
请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项1.In a dictionary, which of the following words is before the others
A.fixed B.find C.forget D.further
2.________ fantastic it is to go for an outing on a cool sunny day!
A.How B.What C.How a D.What a
3.—Hello, Mr Wu! I didn’t expect to see you in Yunnan.
—Well, I ________ as a volunteer teacher here for 3 months and I will go back to Nanjing soon.
A.worked B.will work C.have worked D.was working
4.Most people usually can’t understand parents’ love ________ they have their own children.
A.if B.since C.until D.because
5.The 25-year-old actor Wang Hedi ________ for his excellent basketball skills in the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game in February 2024.
A.praises B.is praised C.was praised D.will be praised
6.—For a country to be strong, good education ________.
—That’s for sure. Our country has put great efforts into it.
A.minds B.matters C.agrees D.accepts
7.—Excuse me, I am looking for a flat near my company.
—Here is a right one for you. The price is not high and ________, the location is perfect.
A.instead B.however C.otherwise D.moreover
8.The little white cat looks so ________ that the child can’t wait to keep it.
A.lovely B.creative C.careless D.generous
9.—Miss Zhao, could you please tell me how I can improve myself
—One of the best ways is to play ________ someone who is stronger.
A.across B.along C.among D.against
10.—What’s wrong You look blue.
—The news that our team lost the match puts me in a difficult ________.
A.conclusion B.tradition C.attraction D.situation
11.—If you remember anything, please contact ________. Thanks for your support.
—Of course I will.
A.we B.us C.our D.ours
12.—How time flies! Our junior high ________ to an end.
—I can’t forget the happy time we have spent together.
A.comes B.came C.was coming D.is coming
13.—Hurry up! The graduation party will begin at 7: 30 tonight. We only have five minutes left.
—________. The clock is ten minutes fast.
A.With pleasure B.That depends C.Don’t mention it D.Don’t worry
14.Labor Education ________ to develop the view of the world life, values and an interest in doing housework.
A.is carried out B.has carried out C.carried out D.is carrying out
15.Which of the following can be a headline in the newspaper
A.China’s Wang/Sun won the mixed doubles at WTT 2024
B.Nanjing hot spots were filled with visitors last May Day
C.Chang’e 6 mission: Collecting first lunar far-side samples
D.High-speed rail has improved travel and economy in China
The other day our English teacher asked us to read an article in the textbook called “Stonehenge—Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There ” While reading, I couldn’t stop thinking of my 16 of Stonehenge last summer when my family went to the UK. It is one of the most wonderful experiences I’ve ever had.
Stonehenge is a 17 stone group made up of a large number of heavy stones. It is said that they were put together almost 5,000 years ago. It took us about two hours to get there from London by bus.
When we 18 there at about 10 a.m., visitors of all ages had already begun their trips. I could not wait to join them. Some men 19 uniforms guided us to walk along the paths around the large stone monuments (石碑). Walking along them, I felt like stepping back 5,000 years. I 20 each stone might weigh several tons. Looking at them in amazement, I wanted to know how ancient people could make those large stones stand without the help of modern 21 . Questions came into my mind: Why did they build Stonehenge How long did it take them to build it I could not 22 how many people worked together to build these monuments. The true purpose of building Stonehenge may remain a mystery. But its 23 to attract and encourage people has lasted for thousands of years. Without great teamwork, Stonehenge would never have been built.
As we stopped to take pictures, I saw a blonde girl 24 the stone monuments. She was getting inspiration (灵感) from them for her artwork.
Stonehenge is a very great place that has amazed people from all over the world for 25 . If you ever get the chance to visit England, take the time to see the great stone monuments for yourself.
16.A.task B.tour C.treat D.trade
17.A.tiny B.huge C.usual D.slight
18.A.left B.moved C.waited D.arrived
19.A.in B.on C.at D.with
20.A.guessed B.counted C.decided D.wondered
21.A.medicine B.education C.technology D.agriculture
22.A.doubt B.agree C.imagine D.manage
23.A.power B.pride C.progress D.problem
24.A.hearing B.writing C.drawing D.introducing
25.A.days B.weeks C.months D.centuries
三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
“It is especially beautiful. No matter who you are or what your age is, seeing something so fantastic is truly attractive,” said Jin Huilin, who was attracted by the rich patterns (花纹) when he saw Yuhua stones for the first time.
Nanjing Yuhua stone is a type of water-worn stone mainly found in areas like Nanjing and Yizheng in Jiangsu Province. It is known for its smooth texture (质地), bright colours and rich patterns.
Because Yuhua stones are often got from mines( 矿 山), dry Yuhua stones look plain and grey, hiding their true quality. Jin and his friends visited Luhe mining sites in Nanjing, wearing rubber shoes to collect these stones on rainy days. Rain made the stones’ detailed patterns clearer. “It’s better to carry a bottle of water on dry days to pour on the surface of the stones. Sometimes you can find something surprising, “ Jin said.
According to Jin, appreciating(欣赏) stones starts with their outer qualities like texture, colour, and patterns. ① However, “real appreciation of the stones requires cultural knowledge; otherwise, they might seem like just pieces of colour,” said Jin. With cultural knowledge and imagination, people could see different patterns, such as trees, mountains, or flowers. “② The stones a person chooses as their favourites can show their cultural awareness,” Jin added.
Watching patterns of stones in the water is not the only way to appreciate stones. Jin also mentioned other ways. ③ He gave some examples. “Some people enjoy holding stones in their hands, appreciating their special textures, or using strong light to discover hidden patterns that are even more beautiful. Others choose to put the stones on the desk, inviting guests to appreciate the stones from different positions,” said Jin. ④
For Jin, stone watching brings joy and something fresh to his life. “Some people like to have lively pets while I prefer stones for their lasting nature,” Jin added.
26.The writer begins this article by ________.
A.explaining an idea B.showing the reasons
C.comparing differences D.telling someone’s opinion
27.Jin suggests carrying a bottle of water when collecting stones on dry days because ________.
A.water can bring people good luck B.stones can avoid being polluted with water
C.water can help find the stones’ true quality D.the weather makes people feel thirsty easily
28.The sentence “So, watching stones is, in some ways, watching oneself. “most probably comes from ________.
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
29.What can we know about Yuhua stones from the passage
A.Their true quality can be found easily on the surface.
B.They can be found in most cities in Jiangsu Province.
C.There are different patterns like mountains and flowers in them.
D.The textures are seen more clearly in the water than with strong light.
30.What is the best title for the passage
A.Pieces of Colour B.Magic from Mines
C.Stone Appreciation in Water D.A World of Beauty in Stones
The Marionette, as soon as his hunger was appeased, started to grumble and cry that he wanted a new pair of feet.
But Mastro Geppetto, in order to punish him for his mischief (淘气), let him alone the whole morning. After dinner, he said to him: “Why should I make your feet over again To see you run away from home once more “
“I promise you,” answered the Marionette, sobbing, “that from now on I’ll be good…”
“Boys always promise that when they want something,” said Geppetto. “I promise to go to school every day, to study, and to succeed.”
“Boys always sing that song when they want their own will.”
“But I am not like other boys! I am better than all of them and I always tell the truth. I promise you, Father, that I’ll learn a trade, and I’ll be the comfort and staff of your old age.”
Geppetto, though trying to look very stern, felt his eyes fill with tears and his heart soften when he saw Pinocchio so unhappy. He said no more, but taking his tools and two pieces of wood, he set to work diligently.
In less than an hour the feet were finished, two slender, nimble little feet, strong and quick, modeled as if by an artist’s hands.
“Close your eyes and sleep!” Geppetto then said to the Marionette.
Pinocchio closed his eyes and pretended (假装) to be asleep, while Geppetto stuck on the two feet with a bit of glue melted in an eggshell, doing his work so well that the joint could hardly be seen.
As soon as the Marionette felt his new feet, he gave one leap from the table and started to skip and jump around, as if he had lost his head from very joy.
“To show you how grateful I am to you, Father, I’ll go to school now. But to go to school I need a suit of clothes.”
Geppetto did not have a penny in his pocket, so he made his son a little suit of flowered paper, a pair of shoes from the bark of a tree, and a tiny cap from a bit of dough.
Pinocchio ran to look at himself in a bowl of water, and he felt so happy that he said proudly: “Now I look like a gentleman.”
“Truly,” answered Geppetto. “But remember that fine clothes do not make the man unless they be neat and clean.”
“Very true,” answered Pinocchio, “but, in order to go to school, I still need something very important.”
“What is it ”
“An A-B-C book.”
Putting on his old coat, full of darns and patches (补丁), he ran out of the house without another word. After a while he returned. In his hands, he had the A-B-C book for his son, but the old coat was gone. The poor fellow was in his shirt sleeves and the day was cold.
“Where’s your coat, Father ”
“I have sold it.”
“Why did you sell it ”
“It’s too warm.”
Pinocchio understood the answer in a twinkling, and, unable to restrain his tears, he jumped on his father’s neck and kissed him over and over.
—Adapted from The Adventures of Pinocchio
31.According to the story, which of the following character relationships is correct
A.Geppetto is Marionette’s son. B.Pinocchio is Geppetto’s father.
C.Geppetto is Pinocchio’s father. D.Marionette and Pinocchio are friends.
32.What does the underlined word “stern” probably mean in the story
A.serious B.excited C.touched D.happy
33.What is the correct order of what happened in the story
a. Geppetto was deeply moved.
b. Geppetto made a suit out of paper.
c. Marionette cried for a new pair of feet.
d. Marionette made promises to be a good man.
A.a c d b B.c-b-d-a C.c-d-a-b D.a-d-b-c
34.What can we know from the underlined sentence
A.Geppetto played a trick on his son. B.Geppetto felt hot because of the weather.
C.Geppetto loved his son more than himself. D.Geppetto didn’t like the old coat any more.
35.What is the best title for the story
A.A Dishonest Boy B.A Poor Family
C.A New Pair of Feet D.An A-B-C Book
What comes to your mind when you read the word “robot” Many people think about big and modern machines in car factories or films. Few of us think about the past. But people were building machines with human abilities hundreds of years ago.
Philo of Byzantium, an ancient Greek inventor, built a robot thousands of years ago. If someone placed a cup in the robot’s hand, it could mix water and wine to make a drink. But it wasn’t popular because people didn’t need robots to work at that time.
Another ancient robot was a robotic arm called “The Claw”. Polybius, the Greek writer, wrote about it in 213 BC. It was built during a war with the Romans and hung over the city wall towards the sea. When a Roman ship came close, the arm caught the front of it and lifted the ship into the air. Then the ship fell backward into the sea and went down. Again, we don’t know whether the machine was built, but it was possible with Ancient Greek technology.
Leonardo da Vinci, the famous artist, loved designing robots. Few of his designs were built, but his plans were very perfect. Mark Rosheim, a robot engineer, still learns from those ideas when he works! One of Leonardo da Vinci’s robots was a lion. He built it in 1515. It could walk and send flowers! In 2009, engineers used the plans to rebuild the robot lion. It worked perfectly.
As time went by, more robots were built, and they could do more difficult work, such as writing and drawing a picture. Although modern technology has moved on, these historical robots still surprise people today.
36.What can we learn about Philo
A.He was a modern inventor. B.He was from Germany.
C.His robot was popular in his time. D.He built a robot thousands of years ago.
37.What does the underlined word “lifted” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese
A.察看 B.敲打 C.举起 D.推走
38.What modern robots can not do
A.difficult work B.think deeply C.draw pictures D.write
39.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A.①/②③④/⑤ B.①/②③/④⑤ C.①/②/③④⑤ D.①②/③④/⑤
40.What’s the best title for the passage
A.A few interesting ancient stories.
B.What are ancient robots like
C.Some amazing (令人惊奇的) robots from ancient times.
D.Why are ancient robots different from modern ones
41.—Would you like green tea or black tea
—Thanks a lot. (两者之一) will be OK.
42.No car has ever attracted more (注意) in China than the Xiaomi SU7, which caused a hot discussion.
43.If each of us takes a (简单的) step to go green, we can make a big difference to the Earth.
44.Some roads in cities are (special) designed for the blind to walk more easily.
45.Jia Ling, a famous actress and (direct), told people to stay true in the film YOLO.
46.Tom received a Lego toy on his (five) birthday and it was a big surprise for him.
47.Now we can use AI technology to help the (miss) children return home.
48.Chinese (tradition) dishes are famous for their pleasant smell, colour, taste, meaning and appearance.
just; while; gave up; on the way; look forward to
In a world full of creatures (生物) living together, there was a character who went on an amazing journey. This character faced difficulties 49 , managing to deal with all the problems. Sometimes, it was heard laughing on the top of the highest mountain 50 at other times it found itself in the lowest place with no way out. Although having met so many challenges, this character never 51 . It kept moving to meet its needs for discovering new things. No matter what it met with, the character faced it with great courage.
So always 52 a new day! Do you know why Because life is an exciting journey filled with amazing things. And if you are brave enough, you will find lots of chances 53 lying around the corner. This character has no name, because it is you or me, and because it is any one of us.
五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)
阅读下面短文, 根据所读内容, 在文章后空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在相应位置上。注意: 每个空格只填1个单词。
Falling on March 20 this year, Spring Equinox, also called Chunfen in Chinese, is the fourth of the Twenty-four Solar Terms. It marks the same length(长度)of the day and night.
Have you ever wondered about the origin(起源)of this special solar term It is said that a long time ago, as there was not enough sunlight, it was almost impossible for people to grow crops. One day, Emperor Yandi decided to fly to Penglai Island on a five-colored bird to search for the sun so that his people could enjoy a better harvest. After a dangerous journey, he brought the sun back and hung it in the sky. From then on, there were plenty of crops on Earth and people lived happily and peacefully. This day is called Chunfen.
Today, people in different places have different traditions to celebrate Chunfen. Chunfen is the best time to fly kites. The wind for kite flying can’t be too strong or too gentle. The gentle wind on the day of Chunfen perfectly satisfies those needs, so it is easier for kites to go up. It is usually a wonderful time for people, both old and young, to go to the open spaces to fly kites. It is believed that flying kites on Chunfen can drive away bad luck and bring back good luck.
Chunfen also means hope and growing up, just like the plants. Since ancient times, people ate food based on the changes of seasons. In southern China’s Fujian and Guangdong provinces, people living in villages dig wild vegetables and cook them in soup to clean their stomachs. The meals are also thought as a way to wish for a healthy and strong body. During Chunfen, wheat grows and flowers come out. Leek(韭菜)is delicious and fresh. It’s the best time to cook food with it, although cooking styles are quite different between northern and southern China.
When Chunfen comes, remember to have fresh vegetables on your table. Also, don’t say no if you are invited to take part in different activities to enjoy the good weather.
A Treasured Solar Term—Chunfen
An 54 to Chunfen ●As the fourth of the Twenty-four Solar Terms, it 55 on March 20 this year. ●The day is as 56 as the night on Chunfen.
A tale of Chunfen ●A long time ago, people had 57 growing crops, so Emperor Yandi brought the sun back. ●After that day, there were enough crops on Earth and people lived in joy and 58 .
Traditions Flying kites ●The gentle wind on the day of Chunfen makes kites fly up more 59 . ●It is a wonderful time for people of all 60 to fly kites in the open spaces.
Eating wild vegetables ● Villagers wish for a healthy and strong body by 61 wild vegetables and cooking them in the soup. ●As for cooking food with leek, there are great 62 between northern and southern China.
Conclusion Don’t 63 the invitations to take part in different activities when Chunfen comes.
Teenagers often experience ups and downs in emotions (情感). Sometimes negative (消极的) emotions from present schoolwork and worries about f 64 are with us.
When negative thoughts and feelings appear, they may be h 65 to many parts of life. They even influence a person’s confidence greatly and make it hard to realize dreams. For example, people who think “I can’t do this” or “I doubt my skills” may f 66 to finish their tasks. This is one reason why it’s important to know some negative emotions and find ways that c 67 them for the better.
It takes practice to know about emotions. Sometimes they can be so sudden and powerful that it’s hard to know e 68 what you’re experiencing. The best way is to stop for a short time and think for a moment when you notice yourself feeling unhappy. Try to name what emotion it is and say to y 69 , “I feel angry, sad, or worried.” By doing this, you will be able to know your emotions b 70 and understand your problems more clearly.
If you’re unhappy but aren’t quite sure why, it can help to talk to someone you t 71 , like a close friend or family members who can keep a secret. Talking things over can also help deal with your feelings.
If you have much difficulty talking about your feelings or you think people can h 72 understand you, keep a diary, draw or paint, or do something else that helps you get through hard times. Anyway, e 73 your feelings in a proper way instead of hiding them deep in your heart is a good choice! If you spend time finding out more about your feelings, you will become skilled at solving the emotional problems as they come up.
74.Challenges are part of life. They push us to grow, to learn and to be better. During the three years of junior high school life, you’ll surely have such experiences to share. Please write a passage about your understanding of the challenge and a story behind it.
1. 词数 80左右;
2. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 语言通顺, 意思连贯, 条理清楚, 书写规范。
考查感叹句。根据句子结构可知,该题考查感叹句,根据空后“fantastic it is ...”可知,中心词为形容词fantastic,此处应用how引导感叹句,句子结构为“How+形容词+主语+谓语+其他”。故选A。
考查现在完成时。根据“for 3 months”可知,本句用现在完成时(have/has done)。故选C。
考查连词辨析。if如果;since自从;until直到;because因为。根据“Most people usually can’t understand parents’ love ... they have their own children.”可知,直到自己有了孩子,才懂得父母的爱,用until引导时间状语从句。故选C。
考查被动语态。根据题干可知,主语和动词praise“称赞”之间是被动关系,结合“in February 2024.”可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选C。
考查动词辨析。minds介意;matters要紧;agrees同意;accepts接受。根据“For a country to be strong”可知,良好的教育对于国家的强大来说至关重要。故选B。
考查副词辨析。instead替代;however然而;otherwise否则;moreover再者。根据“The price is not high and…, the location is perfect.”可知,价格不高,位置刚好,这两个为递进关系,用moreover来衔接后者。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。lovely可爱的;creative有创造力的;careless粗心的;generous慷慨的。根据“The little white cat looks so ... that the child can’t wait to keep it.”可知,此处是指小白猫看起来很可爱。故选A。
考查介词辨析。across穿过;along沿着;among在……之中;against对抗。根据“play...someone who is stronger.”可知,是指和比你强的人对抗,应用against,故选D。
考查名词辨析。conclusion结论;tradition传统;attraction吸引;situation情况。根据“The news that our team lost the match puts me in a difficult”可知,队伍输了比赛的消息让自己陷入一种困难的情境,situation符合语境。故选D。
考查动词时态。根据“… time we have spent together.”可知,初中快要结束(还没结束),由此可知用一般将来时,come/go/leave等用现在进行时表示一般将来时的含义。故选D。
考查交际用语。With pleasure很高兴;That depends那要看情况了;Don’t mention it别提了;Don’t worry别担心。由题意可知,空白处应是抚慰对方“别担心”。故选D。
考查被动语态。carry out“执行”,在句中作谓语,主语“Labor Education”和carry out构成动宾关系,用被动语态,其构成为 “be+过去分词”,故选A。
考查常识。根据常识可知,英语标题一般不用过去时和完成时,排除A、D项;标题中动词表示被动时,常把被动语态结构中的“be”动词省略,排除B项。英语标题常用一般现在时,选项C “嫦娥六号任务:收集月球背面的首批样本” 符合。故选C。
16.B 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.A 21.C 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.D
task任务;tour游览;treat款待;trade贸易。根据“my ... of Stonehenge last summer”可知,是去年去游览巨石阵。故选B。
tiny极小的;huge巨大的;usual通常的;slight轻微的。根据“Stonehenge is a ... stone group”可知,巨石阵是一个巨大的石头群。故选B。
left离开;moved移动;waited等待;arrived到达。根据“When we ... there at about 10 a.m.”可知,此处指的是上午十点左右到达那里的时候。故选D。
in穿着;on在上面;at在;with和。根据“Some men ... uniforms”可知,是穿着制服的人们。故选A。
guessed猜测;counted数;decided决定;wondered想知道。根据“I ... each stone might weigh several tons.”可知,猜测每块石头可能有几吨重。故选A。
medicine药;education教育;technology技术;agriculture农业。根据“without the help of modern”可知,此处指的是没有现代技术的帮助。故选C。
doubt怀疑;agree同意;imagine想象;manage管理。根据“I could not... how many people worked together to build these monuments.”可知,是无法想象有多少人共同努力建造这些石碑。故选C。
power力量;pride自豪;progress进展;problem问题。根据“attract and encourage people”可知,是吸引和鼓励人们的力量。故选A。
hearing听见;writing写;drawing画;introducing介绍。根据“She was getting inspiration (灵感) from them for her artwork.”可知,提到了艺术作品,所以此处应该是在画石碑。故选C。
days天;weeks周;months月;centuries世纪。根据“Stonehenge is a very great place that has amazed people from all over the world for”可知,巨石阵几个世纪以来一直让人们惊叹不已。故选D。
26.D 27.C 28.B 29.C 30.D
26.细节理解题。根据“ ‘It is especially beautiful. No matter who you are or what your age is, seeing something so fantastic is truly attractive,’ said Jin Huilin, who was attracted by the rich patterns (花纹) when he saw Yuhua stones for the first time.”可知,文章以提出自己的观点的方式展开文章,故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据“It’s better to carry a bottle of water on dry days to pour on the surface of the stones. Sometimes you can find something surprising”可知,在干燥的日子里,最好带一瓶水倒在石头表面。有时你会发现一些令人惊讶的事情,故选C。
28.推理判断题。根据“With cultural knowledge and imagination, people could see different patterns, such as trees, mountains, or flowers.”以及“The stones a person chooses as their favourites can show their cultural awareness”可知,此处是说一个人选择自己喜欢的石头可以显示他们的文化意识,所以句子“So, watching stones is, in some ways, watching oneself.”应该放在②处,故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据“With cultural knowledge and imagination, people could see different patterns, such as trees, mountains, or flowers.”可知,雨花石里面有不同的图案,像山和花,故选C。
30.最佳标题题。根据“ ‘It is especially beautiful. No matter who you are or what your age is, seeing something so fantastic is truly attractive,’ said Jin Huilin, who was attracted by the rich patterns (花纹) when he saw Yuhua stones for the first time.”及整个文章的理解可知,主要是介绍金辉林与雨花石之间的故事,故选D。
31.C 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.D
31.细节理解题。根据“I promise you, Father, that I’ll learn a trade, and I’ll be the comfort and staff of your old age.”可知,Geppetto是Pinocchio的父亲。故选C。
32.词义猜测题。根据”Geppetto, though trying to look very stern, felt his eyes fill with tears and his heart soften when he saw Pinocchio so unhappy.”可知,Geppetto虽然装出一副严肃的样子,可看着他那可怜的Pinocchio这么难过,眼里噙着眼泪,心软了。因此划线单词的意思是“严肃的”。故选A。
33.细节理解题。根据“The Marionette, as soon as his hunger was appeased, started to grumble and cry that he wanted a new pair of feet.”、“But I am not like other boys! I am better than all of them and I always tell the truth. I promise you, Father, that I’ll learn a trade, and I’ll be the comfort and staff of your old age.”、“He said no more, but taking his tools and two pieces of wood, he set to work diligently.”以及“Geppetto did not have a penny in his pocket, so he made his son a little suit of flowered paper, a pair of shoes from the bark of a tree, and a tiny cap from a bit of dough.”可知,正确的顺序是c-d-a-b。故选C。
34.词句猜测题。根据“After a while he returned. In his hands, he had the A-B-C book for his son, but the old coat was gone. The poor fellow was in his shirt sleeves and the day was cold.”以及下文可知,为了满足自己的儿子,把唯一的外套也卖了,因此划线句子表达了Geppetto爱他的儿子胜过爱自己。故选C。
36.D 37.C 38.B 39.A 40.C
36.细节理解题。根据“Philo of Byzantium, an ancient Greek inventor, built a robot thousands of years ago.”可知,Philo是古希腊的发明家,他在几千年前制造了一个机器人。故选D。
37.词义猜测题。根据“When a Roman ship came close, the arm caught the front of it and lifted the ship into the air.”可知,当罗马船只靠近时,这个机械臂会抓住船只的前部并将其举起,所以lifted在这里的意思是“举起”。故选C。
38.细节理解题。根据“As time went by, more robots were built, and they could do more difficult work, such as writing and drawing a picture.”可知,随着时间的推移,建造了更多的机器人,它们可以做更多的困难工作,比如写作和画画,并未提及能深度思考。故选B。
【详解】句意:——你想要绿茶还是红茶? ———非常感谢。任何一个都可以。根据“Would you like green tea or black tea ”及中文可知,此空填either“两者之一”,句首首字母大写。故填Either。
【详解】句意:著名女演员兼导演贾玲在电影《热辣滚烫》中告诉人们要保持真实。根据“Jia Ling, a famous actress and”可知,并列连词and后接名词,说明贾玲的身份信息,director“导演”,可数名词,a后接可数名词单数形式。故填director。
49.on the way 50.while 51.gave up 52.look forward to 53.just
49.句意:这个人在路上遇到了困难,设法解决了所有的问题。根据“This character faced difficulties”结合选词可知,他在路上遇到了困难,应用on the way。故填on the way。
50.句意:有时,人们听到他在最高的山顶上大笑,有时,他发现自己在最低的地方没有出路。根据“it was heard laughing on the top of the highest mountain...at other times it found itself in the lowest place with no way out. ”可知,这是一个主从复合句,需要用连接词,结合选词可知,while符合,引导时间状语从句,故填while。
51.句意:虽然遇到了这么多的挑战,但这个人从未放弃。根据“Although having met so many challenges”可知,尽管这个人遇到了很多挑战,但是他没有放弃,应用gave up。故填gave up。
52.句意:所以永远期待新的一天!分析句子可知,此处是祈使句,空处应填动词短语,look forward to“期待”符合语境,故填look forward to。
53.句意:如果你足够勇敢,你会发现很多机会就在拐角处。根据“you will find lots of chances...lying around the corner.”可知,句子不缺成分,需要填入状语,结合选词可知,just“就,正好”符合语境,故填just。
54.introduction 55.falls
57.difficulty/trouble/problems 58.peace 59.easily 60.ages 61.digging 62.differences 63.refuse
54.根据课文第一段“Falling on March 20 this year...It marks the same length(长度) of the day and night.”可知春分的时间,它标志着白昼长度相同。是对春分这个节气的介绍。故填introduction。
55.根据“Falling on March 20 this year, Spring Equinox, also called Chunfen in Chinese, is the fourth of the Twenty-four Solar Terms.”可知句子表达春分的日期,主语为it, 后面应跟动词的第三人称单数。故填falls。
56.根据“It marks the same length(长度)of the day and night.”可知,此处是指它标志着白天和夜晚的长度一样。固定短语 as long as“和……一样长”。故填long。
57.根据“It is said that a long time ago, as there was not enough sunlight, it was almost impossible for people to grow crops.”可推断当时人们种植农作物有困难,have difficulty/trouble/problems in doing sth“做某事有困难”。故填difficulty/trouble/problems。
58.根据“From then on, there were plenty of crops on Earth and people lived happily and peacefully.”可知,,人们生活在幸福和平中。“and”连接词前后一致,“joy”是名词,因此空处应用名词形式。故填peace。
59.根据“The gentle wind on the day of Chunfen perfectly satisfies those needs, so it is easier for kites to go up.”可知, 春分的风可以让风筝更容易的飞起来,makes kites fly up 是动词短语“让风筝飞起来”,需要用副词来修饰动词。故填easily。
60.根据“It is usually a wonderful time for people, both old and young, to go to the open spaces to fly kites.”可知老幼皆可,适合于各个年龄段。age“年纪”,名词;空前有all“所有,都”,其后跟名词复数。故填ages。
61.根据“In southern China’s Fujian and Guangdong provinces, people living in villages dig wild vegetables and cook them in soup to clean their stomachs.”可知,是通过挖野菜做野菜汤来清理肠胃的。by后面跟动名词形式,。故填digging。
62.根据“It’s the best time to cook food with it, although cooking styles are quite different between northern and southern China.”可知, 南方和北方有许多不同之处。结合句子“there are...”可以推测此处需要填名词复数,difference“差异”,名词。故填differences。
63.根据“Also, don’t say no if you are invited to take part in different activities to enjoy the good weather.”可知, 此处表示不要拒绝这个邀请。 the invitations“邀请”是名词短语,前面需要动词,表示”拒绝”。助动词“do”后用动词原形,故填refuse。
64.(f)uture 65.(h)armful 66.(f)ail 67.(c)hange 68.(e)xactly 69.(y)ourself 70.(b)etter 71.(t)rust 72.(h)ardly 73.(e)xpressing
64.句意:有时,来自当前学业和对未来的担忧的负面情绪会伴随着我们。根据“Sometimes negative (消极的) emotions from present schoolwork and worries about...”和首字母f可知,与“present schoolwork”对应的应是不可数名词future“未来”。故填(f)uture。
65.句意:当消极的想法和情绪出现时,它们可能会对生活的许多方面造成伤害。根据“When negative thoughts and feelings appear, they may be...to many parts of life.”和首字母h可知,消极的想法和情绪可能对生活有害,形容词harmful“有害的”符合语境,在句中作表语。故填(h)armful。
66.句意:例如,那些认为“我做不到”或“我怀疑我的技能”的人可能无法完成他们的任务。根据“people who think ‘I can’t do this’ or ‘I doubt my skills’ may...to finish their tasks.”和首字母f可知,怀疑自己能力的人可能不能完成任务,短语fail to do sth.“未能做某事”符合语境,情态动词may后接动词原形。故填(f)ail。
67.句意:这就是了解一些消极情绪并找到改善它们的方法之所以重要的一个原因。根据“know some negative emotions and find ways that...them for the better.”和首字母c可知,为了变好,要找到改变消极情绪的方法,动词change“改变”符合语境;此从句为一般现在时,主语“ways”为复数,谓语动词用原形。故填(c)hange。
68.句意:有时它们会如此突然和强大,以至于你很难确切地知道你正在经历什么。根据“Sometimes they can be so sudden and powerful that it’s hard to know...what you’re experiencing.”和首字母e可知,此处指消极情绪如此突然和强大,以至于人们难以确切地知道正在经历什么,副词exactly“确切地”符合语境。故填(e)xactly。
69.句意:试着说出它是什么情绪,然后对自己说:“我感到生气、悲伤或担心。”根据“say to..., ‘I feel angry, sad, or worried.’”和首字母y可知,此处指对你自己说这些话,反身代词yourself“你自己”符合语境。故填(y)ourself。
70.句意:通过这样做,你将能够更好地了解你的情绪,更清楚地了解你的问题。根据“By doing this, you will be able to know your emotions...”和首字母b可知,通过这种方法,你能更好地了解自己的情绪,与“more clearly”并列,应用副词的比较级better“更好”。故填(b)etter。
71.句意:如果你不开心但又不确定原因,和你信任的人谈谈可能会有所帮助,比如一个亲密的朋友或能保守秘密的家庭成员。根据“like a close friend or family members who can keep a secret.”和首字母t可推测,亲密的朋友或能保守秘密的家庭成员应是值得信任的人,动词trust“信任”符合语境;此句为一般现在时,主语为“you”,谓语动词用原形。故填(t)rust。
72.句意:如果你很难谈论你的感受,或者你认为人们很难理解你,那就写日记、画画或做其他能帮助你度过困难时期的事情。根据“you think people can...understand you”和首字母h可知,此处指认为人们几乎不能理解你,副词hardly“几乎不”符合语境。故填(h)ardly。
73.句意:无论如何,用一种恰当的方式表达你的感受,而不是把它们藏在心里,这是一个很好的选择!根据“your feelings”和首字母e可知,此处指表达你的感受,动词express“表达”符合语境;is前为主语,应用动名词形式作主语。故填(e)xpressing。
74. I used to be really shy and was afraid of speaking in public. I was always a listener every time when there was a speech contest in our school. I admired others’ confidence and was ashamed of my shyness.
To deal with the situation, I began to read aloud, practicing in front of a mirror again and again. My parents often encouraged me, which gave me great hope. I became more confident. With my parents’ encouragement, I took part in an English speech contest. I finished my speech fluently. With exciting tears in my eyes, I hugged my parents tightly. Teachers and other students also cheered me on.
Practice makes perfect. Believe ourselves and don’t give up, and we will win.
①used to be 过去常常
②took part in参加
③give up放弃
①Practice makes perfect.(谚语)
②I was always a listener every time when there was a speech contest in our school.(when引导的时间状语从句)
③To deal with the situation, I began to read aloud, practicing in front of a mirror again and again. (动词不定式作目的状语)




下一篇:2023-2024八年级英语下学期 期末满分冲刺卷(南京卷)(一)(含解析)