2023-2024八年级英语下学期 期末满分冲刺卷(南京卷)(一)(含解析)

2023-2024学年八年级英语下学期 期末满分冲刺卷(南京卷)(一)
满分90分 考试时间为90分钟
1.You’d better spend half an hour exercising. ________, you can improve your health.
A.On the way B.By the way C.In this way D.In the way
2.—________ big difference Tu Youyou has made to modern medicine!
—Yes. She says she will ________ her study.
A.What; carry on B.What a; carry on with
C.How; carry on with D.What a; carry on
3.—We must wear helmets to protect our heads when riding e-bikes.
—Yes. Wearing helmets can ________ harm in the accidents.
A.refuse B.repeat C.reduce D.record
4.All the students ________ into four groups to do a survey next Sunday.
A.are separated B.will separated C.separate D.will be separated
5.—Must we read any book reviews before writing
—No, you ________. You can have your own opinion.
A.don’t have to B.mustn’t C.may not D.can’t
6.The foreign visitors find ________ kind ________ local people to answer the question.
A.it; for B.it; of C.that; for D.that; of
7.— I can find a better job if I go abroad.
— Don’t be silly. _________.
A.Actions speak louder than words
B.Where there is a will, there is a way
C.When in Rome, do as the Romans do
D.The grass is always greener on the other side
8.The sentence structure of “Reading makes me happy.” is ________.
9.—I missed the beginning of the wonderful film yesterday evening.
—__________! But you can watch it next time if you want.
A.Never mind B.What a pity C.Don’t be sad D.I don’t think so
10.—It shouldn’t take long to clear up if we all volunteer to help.
—________. Many hands make light work.
A.I’m not sure B.I’m afraid not C.Of course not D.I can’t agree more
11.There is a ________ in the sentence “Other natural resources like coal, oil and natural gas dig up from the ground.”
A.missing word B.spelling mistake C.word usage mistake D.grammatical mistake
12.—Let’s go to the zoo this weekend.
—Dad, you said so last week and the week before. ________.
A.No pain, no gain B.Practice makes perfect
C.It never rains but pours D.Actions speak louder than words
13.She was ill last week. But she is ________ to go to school today.
A.well enough B.enough well C.good enough D.enough good
14.According to the local government, lots of new railways ________ in order to improve the traffic situation in the next five years.
A.built B.will build C.will be built D.have been built
15.—Some wild animals are in need of _______ help.
—Yes. If nobody _______ them, they will die out in the future.
A.humans’; help B.human; will help
C.humans; will help D.humans’; helps
二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项,I was on the train one afternoon. Our carriage was almost empty, just a few people. At one station, a drunk man suddenly entered the train. He shouted and swung his fists (拳头) at a woman holding a baby. Luckily the baby wasn’t hurt. Then he tried to kick an old woman. Everyone was scared.
I’d been learning aikido (合气道) for the past three years. But I’d never fought in real life. As students of aikido, we are not allowed to start a fight. “Aikido,” my teacher always told us, “is about solving conflict (解决冲突), not starting it.”
I decided that this was my moment. If I didn’t do something fast, somebody might get hurt. So I stood up, ready to fight.
Just then, someone shouted, “Hey!” It was an old man. He was smiling at the drunk man. “What have you been drinking ” he asked.
“I’ve been drinking wine (葡萄酒), but it’s none of your business!” said the drunk man angrily. “Oh, that’s wonderful,” said the old man. Then he told how he loved drinking wine with his wife and eating watermelon.
“I also love watermelon,” said the drunk man.
“And I’m sure you have a wonderful wife, too,” said the old man.
“No,” replied the drunk man. “My wife died,” Then he began to sob (啜泣), “I have no wife, no home, no job. I’m so ashamed of myself.”
“Oh, that is so difficult. Sit down here and tell me about it,” said the old man.
As I got off the train, I realized I’d just seen real aikido in action. This was the spirit of how to solve conflict.
16.What happened on the train
A.A man was drinking wine. B.A drunk man was acting wildly.
C.A baby was hurt by a man’s fists. D.An old woman was knocked down.
17.What can we learn from the aikido teacher’s words
A.Students shouldn’t learn aikido. B.Aikido is not used to start fights.
C.Aikido can’t actually solve conflicts. D.Using aikido may start conflicts.
18.What was the drunk man’s situation in life
A.His business went broke. B.He had a wonderful wife.
C.He was living a great life. D.He had no place to live.
19.What does the writer mean in the last paragraph
A.There are real and fake (假的) forms of aikido.
B.The real spirit of aikido is to start conflict.
C.Fighting is not the only way to solve conflicts.
D.Everyone should learn aikido to protect themselves.
Many years ago in 1971, the US table tennis team was at the World Championship in Japan. The team from China was also there. This championship took place during the days of Cold War, so the American and the Chinese players didn’t even talk to each other.
Glen Cowan, form the US team, didn’t like this situation. One day, he saw a Chinese player and invited him to play. They played together for 15 minutes, and Cowan missed the US bus back to the hotel.
Then, something surprising happened. One of the Chinese players waved to Cowan from the Chinese bus. He thought for a moment and then he got on the bus. But the Chinese players didn’t talk to him. Suddenly, Zhuang Zedong, three times world champion, came up to Cowan. “What are you doing ” said the other Chinese players. “Don’t talk to him! Don’t make trouble!” Zedong gave Cowan a silk scarf. “I give you this to show the friendship of the Chinese people to the American people,” he said through a translator. Cowan wanted to give something back, but he didn’t have anything with him.
Then the bus arrived at the hotel. There were lots of reporters — it was big news to see an American and a Chinese player together. Later, Cowan bought a T-shirt with a peace flag on it, and he gave it to Zedong. The two men became friends.
In the same year, the US team got an invitation to visit China, and in February 1972, US President Richard Nixon went to China on a historic visit. Mary people say that the two men and their friendship made a better relationship between their countries possible.
20.Why didn’t the American and Chinese players talk to each other
A.Because they didn’t know each other.
B.Because they couldn’t understand each other’s words.
C.Because of the Cold War.
D.Because they competed for the World Championship.
21.What was the special thing Zhuang Zedong did
A.He invited Glen Cowan to play table tennis.
B.He waved to Cowan from the Chinese bus.
C.He followed his team members’ advice and didn’t talk to Glen Cowan.
D.He became friends with Glen Cowan.
22.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Glen Cowan played with a Chinese player for fifteen minutes.
B.Glen Cowan gave Zhuang Zedong a silk scarf to show the friendship.
C.The reporters were surprised to see an American player and a Chinese player together.
D.China invited the US team and the President Richard Nixon visited China in February, 1972.
23.Where can we probably find this passage
A.Novel B.Dictionary C.Science fiction D.History book
While visiting the UK, you’ll find how good British people are at waiting, specially in queues.
Everywhere in the UK, it’s common to see queues. People wait in long lines at bus stops, in shops and in cinemas,
Speaking to BBC News, Bate Bradley, a lecture at the University of Kent, said that queuing in the UK isn’t just about showing good will toward other people. British people like everything to be in perfect order, so being shouted at for skipping ahead of someone in a line is something that most Brits try to avoid.
The British love of queuing goes back to World War II. Because of wartime rationing, people had to wait in line to get something important in a shop, specially food. The government at the time was worried that trouble and disorder would happen. If that happened, people would not get food from a shop in time. So, it made a point of telling people that queuing was polite and a British thing to do. And that message is still alive today.
There’s probably only one factor that will make a Briton’s willingness to stand patiently in line different—the weather. It can change quickly in the UK. One minute it can be fine, and the next it can be wet and windy. If people are queuing in bad weather, their main hope is that the bus arrives soon, or that the people in front of them will give up and decide to leave.
If someone decides to break queuing rules in bad weather, tensions can become very high indeed. This is because most British people will certainly speak up and tell the queue-jumper to get to the back of the line.
But if the weather is good, queuing can be fun. When people are waiting, they may be excited about the thing they’re waiting for. There’s an air of expectation when people are standing in line for a pop film, for example. This can make queuing for something a very enjoyable experience.
24.Why are most British people willing to wait in line
A.They are told to do so by local government. B.They really like doing things in good order.
C.They think it is a good way to make friends. D.They expect to show good manners to others.
25.If someone pushes in before others, what will probably happen
A.He or she will be punished or fined.
B.He or she will be asked to queue again.
C.He or she will be accepted though it’s impolite.
D.He or she will not be allowed to join the queue again.
26.What does the underlined word “It” refer to in Paragraph 4
A.The food. B.The shop. C.The message. D.The government.
27.This passage mainly talks about ________.
A.why the British government wanted people to queue
B.why people in the UK enjoy queuing in public places
C.why British people don’t like queuing in bad weather
D.why people in the UK think queuing is always great fun
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar (农历年) divides the year into 24 solar terms (节气). Summer Solstice, the 10 solar term of the year, begins on June 21 this year and ends on July 6. At this time, much of the northern hemisphere (半球) receives the most hours of daylight, but it does not bring the hottest temperatures, which will come 20 to 30 days later.
Summer Solstice was an important festival in ancient China. As early as the Han Dynasty, when the Mid-autumn Festival and the Double Ninth Festival were not as important as they are today, Summer Solstice was already celebrated. Before the Qing Dynasty, people even had a one-day holiday on Summer Solstice. According to Song Dynasty, officials could have three days off during the Summer Solstice.
There is a saying in East China’s Shandong province that goes, ‘eat dumplings on Winter Solstice and eat noodles on Summer Solstice.’ People in different areas of Shandong province eat chilled noodles on this day. Other people around China, including those in Beijing, also have a tradition of eating noodles.
28.How long does the Summer Solstice last this year
A.About half a month. B.About one month. C.One week. D.Over one month.
29.What do the people in Shandong province eat on the day of Summer Solstice
A.Dumplings. B.Rice dumplings. C.Chilled noodles. D.Moon cakes.
30.Which of the following is true
A.Summer Solstice bring the hottest temperature of the year.
B.Summer Solstice wasn’t celebrated in ancient China.
C.Officials can have three days off during the Summer Solstice now.
D.People in Beijing also have a tradition of eating noodles on the day of Summer Solstice.
Mr. Jackson was our science teacher. On the first day of class, he gave us a talk about an animal called wampus. We all listened carefully and took 31 of everything he said. Later we had a test.
When I got my test paper back, I was 32 and sad. There was a big red “X” through my answers. I failed. But why I wrote down 33 Mr. Jackson said in class. Then I knew no one 34 the test at all.
Mr. Jackson said “I made up (编造) the story about the wampus. There was never such an animal, so the information in your notes was 35 .”
What kind of test was this What kind of teacher was he We were very 36 .
How could we believe he gave us information about an animal that was not there at all How was it 37 for us students to doubt (怀疑) the teacher’s words
“The zeros on your papers will be recorded” he said. And he did it.
He hoped we would learn 38 . Teachers and books are not always right. We should keep thinking and speak up if there are 39 in teachers’ words or in books.
We should have the habit of doubting and the ability to decide by ourselves. What a special 40 he gave us!
31.A.notes B.questions C.messages D.plans
32.A.active B.careless C.surprised D.lazy
33.A.when B.who C.why D.what
34.A.failed B.finished C.passed D.prepared
35.A.unable B.incorrect C.uninteresting D.impatient
36.A.polite B.glad C.shy D.angry
37.A.careful B.possible C.difficult D.important
38.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything
39.A.dreams B.reasons C.points D.mistakes
40.A.activity B.match C.model D.lesson
41.These new types of energy cost very little and (产生)little pollution.
42.—Why is the air in the forest so fresh
—Because trees (产生) a lot of oxygen(氧气).
43.Drivers must be (惩罚) if they drive after drinking.
44.She is so (自豪的) of her son because he has won a prize in the English competition.
45.There are two foreigners in our company. They are from (德国).
46. (cure) the cases of blindness, the doctors have done much to help people in poor areas.
47.The company encourages us to go through the (read) reviews as often as we can.
48.—Can you finish the work in time
—I’m not sure. But I will surely finish it if I (give) one more hour.
49.The earthquake has made hundreds of people (home). We must help them.
50.Tom did all he could (avoid) all the punishment but failed.
something funny is full of What’s more suggestions cheer them up
If you want to build a stronger friendship, please read the following 51 . First, remember to be honest and open with your friends, and let your friends know your habit and hobbies. Second, life 52 ups and downs. When your friends are unhappy, you can tell them 53 about the shape of your own body to 54 . You can play small tricks when your friends and you are not in agreement. Third, it’s meaningful to contact your friends often. 55 , organize some activities and invite your friends to join you. In a word, the tips above can work and your friendship will last forever.
五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)
Life is full of regrets(遗憾). It’s not difficult for people around you to tell his regrets. As we get older, we look back and wish that we always made the right decisions. What can we do to live a happy life without regrets Here is some advice for you.
Make better plans
It’s better for you to make a plan before you start to do something. The earlier, the better. You will know what comes first and what comes last. You’ll also know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do. When changes happen, you can have more time to face them. Live a more active life.
You can go around more often. More outdoor activities can keep you relaxed and active. You also need to be kind. “Thank you” can bring a smile to someone’s face. Learn to say “sorry” and don’t be angry with others.
Find the right friend
A friend may make your life good and he or she can break your life as well, so you have to think twice when you choose a friend. Good friends will always be better than your ideas.
When you get into trouble, they can offer you a helping hand. That little help may get you good results.
Never fear failure
Everybody fails. Even the greatest person failed. We should not fear failure, because failure is not the end of the road. We must take failure as a way to learn and improve ourselves.
Life is good. We don’t have to live in our past, but we do hope that we can plan better, live better, and work better when we have the chance to do so.
56 on living a happy life without regrets
Make better plans You should make a plan early before you start to do something. A good plan will make it 57 for you to have enough time to face changes.
Live a life more 58 More outdoor activities can keep you relaxed and active. “Thank you” and “sorry” can make you kind to other people.
Find the right friend A good friend is very important, so you need to think twice before choosing one. Good friends can 59 a helping hand for you when you are in trouble.
Never be afraid of failure Don’t 60 up when you fail because failure is not the end of the road. We needn’t live in the past as long as we do have hope.
A mother bird and her two babies lived in a rice field. Every morning, she flew away to look for food. Before leaving, she always said, “Don’t go out. Danger is e 61 . Stay inside. Listen to every sound, since it is time to harvest. We must leave the field before the men come to harvest the crops.” One day, a 62 the mother bird flew away, a farmer and his son came to the field. The farmer said to his son. “It’s time to harvest. We will ask our neighbours to help us.” The son nodded. When the mother bird got home, the baby birds told her everything. She replied, “My dear, don’t be n 63 . We don’t have to leave now.” Then, the mother bird started to feed them. The next day, as u 64 , she asked the babies to be careful and left. The farmer and his son came again. The birds heard the farmer say, “The villagers are b 65 . They have no time to help us. We must get outside help.” The babies told her mum what happened after she came back, but she said, “Don’t worry. We s 66 have time to move.” A few days later, the farmer and his son visited the field the third time. He said, “If we don’t harvest the crops quickly, we will lose them. Tomorrow we must do it o 67 .” That evening, when the mother bird came back, the babies told her the farmer’s p 68 . She said, “I’m sure the farmer will cut the crops tomorrow. Now, you are strong e 69 to fly by yourselves. We will go to our new home in the tall tree over there, because this time, the farmer and his son really d 70 to cut the crops themselves. Always remember: Self-help is the best help.” said the mother bird, taking the babies to their new home.
71.青春是美好的,更是奋斗出来的。即将踏入毕业班的我们,该如何珍惜光阴,不负青春,过一个有意义的暑假呢?Teens英文报刊开辟了专栏“A meaningful summer holiday”。假如你是李华,请你结合下表提示,用英语写一篇文章向该栏目投稿,讲述你暑假计划的具体活动安排及其原因。要点如下:
A meaningful summer holiday reading

1. 语句通顺,条理清晰,段落分明,书写工整。
2. 词数 80 左右(不包括已给的内容)。
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名或地名等信息。
The summer holiday is coming. How can we spend a meaningful holiday
考查介词短语辨析。on the way在……途中;by the way顺便说一下;in this way以这种方式;in the way妨碍。根据“You’d better spend half an hour exercising”和“you can improve your health.”可知锻炼半小时是改善健康的方式,故选C。
【详解】句意: ——屠呦呦对现代医学产生了多么大的影响啊!——是的。她说她会继续她的研究。
考查感叹句和动词短语。第一空所在句是感叹句,此处是固定短语make a difference“有影响”,其结构式:what+(a/an)+adj.+名词+主语+谓语;carry on表示“开展;进行”某项活动,意思相当于take part in;carry on with sth表达对某件事情的“坚持和继续”。根据“she will...her study”结合语境可知,此处指继续研究。故选B。
考查动词辨析。refuse拒绝;repeat重复;reduce减少;record记录。根据“We must wear helmets to protect our heads”可知应是戴头盔可以减少伤害。故选C。
考查一般将来时的被动语态。根据“next Sunday”可知应用一般将来时,而主语All the students和谓语动词separate“分开”是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以应用被动语态,而一般将来时的被动语态的谓语结构为“will+be+done”,故选D。
考查must一般疑问句的回答。don’t have to不必;mustn’t 禁止;may not可能不;can’t不可能。must you...开头的一般疑问句,否定回答为No, you needn’t/don’t have to。故选A。
考查习语。Actions speak louder than words行胜于言;Where there is a will, there is a way有志者,事竟成;When in Rome, do as the Romans do入乡随俗;The grass is always greener on the other side这山望着那山高。根据“I can find a better job if I go abroad.”可知,前者认为出国就能找到更好的工作,“这山望着那山高”符合语境,故选D。
考查情景交际。Never mind没关系;What a pity真遗憾;Don’t be sad别伤心;I don’t think so我不这么认为。根据“I missed the beginning of the wonderful film yesterday evening.”可知,错过电影开头是遗憾的,故选B。
考查情景交际。I’m not sure我不确定;I’m afraid not恐怕不行;Of course not当然不可以;I can’t agree more我完全同意。根据“Many hands make light work”可知,同意大家都帮忙,很快就打扫干净的说法,故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。missing word缺少单词;spelling mistake拼写错误;word usage mistake词汇使用错误;grammatical mistake语法错误。分析句子“Other natural resources like coal, oil and natural gas dig up from the ground”可知“煤、石油和天然气”是被挖掘出来的,应用被动语态,此句存在语法错误。故选D。
考查谚语。No pain, no gain没有付出,就没有收获;Practice makes perfect熟能生巧;It never rains but pours祸不单行;Actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩,行动胜于空谈。根据“you said so last week and the week before”可知,此处表示他爸爸只说不做,因此表示要让他采取行动,而不是只是口头上说说,故选D。
考查形容词。well表示身体健康的;good表示人的品行好,或事物的质地好;根据“She was ill last week.”和“to go to school today”可知,此处表示可以去上学了,因此身体健康,用形容词well,排除CD两项。enough表示“足够的”,修饰形容词或副词时,位于形容词或副词的后面。故选A。
考查语态。句子主语“lots of new railways”与动词之间是被动关系,此处应用被动结构,结合“in the next five years”可知,要用一般将来时的被动,故选C。
16.B 17.B 18.D 19.C
16.细节判断题。根据“At one station, a drunk man suddenly entered the train. He shouted and swung his fists(拳头) at a woman holding a baby. Luckily the baby wasn’t hurt. Then he tried to kick an old woman.”可知,一个醉汉的行为很粗鲁。故选B。
17.细节理解题。根据“‘Aikido,’ my teacher always told us, “is about resolving conflict(解决冲突), not starting it.’”可知,可以从第三段合气道老师的话中学到,合气道不应该用于挑起冲突。故选B。
18.细节推理题。根据“I have no wife, no home, no job. I am so ashamed of myself.”可知,醉汉没有地方住。故选D。
19.推理判断题。根据“As I got off the train, I realized I’d just seen real aikido in action. This was the real spirit of how to solve conflict.”可知,作者下火车时,意识到刚刚看到了真正的合气道,也就是解决冲突的真正精神所在。C选项“战斗不是解决冲突的唯一途径”表述正确。故选C。
20.C 21.D 22.B 23.D
20.细节理解题。根据“This championship took place during the days of Cold War, so the American and the Chinese players didn’t even talk to each other.”可知,美国和中国选手不互相交谈的原因是两个国家之前在冷战。故选C。
21.细节理解题。根据“Later, Cowan bought a T-shirt with a peace flag on it, and he gave it to Zedong. The two men became friends.”可知,庄则栋和美国选手科恩成了朋友。故选D。
22.细节理解题。根据“Zedong gave Cowan a silk scarf.”可知,庄则栋送给了科恩一条丝绸围巾,而不是科恩送给了庄则栋,B选项错误。故选B。
24.B 25.B 26.D 27.B
24.细节理解题。根据第三段“British people like everything to be in perfect order...”可知,大多数英国人愿意排队等候的原因是他们喜欢一切完美有序。故选B。
25.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“This is because most British people will certainly speak up and tell the queue-jumper to get to the back of the line.”可知,如果有人插队,大多数英国人会大声说出来并告诉插队的人到队伍的后面去,故插队的人要重新排队。故选B。
26.词义猜测题。根据文章第四段“The government at the time was worried that trouble and disorder would happen. If that happened...”可知,政府担心麻烦和混乱会发生,所以为了预防这种事情的发生,政府特意告诉人们排队是礼貌的。故选D。
28.A 29.C 30.D
28.细节理解题。根据“begins on June 21 this year and ends on July 6.”可知,今年6月21日开始,7月6日结束,持续了将近半个月,故选A。
29.细节理解题。根据“People in different areas of Shandong province eat chilled noodles on this day”可知,在山东人们在夏至这天吃凉面,故选C。
30.细节理解题。根据“Other people around China, including those in Beijing, also have a tradition of eating noodles.”可知,北京人在夏至这一天也有吃面条的传统,故选D。
31.A 32.C 33.D 34.C 35.B 36.D 37.B 38.A 39.D 40.D
active积极的;careless粗心的;surprised惊讶的;lazy懒惰的。根据后句“There was a big red “X” through my answers. I failed. But why ”可知作者应是“惊讶的”。故选C。
failed失败;finished完成;passed通过;prepared准备。根据后文“‘The zeros on your papers will be recorded’ he said. And he did it.”可知没有人通过考试。故选C。
unable不能的;incorrect不正确的;uninteresting无趣的;impatient没有耐心的。根据前句“There was never such an animal”可知信息是错误的。故选B。
polite礼貌的;glad高兴的;shy害羞的;angry生气的。根据前文的两个问题“What kind of test was this What kind of teacher was he ”可知学生们是生气的。故选D。
careful认真的;possible有可能的;difficult困难的;important重要的。根据语境可知此处应表达“怎么可能”,因此用“How was it possible”。故选B。
something某物;anything任何事物;nothing没有东西;everything一切。根据后文“Teachers and books are not always right.”可知这位老师希望学生们学到某些道理。故选A。
dreams梦想;reasons原因;points要点;mistakes错误。根据前文“Teachers and books are not always right.”可知此处应指说出老师或者书本中的错误。故选D。
【详解】句意:这些新类型的能源花费很少,产生较少的污染。根据汉语提示及“These new types of energy cost ”可知此处应填动词produce,并且时态为一般现在时,前面谓语动词是原形cost,由and连接的并列句也用动词原形。故填produce。
【详解】句意:——森林里面的空气为何如此清新?——因为树木产生大量的氧气。根据汉语提示可知,对应的英文表达是produce,动词,意为“产生”;根据“Why is...”可知,使用一般现在时;主语trees是复数,因此谓语动词用原形。故填produce。
【详解】句意:她为她的儿子感到自豪,因为他在英语竞赛获奖了。根据句意和中文提示可知,空处应填形容词“自豪的”“proud”,“be proud of”“为……感到自豪”。故填proud。
46.To cure
【详解】句意:为了治愈失明,医生们做了很多工作来帮助贫困地区的人们。分析句子可知,空处应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填To cure。
48.am given
【详解】句意:——你能按时完成那个工作吗?——我不确定。但是如果再给我一小时,我将一定完成它。give“给”,结合句意,主语I与谓语之间是被动关系,因此谓语动词用被动语态,if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,主语I是第一人称单数形式,谓语用am given,故填am given。
【详解】句意:地震让数百人无家可归。我们必须要帮助他们。home“家”,名词;make sb. adj.“使某人……”;根据“The earthquake has made hundreds of people...”可知,地震让人们无家可归,homeless“无家可归的”,形容词,作宾语补足语。故填homeless。
50.to avoid
【详解】句意:汤姆竭尽全力避免惩罚,但是失败了。avoid“避免”,动词;分析句子可知“竭尽全力”的目的是“避免惩罚”,故此处使用动词不定式表示目的。故填to avoid。
51.suggestions 52.is full of 53.something funny 54.cheer them up 55.What’s more
51.句意:如果你想建立更牢固的友谊,请阅读以下建议。结合下文中的几条内容以及前文“If you want to build a stronger friendship”可知,此处指的是“建议”,suggestions意为“建议”,可数名词复数形式。故填suggestions。
52.句意:其次,人生充满了起起落落。根据“life…ups and downs.”可推知,空格处缺谓语动词,is full of意为“充满……”,符合语境。故填is full of。
53.句意:当你的朋友不开心时,你可以告诉他们一些关于你自己的身材的有趣事情,让他们开心起来。根据“ When your friends are unhappy, you can tell them … about the shape of your own body to …”知,空处缺宾语,something funny意为“有趣的事情”,符合语境。故填something funny。
54.句意:当你的朋友不开心时,你可以告诉他们一些关于你自己的身材的有趣事情,让他们开心起来。根据“When your friends are unhappy”可知,上面所讲的方式是为了能让朋友开心起来,cheer them up意为“让他们开心”,符合语境。故填cheer them up。
55.句意:此外,组织一些活动并邀请你的朋友加入你。根据空格后的逗号以及后文“… organize some activities and invite your friends to join you.”可知,此处填一个插入语来衔接下文,“What’s more”意为“此外”,符合语境。故填What’s more。
56.Advice 57.better 58.actively 59.provide 60.give
56.根据“Here is some advice for you.”可知本文主要讲了避免未来后悔的建议。故填Advice。
57.根据“When changes happen, you can have more time to face them.”可知,当变化发生时,你可以有更多的时间处理它们,题目中的“make it”后面应跟形容词,一份好的计划将使你更好的有足够的时间来应对变化,故用better“更好”。故填better。
58.根据“Live a more active life”可知是要更积极地生活,结合Live a life more可知此处应填入副词actively修饰动词live。故填actively。
59.根据“When you get into trouble, they can offer you a helping hand.”可知,当你遇到麻烦的时候,他们可以伸出援助之手,offer sb sth与provide sth for sb都表示“提供某人某物”,情态动词can后加动词原形。故填provide。
60.根据“We should not fear failure, because failure is not the end of the road.”可知我们不应该害怕失败,因为失败不是结局,即失败的时候不要放弃,don’t give up“不要放弃”。故填give。
61.(e)verywhere 62.(a)fter 63.(n)ervous 64.(u)sual 65.(b)usy 66.(s)till 67.(o)urselves 68.(p)lan 69.(e)nough 70.(d)ecide
61.句意:危险无处不在。根据“Danger is e... Stay inside.”可知,母亲告诉孩子们危险无处不在,everywhere“到处”符合语境。故填(e)verywhere。
62.句意:一天,在鸟妈妈飞走后,一个农夫和他的儿子来到了田野。根据“a...the mother bird flew away, a farmer and his son came to the field”可知,在鸟妈妈飞走后,一个农夫和他的儿子来到了田野。after“在……之后”符合语境。故填(a)fter。
63.句意:亲爱的,别紧张。根据“My dear, don’t be n... We don’t have to leave now.”可知,告诉孩子不要紧张,nervous“紧张的”,在句中作表语。故填(n)ervous。
64.句意:第二天,像往常一样,她让孩子们小心点,然后离开了。根据“The next day, as u..., she asked the babies to be careful and left.”可知,此处是as usual短语,意为“像往常一样”。故填(u)sual。
65.句意:村民们都很忙。根据“The villagers are b... They have no time to help us.”可知,村民们没时间,所以很忙,busy“忙碌的”,在句中作表语。故填(b)usy。
66.句意:我们还有时间搬家。根据“Don’t worry. We s...have time to move.”可知,妈妈安慰孩子仍有时间搬家,still“仍然”符合语境。故填(s)till。
67.句意:明天我们必须自己做这件事。根据“Tomorrow we must do it o...”可知,必须自己做,主语是we,用反身代词ourselves。故填(o)urselves。
68.句意:那天晚上,当鸟妈妈回来的时候,孩子们把农夫的计划告诉了她。根据“when the mother bird came back, the babies told her the farmer’s p...”可知,告诉妈妈农夫的计划,plan“计划”符合语境。故填(p)lan。
69.句意:现在,你们已经足够强壮,可以自己飞行了。根据“you are strong e...to fly by yourselves”可知,足够强壮自己飞行,enough“足够”,副词。故填(e)nough。
70.句意:我们将去那边那棵大树上的新家,因为这一次,农夫和他的儿子真的决定自己收割庄稼。根据“the farmer and his son really d...to cut the crops themselves”可知,农夫和他的儿子真的决定自己割庄稼,decide“决定”符合语境。故填(d)ecide。
The summer holiday is coming. How can we spend a meaningful holiday
First, I will spend an hour a day reading different books. I think reading can open up a whole new world to me. Just as the saying goes, “Traveling ten thousand miles is better than reading ten thousand books.” I can’t wait to have a trip with my family. We can enjoy ourselves and learn about the outside world as well. What’s more, it is meaningful for us to do some voluntary work. I can work as a volunteer at the weekend. I also plan to go to the library to do my homework and prepare for the next term. Besides, we should develop a green lifestyle. Everyone can do something to make a difference to our environment and ourselves.
I’m sure I will have a meaningful holiday.



