
听力部分 (30分)
一、听力 (共30小题,计30分)
第一节:听音选择。选择你所听到的字母、数字、单词或词组。 (共8小题,计8分)
( ) 1. A. MVP B. MVQ C. WVP
( ) 2. A. No. 5834 B. No. 4835 C. No. 5843
( ) 3. A. chicken B. kitchen C. children
( ) 4. A. magazine B. music C. museum
( ) 5. A. plan B. plane C. plant
( ) 6. A. smarter B. stronger C. smaller
( ) 7. A. were B. was C. went
( ) 8. A. saw a film B. watched TV C. washed clothes
第二节:听音选择。听句子或对话,选择正确的图片。 (共6小题,计6分)
( ) 9. A. B. ( ) 10. A. B.
( ) 11. A. B. ( ) 12. A. B.
( ) 13. A. B. ( ) 14. A. B.
第三节:听音回答。听问句,选答句。 (共6小题,计6分)
( ) 15. A. I am ten. B. Fine, thank you.
( ) 16. A. I like summer best. B. Because I can eat ice cream.
( ) 17. A. It’s on the table. B. No, they aren’t.
( ) 18. A. He is a postman. B. He works on a rescue plane.
( ) 19. A. He is funny. B. He likes maths.
( ) 20. A. Tea, please. B. I’d like some bread.
第四节:听音判断。判断你所听到的对话是否与图片相符,相符的填A,不相符的填B。 (共5小题,计5分)
21. ( ) 22. ( ) 23. ( ) 24. ( ) 25. ( )
第五节:听小短文,判断正误,正确的填A,错误的填B。 (共5小题,计5分)
( ) 26. John is from the USA.
( ) 27. John’s family went to Harbin two years ago.
( ) 28. They went there by plane.
( ) 29. John went ice-skating and made a snowman with his mother.
( ) 30. They didn’t like this trip in Harbin.
1. A. camping B. hand C. name
2. A. he B. red C. we
3. A. kite B. it C. fish
4. A. Coke B. note C. orange
5. A. cute B. cut C. up
6. A. that B. thin C. father
7. —How many ______ do you see ( )
—I see three.
A. potatoes B. tomatoes C. green beans
8 —What’s your pen pal’s hobby ( )
—She likes ______.
A. drawing cartoons B. cooking food C. doing word puzzles
9. Look! There is a monkey ______ the two trees. ( )
A. behind B. beside C. between
10. It’s ______ and cool in Hong Kong today. ( )
A. rainy B. windy C. sunny
11. —How can I get to the hospital ( )
—______, please.
A. Turn left B. Turn right C. Turn around
D. Go straight
12. —______ are these pants ( )
—They are 85cm.
A. How many B. How much C. How long
13. —______ you go to the supermarket yesterday ( )
—No, I read books in the library.
A. Did B. Do C. Does D. Doing
14. On Mid-Autumn Day, people in China usually ______. ( )
A eat mooncakes B. eat zongzi C. eat pizza
15. My brother is 1.58m. I am 1.55m. I am ______ than him. ( )
A. younger B. shorter C. taller
16. Before I couldn’t ride a bike but now I often ______ on the weekend. ( )
A. go hiking B. go cycling C. go boating D. go shopping
A. B. C. D.
17. Hi, I’m Jack. I stayed at home with my family. We couldn’t go outside, but I still did some sports. I played ping-pong with my father. That was interesting! Sometimes I played yo-yo with my little sister. How happy we were! ( )
18. Hello, I’m Molly. I like drawing very much. I drew many pictures in those days. Some pictures were about the animals. Some pictures were about the people who were fighting against the virus. They are so great. ( )
19. Hi, I’m Mark. I stayed at home every day. I learned to cook with my mother. I cooked vegetables at first. It was easy. Then I learned to make cakes. My mother’s birthday is on April 12th.I made a cake for her. She was happy. ( )
20. My name is Betty. I watched CCTV news every day. I got to know a great man Zhong Nanshan. He is a great doctor in China. He is86 years old, but he is very hard-working. He can speak English well. He is also good at sports. He looks so strong! ( )
疫情过后,Betty在网站上看到Willow Nature Park 将重新开放。请阅读下面短文,判断正(T)误(F)。
Welcome to Willow Nature Park! In the park there is a high mountain. You can climb mountains and see the beautiful scenery. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There are many houses. There is a lake near the village. The water is clean. On the lake there are some ducks and boats. You can go boating and feed the ducks. And there are many beautiful flowers around the lake. You can read books by the lake. Behind the lake there is a forest. You can pick up leaves and take pictures there.
Tips: No swimming. No fishing. No littering. No fire. Opening time: Mon.-Fri. (8: 30-17: 00) Sat. -Sun. (8: 00-17: 30) Tickets: 30 (Half price from May 5th to Jun.2nd) Address: No.11, Fuxing Road Transportation (交通) : No. 21bus, No.310bus, Subway Line 1
21. There is a small village in front of the mountain. ( )
22. You can go boating and go fishing in the Willow Nature Park. ( )
23. You can visit the park at 8:15 a.m. on Sundays. ( )
24. You can take the No. I bus to the Willow Nature Park. ( )
25. If Betty wants to visit the park with her mother on Children’s Day, they will pay (付钱) 60 for their tickets. ( )
(Betty and Jack are talking on the phone.)
Betty: Hi, Jack. This is Betty.
How was your weekend
Jack: Not very good. I stayed at home. ______26______
Betty: I’m sorry to hear that ______27______
Jack: Yes, thanks. I’m much better now. How about your weekend
Betty: It was busy. ______28______ But we’ll visit the Willow Nature Park this weekend. Will you go with us?
Jack: Sure. ______29______
Betty: We will go boating, feed ducks, play games and so on.
Jack: Sounds great! I like boating and playing games. And ______30______
Betty: OK. See you at the Willow Nature Park gate on Saturday morning.
Jack: See you.
A. I did a lot of housework at home.
B. I had a cold last weekend.
C. Are you feeling better now
D. I’ll take some pictures there.
E. What will we do in the park
Betty is reading a book by the lake. She has a story to tell Jack.
There is an old tiger living in the forest. One day, he sees a thin monkey and says, “I am hungry, Monkey. Go to the farm and bring me a fat sheep.” “Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “I can’t do that now. There is a younger tiger over there. He also wants a fat sheep. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.”
“What ” shouts the old tiger “Show me that tiger and I will kill (杀掉) him.”
“Come with me,” says the monkey. The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge over the river. “Now look down at the river,” says the monkey. “Do you see the head, the white teeth and the big eyes of the tiger ” “Yes, I do.” says the old tiger.
“I will kill him.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the water.
31. The text (文章) is a ______. ( )
A. diary B. letter C. story
32. The old tiger lives in the ______. ( )
A. farm B. forest C. zoo
33. The monkey is ______. ( )
A. clever B. shy C. silly
34. Which one is right (正确的) ( )
A. The monkey is afraid of the tiger in the river. B. There are two real tigers in the forest.
C. The old tiger is hungry.
35. Go ______ at the crossing.
36. I b______ a new dictionary in the bookstore the day before yesterday.
37. He lives in Australia, but he ______ (学习) Chinese.
38. Listen! The boy is ______ the song Jasmine Flower.
39. Tuesday is the ______ day in a week.
40. 抄写下列句子,请注意一线格的书写规范。
We should help the earth now, so the birds will have homes and the forests will be healthy and green again.
41. Molly 最喜欢的动物是兔子,请根据图片及已有信息,展开合理想象,帮助Molly完成她的思维导图。
42. 你最喜欢的动物是什么呢?请以My favourite animal为题,写一篇英语小短文。
参考句型:Its name is… It is... It has... It can... It likes...
My favourite animal
听力部分 (30分)
一、听力 (共30小题,计30分)
第一节:听音选择。选择你所听到的字母、数字、单词或词组。 (共8小题,计8分)
( ) 1. A. MVP B. MVQ C. WVP
( ) 2. A. No. 5834 B. No. 4835 C. No. 5843
( ) 3. A. chicken B. kitchen C. children
( ) 4. A. magazine B. music C. museum
( ) 5. A. plan B. plane C. plant
( ) 6. A. smarter B. stronger C. smaller
( ) 7. A. were B. was C. went
( ) 8. A. saw a film B. watched TV C. washed clothes
第二节:听音选择。听句子或对话,选择正确的图片。 (共6小题,计6分)
( ) 9. A. B. ( ) 10. A. B.
( ) 11. A. B. ( ) 12. A. B.
( ) 13. A. B. ( ) 14. A. B.
第三节:听音回答。听问句,选答句。 (共6小题,计6分)
( ) 15. A. I am ten. B. Fine, thank you.
( ) 16. A. I like summer best. B. Because I can eat ice cream.
( ) 17. A. It’s on the table. B. No, they aren’t.
( ) 18. A. He is a postman. B. He works on a rescue plane.
( ) 19. A. He is funny. B. He likes maths.
( ) 20. A. Tea, please. B. I’d like some bread.
第四节:听音判断。判断你所听到的对话是否与图片相符,相符的填A,不相符的填B。 (共5小题,计5分)
21. ( ) 22. ( ) 23. ( ) 24. ( ) 25. ( )
第五节:听小短文,判断正误,正确的填A,错误的填B。 (共5小题,计5分)
( ) 26. John is from the USA.
( ) 27. John’s family went to Harbin two years ago.
( ) 28. They went there by plane.
( ) 29. John went ice-skating and made a snowman with his mother.
( ) 30. They didn’t like this trip in Harbin.
1. A. camping B. hand C. name
2. A. he B. red C. we
3. A. kite B. it C. fish
4. A. Coke B. note C. orange
5. A. cute B. cut C. up
6. A. that B. thin C. father
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B
ABC划线部分发音分别是/ /,/ /,/e /,选项C发音不同,故选C。
ABC划线部分发音分别是/i /,/e/,/i /,选项B发音不同,故选B。
ABC划线部分发音分别是/a /,/ /,/ /,选项A发音不同,故选A。
ABC划线部分发音分别是/ /,/ /,/ /,选项C发音不同,故选C。
ABC划线部分发音分别是/ju /,/ /,/ /,选项A发音不同,故选A。
ABC划线部分发音分别是/ /,/θ/,/ /,选项B发音不同,故选B。
7. —How many ______ do you see ( )
—I see three.
A. potatoes B. tomatoes C. green beans
8. —What’s your pen pal’s hobby ( )
—She likes ______.
A. drawing cartoons B. cooking food C. doing word puzzles
9. Look! There is a monkey ______ the two trees. ( )
A. behind B. beside C. between
10. It’s ______ and cool in Hong Kong today. ( )
A. rainy B. windy C. sunny
【详解】句意:今天香港天气 _____和凉爽。本题考查了形容词辨析,A多雨的,B多风的,C阳光明媚的,图片显示在刮风,是多风的,故选B。
11. —How can I get to the hospital ( )
—______, please.
A. Turn left B. Turn right C. Turn around
D. Go straight
12. —______ are these pants ( )
—They are 85cm
A. How many B. How much C. How long
【详解】句意:—这些裤子______?—它们是85厘米。本题考查How long引导的特殊疑问句。A多少,问数量。B多少钱,问价格。C多长,问长度。根据答句可知,问句询问长度,故选C。
13. —______ you go to the supermarket yesterday ( )
—No, I read books in the library.
A. Did B. Do C. Does D. Doing
14. On Mid-Autumn Day, people in China usually ______. ( )
A. eat mooncakes B. eat zongzi C. eat pizza
15. My brother is 1.58m. I am 1.55m. I am ______ than him. ( )
A. younger B. shorter C. taller
16. Before I couldn’t ride a bike, but now I often ______ on the weekend. ( )
A. go hiking B. go cycling C. go boating D. go shopping
A. B. C. D.
17. Hi, I’m Jack. I stayed at home with my family. We couldn’t go outside, but I still did some sports. I played ping-pong with my father. That was interesting! Sometimes I played yo-yo with my little sister. How happy we were! ( )
18. Hello, I’m Molly. I like drawing very much. I drew many pictures in those days. Some pictures were about the animals. Some pictures were about the people who were fighting against the virus. They are so great. ( )
19. Hi, I’m Mark. I stayed at home every day. I learned to cook with my mother. I cooked vegetables at first. It was easy. Then I learned to make cakes. My mother’s birthday is on April 12th.I made a cake for her. She was happy. ( )
20. My name is Betty. I watched CCTV news every day. I got to know a great man Zhong Nanshan. He is a great doctor in China. He is86 years old, but he is very hard-working. He can speak English well. He is also good at sports. He looks so strong! ( )
【答案】17. D 18. C
19. A 20. B
疫情过后,Betty在网站上看到Willow Nature Park 将重新开放。请阅读下面短文,判断正(T)误(F)。
Welcome to Willow Nature Park! In the park there is a high mountain. You can climb mountains and see the beautiful scenery. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There are many houses. There is a lake near the village. The water is clean. On the lake there are some ducks and boats. You can go boating and feed the ducks. And there are many beautiful flowers around the lake. You can read books by the lake. Behind the lake there is a forest. You can pick up leaves and take pictures there.
Tips: No swimming. No fishing. No littering. No fire. Opening time: Mon.-Fri. (8: 30-17: 00) Sat. -Sun. (8: 00-17: 30) Tickets: 30 (Half price from May 5th to Jun.2nd) Address: No.11, Fuxing Road Transportation (交通) : No. 21bus, No.310bus, Subway Line 1
21. There is a small village in front of the mountain. ( )
22. You can go boating and go fishing in the Willow Nature Park. ( )
23. You can visit the park at 8:15 a.m. on Sundays. ( )
24. You can take the No. I bus to the Willow Nature Park. ( )
25. If Betty wants to visit the park with her mother on Children’s Day, they will pay (付钱) 60 for their tickets. ( )
【答案】21. T 22. F
23. T 24. F
25. F
句意:山前有一个小村庄。根据“ In front of the mountain there is a small village.在山的前面有一个小村庄。”符合原文,故答案为T。
句意:你可以去柳树自然公园划船和钓鱼。根据“ You can go boating and feed the ducks. 你可以去划船,喂鸭子。”与原文不符,故答案为F。
句意:你可以在星期天早上8:15参观公园。根据“Opening time: Sat. - Sun. (8: 00-17: 30) 周六和周日是八点到五点半营业。”符合原文,故答案为T。
句意:你可以乘一路公共汽车去柳树自然公园。根据“Transportation (交通) : No. 21bus, No.310bus, Subway Line 1. 交通:21路公交车,310路公交车,地铁一号线。”与原文不符,故答案为F。
句意:如果贝蒂想在儿童节和她妈妈一起去公园,他们的门票是60元。根据“Tickets: 30 (Half price from May 5th to Jun.2nd)票价是30元一人,五月五日到六月二日是半价。”可知两个人六一儿童节去是30元,与原文不符,故答案为F。
(Betty and Jack are talking on the phone.)
Betty: Hi, Jack. This is Betty.
How was your weekend
Jack: Not very good. I stayed at home. ______26______
Betty: I’m sorry to hear that. ______27______
Jack: Yes, thanks. I’m much better now. How about your weekend
Betty: It was busy. ______28______ But we’ll visit the Willow Nature Park this weekend. Will you go with us?
Jack: Sure. ______29______
Betty: We will go boating, feed ducks, play games and so on.
Jack: Sounds great! I like boating and playing games. And ______30______
Betty: OK. See you at the Willow Nature Park gate on Saturday morning.
Jack: See you.
A. I did a lot of housework at home.
B. I had a cold last weekend.
C. Are you feeling better now
D. I’ll take some pictures there.
E. What will we do in the park
【答案】26. B 27. C 28. A 29. E 30. D
根据“Not very good. I stayed at home.不太好。我呆在家。”可知下文描述过得不好的原因,选项B“上周末我感冒了。”符合语境,故选B。
根据“Yes, thanks.是的,谢谢。”可知上文是一般疑问句,选项C“现在你感觉好些了吗?”符合语境,故选C。
根据“It was busy.它是忙碌的。”可知下文描述忙碌的事情,选项A“我在家做了许多家务。”符合语境,故选A。
根据“We will go boating, feed ducks, play games and so on.我们将去划船,喂鸭子,玩游戏等等。”可知上文询问将做什么。选项E“我们将在公园做什么?”符合语境,故选E。
根据“I like boating and playing games.我喜欢划船和玩游戏。”可知下文还计划做什么事情,选项D“我将在那儿拍一些照片。”符合语境,故选D。
Betty is reading a book by the lake. She has a story to tell Jack.
There is an old tiger living in the forest. One day, he sees a thin monkey and says, “I am hungry, Monkey. Go to the farm and bring me a fat sheep.” “Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “I can’t do that now. There is a younger tiger over there. He also wants a fat sheep. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.”
“What ” shouts the old tiger. “Show me that tiger and I will kill (杀掉) him.”
“Come with me,” says the monkey. The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge over the river. “Now look down at the river,” says the monkey. “Do you see the head, the white teeth and the big eyes of the tiger ” “Yes, I do.” says the old tiger.
“I will kill him.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the water.
31. The text (文章) is a ______. ( )
A. diary B. letter C. story
32. The old tiger lives in the ______. ( )
A. farm B. forest C. zoo
33. The monkey is ______. ( )
A. clever B. shy C. silly
34. Which one is right (正确的) ( )
A. The monkey is afraid of the tiger in the river. B. There are two real tigers in the forest.
C. The old tiger is hungry.
【答案】31. C 32. B 33. A 34. C
句意:这篇文章是______。A日记,B信,C故事。根据“She has a story to tell. Jack.她要给杰克讲一个故事。”故选C。
句意:年老的老虎住在______。A农场,B森林,C动物园。根据“There is an old tiger living in the forest. 森林里住着一只老老虎。”故选B。
句意:哪一个是正确的?A猴子害怕河里的老虎。B森林里有两只真正的老虎。C这只老老虎饿了。根据“One day, he sees a thin monkey and says, I am hungry, Monkey. Go to the farm and bring me a fat sheep.一天,他看到一只瘦弱的猴子,说:我饿了,猴子。去农场给我带来一只肥羊。”选项C正确,故选C。
35. Go ______ at the crossing.
【详解】句意:十字路口直走。本题考查动词短语。根据图片可知是直走go straight,故答案为straight。
36. I b______ a new dictionary in the bookstore the day before yesterday.
【详解】句意:前天我在书店买了一本新字典。本题考查动词形式。根据句意和首字母可知,单词是买buy,the day before yesterday是一般过去时的标志词,谓语动词用过去式,buy的过去式为bought,故答案为bought。
37. He lives in Australia, but he ______ (学习) Chinese.
38. Listen! The boy is ______ the song Jasmine Flower.
【详解】句意:听!那个男孩正在______歌曲《茉莉花》。本题考查动词的辨析及时态。图意:唱歌,英文为sing a song,根据横线前的is可知该句是现在进行时,主语 + be + 动词的现在分词,sing的现在分词为singing。故答案为singing。
39. Tuesday is the ______ day in a week.
40. 抄写下列句子,请注意一线格的书写规范。
We should help the earth now, so the birds will have homes and the forests will be healthy and green again.
【答案】We should help the earth now, so the birds will have homes and the forests will be healthy and green again.
41. Molly 最喜欢的动物是兔子,请根据图片及已有信息,展开合理想象,帮助Molly完成她的思维导图。
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求帮助Molly完成她的思维导图,描写最喜欢的兔子,包括兔子的外貌特征,喜欢的食物,技能以及爱好等。注意内容合理,书写正确。
2. 参考词汇:long长的,short短的,run跑,grass草,eating吃
42. 你最喜欢的动物是什么呢?请以My favourite animal为题,写一篇英语小短文。
参考句型:Its name is… It is... It has... It can... It likes...
My favourite animal
My favourite animal
Hi, I’m Molly. I like animals. My favourite animal is dogs. I have a pet dog. Its name is Beibei. It is white. It has long fur, two big eyes and a small mouth. It can dance. It likes meat and fruit. I like it very much. It waits for me every day. We are good friends.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求用第三人称写出自己最喜欢的动物。然后再阐述该动物的名字,外貌特征,能力及喜好。注意文章为一般现在时态并要符合句子数量要求。
2 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:favourite最喜欢的,fur毛皮,dance跳舞,wait for等待
参考句型:Its name is…;It is...;It has...;It can...;It likes...




下一篇:第五单元 图形的运动(三)单元测试(无答案) 2023-2024五年级下册数学人教版