
姓名____________ 考试证号___________
1. My favorite subject is_______. I want to be a composer when I grow up
A. Physics B. Music C. History D. Biology
2. How_________ Samuel is! He has achieved a lot but he never shows off.
A. modest B. patient C. generous D. creative
3. Don’t worry. Just make yourself well-prepared. Worry never fixes______
A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing
4. When I passed by the party, Tom ___________ magic with a hat and some flowers
A. was doing B. is doing C. will do D. has done
5. It was so noisy at the hall that I could______ hear anything
A. surely B. quickly C. nearly D. hardly
6. You can't try them both. You can choose _______ the noodles______ the rice .
A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both; and D. not only; but also
7. -Polluted water are being poured into the sea all the time
-Sorry to hear that. After all, it's harmful to the environment and _______ people's wishes.
A. beyond B. along C. above D. against
8. -We've got so many books in our classroom
-Why not _______ a bookshelf at the back to make a small reading corner
A. put up B. pick up C. take up D. get up
9. -I don't want to put on______
-Then you should have healthy diet and exercise often
A. height B. clothes C. weight D. stress
10. -Before you go abroad, you'd better check what the local people usually do.
-I can't agree more.
A. The early bird catches the worm
B. When in Rome, do as the Romans do
C. You can never burn the candle at both ends
D. The grass is always greener on the other side
Running is a great way to keep fit. Almost everyone 11 do it. 12 many people make common mistakes when running and hurt themselves. If you're just starting out, keep the following 13 things in mind. They may be of great help to 14 .
New runners like to do too much too soon. It is_ 15_ ! They should slowly get into a training program. This will help to 16 the risk of injury. Experts suggest increasing your 17 distance by no more than 10% each week.
Beginners might think that they need to run every day, _18__nearly every day. This is wrong again. Running can be really hard on your body. Remember to give you body a 19 between workouts.
Maybe you don't need expensive equipment to take up running, but it's important that you wear 20 for your workouts. The most important is a good  21 of running shoes. Be 22_ to do some research before you do the shopping. Visit a running specially store and ask 23   to fit you for a shoe.
Running can be uncomfortable sometimes. If something hurts when you run, you need to 24 and treat the pain. Remember: It doesn't make you less of a runner_ 25 you listen to your body to keep it healthy
11.   A. can B. may C. must D. should
12.   A. Instead B. Also C. However D. Therefore
13.   A. two B. three C. four D. five
14.   A. me B. you C. him D. them
15.   A. important B. unnecessary C. right D. wrong
16.   A. reduce B. increase C. add D. find
17.   A. walking B. swimming C. flying D. running
18.   A. and B. but C. so D. or
19.   A. rest B. check C. talk   D. study
20. A. beautifully B. properly C. simply D. warmly
21.   A. set B. pair C. suit D. couple
22.   A. sure B. brave C. clever D. able
23.   A. an accountant B. an engineer C. a shop assistant D. an office worker
24.   A. continue B. stop C. develop D. plan
25. A although B. until C. because D.if
三、阅读理解  (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Read the title page and table of contents. Then choose the best answer to the questions below
26. What's the title of the book
A. The Big Kelton Fire B. Table of Contents
C. Bigtime Publishers D. How the Fire Started.
27. Who is the writer of the book
A. Big Kelton B. Ana Luisa Ramirez
C. Bert Klein D. Bigtime NY
28.How many chapters(章节)are there in the book
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
29.Which page does the chapter ‘How the Town Rebuilt' begin on
A. 15. B. 26. C. 42. D. 58.
30. What is the book about
A. The danger of fire B. The building of a town
C. The story of a fire. D. The history of a town
Dear students, today I'll give you some advice to help you prepare for the exams next week. Now, while you're studying, eat food that gives you energy. Don't eat sweets or drink cola. Sugar won't help you study but fruit will.
Keep a positive mind. It is easier to study when you are positive and relaxed. Now, if you feel nervous, have a little break. Go out for a walk nearby. Don't try to learn everything. Just choose the‘ important' things, the things that'll get you the most points in an exam.
You should first learn the main ideas and don't worry too much about the details. If you have time, come back later and read the details. Make notes of these key points and read them, then cover them up and try to remember all the points. It might be boring, but repeating helps you remember. Use past exam papers to study. They will help you understand what kind of questions come up. Take regular breaks while studying. A five-minute break every half an hour is usually enough. Get some fresh air and stretch your arms and legs. Drink a glass of water too.
Good luck! I'm sure you'll all do your best. Now go back to your classroom and I will give you the geography lesson in twenty minutes.
31. Who is speaking here
A. A student. B. A parent. C. A doctor D. A teacher
32. What should the students do if they feel stressed
A. Go to bed early B. Go walking nearby
C. Drink some water D. Continue studying.
33. According to the article, repeating things can be______
A. easy B. uninteresting C. difficult D. tiring
34. What is the proper title for this article
A. How to prepare for exams B. How to use past exam papers
C. How to balance study and hobby D. How to remember well before exams
Every afternoon, as they came from school, the children went and played in the Giant's garden. It was a large lovely garden, with soft green trees and beautiful flowers. The children had great fun there
One day the Giant came back home from his visit to friends. When he saw the children playing in his garden, he shouted, "My own garden is my own garden. Nobody can play in it but myself." All the children ran away. Then he built a high wall all round it. The poor children had nowhere to play now
Then the Spring came, and all over the country there were little flowers and little birds Only in the garden of the selfish Giant it was still cold. The birds did not care to sing in it as there were no children, and the trees forgot to grow. The only happy person was the Snow "Spring has forgotten this garden," she cried, "so I will live here all the year round."
The Giant was looking forward to spring. One morning, the Giant was lying in bed when he heard some lovely music. It sounded so sweet to his ears. It was a little bird singing. He looked out of the window and saw a most wonderful sight. Through a little hole in the wall, the children came in, and they were sitting in the trees. And the trees were so glad to have the children back again that they covered themselves with flowers. The birds were flying about How lovely! Then he saw a little boy standing in one corner. He was so small that he could not reach the tree. "Climb up! little boy," said the Tree, but the boy was too short. The Giant s heart melted. He put that poor little boy on the top of the tree and the tree turned green. At last, he decided to knock down the wall, and made his garden the children's playground forever.
35. Which was the only season after the Giant kept the children out
A. Spring B. Summer. C. Autumn D. Winter
36. What does the underlined sentence "The giant's heart melted" mean
A. The Giant was angry with the tree.
B. The Giant felt cold and sad himself.
C. The Giant felt sorry for the child.
D. The Giant hated to see others in his garden.
37. What's the main idea of the story
A. People should invite children to their gardens
B. People's feelings can change seasons
C. It's great to share love and joy with others
D. Friends are important to most of the people
Henry, a British artist, is known for street graffiti(涂鸦)full of dark humor. In March, his new painting suddenly appeared on a building in north London, catching people's attention
The green painting is on a wall near a tree with no leaves. If you look from the right place, you will find the green paint looks like the tree's leaves. In the painting, there's also a small person holding a pressure hose(高压软管}
The painting shows that nature is having a terrible experience and it is up to humans to help the tree grow leaves back. Henry may have passed by and seen the tree's sad look
Henry's painting has made many people think. "It is a warning from Henry to call on us to protect our environment. He wants us to take action to save nature so that not only we but also our great grandchildren can enjoy its beauty," said a woman in her blog
As a street artist, Henry is strongly against "serious art". In 2005, he secretly brought one of his paintings into a famous New York museum and put it together with the other art pieces in the museum. No one noticed it! He doesn't think that one can only see art in art halls and museums He has always been uncomfortable with the way art halls put things on a high stand.
38. What can we learn about Henry from the passage
A. He is a Canadian artist famous for street graffiti.
B. He only shows interest in painting green trees.
C. He has held many art shows in British Museums
D. He tries to fill his works of art with dark humor
39. What does Henry mainly want to express in his new painting this March
A. What spring looks like in London.
B. How humans can make walls beautiful
C. That humans should help protect nature
D. Where works of art should be shown.
40. Why did Henry secretly bring his painting into the museum in 2005
A. To sell his painting at a high price.
B. To show his opinion about "serious art".
C. To support the other art pieces in the museum.
D. To make his painting known to more people.
Once upon a time, there lived an old man who owned a small land and a nice horse. One day, the horse went missing. _____41   The villagers gathered around him. However, the old man just smiled and said, "Perhaps this is not such a bad thing."
A few days later, to everyone's surprise, the lost horse returned--not alone, but with some wild horses following it__ 42   But the old man said nothing and just smiled
It wasn't long before the old man's son decided to go for a ride on a wild horse. 43__As a result, he fell off and broke his leg in the fall. The father nodded and said, "Maybe this is not such a bad thing."
Then, shortly after, news came that a war broke out. Many villagers were asked to leave their homes and join the army and fight.   44_But luckily, the old man's son continued living a peaceful life on the farm with his father because of his injured leg.
45   All we need to do is try to look at the bright side of things.
46. My little sister often talks about her _______ of becoming a dancer when she grows up.
47. I call my eat by her nickname, which is _______ after my favorite cartoon character.
48. Please let me know when you   at the airport. I'll be there to pick you up
49. Tom _______ his phone on the table of the restaurant and went home.
50. Look! A girl is selling flowers _______ .Shall we go and buy some
Zhang Yi is a full-time astrophotographer(天文摄影师).She_51_(be)crazy about space since she was a kid. Recently she started to take photos of rocket launches(火箭发射).She followed the building of the Tiangong space station_52  her camera. Every launch has given her a strong sense of 53 (achieve)
Zhang believes that her photos are artworks that money cannot buy. For her, people's love for her work always 54 (satisfy) her
Zhang says astrophotographers need to devote 55 to their career. For example, when 56_(take)photos of the stars, they have to film them on plateaus(高原)which always freeze at night. When shooting rockets, they may_57_ (harm) by the heat of the sun. Zhang also says these difficulties are nothing 58 they truly love what they do .
"Getting experience is also important for astrophotographers. We have to learn from our own work and add 59 (person) thoughts into it. Little by little, we can keep making
progress in our work," she 60 (add).
Zhang Yu works at a primary school in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province. He is known not only as a PE teacher but as a photographer at school. His journey as a photographer began in October 2014. One day, he recorded a moment of six students playing with leaves. To his surprise, the photo received lot’s of likes. which encouraged him to continue recording his students'
school life with his mobile phone
So far, Zhang has got a collection of over 100, 000 photos. These photos have become a valuable part of the students' experiences. They often mention the photos in their diaries
"We were all lying on the grass with warm sunlight on our faces," recalls Mei Zijie, a student, about his favourite photo. "I was under a tree when my teacher took the lovely picture," says Zheng Jiale, now an eighth-grader.
Photography has helped Zhang connect with children. Students used to be afraid of him. since he looked very serious. However, as they saw themselves in his photos, they became active in the PE classes. Zhang's photos have also caught other teachers attention. They also start taking photos of their students during important school events now. "In Zhang's pictures, I can see different sides of the kids. I'm happy to do the same thing," said one teacher.
Zhang believes that childhood should be fun and happy.“I hope to create a photo album(相册)for my students some day. I want it to remind them of the happy moments of their childhood," he said.
61. When did Zhang Yu start photography
62. How many photos does Zhang Yu have
63. What does photography help Zhang Yu do
64. What does Zhang Yu want to create for his students
65. What's the proper title for the passage
你校英文报计划举办主题为“I love sports!”的征文活动,你打算参加。请你根据以下要点,介绍一种你喜欢的运动。
I love sports!
一、选择填空  (每小题1分,共10分)
1- 5 BACAD 6--10ADAC B
11---15ACCBD 16--20ADDAB 21---25 B A C B D
26--30 ABDCC 31- 34 DBBA 35---317 D C C
38--40 D C B 41- 45 EBAD F
五、词语运用  (每小题1分,共15分)
46. dream   47. named   48. arrive 49. left 50. over there
51. have been 52. with 53. achievement (s) 54. satisfied  55. Herself
56 taking   57. be harmed   58. if 59. personal   60. added
六、阅读与表达  (每小题2分,共10分)
66. In October, 2014
67. Over 100, 000 photos
68. Connect with children
69. A photo album
70. A teacher and photographer
七、书面表达  (共20分)
I love sports
Doing more exercise is good for our health. As for us students ,we can make ourselves more energetic and smarter by doing exercise in our daily life. Personally, I think highly of running because it's good for our mind and body. Take myself as an example, I can run in any season of the year and it doesn't cost much. Some people think running is boring, but I don't think so. I always listen to my favorite music when I run. I run in the playground for half an hour almost every day Each time I finish it, I feel it excellent to strengthen my body. I also take part in many races. I hope I can be a good runner in the future
It's of great help to do more exercise. I hope that everyone can do some sports in their spare time instead of just staying at home or burying themselves in their study.
Let's go out to do more exercise!
A. He soon lost control
B. The villagers all came and celebrated his good luck
C. The villagers worked together and found the horse.
D. As the war went on, many of them never returned
E. The man searched everywhere, but it was nowhere to be found.
F. What seems a series of bad luck may lead to a surprisingly good ending.
over there forgot arrive   left dream named



