
概念 表示经常的习惯性动作或存在的状态。
标志性时间 always, often, usually, sometimes, never,every day/week/year, on weekends
动词形式 V原(你,我,复数) 或 Vs/es(不是你,不是我,其他人称单数形式)
动词的第三人称单数形式 (1) 一般情况在动词后直接加 s play--plays, listen-listens (2) 以ch, sh, s, x, o 结尾的动词,在词尾加 es watch--watches (3) 以辅音字母+y 结尾的动词,把 y 变为 i,再加 es fly--flies (4) 牢记 have—has
概念 表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作
标志性时间词 now, look, listen, it’s...o’clock, be quiet,at the moment
动词形式 be (am/is/are) + Ving(左手be, 右手ing, be不可少ing)
动词ing形式 (1)直接+ing。 sleep—sleeping (2)去掉末尾的 e+ing。 make—making, have—having 注意:see—seeing (3)双写末尾的辅音字母+ing。 run—running, shop—shopping (4)以 ie 结尾的动词,要把 ie 变成 y,再加 ing。 die—dying, lie—lying
概念 表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态
时间标志词 tomorrow, tonight, next week/ month/ year..., this afternoon/ evening/ weekend..., soon, in two days/ three years..
动词形式 will + V 或 am/is/are going to +V
概念 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态
时间标志词 yesterday, last night/month/year, ...ago, the day before yesterday, just now
动词形式 V-ed
动词的过去式 (1)一般在动词词尾加 ed。 look--looked; listen--listened; visit--visited (2)以 e 结尾的动词,直接加 d。 dance--danced; live--lived; arrive--arrived (3)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,先改 y为 i,再加 ed。 study--studied , worry--worried 注:fly--flew (4)以下单词需要双写: stop--stopped shop--shopped plan--planned (5)动词过去式的不规则变化 (见附表)
cut-cut切 wear-wore穿
let-let让 wake-woke醒
hurt-hurt伤害 speak-spoke说话
put-put放 be:am/is-was, are-were是
read-read阅读 do-did做
come-came来 eat-ate吃
become-became变成 get-got得到
begin-began开始 go-went去
drink-drank喝 see-saw看见
give-gave给 draw-drew画画
sit-sat坐 fly-flew飞
sing-sang唱 know-knew知道
swim-swam游泳 fall-fell掉落
win-won赢 leave-left离开
write-wrote写 send-sent寄送
drive-drove驾车 learn-learnt/learned学习
sell-sold卖 feel-felt感觉
tell-told告诉 find-found找到
can-could能 have/has-had有
shall-should应该 hear-heard听见
will-would将,想要 lose-lost丢失
sleep-slept睡觉 stand-stood站
keep-kept保持 take-took带走
teach-taught教 meet-met遇见
bring-brought带来 run-ran跑
buy-bought买 make-made制作
think-thought认为 say-said说
肯定句变否定句/ 一般疑问句
be 动词:am is are was were + V-ing; 现在进行时
情态动词:can--could 能,可以 will--would should应该 +动词原形
may可能 must 必须 need需要
助动词:do +动词原形 助动词双重身份:
does 1.助动词,没有实义
did 2.实义动词:做,干(否定、提问借助助动词)
方法小结: 方法小结:
有 be/情 + n’t 有 be/情,提到句首。
无 be/情,借助动词帮忙。 无 be/情,借助动词帮忙。
如何借助动词: 如何借助动词:
V --- don’t + V V --- Do... V...
Vs/es --- doesn’t + V Vs/es --- Does... V...
Ved --- didn’t + V Ved --- Did... V...
some-any 第一人称---第二人称(若有be动词,也要随着变)
will not= won’t
am not
特殊疑问词=特殊疑问句+ 一般疑问句语序
W- When, What, Why, Who, Whose, Which, Where
H- How(怎么样), How old, How much, How many, How often多久(once, twice, three times, four times),How heavy 多重…
肯定形式 V 原开头 : Stop at the red light. Open the e in, please.
否定形式 Don’t+V 原开头: Don’t draw on the wall. Don’t come in. Don’t eat in class.
警示语: No parking. No smoking
口诀:1.提(提动词原形) 2. 去(人情:人称和情态动词) 3. 否定(否定形式用 Don’t)
①有 very,so,too, quite 等词先去掉。
1. 断:在 谓语动词后面断开 (除了情态动词)
2. 加:加 What/ How
(看除时间或地点外的最后一个词,是名词就加 What,是形容词或副词就加 How)
3. 换位(动词前后互换,不改变原有顺序。)
( 一) 可数名词
1. 可数名词复数的构成规则:
(1)一般情况加 s; bike—bikes bag—bags
(2)以 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的名词在词尾加 es;
bus—buses box—boxes brush—brushes watch—watches
(3)以 o 结尾的名词, 英雄土豆西红柿+es:hero —heroes potato —potatoes tomato—tomatoes
其余直接加 s:photo—photos zoo—zoos,
(4)以辅音字母+y 结尾的名词,把 y 变为 i,再加 es:baby—babies family—families;
以元音字母+y 结尾的名词直接加 s:boy—boys monkey—monkeys
(5)以 f, fe 结尾的名词,把 f, fe 变为 v, 再加 es;
2. 可数名词复数的不规则变化
男人女人a变e: man—men woman—women policeman—policemen
单复同型 : sheep—sheep deer—deer fish—fish
鹅足牙oo变ee: goose—geese foot—feet tooth—teeth
Chinese—Chinese Japanese—Japanese
Englishman—Englishmen Frenchman—Frenchmen
German—Germans American—Americans Australian—Australians
其它: mouse —mice child—children people(人);peoples(民族)
复合名词: apple tree—apple trees
woman teacher—women teachers man doctor—men doctors
( 二) 不可数名词
1. 常见的不可数名词有:
肉类:meat; pork; beef; mutton;fish; chicken;
液体类:water; juice; milk; coffee; tea;orange
其它:news, paper, grass, hair等。
2. 不可数名词数量的表达:
a pair of 一对,副,双 a piece of 条,块,张,则a bottle of 瓶
a bag of 包,袋 a cup of 杯
量词复数:two pieces of paper
many/ a few /few+可数名词复数;
some/ any / a lot of/ lots of +可数名词复数/不可数名词;
much / a little /little+不可数名词。
Jim’s football men’s shoes Women’s Day
Kate’s cat Children’s Day Mother’s Day
B.以-s 结尾的复数名词直接加':
the teachers’ chairs the students’ books Teachers’ Day
This is Mary and Lily’s bedroom.
These are Tom’s and Jack’s school bags.
双重所有格: of+名物代 a sister of mine 我的一个姐姐
of+所有格 a friend of my sister’s 我姐姐的一个朋友
基变序规则 1. one----first
(1) 基变序,有规律,末尾加上 th 2. two----second
(2) 一二三,特殊记 3. three----third
(3) 八加 h,九去 e,然后再加 th. 5. five----fifth
(4) ve 要用 f 替,然后再加 th 8. eight----eighth
(5) 以 y 结尾变 ie, 后跟 th 莫忘记 (y----ieth) 9. nine----ninth
(6) 若想表达几十几,只变个位就可以 12. twelve----twelfth
(7) 序数词前常加 the/形物/名词所有格 20. twenty----twentieth
21. twenty-one----twenty-first
( 1 ) 不超过 30 分钟的用 “past”. 即:分钟+ past +钟点数 5:10 ten past five
( 2 ) 超过 30 分钟的用“to”. 即:(60-分钟数) + to + (钟点数+1) 3:55 five to four
( 3 ) 等于 30 分钟的用“half ”. 即: half + past+小时6:30 half past six
( 4 ) 表示一刻钟常用“a quarter” 2:15 a quarter past two 1:45 a quarter to two
B.顺读法 :
4:21 four twenty-one 10:50 ten fifty
2.百千的用法 hundred( 百), thousand( 千), million(百万) 的用法:
( 1 )有数字:无s无of) five hundred students 五百个学生
( 2 )(无数字:有s有of) hundreds of students 数以百计的学生
( 1 ) five-year-old 五岁的 He is a five-year-old boy.
( 2 ) five years old 五岁 The boy is five years old.
101 房间 Room 101 第 5 页 Page Five / the fifth page
五楼 Floor Five / the fifth floor 六年级一班 Class One, Grade Six(先小后大)
the+ 日期(序数词) of + 月份 或 月份, the + 日期(序数词)
人称代词 主格 I you she he it they we
宾格 me you her him it them us
物主代词 形物代 my your her his its their our
名物代 mine yours hers his its theirs ours
反身代词 ...自己 myself yourself/ yourselves herself himself itself themselves ourselves
人称代词 主格放在动词前,作主语;
物主代词 形物代:……的 +名词; 起形容词的作用
名物代:……的(什么东西) 不加名词;起名词作用
enjoy oneself =have a good time= have fun 玩的开心
Help yourself/yourselves to sth. 随便吃......
say to oneself 自言自语
by oneself 独自一人
分类 构成规则 用法
形容词原级 as + 形容词+as“...和...一样” Eg: Tom is as tall as me. not as/so+形容词+as“...不如...那么...” Eg:Tom isn't as tall as me.
形容词比较级 (两者之间比较) 直接加er tall-taller, short-shorter; 以e结尾直接加r nice-nicer 辅元辅重读闭音节,双写加er thin-thinner, big-bigger, 辅音字母+y, 改y为ier heavy-heavier 部分双音节词和多音节词,前面加more beautiful-more beautiful; 不规则变化: many/much-more; good/well-better; bad/ill-worse; old-older/elder far-farther/further little-less A +谓语动词+比较级+than + B “A比B......” Eg: I am older than you. 比较级+and+比较级 /more and more + 多音节词原级“越来越......” Eg:The days become shorter and shorter in winter. Eg:The story is more and more interesting. the+比较级,the + 比较级 “越......越......” Eg: The more you read, the more you know. 比较级前有时可加一些程度副词:much,a little, even, still, a lot等 Eg: My box is even bigger than yours. Which/Who is + 比较级, A or B Which is smaller, the orange or the apple
形容词最高级 (三者或三者以上之间的比较) 直接加est tall-tallest, short-shortest; 以e结尾直接加st: nice-nicest 辅元辅重读闭音节,双写加est thin-thinnest, big-biggest, 辅音字母+y, 改y为iest heavy-heaviest 多音节词,前面加most beautiful-most beautiful; 不规则变化: many/much-most; good/well-best; bad/ill-worst; old-oldest/eldest far-farthest/furthest little-least A+谓语动词+the+最高级+in/of(比较范围)。“A在...最....” Eg: Mike is the talllest boy in our class. A+谓语动词+one of the +最高级+名词复数+ in/of(比较范围)。“A在...是最...之一”。 Eg:Chuangzhou is one of the biggest cities in China. A+谓语动词+the+序数词+最高级+名词+ in/of(比较范围)。“...是...第几...” Eg: The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 三者之间选择:Which/Who +谓语动词+the +最高级, A,B or C Which is the biggest, the moon, the earth or the sun
时间介词 in+年/月/季/周/早/午/晚, in a year, in September, in spring, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening on+星期/日期/某日早午晚, on Mondays, on March 1st, on Sunday morning at+ 午/夜、具体时间 at noon, at night, at 6 o’clock before在……之前 after在……之后
方位介词 on在……上面(有接触) on the tree(生长在树上); in the tree(外来物) above在……上方(没接触) over在……正上方(没接触) under在……下面 near/ beside/ by在……旁边、在……附近 next to在……隔壁(紧挨着) behind在……后面 in front of 在……前面(外部) Tom is standing in front of the car. in the front of 在……前面(内部)Tom is sitting in the front of the car. in+大地点(国家名,城市名等) at+小地点(车站,电影院等) between在……中间(表示两者之间) between A and B among 在……之间(在三者之间)He is the tallest among his classmates.
其他 from…to… 从……到…… from Beijing to Shanghai, from one to ten by +交通工具, 乘……, by car, by subway for为了 buy sth for sb为某人买某物 in+颜色, 表示穿某种颜色的衣服; Sarah is in blue. with 和;I go to school with Mike. 穿,戴 (除衣物以外的东西,比如五官,首饰等) ; John is the boy with a pair of blue glasses. 用……工具; Mr Jones plays ping-pong with his left hand. 有; I bought a house with a beautiful garden.
be angry with 对……感到生气 be worried about 对……感到担心 be afraid of 对……感到害怕 be the same as 与……一样 be different from 与……不同 be far from 离……远 be famous for 因……出名 be good for 对……有益 be bad for 对……有害 be interested in对……感兴趣 be proud of 对……感到骄傲 be fond of 对……感到喜欢 be good at 擅长 be famous as 作为……出名
时间介词 in+年/月/季/周/早/午/晚, in a year, in September, in spring, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening on+星期/日期/某日早午晚, on Mondays, on March 1st, on Sunday morning at+ 午/夜、具体时间 at noon, at night, at 6 o’clock before在……之前 after在……之后
方位介词 on在……上面(有接触) on the tree(生长在树上); in the tree(外来物) above在……上方(没接触) over在……正上方(没接触) under在……下面 near/ beside/ by在……旁边、在……附近 next to在……隔壁(紧挨着) behind在……后面 in front of 在……前面(外部) Tom is standing in front of the car. in the front of 在……前面(内部)Tom is sitting in the front of the car. in+大地点(国家名,城市名等) at+小地点(车站,电影院等) between在……中间(表示两者之间) between A and B among 在……之间(在三者之间)He is the tallest among his classmates.
其他 from…to… 从……到…… from Beijing to Shanghai, from one to ten by +交通工具, 乘……, by car, by subway for为了 buy sth for sb为某人买某物 in+颜色, 表示穿某种颜色的衣服; Sarah is in blue. with 和;I go to school with Mike. 穿,戴 (除衣物以外的东西,比如五官,首饰等) ; John is the boy with a pair of blue glasses. 用……工具; Mr Jones plays ping-pong with his left hand. 有; I bought a house with a beautiful garden.
be angry with 对……感到生气 be worried about 对……感到担心 be afraid of 对……感到害怕 be the same as 与……一样 be different from 与……不同 be far from 离……远 be famous for 因……出名 be good for 对……有益 be bad for 对……有害 be interested in对……感兴趣 be proud of 对……感到骄傲 be fond of 对……感到喜欢 be good at 擅长 be famous as 作为……出名



