
南通市崇川区 2022—2023 学年第二学期期末考试试卷
考试时间:60分钟 满分:100分 成绩:________
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________
( )1. A. Yes, I'm Nancy. B. Yes, you can. C. Yes, this is Nancy.
( )2. A. Good evening, Mum. B. Good night, Mum. C. It's eight, Mum.
( )3. A. They're jeans. B. They're nice. C. They're Tim's.
( )4. A. Yes, I am. B. I like cakes. C. I like English.
( )5. A. Here's a chair for you. B. Come and have a pie. C. Drink some juice.
( )6. A. Good idea! B. Well done! C. What a pity!
( )1. What subjects does Mike like
A. Art and Chinese. B. English and Music. C. English and Art.
( )2. What colour is Yang Ling's bag
A. It's brown. B. It's blue. C. It's black.
( )3. How is Bobby
A. He is fine. B. He is not so good. C. He is cold.
( )4. What's the matter with Mingming
A. He is hungry. B. He is thirsty. C. He is hot.
( )5. What day is it tomorrow
A. It's Tuesday. B. It's Wednesday. C. It's Monday.
( )6. What can Linda draw
A. A panda. B. A tiger. C. A monkey.
五、这是 Lucy 星期六的安排。听三遍录音,根据所听内容,在表格内相应的横线上填入一个正确的单词。(6分)
Lucy's Saturday
in the 1. ________ 7:00 get up
8:00 do 2. ________
10:00 have a(n) 3. ________ lesson
in the afternoon 2:00 go to the 4. ________ with Helen
4:00 see some 5. ________ and a big lake
in the evening 8:00 go boating
一、Mr Brown正在介绍自己的一天。仔细阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(有一项多余)(8分)
A. lessons B. get up C. afternoon D. school E. watch TV F. breakfast G. Chinese H. PE I. Friday
Hello, I'm Mr Brown. I'm a teacher. I work from Monday to 1. ________. Every day, I 2. ________ at six thirty. At seven, I have 3. ________. Then I go to the 4. ________ at eight. I have three 5. ________ today. I teach 6. ________. My students like playing football very much in my class. I go home at five in the 7. ________. I usually 8. ________ at night.
二、Mike 正在度过愉快的周末。观察图片选择正确的答案。(10分)
( )1. What day is it today
A. It's Saturday. B. It's Friday. C. It's Tuesday.
( )2. How many birds does Mike draw
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
( )3. What do Mike and Helen do in the afternoon
A. They have a dress party. B. They watch TV. C. They go boating.
( )4. What does Mike do at seven in the evening
A. He draws a picture. B. He has dinner. C. He watches TV.
( )5. Mike goes boating with ________.
A. his teacher B. his friend C. his mother
三、李老师正在和 Ann交谈。仔细阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)
One day, Miss Li sees that Ann is not happy. She asks Ann,“What's wrong with you ”Ann answers,“I want to buy(买) a new pair(双) of shoes, but my parents(父母) don't have enough money(钱).”Then Miss Li says,“Today I have some homework for you—count your parents' shoes and tell me the number (数量) tomorrow.”
The next day, Miss Li asks Ann,“Do you count your parents' shoes ”
“Yes. My father has three pairs of shoes and my mother has four pairs of shoes.”
“How many pairs of shoes do you have ”
“Twenty.”Ann's face turns red.
“Are you still unhappy now ”
“No,I'm not. I want to save some money to buy new shoes for my parents.”
( )1. Ann is not happy because ________.
A. she doesn't like her new shoes very much
B. Miss Li asks her to do some homework
C. her parents can't buy her a new pair of shoes
( )2. What does the underlined word“count”mean in Chinese
A.“数”. B.“擦”. C.“整理”.
( )3. Miss Li asks Ann to ________.
A. buy her mother some shoes B. clean her father's shoes C. count her parents' shoes
( )4. How many pairs of shoes does Ann have
A. Three. B. Four. C. Twenty.
( )5. Finally(最后), Ann wants to save some money to buy new shoes for ________.
A. Miss Li B. her parents C. herself(她自己)
四、Mike 正在阅读绘本。请根据绘本内容,给下列图片排序。(10分)
It is hot and dry today. I'm tired and thirsty.
What's that under the tree It's a bottle. I can see some water in it.
But the bottle is too small and tall. I cannot drink the water. What can I do
Here are some little stones. I have a good idea!
One, two, three, … The stones are in the bottle. Now I can drink the water. Great!
五、Yang Ling生病了,她正在和 Miss Li打电话请假。请根据图片与对话内容,连词成句,组成一组完整的对话。(10分)
1. I, speak, Miss Li, to, may( )
Yang Ling:
2. go, school, I, to, today, can't (.)
Yang Ling:
3. the, Yang Ling, matter, what, is(, )
Miss Li:
4. and, cold, a, I, fever, a, have(.)
Yang Ling:
5. to, that, I, sorry, am, hear(.)
Miss Li:
In Nantong, it's 1. ________ in 2. ________ People 3. ________(通常) go out at weekends. It's 4.. today. Mike and Tim have a picnic. They can see some 5. on the 6. ________
Peter和Linda正在做自我介绍。请根据所给图片提示,仿照 Peter的范例,帮助Linda完成自我介绍。
Hello, I'm Peter. I'm eleven. I like PE. I have a basketball lesson on Friday. I go to bed at nine. I like winter. It's cold. I can make snowmen. I have nice gloves. Hello, I'm Linda. I'm twelve. I like Music. . . . . .
南通市崇川区2022—2023 学年
1. I like Science. It's fun.
2. I have two lessons on Saturday.3. Let's play table tennis after school.
4. It is cool in autumn. We fly kites.
5. Oh dear, you have a fever. You can't go to school today.
6. Your new shirt is nice. I like it.
1. W: Tim, what's in the box
M: Let me see! Wow! A lovely toy car!
2. M: Helen, look at our new timetable.
W: Great! We have an art lesson today.
3. W: Mike, when do you usually have dinner
M: At six.
4. M : What's the matter, Bobby
M : My hand hurts.
5. M : Let's go to the playground, Liu Tao.
M : All right.
6. M : Sam, what can you see on the river
M : I can see some boats.
1. Hello, may I speak to Nancy
2. Lily, it's time for bed.
3. Whose jeans are these
4. I like Chinese. What about you
5. I'm so hungry.
6. It's a sunny day. Let's have a picnic.
1. W: I like Art and Chinese. What subjects do you like, Mike
M:I like English and Music.
2. M: Hi, Yang Ling. Is this your bag
W: No, it isn't. This bag is blue. My bag is brown.
3. M : How are you, Bobby
M : Not so good. I still have a cold.
4. W:Come and have some juice, Mingming.
M: Thanks, Mum. But I'd like a hamburger.
5. M: What day is it today
W: It's Tuesday.
6. M: Linda, can you draw a tiger
W: No, it's difficult. But I can draw a monkey.
五、这是 Lucy 星期六的安排。听三遍录音,根据所听内容,在表格内相应的横线上填入一个正确的单词。
Hello, I'm Lucy. Look at my timetable. I am busy on Saturday. I get up at seven and do my homework at eight. Maths is not easy for me. So I have a maths lesson at ten in the morning. In the afternoon, I go to the park with my friend Helen at two. We can see some flowers and a big lake in the park. We are happy there. We go boating at four in the afternoon. I'm very tired in the evening. I go to bed at eight.
一、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B
二、1. B 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. G 6. A
三、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A
四、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C
五、1. morning 2. homework 3. maths4. park 5. flowers 6. bed
一、1. I 2. B 3. F 4. D 5. A 6. H 7. C8. E
二、1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B
三、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B
四、4 1 5 3 2
五、1. May I speak to Miss Li
2. I can't go to school today.
3. What is the matter, Yang Ling
4. I have a cold and a fever./I have a fever and a cold.
5. I am sorry to hear that.
六、1. warm 2. spring 3. usually 4. Sunday5. boats 6. lake
Hello, I'm Linda.
I'm twelve. I like Music.
I have an art lesson on Thursday.
I do my homework at six.
I like summer. It's hot.
I can swim/go swimming.
I have a nice/beautiful dress.



