
英 语 卷
I. Listen and choose. 4% 听歌曲,选出听到的4个单词。
Sarah and her friends will go to a nature park. They are so happy.
II. Listen and choose. 8% 听对话,选择正确的一项。
Sarah is talking her trip plan with Uncle Bill on the phone.
III. Listen and choose. 10% 听问句,选择正确答句,将选项填入括号内。
Sarah is talking about Uncle Bill with her friends.
13. ( ) A. He is a doctor. B. He often goes fishing. C. He likes music.
14. ( ) A. He goes there at 10:00. B. He feels happy. C. He goes by subway.
15. ( ) A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can ride a horse. C. Yes, he did.
16. ( ) A. He doesn’t like winter. B. He’s very tall. C. He is 186 cm.
17. ( ) A. He goes there in September. B. It’s on August 18th. C. He likes October best.
IV. Listen and match. 6% 听短文,选择正确的选项,将序号填入方框内。
Sarah is sharing something more about Uncle Bill and his family.
V. Listen and write. 6% 听句子,将所缺单词补充完整。
Children are happy and busy in the nature park.
22.Three children are planting trees.
23.Amy is reading, Oliver is eating, Mr. Jones is making .
24.The girl with a skirt is singing like a , it’s me.
25.Miss White is good at . Let’s have a look, what’s for lunch
26.Mike would like some nice for lunch.
e with us, the sun, having much fun.
VI. Listen and tick or cross. 6% 听短文,判断句子正误,打√或×。
Sarah is writing a diary about the first day of the trip.
( )28. It was sunny and cool today.
( )29. Sarah got to the park at 9:30 with her parents.
( )30. Chen Jie saw many beautiful leaves.
( )31. Binbin wants to be a plant scientist.
( )32. Miss White and Chen Jie cooked beef soup for the children.
( )33. Sarah had a great day in the park.
We did a lot for the trip and had much fun on 1st day.
1. Before going, I made a _________ list. I got two _________, _________ and clean water.
A. fresh pears
B. good bread
C. shopping
2. Amy is _________. She often _________ at home. She can _________ and keep the room clean, too.
A. cook delicious food
B. helpful
C. washes the plates
3. It is so quiet here. There are no big _________, tall _________ or busy _________.
A. factories
B. traffic
C. buildings
4. I was a little _________ today. We went to Rainbow Lake _________. After that, we _________ and had a party.
A. tired
B. went cycling
C. on foot
【答案】1. CAB 2. BCA 3. ACB 4. ACB
句意:艾米是______。她经常在家_______。她能_____并且打扫房间。A煮美味的食物,B乐于助人的,C洗盘子。根据图片可知,她是乐于助人的,often是一般现在时的标志词,主语she,动词用第三人称单数形式,第二空用washes the plates,第三空can后跟动词原形。故答案为BCA。
John stayed at home and read some notes and tips from Sarah.
(3) We’ll stay there for 3 days.
(1) It’s an invitation for camping.
(2) We’re going there on July 14th.
(4) If you’d like to go, call me!
( ) We can camp near the lake.
( ) On July 16th, we’ll come back to school by car.
( ) It’s our plan for camping.
( ) We’ll go hiking on July 14th and 15th.
( ) You should have a phone with BDS.
( ) Take more water and a cap.
( ) It’ll be very, very hot.
( ) Tips for hiking, July 15th.
( ) Don’t drink the water from the river.
( ) We can’t swim in the lake.
( ) We must follow these.
( ) We’ll see these boards.
【答案】5. ①. 3 ②. 4 ③. 1 ④. 2
6. ①. 2 ②. 4 ③. 3 ④. 1
7. ①. 2 ②. 3 ③. 4 ④. 1
第一句总起:It’s our plan for camping.
第二句是介绍远足时间:We’ll go hiking on July 14th and 15th.
第三句表达在哪里野营:We can camp near the lake.
第四句是回来的时间:On July 16th, we’ll come back to school by car.
第一句是表明图片内容:Tips for hiking, July 15th.
第二句徒步旅行小贴士注意事项:You should have a phone with BDS.
第三句说明天气情况:It’ll be very, very hot.
第四句说明热的天气注意事项: Take more water and a cap.
首先第一句是看到板子上禁止的事项:We’ll see these boards.
第二句根据图片中旅游由近到远的顺序,第一个板子上是禁止喝水:Don’t drink the water from the river.
第二个板子内容是禁止游泳: We can’t swim in the lake.
第四句说明必须遵守这些原则: We must follow these.
It’s a long day! We went to the Rainbow Mountain
On the _____8_____ (two/second) day morning. It _____9_____ (was/is) sunny and hot.
We _____10_____ (go/went) for a long walk with _____11_____ (our/ours) strong shoes. we felt so _____12_____ (hungry/angry). Time for lunch, the boys went _____13_____ (fish/fishing) with Mr. Jones, but they didn’t _____14_____ (get/got) anyone. We made _____15_____ (sandwich/sandwiches) for lunch. Mine was _____16_____ (bigger/big) than Amy’s. Look at the photo, we are ______17______ (had/having) lunch.
【答案】8. second
9. was 10. went
11. our 12. hungry
13. fishing
14. get 15. sandwiches
16 bigger 17. having
句意:在第二天早上,天气晴朗炎热。was过去式,is是be 的第三人称单数现在时形式,该短文是在叙述过去发生的事情,故时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式,故答案为was。
句意:我们穿着结实的鞋子走了很长一段路。our我们的,形容词性物主代词,后接名词,ours我们的,名词性物主代词。后面不可再接名词,根据句子中后面的名词strong shoes,可知此处应用形容词性物主代词,故答案为our。
句意:我们感觉_____。hungry饥饿的,angry生气的,根据后面句子中的“Time for lunch”午饭时间,可知是感觉饿了,故答案为hungry。
句意:午餐时间到了,男孩们和琼斯先生一起去钓鱼,但是他们没有钓到任何鱼。go fishing去钓鱼,动词短语,故答案为fishing。
句意:我们午餐做了三明治。sandwich名词单数,sandwiches名词复数,make sandwiches,动词短语,故答案为sandwiches。
After lunch, we saw a notice board near the Rainbow Bridge.
18. 选择合适的内容完成句子,将选项序号填在横线上。
A. go to Brown Tree House, July 15th B. call 151-****-6856 C. go to Rainbow Bridge on July 16th evening
(1) If you like reading cartoon books, you can _____________.
(2) If you’d like to see nice lights, you can _____________.
(3) If you see a blue water bottle near the lake, you can _____________.
19. 在文中找出与下列划线部分发音相同的单词,填在横线上。
(1) coach _____________
(2) hot _____________
(3) keep __________________________
(4) straight ____________
(5) nine _____________
(6) bread _____________
【答案】18. ①. A ②. C ③. B
19. ①notice;show;Rainbow
①句意:如果你喜欢卡通书,你可以________。根据表格C“Meet you in Brown Tree House, at1:00-3:00, July 15th.”可知,七月十五一点到三点在 Brown Tree House有书展,故选A。
②句意:如果你想看美丽的灯光,你可以_______。根据表格A“Light Show, July 16th evening, Rainbow Bridge.”灯光秀是在七月十六号晚上,在彩虹桥,故选C。
③句意:如果你在湖附近看见蓝色的水瓶,你可以_______。根据表格B“Call Mandy at 151-****-6856.”打电话给Mandy,号码是151-****-6856。故选B。
①coach划线部分发音为/ /,notice中的o发/ /,show中的ow发/ /,Rainbow中的ow发/ /,故答案为notice;show;Rainbow。
②hot划线部分发音为/ /,bottle中的o发/ /,lost中的o发/ /,故答案为bottle;lost。
③keep划线部分发音为/i /,meet中的ee发/i /,tree中的ee发/i /,故答案为meet;tree。
④straight划线部分单词发音为/e /,Rainbow中的ai发/e /,Saturday中的ay发/e /,lake中的a发/e /,Friday中的ay发/e /,故答案为Rainbow;Saturday;lake;Friday。
⑤nine中i分发音为/a /,字母e不发音。time中的i发/a /,like中的i发/a /,字母e均不发音,故答案为time;like。
⑥ bread 的划线部分发音为/br/,bridge中的br发/br/,Brown中的br发/br,故答案为bridge;Brown。
We went to the Brown Tree House and enjoyed the reading party.
The games children had in early China were different. They often ran with sticks like riding a horse. They had a lot of fun. What clothes did they wear in winter Did they wear sunglasses when summer came
What’s the living room like in the past Did they have lights at night Here are many pictures about these! This cake is usually sweet. Chinese often eat it on Mid-autumn Day. There are many stories about it, too.
20. 根据书本封面导读,选择合适的1幅图片作为书本的配套插图。
A.B.C. D.E. F.G.
Book 1: _____________
Book 2: _____________
Book 3: _____________
Book 4: _____________
21. 根据导读和配图,从框中选择合适内容作为书名。
A. Beautiful Chinese dressings! B. A sweet cake, a sweet day! C. The games children played 500 years ago D Houses in Early China
Book 1: _____________
Book 2: _____________
Book 3: _____________
Book 4: _____________
22. 根据Book5的书名和配图,选择合适的句子作为导读内容,并将句子规范的抄写在横线上。
How did they write stories at night Were there any comic books People went outside to look at the moon. It talked about a lot of new films. Did they write on the phones or computers Where did people buy the books
【答案】20. ①. F ②. C ③. E ④. B
21. ①. C ②. A ③. D ④. B
22. How did they write stories at night Were there any comic books Did they write on the phones or computers Where did people buy the books
(1)根据文中句子“The games children had in early China were different. They often ran with sticks like riding a horse. ”可知这本书讲述的是中国早期儿童的游戏是不同的。他们经常像骑马一样拿着棍子跑。他们玩得很开心。图片F是孩子们拿着棍子当马骑,故答案为F。
(2)根据文中句子“What clothes did they wear in winter Did they wear sunglasses when summer came ”可知这本书谈论他们冬天穿什么衣服?夏天来的时候他们戴墨镜了吗?图片C是服装,故答案为C。
(3)根据文中句子“What’s the living room like in the past Did they have lights at night Here are many pictures about these!”可知这本书谈论以前的客厅是什么样的?他们晚上有灯吗?这里有很多关于这些的图片!E图片是客厅中的摆件椅子,故答案为E。
(4)根据文中句子“This cake is usually sweet. Chinese often eat it on Mid-autumn Day. There are many stories about it, too.”可知这本书谈论这种蛋糕通常是甜的。中国人经常在中秋节吃月饼。图片B是月饼,故答案为B。
根据Book 5的书名“The story of books in Early China” 可知这本书是关于中国早期书籍的故事,How did they write stories at night 意思是他们晚上是怎么写故事的?Were there any comic books 有漫画书吗?Did they write on the phones or computers 他们在电话或电脑上写字吗?Where did people buy the books 人们在哪里买书?故答案为How did they write stories at night Were there any comic books Did they write on the phones or computers Where did people buy the books
Sarah and John are on the phone. (S: Sarah, J: John)
S: Hi, John, how do you feel
J: I’m OK now. _____23_____
S: It was great.
J: Did you ride a horse
S: _____24_____ But we went cycling.
J: Sounds great. Did you take any photos
S: _____25_____ And we are making a gift for you.
J: Really You’re so nice. _____26_____
S: This Monday.
J: Cool. I can’t wait.
A. Of course, we did.
B. How was the camping trip
C. When can I see it
D. No, we didn’t.
【答案】23. B 24. D 25. A 26. C
【导语】本文主要是Sarah和John 在电话上谈论野营旅行。
根据下句“It was great.”它很好。可知问句提问怎么样,B选项“野营旅行怎么样?”符合语境,故选B。
根据上句“Did you ride a horse ”你们骑马了吗?该句是由助动词Did引导的一般疑问句,答句用Yes或者No回答,D选项“不,我们没有。”符合语境,故选D。
根据上句“Did you take any photos ”你们拍照片了吗?结合选项可知A选项“当然,我们拍照了。”符合语境,故选A。
根据下句“This Monday.”这周一。可知问句提问时间,C选项“我什么时候可以看?”符合语境,故选C。
27. 同学们正在整理野营资料,准备制作一个微视频送给John。Amy根据自己note中的信息完成了视频脚本。请你帮助Zhang Peng完成他的脚本编写,或者自选一位教材人物,展开合理的想象,并完成脚本编写。
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求帮助Zhang Peng用第一人称完成他的脚本编写。阐述他做的事情。注意文章为一般过去时态。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:hot炎热的,July七月,go fishing去钓鱼,go boating去划船,have a lot of fun玩儿得开心
参考句型:I went to …; I went …;I had a lot of fun…2021学年第二学期小学六年级期末质量监测
英 语 卷
I. Listen and choose. 4% 听歌曲,选出听到的4个单词。
Sarah and her friends will go to a nature park. They are so happy.
II. Listen and choose. 8% 听对话,选择正确的一项。
Sarah is talking her trip plan with Uncle Bill on the phone.
III. Listen and choose. 10% 听问句,选择正确答句,将选项填入括号内。
Sarah is talking about Uncle Bill with her friends.
13. ( ) A. He is a doctor. B. He often goes fishing. C. He likes music.
14. ( ) A. He goes there at 10:00. B. He feels happy. C. He goes by subway.
15. ( ) A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can ride a horse. C. Yes, he did.
16. ( ) A. He doesn’t like winter. B. He’s very tall. C. He is 186 cm.
17 ( ) A. He goes there in September. B. It’s on August 18th. C. He likes October best.
IV. Listen and match. 6% 听短文,选择正确的选项,将序号填入方框内。
Sarah is sharing something more about Uncle Bill and his family.
V. Listen and write. 6% 听句子,将所缺单词补充完整。
Children are happy and busy in the nature park.
22.Three children are planting trees.
23.Amy is reading, Oliver is eating, Mr. Jones is making .
24.The girl with a skirt is singing like a , it’s me.
25.Miss White is good at . Let’s have a look, what’s for lunch
26.Mike would like some nice for lunch.
e with us, the sun, having much fun.
VI. Listen and tick or cross. 6% 听短文,判断句子正误,打√或×。
Sarah is writing a diary about the first day of the trip.
( )28. It was sunny and cool today.
( )29. Sarah got to the park at 9:30 with her parents.
( )30. Chen Jie saw many beautiful leaves.
( )31. Binbin wants to be a plant scientist.
( )32. Miss White and Chen Jie cooked beef soup for the children.
( )33. Sarah had a great day in the park.
We did a lot for the trip and had much fun on 1st day.
1. Before going, I made a _________ list. I got two _________, _________ and clean water.
A. fresh pears
B. good bread
C. shopping
2. Amy is _________. She often _________ at home. She can _________ and keep the room clean, too.
A. cook delicious food
B. helpful
C. washes the plates
3. It is so quiet here. There are no big _________, tall _________ or busy _________.
A. factories
B. traffic
C. buildings
4. I was a little _________ today. We went to Rainbow Lake _________. After that, we _________ and had a party.
A. tired
B. went cycling
C. on foot
John stayed at home and read some notes and tips from Sarah.
(3) We’ll stay there for 3 days.
(1) It’s an invitation for camping.
(2) We’re going there on July 14th.
(4) If you’d like to go, call me!
( ) We can camp near the lake.
( ) On July 16th, we’ll come back to school by car.
( ) It’s our plan for camping.
( ) We’ll go hiking on July 14th and 15th.
( ) You should have a phone with BDS.
( ) Take more water and a cap.
( ) It’ll be very, very hot.
( ) Tips for hiking, July 15th.
( ) Don’t drink the water from the river.
( ) We can’t swim in the lake.
( ) We must follow these.
( ) We’ll see these boards.
It’s a long day! We went to the Rainbow Mountain.
On the _____8_____ (two/second) day morning. It _____9_____ (was/is) sunny and hot.
We _____10_____ (go/went) for a long walk with _____11_____ (our/ours) strong shoes. we felt so _____12_____ (hungry/angry). Time for lunch, the boys went _____13_____ (fish/fishing) with Mr. Jones, but they didn’t _____14_____ (get/got) anyone. We made _____15_____ (sandwich/sandwiches) for lunch. Mine was _____16_____ (bigger/big) than Amy’s. Look at the photo, we are ______17______ (had/having) lunch.
After lunch, we saw a notice board near the Rainbow Bridge.
18. 选择合适的内容完成句子,将选项序号填在横线上。
A. go to Brown Tree House, July 15th B. call 151-****-6856 C. go to Rainbow Bridge on July 16th evening
(1) If you like reading cartoon books, you can _____________.
(2) If you’d like to see nice lights, you can _____________.
(3) If you see a blue water bottle near the lake, you can _____________.
19. 在文中找出与下列划线部分发音相同的单词,填在横线上。
(1) coach _____________
(2) hot _____________
(3) keep __________________________
(4) straight ____________
(5) nine _____________
(6) bread _____________
We went to the Brown Tree House and enjoyed the reading party.
The games children had in early China were different. They often ran with sticks like riding a horse. They had a lot of fun. What clothes did they wear in winter Did they wear sunglasses when summer came
What’s the living room like in the past Did they have lights at night Here are many pictures about these! This cake is usually sweet. Chinese often eat it on Mid-autumn Day. There are many stories about it, too.
20. 根据书本封面导读,选择合适1幅图片作为书本的配套插图。
A.B.C. D.E. F.G.
Book 1: _____________
Book 2: _____________
Book 3: _____________
Book 4: _____________
21. 根据导读和配图,从框中选择合适内容作为书名。
A. Beautiful Chinese dressings! B. A sweet cake, a sweet day! C. The games children played 500 years ago D. Houses in Early China
Book 1: _____________
Book 2: _____________
Book 3: _____________
Book 4: _____________
22. 根据Book5的书名和配图,选择合适的句子作为导读内容,并将句子规范的抄写在横线上。
How did they write stories at night Were there any comic books People went outside to look at the moon. It talked about a lot of new films. Did they write on the phones or computers Where did people buy the books
Sarah and John are on the phone. (S: Sarah J: John)
S: Hi, John, how do you feel
J: I’m OK now. _____23_____
S: It was great.
J: Did you ride a horse
S: _____24_____ But we went cycling.
J: Sounds great Did you take any photos
S: _____25_____ And we are making a gift for you.
J: Really You’re so nice. _____26_____
S: This Monday.
J: Cool. I can’t wait.
A. Of course, we did.
B. How was the camping trip
C. When can I see it
D. No, we didn’t.
27. 同学们正在整理野营资料,准备制作一个微视频送给John。Amy根据自己note中的信息完成了视频脚本。请你帮助Zhang Peng完成他的脚本编写,或者自选一位教材人物,展开合理的想象,并完成脚本编写。




下一篇:小学数学人教版四年级下第六单元 小数的加法和减法(含答案)