
Listening Part (40%)
一、Listen and choose. 听句子,选择句中所听到的单词。(4%)
( ▲ ) 1. A. yesterday B. tonight C. tomorrow ( ▲ ) 2. A. use B. duck C. cute
( ▲ ) 3. A. thin B. thinner C. thinnest ( ▲ ) 4. A. wash B. washes C. washing
二、Listen and choose. 听小对话,选择正确的选项。(6%)
( ▲ ) 1. ( ▲ ) 2.
( ▲ ) 3 ( ▲ ) 4.
( ▲ ) 5. ( ▲ ) 6.
三、Listen and number. 听较长对话,给下列图片排序。(5%)
四、Listen and judge. 听小短文,判断,正确的选 T,错误的选 F。(5%)
1. ( ▲ ) 2. ( ▲ ) 3. ( ▲ ) 4. ( ▲ ) 5 ( ▲ )
五、Listen and choose. 听长对话,选择正确的选项。(10%)
( ▲ ) 1. Who are talking in the dialogue
A. Friends. B. Family members. C. Teacher and student.
( ▲ ) 2. How heavy is Chen Jie
A. She’s 30 kg. B. She’s 35 kg. C. She’s 40 kg.
( ▲ ) 3. What’s the man like
A. He’s young. B. He’s tall. C. He likes sports.
( ▲ ) 4. What happened to the man
A. He rode a horse but hurt his arm. B. He rode a bike but hurt his arm.
C. He drove a car but hurt his arm.
( ▲ ) 5. What are they going to do today
A. They’re going camping. B. They are going to have a big dinner.
C. They’re going to have a party.
六、Listen and write. 听短文填空,每空一词。(10%)
Last 1. ▲ Mike visited a farm. He 2. ▲ many animals and vegetables on the farm. Mike also met new friends, Bill and Mrs Booth. Bill is a boy, he is 3. ▲
than Mike. Mike 4. ▲ shopping with them. They 5. ▲ many fresh food in the Farmer’s Market. Mike felt happy on the farm.
A. shirt B. lunch C. food D. play E. Bread
1. The teacher likes chicken for ________.
2. It is a sunny day. Let’s ________ near the bay.
3. I like noodles. What ________ do you like in the school
4. She washed her ________ last night.
5. ________ for breakfast is healthy.
Month Places
June July playground ____6____
____7____ Weather
skirt dress ____8____ rainy
Ordinal number Weekdays
____9____ 2nd ____10____ Sunday
A. How was your summer holiday, Binbin B. I’m writing an email to my new pen pal. C. What do you often do on the weekend D. Did you enjoy your stay in the hotel E. I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.
—I didn’t like winter before,I thought it was too cold.
—How about now
—Now, __________
—No, I didn’t. I couldn’t sleep all the night.
—What are you doing
—I often watch TV, sometimes I read books.
—It was good I ate lots of fresh food.
This is my friend, Zhang Peng. He comes from Shandong. He ____16____ a lot. Before he ____17____ fat, but now he is thin and tall. He has a red schoolbag, it is ____18____than Sarah’s. He often puts ____19____ umbrella in his bag. There are many books in the bag, too. He is always ____20____. Look! He’s helping Sarah carry the bag.
16. A. change B. changed
17. A. was B. were
18. A. big B. bigger
19. A. a B. an
20. A. helpful B. strict
Annie: Hello, can I speak to Judy please
Woman: ______21______
Judy: Hello, this is Judy.
Annie: Hi Judy, this is Annie. I just came back from Hangzhou.
Judy: Really ______22______
Annie: I went there by train. It was fast.
Judy: Who did you go with
Annie: ______23______
Judy: Your teacher ______24______
Annie: I sang and danced there
Judy: What for Was there a dancing race
Annie: No, I took part in the rehearsal of the Asian Games.
Judy: Wow! That’s so cool! ______25______
Annie: It will start on September 23rd.
Judy: Cool! That will be great! Heart to heart, @Future.
A. What did you do there
B. Sure, hold on please.
C. I went with my teacher.
D. How did you go there
E. When will the Asian Games start
In the Tang dynasty, there were no cars, people went home in a carriage (马车). There were no traffic lights on the road or even no traffic rules. There were no computers, either. People did all the things by their own hands.
But today robots help to do many things. Robots are helpful. People use them in factories to help the workers. These robots are not like the robots in movies. They don’t walk or talk. Sometimes, a robot may be just a metal (金属的) arm. It can do the same job in a factory over and over again. Sometimes a robot may be just like Robin. It can help people to send things to the guests (客人) in a hotel or a restaurant. Some robots like Chat GPT is a useful robot that can answer any questions you ask.
In the future there will be house robots. They will help people to cook, clean and do housework. Even they can help you when you are ill. But is it good or bad for our life Do you want to have a robot in the future
26. 阅读,选择正确的答案补全表格。
A. People did all the things by their own hands. B. no traffic lights or traffic rules C may be just a metal arm. D. they can help you when you are ill. E. a useful robot that can answer any questions you ask.
In the Tang dynasty Now In the future
There were no cars. There were ________ There were no computers. ________ Robots help to do many things. Some robots ________ Some robots help people to send things. Some robot like Chat GPT is ____________ Robots will help people to cook, clean and do many housework. Even ________
27. 阅读,判断,正确写T,错误写F。
(1) This passage (文章) is talking about the robots in different times. ( )
(2) All the robots can talk and walk like the robots in the movies. ( )
(3) A robot can do the same job in a factory over and over again. ( )
(4) People went home in a carriage in the Tang dynasty. ( )
(5) In the future, there will be house robots to help people do housework. ( )
28. 假设你是Wu Binbin,请根据思维导图,补充日记内容,向他人介绍你是如何度过端午节的?请注意日记的格式,填写日期,并用正确的时态表达,不少于5句话。
Dragon boat festival is a big day for my family. The weather _________________________________
Listening Part (40%)
一、Listen and choose. 听句子,选择句中所听到的单词。(4%)
( ▲ ) 1. A. yesterday B. tonight C. tomorrow ( ▲ ) 2. A. use B. duck C. cute
( ▲ ) 3. A. thin B. thinner C. thinnest ( ▲ ) 4. A. wash B. washes C. washing
二、Listen and choose. 听小对话,选择正确的选项。(6%)
( ▲ ) 1. ( ▲ ) 2.
( ▲ ) 3. ( ▲ ) 4.
( ▲ ) 5. ( ▲ ) 6.
三、Listen and number. 听较长对话,给下列图片排序。(5%)
四、Listen and judge. 听小短文,判断,正确的选 T,错误的选 F。(5%)
1. ( ▲ ) 2. ( ▲ ) 3. ( ▲ ) 4. ( ▲ ) 5. ( ▲ )
五、Listen and choose. 听长对话,选择正确的选项。(10%)
( ▲ ) 1. Who are talking in the dialogue
A. Friends. B. Family members. C. Teacher and student.
( ▲ ) 2. How heavy is Chen Jie
A. She’s 30 kg. B. She’s 35 kg. C. She’s 40 kg.
( ▲ ) 3. What’s the man like
A. He’s young. B. He’s tall. C. He likes sports.
( ▲ ) 4. What happened to the man
A. He rode a horse but hurt his arm. B. He rode a bike but hurt his arm.
C. He drove a car but hurt his arm.
( ▲ ) 5. What are they going to do today
A. They’re going camping. B. They are going to have a big dinner.
C. They’re going to have a party.
六、Listen and write. 听短文填空,每空一词。(10%)
Last 1. ▲ Mike visited a farm. He 2. ▲ many animals and vegetables on the farm. Mike also met new friends, Bill and Mrs Booth. Bill is a boy, he is 3. ▲
than Mike. Mike 4. ▲ shopping with them. They 5. ▲ many fresh food in the Farmer’s Market. Mike felt happy on the farm.
A. shirt B. lunch C. food D. play E. Bread
1. The teacher likes chicken for ________.
2. It is a sunny day. Let’s ________ near the bay.
3. I like noodles. What ________ do you like in the school
4. She washed her ________ last night.
5. ________ for breakfast is healthy.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. E
teacher和chicken中ch的发音是/t /,给出的单词lunch中ch的发音是/t /,故选B。
she和washed中sh的发音是/ /,给出的单词shirt中sh的发音是/ /,故选A。
Month Places
June July playground ____6____
____7____ Weather
skirt dress ____8____ rainy
Ordinal number Weekdays
____9____ 2nd ____10____ Sunday
【答案】6. classroom
7. clothes
8. sunny 9. 1st 10. Saturday
rainy多雨的,指天气的形容词,根据“If it is a sunny day we will take a pictures outside.”如果天气晴朗,我们会在外面拍照。sunny晴朗的,故答案为sunny。
Ordinal number序数词,2nd第二,根据“WHEN:July 1st, Saturday, 8 a.m.”可知1st第一,是序数词。故答案为1st。
A. How was your summer holiday, Binbin B. I’m writing an email to my new pen pal. C. What do you often do on the weekend D. Did you enjoy your stay in the hotel E. I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.
—I didn’t like winter before,I thought it was too cold.
—How about now
—Now, __________
—No, I didn’t. I couldn’t sleep all the night.
—What are you doing
—I often watch TV, sometimes I read books.
—It was good. I ate lots of fresh food.
【答案】11. E 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A
句意:—_____。—不,我不喜欢,我这个晚上都睡不好觉。图片是睡不着觉,本题是助动词引导的一般疑问句,D选项“你喜欢你待在旅馆的日子吗?” 符合语境,故选D。         
句意:— ____。—我经常看电视,有时读书。图片是读书,C选项“你周末经常做什么?”符合语境,故选C。
句意:— ____。—它是很好的,我吃了大量的新鲜的食物。图片是吃美食,A选项“你的暑假怎么样,彬彬?”符合语境,故选A。
This is my friend, Zhang Peng. He comes from Shandong. He ____16____ a lot. Before he ____17____ fat, but now he is thin and tall. He has a red schoolbag, it is ____18____than Sarah’s. He often puts ____19____ umbrella in his bag. There are many books in the bag, too. He is always ____20____. Look! He’s helping Sarah carry the bag.
16. A. change B. changed
17. A. was B. were
18. A. big B. bigger
19. A. a B. an
20 A. helpful B. strict
【答案】16. B 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. A
句意:他总是___的。A有帮助的,B严格的。根据下句“ Look! He’s helping Sarah carry the bag.”可知他正在帮助 Sarah 提包,他应该是有帮助的,故选A。
Annie: Hello, can I speak to Judy please
Woman: ______21______
Judy: Hello, this is Judy.
Annie: Hi Judy, this is Annie. I just came back from Hangzhou.
Judy: Really ______22______
Annie: I went there by train. It was fast.
Judy: Who did you go with
Annie: ______23______
Judy: Your teacher ______24______
Annie: I sang and danced there.
Judy: What for Was there a dancing race
Annie: No, I took part in the rehearsal of the Asian Games.
Judy: Wow! That’s so cool! ______25______
Annie: It will start on September 23rd.
Judy: Cool! That will be great! Heart to heart, @Future.
A. What did you do there
B. Sure, hold on please.
C. I went with my teacher.
D. How did you go there
E. When will the Asian Games start
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. E
In the Tang dynasty, there were no cars, people went home in a carriage (马车). There were no traffic lights on the road or even no traffic rules. There were no computers, either. People did all the things by their own hands.
But today robots help to do many things. Robots are helpful. People use them in factories to help the workers. These robots are not like the robots in movies. They don’t walk or talk. Sometimes, a robot may be just a metal (金属的) arm. It can do the same job in a factory over and over again. Sometimes a robot may be just like Robin. It can help people to send things to the guests (客人) in a hotel or a restaurant. Some robots like Chat GPT is a useful robot that can answer any questions you ask.
In the future there will be house robots. They will help people to cook, clean and do housework. Even they can help you when you are ill. But is it good or bad for our life Do you want to have a robot in the future
26. 阅读,选择正确的答案补全表格。
A. People did all the things by their own hands. B. no traffic lights or traffic rules C. may be just a metal arm. D. they can help you when you are ill. E. a useful robot that can answer any questions you ask.
In the Tang dynasty Now In the future
There were no cars. There were ________ There were no computers. ________ Robots help to do many things. Some robots ________ Some robots help people to send things. Some robot like Chat GPT is ____________ Robots will help people to cook, clean and do many housework. Even ________
27. 阅读,判断,正确写T,错误写F。
(1) This passage (文章) is talking about the robots in different times. ( )
(2) All the robots can talk and walk like the robots in the movies. ( )
(3) A robot can do the same job in a factory over and over again. ( )
(4) People went home in a carriage in the Tang dynasty. ( )
(5) In the future, there will be house robots to help people do housework. ( )
【答案】26. ①. B ②. A ③. C ④. E ⑤. D
27. ①. F ②. F ③. T ④. T ⑤. T
①句意:在唐朝,没有汽车,有___。根据第一段“In the Tang dynasty, there were no cars, people went home in a carriage (马车). There were no traffic lights on the road or even no traffic rules. ”可知本题应该是没有交通信号灯甚至没有交规,B选项“没有交通信号灯和交规”符合题意,故选B。
②句意:在唐朝,没有电脑___。根据第一段“There were no computers, either. People did all the things by their own hands.”可知没有电脑,人们靠双手做事情,A选项“人们靠双手做所有的事情”符合题意,故选A。
③句意:现在,机器人帮忙做很多事情,一些机器人_____。根据第二段“These robots are not like the robots in movies. They don’t walk or talk. Sometimes, a robot may be just a metal (金属的) arm. ”可知有时,机器人可能只是金属的胳膊,C选项“可能只是一只金属的胳膊”符合题意,故选C。
④句意:一些机器人像Chat GPT是____。根据第二段“Some robots like Chat GPT is a useful robot that can answer any questions you ask.”可知一些机器人像 Chat GPT是可以回答问题的有用的机器人,E选项“可以回答你问的任何问题的有用的机器人。”符合题意,故选E。
⑤句意:在未来,机器人将能帮助人们做饭,打扫卫生以及做很多家务,甚至___。根据第三段“They will help people to cook, clean and do housework. Even they can help you when you are ill. ”可知机器人甚至在你生病的时候帮助你,D选项“当你生病的时候,它们能帮助你”符合题意,故选D。
⑶句意:机器人可以在工厂一遍又一遍的做相同的工作。根据“It can do the same job in a factory over and over again. ”可知机器人可以在工厂一遍又一遍的做相同的工作。句子和短文内容相符,句子正确,故答案为T。
⑷句意:在唐朝,人们坐马车回家。根据“In the Tang dynasty, there were no cars, people went home in a carriage (马车).”可知唐朝没有汽车,人们坐马车回家,句子和短文内容相符,句子正确,故答案为T。
⑸句意:在未来,将有家庭机器人来帮助人们做家务。根据“In the future there will be house robots. They will help people to cook, clean and do housework. ”可知在未来,机器人将帮助人们做饭,打扫卫生和做家务,句子和短文内容相符,句子正确,故答案为T。
28. 假设你是Wu Binbin,请根据思维导图,补充日记内容,向他人介绍你是如何度过端午节的?请注意日记的格式,填写日期,并用正确的时态表达,不少于5句话。
Dragon boat festival is a big day for my family. The weather _________________________________
June 22nd
Dragon boat festival is a big day for my family. The weather was sunny and hot. I went to my grandparents’ home with my parents. We went there by car. My mother and my grandmother made delicious zongzi. I like zongzi very much. I helped my father and my grandfather hang Chinese mugwort. We also watched a TV program about dragon boat races. We were very happy.
参考词汇:grandparents’ home祖父母的家,sunny and hot晴朗的并且热,by car开车,made zongzi包粽子,hung Chinese mugwort挂艾草,watch TV show about dragon boat racing 看龙舟赛的电视节目
参考句型:The weather was...;We went to...by car;My grandmother and my mother made...;We watched...



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