2023-2024五年级英语下学期期末备考真题分类汇编(四川专版)专题06 阅读理解(含解析)

专题06 阅读理解
1.(2023春 高坪区期末)阅读理解,判断正误。对的记"T",错误的记"F",并将答案填在相应位置。
I like spring.There are many beautiful flowers in spring.We have a few fun things in spring in our school,too.In March,we have a school trip.After the trip,we have an English party.In April,we have a sing contest.We have a sports meeting in May.
(1)There are many beautiful flowers in spring.    
(2)The English party is in April.    
(3)The school trip in March.    
(4)The sports meeting is in May.    
2.(2023春 雁江区期末)阅读判断。
Dear Linda,
I am sorry to hear that you always feel sleepy and tired.I have some advice for you.First,you shouldn't watch too much TV.Second,you should go to bed before 9:00 p.m.Third,you should exercise every day.Try these things.I think you will soon feel better.I would like to tell you my weekend.I did homework on Saturday morning.I did some housework in the afternoon.On Sunday mornings,I played chess with my father.I visited my grandparents and sent them some flowers in the afternoon.I had a nice weekend.
(1)Linda always feels sleepy.    
(2)Linda should go to bed early.    
(3)On Saturday afternoon,Lucy did homework.    
(4)On Sunday morning,Lucy visited her grandparents.    
(5)Lucy had a nice weekend.    
3.(2023春 合江县期末)根据短文判断句子,正确选T,错误选F。
Many years ago,my mother was a teacher.She worked in a small school.She taught English.She was a good teacher.Now she doesn't work.She is learning to dance.She likes dancing.She is very happy.I love her very much.
(1)Many years ago,my mother taught English.    
(2)Many years ago,my mother liked swimming.    
(3)Many years ago,my mother worked in a big school.    
(4)Now my mother doesn't work.    
(5)Now my mother is learning to sing.    
4.(2023春 简阳市期末) 阅读配图故事。
Zoom:Look at my summer vacation plan! Zip:But it's just April now. Zoom:Early planning is always good.
Zip:What will you do? Zoom:In July,I'll visit my grandparents.They live in Xinjiang!We'll go to the Grape Valley (葡萄沟).The grapes there are very sweet!Grapes are my favorite fruits !
Zoom:In August,I'll go to Huangshan Mountain.The trees there are very famous.The clouds are beautiful. Zip:Sounds great!
(1)What's the season now?    
A.Spring B.Summer. C.Winter.
(2)What will Zoom do in July?    
A.Pick apples. B.Visit his friends. C.Visit his grandparents.
(3)Which fruit does Zoom like best ?    
A.Watermelons. B.Grapes. C.Oranges.
(4)Where will Zoom go in August?    
A.The Great Wall. B.Huangshan Mountain. C.Qingcheng Mountain.
(5)What does the underlined word famous mean?    。
A.美丽的 B.高大的 C.著名的
5.(2023春 营山县期末)阅读理解。
There are 12 months in a year.Do you know some important festivals(重要的节日) in a year?Let's see together.In January we have an important festival﹣﹣New Year's Day.It is the beginning(开始)of the year.Most people like it.Which festival do children like best?Yes,Children's Day.It is in June.Children can have a good time on that day.Mid﹣ Autumn Day is very important to Chinese people.It's often in September.People can get together.They always eat mooncakes and have fun together.
(1)How many months are there in a year?    
A.Three. B.Twelve C.Eleven
(2)When is New Year's Day.    
A.In January. B.In March. C.In June.
(3)Which festival do children like best?    
A.New Year's Day. B.Children's Day. C.Mother's Day.
(4)Is Mid﹣Autumn Day often in September?    
A.Yes,it is. B.No,it isn't. C.We don't know.
(5)What do people eat on Mid﹣Autumn Day?    
A.Cakes. B.Noodles. C.Mooncakes.
6.(2023春 旌阳区期末)阅读短文,选择最佳答案。
Rebecca is an Australian girl.She is in Guangzhou with her parents now.She is in Grade 5 now.Her Parents work in her school.Rebecca's grandparents are in Australia now.Rebecca's grandpa is Chinese.He went to Australia 50 years ago.He was an engineer(工程师).He worked in a factory in Australia.Now he is retired (退休的).Rebecca's grandma is Australian.She is a pianist(钢琴家).Next week,Rebecca will visit her grandparents in Sydney.What present will she take?She is going to draw a picture of her family.Her grandparents will like it!
(1)Rebecca is from    .
A.China B.Australia C.the UK
(2)Rebecca's grandpa is    now.
A.in China B.in Australia C.in Guangzhou
(3)Rebecca's grandma is    .
A.an Australian pianist B.a Chinese pianist C.an Australian engineer
(4)Rebecca's parents are    .
A.workers B.doctors C.teachers
(5)Rebecca is going to give her grandparents    .
A.a picture of Guangzhou B.a picture of her family C.a picture of Sydney
7.(2023春 邻水县期末)阅读短文,选择正确的答案.
Dear Grandma,
I went to Xinjiang with my friends last Sunday.We climbed the Tianshan Mountains.We ate lots of delicious food.We are going to Qingdao next Sunday.We are going to swim in the sea.We Will eat lots of sea food.We will have a lovely time there.
(1)I went to Xinjiang with    .
A.my friends B.my classmates C.my parents
(2)We climbed the Tianshan Mountains    .
A.next Sunday B.this Sunday C.last Sunday
(3)We are going to     next Sunday.
A.Mount Tai B.Qingdao C.Yantai
(4)What will we do in Qingdao?    
A.We will swim in the sea. B.We will take many photos. C.We will climb Mount Tai.
(5)Will we have a lovely time?    
A.Yes,we will. B.No,we won't. C.Yes,we won't.
8.(2023春 岳池县期末)阅读理解。
My name is Amy.Last weekend I went to Chengdu with my father and mother.On Saturday the weather was sunny.We went to the zoo and saw some pandas.They were cute.On Sunday the weather was windy.We went to a children's theatre.The actor told lots of jokes.It was very funny.We laughed a lot.After the show we went to a restaurant.We ate Chinese food there.The food was very delicious,and I liked it very much.I had a great time there.
(1)Where did Amy go with her parents last weekend?    
A.Chengdu. B.Beijing. C.Suzhou.
(2)What was the weather like on Saturday?    
A.It was rainy. B.It was windy. C.It was sunny.
(3)What did they see in the zoo?    
A.Dogs. B.Pandas. C.Monkeys.
(4)They went to     on Sunday.
A.a library B.a supermarket C.a children's theatre
(5)Did Amy like Chinese food?    
A.Yes,she did. B.No,she didn't. C.We don't know.
9.(2023春 崇州市期末)阅读短文,选择正确答案。
There are four seasons in a year.
Spring is the first season.In China,spring is from February to April.It is still a little cold,but it gets warmer and warmer.And the days get longer and longer.Spring is the green season.The trees have new green leaves.There are many flowers everywhere.
Summer is the second season of the year.In China,summer is from May to July.The weather is hot and sometimes rainy.It is the hottest season.
Fall is the third season of the year.In China,fall is from August to October.The weather gets cooler and cooler .The days get shorter and sorter .The leaves on the trees are yellow and brown.
Winter is the fourth and last season of the year.Winter begins in November.The weather is cold and it snows.Winter is the white season.
(1)How many seasons are there in a year?    
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.
(2)The third season is    .
A.spring B.summer C.fall
(3)Spring is from ______to ______.    
A.February;April B.August;October C.May;July
(4)Summer is the    season.
A.white B.hottest C.yellow
(5)What's the weather like in winter?    
A.Hot. B.Cool. C.Cold.
专题06 阅读理解-2023-2024学年五年级英语下学期期末备考真题分类汇编(四川专版)
【解答】(1)句意:春天有很多漂亮的花。由There are many beautiful flowers in spring.(春天有很多美丽的花朵。)可知春天有很多美丽的花朵。故答案为:T。
(2)句意:英语晚会在四月举行。由In March,we have a school trip.After the trip,we have an English party.(三月份,我们有一次学校旅行。旅行之后,我们还有一个英语派对。)可知英语晚会在三月举行。故答案为:F。
(3)句意:三月有学校旅行。由In March,we have a school trip.(三月份,我们有一次学校旅行。)可知三月有学校旅行。故答案为:T。
(4)句意:运动会在五月举行。由We have a sports meeting in May.(五月份,我们有一次运动会。)可知运动会在五月举行。故答案为:T。
【解答】(1)根据I am sorry to hear that you always feel sleepy and tired.(很抱歉听到你总是感到困倦和疲劳。)可知琳达总是感到困倦,此处描述与原文相符。故答案为:T。
(2)根据Second,you should go to bed before 9:00 p.m.(其次,你应该在晚上9点之前上床睡觉。)可知琳达应该早点睡觉,此处描述与原文相符。故答案为:T。
(3)根据I did homework on Saturday morning.(周六上午我做作业。)可知露西是在星期六上午而不是下午做作业,此处描述与原文不符。故答案为:F。
(4)根据I visited my grandparents and sent them some flowers in the afternoon.(我下午去拜访了祖父母,并送了他们一些鲜花。)可知露西是星期天的下午而不是上午看望了她的祖父母,此处描述与原文不符。故答案为:F。
(5)根据I had a nice weekend.(我度过了一个愉快的周末。)可知露西度过了一个愉快的周末,此处描述与原文相符。故答案为:T。
【解答】(1)由Many years ago,my mother was a teacher.She worked in a small school.She taught English.(许多年前,我的母亲是一名教师。她在一所小型学校工作。她教英语。)可知许多年前,我妈妈教英语。She was a good teacher.She likes dancing.Many years ago,my mother taught English.(许多年前,我妈妈教英语。)描述正确。故答案为:T。
(2)文章并未提及许多年前妈妈的爱好以及妈妈喜欢游泳。Many years ago,my mother liked swimming.(许多年前,我妈妈喜欢游泳。)描述错误。故答案为:F。
(3)由Many years ago,my mother was a teacher.She worked in a small school.(许多年前,我的母亲是一名教师。她在一所小型学校工作。)可知许多年前,我的母亲是一名教师。她在一所小型学校工作。Many years ago,my mother worked in a big school.(许多年前,我母亲在一所大学校工作。)描述错误。故答案为:F。
(4)由Now she doesn't work.(现在她不工作了。)可知我妈妈现在不工作了。Now my mother doesn't work.(现在我妈妈不工作了。)描述正确。故答案为:T。
(5)由She is learning to dance.(她正在学跳舞。)可知我妈妈正在学跳舞。Now my mother is learning to sing.(现在我妈妈正在学唱歌。)描述错误。故答案为:F。
【解答】(1)A春天,B夏天,C冬天。由Zip:But it's just April now.(但现在才4月。)可知现在是四月,是春天。故选:A。
(2)A摘苹果,B拜访他的朋友,C拜访他的祖父母。由Zoom:In July,I'll visit my grandparents.(七月,我会去看望我的祖父母。)可知Zoom七月去看望祖父母。故选:C。
(3)A西瓜,B葡萄,C橙子。由Grapes are my favorite fruits!(葡萄是我最喜欢的水果!)可知Zoom最喜欢葡萄。故选:B。
(4)A长城,B黄山,C青城山。由Zoom:In August,I'll go to Huangshan Mountain.(八月,我要去黄山。)可知Zoom八月要去黄山。故选:B。
【解答】(1)A3,B12,C11。由There are 12 months in a year.( 一年有12个月。)可知 一年有12个月。故选:B。
(2)A一月,B三月,C六月。由In January we have an important festival﹣﹣New Year's Day.(在一月份,我们有一个重要的节日——元旦。)可知元旦在一月份。故选:A。
(3)A元旦,B儿童节,C母亲节。由Which festival do children like best?Yes,Children's Day.(孩子们最喜欢哪个节日?是的,儿童节。)可知孩子们最喜欢儿童节。故选:B。
(4)A是的,它是。B不,它不是。C我们不知道。由Mid﹣ Autumn Day is very important to Chinese people.It's often in September.(中秋节对中国人来说非常重要。通常在九月。)可知中秋节通常在九月。故选:A。
(5)A蛋糕,B面条,C月饼。由They always eat mooncakes and have fun together.(他们总是吃月饼,一起玩。)可知人们中秋节送月饼。故选:C。
【解答】(1)A中国,B澳大利亚,C英国。根据Rebecca is an Australian girl.(丽贝卡是一个澳大利亚女孩。)可知丽贝卡来自于澳大利亚。故选:B。
(2)A在中国,B在澳大利亚,C在广州。根据Rebecca's grandparents are in Australia now.(丽贝卡的爷爷奶奶现在在澳大利亚)可知丽贝卡的爷爷现在在澳大利亚。故选:B。
(3)A一位澳大利亚钢琴家,B一位中国钢琴家,C一名澳大利亚工程师。根据Rebecca's grandma is Australian.She is a pianist(钢琴家).(丽贝卡的奶奶是澳大利亚人。她是钢琴家。)可知丽贝卡的奶奶是一位澳大利亚钢琴家。故选:A。
(4)A工人,B医生,C老师。根据Her Parents work in her school.(她的父母在她的学校工作。)可知贝丽卡的父母在她的学校工作,他们是老师。故选:C。
(5)A一张广州的照片,B她的全家福照片,C一张悉尼的照片。根据She is going to draw a picture of her family.(她打算画一张她的全家福。)可知贝丽卡将要给她的爷爷奶奶一张她的全家福照片。故选:B。
(1)A.由文中I went to Xinjiang with my friends last Sunday.可知我和朋友去了新疆.故选:A.
(2)C.由文中 I went to Xinjiang with my friends last Sunday.We climbed the Tianshan Mountains.可知我们上周日爬上了天山.故选:C.
(3)B.由文中We are going to Qingdao next Sunday.可知我们下周日要去青岛.故选:B.
(4)A.由文中We are going to swim in the sea.可知在青岛我们要去海里游泳.故选:A.
(5)A.由文中We will have a lovely time there.可知我们会玩得很开心,需做肯定回答.故选:A.
【解答】(1)A成都,B北京,C苏州。根据Last weekend I went to Chengdu with my parents.(上周末我和父母去了成都。)可知艾米去了成都。故选:A。
(2)A天气是下雨的。B天气是有风的。C天气是晴朗的。根据On Saturday the weather was sunny.(星期六天气晴朗。)可知星期六天气晴朗。故选:C。
(3)A狗,B熊猫,C猴子。根据We went to the zoo and saw some pandas.(我们去了动物园,看到了一些熊猫。)可知我们去了动物园,看到了一些熊猫。故选:B。
(4)A一个图书馆,B一家超市,C一个儿童剧院。根据On Sunday the weather was windy.We went to a children's theatre.(星期天天气刮风。我们去了一家儿童剧院。)可知周日他们去了儿童剧院。故选:C。
(5)A是的,她是。B不,她不是。C我们不知道。根据The food was very delicious,and I liked it very much.(食物很美味,我非常喜欢它。)可知艾米很喜欢中国菜。故选:A。
【解答】(1)A三个,B四个,C五个。根据There are four seasons in a year.(一年有四个季节。)可知,How many seasons are there in a year?(一年有多少个季节?)的答案应该是"四个",选项B符合题意。故选:B。
(3)A2月;四月,B8月;十月,C5月;七月。根据spring is from February to April.(春天从二月到四月。)可知,从二月到四月都是属于春天,选项A符合题意。故选:A。
(4)A白色的,B最热的,C黄色的。根据It is the hottest season.(这是最热的季节。)可知,夏天最热(hottest)。选项B符合题意。故选:B。
(5)A炎热的。B凉爽的。C寒冷的。根据Winter begins in November.The weather is cold(冬天从十一月开始。天气很冷,)可知,冬天天气寒冷(cold),选项C符合题意。故选:C。
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上一篇:2023-2024四年级英语下学期期末备考真题分类汇编(四川专版)专题05 补全对话或短文(含解析)
