2024年八年级下册英语期末考试模拟押题卷 南通01(原卷版+解析版)

第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)
1. Mr. Jiang, as an elderly man, took part in the Special Games for ________ elderly, and finished ________ second in the race.
A. the; the B. the; / C. an; the D. an; /
2. —I want to visit the Slender West Lake. Could you please tell me something about it
—Sorry, I know just a little. You can read the ________ on its website.
A. instruction B. introduction C. conversation D. conclusion
3. My grandpa is studying computers. He says it’s ________ learn new things.
A. never too old to B. so late to C. old enough to D. too old to
4. The food in the fridge ________. You’d better throw it away.
A. smells terribly B. smells terrible C. is smelt terrible D. is smelt terribly
5. — What do you think of the left-behind children
— I think they need many things, but ________ they need love from their parents.
A. at all B. above all C. after all D. in all
6. —I haven’t seen your elder sister for years. Where is she now
—She ________ England for further study since 2017.
A. has gone to B. has been in C. has been to D. has arrived in
7. It’s necessary ________ children ________ some safety skills.
A. of; learning B. of; to learn C. for; learning D. for; to learn
8. —When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre
—Not until the work________tomorrow.
A. will be finished B. is finished C. will finish D. has finished
9. —I saw David in the teacher’s office this morning. Do you know ________
—He went there to hand in his homework.
A. how B. when C. where D. why
10. —Must I tell John the news
—No, you ________. I’ve told him already.
A. mustn’t B. wouldn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t
11. Would you mind me how English words
A. tell; to remember B. telling; remember
C. telling; to remember D. to tell; to remember
12. —What a heavy rain! Will it last long, Susan
—________. We’re getting into the rainy season now.
A. I’m afraid so B. I’m afraid not C. That’s impossible D. Of course not
13. She was ________ an e-mail from her friend the whole morning, but it didn’t come.
A. explaining B. expressing C. experiencing D. expecting
14. Which way is the best to organize our ideas when we describe a place
A. Space order B. Specific to general C. General to specific D. Time order
15. — Steve, I hear that Peter has won another championship (冠军).
— It’s not surprising. ________. He practices hardest in the team.
A. Every dog has its day B. No pain, no gain
C. Many hands make light work D. It never rains but it pours
One day, 60 people were listening to a speech(演讲). The ____16____ was talking about happiness. ____17____, after a few hours, people started to lose their attention(注意力). The speaker came up with an idea. He ____18____ his speech and asked all of the people to take part in a group activity.
He gave each person a balloon(气球)in the room and asked them to write his or her ___19___ on the balloon with a pen. Then his assistant(助手) ____20____ all of the balloons and moved them to another room.
When all 60 people walked into the room, the speaker told them to ____21____ the balloon that had their own name written on it. Everyone ran around, crazily ____22____ their own balloon. Many people even fell over. What a mess!
But after about five ____23____ of searching, ____24____ could find their own balloon. ____25____ seeing this, the speaker asked each person to collect a balloon and try to find the person whose name was written on it. Everyone started talking to each other and asking each other ____26____ their name. In just a few minutes, everyone had his or her own balloon.
“Can you see what happened ” the speaker said. “The balloons are like the ____27____ we look for in our own lives. Everyone is ____28____ looking for their own happiness, not caring what happens to others. But sometimes the best ____29____ to find happiness is to help others. Help ____30____ find happiness and you can find your own.”
16. A. teacher B. speaker C. pupil D. volunteer
17. A. Anyway B. Actually C. Luckily D. However
18. A. continued B. changed C. stopped D. forgot
19. A. number B. name C. decision D. interest
20. A. collected B. controlled C. fixed D. returned
21. A. see B. make C. find D. hide
22. A. giving out B. looking through C. searching for D. putting up
23. A. seconds B. hours C. years D. minutes
24. A. everyone B. no one C. anyone D. someone
25. A. After B. Before C. Although D. Unless
26. A. by B. on C. for D. in
27. A. surprise B. happiness C. success D. progress
28. A. busy B. free C. perfect D. lonely
29. A. step B. tool C. plan D. way
30. A. them B. him C. her D. us
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31. How many apps can you get on Android according to the passage
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
32. If you want to make your photos look better, which app will you choose
A. Dawn Chorus. B. Vocabulary. C. Prisma. D. Productive.
33. The text is probably from the column (栏目) of ________ in a newspaper
A. Travel B. Technology C. Health D. Sports
There was once a poor man who lived in a village. Every day, he walked through the village looking for someone who could give him a little work. When he was lucky, he made enough money to buy one small meal.
One day, the man saw a fat goose (鹅) run by, so he caught it. “What a hearty meal you will make!” said the man. “Tonight my stomach will be full.”
“Do not eat me!” cried the goose. “I am a goose like no other. If you feed me and take care of me, I will lay golden eggs for you.”
“Can this be true ” the man wondered. “Since this goose can talk, perhaps it can lay golden eggs, too. I will give it a chance (机会).” So the man took the goose home and fed it the last food in his kitchen, even though he had to go to bed hungry that night.
As soon as he woke up the next morning, the man rushed over to the goose. Under the goose he found a large, shiny egg made of gold. He took the egg to the market and sold it for lots of money. When he came home, his arms were full of food, including good food for the goose.
Each day, the goose laid another golden egg and the man sold it. Before long, the man was very rich, yet he wanted to become even richer. “Why should I spend so much money on food for the goose ” he asked himself. He decided to cut the goose open and get all the golden eggs at once.
The man cut the goose open and found no golden eggs. “What have I done ” he cried.
34. What does the underlined word “hearty” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Large. B. Hot. C. Quick. D. Small.
35. Why did the man take the goose home
A. Because he wanted to cook it for dinner. B. Because he decided to sell it for money.
C. Because the goose might make him rich. D. Because the goose asked him for food.
36. What was the correct order according to the passage
a. The man cut the goose open and found nothing. b. The man found a golden egg under the goose.
c. The man fed the goose with the last food he had. d. The man bought some good food for the goose.
A. b—c—a—d B. c—b—d—a C. b—d—a—c D. d—b—c—a
37. What is the story trying to tell us
A. We may lose what we have if we always want more.
B. We should give the food we have to those in need.
C. It’s quite difficult for us to find a job in the village.
D. It’s important for us to take good care of animals.
Have you ever thought about how babies learn to speak For the first months of their lives, they cry and make noises, but children usually start forming(构成) words when they are about 12 months old. Which are the first words they say Sometimes, they are the words they hear most often, sometimes the words for things they like. They usually start with words like mama, papa or dada. Some scientists say that sounds like ma, da, pa and ba are the easiest sounds to make, so when parents are very happy because their child is saying mama, in fact the baby is just experimenting(进行实验) with making noises!
All children begin learning their language first by listening and then speaking. They start with words for objects, like “car” or “dog”, then words for actions, like “drink” or “eat”, slowly adding other kinds of words to make sentences. They can understand more difficult words and sentences, but they can’t say them. Some children speak more than others (just like adults!) and some children speak earlier than others, but by practising, they all learn in the end.
One mother tells the story of her son who didn’t speak until he was four years old. Before then, he pointed when he wanted something or just made strange noises. One day, he came into the kitchen for breakfast and said, “Can I have some chocolate, please ” And then, he never stopped talking.
So when you start to learn another language, remember that it took years for you to learn yours! If you keep listening and trying hard to speak, you improve, just like in your own language.
38. How old are most children when they start to say the first words
A. About 6 months old. B. About one year old. C. About 18 months old. D. About two years old.
39. When children begin language learning, which happens first
A. Speaking. B. Reading. C. Listening. D. Writing.
40. How does the writer explain that learning takes time in Paragraph 3
A. By listing numbers. B. By asking questions. C. By giving an example. D. By making a survey.
41. What does the underlined word yours refer to
A. Your parents. B. Your language. C. Your children. D. Your lives.
Zheng Xuan, the first deaf doctor of linguistic (语言学) in China, is helping deaf students live a better life.
Like many people with impaired hearing (听力受损), Zheng, from Wuhan, Hubei Province, worked hard to be a “normal” person from early childhood. When she was two and a half years old, a medical accident made her fall into the world of silence. When Zheng entered primary school, she could not understand the teachers’ words in class, so she had to follow what others were doing. But she never gave up. In class, she sat in the first row, staring at the teacher’s mouth to read lips. After class, she borrowed notes from her classmates and studied really hard.
In 1998, Zheng was one of the small group of deaf students who took part in Gaokao. She went to Wuhan University to study. Four years later, she did a lot of research about sign language and deaf people throughout her graduate study at Fudan University. But she was not satisfied. “I wanted to make a difference,” said Zheng. “I wanted to apply (应用) my research results to deaf education. Most deaf students feel inferior (自卑的) because of poor communication.” Zheng Xuan now works at the School of Educational Sciences at Chongqing Normal University.
Over the past 10 years, she had trained nearly 800 special education graduates, 30 percent of whom are deaf. “I want to train a group of special education teachers for deaf children,” said Zheng. “Deaf people can do anything but listen. We need to help them build confidence so that they can create their own future.”
42.What does the underlined word “staring” mean in Paragraph 2
A.听着 B.盯着 C.模仿 D.学习
43.Where did Zheng Xuan do the research about sign language
A.Wuhan University. B.Peking University.
C.Chongqing University. D.Fudan University.
44.How many deaf special education graduates has Zheng Xuan trained in the past 10 years
A.Nearly 240. B.Nearly 300. C.Nearly 500. D.Nearly 800.
45.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.Zheng Xuan worked hard to be a normal child.
B.Zheng Xuan tried to be a college student.
C.Zheng Xuan did a lot to help deaf students.
D.Zheng Xuan trained teachers.
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共60分)
46. We have been _______ (亲密的) friends since we were young children.
47. A local _______ (向导) will show us around the ancient city this afternoon.
48. His parents won’t _______ (let someone do something) him to stay out late.
49. Millie went _______ (in or to a foreign country) for study about five years ago.
50. — It’s no use shouting to him. He has been _______ for years.
— No wonder he can’t hear what I say.
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51. The restaurant has been famous for its food since the early _________century.
52. It’s wrong of the children to shout at the disabled _________.
53. —Do you have any _________ of the instructions on how to use the computer
—Of course. And I can use it very well.
54. Go straight on, and you will find the theatre at the _________ part of town.
55. Recently Mr Wu has carried out some_________ to improve the students’ daily habits.
attend learn make offer try
Last year, the government required schools to develop students’ labour (劳动) skills. All the schools ___56___ their best to achieve the goal now. Students ___57___ at least one such class every week.
The government said the move’s purpose is to “get students involved in labour”. The ministry ___58___ a list (清单) of ten different groups of activities last year. The lessons are designed according to students’ ages. For example, primary school students are taught basic skills, such as how to peel (给……剥皮) vegetables and how to use a knife. When they enter secondary schools, they ___59___ how to properly prepare dishes.
A primary school in Chengdu ___60___ such courses to its students for a year. “These classes are really good,” said Chen Xiaomei, whose child studies at that school. “My child has learned how to do some housework this term. I think practical skills are necessary for every child.”
We were locked in a darkness room, Ned t____61____ to escape from the submarine(潜艇). I remembered that unforgettable day. When morning came,we saw the monster behind us. After fighting a____62____ it, Conseil ,Ned and I were thrown into the sea and stood on the monster(怪物). We thought it was a giant narwhal. In fact, it was a submarine. A few seconds later, eight men came out and pulled us into this room on the submarine.
S____63____, two men entered. The tall man was Captain Nemo. He even knew e____64____ we did with him. He asked us to promise not to escape. Finally, we reached an agreement.
Captain Nemo showed me the art gallery with many paintings by famous a____65____ and a museum that contained many thousands of wonderful shells, pearls and other treasures from the sea. I had never seen s____66____ a good museum. “What a wonderful ship, it must have cost a fortune.” “That’s true!” he r____67____ “I love it as if it were my child.”
A few days later Captain Nemo invited me and my friends to go hunting with him in the forests of Crespo Island About one hundred savages followed us and tried to come into the ship. Captain Nemo didn’t worry about them. W____68____ they put their hand on the rail, they all fell back and ran away. Captain Nemo had put electricity into the rail. Anybody who touched it w____69____ receive an electric shock.
One day, he asked me to follow him to another room. A man lay on a bed with a very bad head wound.
I looked at it. “What happened ” Captain Nemo answered, “Something broke in the engine. A heavy piece of metal hit his head.” “He is going to die s_____70_____,” I said. “Nothing can save him.” Tears filled Captain Nemo’s eyes and he asked me to leave.
Tom didn’t like Sundays. He had to wear shoes and go to Sunday school. He had to do homework, and it was boring. Mary tried to help him, but it was difficult. He wanted to do his homework because then he would get a blue ticket. If you had ten blue tickets, you could get a red one. If you had ten red tickets, you could get a yellow one. If you had ten yellow tickets, you could get a new book.
Tom had lots of tickets. He wasn’t very good at doing his homework, but he was good at trading. He gave Bill a piece of candy and a fishhook. Bill gave him a yellow ticket. He gave other boys some of the things he had from letting others paint the fence and got more tickets. Some were blue, some were red, and some were yellow. Finally, he had enough to get a new book.
That Sunday, the new girl came to Sunday school for the first time. Her parents came too, and the children learned that her father was a very important judge. The girl’s name was Becky Thatcher. The Sunday school teacher wanted to show Judge Thatcher that it was a good class. He asked if any of the boys or girls had enough tickets for a new book. Everybody was very surprised when Tom stood up. The Sunday school teacher was more surprised than anybody else. He counted the tickets. There were enough for a new book. He gave Tom the book, and Tom was allowed to sit with the important new people. Judge Thatcher said hello, but Tom could not speak. He was too nervous and thinking about Becky.
“What’s your name ” asked the judge.
Tom got his voice back and told him.
Then Judge Thatcher asked him an easy question from his homework. Tom did not know the answer. He guessed. He was wrong. He was so wrong that the whole class laughed at him.
(Taken from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
71. To get a new book, how many red tickets did Tom need
72. How did Tom get enough tickets for a new book
73. Who did “the new girl” in Para3 refer to
74. Why did the whole class laugh at Tom
75. What do you think of Tom
为培养青少年责任意识,提高青少年综合素养,学校英语俱乐部发起题为“Let’s take action!”的倡议活动。请根据下列提示,选择其中两个方面,写一份倡议书投稿。
Manners Volunteering Going green
●While travelling ●While eating ●... ●In the community ●In some charities ●... ●To save water ●To reduce pollution ●...
1. 词数:90词左右文章开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息;
3. 文章必须包含所选两个方面的全部要点,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺。
Let’s take action!
We teenagers are the master of the future.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)
1. Mr. Jiang, as an elderly man, took part in the Special Games for ________ elderly, and finished ________ second in the race.
A. the; the B. the; / C. an; the D. an; /
考查冠词的用法。根据“took part in the Special Games for...elderly, and finished...second in the race.”可知,形容词前加the,表一类人,the elderly老年人;second此处为副词,修饰动词finished,故不用冠词。故选B。
2. —I want to visit the Slender West Lake. Could you please tell me something about it
—Sorry, I know just a little. You can read the ________ on its website.
A. instruction B. introduction C. conversation D. conclusion
考查名词词义辨析。instruction指示;introduction介绍;conversation对话;conclusion结论。根据“Could you please tell me something about it ”和答语“Sorry, I know just a little.”可知,此处说的是想了解瘦西湖的事情,下文说不知道,说可以在网站上阅读介绍。故选B。
3. My grandpa is studying computers. He says it’s ________ learn new things.
A. never too old to B. so late to C. old enough to D. too old to
考查副词短语。never too old to活到老学到老;so late to太迟做某事;old enough to足够老做某事;too old to太老而不能。根据“My grandpa is studying computers. He says it’s … learn new things.”可知,爷爷这么大年龄仍然在学习计算机,所以此处想表达学习永远不会嫌老,故选A。
4. The food in the fridge ________. You’d better throw it away.
A. smells terribly B. smells terrible C. is smelt terrible D. is smelt terribly
5. — What do you think of the left-behind children
— I think they need many things, but ________ they need love from their parents.
A. at all B. above all C. after all D. in all
考查介词短语。at all根本;above all最重要的是;after all毕竟;in all总共;根据“I think they need many things...they need love from their parents.”可知,此处说的是“最重要的是需要父母的爱”,故选B。
6. —I haven’t seen your elder sister for years. Where is she now
—She ________ England for further study since 2017.
A. has gone to B. has been in C. has been to D. has arrived in
【解析】句意:——我好几年没有看见你姐姐了。她现在在哪儿呢? ——自2017以来,她去纽约深造去了。
考查现在完成时。has gone to表示某人去了某地,指人在去某地途中,或者在某地,还没回来;has been in表示某人在某地呆多长时间,常与since和for表示的时间段连用;has been to表示某人曾经去过某地,指人已回来;has arrived in,是一个短暂性动词,不能于延续性的时间状语搭配。根据题干中“I haven’t seen your elder sister for years. Where is she now ”可见姐姐不在此地,结合题干中“...England for further study since 2017.”可知姐姐自从2017年以来就没回来,可见姐姐在英国待了很长时间,用have been in。答案为B。
7. It’s necessary ________ children ________ some safety skills.
A. of; learning B. of; to learn C. for; learning D. for; to learn
考查介词和非谓语。此处是It’s adj for/of sb to do sth的结构,形容词“necessary”是修饰物的,此处介词用for;后接不定式作主语;故选D。
8. —When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre
—Not until the work________tomorrow.
A. will be finished B. is finished C. will finish D. has finished
【解析】句意:—我们什么时候去体育中心观看篮球比赛 —直到明天完成这项工作才能去。本题是until引导的时间状语从句,且是被动语态,所以用一般现在时态的被动句。所以选B。
9. —I saw David in the teacher’s office this morning. Do you know ________
—He went there to hand in his homework.
A. how B. when C. where D. why
考查宾语从句引导词。how如何;when何时;where哪里;why为什么。根据“He went there to hand in his homework.”可知,此处询问大卫去办公室的原因,故选D。
10. —Must I tell John the news
—No, you ________. I’ve told him already.
A. mustn’t B. wouldn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t
11. Would you mind me how English words
A. tell; to remember B. telling; remember
C. telling; to remember D. to tell; to remember
【解析】句意:你介意告诉我怎样记住英语单词吗?根据Would you mind…可知此句运用了固定句型Would you mind doing sth"你介意某人做某事吗?"后面应该跟动名词,故先排除A、D选项;分析句子,可知me后跟的是宾语从句作tell的宾语;结合疑问词how可知此处可以运用"疑问词+不定式"作宾语的用法,故而排除B;综合以上分析,故答案选C。
12. —What a heavy rain! Will it last long, Susan
—________. We’re getting into the rainy season now.
A. I’m afraid so B. I’m afraid not C. That’s impossible D. Of course not
【解析】句意:——多么大的雨啊!它会持续很久吗,苏珊? ——恐怕是的。我们现在正进入雨季。
考查情景交际用语辨析。I’m afraid do恐怕是这样的;I’m afraid not恐怕不是这样的;That’s impossible那是不可能的;Of course not当然不。根据“We’re getting into the rainy season now.”可知,正值雨季,雨季的时候雨天持续时间长。I’m afraid so符合语境。故选A。
13. She was ________ an e-mail from her friend the whole morning, but it didn’t come.
A. explaining B. expressing C. experiencing D. expecting
【解析】句意:她整个上午都在等她朋友的电子邮件,但没有来。考查动词辨析。explain解释;express表示;experience经历;expect期待。由下文“but it didn’t come.但是电子邮件没有来”可知,她整个早上在期待一个来自朋友的邮件,故选D。
14. Which way is the best to organize our ideas when we describe a place
A. Space order B. Specific to general C. General to specific D. Time order
考查常识。Space order空间顺序;Specific to general归纳法;General to specific演绎法;Time order时间顺序。根据常识可知描述一个地方最佳方式是空间顺序。故选A。
15. — Steve, I hear that Peter has won another championship (冠军).
— It’s not surprising. ________. He practices hardest in the team.
A. Every dog has its day B. No pain, no gain
C. Many hands make light work D. It never rains but it pours
考查谚语辨析。Every dog has its day风水轮流转;No pain, no gain一分耕耘,一分收获;Many hands make light work众人拾柴火焰高;It never rains but it pours不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。根据“It’s not surprising”和“He practices hardest in the team.”可知,应该选一分耕耘,一分收获。故选B。
One day, 60 people were listening to a speech(演讲). The ____16____ was talking about happiness. ____17____, after a few hours, people started to lose their attention(注意力). The speaker came up with an idea. He ____18____ his speech and asked all of the people to take part in a group activity.
He gave each person a balloon(气球)in the room and asked them to write his or her ___19___ on the balloon with a pen. Then his assistant(助手) ____20____ all of the balloons and moved them to another room.
When all 60 people walked into the room, the speaker told them to ____21____ the balloon that had their own name written on it. Everyone ran around, crazily ____22____ their own balloon. Many people even fell over. What a mess!
But after about five ____23____ of searching, ____24____ could find their own balloon. ____25____ seeing this, the speaker asked each person to collect a balloon and try to find the person whose name was written on it. Everyone started talking to each other and asking each other ____26____ their name. In just a few minutes, everyone had his or her own balloon.
“Can you see what happened ” the speaker said. “The balloons are like the ____27____ we look for in our own lives. Everyone is ____28____ looking for their own happiness, not caring what happens to others. But sometimes the best ____29____ to find happiness is to help others. Help ____30____ find happiness and you can find your own.”
16. A. teacher B. speaker C. pupil D. volunteer
17. A. Anyway B. Actually C. Luckily D. However
18. A. continued B. changed C. stopped D. forgot
19. A. number B. name C. decision D. interest
20. A. collected B. controlled C. fixed D. returned
21. A. see B. make C. find D. hide
22. A. giving out B. looking through C. searching for D. putting up
23. A. seconds B. hours C. years D. minutes
24. A. everyone B. no one C. anyone D. someone
25. A. After B. Before C. Although D. Unless
26. A. by B. on C. for D. in
27. A. surprise B. happiness C. success D. progress
28. A. busy B. free C. perfect D. lonely
29. A. step B. tool C. plan D. way
30. A. them B. him C. her D. us
【答案】16. B 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. C 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. A
teacher老师;speaker演讲者;pupil学生;volunteer志愿者。根据“60 people were listening to a speech(演讲)”可知,演讲者在谈论幸福,故选B。
Anyway不管怎样;Actually实际;Luckily幸运地;However然而。根据“after a few hours, people started to lose their attention(注意力).”可知,此处表示转折关系,应用however,故选D。
continued继续;changed改变;stopped停止;forgot忘记。根据“people started to lose their attention(注意力)...his speech and asked all of the people to take part in a group activity.”可知,听众们注意力不集中的时候,演讲者停止了演讲,故选C。
number数字;name名字;decision决定;interest兴趣。根据“had their own name written on it”可知,要求听众们在气球上写上名字,故选B。
collected收集;controlled控制;fixed安装;returned返回。根据“all of the balloons and moved them to another room.”可知,助理把所有的气球收起来拿走了,故选A。
see看见;make制作;find找到;hide隐藏。根据“When all 60 people walked into the room, the speaker told them to...the balloon that had their own name written on it”可知,演讲者要求听众们找写有自己名字的气球,故选C。
giving out发放;looking through浏览;searching for寻找;putting up张贴。根据“Everyone ran around, crazily...their own balloon. Many people even fell over.”可知,每个人都找属于自己的气球,故选C。
seconds秒;hours小时;years年;minutes分钟。根据“But after about five...of searching...could find their own balloon.”及“In just a few minutes, everyone had his or her own balloon.”及语境可知,此处指的是“人们找了大约五分钟”,故选D。
everyone每个人;no one没有人;anyone任何人;someone某人。根据“seeing this, the speaker asked each person to collect a balloon and try to find the person whose name was written on it. Everyone started talking to each other and asking each other”可知,没有人找到自己的气球,故选B。
After在……之后;Before在……之前;Although尽管;Unless除非。根据“seeing this, the speaker asked each person to collect a balloon and try to find the person whose name was written on it”可知,演讲者看到听众们的反应之后,让他们拿着气球去找人,故选A。
by通过;on在……上;for为了;in在……里面。根据“asking each other...their name.”可知,此处是短语ask...for...“要求,询问”,故选C。
surprise惊讶;happiness幸福;success成功;progress进步。根据“looking for their own happiness”可知,气球就像生活中的幸福,故选B。
busy忙碌;free空闲;perfect完美;lonely孤独。根据“Everyone is...looking for their own happiness, not caring what happens to others.”可知,每个人忙于寻找自己的幸福,而忽略了别人发生了什么,故选A。
step步骤;tool工具;plan计划;way方法。根据“But sometimes the best...to find happiness is to help others.”可知,此处是介绍寻找幸福的方法,故选D。
them他们;him他;her她;us我们。根据“find happiness is to help others”可知,此处指代“others”,应用them代替,故选A。
What makes smartphones fun and useful There are many apps that you can use for work and play. Check out some of them here.
Dawn Chorus ― Android/ios There’s something beautiful about waking up to the sounds of nature. The app Dawn Chorus brings the sound of nature to your mornings. You can start your day with the sweet sounds of birds.
Vocabulary ― ios If you are looking to improve your English language skills, Vocabulary has something to offer. Vocabulary.com is more than just a dictionary. It also has a word learning system, which helps you to learn words through a fun game.
Prisma ― Android/ios Are you a fan of art Here’s an app created just for you. Prisma is a photo-editing app unlike any other. The photo filters (滤镜) on the app can make your pictures look like works of art. Let your imagination go wild!
Productive ― ios There is some truth to the saying “old habits die hard”. But what about new habits Sometimes new habits are just as difficult to start up and keep. If you’re having trouble trying to get into a new habit, then Productive might help you.
31. How many apps can you get on Android according to the passage
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
32. If you want to make your photos look better, which app will you choose
A. Dawn Chorus. B. Vocabulary. C. Prisma. D. Productive.
33. The text is probably from the column (栏目) of ________ in a newspaper
A. Travel B. Technology C. Health D. Sports
【答案】31. B 32. C 33. B
31.细节理解题。根据“Dawn Chorus ― Android/ios ... Vocabulary ― ios ... Prisma ― Android/ios ... Productive ― ios”可知有两种应用程序适用于安卓手机。故选B。
32.细节理解题。根据“Prisma is a photo-editing app unlike any other. The photo filters on the app can make your pictures look like works of art.”可知如果想要让照片看起来更好看,要选择Prisma。故选C。
There was once a poor man who lived in a village. Every day, he walked through the village looking for someone who could give him a little work. When he was lucky, he made enough money to buy one small meal.
One day, the man saw a fat goose (鹅) run by, so he caught it. “What a hearty meal you will make!” said the man. “Tonight my stomach will be full.”
“Do not eat me!” cried the goose. “I am a goose like no other. If you feed me and take care of me, I will lay golden eggs for you.”
“Can this be true ” the man wondered. “Since this goose can talk, perhaps it can lay golden eggs, too. I will give it a chance (机会).” So the man took the goose home and fed it the last food in his kitchen, even though he had to go to bed hungry that night.
As soon as he woke up the next morning, the man rushed over to the goose. Under the goose he found a large, shiny egg made of gold. He took the egg to the market and sold it for lots of money. When he came home, his arms were full of food, including good food for the goose.
Each day, the goose laid another golden egg and the man sold it. Before long, the man was very rich, yet he wanted to become even richer. “Why should I spend so much money on food for the goose ” he asked himself. He decided to cut the goose open and get all the golden eggs at once.
The man cut the goose open and found no golden eggs. “What have I done ” he cried.
34. What does the underlined word “hearty” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Large. B. Hot. C. Quick. D. Small.
35. Why did the man take the goose home
A. Because he wanted to cook it for dinner. B. Because he decided to sell it for money.
C. Because the goose might make him rich. D. Because the goose asked him for food.
36. What was the correct order according to the passage
a. The man cut the goose open and found nothing. b. The man found a golden egg under the goose.
c. The man fed the goose with the last food he had. d. The man bought some good food for the goose.
A. b—c—a—d B. c—b—d—a C. b—d—a—c D. d—b—c—a
37. What is the story trying to tell us
A. We may lose what we have if we always want more.
B. We should give the food we have to those in need.
C. It’s quite difficult for us to find a job in the village.
D. It’s important for us to take good care of animals.
【答案】34. A 35. C 36. B 37. A
34.词义猜测题。根据第一段的描述可知,他是个穷人,运气好的时候能赚点钱吃顿小餐;再根据第二段中的“Tonight my stomach will be full.”可知,他抓到鹅之后今晚胃会被填满,可推测“hearty”意思应与“small”相反,即:large。故选A。
35.推理判断题。根据第三段“‘Do not eat me!’ cried the goose. ‘I am a goose like no other. If you feed me and take care of me, I will lay golden eggs for you.’”及第四段中的“‘Can this be true ’ the man wondered. ‘Since this goose can talk, perhaps it can lay golden eggs, too. I will give it a chance (机会).’”可知,鹅会下金蛋,那么这个穷人就可能由此变得有钱,所以他就把鹅带回了家。故选C。
36.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“So the man took the goose home and fed it the last food in his kitchen, even though he had to go to bed hungry that night.”可知,他把他最后的食物喂了鹅,对应c;根据第五段中的“Under the goose he found a large, shiny egg made of gold.”可知,他在鹅下面发现了一个金蛋,对应b;根据第五段最后“When he came home, his arms were full of food, including good food for the goose.”可知,他也给鹅买了一些好吃的,对应d;根据最后一段中的“The man cut the goose open and found no golden eggs.”可知,他把鹅切开(杀掉),什么也没发现,对应a。所以正确的顺序是:c—b—d—a,故选B。
Have you ever thought about how babies learn to speak For the first months of their lives, they cry and make noises, but children usually start forming(构成) words when they are about 12 months old. Which are the first words they say Sometimes, they are the words they hear most often, sometimes the words for things they like. They usually start with words like mama, papa or dada. Some scientists say that sounds like ma, da, pa and ba are the easiest sounds to make, so when parents are very happy because their child is saying mama, in fact the baby is just experimenting(进行实验) with making noises!
All children begin learning their language first by listening and then speaking. They start with words for objects, like “car” or “dog”, then words for actions, like “drink” or “eat”, slowly adding other kinds of words to make sentences. They can understand more difficult words and sentences, but they can’t say them. Some children speak more than others (just like adults!) and some children speak earlier than others, but by practising, they all learn in the end.
One mother tells the story of her son who didn’t speak until he was four years old. Before then, he pointed when he wanted something or just made strange noises. One day, he came into the kitchen for breakfast and said, “Can I have some chocolate, please ” And then, he never stopped talking.
So when you start to learn another language, remember that it took years for you to learn yours! If you keep listening and trying hard to speak, you improve, just like in your own language.
38. How old are most children when they start to say the first words
A. About 6 months old. B. About one year old. C. About 18 months old. D. About two years old.
39. When children begin language learning, which happens first
A. Speaking. B. Reading. C. Listening. D. Writing.
40. How does the writer explain that learning takes time in Paragraph 3
A. By listing numbers. B. By asking questions. C. By giving an example. D. By making a survey.
41. What does the underlined word yours refer to
A. Your parents. B. Your language. C. Your children. D. Your lives.
【答案】38. B 39. C 40. C 41. B
38.细节理解题。根据“but children usually start forming(构成)words when they are about 12 months old.”可知婴儿在12个月左右开口说话,故选B。
39.细节理解题。根据“All children begin learning their language first by listening”可知当孩子开始学习语言时,首先是从听开始,故选C。
40.细节理解题。根据“One mother tells the story of her son who didn’t speak until he was four years old.”可知第三段是通过列举一个母亲的例子解释学习需要时间,故选C。
41.词义猜测题。根据“So when you start to learn another language, remember that it took years for you to learn yours”(因此,当您开始学习另一种语言时,请记住,您花了数年时间才学会自己的语言)可知yours指的
Zheng Xuan, the first deaf doctor of linguistic (语言学) in China, is helping deaf students live a better life.
Like many people with impaired hearing (听力受损), Zheng, from Wuhan, Hubei Province, worked hard to be a “normal” person from early childhood. When she was two and a half years old, a medical accident made her fall into the world of silence. When Zheng entered primary school, she could not understand the teachers’ words in class, so she had to follow what others were doing. But she never gave up. In class, she sat in the first row, staring at the teacher’s mouth to read lips. After class, she borrowed notes from her classmates and studied really hard.
In 1998, Zheng was one of the small group of deaf students who took part in Gaokao. She went to Wuhan University to study. Four years later, she did a lot of research about sign language and deaf people throughout her graduate study at Fudan University. But she was not satisfied. “I wanted to make a difference,” said Zheng. “I wanted to apply (应用) my research results to deaf education. Most deaf students feel inferior (自卑的) because of poor communication.” Zheng Xuan now works at the School of Educational Sciences at Chongqing Normal University.
Over the past 10 years, she had trained nearly 800 special education graduates, 30 percent of whom are deaf. “I want to train a group of special education teachers for deaf children,” said Zheng. “Deaf people can do anything but listen. We need to help them build confidence so that they can create their own future.”
42.What does the underlined word “staring” mean in Paragraph 2
A.听着 B.盯着 C.模仿 D.学习
43.Where did Zheng Xuan do the research about sign language
A.Wuhan University. B.Peking University.
C.Chongqing University. D.Fudan University.
44.How many deaf special education graduates has Zheng Xuan trained in the past 10 years
A.Nearly 240. B.Nearly 300. C.Nearly 500. D.Nearly 800.
45.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.Zheng Xuan worked hard to be a normal child.
B.Zheng Xuan tried to be a college student.
C.Zheng Xuan did a lot to help deaf students.
D.Zheng Xuan trained teachers.
【答案】42.B 43.D 44.A 45.C
42.词义猜测题。根据“In class, she sat in the first row, staring at the teacher’s mouth to read lips”可知,因为听不到所以坐在前排盯着老师的嘴唇去阅读唇语,所以划线单词表示“盯着”,故选B。
43.细节理解题。根据“Four years later, she did a lot of research about sign language and deaf people throughout her graduate study at Fudan University.”可知,在复旦大学读研究生期间,她做了很多关于手语和聋哑人的研究,故选D。
44.细节理解题。根据“Over the past 10 years, she had trained nearly 800 special education graduates, 30 percent of whom are deaf.”可知,在过去的10年里,她培训了近800名特殊教育毕业生,其中30%是聋人,也就是培训了将近240名聋人,故选A。
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共60分)
46. We have been _______ (亲密的) friends since we were young children.
47. A local _______ (向导) will show us around the ancient city this afternoon.
48. His parents won’t _______ (let someone do something) him to stay out late.
【解析】句意:他的父母不允许他在外面待到很晚。根据英文释义“let someone do something让某人做某事”可知,该单词是allow“允许”,won’t后跟动词原形。故填allow。
49. Millie went _______ (in or to a foreign country) for study about five years ago.
【解析】句意:大约五年前,米莉出国留学。根据英文释义“in or to a foreign country”可知,该单词为“在国外”,用副词abroad表示;go abroad“出国”。故填abroad。
50. — It’s no use shouting to him. He has been _______ for years.
— No wonder he can’t hear what I say.
【解析】句意:——对他大声喊叫没有用。他已经耳聋多年了。——难怪他听不到我所说的话。根据“No wonder he can’t hear what I say.”可知,他听不到我所说的话,所以推测,他耳聋了。根据“He has been … for years.” 可知,本句为现在完成时,因为现在完成时的结构为:主语+have ∕ has +动词的过去分词。be的过去分词为been。be动词后面可以跟形容词。He has been deaf for years. 这句话可以表示他耳聋的状态已经持续多年。故填deaf。
polite south survey twenty know
51. The restaurant has been famous for its food since the early _________century.
52. It’s wrong of the children to shout at the disabled _________.
53. —Do you have any _________ of the instructions on how to use the computer
—Of course. And I can use it very well.
54. Go straight on, and you will find the theatre at the _________ part of town.
55. Recently Mr Wu has carried out some_________ to improve the students’ daily habits.
【答案】51. twentieth 52. impolitely 53. knowledge 54. southern 55. surveys
52.句意:孩子们不礼貌地对残疾人大喊大叫是不对的。根据“the children to shout at the disabled”可知,此处指不礼貌地喊叫,polite“礼貌的”,其反义词为“impolite”,此处应用副词impolitely“不礼貌地”修饰动词shout。故填impolitely。
53.句意:——你知道如何使用这台电脑的说明吗?——当然。我可以很好地使用它。根据“of the instructions”可知,此处应填名词,know“知道”,其名词形式为knowledge“知识”,have a/any knowledge of sth“了解某事物”。故填knowledge。
54.句意:一直往前走,你会在镇的南部找到剧院。根据“part of town”可知,空格为形容词修饰part,south“南方”,其形容词形式为southern,表示“南方的”。故填southern。
55.句意:最近,吴先生进行了一些调查,以改善学生的日常习惯。根据“ carried out some”和备选单词可知,此处指开展调查,根据“some”可知,应填复数名词surveys“调查”。故填surveys。
attend learn make offer try
Last year, the government required schools to develop students’ labour (劳动) skills. All the schools ___56___ their best to achieve the goal now. Students ___57___ at least one such class every week.
The government said the move’s purpose is to “get students involved in labour”. The ministry ___58___ a list (清单) of ten different groups of activities last year. The lessons are designed according to students’ ages. For example, primary school students are taught basic skills, such as how to peel (给……剥皮) vegetables and how to use a knife. When they enter secondary schools, they ___59___ how to properly prepare dishes.
A primary school in Chengdu ___60___ such courses to its students for a year. “These classes are really good,” said Chen Xiaomei, whose child studies at that school. “My child has learned how to do some housework this term. I think practical skills are necessary for every child.”
【答案】56. are trying 57. attend 58. made 59. will learn 60. has offered
56.句意:现在所有的学校都在努力实现这个目标。try one’s best to do sth“尽某人最大努力做某事”,根据now可知,此处用现在进行时表示这一阶段正在发生的动作,主语是复数形式,故填are trying。
57.句意:学生们每周至少参加一次这样的课程。根据“at least one such class”可知,此处指至少参加一次这样的课程,根据every week可知,此句是一般现在时,主语是复数形式,动词用原形,故填attend。
58.句意:该部门去年列出了十个不同的活动组。make a list“制定清单”,根据“last year”可知,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填made。
59.句意:当他们进入中学时,他们将学习如何正确地准备菜肴。根据“how to properly prepare dishes”可知,此处指学习如何正确地准备菜肴,when引导的时间状语从句,遵循“主将从现”,主句用一般将来时will do的结构,故填will learn。
60.句意:成都的一所小学已经为学生提供了一年的此类课程。根据“such courses to its students”及备选词可知,此处向学生提供这样的课程,offer“提供”,“for+一段时间”要与现在完成时连用,主语是单数形式,助动词用has,故填has offered。
We were locked in a darkness room, Ned t____61____ to escape from the submarine(潜艇). I remembered that unforgettable day. When morning came,we saw the monster behind us. After fighting a____62____ it, Conseil ,Ned and I were thrown into the sea and stood on the monster(怪物). We thought it was a giant narwhal. In fact, it was a submarine. A few seconds later, eight men came out and pulled us into this room on the submarine.
S____63____, two men entered. The tall man was Captain Nemo. He even knew e____64____ we did with him. He asked us to promise not to escape. Finally, we reached an agreement.
Captain Nemo showed me the art gallery with many paintings by famous a____65____ and a museum that contained many thousands of wonderful shells, pearls and other treasures from the sea. I had never seen s____66____ a good museum. “What a wonderful ship, it must have cost a fortune.” “That’s true!” he r____67____ “I love it as if it were my child.”
A few days later Captain Nemo invited me and my friends to go hunting with him in the forests of Crespo Island About one hundred savages followed us and tried to come into the ship. Captain Nemo didn’t worry about them. W____68____ they put their hand on the rail, they all fell back and ran away. Captain Nemo had put electricity into the rail. Anybody who touched it w____69____ receive an electric shock.
One day, he asked me to follow him to another room. A man lay on a bed with a very bad head wound.
I looked at it. “What happened ” Captain Nemo answered, “Something broke in the engine. A heavy piece of metal hit his head.” “He is going to die s_____70_____,” I said. “Nothing can save him.” Tears filled Captain Nemo’s eyes and he asked me to leave.
【答案】61. (t)ried 62. (a)gainst 63. (S)uddenly 64. (e)verything 65. (a)rtists
66. (s)uch 67. (r)eplied 68. (W)hen 69. (w)ould 70. (s)oon
61.句意:我们被锁在一个黑暗的房间里,内德试图从潜艇上逃跑。根据“We were locked in a darkness room”可知,内德被关在小黑屋里,所以他试图逃跑。try“试图”,且由were可知句子是一般过去时,用过去式tried。故填(t)ried。
62.句意:在与它搏斗之后,康塞尔、内德和我被扔进了海里,站在怪物身上。fight against“与……作斗争”,固定短语。故填(a)gainst。
63.句意:突然,两个人进来了。根据“two men entered”可知,突然进来两个人。suddenly“突然地”,副词修饰整个句子,且句首字母需大写。故填(S)uddenly。
64.句意:他甚至知道我们对他做的一切。根据“He even knew...we did with him.”可知,他知道我们所做的一切,everything“一切”。故填(e)verything。
65.句意:尼莫船长带我参观了一个美术馆,里面有许多著名艺术家的画作,还有一个博物馆,里面有成千上万的贝壳、珍珠和其他来自海洋的珍宝。根据“many paintings by famous...”可知,由著名艺术家所作的画,artist“艺术家”,且应用复数。故填(a)rtists。
66.句意:我从未见过这么好的博物馆。根据“I had never seen...a good museum.”可知,我从未见过如此好的博物馆,such“如此”,后加名词短语。故填(s)uch。
68.句意:当他们把手放在栏杆上时,他们都向后倒下逃跑了。根据下文“Captain Nemo had put electricity into the rail.”可知,尼莫船长给铁轨通了电,当手放在栏杆上,就会倒下。用when“当……时”引导时间状语从句,且句首字母需大写。故填(W)hen。
70.句意:我说:“他很快将会死去。”根据“A heavy piece of metal hit his head.”可知,一块沉重的金属砸在他的头上,所以很快就会死。soon“很快”,故填(s)oon。
Tom didn’t like Sundays. He had to wear shoes and go to Sunday school. He had to do homework, and it was boring. Mary tried to help him, but it was difficult. He wanted to do his homework because then he would get a blue ticket. If you had ten blue tickets, you could get a red one. If you had ten red tickets, you could get a yellow one. If you had ten yellow tickets, you could get a new book.
Tom had lots of tickets. He wasn’t very good at doing his homework, but he was good at trading. He gave Bill a piece of candy and a fishhook. Bill gave him a yellow ticket. He gave other boys some of the things he had from letting others paint the fence and got more tickets. Some were blue, some were red, and some were yellow. Finally, he had enough to get a new book.
That Sunday, the new girl came to Sunday school for the first time. Her parents came too, and the children learned that her father was a very important judge. The girl’s name was Becky Thatcher. The Sunday school teacher wanted to show Judge Thatcher that it was a good class. He asked if any of the boys or girls had enough tickets for a new book. Everybody was very surprised when Tom stood up. The Sunday school teacher was more surprised than anybody else. He counted the tickets. There were enough for a new book. He gave Tom the book, and Tom was allowed to sit with the important new people. Judge Thatcher said hello, but Tom could not speak. He was too nervous and thinking about Becky.
“What’s your name ” asked the judge.
Tom got his voice back and told him.
Then Judge Thatcher asked him an easy question from his homework. Tom did not know the answer. He guessed. He was wrong. He was so wrong that the whole class laughed at him.
(Taken from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
71. To get a new book, how many red tickets did Tom need
72. How did Tom get enough tickets for a new book
73. Who did “the new girl” in Para3 refer to
74. Why did the whole class laugh at Tom
75. What do you think of Tom
【答案】71. (Tom needed) one hundred (red tickets).
72. By exchanging something.
73. Becky Thatcher.
74. Because he couldn’t answer the easy question correctly.
75. He is clever but not good at his lessons. / He is clever but not hardworking. (Any reasonable answer is OK)
71.根据“He wanted to do his homework because then he would get a blue ticket. If you had ten blue tickets, you could get a red one. If you had ten red tickets, you could get a yellow one. If you had ten yellow tickets, you could get a new book.”可知换新书需要一百张红票,故填(Tom needed) one hundred (red tickets).
72.根据第二段“Tom had lots of tickets. He wasn’t very good at doing his homework, but he was good at trading...Finally, he had enough to get a new book.”可知汤姆擅长交易,最终通过交易获得了新书,故填By exchanging something.
73.根据第三段后文“The girl’s name was Becky Thatcher.”可知女孩是 Becky Thatcher,故填Becky Thatcher.
74.根据“Then Judge Thatcher asked him an easy question from his homework. Tom did not know the answer. He guessed. He was wrong. He was so wrong that the whole class laughed at him.”可知全班同学笑汤姆是因为他回答错了很简单的问题,故填Because he couldn’t answer the easy question correctly.
75.开放性问题,符合题意即可。参考答案为He is clever but not good at his lessons. / He is clever but not hardworking.
为培养青少年责任意识,提高青少年综合素养,学校英语俱乐部发起题为“Let’s take action!”的倡议活动。请根据下列提示,选择其中两个方面,写一份倡议书投稿。
Manners Volunteering Going green
●While travelling ●While eating ●... ●In the community ●In some charities ●... ●To save water ●To reduce pollution ●...
1. 词数:90词左右文章开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息;
3. 文章必须包含所选两个方面的全部要点,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺。
Let’s take action!
We teenagers are the master of the future.
Let’s take action!
We teenagers are the master of the future. On the one hand, we need to pay attention to manners. When traveling, you should shake hands with the person you first met. It is impolite to point your chopsticks at others while eating with them. And don’t make noise when you have your soup. What’s more, you should bring a gift when you are invited to a party and be sure to arrive on time or a few minutes earlier. On the other hand, our environment is changing for the worse, so it is time for us to go green! First of all, water is the source of life and every one of us should play a part in saving water. Secondly, we should use plastic bags less to reduce pollution. When we go to the supermarket, we should take a cloth bag with us. Last but not least, when we go out or travel, we should choose public transport as often as possible, because this will make less pollution.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



