
译林版 (三起) 三年级下册期末英语试卷
听力部分 (40分)
一、听音选图 (每小题1分, 共8分)
听录音, 根据所听到的内容, 选择正确的图片, 并将其序号填在题前的括号内。
( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B.
( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B.
( ) 5. A. B. ( ) 6. A. B.
( ) 7. A. B. ( ) 8. A. B.
二、听音排序 (每小题1分, 共6分)
听录音, 根据所听内容的顺序, 用数字1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6给下列图片排序。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
三、听音判断 (每小题 1 分, 共6分)
听录音, 判断所听到的内容与图片是否相符, 相符的在图片下的括号内填写“T”, 不相符的填写“F”。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
四、听音连线 (每小题2分, 共8分)
听录音, 根据短文内容将人物年龄和玩具用直线连起来。
五、听句应答 (每小题1分, 共6分)
听录音, 根据所听到的内容, 选择正确的应答, 并将答案填在题前的括号内。
( ) 1. A. Yes, please. B. OK.
( ) 2. A. You are right. B. You are out.
( ) 3. A. I’m sorry. B. Thank you.
( ) 4. A. Yes, they are peppers. B. No, they are peppers.
( ) 5. A. She’s Miss Li. B. He’s Mr Green.
( ) 6. A. It’s in the box. B. They are in the box.
六、补全对话 (每小题1分, 共6分)
听录音, 根据所听到的内容, 补全下列对话。
Tim: Look at these______.
Willy: Who’s the boy
Tim: His______ is Jim. He’s my______.
Willy: Who’s that______
Tim: She’s my mother. She’s an______ teacher.
Willy: Is this your father
Tim: No. He is my______, my mother’s brother.
1. —It’s cold. _____ the window, please.
2. —Time for class. Look at the _____.
—Yes, Miss Lin.
3. —What time is it
—It’s _____ o’clock.
4. —The _____ are for you.
—Thank you.
5. —Who’s this _____, Su Hai
—She’s my sister, Su Yang. We are _____.
6. —In summer, I drink _____ juice. (在夏天,我喝橙汁。)
—Me too.
7. This _____ my pencil. (这不是我铅笔。)
My pencil is _____. (我的铅笔是蓝色的。)
8. —What are these
—They’re _____. (它们是梨。)
9. —Look at this _____. (看这只鹦鹉。)
—It’s colourful.
10. —_____ up, Lingling. (醒醒,玲玲。)
—OK, Dad.
11. —This box is for you. ______ it and have a look. ( )
—A puppy. I like it! Thanks, Dad.
A. Listen to B. Open C. Look at
12. —It’s four o’clock. It’s time to say goodbye. ( )
A. Hello. B. Good afternoon. C. See you next time.
13. —Hello, my little bird! Where ______ your friends ( )
—They are ______ the tree.
A. are; in B. are; on C. is; on
14. Tick-tock. Eight o’clock. It’s time ______ eat. ( )
A. in B. to C. for
15. —How old are you, Sam ( )
A. I’m four. B. It’s four. C. He’s four.
16. Shh! Don’t ______. I want to sleep. ( )
A. eat B. shout C. push
17. —What are ______ over there ( )
—They are apple trees.
A. that B. these C. those
18. —______ is the baby ( )
—______ my sister.
A. Who; She B. Who; She’s C. Who; He’s
19. It’s six in the evening. ______ is ready! ( )
A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Dinner
20. —What a nice cap! ( )
A. Thank you. B. It’s not nice. C. It’s a cap.
Liu Tao: It’s time for lunch. Let’s go.
Mike: The floor is wet (湿的). Don’t ___21___, Liu Tao.
Liu Tao: I’m ___22___.
Mike: Let’s sit ___23___. I have two sandwiches. This ___24___ is for you.
Liu Tao: Thank you. Would you like some yogurt
Mike: ___25___, please. I like ___26___.
A. down B. Yes C. sandwich D. yogurt E. sorry F. run
Mum: It’s late. ___27___, Bobby.
Bobby: OK, Mum. ___28___
Mum: ___29___It’s time for school.
Bobby: I see. But where is my pencil case
Mum: ___30___
Bobby: No, it isn’t.
Mum: ___31___
Bobby: It’s black. It is new too.
Mum: Let me have a look! ___32___
Bobby: Oh, that’s my pencil case. Thank you, Mum.
A. What’s that on the floor
B. It’s about eight o’clock.
C. Is it in your schoolbag
D. Hurry up.
E. What time is it now
F. What colour is it
A. B. C. D. E. F.
33. It is a bird. It’s beautiful. It can talk and sing. ( )
34. She is old. She is my mother’s mother. ( )
35. It has a long tail. It’s brown. It likes bananas. ( )
36. We sleep on it at night. ( )
37. It has 12 numbers. It can tell (告诉) us the time. ( )
38. It is small and cute. It likes rice. ( )
It is Open Day. Welcome to our school. It is our classroom. We ___39___ and write in it. This is our ___40___. We can see many ___41___ in it. Please don’t ___42___ in it. Look! This is our small farm. These are ___43___. We like our school.
观察下面的图片,根据图片内容从 A, B, C 三个选项中选出正确的选项。
44. What party is it ( )
A. It’s a New Year’s party. B. It’s a Children’s Day (儿童节) party. C. It’s a birthday party.
45. How old is Mary ( )
A She’s four. B. She’s five. C. She’s six.
46. It’s time for the cake. What time is it now ( )
A. It’s three in the morning. B. It’s three in the afternoon. C. It’s six in the evening.
47. Where are they ( )
A. At home. B. In the park. C. In the zoo.
48. Mary likes new clothes. She wants a _____. ( )
A. skirt B. dress C. blouse
阅读下面的短文,根据内容从A, B, C三个选项中选出正确的选项。
Hello! I am Peter. I am ten. I have a happy family. My father is a doctor. He is tall. He can swim. My mother is not tall but she is beautiful. She has big eyes and long hair. I am a student. I go to school at seven every day. I can skip but I can’t skate or swim. Look at my pet (宠物). It is small. It has red eyes.
49 Peter’s father is a _____. ( )
A. B. C.
50. Peter’s mother is _____. ( )
A. B. C.
51. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. It is time for _____. ( )
A. B. C.
52. Peter has a _____. ( )
A B. C.
53. What can Peter do ( )
A. He can swim. B. He can skip. C. He can skate.
54. 书面表达。
迈克 (Mike) 想向同学们介绍他的两个好朋友—汤姆 (Tom) 和玛丽 (Mary) 。他先对 Tom 进行了介绍,请你根据表格信息,仿照例子,帮助Mike完成对Mary的介绍。请注意书写工整, 大小写、标点符号正确,单词之间保持适当间距。 (其中数字用英文表达)
Name Age Has Likes wants
Tom 10 黑色
Mary 11 黄色
范例:Tom is my good friend.
He’s a boy.
He’s ten.
He has two nice rulers.
He likes black.
He wants a robot.
Mary is my good friend too. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ She has____________________________________ She likes____________________________________ She wants___________________________________
译林版 (三起) 三年级下册期末英语试卷
听力部分 (40分)
一、听音选图 (每小题1分, 共8分)
听录音, 根据所听到的内容, 选择正确的图片, 并将其序号填在题前的括号内。
( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B.
( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B.
( ) 5. A. B. ( ) 6. A. B.
( ) 7. A. B. ( ) 8. A. B.
二、听音排序 (每小题1分, 共6分)
听录音, 根据所听内容的顺序, 用数字1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6给下列图片排序。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
三、听音判断 (每小题 1 分, 共6分)
听录音, 判断所听到的内容与图片是否相符, 相符的在图片下的括号内填写“T”, 不相符的填写“F”。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
四、听音连线 (每小题2分, 共8分)
听录音, 根据短文内容将人物的年龄和玩具用直线连起来。
五、听句应答 (每小题1分, 共6分)
听录音, 根据所听到的内容, 选择正确的应答, 并将答案填在题前的括号内。
( ) 1. A. Yes, please. B. OK.
( ) 2. A. You are right. B. You are out.
( ) 3. A. I’m sorry. B. Thank you.
( ) 4. A. Yes, they are peppers. B. No, they are peppers.
( ) 5. A. She’s Miss Li. B. He’s Mr Green.
( ) 6. A. It’s in the box. B. They are in the box.
六、补全对话 (每小题1分, 共6分)
听录音, 根据所听到的内容, 补全下列对话。
Tim: Look at these______.
Willy: Who’s the boy
Tim: His______ is Jim He’s my______.
Willy: Who’s that______
Tim: She’s my mother. She’s an______ teacher.
Willy: Is this your father
Tim: No. He is my______, my mother’s brother.
1. —It’s cold. _____ the window, please.
2. —Time for class. Look at the _____.
—Yes, Miss Lin.
【详解】句意:—该上课了。看黑板。—好的,林老师。本题考查动词短语,根据图片可知短语为look at the blackboard看黑板,故答案为blackboard。
3. —What time is it
—It’s _____ o’clock.
4. —The _____ are for you.
—Thank you.
5. —Who’s this _____, Su Hai
—She’s my sister, Su Yang. We are _____.
【答案】 ①. girl ②. twins
6. —In summer, I drink _____ juice. (在夏天,我喝橙汁。)
—Me too.
【详解】句意:—在夏天,我喝橙汁。—我也是。本题考查名词词组。橙汁orange juice,故答案为orange。
7. This _____ my pencil. (这不是我的铅笔。)
My pencil is _____. (我铅笔是蓝色的。)
【答案】 ①. isn’t ②. blue
8. —What are these
—They’re _____. (它们是梨。)
9. —Look at this _____. (看这只鹦鹉。)
—It’s colourful.
10. —_____ up, Lingling. (醒醒,玲玲。)
—OK, Dad.
【详解】句意:—醒醒,玲玲。—好的,爸爸。本题考查动词短语和动词的形式。醒醒wake up,句子是祈使句,wake用原形,故答案为Wake。
11. —This box is for you. ______ it and have a look. ( )
—A puppy. I like it! Thanks, Dad.
A. Listen to B. Open C. Look at
12. —It’s four o’clock. It’s time to say goodbye. ( )
A. Hello. B. Good afternoon. C. See you next time.
13. —Hello, my little bird! Where ______ your friends ( )
—They are ______ the tree.
A. are; in B. are; on C. is; on
【详解】句意:—你好,我的小鸟!你的朋友们在哪?—它们在树上。本题考查be动词和介词固定搭配。主语your friends是第三人称复数,be用are;on the tree(树本身的事物)在树上,in the tree(外来物)在树上,鸟属于外来物。故选A。
14. Tick-tock. Eight o’clock. It’s time ______ eat. ( )
A. in B. to C. for
【详解】句意:滴答八点钟。该吃饭了。本题考查动词不定式,It’s time to do sth.该做某事了。故选B。
15. —How old are you, Sam ( )
A. I’m four. B. It’s four. C. He’s four.
16. Shh! Don’t ______. I want to sleep. ( )
A. eat B. shout C. push
17. —What are ______ over there ( )
—They are apple trees.
A. that B. these C. those
【详解】句意:—那边那些是什么?—它们是苹果树。本题考查指示代词。A那,B这些,C那些,根据over there那边,可知指代的是远处的事物,由are可知用those,故选C。
18. —______ is the baby ( )
—______ my sister.
A. Who; She B. Who; She’s C. Who; He’s
【详解】句意:—这个婴儿是谁?—她是我的妹妹。本题考查人称代词和陈述句。he他,she她,答语缺少主谓语,根据sister可知主语用she,she’s是she is的缩写,故选B。
19. It’s six in the evening. ______ is ready! ( )
A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Dinner
20. —What a nice cap! ( )
A. Thank you. B. It’s not nice. C. It’s a cap.
Liu Tao: It’s time for lunch. Let’s go.
Mike: The floor is wet (湿的). Don’t ___21___, Liu Tao.
Liu Tao: I’m ___22___.
Mike: Let’s sit ___23___. I have two sandwiches. This ___24___ is for you.
Liu Tao: Thank you. Would you like some yogurt
Mike: ___25___, please. I like ___26___.
A. down B. Yes C. sandwich D. yogurt E. sorry F. run
【答案】21. F 22. E 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. D
sit down坐下,固定搭配,符合句意,故选A。
Mum: It’s late. ___27___, Bobby.
Bobby: OK, Mum. ___28___
Mum: ___29___It’s time for school.
Bobby: I see. But where is my pencil case
Mum: ___30___
Bobby: No, it isn’t.
Mum: ___31___
Bobby: It’s black. It is new too.
Mum: Let me have a look! ___32___
Bobby: Oh, that’s my pencil case. Thank you, Mum.
A. What’s that on the floor
B. It’s about eight o’clock.
C Is it in your schoolbag
D. Hurry up.
E. What time is it now
F. What colour is it
【答案】27. D 28. E 29. B 30. C 31. F 32. A
A. B. C. D. E. F.
33. It is a bird. It’s beautiful. It can talk and sing. ( )
34. She is old. She is my mother’s mother. ( )
35. It has a long tail. It’s brown. It likes bananas. ( )
36. We sleep on it at night. ( )
37. It has 12 numbers. It can tell (告诉) us the time. ( )
38. It is small and cute. It likes rice. ( )
【答案】33. B 34. D
35. A 36. F
37. C 38. E
It is Open Day. Welcome to our school. It is our classroom. We ___39___ and write in it. This is our ___40___. We can see many ___41___ in it. Please don’t ___42___ in it. Look! This is our small farm. These are ___43___. We like our school.
【答案】39. read
40. library
41. books 42. drink
43. chickens
观察下面的图片,根据图片内容从 A, B, C 三个选项中选出正确的选项。
44. What party is it ( )
A. It’s a New Year’s party. B. It’s a Children’s Day (儿童节) party. C. It’s a birthday party.
45. How old is Mary ( )
A. She’s four. B. She’s five. C. She’s six.
46. It’s time for the cake. What time is it now ( )
A. It’s three in the morning. B. It’s three in the afternoon. C. It’s six in the evening.
47. Where are they ( )
A. At home. B. In the park. C. In the zoo.
48. Mary likes new clothes. She wants a _____. ( )
A. skirt B. dress C. blouse
【答案】44. C 45. B 46. B 47. A 48. B
阅读下面的短文,根据内容从A, B, C三个选项中选出正确的选项。
Hello! I am Peter. I am ten. I have a happy family. My father is a doctor. He is tall. He can swim. My mother is not tall but she is beautiful. She has big eyes and long hair. I am a student. I go to school at seven every day. I can skip but I can’t skate or swim. Look at my pet (宠物). It is small. It has red eyes.
49. Peter’s father is a _____. ( )
A. B. C.
50. Peter’s mother is _____. ( )
A. B. C.
51. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. It is time for _____. ( )
A. B. C.
52. Peter has a _____. ( )
A. B. C.
53. What can Peter do ( )
A. He can swim. B. He can skip. C. He can skate.
【答案】49. A 50. B 51. B 52. C 53. B
句意:彼得的爸爸是一名_______。根据“My father is a doctor.”,可知彼得的爸爸是一名医生,故选A。
句意:彼得的妈妈是_______。根据“My mother is not tall but she is beautiful. She has big eyes and long hair.”,可知彼得的妈妈有大眼睛和长头发,选项B是彼得的妈妈,故选B。
句意:现在是早上7点。该______了。根据“I go to school at seven every day.”,可知早上7点去上学,故选B。
句意:彼得有一只______。根据“Look at my pet (宠物). It is small. It has red eyes.”,可知彼得有一只兔子,故选C。
句意:彼得会做什么?A他会游泳。B他会跳绳。C他会滑冰。根据“I can skip but I can’t skate or swim.”,可知彼得会跳绳,故选B。
54. 书面表达。
迈克 (Mike) 想向同学们介绍他的两个好朋友—汤姆 (Tom) 和玛丽 (Mary) 。他先对 Tom 进行了介绍,请你根据表格信息,仿照例子,帮助Mike完成对Mary的介绍。请注意书写工整, 大小写、标点符号正确,单词之间保持适当间距。 (其中数字用英文表达)
Name Age Has Likes wants
Tom 10 黑色
Mary 11 黄色
范例:Tom is my good friend.
He’s a boy.
He’s ten.
He has two nice rulers.
He likes black.
He wants a robot.
Mary is my good friend too. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ She has____________________________________ She likes____________________________________ She wants___________________________________
Mary is my good friend too.
She’s a girl.
She’s eleven.
She has three nice erasers.
She likes yellow.
She wants a doll
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求仿照对Tom的介绍和表格介绍Mary。然后再阐述年龄,物品,喜欢的颜色和想要的物品。注意文章为一般现在时态。同时要符合字数要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考句型:She’s …; She has …;She likes …; She wants …



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