2023-2024四年级英语下学期期末备考真题分类汇编(四川专版)专题05 补全对话或短文(含解析)

专题05 补全对话或短文
1.(2023春 营山县期末)看图,选择正确的句子完成对话。
A.Whose bag is this?
B.What time is it?
C.Can I have some soup?
D.They're carrots.
E.What's the weather like in London?
2.(2023春 通川区期末)情景对话。
Lisa:Hello,grandma.(1)    is Lisa.
Grandma:Hello,Lisa.How are you?
Lisa:Very well,thank you.And you?
Grandma:Fine,thanks.Where are you now?
Lisa:I'm on holiday(2)   Washington DC.
Grandma:Is it sunny now?
Lisa:Yes,it(3)   .
Grandma:(4)    it sunny in Washington DC yesterday?
Lisa:No,it wasn't.It was cloudy.And I(5)   to a pop concert.
3.(2023春 金堂县期末)根据提示,完成短文。
Hello!Welcome to our school.Our school is so(1)   (大).This is our (2)   (图书馆).It's on the (3)   (第一)floor .That is our(4)   (教室).It's(5)   (挨着)the teachers' office.I like my school very much.
4.(2023春 富顺县期末)选内容补全对话/短文。
Zhang Peng:Excuse me.(1)   
Miss White:What colour is it?
Zhang Peng: (2)   
Miss White:OK. (3)   
Zhang Peng:A Chinese book, (4)   
Miss White:Here it is!
Zhang Peng: (5)   
A.Thank you so much!
B.What's in it?
C.two keys and a toy.
D.It's black and red.
E.I lost my schoolbag.
5.(2023春 井研县期末)读对话,选出合适的选项补全对话。
A.Hello,Sam. (1)   
B:I fly kites with my friends in the park.
A: (2)   
B:No,I'm going to Hainan.
A:Are you going there by plane?
B: (3)   
A:What are you going to do there?
A: (5)   
B:Yes.And my father is going too.
A.Are you going there with your mum? B.What do you do on Sundays?
C.I am going to swim in the sea. D.Are you going to the park this Sunday?
E.Yes,I'm going by plane.
6.(2023春 井研县期末)选出合适的选项补全对话。
B:I'm looking at some photos.They're very beautiful.
A:Let me have a look.Who's the boy?
B:No,he didn't.(4)   
A:Did he go there by plane?
B:Yes,he did.(5)   
A.And he had a good time there.
B.Did he live in London then?
C.What are you doing?
D.He was on holiday then.
E.It is my cousin.
7.(2023春 成华区期末)请阅读图示和对话,选词填空,完成对话。
A.How B.turn
C.bank D.welcome
Jack:Excuse me,is(1)    a grocery in the neighbourhood?
Linda:Yes,there is.
Jack: (2)    can I get there?
Linda:Go straight and (3)    left at the second crossroads.It's between the (4)    and the bookshop.
Jack:Thank you.
Linda:You're (5)   .
Read and answer.请根据以上图示和短文内容,用完整的答句回答问题。
(6)Is the grocery next to the coffee shop?
(7)Where is the grocery?
专题05 补全对话或短文-2023-2024学年四年级英语下学期期末备考真题分类汇编(四川专版)
【解答】(1)B。考查特殊疑问句。It's 5 o'clock.表明此处在询问具体时间,B选项What time is it?"现在几点了?"符合。
(2)C。考查一般疑问句。Yes,you can.表明此处为情态动词can引导的一般疑问句,C选项Can I have some soup?"我能喝一些汤吗?"为情态动词Can引导的一般疑问句,询问自己能否喝一些汤,符合。
(3)E。考查特殊疑问句。It's rainy.表明此处在询问天气状况,E选项What's the weather like in London?"伦敦的天气怎么样?"符合。
(4)D。考查特殊疑问句。What are these?询问这些是什么,D选项They're carrots."它们是胡萝卜。"符合。
(5)A。考查特殊疑问句。It's John's.表明此处在询问它是谁的,A选项Whose bag is this?"这个是谁的书包?"符合。
【解答】(1)This。考查指示代词。联系上下可知这是打电话场景,This is...我是......。故答案为:This。
(2)in。考查地点介词。Washington DC华盛顿特区,地名,大的地点前介词用in。故答案为:in。
(5)went。考查动词过去式。a pop concert一场流行音乐会,结合to可推测,这里填go。go to去,后接地点。此时句子是过去时。故答案为:went。
3.【答案】(1)big(2)library(3)first(4)classroom(5)next to
(3)考查序数词。句意:它在一楼。一楼可译为:the first floor,名词短语。故答案为:first。
(5)考查介词短语。句意:它挨着老师的办公室。挨着可译为:next to。故答案为:next to。
【解答】(1)根据下句"What colour is it?它是什么颜色?"可知上句谈到了某样东西,E选项I lost my schoolbag."我丢失了书包。"符合语境,故选:E。
(2)根据上句"What colour is it?它是什么颜色?"可知下句要回答书包的颜色,D选项It's black and red."它是黑色和红色的。"符合语境,故选:D。
(3)根据下句"A Chinese book.一本语文书。"可知上句询问书包里有什么东西,B选项What's in it?"里面有什么?"符合语境,故选:B。
(4)根据上句"A Chinese book.一本语文书。"可知下句应列举书包里的东西,C选项two keys and a toy."两把钥匙和一个玩具。"符合语境,故选:C。
(5)根据上句"Here it is!它在这里!"可知下句应表示感谢,A选项Thank you so much!"非常感谢你!"符合语境,故选:A。
【解答】(1)B。根据I fly kites with my friends in the park.(我和我的朋友在公园放风筝。)可知提问对方做的事情。B.What do you do on Sundays?(这周日你将去公园吗?)符合题意。故选:B。
(2)D。根据No,I'm going to Hainan.(不,我将要去海南。)可知提问对方这周日你将去公园吗?D.Are you going to the park this Sunday?(这周日你将去公园吗?)符合题意。故选:D。
(3)E。根据Are you going there by plane?(你将坐飞机去吗?)回答是不是。E.Yes,I'm going by plane.(是的,我将 坐飞机去。)符合题意。故选:E。
(4)C。根据What are you going to do there?(你将在那里做什么?)可知回答将会做的事情。C.I am going to swim in the sea.(我将在海里游泳。)符合题意。故选:C。
(5)A。根据Yes.And my father is going too.(是的。我的爸爸也会去。)可知提问你的妈妈将会和你一起去吗?A.Are you going there with your mother?(你的妈妈将会和你一起去吗?)符合题意。故选:A。
【解答】(1)C。由I'm looking at some photos.(我正在看一些照片。)可知,此处应询问对方正在做什么,C.What are you doing?(你正在干什么?)符合。故选:C。
(2)E。由Who's the boy?(那个男孩是谁?)可知,此处应回答他是谁。E.It is my cousin.(这是我的堂兄。)符合。故选:E。
(3)B。由No,he didn't.(不,他不是。)可知,此处应为助动词Did引导的一般疑问句,B.Did he live in London then?(那时他住在伦敦吗?)符合。故选:B。
(4)D。由Did he live in London then?(那时他住在伦敦吗?)和No,he didn't.(不,他不是。)可知,此处话题应与他有关,D.He was on holiday then.(那时他在度假。)符合。故选:D。
(5)A。由Did he go there by plane?(他是坐飞机去的吗?)和No,he didn't.(是的,他是。)可知,结合选项,此处表达"它玩得很开心。"。A.And he had a good time there.(并且他在那里玩得很开心。)符合。故选:A。
7.【答案】(1)there;(2)How;(3)turn;(4)bank;(5)welcome;(6)No,it isn't;
(7)It's between the bank and the book shop。
【解答】(1)句意:打扰一下,附近的有一家杂货店吗?根据答语Yes,there is.(是的,有。)可知,考查了there be句型,故填:there。
(2)根据下文Go straight.(直行),可知是问"怎样去那里",怎样how,首字母要大写,故填:How。
(3)句意:一直往前走在第二个十字路口左转。向左转 turn left,故填:turn。
(5)You're welcome.(不客气。)回答感谢(Thank you.)故填:welcome。
(6)句意:杂货店在咖啡店旁边吗?根据图表看出是在银行旁边,是否定回答,故填:No,it isn't。
(7)句意:杂货店在哪里?根据图表看出在银行和书店之间,在……之间 between...and,书店 book shop,故填:It's between the bank and the book shop。
声明:试题解析著作权属所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布日期:2024/6/3 23:50:59;用户:15510272188;邮箱:15510272188;学号:44473402




下一篇:2023-2024五年级英语下学期期末备考真题分类汇编(四川专版)专题06 阅读理解(含解析)