
1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______
6. Where is Mike from
A. England. B. Australia. C. Canada.
7. What does Tony want to be when he grows up
A. A musician. B. A teacher. C. A scientist.
8. Which club does Jack want to join
A. The Sports Club. B. The Dance Club. C. The Tennis Club.
9. How does the boy feel to see Judy
A. Excited. B. Surprised. C. Sad.
10. When can Frank hang out with his friends
A. On Sunday morning. B. On Sunday afternoon.
C. On Saturday afternoon.
请听第一段对话,回答第11至 13小题。
11. What size does the man want
A. Size S. B. Size M. C. Size L.
12. What color does the man like
A. Black. B. Blue. C. White.
13. How much is the T-shirt
A. 45. B. 50. C. 55.
请听第二段对话,回答第 14至16小题。
14. What exam will Jack take
A. The maths exam. B. The English exam. C. The PE exam.
15. Where will they do exercises after class
A. In the classroom. B. In the girl’s house. C. In the library.
16. What will Anna help Jack to improve
A. Grammar. B. Writing. C. Reading.
请听第三段对话,回答第17至20 小题。
17. What does the farm look like
A. Small. B. New. C. Big.
18. What is Simon going to do on the farm
A. Grow fruits. B. Pick fruits. C. Sell fruits.
19. Where are the fruits sold
A. In many cities in China.
B. In China and abroad.
C. In the local town.
20. How long will Simon stay on his uncle’s farm
A. For about two months. B. For about two weeks.
C. For about two days.
21. How will the tourists travel around London
A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By boat.
22. What’s the weather like right now
A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
23. How long does the tour last
A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Five hours.
24. Which will the tourists see first
A. Big Ben. B. Oxford Street. C. Tower Bridge.
25. What can tourists do near the palace
A. Enjoy the whole city. B. Do some shopping.
C. Drink a cup of coffee.
Friendship Day
Where No. 26 Middle school.
When On the second 27 of September.
How to celebrate ● 28 flowers and cards for each other or exchange small gifts. ●Dress up in the 29 clothes and eat delicious food together. ●Have a 30 , sing and enjoy ourselves.
31. —Be careful! Don’t look at your mobile phone when you cross the street.
A. Sorry, I won’t B. Well done C. Help yourself
32 — How are you feeling today
— Much ______. I can go to school tomorrow.
A. worse B. better C. younger
33 — The environment in our city is becoming better and better.
— That’s right. Because the government has done a lot to ______ the environmental problem.
A. solve B. plan C. answer
34. In China, people usually ______ their houses to sweep away bad luck before Spring Festival.
A. make up B. look up C. clean up
35.—______ did you skate for the first time
— Two years old.
A. What B. When C. How
36. The ______ to success is to work hard and never to give up, so we should try our best to do everything.
A. key B. wish C. price
37. There was a storm yesterday. ______, most of the flowers in my garden are still alive.
A. Clearly B. Luckily C. Suddenly
38. Buses to the airport only come once an hour, and we just missed ______. Why don’t we take a taxi
A. another B. none C. one
39. Great! We arrived at the train station to catch the train ______ before it left.
A. in silence B. in time C. in person
40. — Could you tell me ______
— Once a month.
A. how long you go to the supermarket
B. how often you go to the supermarket
C. how soon you will go to the supermarket
三、补全对话(共5 小题,每小题1分,共5分)
A: Hi, Lin Ping. Long time no see. Where did you go
B: Hi, Zhao Xin. 41
A: How was your trip
B: 42 The fresh air and green mountains there made me so relaxed.
A: Sounds like a good place. 43
B: I did many things such as fishing, feeding chickens and learning to do yangge (秧歌).
A: Yangge! It’s a traditional dance in the north, right
B: 44 It’s very popular in my hometown.
A: I want to try it. 45
B: No problem. I can teach you anytime.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You are welcome.
A. That’s right.B. It was fantastic.C. Can you teach me D. How can I get there E. What did you do there F. I went back to my hometown.
四、完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
At the age of nine, Kelly dreamed of being a basketball player. But one day when she was playing basketball, she hurt her left leg 46 . The doctor told her she could no longer play basketball. What was worse, she needed help doing 47 , including going to the bathroom.
Thinking that her dream could never come true, Kelly was sad and 48 her studies at school. Her mother did all she could to cheer her up, 49 Kelly refused to change. She even took out all her anger and 50 on her mother.
Then one day Kelly’s friends introduced her to the gym. Kelly 51 that she should turn her attention to what she could do, not to what she couldn’t. Posting her story online, she got lots of kind and inspiring (鼓舞人心的) words. As she was 52 by the kindness, she returned to school for two half days a week. And with the 53 of a bodybuilding trainer, she trained hard and soon found herself on stage (舞台) performing—as a bodybuilder. Her mother was truly 54 and proud.
Today, Kelly is studying to be a life coach. She is at peace with what happened to her, not just physically (身体上), but mentally (精神上). “When we face 55 , if we can fight against it bravely, we can be stronger.” said Kelly.
46. A. badly B. slowly C. easily
47. A. something B. nothing C. everything
48. A. talked about B. gave up C. thought of
49. A. so B. but C. or
50. A. pain B. fun C. love
51. A. warned B. realized C. suggested
52. A. disappointed B. surprised C. encouraged
53. A. help B. need C. promise
54. A. happy B. angry C. calm
55. A. kindness B. happiness C. difficulty
I asked my dad if I had ever made him cry before because I couldn’t remember ever seeing him cry. “There was once,” he said.
He told me that when I was one year old, he put a pen, a coin and a toy in front of me. He wanted to see which one I would pick. It’s a tradition that a lot of Chinese people do when their kids are one year old. According to this tradition, it shows what the kid will value most when he or she grows up. For example, if the kid takes the pen, it means he or she will be a clever person in the future. If the kid takes the coin, it means he or she will value money more than others and become rich. If the kid takes the toy, it means he or she will like fun things and play a lot.
My father was doing it because he was curious (好奇的). It was interesting for him to see which one I would pick.
He said that I just sat there and stared at the three things. He sat across from me and waited to see the result.
According to him, I moved toward him and he held his breath. Then I pushed everything aside and went right into his arms. Tears (泪水) came to his eyes, he didn’t expect that he was one of the choices.
And that was the first and only time I made him cry.
56. I don’t remember seeing my father cry.
57. My father put a pen, a piece of paper and a toy in front of me.
58. According to the tradition, if I took a pen, I would become rich.
59. My father wanted to know which one I would pick.
60. My father didn’t expect that I would choose him.
The Sunshine Park has something for all of you in the coming days. You can have a good time riding roller coasters (过山车) here. There is also a water park, a monkey island and of course delicious foods such as chocolate, ice-cream and hamburgers. Now you can experience something new in the Sunshine Park—The Candy House! And you will have a sweet memory there!
Opening hours for this week: June 27-30, Monday-Thursday, closed July 1, Friday, 5 pm-9 pm July 2, Saturday, 2 pm-9 pm July 3, Sunday, 1 pm-4 pm
Tickets: Buy tickets at www. ( http: / / www. ). One Day tip: 30 yuan (Ages 5+) Free (Children ages 5 or younger) Two-Day tip: 25 yuan a day(Ages 5+) Free (Children ages 5 or younger)
Tips: 1. Visit www. for your tickets. 2. The sunshine park app can save you much trouble. 3. You can also buy tickets at the Ticket Office, working hours.
Notes: 1. All visitors over the age of 2 must wear face masks (口罩). 2. All visitors should have their temperatures taken before entering. 3. Follow directions from the workers in the park.
Contact: 400-9902123
61. Which of the following is new in the Sunshine Park
A. The roller coasters. B. The Candy House. C. The water park.
62. When can visitors enter the park
A. June 30, 2 pm. B. July 1, 3 pm. C. July 2, 4 pm.
63. How much will Li Lei (aged 8) have to pay for a Two-Day trip
A. 60 yuan. B. 50 yuan. C. 30 yuan.
64. What do visitors have to do before getting into the park
A. They should buy tickets by phone.
B. They have to take a child under 5.
C. They need to have their temperatures taken.
65. Where can we read this passage
A. In a newspaper. B. In a dictionary. C. In a textbook.
Last term I took a beginner’s course in video art. The course taught me about the development of modern arts, and how media(媒体) works.
Mr. Maxwell, the course teacher, encouraged us to make and edit (剪辑) videos. I made my first video which was about food. I believe food is a good way to learn more about cultural differences and social traditions, and trying food is a way for me to understand the world and make friends. I believe a video about food can best explain my values and ideas about the world.
We also learned about performance art. Performance artists use their bodies and behaviors (行为) to guide people’s thoughts about the world. Once, Mr. Maxwell gave us paint, glue and colored paper, and let us do whatever we wanted to in an empty art room. At first, we just drew some flowers and animals on the walls, however, later, we poured paint on the walls and even broke the colored paper. This art experiment showed that when there are no rules, people can have strong destructive power.
Our final project was shooting a performance art video. I shot a video of myself taking care of an egg. I needed to wash the egg and talk to it every 15 minutes. I discovered my social life, rest time and study time were interrupted (打断) by taking care of the egg. I wanted to use this video to show the difficulties of being a mother, and encourage society to think of motherhood as a real job.
In general, the video art class provided me with the chance to create and edit videos by myself. It allowed me to learn more about modern arts. It was the most interesting and creative course I took this past term.
66. What is the writer’s first video about
A. Food. B. Reporter. C. Art.
67. What’s the meaning of performance art according to the passage
A. To study human actions.
B. To break the rules set by ourselves.
C. To guide people’s thoughts about the world.
68. What does the underlined word “destructive” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Creative. B. Broken. C. Patient.
69. What does the writer want to teach us through his/her art video
A. It’s boring to take care of an egg.
B. Being a mother isn’t easy and is worthy of our respect.
C. Mothers should have better chances to get jobs.
70. What might be the best title for the text
A. My teacher Mr. Maxwell
B. Social traditions
C. Learning through modern art
①This is the word “family” written in Chinese “家”. It’s a pictographic character(象形文字). The “宀” looks like the roof (屋顶) of a house, and the “豕” is a pictographic character for “pig”, which is developed from a picture like this:
②The word “家” with a pig under the roof of a house may show the importance of domestic animals (家畜) to traditional Chinese families.
③There is a strong feeling between parents, children and other family members. The father is usually very strict with their children. Parents work very hard to set a good example for their children, while children study hard. Brothers and sisters in the family are very friendly and helpful to each other. All the family members make an effort to live a happy life.
④Our ancestors (祖先) are part of our life. ▲ It is their spirit that guides us, reminding us of the importance of family. They are the memories that warm our hearts and inspire (鼓舞) us to be better every day. Whenever we think of them, they make us stronger inside.
⑤Everyone values the idea of “harmony (和睦) brings wealth” We should all have this same idea as the great “Chinese dream”. There are thousands of families in China, just because every family goes well, China is getting better and better.
71. The word “家” may show us ______ are important to traditional Chinese families.
A. houses’ roofs B. domestic animals C. more children
72. Which of the following sentences may be put in ▲
A. Every family has their own warm houses.
B. We would like to live and study in the past.
C. They connect all the family members together.
73. According to the Passage ⑤, we can learn China’s ______ depends on every family.
A. memories B. education C. development
74. What does the writer mainly talk about in the passage
A. Chinese characters. B. Chinese ancestors. C. Chinese families.
75. What would be the best structure of the passage
A. B. C.
Finally know those good with nearly problem languages other do
Li Shizhen is 76 as “the saint of medicine” (药圣) in Chinese history. And his work, Compendium of Materia or Bencao Gangmu (《本草纲目》) is one of the 77 medical books.
When Li Shizhen was young, he was interested in traditional Chinese medicine and began to read medical books. He found many mistakes in 78 books. He worried the mistakes would cause serious 79 or death. So Li Shizhen decided to write a new book. He travelled everywhere to look for herbs (草药) and to 80 research. And he talked 81 farmers, doctors and patients. He even tested herbs on himself and 82 lost his life many times. Li Shizhen collected and recorded over 1890 herbs. He also read about 900 medical books. He worked day and night. 83 , the valuable work, Bencao Gangmu came out.
Today, Bencao Gangmu has been translated into many foreign 84 . It’s widely read not only in China but also in many 85 countries around the world.
你校正在开展“自我认识,自我肯定”方面的心理健康月系列活动,你所在班级正准备召开“My advantage”为题的班会,请你用英语写一篇发言稿。内容包括:
参考词汇: hardworking (努力的), brave, warm-hearted (热心的), helpful, encourage, progress
My advantage
Everyone has his advantage. As for me, I am proud to say that I am __________________________________.
41-45 FBEAC
76-85 known; best; those; problems; do with; nearly; Finally; languages; other
书面表达 略




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