
1.Bill: Hey, Jane. You look sad. What's wrong
Jane: Well, Bill. I failed my math exam.
Bill: Oh, ①_____
Jane: I made many mistakes in this exam. It was really bad.
Bill: Don't worry too much. ②_____
Jane: But I didn't make any progress this time. I'm afraid I will never be able to learn it well.
Bill: It's too early to say that. ③_____
Jane: That's true, but the exam result really let me down.
Bill: It's natural to feel that way. ④_____ If your ways are right, just keep trying. I'm sure you can do better next time.
Jane: Maybe you are right.
Bill: Cheer up! Let me know if you need help.
Jane: Thank you! ⑤_____
A. It's okay to make mistakes and we can learn from them.
B. It just needs time sometimes.
C. I'm sorry to hear that.
D. That's really kind of you.
E. I'm sure you'll enjoy the feeling.
F. Think about the ways you learn it.
People passing by Daizhuang village in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu can often see an elderly man working hard in the fields. Zhao Yafu, 83, has worked with local farmers 1 more than 20 years.
Walking on the clean roads among flowers and trees, visitors may find it 2 to imagine that each villager in Daizhuang could only make 2,000 yuan a year around 2000. Now the 3 income (收入) is about 20 times higher.
Zhao wanted to teach the villagers how 4 fruits and vegetables scientifically. At first, the villagers 5 whether he would really teach them for free. They didn't believe 6 Zhao taught them, either. 7 Zhao started giving lessons in the village, only two people showed up to his class. After seeing that the fruits and vegetables Zhao grew 8 at much higher prices than theirs, they began to accept Zhao and his lessons.
Zhao loves the fields 9 . In 2018, Zhao set up 10 workshop. He and his team offer more training to help farmers. They plan to spread the experience to more areas across China so that more farmers can live a better life.
2.A. in B. for C. after
3.A. hard B. harder C. the hardest
4.A. villagers B. villagers’ C. villager’s
5.A. grow B. growing C. to grow
6.A. doubt B. doubted C. will doubt
7.A. what B. that C. which
8.A. Until B. When C. Before
9.A. sold B. are sold C. were sold
10.A. deep B. deeply C. deepness
11.A. a B. an C. the
Molly and Laura both love reading. They have different 1 in books. Molly likes history books while Laura enjoys storybooks.
“We didn't like reading a few years ago,” Molly said. “Then we started to 2 some books with characters from which we could see ourselves. It made us want to read more. We thought we could 3 that with children because it really influenced us.” So they 4 a group called Books Like Me. This group provides schools with many different children's books. Molly and Laura also went to schools to give books 5 to students. The students were 6 to pick out their favorite books. Anne, a teacher, said that her students were excited when reading books in which characters were 7 to themselves.
It's good for children to read books with different characters. A book can be a mirror. It can 8 children to see themselves in its characters. A book can also be a 9 that allows children to see the world through the eyes of characters. When they are in real-life situations, they can deal with problems by using the 10 and experience they learn from the characters.
“I hope,” Molly says, “that all children can see themselves in books, making reading an enjoyable experience.”
12.A. sizes B. tastes C. voices D. abilities
13.A. ask about B. look for C. give out D. take away
14.A. share B. play C. cover D. support
15.A. made B. knew C. started D. discovered
16.A. quietly B. bravely C. quickly D. directly
17.A. happy B. upset C. proud D. nervous
18.A. nice B. true C. similar D. important
19.A. help B. invite C. require D. expect
20.A. bridge B. window C. painting D. building
21.A. music B. culture C. research D. knowledge
PLAY AND LEARN Who said you can't play and learn Playful Digital(数字的) Learning (PDL) offers an educational environment that makes learning exciting through digital technologies. Here children can learn in a fun and creative way while playing. What children can learn through this program: Teamwork skills through learning in groups STEM skills taught through playing games History & bi ology knowledge learned in a fun new way Reading & writing skills developed through creative ways of storytelling and writing Free Classes Now we are offering some free classes online so that you can know more about us. Online classes will be on the second and fourth Saturday of every month at 3 pm. Welcome to join our free classes and they can help you choose what suits(合适) you best. Signing Up PDL is for children at all skill levels. Our classes are for children aged 8-14. Parents are welcome to join as well if they like! Parents’ agreement is necessary for young children under the age of 12. Hand in your information on our website to sign up!
22.What can we know about PDL according to paragraph 1
A. Its teaching technologies are the latest.
B. PDL helps children learn technologies.
C. Its environment makes children want to learn.
D. Children can lose themselves in playing in PDL.
23.What can children learn through playing games
A. STEM skills. B. Teamwork skills.
C. Reading & writing skills. D. History & biology knowledge.
24.How often are the free online classes
A. Twice a week. B. Four times a week.
C. Twice a month. D. Four times a month.
25.If John, a nine-year-old boy, wants to join PDL, he should _________.
A. have classes online B. ask his parents for agreement
C. join PDL with his parents D. hand in his information to the teachers
26.What is the purpose of this passage
A. To introduce an online class. B. To introduce a learning program.
C. To tell children to play and learn. D. To develop children's learning skills.
Light is wonderful and amazing. Light from the Sun is the most important of all. Stars give off their own light. The Moon does not make its own light. It can only reflect light from the Sun. Lightning zigzags (曲折前行) through storm clouds, making a very bright light. People who live near the North and South Poles sometimes can see the aurora(极光) in the sky. Some animals like fireflies and many sea animals are able to give off light from themselves! Chemicals inside their bodies react to give off light.
However, plenty of light we see every day does not come from nature. It is artificial light. Artificial light is important. It allows people to work and travel at night. Headlights on our cars allow us to see the road at night. Streetlights help us to walk safely along the sidewalk. Airplanes take off and land on lighted runways. Artificial light makes our homes safer and more comfortable. It makes our lives easier and more fun. It enables us to have entertainment such as movies, video games, and TV. Artificial light has another important job. It can be used to carry information from one place to another.
Take a moment to notice light and enjoy its beauty and wonder! Go outside on a sunny day. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Look at the stars in the night sky. When staying indoors, count the number of artificial light sources that you and your family use.
27.Where is this passage most probably from
A. A storybook. B. An art magazine.
C. A guidebook. D. A science magazine.
28.How do fireflies and many sea animals make light
A. By looking at the stars. B. By reflecting the moonlight.
C. By living near the Poles. D. By using the chemicals in their bodies.
29.What does the underlined word “artificial” in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Bright. B. Special. C. Manmade. D. Handmade.
30.From the second paragraph, we can learn that _________.
A. light can make our lives better
B. light from streetlights comes from nature
C. artificial light is the most important of all
D. natural light can be used to carry information
31.Which can be the best title for the passage
A. The Wonder of Light B. The Use of Artificial Light
C. Different Kinds of Light D. The Importance of Natural Light
Yueju, or Cantonese opera, is a kind of Chinese opera. It is a traditional Chinese art form that comes from southern China's Cantonese culture. The lead role in Yueju is good at both singing and fighting. Now many people go to the Cantonese Opera Art Museum in Guangzhou to learn about Cantonese opera and its culture, with a great increase in the number of young visitors. This is of great help in passing on and further developing this art form. In order to pass Cantonese opera down to the young, the museum organizes different activities including parent-child activities and Cantonese opera paper cutting. It has also started a teaching center to offer training courses to young people. The team of Yueju goes into schools to spread the culture of Cantonese opera. After listening to Yueju, a 13-year-old student has become increasingly interested in Cantonese opera and plans to watch a show at a theater in Guangzhou this summer. A 24-year-old teacher said that he was only able to enjoy Cantonese opera on TV before the team of Yueju came into schools. After watching Cantonese opera and learning about its history, he has developed a deeper understanding of it.
32.Where does Yueju come from
33.What is the lead role in Yueju good at
34.Why does the museum organize different activities
35.How does the team of Yueju spread the culture of Cantonese opera
36.Who plans to watch a Yueju show in Guangzhou, the teacher or the student
①_____Wang Mei from Guangxi hopes to visit a city in North China so that she can enjoy a trip where there is much snow and ice. ②_____Bob, a student in Canada, likes watching short videos about Chinese history. He is interested in the Terracotta Warriors. ③_____Li Ping is very proud of the great achievements of modern China. She wants to get more information about them. ④_____Mike hopes to learn more about the special pictures that Chinese people put up on the doors and windows during the Spring Festival. ⑤_____Peter, a reporter from America, wants to write an article about the Great Wall to help Americans know about ancient China. A. The bronze flying horse from Eastern Han Dynasty (朝代) is on show at a museum in Lanzhou. It became a sign of Chinese tourism in 1983. B. Harbin is famous for its Ice and Snow Festival. People can enjoy many beautiful things made of ice on the festival. The 9th Asian Winter Games will be held in Harbin, too. C. New discoveries of an ancient city dating back to over 3,000 years have been made in Hangzhou. The findings show how people lived in ancient times. D. The Silk Road and Great Wall Culture Museum in Xinjiang has over 600 old things and 212 Great Wall relics (文物). It shows the history of the Silk Road and the Great Wall. E. You can learn about Emperor Qinshihuang and Chinese history in this museum in Xi’an. It’s said if you don’t visit the Terracotta Warriors in the museum, your visit to the ancient Chinese city doesn't count. F. A “new year picture” park has opened in Tianjin, north China. Pictures that express the wishes of Chinese people for the new year will be on show in the park. G. Hong Kong will show a large collection of objects of the past ten years. It provides a chance for people to learn about the development and achievements of China.
五、短文填空题; through; much; time; sudden; many; danger; appear; way; because; she; excite
Every year from May to November, groups of whales (鲸鱼) swim along the western coast of Australia. They go somewhere warm, where they can find ①_____ food.
It was ②_____ for migration (迁徙) again and a group of whales started their journey. ③_____, two whales were separated from the whale group and got lost. They were a mother whale and her baby swimming next to ④_____. They went into an area with 45-foot-deep water. It was big trouble for the mother and her baby ⑤_____ it was too close to the coast. The mother looked around from time to time and tried to find their ⑥_____ out. At the same time, she had to look after her baby in this ⑦_____ environment. Luckily, the baby was with her mother all the time.
After some time, a group of dolphins (海豚) ⑧_____. They swam in front of the whales and seemed to ⑨_____ the lost whales. The whales noticed that and followed them. The mother whale and her baby swam beautifully ⑩_____ the water, led by the dolphins. With the help of the dolphins, they came back to the whale group.
Just like animals, we humans also depend on each other and we should help each other.
A Special Art Festival
By Li Ming
I want to introduce a special art festival to you.
解析:A.村民;B.村民的;C.村民的。根据句意“现在村民们的收入大约是原来的20倍”,可知这里用名词所有格,表示“村民们的”,故排除A项;再根据上文“each villager(每个村民)”,可知这里用复数,故选B。
解析:A.动词原形;B.动词的现在分词;C.动词的不定式。“how to do sth.”意为“如何做某事”,故选C。
解析:A.怀疑,用于一般现在时;B.怀疑,用于一般过去时;C.将会怀疑,用于一般将来时。根据“At first (一开始)”,可知这里用一般过去时,故选B。
解析:A.用于一般现在时的主动语态;B.用于一般现在时的被动语态;C.用于一般过去时的被动语态。根据“After seeing(在看到……之后)”,可知这里用一般过去时,再根据句意“看到赵亚夫种植的水果和蔬菜的价格比他们的高得多之后,他们开始接受赵亚夫和他的课程”,可知这里指“水果和蔬菜的价格被卖出去的价格”,要用被动语态,故选C。
解析:A.深的;B.深深地;C.深。根据句意“赵亚夫深深地爱着这些田地”,可知这里用副词“deeply (深深地)”修饰动词“loves(爱)”,故选B。
解析:A.一个,用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,表泛指;B.一个,用于以元音音素开头的单词前,表泛指;C.这个,表特指。根据句意“2018年,赵亚夫成立了一个工作坊”,可知这里用不定冠词表泛指,且“workshop (工作坊)”是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以答案选A。
解析:考查名词。根据"Molly likes history books while Laura enjoys storybooks. Molly喜欢历史书籍,而Laura喜欢故事书。"可知:她们对书籍有不同的口味。故选B。
解析:考查动词短语。根据"It made us want to read more."可知,本句意为"然后我们开始查找那些有能够给我们推动力的人物的一些书籍。"故选B。
解析:考查动词。根据后面的"that with children because it really influenced us.小孩和我们因为这些书籍的影响更大"可知,本句意为"我们认为我们自己可以通过和他们更亲近。"故选A。
解析:考查动词。根据前面的"It made us want to read more."推知,本句意为"她们创立了一个叫做"Books Like Me"的团体。"故选C。
解析:考查副词。根据"Molly and Laura also went to schools to..."可知,她们直接给学生书籍。故选D。
解析:考查形容词。根据"pick out their favorite books."可知,本句意为"学生们自己挑选书籍时,非常开心。"故选A。
解析:考查形容词。根据It's good for children to read books with different characters."以及"A book can be a mirror..."可知,此处指学生之间有许多相似之处。故选C。
解析:考查动词。根据前面的"A book can be a mirror.",可知,本句意为"一本好书可以帮助学生在书中的角色中看到自己。"故选A。
解析:考查名词。根据后面"...allows children to see the world through the eyes of characters.得知"。故选B。
解析:考查名词。根据"deal with problems",可知,意为"她们通过角色学到了知识和技能,以此来处理现实中的问题。"故选D。
解析:题干意思是:根据第一段,我们可以知道关于PDL的什么 A意为它的教学技术是最新的;日意为PDL帮助孩子们学习技术;C意为它的环境使孩子们想要学习;D意为在PDL孩子们可以在玩中迷失自己。根据第一段第二句讲到“Playful Digital Learning offers an educational environment that makes learning exciting through digital technologies(有趣的数字学习提供了一个教育环境,通过数字技术使学习变得令人兴奋)”可知,它的环境使孩子们想要学习,故选C。
解析:题干意思是:孩子们通过玩游戏可以学到什么 A意为STEM技能;B意为团队合作技能;C意为阅读写作技能;D意为历史生物知识。根据第二段第二句讲到“STEM skills taught through playing games(通过玩游戏教授STEM技能)”可知,孩子们通过玩游戏可以学到STEM技能,故选A。
解析:题干意思是:免费在线课程多久一次 A意为一周两次;B意为一周四次;C意为一个月两次;D意为一个月四次。根据第三段第二句讲到“Online classes will be on the second and fourth Saturday of every month at 3 pm(在线课程将在每个月的第二个和第四个星期六下午3点进行)”可知,一个月两次,故选C。
解析:题干意思是:如果九岁的男孩John想加入PDL,他应该。A意为在网上上课;B意为征求父母的同意;C意为和父母一起加入PDL;D意|为将信息交给老师。根据最后一段第三句讲到“Parents' agreement is necessary for young children under the age of 12 (12岁以下的儿童必须得到父母的同意)”可知,九岁的男孩John想加入PDL,他应该征求父母的同意,故选B。
解析:题干意思是:这篇文章的目的是什么 A意为介绍一个在线课程;B意为介绍一个学习项目;C意为介绍一些免费课程;D意为介绍一些团队技能。通读全文,结合文章大意可知,本文主要介绍了一个名为Playful Digital Learning的学习项目,故选B。
解析:题干的意思是:这篇文章最有可能来自哪里 结合选项,A.故事书;B.艺术杂志;C.旅行指南;D.科学杂志。结合全文,本文主要讲述了光以不同的形式存在,并给人们生活带来很多便利。因此本文最有可能来自科学杂志。故选D。
解析:题干的意思是:萤火虫和许多海洋动物是如何发光的 结合第二段倒数第二行“Chemicals inside their bodies react to give off light.(它们体内的化学物质发生反应,发出光)”结合选项,A.通过看星星;B.通过反射月光;C.靠近两极生活;D.通过他们体内的化学物质。故选D。
解析:题干的意思是:第二段划线单词“artificial”可能是什么意思 结合下文“Artificial light is important. It allows people to work and travel at night.(人造光很重要。它允许人们在晚上工作和旅行)”因此此处指“人造光”。结合选项,A.明亮的;B.特别的;C.人造的;D.手工制作的。故选C。
解析:题干的意思是:从第二段,我们可以了解到_____。结合选项,A.光可以使我们的生活更美好,结合第二段“Artificial light makes our homes safer and more comfortable. It makes our lives easier and more fun.(人造光使我们的家更安全、更舒适。它使我们的生活更容易,更有趣)”因此A选项正确。B.街灯的光来自自然,结合第一段“The Moon does not make its own light. It can only reflect light from the Sun.(月球自己不发光。它只能反射太阳光)”因此B选项错误。C.人造光是最重要的,结合第一段“Light from the Sun is the most important of all,(来自太阳光是所有光中最重要的)”因此C选项错误。D.自然光可以用来传递信息,结合第二段“It can be used to carry information from one place to another.(它可以把信息从一个地方传送到另一个地方)”因此D选项错误。故选A。
解析:题干的意思是:这篇文章的最佳标题是什么 本文主要讲述了光以不同的形式存在,并给人们生活带来很多便利。结合选项,A.光的奇异;B.人造光的使用;C.不同种类的光。故选A。
32.答案: Southern China's Cantonese culture. /Yueju comes from southern China's Cantonese culture.
33.答案: (Both) Singing and fighting. /The lead role in Yueju is good at (both) singing and fighting.
34.答案: In order to pass Cantonese opera down to the young. /The museum organizes different activities to pass Cantonese opera down to the young.
35.答案: By going into schools. /The team of Yueju goes into schools to spread the culture of Cantonese opera.
36.答案: The student./The student plans to watch a Yueju show in Guangzhou.
38.答案:much; time; Suddenly; her; because; way; dangerous; appeared; guide; through
A Special Art Festival
By Li Ming
I want to introduce a special art festival to you. Last week our school had an art festival. On Monday, the team of Yueju came and gave us a show on the playground. It was the first time for us to watch Yueju in our school. It made the art festival special. On Tuesday, the students showed their works of paper cutting in the school hall.
I like Yueju best because of my grandma. She taught me to sing Yueju when I was a little boy.
Art is very useful for us. It can help us enjoy the beauty of life around us and relax ourselves. (96 words)



