Unit 8 Our dreams词汇专项四练习(含答案)

Unit8 Our dreams专项小测(四)
1. To realize (实现)the Chinese D ________, each and every Chinese has to work hard.
2. In the f_________, robots can drive cars on the road.
3. A d_____________ can help you with your bad teeth.
4.Yang Liwei is the first a___________who flew to space in China.
5.Yang Liping is a wonderful d ________. She dances beautifully.
6. .I t_______ an interesting story to Mary. She laughed happily.
7.Yang Ling likes p________the piano. She wants to be a p_________.
8. Liu Tao wants to be a football p_____. He wants to p____ in the World Cup some day.
9. Those boys want to be p________ . They want to help people.
10. In our class, many students w______to be teachers.
11. Reading m______ us h______.
12. Tom wants to fly a s______to the M_______. He wants to be an astronaut.
13. I am good at _________. I want to _______stories for children in the future.
14. S_______________ (游泳) makes people strong.
15. We should take care of our t ________ (牙齿).
16. You should learn to be________ (勇敢的). Don't be afraid of anything.
17. My father is a d_______. He drives a bus every day.
18. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a s _______. I wanted to invent a robot to help my mother do housework.
19. Yang Ling likes playing the piano. She wants to be a p_____________.
20. As a student, we should take c______ of our books.
1. Mike________ (不关心) his diet. He eats too much sweet food.
2. _____________(多做运动). You'll be healthy.
3. She_____________ (想要成为一名钢琴家) when she grows up.
4. I want to see your dreams________________(成真).
5. My dream is to ______________(在月球上走).
6. Willywill_____________________ (去上绘画学校) next week.
7. Many people will live in the countryside _______________________ (在未来).
8. I want to ____________________ (想驾驶宇宙飞船)to the Moon.
9. Yangyang _______________(想成为一位伟大的科学家)like lsaac Newton.
10. The policemen are_____________________ (既勇敢又强壮).
11. Yang Hongying is a wonderful writer. She ____________(为孩子们写故事).
12. A healthy diet makes us_______________ (既健康又快乐).
13. My father _________________ (想关心我的学习). But he doesn't have time.
14. ________________(多运动) is good for our bodies.
15. Alex ______________________(不想为他的弟弟做玩具).
I _________________ to the Moon.
The children _______ _______ their _______ .
The three football________ want to play in the ________ _____ some day.
Many young persons don't_______ _______ their health.
5.李老师昨天问我:“你想成为什么 ”我告诉了她我的想法。
Miss Li______me "What do you want to________ " yesterday, I_____ her what I _____.
__________on the Moon is my dream.
We_______ __________for our holiday. We feel very________.
________ too many sweets_______ bad for our _______
Dancing _______people __________and beautiful.
I want to see your dreams_________ _____!
11.—你在未来想成为什么 —我想成为一名科学家。
—What do you ________________
—I _____________________.
Many children _____________________ now.
Wang Bing wants _______________________ .
A policeman __________________________.
I want to __________________________in the future.
一、1. Dream 2. future 3. dentist 4. astronaut 5. dancer 6. told 7. playing pianist 8. player play 9. policemen 10. want 11. makes happy 12. spaceship Moon 13. Writing write 14. Swimming 15. teeth 16. brave 17. driver 18. scientist 19. pianist 20. care
二、1. doesn't care about 2. Do more sport 3. wants to be a pianist 4. come true 5. walk on the Moon 6. go to painting school 7. in the future 8. fly a spaceship 9. wants to be a great scientist 10. brave and strong 11. writes stories for children 12. healthy and happy 13. wants to care about my study 14. Doing more sport 15. didn't want to make toys for his brother
三、1. want to fly 2. are talking about dreams 3. players World Cup 4. care about 5. asked be told thought 6. Walking 7. are planning excited 8. Eating is teeth 9. makes healthy e true 11. want to be in the future want to be a scientist 12. don't care about their teeth 13. to fly a spaceship to the Moon 14. should be brave and strong 15. play football in the World Cup




下一篇:Unit 7 Chinese festivals词汇专项练习(含答案)