
考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:140分
Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力 略)
Part 2 Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语法和词汇)
II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (本大题共 15题,每题1分,共15分。每题只有一个正确选项)
1.Kate and her classmates ________ part in an interesting art activity after school yesterday.
A.take B.took C.will take D.have taken
2.—Wow, Julie, it’s so cool to take some photos with your mobile phone.
—Just with a software called MTxiuxiu. Let me show you ________.
A.what to use B.how to use it C.which to use D.where to use it
3.We have to practise _______ English more often. It’s useful when we’re at work.
A.to speak B.speak C.speaking D.spoke
4.You will surely realize your dream of being a great scientist ________ you give it up halfway.
A.unless B.since C.until D.whether
5.—Your light was still on at 11:00 o’clock last night.
—Yes. I ________ for next week’s test.
A.study B.will study C.was studying D.am studying
6.Give him more time, ________ he will find the answer on his own.
A.and B.but C.or D.so
7.—________ do you visit your grandparents in the countryside
—Once a week.
A.How often B.How many C.How long
8.—I’ve told you many times you _________ run the red light. The cars may hit you.
—Sorry, I won’t do it again.
A.wouldn’t B.mustn’t C.couldn’t D.needn’t
9.—Did you see the traffic accident outside your neighbourhood last night
—Yes. It happened when I _______ through the gate.
A.has run B.am running C.would run D.was running
10.I’m worried about the _______ of the medicine.
A.safe B.safety C.save D.safely
11.—This room is too small. I’d like to ask for _______.
—Sorry. All rooms in our hotel are full tonight.
A.another B.the other C.other D.the others
12.I’m so hungry. I need something _______.
A.eat B.to eat C.eating D.eaten
13.—The T-shirt is a bit expensive for me.
—But sir, this is _______ one in the shop.
A.cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D.the cheapest
14.I had to remove some _________ from the house to make room for my new piano.
A.desk B.chair C.bookshelf D.furniture
15.It was an exciting moment for Mr. and Mrs. Wang _______ they learned they were going to have a baby.
A.whether B.although C.when D.unless
Ⅲ. Choose the proper words in the box to complete the following passage. Each can be used only once (选择最恰当的选项填入空格。每空格限填一词, 每词只能填一次)(本大题共8题,每题1分,共8分,每题只有一个正确选项)
Life in space
A.view B.noisiest C. imagine D.consider E. sicker
Imagine sitting in a rocket, ready to take off. Excited Actually, waiting is really boring. But then, wow! You travel faster than you ever thought possible. You go into orbit (轨道) in eight and a half minutes! And it’s the 16 journey ever. You get a terrible headache and you feel 17 than you’ve ever felt before. You can’t eat for a few days until your stomach feels better being in space. Food isn’t important in space, anyway. It all tastes much worse than you can 18 . You can take lovely chocolate with you, but it tastes of nothing up there. However, you have the best 19 while you’re eating. You can watch the Sun rise 16 times a day! You can see everything more clearly up there. Our planet looks amazing.
A.strike B.experience C. grow D.step E. stick
When you are in orbit, there is no gravity (重力), of course. So, you 20 taller, which is nice, except that there’s little space in the space station! Everything floats, including you. You work a bit more slowly. Everything is harder to do. Going to bed is strange. You sleep much less comfortably. You have to 21 your sleeping bag to a wall and your pillow (枕头) to your head! If you go outside, you have to move a lot more carefully. Every 22 is so important that it can be stressful at times. But being in space in a spacesuit is the most amazing 23 ! However, the hardest thing of all is returning home. It can take weeks for your muscles to remember how to move on the Earth!
plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词) (本大题共8题,共8分)
24.Our garden is quite different from , especially the kinds of flowers inside. (they)
25.It is to teach the 3-year-old child that much. He can’t understand at all. (use)
26.When we got to the entrance to the museum, the doorkeeper greeted us . (polite)
27.During the winter holiday, Kate read this book on Chinese culture . (two)
28.Did you see the of Mary’s hair It almost reaches her knee. (long)
29.Brush your three times a day. It’s good for your health. (tooth)
30.I was to see they all had finally arrived safely. (thank)
31.The fierce tiger opened its mouth and showed its sharp to the tourists. (tooth)
V.Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求, 改写下列句)(共14分)
Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读写)
32.Joe asked me, “Will you join us in the coming football match ” (改为间接引语)
Joe asked me I join them in the coming football match.
33.I’m not sure when I can set out for London. (改为简单句)
I’m not sure set out for London.
34.The teacher caught Simon copying others’ answers in the English exam. (改为被动语态)
Simon copying others’ answers in the English exam.
35.The tourists visited the exhibition of Chinese paper cutting. (改为反意疑问句)
The tourists visited the exhibition of Chinese paper cutting,
36.“When do you plan to have the school sports meeting ” Tony asked his teacher Rose. (改为间接引语)
Tony asked his teacher Rose she to have the school sports meeting.
37.This university invites a few graduates to give speeches to the students every year. (改为被动语态)
A few graduates by this university to give speeches to the students every year.
38.Does she want to book the tickets now Alice doesn’t know. (合并为一句)
Alice doesn’t know she to book the tickets now.
VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)(本大题共25题,共50分)
A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12 分)
Sunshine Community Centre Hobby group openings
Juggling (for beginners) Tuesdays 7-8 p.m.Feeling stressed to juggling work and play Losing focus as if your life is up in the air Whether you’re throwing and catching balls or oranges, this ancient skill can sharpen your focus and take your mind off your troubles. It’s good training for the body and lots of fun, too! Cheerleading Thursdays 7-9 p.m. Cheerleading is just as tough as competing in track and field. We sing, dance, spin, and throw each other into the air-all to support athletes at sports events. Cheerleading builds trust, spirit and strength. Join now, boys and girls. If you can handle all the tough work, you can get a fit body and friendship in return.
Fishing Fun Sundays 7-11 a.m.Boring Or tiring Come fish with us and find out for yourself while enjoying a peaceful morning. Beginners and experts are welcome. Origami Originals Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m. Get creative with origami, the art of paper-folding. This hobby is good training for the eyes, hands and mind. You can also learn a little bit of maths such as fractions and geometric shapes (几何图形), etc. from complex (复杂的), interesting paper forms.
39.Which hobby group is the most suitable for someone who wants to get fit and make friends
A.Juggling (for beginners). B.Cheerleading.
C.Fishing Fun. D.Origami Originals.
40.The underline word “juggling” in the first sentence means ________.
A.the art of throwing and catching objects
B.making full use of things in a creative way
C.dealing with two important things at the same time
D.making things look better by turning them upside down
41.Which of the following is NOT TRUE
A.Juggling can help you forget about troubles.
B.Origami trains a person more than one area.
C.You need experience to join Fishing Fun.
D.Cheerleaders support athletes by singing and dancing.
42.Jack is interested in maths and he wants to train both his eyes and mind. He will probably go to the hobby group at ________.
A.7:00 p.m. every Tuesday B.7:00 p.m. every Thursday
C.7:00 a.m. every Sunday D.6:30 p.m. every Wednesday
43.The audience can NOT find ________ of the hobby groups from the posters.
A.the opening day and time B.the names and subjects
C.the contact information D.the activities and benefits
44.The main purpose of the material is to ________.
A.advise people to find balance between work and play
B.provide information and sell different kinds of interest courses
C.share useful tips among beginners with different hobbies
D.attract people in the community to join different hobby groups
Oceans cover two-thirds of our Earth. There are five main oceans which all flow into each other: the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Southern Ocean.
What are the Layers of the Ocean
Oceans are made of five layers or depths. Each layer has different characteristics (特点), such as the temperature and the amount of light. They have unique creatures (独特的生物) living within them.
The Sunlight Zone-up to 200m below the surface of the ocean
There is plenty of sunlight and heat in this zone although both decrease (减少) as you go deeper. There are many different living things within this layer, including seaweed, dolphins, fish, and coral reefs. Humans enjoy this warm layer for activities such as swimming and fishing.
The Twilight Zone-up to 1,000m below the surface of the ocean
Only weak sunlight reaches this deeper layer. No plants grow within this layer. It is home to sea animals which often have large eyes, including the sea cucumber, the wolf eel, the swordfish and the octopus. Humans can dive to this layer wearing protective suits.
The Midnight Zone-up to 4,000m below the surface of the ocean
The Midnight Zone is pitch-black because sunlight cannot reach this layer. Some light can be seen from creatures that make their own light, such as anglerfish, jelly fish and viperfish.
Abyss-up to 6,000m below the surface of the ocean
The sunlight cannot reach this layer at all, so it is pitch-black and near freezing. Very few creatures live here, but those that do are mainly transparent (透明的), blind invertebrates (无脊椎动物), such as lanternfish, squid and amphipod.
The Trenches-up to 11,000m below the surface of the ocean
The Trenches are narrow, underwater valleys of the ocean floor which have high pressure and near-freezing temperature. There is no natural light in this zone, but different creatures can be found, such as sea stars.
45.Which of the following pictures about ocean layers is correct
A. B.
C. D.
46.________ is a must-have if someone wants to explore the Twilight Zone.
A.Sunscrean (防晒霜) B.A fishing rod
C.A strong underwater light D.A waterproof (防水的) bag
47.The underlined word “pitch-black” most probably means “________”.
A.warm and bright B.light grey C.deep blue D.totally dark
48.According to the passage, sunlight can get to ________.
A.the Twilight Zone B.Abyss C.the Trenches D.the Midnight Zone
49.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Plants and living things can be found in each ocean layer.
B.Animals with large eyes can often be found in the Midnight Zone.
C.Humans are able to freely explore most of the ocean layers without any equipment.
D.Neither the temperature nor the amount of sunlight is the same in each ocean layer.
50.The main purpose of this article is to ________.
A.recommend a new kind of underwater sport
B.introduce the structure and biology of the ocean
C.share personal stories of deep-sea adventures
D.compare different oceans around the world
B.Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12分)
Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)
Wendy Haley works with other scientists to study how bats use their echolocation (回声定位) superpower. Their take place in a special room called the Bat Lab. Jenny Lee, an editor of school newspaper is trying to find out more about Wendy’s job.
(J=Jenny Lee, W=Wendy Haley)
J: Can you the Bat Lab
W: Well, it’s some rooms covered with foams (海绵), so bats won’t get the strong echoes from hard walls. And then there are some microphones spread out around the room. They are all fixed to the wall to pick up the call from the bats. We also have high-speed cameras. They allow us to record their flight. We usually let the lights , so the cameras can follow the bats by the heat energy. But we can’t see very well.
J: Are there obstacles (障碍物) in the room so that the bats have to fly around
W: Oh, yes. We sometimes hang up some wooden boards in the rooms. We also set up a platform and train the bats to fly from one side of the room to the platform for the food . The bats really like fruits. Sometimes we tie bananas to the end of a fishing line. The bats will come through and just take the bananas.
J: Can you explain how bats echolocate in the conditions
W: Suppose you are standing in a group of people in a party, and everyone is chatting. You are trying to talk to one person and focus on what you yourself are saying. Then you speak louder and repeat yourself to make sure someone has heard you. This is an effect that we see in bats as well.
J: What advice do you have for someone who wants to do the same thing
W: If you’re interested in the research, you can find ways to get involved. , volunteering with a local organization is a good way to get started.

51.A.experiments B.reviews C.events D.arguments
52.A.affect B.afford C.decorate D.describe
53.A.lose control B.go out C.make a noise D.break down
54.A.advice B.process C.chain D.reward
55.A.dark B.unforgettable C.noisy D.wonderful
56.A.For example B.Even worse C.In fact D.What’s more
C.Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)
What does it mean to be determined
Are you the type of person who sticks to something once you have made up your mind Do you set your mind on something and then go for it wholeheartedly Have you ever been described as strong-minded
If so, you are probably a very determined character. Determination is about moving forward to achieve your a 57 and not giving up when you meet difficulties. It is an inner strength that helps you to reach your goals, no matter how h 58 it will be. Being determined is a very good quality to have. So how can you become determined
Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of those around you. Learn to look at the past as training for the future. Use those mistakes as a c 59 to learn something new.
Don’t be s 60 of failing. Failures are just stepping stones on the road to success. Instead, give your goals 100% – and think about how you will feel if you give up on them.
Don’t w 61 time worrying about the stuff you can’t change. Use your strength and your determination to achieve things that you can control.
Sometimes it can take a long time to reach your goals. Sometimes determination is about getting p 62 for the right opportunity, and being ready when it comes up.
Don’t stand in your own way. This means believing in yourself and not setting l 63 on yourself.
D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):( 12分)
Answer the questions.(根据短文内容回答问题)
Every Saturday night, Mama would count the money Papa brought home. “For the rent[1],” she would say, counting out the big silver pieces. “For the groceries[2],” she would say, counting out the smaller coins. “I need a notebook,” one of us would say. Mama would put aside some coins and we would watch with excitement. When Papa asked, “Is that all ” and Mama nodded, we would relax. Mama would smile and say, “We don’t have to go to the bank.” We were proud of Mama’s Bank Account. It made us feel warm and safe.
One day, Nels wanted to go to high school. “It will cost a little money,” he said. We gathered around the table and Mama took out the “Little Bank”, which we used for emergencies. Nels listed the costs and Mama counted the money. There wasn’t enough. “We don’t want to go to the bank,” Mama reminded. Nels offered to work after school and Papa decided to give up smoking. Now there was enough money. We were happy because we didn’t have to go to the bank.
Many things came from the Little Bank that year. Christine’s dress for the school play, my little sister’s operation…
That was twenty years ago.
Last year I sold my first story. I gave the check[3] to Mama and said, “Put it in your Bank Account.” I noticed how old Mama and Papa looked. Papa seemed shorter and Mama’s hair was silver.
“Tomorrow, you must go to the bank,” I told Mama.
“You will go with me ” she asked.
“You can do that! Just give the teller the check.”
Mama looked at me and said. “ ____ ”
I didn’t know how to answer. Mama said slowly, “It’s not good for little ones to be afraid—to not feel safe.”
Word box[1] rent n. 房租 [2] groceries n. 食品杂货 [3] check n. 支票
64.Was the writer born in a poor or rich family
65.How often did Papa bring money back home
66.What was the “Little Bank” for
67.How did the writer get the check last year
68.What can be filled in (Write one or two sentences. )
69.Give the story a title. Then explain the meaning of your title.
I named the story “ ”. It means .
Ⅶ. Writing (作文)(共20分)
70.Write a paragraph in at least 60 words according to the given situation(根据所给情境,写一段不少于60个单词的文字)
在这份试卷“阅读理解”的B篇中,主人公Gary遭受到了校园霸凌,最终Gary将所有的事情都告诉了Mr Lin。在经过多番调查后,Mr Lin找到了事件的幕后“主使”Jerry。在跟他们分别谈话之后,问题最终得以解决。但是Mr Lin还是希望继续给予Gary安慰和建议,对Jerry加以教育和告诫,因此他分别给Gary和Jerry写了一封电子邮件。请从Gary和Jerry中选择一位,以Mr Lin的口吻给他写一封邮件。
考查疑问词+动词不定式结构。what to use使用什么;how to use it如何使用它;which to use使用哪一个;where to use it在哪里使用它。根据“Just with a software called MTxiuxiu.”可知,此处表示“让我教你如何使用它”,故选B。
考查非谓语动词。practise doing sth.“练习做某事”,动名词作宾语。故选C。
考查时态。根据“Your light was still on at 11:00 o’clock last night.”可知,此处表示过去某一时刻正在发生的事情,应使用过去进行时“was/were+动词现在分词”,主语为I,be动词用was,故选C。
考查特殊疑问句。how often多久一次;how many多少;how long多长时间。根据“Once a week”可知此处询问频率,疑问词用how often。故选A。
考查情态动词。wouldn’t将不;mustn’t禁止;couldn’t不能;needn’t不必。根据“I’ve told you many times you...run the red light”可知是禁止闯红灯,此处表示“禁止”,应用mustn’t。故选B。
考查时态。根据“last night”和“It happened when I...through the gate.”可知,描述的是昨晚的事情,是一个过去的时间点,而事故发生在“我”通过大门的时候,表示一个正在进行的动作,因此需要用过去进行时,结构为was/were doing。故选D。
考查代词辨析。another泛指另一个(三者或以上);the other(两者中的)另一个;other其他的;the others其他东西,其余的人。根据“This room is too small. I’d like to ask for...”可知,这个房间太小了,想要另一个房间,此处表泛指,应用another。故选A。
考查非谓语动词。根据“I’m so hungry. I need something”可知,此处指需要吃一些东西,应用不定式作后置定语,修饰“something”。故选B。
考查形容词最高级。cheap便宜的;cheaper更便宜的;cheapest最便宜的。根据“in the shop”可知,应用形容词最高级,且与定冠词the连用。故选D。
考查连词辨析。whether是否;although尽管,虽然;when当……时候;unless除非。根据“It was an exciting moment for Mr. and Mrs. Wang ... they learned they were going to have a baby.”可知,当他们知道他们将有孩子的时候,这对于王先生和王夫人而言,是一个激动人心的时刻;when符合语境。故选C。
16.B 17.E 18.C 19.A 20.C 21.E 22.D 23.B
17.句意:你头痛得厉害,感觉比以前任何时候都要难受。根据“feel ... than”可知,此处应用形容词比较级作表语;sicker符合语境。故选E。
19.句意:然而,当你吃饭的时候,你的视野是最好的。根据“you have the best”可知,此处应填入名词;再根据“You can watch the Sun rise 16 times a day!”可知,view“视野”,符合语境。故选A。
21.句意:你必须把睡袋贴在墙上,把枕头贴在头上!根据“Everything floats, including you.”可知,在太空,所有的东西都是飘着的,所以睡觉时要把睡袋贴墙上,头贴在枕头上;stick“粘住”符合语境。故选E。
22.句意:每一步都是如此重要,以至于有时会让人感到压力。根据“If you go outside, you have to move a lot more carefully.”可知,此处指到舱外走的每一步,step“步伐”符合语境。故选D。
23.句意:但在太空中穿着宇航服是最神奇的经历。根据“But being in space in a spacesuit is the most amazing”可知,此处要填一个名词;结合备选词,experience“经历”,符合语境。故选B。
【详解】句意:我们的花园和他们的很不一样,尤其是里面花的种类。由“Our garden is quite different from…”可知,此处指我们的花园和他们的花园不同,应用名词性物主代词代替他们的花园。故填theirs。
【详解】句意:教三岁的孩子那么多没用。他根本听不懂。根据“He can’t understand at all.”可知,此处应用use“使用”的形容词形式useless“没有用的”作表语。故填useless。
【详解】句意:当我们到达博物馆入口时,看门人礼貌地迎接我们。根据“the doorkeeper greeted us”可知,此处应用polite“礼貌的”的副词形式修饰动词greeted。故填politely。
【详解】句意:寒假里,凯特把这本关于中国文化的书读了两遍。two“二”,基数词,根据“Kate read this book on Chinese culture”可知,是指把这本书读了两遍,用twice“两次”表示次数。故填twice。
【详解】句意:一天刷三次牙。这对你的健康有好处。brush one’s teeth“刷牙”,固定短语,且牙齿不止一颗,所以用其名词复数形式。故填teeth。
32. whether/if would
【详解】句意:Joe问我:“在即将到来的足球比赛中你会加入我们吗?” 改为间接引语,是宾语从句,从句是一般疑问句时,用whether或if引导宾语从句,由“asked”可知will要改成would。故填whether/if;would。
33. when to
【详解】句意:我不能肯定我什么时候能动身去伦敦。when引导的宾语从句改为简单句可用“疑问词+不定式”结构,when to do sth.“什么时候做某事”。故填when;to。
34. was caught
【详解】句意:老师发现西蒙在英语考试中抄袭别人的答案。改为被动语态,即“西蒙在英语考试中被抓到抄袭别人的答案”;时态为一般过去时,故应用一般过去时的被动语态was/were done;主语“Simon”为单数,应用was,catch的过去分词为caught。故填was;caught。
35. didn’t they
【详解】句意:游客们参观了中国剪纸展。根据“visited”可知,陈述句为含实义动词的一般过去时,且是肯定形式,附加问句应用否定助动词didn’t,代指“The tourists”应用人称代词they“他们”。故填didn’t;they。
36. when planned
37. are given
【详解】句意:这所大学每年都邀请一些毕业生给学生们做演讲。考查主动语态变被动语态。原句是一般现在时,应改为一般现在时的被动语态,其结构为:am/is/are+过去分词,A few graduates作主语,be动词用are。故填are;given。
38. whether/if wants
39.B 40.C 41.C 42.D 43.C 44.D
39.细节理解题。根据“Cheerleading”中“If you can handle all the tough work, you can get a fit body and friendship in return.”可知,啦啦队最适合想要健身和交朋友的人。故选B。
40.词句猜测题。根据“Feeling stressed to juggling work and play ”和“Whether you’re throwing and catching balls or oranges, this ancient skill can sharpen your focus and take your mind off your troubles.”可知,因兼顾工作和娱乐而感到压力。因此推知“juggling”为“兼顾”之意,也就是说“同时处理两件重要的事情”。故选C。
41.推理判断题。根据“Fishing Fun”中“Beginners and experts are welcome.”可知,欢迎初学者和专家。选项C中“您需要经验才能加入钓鱼乐趣。”与原文不符。故选C。
42.细节理解题。根据“Origami Originals”中“Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m.”可知,杰克可能会每周三下午6点30分去“折纸原创”兴趣组,训练他的眼睛和思维。故选D。
44.推理判断题。根据“Sunshine Community Centre Hobby group openings”可知,文章主要介绍了阳光社区中心开展的兴趣小组,吸引社区里的人们加入不同的爱好团体。故选D。
45.C 46.C 47.D 48.A 49.D 50.B
45.细节理解题。根据“The Sunlight Zone-up to 200m below the surface of the ocean”可知,阳光区——海平面以下200米的地方,排除AD;根据“The Midnight Zone-up to 4,000m below the surface of the ocean”可知,午夜区深达海面以下4000米,排除B,故选C。
46.推理判断题。根据“Only weak sunlight reaches this deeper layer.”可知,只有微弱的阳光才能到达这层深层。所以如果想要进入Twilight Zone,强烈的水下光线是必要的。故选C。
47.词句猜测题。根据“The Midnight Zone is pitch-black because sunlight cannot reach this layer.”可知,光无法到达这一层,所以是漆黑一片,故选D。
48.细节理解题。根据“The Twilight Zone-up to 1,000m below the surface of the ocean Only weak sunlight reaches this deeper layer.”可知,阳光可以到达Twilight Zone,故选A。
49.细节理解题。根据“Each layer has different characteristics (特点), such as the temperature and the amount of light.”可知,每一层都有不同的特性,比如温度和光照量。故选D。
51.A 52.D 53.B 54.D 55.C 56.A
【导语】本文是Jenny 和Wendy的对话。对话的主要内容是:两人在谈论研究蝙蝠的回声定位能力的这个实验。
experiments实验;reviews评论;events事件;arguments争论。根据上文“ Wendy Haley works with other scientists to study...”可知,温迪和其他科学家一起做实验来研究蝙蝠的回声定位能力。故选A。
affect影响;afford付得起;decorate装饰;describe描述。根据下文“Well, it’s some rooms covered with foams...” 可知,答语是在具体描述这个蝙蝠实验室。故选D。
lose control失控;go out熄灭;make a noise制造噪音;break down分解。根据下文“so the cameras can follow the bats by the heat energy. But we can’t see very well.”可知,为了让摄像机跟踪蝙蝠,经常会把灯关掉。故选B。
advice建议;process程序;chain链条;reward奖励。根据下文“ The bats really like fruits. Sometimes we tie bananas to the end of a fishing line. The bats will come through and just take the bananas.”可知,用食物作为奖励来吸引蝙蝠。故选D。
dark黑暗的;unforgettable难忘的;noisy吵闹的;wonderful极好的。根据答语“Suppose you are standing in a group of people...This is an effect that we see in bats as well.”可知,人处在嘈杂的环境中,要大声说话才能让对方听到,那么蝙蝠也是在这种环境中进行回声定位的。故选C。
For example举个例子;Even worse更糟糕;In fact事实上;What’s more而且。根据上文“If you’re interested in the research, you can find ways to get involved.”可知,如果对某件事感兴趣,就会找到办法去参与,那么当志愿者也是参与的一个方式,这是作者在举例子说明。故选A。
57.(a)ims/(a)mbitions 58.(h)ard 59.(c)hance 60.(s)cared 61.(w)aste 62.(p)repared 63.(l)imits
57.句意:决定是指向前迈进实现你的目标或雄心壮志不放弃当遇到困难时。由“reach your goals”可知此处是填goals“目标”的同义词。故填(a)ims/(a)mbitions。
58.句意:它是一种帮助你实现目标的内在的力量,无论目标怎样困难。由“when you meet difficulties”可知,是说遇到的困难,又由“it will be”可知,此处需填形容词困难的。故填(h)ard。
59.句意:把这些错误当作学习新东西的机会。由“as a c…to learn something new”可知,是当作学习新东西的机会。故填(c)hance。
60.句意:不要害怕失败。由“Failures are just stepping stones on the road to success”可知,失败只是通往成功的垫脚石,所以不要害怕失败。故填(s)cared。
61.句意:不要浪费时间担心你不能改变的东西。由“time worrying about the stuff”可知,此处是说不要浪费时间,waste time doing sth.“浪费时间做某事”,固定搭配。故填(w)aste。
62.句意:有时候决心就是做好准备为合适的机会当机会到来时。由“and being ready”可知,此处是说作准备,get prepared for“为…作准备”,固定搭配。故填(p)repared。
63.句意:这意味着相信自己,不给自己设限。由“Don’t stand in your own way”可知,下定决心就去做,不要限制自己,set limits“设限”,固定搭配。故填(l)imits。
64.A poor family. 65.Once a week. 66.It was used for emergencies. 67.She sold her first story. 68.There is no account. 69. Mama’s Bank Account
love and safety
64.根据“‘For the rent[1],’ she would say, counting out the big silver pieces. ‘For the groceries[2],’ she would say”可知作者来自一个贫困的家庭,家里要数着钱过日子,故填A poor family.
65.根据“Every Saturday night, Mama would count the money Papa brought home.”可知是每周六带回一次钱,即一周一次,故填Once a week.
66.根据“We gathered around the table and Mama took out the ‘Little Bank’, which we used for emergencies”可知“小银行”是为了应急用,故填It was used for emergencies.
67.根据“Last year I sold my first story. I gave the check[3] to Mama and said,”可知作者卖了她的第一个故事,故填She sold her first story.
68.根据“I didn’t know how to answer. Mama said slowly, ‘It’s not good for little ones to be afraid—to not feel safe.’”可知妈妈其实是没有银行账户的,她之所以说自己有银行账户,只是为了让孩子们感到安全、不害怕。故填There is no account.
69.整篇文章围绕“妈妈的账户”展开,在最后才表明妈妈没有银行账户,而之前说自己有账户,只是为了让孩子们有安全感。故标题为“Mama’s Bank Account”,它意味着爱和安全感,故填Mama’s Bank Account;love and safety。
Dear Gary,
I am writing to see how you’re feeling after our recent discussion.
I’m glad that you felt comfortable sharing your experience of bullying with me. Your courage and honesty are admirable, and I’m proud of you for taking that step.
After our talk, I spoke with Jerry and addressed the issues with him. He has expressed regret for his actions and has promised to change his behavior. I’ve also spoken with the school administration to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent bullying in the future.
Your safety and happiness at school are important to me. I encourage you to speak up whenever you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. It’s okay to ask for help, and I’m always here to listen and support you.
Best regards,
Mr. Lin
①share sth. with sb.和某人分享某物
②be proud of为……感到自豪
③take appropriate measures采取适当措施
④encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事
①I’m glad that you felt comfortable sharing your experience of bullying with me.(that引导的宾语从句)
②I encourage you to speak up whenever you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.(whenever引导的时间状语从句)



