2024年人教新目标中考英语模拟预测试题(六)(精编word版 带答案)

Name___________ Grade___________
第一节 阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)
Dinosaur (恐龙) Prints Discovered A diner eating in a restaurant’s outdoor yard, in Sichuan Province, has discovered dinosaur footprints on the ground. After using a 3D scanner (扫描仪), scientists made sure that the footprints are 100 million years old. They belonged to two dinosaurs with long necks and tails.
________________ Marley and Bob say they became interested in archaeology (考古学) from studying history at school, going to museums and watching Human Histories! They also go to the Young Archaeologists’ Club and they do digs at archaeological sites and carefully research their finds. “You never know what you might discover, and it is a fascinating way to uncover old remains on a real dig. It makes me really happy,” says Bob.
Students Find Ancient Mural A group of student archaeologists have unearthed a 1,000-year-old mural (wall painting). The 30-meter mural shows mysterious scenes, which could reflect what the life was like in ancient Peru. Professor Luis says, “The discovery is the most exciting and important find of recent years.”
( )1. The best heading for the second piece of news would be ________.
A. Come to Our Club B. Dig and Discover the World
C. Find Out Your Hobby D. Study Human Histories
( )2. Professor Luis finds the mural very valuable mainly because ________.
A. it’s connected to ancient society B. it shows the birth of the mural
C. it’s the world’s earliest wall painting D. it has a very large size
( )3. All the news above ________.
A. reports new archaeological finds B. tells ancestors’ stories C. describes the history events D. says hello to the past
Chemistry is usually thought to be more difficult than other subjects, at least for the beginners. There are some reasons for this idea. For one thing, chemistry has a very specialized vocabulary(学科专用语汇). At first, studying chemistry is like learning a new language. Also, some concepts(概念)of chemistry are hard to understand. However, with hard work and careful study, you can finish this subject successfully— and even enjoy it. Here are some suggestions to help you develop good study habits and better understand the topics in the book:
●Firstly, attend classes on time. Listen to your teacher and take careful notes in class. If possible, always review the topics you learn in class, and review your notes on the same day.
●Secondly, think carefully whether you really understand the meaning of a term or the use of an equation(方程式). A good way to test your understanding is to explain a concept to a classmate or someone else.
●Thirdly, pay attention to things which have something to do with chemistry in life. Watch or do experiments in class carefully.
●Fourthly, question often and do not be afraid to ask your teacher or classmates for help.
You will find that chemistry is much more than numbers, formulas(分子式)and equations. It’s often used in daily life just like math and physics. Once you fall in love with it, you’ll get lots of fun.
( )4. How many suggestions does the writer give the readers
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
( )5. The writer thinks that a good way to test your understanding of the formula “H2CO3” is to ________.
A. write it on the blackboard B. read it aloud in class
C. explain it to someone else D. ask others the meaning of it
( )6. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE
A. Chemistry is more often used than physics.
B. Some concepts of chemistry are hard to understand.
C. Studying chemistry is like learning our mother language.
D. Chemistry is usually thought to be as difficult as other subjects.
( )7. The passage is mainly about ________.
A. differences between chemistry and physics B. the importance of chemistry and physics
C. why chemistry is hard for beginners D. how students study chemistry
That night, July 11, 2022, Nick Bostic was driving down the streets of Lafayette, Indiana, when he found a two-story house was on fire.
Flames (火焰) were climbing up the front porch. Without pausing for a moment to think about the danger, Bostic stopped his car and ran from the back door into the burning building, which belongs to the Barrett family.
Bostic had just started climbing the stairs when he looked up and saw four faces appear from a room at the top of the stairs and look down at him, their eyes wide. “Your house is on fire, you need to go!” Bostic yelled.
Bostic hurried the four girls into the fresh air. “Anybody else in there ” Bostic asked.
“Kaylani is in there! We can’t find her!” Seionna, the eldest of the girls, screamed referring to her six-year-old sister. Without hesitating, Bostic ran back inside.
By now, the whole side of the house was in flames. Bostic went upstairs. He searched every bedroom. No kid. The smoke was thick now. He lifted his T-shirt, trying to cover his mouth and nose when he heard the sound of crying, from the dark smoke below.
Bostic felt about in the blackness and heat, moving downstairs toward the sound. Then suddenly Kaylani was in front of him. Bostic quickly lifted the girl into his arms. Where is the front door ! Bostic remembered seeing a window on the side of the house where the fire hadn’t reached.
Bostic climbed back up, made it to the room and broke the glass, Kaylani still in his arms.
Bostic and Kaylani looked down at the open grassy space. The girl said, “_____” He was thinking the exact same thing.
But they had little choice. The flames were inching ever closer. Holding Kaylani tightly in one arm, Bostic ran forward and threw himself out of the window. He managed to land on the other shoulder. Kaylani was almost unhurt.
Days passed. Bostic woke up from first-degree burns to his leg and arm, He felt like he’d just done what anyone would have done in that situation. But outside the hospital, the story of Nick Bostic was already spreading. He was a hero—the pizza man who had run into a burning building not once, but twice.
( )8. What does the underlined word “hesitating” mean in Paragraph 5
A. 交谈 B. 犹豫 C. 埋怨 D. 期待
( )9. Which of the following is the correct order of the story
a. Bostic looked for the door with Kaylani in his arms. b. Bostic led the four girls out into the fresh air.
c. Bostic went upstairs to search every bedroom for Kaylani.
d. Bostic jumped out of the window holding Kaylani tightly in one arm.
e. Bostic followed the sound of crying to the dark smoke below.
A. cbade B. bcead C. ceabd D. baedc
( )10. Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 3 from the bottom
A.I want my sisters! B. Wow, we’ll be heroes!
C. I can’t thank you too much. D. I don’t want to jump out the window.
( )11. The picture in the passage is helpful because it shows ________.
A. when Kaylani was found B. how brave Kaylani and Bostic were
C. what the two-story house on fire was like D. how the hero saved Kaylani at the very moment
AI (人工智能) can help teenagers and students learn in several ways.
Personalized learning: AI can know better about students, including their advantages, weaknesses, skills, learning favorites, learning needs, and so on. Then it can create a proper learning plan for each student. This can help students concentrate on areas that they need to improve at their own speed.
Interactive (交互的) learning: AI has the ability to make learning more interactive and interesting. Things like interactive learning apps and educational games can make subject learning more interesting. What’s more, they can make students interested in a subject at once. This kind of active learning is sure to be more helpful than studying alone.
Automated (自动的) advice and help: AI can provide automated advice and answers to questions. It can examine students’ work and provide personalized help. For example, ChatGPT can answer students’ questions quickly in a private, low-pressure way. This kind of advice and answers can help students better understand knowledge and use their knowledge.
Greater resources(资源): AI can make many of the students’ learning resources richer and wider, like electronic textbooks, online courses, and study apps. For example, a biology textbook with AI technology may provide interactive 3D models of a human body that students can study more carefully. AI can provide interactive examples, introduce important passages, and offer assessments (评价).
In a word, AI has a great ability to improve studying and learning. By using AI, students can study smarter and reach higher levels of learning and success. The future of AI in education is hopeful as technologies continue to develop.
( )12. What can AI do by knowing better about students
A. Get more learning experiences. B. Find out students’ learning speed.
C. Know more about learning favorites. D. Offer proper personal learning plans.
( )13. How might students feel about educational games
A. Traditional. B. Interesting. C. Difficult. D. Knowledgeable.
( )14. Why does the writer give an example of a biology textbook in Paragraph 5
A. To show biology is easy to learn. B. To describe something more about 3D.
C. To introduce a way of assessment. D. To show AI can provide rich resources.
( )15. What’s the best title for this passage
A. AI—a smart help for learning B. AI needs new technologies
C. AI is much better than a teacher D. AI—hopeful or hopeless
第二节 阅读填空(本题共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)
A survey shows that the number of lonely adults is increasing. According to recent research, loneliness can have harmful effects on health. So if you feel lonely at times, be sure to care about it. Here are some tips for you to avoid being lonely.
Make time to meet people
Maybe it seems that you don’t have time to meet new friends, but you need to consider your social life first. ____16____ You can even offer to take a neighbor’s dog for a walk. The neighbor will surely like to make friends with you.
Build your community online
Without doubt, it’s difficult for you to move to meet like-minded people. However, the Internet can easily bring people with the same interests together. ____17____ Try some safe meetup websites, which list local groups and events, bringing people with common interests together.
Know more about your friends
In order to find possible friends, try to know more about them. What do they like doing Join one of their activities. What subject are they interested in ____18____ In this way, you can know each other much better.
Work as volunteers
Volunteering is good for both body and mind. It gives you the chance to communicate with people. Helping at the local food store or in a charity(慈善) shop will give you a warm feeling and you’ll get to know other volunteers. ____19____
Plan ahead
____20____ Rather than just suggesting meeting together, carry it out with an exact date and a careful plan. If you plan to meet more people, making a survey about the plan ahead of time will make the meeting more successful.
A. Find out more about it and discuss it with them.
B. So it is easy to build an online friend community.
C. There are so many ways you can talk face to face now.
D. Everyone’s busy, so getting people together needs a good plan.
E. It’ll also give you something to talk about with friends and family.
F. Instead of checking your phone, go for a walk and chat with someone.
第三节 完形填空(本题共20小题,每小题1.5分,计30分)
For Pineda, it was a long way to succeed.
His story began in El Salvador; where he was born with something wrong with his mouth. He had great 21 in speaking. At age 2, his family’s house burned down. Pineda was hurt 22 ,and his legs needed to be cut. His mother died when he was 8, and he 23 years on the streets before he was taken in by an orphanage(孤儿院).
Finally, at the orphanage, Pineda began to receive support and encouragement. He taught himself to play the guitar. He began his 24 with other musicians. Then the group went to Chicago, where Pineda, then 18, 25 the attention of many people, who wondered what they could do to help him.
A hospital offered him free medical care. A rich man agreed to 26 for Pineda’s tickets to and from El Salvador.
When he was in the hospital, Pineda began 27 music, and wondered if he might be able to record his own album(音乐专辑). Soon with the help of a musician, “The Sound of Gratitude(感激) was born. On October 15th, Pineda went to a Chicago club to 28 his new songs to strangers, and to the friends who had helped him come so far,
It was 29 that Pineda had come into such a good luck, after having so many years of hardship. “We have a 30 in El Salvador, ‘Suffer(受难)first, then enjoy.’ I guess that’s what’s happening.” he said.
( )21.A. preparation B. difficulty C. development D. conversation
( )22.A. politely B. wisely C. simply D. seriously
( )23.A. spent B. used C. cost D. took
( )24.A. speech B. education C. performance D. suggestion
( )25.A. influenced B. caught C. refused. D.separated
( )26.A.ask B. look C.pay D. wait
( )27.A. writing B. lending C. selling D. praising
( )28.A. learn B. lead C. find D. play
( )29.A. freezing B. amazing C. outgoing D. embarrassing
( )30.A. meeting B. crossing C. saying D. meaning
I have invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began 31 I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison.
One day in fourth grade, our 32 gave us a project in class. We had to write to a company and learn about the products. I thought and thought. 33 I chose the Thomas A. Edison Company. Soon after, the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his
34 ! I like the recorded sound and the electric light most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain.
My dad noticed my interest in inventing and 35 me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad 36 a model plane I made. Later, we found a 37 model plane in a store. I learned that different inventors often invent similar things. It is not unusual for this to happen. I also learned that not all great ideas 38 . Failure is a common part of the inventing.
As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. He was always
39 a better way to do a simple job. His guiding hands, together with my 40 in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. Of course, I also thank Thomas Edison. He is my hero.
( )31. A. before B. after C. when D. until
( )32. A. parent B. teacher C. inventor D. engineer
( )33. A. Easily B. Finally C. Safely D. Quickly
( )34. A. lights B. projects C. suggestions D. inventions
( )35. A. mistook B. refused C. chose D. encouraged
( )36. A. with B. about C. into D. from
( )37. A. different B. similar C. large D. small
( )38. A. work B. fail C. come D. end
( )39. A. looking at B. looking for C. looking after D. looking through
( )40. A. habit B. story C. interest D. plan
第四节 词汇。(本题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
41.Women’s Day is on M____________ 8th.
42.A friend of m____________ will come to visit my family this weekend.
43.Every Monday, we watch the raising of the national flag in the playground u____________it rains.
44.The idea of wearing a mask in public is now w____________accepted.
45.It’s a general rule to keep q___________ in libraries and concerts.
46.Please d___________ the children into three groups.
47.The Chinese government has done a lot to control plastic p___________in big cities.
48. Doing outdoor a___________can help students improve their abilities and skills.
49.We should be f_____________ to each other because we are brothers and sisters.
50. The dish s___________so delicious that I couldn't wait to taste it.
第五节 语法填空。(本题共10小题,每空1.5分,计15分)
Last March, I lost my camera while I was on a school trip. I left it on the bus on the way back to ____51____ (we) school. I called the bus company the next day ____52____ (check) if they could find it, but it wasn’t there. My parents got really angry and told me they couldn’t buy me a new one.
I ____53____ (know) they were right, so I decided I would get one by myself. I started thinking of ways to make and save money. My parents ____54____ (usual) give me 8 every week, so the first thing I did was to keep the money ____55____ the small box on the bookcase.
I also offered to help my uncle Alan. He’s often away for work, but he can’t ____56____ (take) his dog with him. I started to look after his dog when he wasn’t at home. After some time, my uncle’s neighbors saw me. They asked me if I could help with their cats, dogs and rabbits, too. So, I started working for three ____57____ (family) living across the street.
In less than three months I had enough money to buy a new camera. It was the same as the one I had lost, but to me it was much ____58____ (nice). I paid for it with ____59____ money I made and it felt very different. This experience teaches me what it means to work hard and I ____60____ (learn) that you must be careful with the things you have recently, because they take a lot of hard work.
第六节 书面表达。(共1小题,25分)
参 考 答 案
第一节 阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)
1-3 BAD 4-7 BCBD 8-11 BBDD 12-15 DBDA
第二节 阅读填空(本题共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)
16-20 FBAED
第三节 完形填空(本题共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)
21-25 BDACB 26-30 CADBC 31-35 CBBDD 36-40 ABABC
第四节 词汇。(本题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
41.March 42.mine 43.unless 44.widely 45.quiet
46.divide 47.pollution 48.activities 49.friendly 50.smells
第五节 语法填空。(本题共10小题,每空1.5分,计15分)
51. our 52. to check 53. knew 54. usually 55. in
56. take 57. families 58. nicer 59. the 60. have learnt
第六节 书面表达。(共1小题,25分)
Hello, everybody! My name is Li Hua. I’m from the Hope Middle School. I am very happy to stand here to talk about myself. I am a kind and helpful person. At school, I am always ready to help others who are in trouble. I can sing and dance well, I think they make me feel relaxed, and I often give performances at our school party. That makes me very well-known in my school. At home, I often help my parents do housework. I think doing housework is not only my parents’ duty. Also, I like reading, I think reading more not only give me knowledge but also open my eyes to the world.
In the senior high school, I will get on well with my new classmates and teachers, and I will study harder, I hope I can learn how to learn better so that I can enter a good university. That's all!
Thank you for your listening!
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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