2024年八年级下册英语期末考试模拟押题卷 苏州01(原卷版+解析版)

第一部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
When Jim was 12, his parents died in a car accident. He was ___1___ and didn’t get on well with others. People always ___2___ him. No one showed kindness to him. His only friend was a ___3___ called Nicky, but sometimes he was not friendly to it.
One day, when Jim was walking along the street, he saw a lady in front of him.Suddenly, her hat fell off her head. He came up to help her.
“Thank you, dear!” she said kindly and politely, ___4___.
A special feeling came to him because he had ___5___ heard such kind words. He watched the lady until she went far away. He was so ___6___ that he whistled (吹口哨) to his dog.
“Thank you, dear!” he repeated (重复) the woman’s words in a low voice to Nicky. The dog raised its ears as if it understood.
“Hum! Even a dog likes it!” he said. “Well, Nicky, I won’t say ___7___ words to you any more.”Nicky waved its tail happily.
Later, they went directly to the river nearby. He looked into the ___8___. He saw nothing but a dirty boy. So, he ___9___ carefully to make himself a clean and nice boy. From then on, Jim started a new ____10____. He was happier than before.
1. A. bored B. weak C. alone D. nervous
2. A. ran after B. laughed at C. looked at D. played with
3. A. dog B. bird C. cat D. baby
4. A. sighing B. shouting C. joking D. smiling
5. A. never B. sometimes C. always D. ever
6. A. angry B. brave C. excited D. shy
7. A. strict B. unkind C. unusual D. pleasant
8. A. mirror B. hole C. eyes D. water
9. A. washed his face B. smelled the air C. left his friend D. blew his hair
10. A. dream B. experiment C. life D. conversation
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. C
bored无聊的;weak虚弱的;alone单独的;nervous紧张的。根据“didn’t get on well with others”可知,Jim与别人相处不好,因此是独自一人。故选C。
ran after追赶;laughed at嘲笑;looked at看着;played with和……玩。根据“No one showed kindness to him.”可知,人们总嘲笑Jim。故选B。
dog狗;bird鸟;cat猫;baby婴儿。根据下文“he whistled (吹口哨) to his dog”可知,Jim的朋友是一只叫Nicky的狗。故选A。
sighing叹息;shouting大喊;joking开玩笑;smiling微笑。根据““Thank you, dear!” she said kindly and politely”可知,这位女士是笑着说。故选D。
never从不;sometimes有时;always总是;ever曾经。根据“No one showed kindness to him”可知,没有人对Jim亲切,因此他从未听过这样亲切的话。故选A。
angry生气的;brave勇敢的;excited兴奋的;shy害羞的。根据“he had...heard such kind words”和“he whistled (吹口哨) to his dog”可知,女士的友善让Jim非常兴奋。故选C。
strict严格的;unkind不友善的;unusual不同寻常的;pleasant愉快的。 根据“Hum! Even a dog likes it!”可知,Jim明白了狗也喜欢主人对它友善,所以他说自己不会再对Nicky说不友善的话。故选B。
mirror镜子;hole洞;eyes眼睛;water水。根据“Later, they went directly to the river nearby.”和“He saw nothing but a dirty boy.”可知,Jim往水里看。故选D。
washed his face洗脸;smelled the air呼吸空气;left his friend离开他的朋友;blew his hair吹头发。 根据“make himself a clean and nice boy”可知,Jim应该是仔细地洗脸。故选A。
dream梦想;experiment实验;life生活;conversation对话。根据“He was happier than before.”可知,Jim开始了新的生活。故选C。
第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Hi everyone! I am Yang Ruize. I live in Hong Kong. I am a third-grader at the Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School. Let me show you my day at school.
8:40—9:10 Morning reading: We read our textbooks. If it is Monday, we usually have a flag-raising ceremony.
9:10—9:50 First class: We have Chinese, math and English every day. One of my favorite classes is computer studies. I learn to make simple online games or even music. It’s the most interesting class to me.
9:50—10:30 Second class: Another class I enjoy is general studies(常识课). This class covers knowledge of different subjects.
10:55—11:35 Third class
11:35—12:15 Fourth class: I think the most difficult class is visual arts. It’s not just about drawing but about architecture and design(建筑和设计).
12:15—12:55 Fifth class: We have a music class once a week.
12:55—13:50 Lunch break: A cooking company sends our lunch to school. I like char siu rice most. We can also bring homemade lunches to school.
13:50—14:30 Sixth class
14:30—15:10 Seventh class: We have PE classes every Tuesday and Friday.
15:10—15:40 Eighth class
15:40 School is over.
11. How long is Yang Ruize’s school day
A. 7 hours. B. 7.5 hours. C. 8 hours. D. 8.5 hours.
12. Which is the most interesting class to Yang Ruize
A. Math. B. Computer studies. C. Chinese. D. English.
13/ How often does Yang Ruize have PE classes
A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Once a month. D. Twice a month.
【答案】11. A 12. B 13. B
12.细节理解题。根据“One of my favorite classes is computer studies. I learn to make simple online games or even music. It’s the most interesting class to me.”可知计算机学习课是他最感兴趣的课,故选B。
13.细节理解题。根据“We have PE classes every Tuesday and Friday.”可知体育课一周两次,故选B。
One night as I went to the supermarket to buy some groceries(日用品), something unusual happened to me.It made me review the meaning of life.
As soon as I went through the glass doors, I could tell something unusual was happening at the cash register(收银台). I saw a cashier taking a few items (物品)out of a customer’s bag. The shopper was an old woman. I couldn’t even begin to describe to you how sad this woman looked. I stood there for a second and quickly realized that the cashier was taking items off the bill to cut down the payment.
I walked quickly over to the cash register, pointed to the items that she was about to put behind her and then pointed at my bag, showing that I would pay for them. She understood. After putting those items back in the bag at the register, she again went to help the woman with her card, but it still didn’t work. I looked at the screen to see the number, took some cash out of my bag, handed it to the cashier and then quickly walked away.
The old woman was a bit nervous about her card and didn’t notice me at all. When the cashier told her that she didn’t have to pay a cent, she was confused(茫然的).
I didn’t walk back into the supermarket, but I felt so proud. I was really happy that I was able to help the old woman out and hopefully bring some joy and happiness into her life.
What is happiness As you can imagine, there are a lot of answers. Some people say that giving is a kind of happiness; it gives people warmth and joy. Some people say that harvest is a kind of happiness; it makes you realize the joy and excitement after the harvest. But I think to help others is a kind of happiness. It is the most valuable experience and it will always warm your heart.
14. Why was the cashier taking some items out of the customer’s bag
A. Because the cashier wanted to keep them for herself.
B. Because the customer didn’t want to buy these things.
C. Because another old woman wanted to buy these items.
D. Because the customer didn’t have enough money to pay for them.
15. How did the writer tell the cashier to put the items back
A. By facial expressions. B. By body language.
C. By eye contact. D. By speaking aloud.
16. How did the writer feel after leaving the supermarket
A. She was angry about not buying anything. B. She was a bit nervous.
C. She was still confused. D. She felt proud of herself.
17. What can you learn from the writer’s experience
A. The roses in her hand, the flavour in mine. B. The early bird catches the worm.
C. No pain, no gain. D. While there is life, there is hope.
【答案】14. D 15. B 16. D 17. A
【解析】这是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者在超市购物时,遇到了一位老妇人没有足够的钱来付款,作者帮助了她, 并感到自豪和快乐。作者认为帮助他人是一种幸福,是一种最有价值的经历,会让人心里感到温暖。
14.推理判断题。根据第二段中“I stood there for a second and quickly realized that the cashier was taking items off the bill to cut down the payment.”可推断出收银员要从顾客的袋子里拿出一些东西, 因为顾客没有足够的钱来付款。故选D。
15.细节理解题。根据第三段中“I walked quickly over to the cash register, pointed to the items that she was about to put behind her and then pointed at my bag, showing that I would pay for them. ”可知,作者是通过肢体语言告诉收银员把物品放回去的。故选B。
16.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“I didn’t walk back into the supermarket, but I felt so proud. ”可知,作者离开超市后,她为自己感到自豪。故选D。
17.推理判断题。通读全文并根据最后一段中“But I think to help others is a kind of happiness. It is the most valuable experience and it will always warm your heart.”可知,我们能从作者的经历中可以学到:赠人玫瑰, 手留余香。故选A。
Many people think of traditional arts, they think of music. And, in China one of the most famous traditional artists is Tan Dun.
Tan Dun was born in a small village near Changsha, Hunan in 1957. He spent his early childhood with his grandmother. He worked as a violin player and arranger for a Beijing Opera troupe(京剧团). At the age of nineteen, he heard Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony(贝多芬第五交响乐) for the first time and decided to be a composer(作曲家). When he was twenty, he studied music in Beijing. In the middle of 1980s, Tan Dun had a further study on music at Columbia University. Since then, he has lived in New York.
Tan Dun once said in an interview that he only studied Eastern music before the age of twenty, and after twenty he started to be educated in Western music. And by the age of thirty, he deeply understood both traditions. The educational experience gave him the power to create excellent works that connect the traditional and the modern, the East and the West.
Tan Dun has two great inspirations(灵感) for his music. The first is to join together Western and Chinese music. For example, his music for the Beijing Olympics in 2008 came from an old Chinese song and used both traditional Chinese and Western musical tools. His second is to use natural sounds in his music. For example, he created a piece called The Water Concerto in 1998. All the sounds used in the music are made with water.
With his music, Tan Dun tries to find the balance of the music between the East and the West as well as the music and nature.
18. In which year did Tan Dun make a decision to be a composer
A. In 1957. B. In 1976. C. In 1980. D. In 1998.
19. Which of the following about Tan Dun is NOT correct
A. Tan Dun tries to find the balance in his music.
B. Tan Dun didn’t start to study western music until twenty.
C. Tan Dun is one of the most famous traditional artists in China.
D. Tan Dun created the Olympic music with modern western tools.
20. What does the underlined phrase “the educational experience” in the third paragraph refer to
A. He spent his early childhood with his grandmother.
B. When he was twenty, he studied music in Beijing.
C. His further study on music at a foreign university.
D. His study background in both China and America.
31. Which are the two inspirations for Tan Dun’s music
① join together western and Chinese music ② an old Chinese song
③ use natural sound in music ④ use water sounds in music
A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②③ D. ②④
【答案】18. B 19. D 20. D 21. B
18.细节理解题。根据“Tan Dun was born in a small village near Changsha, Hunan in 1957”及“At the age of nineteen, he heard Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony(贝多芬第五交响乐) for the first time and decided to be a composer”可知,在1957年出生,19岁时决定要成为一名作曲家,也就是1976年,故选B。
19.推理判断题。根据“For example, his music for the Beijing Olympics in 2008 came from an old Chinese song and used both traditional Chinese and Western musical tools.”可知,他为2008年北京奥运会创作的音乐来自一首古老的中国歌曲,并使用了中国和西方的传统音乐工具,D表述错误,故选D。
20.词义猜测题。根据“Tan Dun once said in an interview that he only studied Eastern music before the age of twenty, and after twenty he started to be educated in Western music. And by the age of thirty, he deeply understood both traditions.”可知,划线部分是指他在中国和美国的学习背景,故选D。
21.细节理解题。根据“With his music, Tan Dun tries to find the balance of the music between the East and the West as well as the music and nature.”以及倒数第二段的描述可知,一个是把西方音乐和中国音乐结合起来,另一个是在音乐中使用自然声音,故选B。
Wuyi Rock Tea is a kind of Oolong tea. It got its name from the place where it’s produced—Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province. The tea trees usually grow on rock cracks(缝隙). The traditional home of Rock Tea is only from a small area in the mountain. Wuyi Rock Tea is famous for its rich smell and good flavour. There are different kinds. The best is Dahongpao.
With its long history, Wuyi Rock Tea dates back to the Shang Dynasty. People used to send it to the emperor as a tribute(贡品). In 2006, the skills of making Wuyi Rock Tea were added to China’s national intangible cultural heritage list.
Zhang Huichun, 65, is a master of making Wuyi Rock Tea. In 1980, he learned to make the tea and opened a tea factory. To his surprise, the skills were very complex. After 10 years of learning, he could finally make the tea by himself. Zhang said there were 13 steps to make it, including drying, shaking and roasting(焙火). The most challenging for him is shaking. It takes strength and patience to shake the tea leaves by holding the round bamboo trays. “You have to decide when the best time is to stop based on the color,” Zhang said. “Sometimes you stop after shaking dozens of(几十)times, while sometimes it can be hundreds of times. Only years of experience can help you figure it out(弄明白).”
“The last step—roasting—is also important. With three stages, it usually takes more than 20 hours! Each stage needs temperatures from 125℃ to 155℃. Tea makers have to keep a close eye on the process. Every 50 minutes, you have to turn over the leaves, or it might burn,” Zhang said.
Zhang is already a master, but he is still learning. “The most fascinating part is that every step is full of changes—different tea trees, weather and temperatures. Every time is an adventure.”
In recent years, Zhang has often worked with schools to train tea makers. “It’s my responsibility to pass on the traditional skills,” he said.
22. Wuyi Rock Tea got its name from ________.
A. a mountain B. rock cracks C. its smell D. tea trees
23. The underlined word “complex” in paragraph 3 most probably means ________.
A. special B. difficult C. strange D. clever
24. Why is shaking the most challenging step according to Zhang Huichun
A. Tea makers need years of experience in order to tell when to stop shaking.
B. Tea makers have to shake hundreds of times in order to get the right colour.
C. Tea makers need to spend more than 20 hours shaking the tree leaves.
D. Tea makers have to keep a close eye on the leaves, or it will burn.
25. Which can be the best title of this passage
A. Wuyi Mountain is calling B. The history of the famous tea
C. Wuyi Rock Tea—traditional treasure D. Schools try to pass on the traditional tea
【答案】22. A 23. B 24. A 25. C
22.细节理解题。根据“Wuyi Rock Tea is a kind of Oolong tea. It got its name from the place where it’s produced—Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province.”可知,武夷岩茶是乌龙茶的一种。它的名字来源于它的产地——福建武夷山。故选A。
23.词句猜测题。根据“To his surprise, the skills were very complex. After 10 years of learning, he could finally make the tea by himself.”可知,令他惊讶的是,这些技巧非常复杂。经过十年的学习,他终于可以自己泡茶了。因此complex意为“复杂的”,此处指制茶工艺是很难的,与difficult同义。故选B。
24.细节理解题。根据“Sometimes you stop after shaking dozens of(几十)times, while sometimes it can be hundreds of times. Only years of experience can help you figure it out(弄明白).”可知,有时候摇了几十次就停了,有时候摇了几百次。只有多年的经验才能帮你弄清楚。由此可知张回春认为,摇晃是最具挑战性的一步,因为制茶师需要多年的经验才能知道何时停止摇晃。故选A。
第三部分 信息还原(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Everyone meets problems in life, and they may make you sad. But do you know how to solve them Here are some ways to help you.
Talk, talk, talk.
26 Find someone you trust and talk about your problems with him. You’ll be surprised how good you may feel to talk them out. Also, other people may help you think of ways to make the situation better.
It’s difficult to think about anything else when you’re having a hard time, so try to do something to relax and make yourself happy. That can be shopping with your mom or watching your favorite movies.
Think about great things.
Having a problem 28 Try to think about all the great things in your life. They can help you see problems in a different way.
Write it down.
Actually, writing down what you think can help you know how you’re feeling. It can also help you get your worries out of your head, and then you can start to think what you should do. 29
Show how you feel.
If you feel sad, don’t try to hide your feelings. 30 It’s also good for your health.
A.Do something to relax.
B.Crying out may help you feel better.
C.You can do it on paper or on a computer.
D.Be careful in choosing your real friends.
E.It’s easy for you to think of bad things and feel sad.
F.When things go wrong, it’s important to talk about them.
G.However, some people always like to keep their problems to themselves.
【答案】26.F 27.A 28.E 29.C 30.B
26.根据下文“Find someone you trust and talk about your problems with him. You’ll be surprised how good you may feel to talk them out.”可知,此处表达找一个信任的人谈论你的问题,选项F“当事情出错时,谈论它们是很重要的。”符合语境。故选F。
27.根据下文“It’s difficult to think about anything else when you’re having a hard time, so try to do something to relax and make yourself happy.”可知,此处表达要做一些放松和快乐的事情,选项A“做点什么放松一下。”符合语境。故选A。
28.根据下文“Try to think about all the great things in your life. They can help you see problems in a different way.”可知,此处表达的是要想好的事情,选项E“你很容易想到不好的事情而感到悲伤。”符合语境。故选E。
29.根据上文“Write it down.”可知本段介绍写下烦恼,选项C“你可以在纸上或是电脑上做。”符合语境。故选C。
30.根据上文“If you feel sad, don’t try to hide your feelings.”可知,此处表达不要掩饰感受,选项B“哭可能会让你感觉好些。”符合语境。故选B。
第四部分 词汇运用(共13小题;每小题1分,满分13分)
第一节 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或首字母,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。
31. Without modern machines, _________ (挖) such a big hole wasn’t an easy task in the past.
32. Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, has a lot of _________ (经验) in growing rice.
【解析】句意:杂交水稻之父袁隆平在种植水稻方面有丰富的经验。根据“a lot of”可知,此空需要一个名词,结合中文提示,experience符合句意;而“experience”作经验讲时,是不可数名词。故填experience。
33. I am feeling even _________(自豪) of my motherland after overcoming the difficulty of virus.
34. In Shanghai, things must be _________ (分隔) into different groups and then recycled.
【解析】句意:在上海,物品必须分门别类,然后再回收利用。separate/divide分隔,动词,在句中作谓语,主语“things”与之构成动宾关系,用被动语态。此句含有情态动词must,其被动语态构成为“must be+过去分词”,此处表示“必须被分隔”,故填separated/divided。
35. There seems to be a _______ child there. He has lost his legs and sits in the wheelchair.
【解析】句意:那里似乎有一个残疾儿童。他失去了双腿,坐在轮椅上。根据“He has lost his legs and sits in the wheelchair.”可知,是残疾儿童,需要形容词修饰名词,disabled“残疾的”符合句意,故填disabled。
36. —Would you mind showing me how to get to Central Park
—With ________. I’ll lead you there.
【解析】句意:——你能告诉我怎么去中央公园吗?——乐意效劳。我带你去。根据“I’ll lead you there.”可知,是乐意帮忙指路,用with pleasure,意为“乐意效劳”。故填pleasure。
37. —You mean there is no need to hold such a meeting
—Not _______. We’d better have it sometime next week.
【解析】句意:——你的意思是没有必要召开这样的会议?——不全是。我们最好下星期找个时间办。根据“We’d better have it sometime next week.”可知,并不完全认为没有必要召开会议;not exactly“不全是,未必就”。故填exactly。
38. Xinjiang is a beautiful place in the _________ of China. Visitors can’t miss it!
【解析】句意:新疆是中国西部一个美丽的地方。游客们不会错过的。根据“Xinjiang is a beautiful place in the… of China.”及常识可知,新疆在中国西部,in the west of“在……的西部”,故填west。
第二节 请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。
as well as;abroad;include;take place;important
The 5th Life Festival ____39____ from May 13 to 14 in Suzhou, Jiangsu province.
Around 100 artists from home and ____40____ took part in the event. The theme of the festival this year was “reborn”, with the purpose of remembering the past ____41____ hoping for a better future.
Organizer of the festival and head of the Life Art Education Fund, Yang Ping, shared her view on the ____42____ and value(价值) of humans and called on people to make the most of each day.
“Life Festival will continue to keep an eye on life art and fields ____43____ education, women and soon. ”
【答案】39. took place 40. abroad 41. as well as 42. importance 43. including
39.句意:第五届生命艺术节于5月13日至14日在江苏苏州举行。根据“The 5th Life Festival...from May 13 to 14”和备选词汇可知,生命艺术节于5月13日至14日举办,take place表示“举办”,且时态是一般过去时,故填took place。
40.句意:大约100名来自国内外的艺术家参加了这次活动。根据“from home and...took part in the event”和备选词汇可知,and连接两个对等的成份,因此abroad符合语境,表示“来自国内国外”。故填abroad。
41.句意:今年节日的主题是“重生”,目的是缅怀过去,也展望更美好的未来。根据“with the purpose of remembering the past...hoping for a better future.”和备选词汇可知,指的是“缅怀过去和展望未来”。as well as表示“也,和”,连接两个并列成份。故填as well as。
42.句意:该节日的组织者、生命艺术教育基金的负责人杨萍分享了她对人类的重要性和价值的看法。根据“shared her view on the...and value(价值) of humans ”和备选词汇可知,是分享了人类重要性的看法,important表示“重要的”,是形容词,其名词是importance,表示“重要性”。故填importance。
43.句意:生命节将继续关注生活艺术和其他领域,包括教育、女性等。根据“Life Festival will continue to keep an eye on life art and fields...education, women”和备选词汇可知,生命节关注包括教育,女性等领域。education是名词,因此前面需要填介词。include表示“包含”,是动词,其介词是including。故填including。
第五部分 短文填空(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)
Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled again and again. Do you know how it’s recycled Let’s find it out together.
The glass recycling begins when you put your used glass bottles into the recycle bin. It’s very important that you do your part. After all, if you throw it in the rubbish bin instead ___44___ the cycle bin, it will end up in a landfill(垃圾填埋场). Though it might not be ___45___ (harm) to the soil, it’s a waste of resource.
When the glass is collected by the factory, it will ___46___ (clean) first.That means washing away the waste inside and ___47___ (take) away metals and paper or plastic labels(标签).
Now the glass is clean. It’s time ___48___ (separate) different kinds of glass for recycling. For example, coloured glass and clear glass are two different kinds,and non-food containers(容器) cannot mix ___49___ food containers.
In the next step, the glass will be sent to a machine where it’s broken down ___50___ small pieces. The pieces are called cullet. After the cullet travels down a conveyor belt(传送带), some special ___51___ (tool) are used to take away remaining(遗留的) metals and small paper labels. The cullet becomes much ___52___ (clean).
Finished cullet is then sold to other factories ___53___ a material. The factories melt down the cullet and then form it into new things. Your glass bottle now may become a part of a desk, some beach sand or paint for street lines.
Altogether, the whole recycling and re-production process(过程) can take about 30 days.
【答案】44. of 45. harmful 46. be cleaned 47. taking 48. to separate 49. with 50. into
51. tools 52. cleaner 53. as
44.句意:毕竟,如果你把它扔进垃圾桶而不是循环垃圾箱,它最终会被扔进垃圾填埋场。instead of“代替”,固定搭配,故填of。
45.句意:虽然它可能对土壤无害,但却是一种资源浪费。be后接形容词作表语,be harmful to“对……有害”,故填harmful。
46.句意:当玻璃被工厂收集后,会先清洗干净。it指代前文的glass,与动词clean之间是被动关系,故此处用被动语态will be done的结构,故填be cleaned。
48.句意:是时候把不同种类的玻璃分开回收利用了。It is time to do sth“是做某事的时候了”,动词不定式作定语,故填to separate。
49.句意:例如,彩色玻璃和透明玻璃是两种不同的玻璃,非食品容器不能与食品容器混合。mix with“与……混合”,固定搭配,故填with。
50.句意:下一步,玻璃将被送往一台机器,在那里它被分解成小块。be broken down into“被分解成”,固定搭配,故填into。
53.句意:完成后的碎玻璃再作为原料卖给其他工厂。根据“Finished cullet is then sold to other factories … a material”可知,作为原料卖给其他工厂,as“作为”,故填as。
My name is Katie. I think everybody should take care of the environment. I live in Edmonton. It is a city in Canada. The air and water are clean in Edmonton, but sometimes people waste a lot.
What do we waste the most Paper, I think. People waste water, too. I don't want to waste water. I try to save water in many ways. I take short showers. I often check to make sure there aren't any leaks, and I never forget to turn off the tap.
Do we recycle at home Yes! We sort our pop cans, beer bottles and waste paper. A truck picks up our recycling every week. It is made into new things. We reuse our plastic bags, too. We use them again and again, or we put other garbage in them.
Cars and factories make the most pollution. I think there are too many cars in Edmonton. More people should ride bikes or take buses. I ride my bike to school every day. Unlike other types of transportation, a bike doesn't make any pollution. Buses make some pollution, but lots of people can travel on a bus. Buses make less pollution than cars.
In fact, if each of us makes a small change in our life, we can make a big difference to our environment. It's not too hard to protect the environment. We just need to try.
54. How often does a truck pick up our recycling
55. Why should people ride bikes or take buses
56. Do you think we should recycle at home Why or why not
【答案】54. Every week.
55. Because a bike doesn’t make any pollution and buses make less pollution than cars.
56. Yes, because it’s not too hard to protect the environment. We just need to try. (Yes. Because we can make a big difference to our environment if each of us makes a small change in our life.) No, because I think it’s too hard to recycle the waste.
54.根据“A truck picks up our recycling every week.”可知,每周都有一辆卡车来回收我们的垃圾。故此处为Every week.
55.根据“Unlike other types of transportation, a bike doesn't make any pollution. Buses make some pollution, but lots of people can travel on a bus. Buses make less pollution than cars.”可知,很多人骑自行车或乘坐公交车,是因为骑自行车不产生污染,乘坐公交车产生的污染比开车少,故此处为Because a bike doesn’t make any pollution and buses make less pollution than cars.
56.根据“In fact, if each of us makes a small change in our life, we can make a big difference to our environment. It's not too hard to protect the environment. We just need to try.”可知,我们应该在家回收、循环利用垃圾。这是因为保护环境不是太困难的事。如果我们每个人都能在生活中做出举手之劳,我们就能给环境带来很大的改变。故此处为Yes, because it’s not too hard to protect the environment. We just need to try. (Yes. Because we can make a big difference to our environment if each of us makes a small change in our life.) No, because I think it’s too hard to recycle the waste.
水是生命之源,然而水资源短缺已经成为一个严重的问题,我们应该提倡保护水资源。请以“Water is precious(水是珍贵的)”为题,围绕以下三个问题写一篇90词左右的文章,呼吁全社会保护水资源。
1. Why is water very important in our life
2. What are the causes of the water shortage (缺乏)?
3. How can we protect our water resources
Water is precious
Water is precious
As we all know, water is very important in our life. A person can’t live if he doesn’t drink water for more than 7 days. However, some people didn’t realize the importance of it. They usually keep the water running after using it or throw dirty things into the rivers, lakes or seas.
In fact, we must do something to stop it from getting worse if we live on the Earth. Firstly, turn off the tap after using it. Secondly, keep the water clean by not throwing anything dirty. Thirdly, reusing the water is also needed. To sum up, water is important to all of us. Let’s try our best to save it.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
第一部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
When Jim was 12, his parents died in a car accident. He was ___1___ and didn’t get on well with others. People always ___2___ him. No one showed kindness to him. His only friend was a ___3___ called Nicky, but sometimes he was not friendly to it.
One day, when Jim was walking along the street, he saw a lady in front of him.Suddenly, her hat fell off her head. He came up to help her.
“Thank you, dear!” she said kindly and politely, ___4___.
A special feeling came to him because he had ___5___ heard such kind words. He watched the lady until she went far away. He was so ___6___ that he whistled (吹口哨) to his dog.
“Thank you, dear!” he repeated (重复) the woman’s words in a low voice to Nicky. The dog raised its ears as if it understood.
“Hum! Even a dog likes it!” he said. “Well, Nicky, I won’t say ___7___ words to you any more.”Nicky waved its tail happily.
Later, they went directly to the river nearby. He looked into the ___8___. He saw nothing but a dirty boy. So, he ___9___ carefully to make himself a clean and nice boy. From then on, Jim started a new ____10____. He was happier than before.
1. A. bored B. weak C. alone D. nervous
2. A. ran after B. laughed at C. looked at D. played with
3. A. dog B. bird C. cat D. baby
4. A. sighing B. shouting C. joking D. smiling
5. A. never B. sometimes C. always D. ever
6. A. angry B. brave C. excited D. shy
7. A. strict B. unkind C. unusual D. pleasant
8. A. mirror B. hole C. eyes D. water
9. A. washed his face B. smelled the air C. left his friend D. blew his hair
10. A. dream B. experiment C. life D. conversation
第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Hi everyone! I am Yang Ruize. I live in Hong Kong. I am a third-grader at the Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School. Let me show you my day at school.
8:40—9:10 Morning reading: We read our textbooks. If it is Monday, we usually have a flag-raising ceremony.
9:10—9:50 First class: We have Chinese, math and English every day. One of my favorite classes is computer studies. I learn to make simple online games or even music. It’s the most interesting class to me.
9:50—10:30 Second class: Another class I enjoy is general studies(常识课). This class covers knowledge of different subjects.
10:55—11:35 Third class
11:35—12:15 Fourth class: I think the most difficult class is visual arts. It’s not just about drawing but about architecture and design(建筑和设计).
12:15—12:55 Fifth class: We have a music class once a week.
12:55—13:50 Lunch break: A cooking company sends our lunch to school. I like char siu rice most. We can also bring homemade lunches to school.
13:50—14:30 Sixth class
14:30—15:10 Seventh class: We have PE classes every Tuesday and Friday.
15:10—15:40 Eighth class
15:40 School is over.
11. How long is Yang Ruize’s school day
A. 7 hours. B. 7.5 hours. C. 8 hours. D. 8.5 hours.
12. Which is the most interesting class to Yang Ruize
A. Math. B. Computer studies. C. Chinese. D. English.
13/ How often does Yang Ruize have PE classes
A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Once a month. D. Twice a month.
One night as I went to the supermarket to buy some groceries(日用品), something unusual happened to me.It made me review the meaning of life.
As soon as I went through the glass doors, I could tell something unusual was happening at the cash register(收银台). I saw a cashier taking a few items (物品)out of a customer’s bag. The shopper was an old woman. I couldn’t even begin to describe to you how sad this woman looked. I stood there for a second and quickly realized that the cashier was taking items off the bill to cut down the payment.
I walked quickly over to the cash register, pointed to the items that she was about to put behind her and then pointed at my bag, showing that I would pay for them. She understood. After putting those items back in the bag at the register, she again went to help the woman with her card, but it still didn’t work. I looked at the screen to see the number, took some cash out of my bag, handed it to the cashier and then quickly walked away.
The old woman was a bit nervous about her card and didn’t notice me at all. When the cashier told her that she didn’t have to pay a cent, she was confused(茫然的).
I didn’t walk back into the supermarket, but I felt so proud. I was really happy that I was able to help the old woman out and hopefully bring some joy and happiness into her life.
What is happiness As you can imagine, there are a lot of answers. Some people say that giving is a kind of happiness; it gives people warmth and joy. Some people say that harvest is a kind of happiness; it makes you realize the joy and excitement after the harvest. But I think to help others is a kind of happiness. It is the most valuable experience and it will always warm your heart.
14. Why was the cashier taking some items out of the customer’s bag
A. Because the cashier wanted to keep them for herself.
B. Because the customer didn’t want to buy these things.
C. Because another old woman wanted to buy these items.
D. Because the customer didn’t have enough money to pay for them.
15. How did the writer tell the cashier to put the items back
A. By facial expressions. B. By body language.
C. By eye contact. D. By speaking aloud.
16. How did the writer feel after leaving the supermarket
A. She was angry about not buying anything. B. She was a bit nervous.
C. She was still confused. D. She felt proud of herself.
17. What can you learn from the writer’s experience
A. The roses in her hand, the flavour in mine. B. The early bird catches the worm.
C. No pain, no gain. D. While there is life, there is hope.
Many people think of traditional arts, they think of music. And, in China one of the most famous traditional artists is Tan Dun.
Tan Dun was born in a small village near Changsha, Hunan in 1957. He spent his early childhood with his grandmother. He worked as a violin player and arranger for a Beijing Opera troupe(京剧团). At the age of nineteen, he heard Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony(贝多芬第五交响乐) for the first time and decided to be a composer(作曲家). When he was twenty, he studied music in Beijing. In the middle of 1980s, Tan Dun had a further study on music at Columbia University. Since then, he has lived in New York.
Tan Dun once said in an interview that he only studied Eastern music before the age of twenty, and after twenty he started to be educated in Western music. And by the age of thirty, he deeply understood both traditions. The educational experience gave him the power to create excellent works that connect the traditional and the modern, the East and the West.
Tan Dun has two great inspirations(灵感) for his music. The first is to join together Western and Chinese music. For example, his music for the Beijing Olympics in 2008 came from an old Chinese song and used both traditional Chinese and Western musical tools. His second is to use natural sounds in his music. For example, he created a piece called The Water Concerto in 1998. All the sounds used in the music are made with water.
With his music, Tan Dun tries to find the balance of the music between the East and the West as well as the music and nature.
18. In which year did Tan Dun make a decision to be a composer
A. In 1957. B. In 1976. C. In 1980. D. In 1998.
19. Which of the following about Tan Dun is NOT correct
A. Tan Dun tries to find the balance in his music.
B. Tan Dun didn’t start to study western music until twenty.
C. Tan Dun is one of the most famous traditional artists in China.
D. Tan Dun created the Olympic music with modern western tools.
20. What does the underlined phrase “the educational experience” in the third paragraph refer to
A. He spent his early childhood with his grandmother.
B. When he was twenty, he studied music in Beijing.
C. His further study on music at a foreign university.
D. His study background in both China and America.
31. Which are the two inspirations for Tan Dun’s music
① join together western and Chinese music ② an old Chinese song
③ use natural sound in music ④ use water sounds in music
A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②③ D. ②④
Wuyi Rock Tea is a kind of Oolong tea. It got its name from the place where it’s produced—Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province. The tea trees usually grow on rock cracks(缝隙). The traditional home of Rock Tea is only from a small area in the mountain. Wuyi Rock Tea is famous for its rich smell and good flavour. There are different kinds. The best is Dahongpao.
With its long history, Wuyi Rock Tea dates back to the Shang Dynasty. People used to send it to the emperor as a tribute(贡品). In 2006, the skills of making Wuyi Rock Tea were added to China’s national intangible cultural heritage list.
Zhang Huichun, 65, is a master of making Wuyi Rock Tea. In 1980, he learned to make the tea and opened a tea factory. To his surprise, the skills were very complex. After 10 years of learning, he could finally make the tea by himself. Zhang said there were 13 steps to make it, including drying, shaking and roasting(焙火). The most challenging for him is shaking. It takes strength and patience to shake the tea leaves by holding the round bamboo trays. “You have to decide when the best time is to stop based on the color,” Zhang said. “Sometimes you stop after shaking dozens of(几十)times, while sometimes it can be hundreds of times. Only years of experience can help you figure it out(弄明白).”
“The last step—roasting—is also important. With three stages, it usually takes more than 20 hours! Each stage needs temperatures from 125℃ to 155℃. Tea makers have to keep a close eye on the process. Every 50 minutes, you have to turn over the leaves, or it might burn,” Zhang said.
Zhang is already a master, but he is still learning. “The most fascinating part is that every step is full of changes—different tea trees, weather and temperatures. Every time is an adventure.”
In recent years, Zhang has often worked with schools to train tea makers. “It’s my responsibility to pass on the traditional skills,” he said.
22. Wuyi Rock Tea got its name from ________.
A. a mountain B. rock cracks C. its smell D. tea trees
23. The underlined word “complex” in paragraph 3 most probably means ________.
A. special B. difficult C. strange D. clever
24. Why is shaking the most challenging step according to Zhang Huichun
A. Tea makers need years of experience in order to tell when to stop shaking.
B. Tea makers have to shake hundreds of times in order to get the right colour.
C. Tea makers need to spend more than 20 hours shaking the tree leaves.
D. Tea makers have to keep a close eye on the leaves, or it will burn.
25. Which can be the best title of this passage
A. Wuyi Mountain is calling B. The history of the famous tea
C. Wuyi Rock Tea—traditional treasure D. Schools try to pass on the traditional tea
第三部分 信息还原(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Everyone meets problems in life, and they may make you sad. But do you know how to solve them Here are some ways to help you.
Talk, talk, talk.
26 Find someone you trust and talk about your problems with him. You’ll be surprised how good you may feel to talk them out. Also, other people may help you think of ways to make the situation better.
It’s difficult to think about anything else when you’re having a hard time, so try to do something to relax and make yourself happy. That can be shopping with your mom or watching your favorite movies.
Think about great things.
Having a problem 28 Try to think about all the great things in your life. They can help you see problems in a different way.
Write it down.
Actually, writing down what you think can help you know how you’re feeling. It can also help you get your worries out of your head, and then you can start to think what you should do. 29
Show how you feel.
If you feel sad, don’t try to hide your feelings. 30 It’s also good for your health.
A.Do something to relax.
B.Crying out may help you feel better.
C.You can do it on paper or on a computer.
D.Be careful in choosing your real friends.
E.It’s easy for you to think of bad things and feel sad.
F.When things go wrong, it’s important to talk about them.
G.However, some people always like to keep their problems to themselves.
第四部分 词汇运用(共13小题;每小题1分,满分13分)
第一节 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或首字母,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。
31. Without modern machines, _________ (挖) such a big hole wasn’t an easy task in the past.
32. Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, has a lot of _________ (经验) in growing rice.
33. I am feeling even _________(自豪) of my motherland after overcoming the difficulty of virus.
34. In Shanghai, things must be _________ (分隔) into different groups and then recycled.
35. There seems to be a _______ child there. He has lost his legs and sits in the wheelchair.
36. —Would you mind showing me how to get to Central Park
—With ________. I’ll lead you there.
37. —You mean there is no need to hold such a meeting
—Not _______. We’d better have it sometime next week.
38. Xinjiang is a beautiful place in the _________ of China. Visitors can’t miss it!
第二节 请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。
as well as;abroad;include;take place;important
The 5th Life Festival ____39____ from May 13 to 14 in Suzhou, Jiangsu province.
Around 100 artists from home and ____40____ took part in the event. The theme of the festival this year was “reborn”, with the purpose of remembering the past ____41____ hoping for a better future.
Organizer of the festival and head of the Life Art Education Fund, Yang Ping, shared her view on the ____42____ and value(价值) of humans and called on people to make the most of each day.
“Life Festival will continue to keep an eye on life art and fields ____43____ education, women and soon. ”
第五部分 短文填空(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)
Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled again and again. Do you know how it’s recycled Let’s find it out together.
The glass recycling begins when you put your used glass bottles into the recycle bin. It’s very important that you do your part. After all, if you throw it in the rubbish bin instead ___44___ the cycle bin, it will end up in a landfill(垃圾填埋场). Though it might not be ___45___ (harm) to the soil, it’s a waste of resource.
When the glass is collected by the factory, it will ___46___ (clean) first.That means washing away the waste inside and ___47___ (take) away metals and paper or plastic labels(标签).
Now the glass is clean. It’s time ___48___ (separate) different kinds of glass for recycling. For example, coloured glass and clear glass are two different kinds,and non-food containers(容器) cannot mix ___49___ food containers.
In the next step, the glass will be sent to a machine where it’s broken down ___50___ small pieces. The pieces are called cullet. After the cullet travels down a conveyor belt(传送带), some special ___51___ (tool) are used to take away remaining(遗留的) metals and small paper labels. The cullet becomes much ___52___ (clean).
Finished cullet is then sold to other factories ___53___ a material. The factories melt down the cullet and then form it into new things. Your glass bottle now may become a part of a desk, some beach sand or paint for street lines.
Altogether, the whole recycling and re-production process(过程) can take about 30 days.
My name is Katie. I think everybody should take care of the environment. I live in Edmonton. It is a city in Canada. The air and water are clean in Edmonton, but sometimes people waste a lot.
What do we waste the most Paper, I think. People waste water, too. I don't want to waste water. I try to save water in many ways. I take short showers. I often check to make sure there aren't any leaks, and I never forget to turn off the tap.
Do we recycle at home Yes! We sort our pop cans, beer bottles and waste paper. A truck picks up our recycling every week. It is made into new things. We reuse our plastic bags, too. We use them again and again, or we put other garbage in them.
Cars and factories make the most pollution. I think there are too many cars in Edmonton. More people should ride bikes or take buses. I ride my bike to school every day. Unlike other types of transportation, a bike doesn't make any pollution. Buses make some pollution, but lots of people can travel on a bus. Buses make less pollution than cars.
In fact, if each of us makes a small change in our life, we can make a big difference to our environment. It's not too hard to protect the environment. We just need to try.
54. How often does a truck pick up our recycling
55. Why should people ride bikes or take buses
56. Do you think we should recycle at home Why or why not
水是生命之源,然而水资源短缺已经成为一个严重的问题,我们应该提倡保护水资源。请以“Water is precious(水是珍贵的)”为题,围绕以下三个问题写一篇90词左右的文章,呼吁全社会保护水资源。
1. Why is water very important in our life
2. What are the causes of the water shortage (缺乏)?
3. How can we protect our water resources
Water is precious
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



