
第一部分 听力测试
1. A. She didn’t come. B. Yes, I did. C. It was wrong.
2. A. For 2 years. B. 2 years old. C. 2 years ago.
3. A. Yes, you could. B. Sure. C. She is ill.
4. A. Neither have I. B. It’s true. C. He has gone there.
5. A. At home. B. Yes, it is. C. Interesting.
6. A. B. C.
7. A. B. C.
8. A. Treasure Island. B. Tom Sawyer. C. Robinson Crusoe.
9. A. Went to the beach. B. Swam in the sea. C. Visited the museum.
10. A. ChatGPT. B. The C919 plane. C. Shenzhou XVI spaceship.
A. It’s the only man-made thing
B. one of the gréatest wonders
C. It’s quite tall and wide
D. Later it was built again
E. it began as independent walls.
11. ______ 12. ______ 13. ______ 14. ______ 15. ______
16. When was the Great Wall first built
A. Between 220BC and 206 BC.
B. During the Qin Dynasty.
C. During the Ming Dynasty.
17. Who had the walls joined together
A. Zhu Yuanzhang. B. Tang Minghuang. C. Qin Shihuang.
18. Why did the emperors ask people to build the Great Wall
A. To be famous. B. To protect the country. C. To travel to have fun.
19. How long is the Great Wall now
A. About 8,850 kilometers. B. About 850 kilometers. C. About 885 kilometers.
20. Which is the most famous part
A. Shanhaiguan. B. Jiayuguan. C. Badaling.
第二部分 笔试
There was no sky or earth at the beginning. There was a big black egg. Something grew 21 it. What was it It grew for 18,000 years. It 22 and dreamed. Finally, it stopped dreaming and woke up. It was Pangu!
In the darkness, his eyes shone like the sun and the moon. He reached out his body but his head hit on the egg. Pangu was too big for the egg. He felt 23 , so he reached out his hand and touched something. It was an axe()! Pangu hit the egg with his axe. He 24 the egg! He breathed 25 and pushed up. Above him it became light. He pushed higher and higher. It became the sky. Pangu pushed down. 26 him it was dark and heavy. He pushed lower and lower. It became the 27 . He kept pushing for 18,000 years. The sky and the earth became thicker. The more Pangu grew, the farther apart he pushed the earth and the sky, 28 the sky grew very high and the earth grew very big. Finally, Pangu got tired. He died. Then his head and body became the Five 29 . They are Mount Tai, Mount Heng in Hunan, Mount Hua, Mount Heng in Shanxi, and Mount Song. His eyes turned into the sun and the moon. His blood changed into water. It filled the river and sea. His hair turned into stars. He 30 became part of the nature.
21. A. outside B. inside C. by D. near
22. A. jumped B. laughed C. slept D. argued
23. A. asleep B. excited C. lonely D. uncomfortable
24. A. broke B. offered C. ate D. threw
25. A. clearly B. suddenly C. heavily D. deeply
26. A. Above B. Below C. Over D. Beside
27. A. sun B. moon C. earth D. sky
28. A. so B. but C. though D. unless
29. A. Rivers B. Mountains C. Stars D. Seas
30. A. his B. him C. himself D. itself
A 30-year-old man from Chengdu has recently caught people’s eyes for his action of climbing China’s five great mountains in just five days over the May Day holiday. As this trip is challenging, it must be planned, He said that China’s traffic is really good, “With such good traffic, I can have such a trip.”
Beipanjiang Bridge’s location is between Southwest China’s Guizhou and Yunnan provinces. Its height is 565m and is regarded as the world’s highest bridge. It was opened to traffic on Dec 29, 2016. Sometimes covered in clouds, the bridge offers beautiful views(风景) due to its height, the river below and deep mountains around. The length of it is 1341.4m.
The Zhoushan Cross-sea Bridge opened to traffic on Dec 25th 2009. It begins at the Yadanshan highway, on country road 329. It connects(连接) with the Ningbo ring highway, and the Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge. The Zhoushan Cross-sea Bridge passe through 9 cuttings and crosses 4 islands. It is about 50 kilometers long.
The Hotan-Ruoqiang railway in Northwest China’s Xinjiang is the world’s first railway that circles(环绕) a desert. The 825-kilometer line, connecting the city of Hotan with Ruoqiang, is on the southern side of the Taklimakan Desert. The workers met many difficulties building it. It was finished successfully on June 16, 2022.
31. Beipanjiang Bridge is ______.
A. 1341.4m high B. in Hangzhou Bay C. the highest bridge D. near a desert
32. How long is the Zhoushan Cross-sea Bridge
A. 1341.4m. B. 50 kilometers. C. 565m. D. 825 kilometers.
33. Where is the Hotan-Ruoqiang railway
A. In Xinjiang. B. In zhejiang. C. In Guizhou. D. In Yunnan.
34. Which of the following is RIGHT
A. The Zhoushan Cross-sea Bridge is the longest.
B. Beipanjiang Bridge is the shortest one of the three.
C. The Hotan-Ruoqiang railway is the oldest of the three.
D. The Zhoushan Cross-sea Bridge passes through 13 cuttings.
35. From the passage we can know that the man from Chengdu thinks ______.
A. China can’t build good bridges and railways.
B. China doesn’t need to build bridges and railways.
C. China’s good traffic helps him achieve his plan.
D. China’s technology in traffic needs improving.
Chinese ping pong player Sun Yingsha already top s the world with her amazing skills. She is glad to see her popularity is encouraging more kids to pick up paddles.
As a child, it was the sound of the ball that drew her to the game. Her parents bought her the first paddle for just a few yuan in a nearby sports shop. She couldn’t even hold the paddle very well as her hand was too small. At first it was her parents who wanted her to play. But she was very interested in the sound of the ball hitting the ground. They suggested she give it a try. After a few days, she found that she really enjoyed it. And when she started playing matches, she felt she had some talent.
In 2015, Sun stepped into the training center of the country team. She still remembers the excitement of seeing her Team China idols for the first time. Everything was very new to her then, because she had just been called up to the country team. Zhang Yining is her favourite role model. “When I was 8, I watched Zhang Yining playing on TV. I hope one day I can become a world - classplayer like her,” said Sun. “It will take me a long time and a lot of hard work to become a top player like Zhang Yining,” she said, “Our team is very wonderful. Few players can get the gold medal(奖牌), but the gold medal belongs to the whole team.”
36. What does the underlined word “paddles” mean
A. 乒乓球 B. 乒乓台 C. 乒乓球衣 D. 乒乓球拍
37. What drew Sun Yingsha to the game at first
A. The big paddles. B. The sound of the ball.
C. Her parents’ wish. D. Her favourite role model’s words.
38. Why couldn’t she hold the paddle well at first
A. Because the paddle was bigger than usual. B. Because she didn’t like the paddle.
C. Because the paddle was too cheap. D. Because her hand was too small.
39. How did she feel when she saw her Team China idols in 2015
A. Excited. B. Bored. C. Unhappy. D. Surprised.
40. What is the main idea of the passage
A. The story of Zhang Yining. B. The story of Sun Yingsha.
C. The story of Chinese Pingpong. D. Sun Yingsha tops the world.
Anyone who has never been to China Braille(盲文) Library (CBL) can’t imagine what it is like. It is open to the 17 million blind people in China. The borrowers can make phone calls, or send WeChat messages or emails to the library, asking for the books they are looking for. The library then finds out these books, put them into the mailing bag, fills in the address(地址) of the borrower on the other side of the card and waits for a postman to pick up the bag. Whenever the borrower finishes reading, he or she needs to put the books back into the bag, turn the address card around and put it into a postbox for the books to return to the library.
On the third floor, there are several big reading rooms with large windows. On the fifth floor, there is a museum. At the door, one can borrow earphones to listen to recorded voices of guides who will take the listener all the way, from the historical wonders of ancient China such as the Great Wall, to the history of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and ancient technological achievements. The museum also shows models of rockets.
CBL also has a 20-square-meter room called “Try Darkness”. Here all the lights are turned off and the door is fully closed not to let in any light. It helps people understand how a blind person feels. Although it takes just about 10 minutes, it feels like an hour-long journey.
41. The borrowers can ask for the books by ______.
A. making phone calls B. sending WeChat messages
C. emailing to the library D. all of the above
42. What does the borrower need to do when finishing reading
① f ind out these books. ②put it into a postbox.
③tu rn the address card around. ④ put the books back into the bag.
⑤wait for a postman to pick up the bag. ⑥ fill in the address of the borrower.
A.②③④ B.①②③ C.①⑤⑥ D.③④⑤
43. Which is true about the CBL museum
A. The museum shows models of planes.
B. The museum is on the third floor.
C. The museum can lend earphones to the visitors.
D. The museum has guides who will take the listener all the way.
44. Why are the lights turned off in the “Try Darkness”
A. Because it takes just about 10 minutes.
B. Because it has a 20-square-meter room.
C. Because people can experience the blind people’s feeling.
D. Because the door is fully closed not to let in any light.
45. What can we know from the last sentence “it feels like an hour-long journey”
A. People experience that being blind is difficult.
B. People like to turn off all the lights.
C. People find it easy to be in the “Try Darkness”.
D. People spend an hour in the “Try Darkness”.
If you unluckily lose your passport in China, you need to follow below steps at once:
First, you should call 110 and report it to the local police, and get a note from the police office. 46 For example, if you lose your passport in Guangzhou, you should call 110 of Guangzhou, if you lose your passport in Shanghai, you should call 110 of Shanghai.
47 you should go to the local immigration bureau(移民局) to make a recording, explaining how you lose your passport. Immigration bureau will provide you a recording paper. Then you will get a new passport or a traveling official paper. 48 They provide a traveling official paper only.
If you get a new passport, you can ask for a new visa(签证) from the immigration bureau and continue your travel. But if you only get a traveling official paper, the immigration bureau will give you a short term stay visa. 49
Last but not least, please make sure you do all above steps in time. 50 Follow us to know more about your stay in China.
A. They must be done within 30 days from the date you lost your passport.B. What if you lose your passport in China C. Local police means where you lose your passport.D. If so, you must leave China within the short term.E. Some countries can give a new passport easily while others can’t.F. After getting a note from the local police, what should you do
At that time we were young, the price was not high, and there were no high-tech 51 (物品) such as mobile phones. When we went shopping, we were used to 52 (use) paper money for shopping, 53 (尤其) when we bought some small snacks, we even took out ten cents and twenty cents. But do you know the girls on the twenty cents They are named Huang Qiping and Su Chunxi. People call them “RMB characters”.
In 1979, Hunan 54 (政府) sent Huang Qiping to the countryside to work. It was also in this year that people of the countryside chose her to work in Beijing. During the training in Beijing, the teachers were very strict 55 her and the work was 56 (heavy) than that in Hunan. 57 Huang Qiping didn’t care and did her job well every day. She worked in Beijing for four years. Later Huang Qiping found that her picture was on the RMB, but she didn’t tell anyone about it. In 58 (she) opiníon, it was just part of her job. At that time, Su Chunxi was called “Flower Girl” by her teacher. Due to Su Chunxi’s good Chinese, she was also sent to Beijing to work, and there she met Huang Qiping.
This year in July, Huang Qiping and Su Chunxi 59 (meet) again. This makes both of them excited because they 60 (not see) each other for many years.
The arrival of ChatGPT will push educators to think more about teaching subjects that technology is not good at. The future is not about technology fighting against humans, it is about humans living together with technology. ChatGPT pushes us to think harder of what makes us human.
What is very clear is that the kinds of things that are easy to teach and test have also become easy for ChatGPT. The world no longer accepts you just for what you know. Baidu knows everything. The world accepts you for what you can do with what you know, and ChatGPT pushes us to work harder on this. If students are only as smart as a smartphone, it means educators are not doing enough. People should develop human skills that actually are important, such as imagination and creativity, that means we should imagine and create things.
The arrival of AI really pushes people to think hard about what education is and for what it serves. While Google or Baidu simply provides knowledge, ChatGPT goes a step further and analyzes(分析) a search before providing only an answer. The chatbot will become a very useful tool(工具) in the development of education.
There’s a great risk if we just follow the answers from ChatGPT instead of questioning it and creating new knowledge(知识). ChatGPT is going to make learning much more interesting and powerful, but humans need to work very hard to win that race with technology.
61. What kind of subjects should we teach after the arrival of ChatGPT (2分)
62. If students want to be smarter than a smartphone, what should they do (2分)
63. What is the difference between ChatGPT and Google or Baidu (2分)
64. What should we do with the answers from ChatGPT (2分)
65. Do you like ChatGPT Why or why not (2分)
March 16 is National Panda Day in the United States. Last year, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, DC, used the day to celebrate the 50th anniversary(周年) of the first two giant pandas coming into its care. The celebration would last six months.
In 1972, the US president(总统) Richard Nixon and his wife, Pat, made a historic visit to China. On her second day in the country, Pat went to the Beijing Zoo to see pandas. At a dinner before they left China, Zhou Enlai told Pat that China would give away two pandas to the US.(A) This surprised her and made her very happy. The pandas, Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing arrived at the National Zoo on April 16, 1972. They lived there for more than 20 years, and died in the 1990s.
A new panda couple, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, arrived at the zoo in 2000. They still live at the zoo with their child, Xiao Qiji. The couple’s other three children, Tai Shan, Bao Bao and Bei Bei were returned to China.
Usually, the workers of the zoo visit their Chinese partners several times a year to share information about pandas. Chinese experts also go to the US. During Covid-19, (B) they communicated with each other through messages and video calls. It has been as good as it always is, as they have had a good relationship for many years. They hope the program will last at least 50 more years.
66. What does the underlined word(A) This refer to(指代) (2分)
67.请将文中(B)处划线句子 they communicated with each other through messages and video calls. 翻译成汉语。(2分)
Pat and her ① ______, Richard Nixon visited China in1972, and the first pandas Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing ② ______ the National Zoo on April 16, 1972. Then in 2000, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian arrived at the zoo. The couple have ③ ______ children. The workers of the zoo hope the program will last at least 50 more years, as they have had a good relationship with their Chinese partners ④ ______ many years ago.
我们的生活总会发生改变,令你的生活发生改变的可能是一个人,也可能是一首歌或一本书。学校广播站正以 ______ changed my life 为题目进行征稿,请你为广播站写一篇英文稿件,内容包括:
______ changed my life
听力 Ⅰ-Ⅲ:(每小题1分,共20分)
1-5 BABAC 6-10 CABCB 11-15 BEDCA 16-20 ACBAC
21-25BCDAD 26-30BCABC
31-35CBABC 36-40DBDAB 41-45DACCA 46-50CFEDA
51. objects 52. using 53. especially 54. government 55. with
56. heavier 57. But 58. her 59. will meet 60. haven’t seen
61. We should teach subjects that technology is not good at.(2分)
62. They should imagine and create things.(2分)
63. Google or Baidu simply provides knowledge, ChatGPT goes a step further and analyzes a search before providing only an answer.(2分)
64. We should question it and create new knowledge(2分)
66. China would give away two pandas to the US. (2分)
68. Mei Xiang, Tian Tian and Xiao Qiji. (2分,答对1个得0.5分,两个1.5分)
69. ① husband ② reached ③ four ④ since(4分)



