
Whales live in the sea.They are not fish.They're mammals(哺乳动物).They are large animals.There are many kinds of whales, such as sperm whales and killer whales.
 Sperm whale
Length:about 15 metres
Weight:about 35 tons
Teeth:50, each up to 20 cm long
Tail:up to 8 metres long
Food:squid, lobsters and small sharks
Skill:diving into the deep cold water
Killer whale
Length:about 8 metres
Weight:about 3,600 kg
Teeth:40, each up to 20 cm long
Tail:up to 6 metres long
Food:fish, birds, seals and even whales
Skill:jumping out of the water(a good swimmer)
(  )1.A sperm whale is shorter than a killer whale.
(  )2.A killer whale is heavier than a sperm whale.
(  )3.Both the sperm whale and the killer whale have much more teeth than us humans.
(  )4.A killer whale can't eat other whales.
(  )5.A killer whale can jump out of the water and eat a bird.
Many years ago, there was a little cat.On a sunny morning, the cat rode a bike to the park.On his way to the park, he met a fat dog.He was very afraid of the dog.So he rode his bike away.However, his bike broke.He had to walk home.When he got home, he was very hungry.He ate some noodles and drank a cup of milk.He broke the cup just after drinking the milk.So he had to clean the floor.
What a bad day!
(  )1.The little cat went to the park by bus on a sunny morning.
(  )2.The little cat met a big fat dog in the park.
(  )3.The little cat ate noodles and drank a cup of milk.
(  )4.The little cat cleaned the floor, because he broke the cup.
(  )5.The little cat had a good day.
My grandma lives in a small town.I visited her with my parents three days ago.She told me something about the town.There were no buses, televisions or computers before.They often rode a horse.But now there are too many buses and cars.She can watch TV at home every day.And she can eat fresh food.There was no tall building in the town.Now there are many tall buildings.One is the new library.I went to the farm with my grandma.I saw many trees and grass.We got fresh fruits.I took lots of photos there.In the evening, I played computer games and slept in the new room.
(  )1.I visited     three days ago.
A.parents   B.my grandma  C.grandpa
(  )2.There were no     before.
A.horses B.food C.televisions
(  )3.My grandma can     at home every day.
A.play computer games B.ride a horse C.watch TV
(  )4.The library is a     .
A.tall building B.small house C.farm
(  )5.I didn't     on the farm.
A.see trees or grass B.take pictures C.sleep
China is becoming one of the most popular countries for a holiday.More and more people are visiting China.Why not join us for a seven-day holiday I am sure you can have a good time travelling in China.We will leave on April 10th from London.Don't forget to take your camera.
Day 1:Fly from London Heathrow Airport at 9:00 a.m.Arrive in Beijing in the early evening.
Day 2:In Beijing, visit the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven.
Day 3:Travel to the Great Wall.It was built more than 2,000 years ago.
Day 4:Fly to Xi'an.Pay a visit to the Terra Cotta Warriors.
Day 5:Fly from Xi'an to Hangzhou.Enjoy the West Lake and rest in the hotel beside it.
Day 6:Fly back to Beijing.Enjoy a wonderful dinner on the last evening.
Day 7:At 11:00 a.m., fly back to London Heathrow Airport. Have a good trip!
1.When will you leave from London  
2.What did the writer ask you not to forget to take  
3.Where will you visit in Beijing  
4.How will you go to Xi'an  
5.When will you fly back to London  
任务一:阅读Zhang Peng写给爷爷的email,选择正确的单词或词组,完成email。(6分)
1.       2.       3.     
A.lake    B.zhangpeng    C.in front of
4.       5.     
In 1834, the clock tower in London was burned down.People planned to build a new clock which would be the biggest and the best in the world.So the clock had to be big and keep very good time.Several years later the tower was finished.The people put the big clock in the tower, and made it ring out for the first time on July 11, 1859.
In order to give the big clock a good name, people held a meeting.Someone wanted to call it the Queen of Bells, and someone thought Victoria was good. At last, a man named Benjamin Hall stood up. He was a big man.Before he started to speak, someone shouted, "Why not call it Big Ben " Everybody laughed and agreed with him.
From then on, Big Ben became its name.And it also became a famous building of London.People all over the world write to Big Ben.They even send bottles of oil to help keep Big Ben running.Big Ben is not only a clock but also a dear friend of people.
任务一:请圈出Big Ben。(5分)
(  )1.Big Ben's birthday is July 11, 1854.
(  )2.Big Ben got its name from the Queen of the UK.
(  )3.Big Ben is a famous building of London.
(  )4.People all over the world send bottles of oil to Big Ben.
(  )5.Big Ben is a dear friend of people.
六、以“My Good Friend”为题,用学过的形容词比较级介绍一下你的好朋友。他/她多大年龄 多高 多重 和你相比,谁年龄更大 谁更高 谁更重 (10分)
My Good Friend
七、昨天是周日,媛媛和她的朋友们度过了一个愉快的周末,看看他们都干了什么 根据下面的图片提示,写一篇英文短文。(10分)
This is a photo of my family.I was five years old then.Now I'm twelve.
一、1-5 F F T F  T
二、1-5 F F  T  T  F
三、1-5 B C C A C
四、1.We will leave on April 10th from London.
2.The camera.
3.The Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall.
4.Fly to Xi'an./By plane./Take a plane.
5.At 11:00 a.m. on April 16th.
五、(A)任务一: B A C 任务二:A B
(B)任务一:C 任务二:F F T T T
六、One possible version:
My Good Friend
Hello,I am a Chinese boy.My name is Zhang Ming.Now I'm happy to have a new friend.Her name is Lisa.She is 15 years old.She is from the USA.She is 1.65 metres.She is older than me.And she is taller than me.She is 50 kilograms.I'm 52 kilograms.I'm heavier than her.
七、One possible version:
Yesterday was Sunday.Yuanyuan washed her clothes.Jim didn't go out to play.He watched TV at home.Tom listened to music.Lily loves English.She read an English book.Daming took lots of pictures.They all had a nice day.
八、One possible version:
This is a photo of my family.I was five years old then.Now I'm twelve.I was short then.Now I'm tall and thin.Before, my brother was short and young.Now he is tall and strong.My father was young.Now he is old and heavy.My mother had short hair then.Now she has long hair.




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