
1. half, school, eight, begins, at, past (.)
2. me, good, milk, I, think, for, is (.)
3. bigger, your, mine, than, are, feet (.)
4. we, brush, twice, our, should, teeth, a, day, (.)
5. there, a, river, Is, forest, the, in, ( )
6. do, how, spend, you, Children’s Day ( )
7. dining hall, was, in, school, his, there, no, old (.)
8. can, help, we, what, to, him, do ( )
9. classes, morning, many, in, have, how, the, do, you ( )
10.hospital, in, is, of, the, cinema, front, the, (.)
11.are, The, flying, balloons, away (.)
12.me, this, about, tell, more, place (.)
13.are, what, they, color ( )
14.the, can, high jump, do, Lily, (.)
15.always, school, he, rides, to, bike, his (.)
16.here, we, water, can, drink, (.)
17.like, you, would, go, to, America, to ( )
18.both, it's, of, taller, than, us (.)
19.are, the park, going to, when, you ( )
20.Shanghai, in, what, was, food, the, like ( )
21.sweets, like, some, would, you ( )
22.star, does, the, go, where ( )
23.you, make, to, what, going, food, are ( )
24.They, pen, the UK, friend, want, a, from (.)
25.trees, are, park, many, in, There, the (.)
26.does, do, after, What, she, school ( )
27.Your, mine, bigger, are, feet, than (.)
28.to, work, go, how, mother, does, your ( )
29.had, last, She, Sunday, cold, a (.)
30.going, are, to, they, do, What ( )
31.heavy, you, carry, let, help, box, the, me (.)
32.a, eat, hot, dog, to, I, want (.)
33.says, hear, it, snakes, can’t (.)
34.Where, you, are, from ( )
35.fun, we, of, are, lots, going, have, to (.)
36.was, the, holiday, it, Day, week, National, last (.)
37.care, for, We, our, earth, should (.)
38.playing, the, she, guitar, is (.)
39.like, they, talk, to, about, dreams, their (.)
40.you, about, a, have, book, plants, got ( )
41.sea, will, the, you, in, swim, to, learn ( )
42.a, dog, it, is, really ( )
43.exercise, too, is, gets, She, it, but, hot, doing (.)
44.for, they, world, people, all, of, stand, the (. )
45.on, ducks, swimming, The, are, pond, the (.)
46.falling, the, are, down, stairs, balls, the (.)
47.I, to, the, went, beach (.)
48.got, stamps, have, any, from, Canada, you ( )
49.can, he, have, book, China, another, about (.)
50.very, I, my, love, parents, much (.)
51.wrong, him, with, what’s ( )
52.was, dancing, Lingling, in, room, the, (.)
53.There, a, forest, is, my, in, village (.)
54.should, He, a, see, morning, this, doctor (.)
55.always, gets, early, up, Katie (.)
56.the, next, cinema, It’s, to (.)
57.should, you, doctor, see, morning, a, this (.)
58.you, Disneyland, to, would, like, go, to ( )
59.water, me, flowers, Let, the (.)
60.drink, would, you, like, something, to ( )
1. School begins at half past eight.
2. I think milk is good for me.
3. Your feet are bigger than mine.
4. We should brush our teeth twice a day.
5. Is there a river in the forest
6. How do you spend Children’s Day
7. There was no dinning hall in his old school.
8. What can we do to help him
9. How many classes do you have in the morning
10.The hospital is in front of the cinema.
11.The balloons are flying away.
12.Tell me more about this place.
13.What color are they
14.Lily can do the high jump.
15.He always rides his bike to school.
16.We can drink water here.
17.Would you like to go to America
18.It's taller than both of us.
19.When are you going to the park
20.What was the food like in Shanghai
21.Would you like some sweets
22.Where does the star go
23.What food are you going to make
24.They want a pen friend from the UK.
25.There are many trees in the park.
26.What does she do after school
27.Your feet are bigger than mine.
28.How does your mother go to work
29.She had a cold last Sunday.
30.What are they going to do
31.Let me help you carry the heavy box.
32.I want to eat a hot dog.
33.It says snakes can’t hear.
34.Where are you from
35.We are going to have lots of fun.
36.It was the National Day holiday last week.
37.We should care for our earth.
38.She is playing the guitar.
39.They like to talk about their dreams.
40.Have you got a book about plants
41.Will you learn to swim in the sea
42.Is it really a dog
43.She is doing exercise, but it gets too hot.
44.They stand for all people of the world.
45.The ducks are swimming on the pond.
46.The balls are falling down the stairs.
47.I went to the beach.
48.Have you got any stamps from Canada
49.He can have another book about China.
50.I love my parents very much.
51.What’s wrong with him
52.Lingling was dancing in the room.
53.There is a forest in my village.
54.He should see a doctor this morning.
55.Katie always gets up early.
56.It’s next to the cinema.
57.You should see a doctor this morning.
58.Would you like to go to Disneyland
59.Let me water the flowers.
60.Would you like something to drink
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



