
1.Yao Ming started to play ________ basketball when he was 12. And he became famous all over the world at ________ age of 22.
A.the; the B.the; an C./; the D./; an
2.—Lily, do people in England celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival
—No, they don’t. It is ________ festival, not ________.
A.ours; their B.ours; theirs C.theirs; our D.our; theirs
3.—David,how old is your father this year
— .And we just had a special party for his birthday last weekend.
A.Fortieth;forty B.Forty;forty C.Forty;fortieth D.Fortieth;fortieth
4.________ exciting news! We will have a ________ holiday after the final exam.
A.What; two-month B.How an; two months C.What an; two-months D.How; two months’
5.My watch doesn’t work, but I find ________ with it.
A.something wrong B.nothing wrong C.wrong something D.wrong nothing
6.—________you tired after running for ten minutes
—No. I ________feel tired at all.
A.Did; didn’t B.Were; wasn’t C.Were; didn’t D.Did; wasn’t
7.—I never ________ him after he went to the USA.
—Maybe you should write to him first.
A.hear from B.hear of C.hear about D.hear out
8.— Did you hear of the big fire in the hotel near your school, Daniel
— Yes. Luckily, lots of firemen came and ________ the fire in a short time.
A.put on B.put out C.put off D.put up
9.—________ you please tell me something about American culture
—Sorry, I ________. I don’t know either. I’m from Australia.
A.Could; couldn’t B.Can; couldn’t C.Could; can’t D.Can; mustn’t
10.The young mother left the crying boy ________in his room for a longtime. It made his father ________.
A.alone; worrying B.alone; worried C.lonely; worried D.lonely; worrying
11.The girl ________ for shanghai tomorrow and she was busy ________the things she needs last night.
A.will leave; to prepare B.leaves; preparing
C.is leaving; preparing D.leaving; getting ready
12.The train ran ________ the green field and then ________ the forest quickly.
A.across; through B.across; across C.through; crossed D.through; across
13.—________is it from your home to your company —Only 10 minutes’ bus.
A.How much B.How long C.How soon D.How far
14._________ people come to Wuxi every year. About _________ of them are from Japan.
A.Millions of; five thousands B.Million of; five thousand
C.Millions of; five thousand D.Million of; five thousands
15.—I think students can study at home now. Distance education (远程教育) is popular now.
—________. Real teachers are more important.
A.I hope so B.Good idea C.No problem D.I don’t agree
A man wanted to sell his donkey (驴) in a market. The market was far from his house, so he started early in the morning with his 1 .
On the way, the man was sitting on the donkey while his son was 2 near it. Someone saw them. He said the father didn’t love his son. After the man 3 this, he got down from the donkey and made his son sit on 4 . Then they continued their journey.
Soon, another man met them. He said it was not 5 for the son to make his old father walk in the sun. What hot weather it was! Then 6 of them decided to walk.
After some time, a group of people saw them. They said the father and the son were 7 . They had a donkey, but they didn’t sit on it. Then both of them 8 to sit on the donkey and then kept going.
There came a woman. “You may 9 the little donkey by doing that!” she shouted.
So what should we do Maybe we should just do what we think is right, because we cannot follow everyone’s 10 .
1.A.daughter B.son C.father D.wife
2.A.walking B.sitting C.sleeping D.lying
3.A.saw B.felt C.heard D.watched
4.A.it B.him C.them D.you
5.A.bad B.real C.wrong D.right
6.A.any B.some C.both D.none
7.A.kind B.foolish C.strict D.clever
8.A.asked B.forgot C.learned D.chose
9.A.leave B.kill C.save D.sell
10.A.news B.dream C.advice D.wish
1.Marsha’s House may be a ________.
A.hospital B.bank C.restaurant D.library
2.If you want to buy fresh fruits for special prices, you should go to ________.
A.Marsha’s House B.Country Life Market
C.Wawa Village D.Next Wave Music Store
3.You may call ________ if you want to find a nice home for your dog when you are out.
A.544-741 B.544-996 C.543-002 D.543-616
4.If you want to get a present from Next Wave Music Store, you should ________.
A.get there before 7:00 a.m. B.meet Amold this weekend
C.have piano lessons first D.be the first 50 people this Saturday
5.Where is the passage most probably (可能) from
A.A novel. B.A story book. C.A newspaper. D.A science book.
In the summer vacation, I took a trip to Beijing with my brother.
My brother was 18 and was in Grade 3 of high school. He knew a lot about the history of Beijing. He told me a lot about it and helped me know more about Beijing and our country on this trip.
We went to the Palace Museum on the first day. We learned more about our history. We bought some gifts there—a book for my sister Lily, a T-shirt for my father and a bag for my mother. And we bought some cards.
My brother was interested in universities (大学) in Beijing and wanted to study in one of them. So we visited the universities in Beijing in the next two days. We had a good time walking by the lake (湖) in Peking University.
On the fourth day, we went to the Great Wall. It was beautiful and there were a lot of people. On the fifth day, we went shopping, tasted much delicious food and went boating in the Summer Palace. The sixth day was a rainy day, and we didn’t go out.
We spent six days in Beijing, from July 19 to July 24. We were very happy and got a lot from the trip.
6.What did the writer buy for Lily
A.A book. B.A T-shirt. C.A bag. D.A card.
7.When did the writer and his brother go to the Great Wall
A.On July 19. B.On July 22. C.On July 23. D.On July 24.
8.Where did the writer and his brother go boating
A.In the Palace Museum. B.In Peking University.
C.On the Great Wall. D.In the Summer Palace.
9.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage
A.We spent two days visiting the universities in Beijing.
B.We bought some gifts for family in the Palace Museum.
C.We went to Beijing because we wanted to learn history.
D.We went to the Summer Palace on the fifth day of the trip.
10.What is the passage mainly about
A.The history of Beijing. B.Our summer vacation.
C.A six-day trip in Beijing. D.The weather in Beijing.
Animals are important to us and they are our friends. But some of them are in great danger now. What can we do to help save them
Don’t eat wild animals’ meat. Some of us like to eat meat. But do you know some meat comes from endangered(濒危的) animals To save animals, don’t eat their meat. And it’s healthy for us, too.
Don’t wear clothes made of fur(毛皮). Sometimes people kill animals for fur. If we don’t buy clothes made of fur, people will not kill animals.
Please give away money to Animal Helpers. The group does everything to help save animals. But it often needs money. So save some money and give it away to the group to help animals.
Tell people that it’s important to save animals. Not all people know animals are our friends and that we must save them. So why not tell people around us that it’s important to save animals
Do you have any other good ways to help save animals Write to tell us.
11.How many ways to save animals are there in the passage
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
12.The underlined phrase “give away” means “________” in Chinese.
A.提取 B.丢弃 C.储存 D.捐赠
13.What can you do to help save animals if you have much money
A.Get some meat to eat. B.Buy clothes made of fur.
C.Give away some money. D.Keep some dangerous animals.
14.From the passage, we CANNOT know ________.
A.some animals around us are in great danger B.some animals are not friendly to people
C.Animal Helpers can help save animals D.some of us don’t know it’s important to save animals
15.What is the best title for the passage
A.How to help save animals. B.What to do for Animal Helpers.
C.When to help save animals. D.Where to find many animals.
Classrooms are around an indoor rainforest.Insects(昆虫) can live in the walls of the classrooms.Windows look like big eyes.If you could design (设计) your own school,what would it look like 1
Well, children at the Reggio School in Madrid, Spain, were happy. They could make their dream school turn into a real one. Architect(建筑师) Andrés Jaque had the idea to build such a school. 2 Then he began building the school.
The adults wanted things that could encourage the children's imagination (想象力).They hoped that the things could help with their children's learning. 3 Interest is the best teacher.The children hoped for things such as gardens or a school with no walls.
4 The walls are home to some insects. Staying in some of the classrooms,you can see gardens.People can't go to the gardens. The hope is that birds and other animals can use the gardens and not be troubled (打扰). On the fifth and sixth floors. classrooms are around a small indoor rainforest. Some small animals live in it.
What do you think of this school Would you like to learn in such an eye-catching building
A.What would you have in it
B.It's time to have a new lesson.
C.Now.have a look at the new school.
D. At first,he talked to many students and their teachers about his ideas.
E.They also wanted their children to show interest in something.
It’s 6:00 on Friday night. The Greens 1 (talk) about the holiday. They want to go to different 2 (place). They find their best ways to travel.
James wants to visit his grandma. It is 5 kilometers away from 3 (he) home. So he can get to his grandma’s home by subway.
Mrs Green and Kate want to go to the beach in another city. 4 they don’t want to catch the plane. They want to enjoy their way 5 (slow). So one of the best ways of travelling for them is to take a train.
Mr Green wants to visit London. He 6 (go) there once last year and knew his way around. He plans to take just one bag 7 him. It is not heavy. Driving his own car is 8 good idea.
Ann likes long journeys(旅行). It is so great 9 (make) friends with others. She likes to talk with them. Next week she wants to travel to Paris. 10 is the weather like She is thinking about taking a plane.
1.R can do some hard work and they can even play chess with us.
2.This painting is too e . Can you show me a cheap one
3.—What did you do last Saturday
—I f kites with my friends in Dongwu Park.
4.I must finish my homework b I go to bed. This is a rule in my home.
5.I w to her last month and I’m still waiting for her email back.
6.As we all know, t is one of the most popular drinks all over the world.
7.—Could you please tell me what forty and fifty is
—It’s n .
8.It is r hard outside. Take an umbrella with you.
9.Wednesday is b Tuesday and Thursday.
10.You can find the bookstore e . It’s the only red building on Wushan Road.
假设你是李华,最近收到笔友 Henry 的电子邮件。以下是邮件的内容,请你阅读后回复。
Dear Li Hua, How are you Last Sunday was Father’s Day. I cooked some delicious food for my father. He was happy. What did you do for your father Did you have a good time By the way, how did you spend the Dragon Boat Festival I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Henry
1. 词数70左右;
2. 不得透露真实个人信息;
3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Henry,
Li Hua
考查冠词辨析。球类前不加任何冠词,所以第一空不填。at the age of“在……岁时”,固定搭配,故选C。
考查不定代词。something某事;nothing没有什么事情。根据“My watch doesn’t work, but…”可知,but表转折,虽然表坏了,但是没发现什么问题,故用nothing。形容词修饰复合不定代词时应后置,即nothing wrong。故选B。
考查be动词和助动词。第一句是主系表结构(be动词+形容词),结合“you tired”可知是缺be动词,应用were;第二句含谓语动词feel,时态为一般过去时,否定句借助助动词didn’t。故选C。
考查动词短语。hear from收到……的信;hear of听说;hear about听到关于;hear out听……把话说完。根据“Maybe you should write to him first.”可知,此处指收到对方的来信。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。put on穿上;put out熄灭;put off推迟;put up张贴。根据“lots of firemen came”可知,消防员来把火熄灭了,故选B。
考查情态动词辨析。could可以;couldn’t不可以;can能够;mustn’t禁止;can’t不能。could you please do sth“请你做某事好吗”,could在这里表示请求允许,否定回答用can’t,故选C。
考查单词辨析。alone独自的,强调独自一人;lonely孤独的,强调情感上的孤独。第一空指妈妈把孩子留下独自一人,leave sb. alone“把某人独自留下”。worried担心的,修饰人;worrying令人担心的,修饰物。第二空指父亲很担心,修饰人,故用worried。故选B。
考查动词时态及非谓语动词。prepare准备,其后可直接加名词作宾语。get ready准备,其后一般接不定式或介词for,故第二空应用动词prepare。第一空表示有计划明天要出发去上海,应用现在进行时表将来,结构是be doing。be busy doing sth.“忙于做某事”,动名词作宾语。故选C。
考查介词辨析。across介词,表面穿过;through介词,空间穿过。根据“the green field”和“the forest”可知第一空应填across,第二空应填through。故选A。
考查特殊疑问句。How much多少;How long多长时间;How soon多久以后;How far多远。答语“Only 10 minutes’ bus.”表距离,故用How far提问。故选D。
【详解】句意:每年有数百万人来无锡。其中大约有五千名来自日本。考查数词和词组;million百万,数词,millions of 数百万的;thousand 千,数词,其前接基数词时不得加-s;故选C。
考查情景交际。I hope so我希望如此;Good idea好主意;No problem没问题;I don’t agree我不同意。根据“Distance education (远程教育) is popular now.”及“Real teachers are more important.”可知,上文认为远程教育很受欢迎,“我”认为真正的老师更重要,因此不同意上文观点。故选D。
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C
daughter女儿;son儿子;father父亲;wife母亲。根据下文“the man was sitting on the donkey while his son was...”可知,这个男人和儿子一起去卖驴。故选B。
walking走路;sitting坐;sleeping睡觉;lying躺。根据下文“He said the father didn’t love his son.”可知,路人说父亲不爱儿子是因为父亲让儿子走路,而自己骑驴。故选A。
saw看见;felt感觉;heard听见;watched观看。根据上文“He said the father didn’t love his son.”可知,这个男人听见别人说他不爱儿子。故选C。
it它;him他;them他们;you你,你们。根据“he got down from the donkey and made his son sit on...”可知,此处指父亲从驴上下来,然后让儿子坐驴上,应用单数代词it指代“donkey”。故选A。
bad坏的;real真实的;wrong错误的;right对的,正确的。根据“it was not...for the son to make his old father walk in the sun.”可知,让年迈的父亲在阳光下行走是不对的。故选D。
kind和蔼的;foolish愚蠢的;strict严格的;clever聪明的。根据下文“They had a donkey, but they didn’t sit on it.”可知,他们有驴却不骑,路人觉得他们很愚蠢。故选B。
asked询问;forgot忘记;learned学习;chose选择。根据“They had a donkey, but they didn’t sit on it. Then both of them...to sit on the donkey”可知,路人嘲笑他们有驴却不骑,所以他们选择坐驴上。故选D。
leave离开;kill杀死;save拯救;sell卖。根据上文“Then both of them chose to sit on the donkey”可知,两人都坐在驴上,太重了以至于可能会杀死驴。故选B。
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C
1.推理判断题。根据Marsha’s House的内容“Service: Different delicious food”可知,Marsha’s House提供不同的美味食物,由此可推断它是一家餐馆。故选C。
2.细节理解题。根据Country Life Market的内容“Our fruits and vegetables come in fresh every morning. Special prices for the first month.”可知,想要购买特价的新鲜水果可以去Country Life Market。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据Wawa Village的内容“The best school for your dog...Also a nice home for them when you are out of town. Call 544-741”可知,当你外出时,如果你想给你的狗找一个临时的家,你可以打电话544-741。故选A。
4.细节理解题。根据Next Wave Music Store的内容“Come and meet him this weekend. Special presents for the first 50 people.”可知,只有在本周末来见Amold Swenson的前50个人才能得到礼物。故选D。
6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.C
6.细节理解题。根据“a book for my sister Lily”可知是给莉莉买了一本书。故选A。
7.细节理解题。根据“On the fourth day, we went to the Great Wall”以及“We spent six days in Beijing, from July 19 to July 24”可知旅行是从7月19号开始的,在第四天,即7月22号去的长城。故选B。
8.细节理解题。根据“went boating in the Summer Palace”可知在颐和园划船。故选D。
9.推理判断题。根据“He told me a lot about it and helped me know more about Beijing and our country on this trip”以及“We went to the Palace Museum on the first day. We learned more about our history”可知作者的哥哥帮助作者在这次旅行中更多地了解北京和我们的国家,而且从这次旅行中学到了很多,但是并未提到是因为想学历史才去的北京,选项C表述错误。故选C。
11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.A
11.细节理解题。根据材料“Don’t eat wild animals’ meat”、“Don’t wear clothes made of fur”、“Please give away money to Animal Helpers”和“Tell people that it’s important to save animals”可知共四条建议。故选B。
12.词义猜测题。根据“The group does everything to help save animals. But it often needs money. So save some money and give it away to the group to help animals.”可知,动物救助者尽一切努力去拯救动物,但是他们经常需要钱,所以要捐钱给动物保护者,“give away”是“捐赠”的意思。故选D。
13.细节理解题。根据第四段“So save some money and give it away to the group to help animals.”可知,如果有很多钱,可以捐钱给动物保护者,故选C。
14.细节理解题。根据第一段“But some of them are in great danger now.”可知,一些动物处于危险中;根据第四段“The group does everything to help save animals. ”可知,动物救助者会帮助拯救动物;根据第五段“Not all people know animals are our friends and that we must save them.”可知,并不是所有的人都知道动物是我们的朋友,我们必须拯救它们。因此我们无法从文中知道“有些动物对人不友好”。故选B。
1.A上文提及如果你可以设计自己的学校,它会是什么样子 下文进一步提出:你会在里面安放些什么?
1.are talking 2.places 3.his 4.But 5.slowly
6.went 7.with 8.a 9.to make 10.What
1.句意:格林一家正在谈论假期。根据“It’s 6:00 on Friday night.”可知这是时刻,此处应是现在进行时,主语“The Greens”为复数,谓语动词用are,故填are talking。
4.句意:但是他们不想赶飞机。根据“Mrs Green and Kate want to go to the beach in another city…they don’t want to catch the plane.”可知前后是转折关系,空处填but“但是”表转折,置于句首,首字母大写。故填But。
5.句意:他们想慢慢享受自己的生活。根据“They want to enjoy their way…”可知句子结构完整,此处可填副词,slow的副词形式为slowly。故填slowly。
6.句意:他去年去过那里一次,对周围的情况很熟悉。根据“last year”可知为一般过去时,动词go的过去式为went。故填went。
7.句意:他打算只带一个袋子。根据“He plans to take just one bag… him.”可知“he”与“bag”是伴随关系,应填介词with。故填with。
8.句意:开自己的车是个好主意。根据“good idea”可知为单数,指的是“一个好主意”,“good”是辅音音素开头的单词,空处应填不定冠词a。故填a。
9.句意:和别人交朋友真是太好了。根据“It is so great…friends with others.”可知此处是It的固定句型“It is+adj+to do sth”,空处应填动词不定式,故填to make。
10.句意:天气怎么样?根据“…is the weather like ”可知此处是问天气的固定句式“What is the weather like ”,空处应填What,置于句首,首字母大写。故填What。
【详解】句意:机器人可以做一些艰苦的工作,甚至可以和我们下棋。根据“can do some hard work and they can even play chess with us”和首字母R可知,能做一些辛苦的工作,有些还可以和我们下棋的,应是机器人,robot“机器人”,根据代词“they”可知,此处用复数名词,故填(R)obots。
【详解】句意:这幅画太贵了。你能给我看一个便宜的吗?根据“Can you show me a cheap one ”和首字母e可知,想要看一个便宜的,因此表示这幅画太贵了,expensive“昂贵的”,是形容词,作为系动词is的表语,用形容词,故填(e)xpensive。
【详解】句意:——上周六你做了什么?——我和朋友在东吴公园放风筝。fly kites“放风筝”,根据“last Saturday”可知,此处用一般过去时,故填 (f)lew。
【详解】句意:我必须在睡觉之前完成作业。这是我家的规则。根据“I must finish my homework”和首字母b可知,我完成作业,应是在睡觉之前,before“在……之前”,故填 (b)efore。
【详解】句意:我上个月写信给她,我还在等她的电子邮件回复。根据“I’m still waiting for her email back”和首字母w可知,我在等她的电子邮件回复,因此表示我给她写信了,write to sb表示“给某人写信”,根据“last month”可知,此处用一般过去时,故填 (w)rote。
【详解】句意:众所周知,茶是全世界最受欢迎的饮料之一。根据“is one of the most popular drinks”以及首字母可知,此处是指茶,tea“茶”。故填(t)ea。
【详解】句意:——你能告诉我四十加五十是多少吗?——九十。根据“what forty and fifty is”可知四十加五十等于九十,ninety“九十”,基数词,故填(n)inety。
根据“Take an umbrella with you”可知你带着伞吧,可推测出是下雨;有be动词,表示的是进行状态,所以要用现在进行时,故答案为raining。
【详解】句意:星期三在星期二和星期四之间。根据“Tuesday and Thursday.”可知星期三是位于星期二和星期四之间的,between“在……之间”,介词,故填(b)etween。
Dear Henry,
I am very glad to receive your letter. Everything is fine with me now. On Father’s Day, I cooked my father his favorite food. I also bought him his favorite book. We all had a good time. As for the Dragon Boat Festival, it is one of the most traditional festivals in China. On that day, we made zongzi. It is said that eating zongzi is to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan. In addition, we also watched dragon boat races. I hope you will come and celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with us next year.
Li Hua



