes, she is. C. Thank you.
( )10. ________ a nice cake!
A. How B. What C. Where
( ) 1.
A. —What are those —They're oranges.
B. —What are these —They're pears.
( ) 2.
A. —How old are you —I'm nine.
B. —What time is it —It's nine.
( ) 3.
A. Wake up, Liu Tao. It's time for class.
B. Hurry up, Liu Tao. It's time for class.
( ) 4.
A. —Who's that woman —She's my aunt.
B. —Who's that boy —He's my little brother.
A. I want a toy robot.
B.Hi,Su Hai. Happy Birthday! This cake is for you.
C. Thank you.
D.Make a wish,Su Hai.
E.Hi, Mike.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1. The boy is nine.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________is the boy
2. Open the window.(改成否定句)
________ ________the window.
3.It's time to have dinner.(改成同义句)
It'stime________ ________.
4.Mike is Nancy's brother.(改成同义句)
Nancy is ________ ________.
5.is,that,Who,girl,there,over ( )(连词成句)
6. He is my father. (对画线部分提问)
________ is ________
7. I'm eleven years old. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ are you
8.What's that (改为复数句)
What________ ________
9. time, is, now ,what, it( ) (连词成句)
10. like would you sweet a( ) (连词成句)
A.Thank you. B.How old are you C.Nice to meet you, Lily! D.Good morning, David. E.What about you
David: Good morning, Lucy.
Lucy: 1.________ This is my sister, Lily.
David: 2.________
Lily: Nice to meet you too, David!
Lucy: Today is Lily's birthday.
David: Really 3.________
Lily: I'm six. 4.________
David: I'm ten. Happy Birthday, Lily!
Lily: 5.________
( )1.电影院里,有两个同学在互相交谈,你可以对他们说:________
A.Don't run. B. Don't talk. C. Don't eat.
( )2.当你在书包里找到了你的钢笔时,你可以说:________
A. This is your pen. B. This is my pen. C. This is my pencil.
( )3.你想知道杨玲的年龄时,你可以问她:________
A. How old are you B. What time is it C. Where is she
( )4.现在是晚上十点钟,妈妈可以对你说:________
A. It's time for breakfast. B. It's time for bed. C. It's time for lunch.
( )5.你想知道海伦旁边的那位女士是谁时,你可以问海伦:________
A. Who's that woman B. Who's that man C. Who's that girl
Hello! My name is Li Hua. Welcome to my uncle's farm. It is not big, but it is beautiful. Look, these are apple trees and orange trees. Can you see the apples and the oranges They're sweet. Those are ducks and chickens. What are those under the tree They're cows. Let's go and have a look.
( )1.Li Hua has a farm.
( )2.The farm isn't beautiful.
( )3.The apples and the oranges are sweet.
( )4.Some pigs and cows are on the farm.
( )5.There are some ducks and chickens on the farm.
Hello,my name is Mike Brown. I'm ten. My father is Mr Brown. He is a doctor. He has a black car.My mother is Mrs Brown. She is a teacher. She has a red car. I wake up at seven o'clock. I go to school at eight o'clock. Look!My schoolbag is in my desk. My books and pencils are on my desk. At twelve o'clock,I have lunch. I go home at five o'clock.
( )1.Mikeis________years old.
A. seven B. eight C.ten
( )2.Mrs Brown is a________.
A. teacher B. doctor C.worker(工人)
( )3.Mike's father has________.
A. a white car B. a red car C. a black car
( )4.Where's Mike's schoolbag
A. It's on his desk. B. It's under his desk. C. It's in his desk.
( )5.Mike's________are on his desk.
A. books and pens B. books and pencils C. pens and crayons
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1.在上课 2. listen to 3.在图书馆里 4.drink my milk 5.我的铅笔
6. your crayon 7.在那里 8.my lunch box 9.在门后面 10.in my desk
11.多大 12. a nice cake 13.醒;醒来 14. hurry up 15.我的包
16. seven o'clock 17.这些苹果 18. those pears 19.在农场里 20. welcome to ...
21.我的叔叔 22. my aunt 23.那个男人 24. a woman
1.A;F;M 2.H;K;Q 3.B;I;L
4.D;O;P 5.G;J;N 6.C;E;R
1.under 2.milk 3.woman 4.window 5.eleven 6.girl
7.farm 8.lunch 9.pears ;green ;eat 10.twelve
1.apples 2.are 3.to 4.that 5.Don't 6.seven 7.open
8.shout 9.What 10.behind 11.uncle
1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.A 9A. 10.B
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A
1.How old 2.Don't open 3.for dinner 4.Mike's sister
5.Who is that girl over there 6.Who;he 7.How old
8.are those 9.What time is it now
10.Would you like a sweet
1.D 2. C 3.B 4.E 5.A
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A
1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T
1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B
1.Don't shout in class! 2.Don't eat in class!
3.Don't drink in class! 4.Don't sleep in class!
5.Don't talk in class!




下一篇:Unit 6 How many? 单元测试(含答案)