
1.It makes________difference whether you take________umbrella or not on a rainy day .
A. a , a B. a ,an C. a , the D. /, an
2.The old lady couldn’t believe that________husband learned how to use Wechat all by______.
A. her, herself B. her, himself C. hers, himself D. her, himself
3.Much________his satisfaction, Mario finally helped to save the dog and he saw the look of joy________the owner’s face.
A. to, on B. in , in C. to , in D. in , from
4.He didn’t take your advice at that time, so he is in such a terrible________now.
A. competition B. relation C. situation D. communication
5.It sounded________when the rain beat_________against the windows.
A. terrible , heavily B. terribly , heavily
C. terribly, heavy D. terribly heavy
6.He used________to work on foot, but now he is used__________to work.
A. to go, to drive B. to going, to driving
C. to go, to driving D. to going, to drive
7.The bike boy told the teacher about his problem and the teacher helped to________a call-in center for parents.
A. pick up B. take up C. put up D. set up
8.Maria finally________when the noise________at midnight last night.
A. felt asleep, was dying down B. feel asleep, was dying down
C. fell asleep, was dying down D. fall asleep, died down
9.They don’t allow________in the hall, so they advise him________the cigarettes inside.
A. smoking, to take B. smoking, not to take
C. to smoke, to take D. smoking, taking
10.—Mum , it is too hot. ________I swim in the lake
—No, you________. That’s too dangerous.
A. Should, can’t B. Need, mustn’t C. Must, needn’t D. Could, mustn’t
11.He ran out of his money, so I________him some.
A. lended B. lent C. borrowed D. bought
12.It’s________to feel lonely and nervous when you don’t get on with your family.
A. unfair B. stressful C. typical D. normal
13.When we didn’t know what to do, he________us useful information.
A. provided B. will provide C. offered D. will offer
14.She________to an English program while her parents________TV.
A. was listening, is watching B. listened, were watching
C. was listening, watched D. was listening, were watching
15.________you push your kids, ________you kids will have.
A. The more hard, the more pressure B. The harder, the more pressure
C. The hard, the less pressure D. The more harder, the less pressure
16.You can see flowers on________side of the river bank. It is so beautiful.
A. each B. every C. both D. neither
17.—Sarah, you can’t use your phone________you are far away from the gas station.
--OK, I won’t do that again.
A. after B. when C. until D. before
18.I was walking home from school________I saw a strange light in the sky.
A. while B. when C. until D. so that
19.—Do you know________the iPad last week
—Sorry, I have no idea.
A. how much did she pay for B. how much she paid for
C. how much will she pay for D. how much she will pay for
20.My cousin had no idea how to take care of himself. ________, he often fell ill and his grades dropped.
A. However B. Whatever C. As a result D. And anyway
There was a sheepdog(牧羊犬)named Wylie. You couldn’t imagine how 1 she was! She could 2 the sheep well. She drove them out to 3 when they were hungry, and brought them home when it was time to sleep. When the sheep got afraid, Wylie knew well 4 to do.
But later, she was given to two kind men in the nearest town 5 her master was too old. There Wylie didn’t have to do any work – she was just a 6 dog. She looked happy at first. But not long, the family noticed something 7 about their pet. Every Tuesday night, Wylie went out and came back with her 8 coat wet the next morning. 9 knew where Wylie went.
Near the town was a big market. Farmers brought their sheep there for sale. The sheep were 10 being there. But every 11 morning, the farmers would see a little dog with silk coat come. The little dog 12 the sheep like a school teacher. She made them quiet but 13 hurt them! Every farmer would like to 14 the helpful dog but couldn’t catch her.
One day Wylie’s masters went to the market 15 her, and they met the sheep farmers. At that time, everyone knew the fact. Then they all loved Wylie better than ever.
21.A. weak B. beautiful C. clever D. silly
22.A. look for B. compare with C. take care of D. keep away from
23.A. sleep B. eat C. swim D. play
24.A. when B. how C. why D. what
25.A. because B. although C. unless D. if
26.A. show B. police C. pet D. guide
27.A. common B. wonderful C. clear D. strange
28.A. house B. winter C. silk D. paper
29.A. Everybody B. Nobody C. Anybody D. Somebody
30.A. afraid of B. pleased with C. interested in D. excited about
31.A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday
32.A. sold B. hurt C. led D. hit
33.A. sometimes B. always C. often D. never
34.A. keep B. drive C. save D. help
35.A. for B. by C. to D. with
Many traffic rules help drivers driving safely on American streets and highways. The most common ones are the speed limits. The speed limit tells how fast a car may go. On streets in the city, the speed limit is usually 25 or 35 miles per hour. On the highways between cities, the speed limit is usually 55 miles per hour. When people drive faster than the speed limit, a policeman can stop them.
The policeman gives them pieces of paper which people call traffic tickets. Traffic tickets tell the drivers how much money they must pay. When drivers receive too many tickets, they probably cannot drive for a while. The rush hour is when people are going to work or going home from work. At rush hour there are many cars on the streets and traffic moves very slowly. Nearly all American cities have rush hours. Drivers do not get tickets very often for speeding during the rush hours because they cannot drive fast.
36.The speed limit on streets in cities in American is___________.
A. 25 or 55 kilometers per hour B. 25 or 35 miles per hour
C. 35 or 40 kilometers per hour D. 55 miles per hour
37.Why DON’T drivers get tickets very often for speeding during rush hours
A. Because people are going to work in a rush.
B. Because they can speed during rush hours.
C. Because people can hardly drive faster than the speed limit.
D. Because there are no police around during rush hours.
38.What is a traffic ticket
A. A piece of paper given for rush hours
B. A piece of paper given by police for speeding
C. A piece of paper for a theater
D. A piece of paper on how fast a car may go
39.If a driver receives too many tickets, what will happen to him or her
A. He or she can’t drive for a while.
B. He or she can’t drive forever.
C. He or she may lose his/her driving licence.
D. He or she will go to prison.
40.Which of the statements is true?
A. The speed limit on highways between cities is 55 meters per hour.
B. The rush hour is when there are too many cars.
C. Traffic tickets don’t tell people how much money they should pay.
D. Drivers don’t get tickets for speeding very often during rush hours.
It was a quiet village in which there was a military camp. It was far from the towns and cities and there were some high mountains around. Of course it was a good place for training the new soldiers. But it was difficult for the young men to go outside. Mr. White, an officer of forty, was strict with them and he hardly let them leave the camp.
Once Mr. White was ill in bed. He couldn't work and a young officer, Mr. Hunt, began to train the new soldiers instead of him. He knew the young men well and let nine soldiers go to the nearest town to have a holiday. But night fell and none came back to the camp. He was worried about it and stood at the gate. It was five to twelve when Mr. Hunt decided to go to the town and see what was happening with the young men. He started the car quickly and set off. At that moment the nine soldiers came back. It seemed they were all drunk. Of course they found the officer was angry.
"I'm sorry, sir," said the first soldier. "I left the town on time. But something was wrong with my bus on my way here. I had to buy a horse and made it run fast. Bad luck! It died and I had to run back.”
And the other seven soldiers said they were late for the same reasons. It was the last soldier's turn. He said, "I'm sorry, sir. I got on a bus on time, but…"
Having heard this, the officer became even angrier and stopped him at once. He called out, "If you say something was wrong with your bus, I'll punish you at once!"
"No, no, sir," said the young man. "My bus was all right, but the dead horses were in its way!"
41.The military camp was built in the village to___________.
A. stop the soldiers going to towns B. stop the soldiers meeting their friends
C. train the new soldiers D. make the young men live quietly
42.Mr. Hunt let the nine soldiers have a holiday because___________.
A. he was kind to them B. they felt lonely
C. they had something important to do D. they were the best of all
43.The young officer was worried because___________.
A. a traffic accident had happened
B. he was afraid something happened to the nine soldiers
C. he had to wait for them until midnight.
D. the nine soldiers drank too much in the town
44.The nine soldiers returned to the camp late because___________.
A. something was wrong with their buses
B. their horses died on the return way
C. it took them much time to run back
D. they all had drunk much in the town
45.Which answer do you think is right
A. I'll believe only the last soldier.
B. The officer believed the nine soldiers.
C. I'll believe none of the nine soldiers.
D. The officer won't punish his soldiers.
In China, because of COVID -19, teachers came back to work after the Lunar New Year holiday to learn they would have to teach online. For some, it was the first time they had to do that.
Mr. Li in Chengdu teaches English to public high school students. He says he is teaching "mostly grammar or vocabulary, because it's not convenient for students to read, because some of them have a computer; some of them just have phones."
Li added that some students had gone to homes in the countryside without their textbooks. He said the local school organization trained teachers on how to use software for online teaching. They asked teachers not to introduce new knowledge they had planned for the school term.
"At the beginning, the students seemed quite interested," he said; "Recently I get the information- so, it's not quite good-and some of them just stay in the class for a few minutes and some students, they miss the classes."
Students can ask questions when they are online but, Li said, they do not because they are afraid to speak. In a classroom, he can pull out a student to speak one to one or provide other instruction, but that is not always easy to do online.
Li said that he has learned to love in-school communication with students and will provide more chances to do that when they return.
Liam Duffy, a university professor in Wenzhou, has also been teaching online for two weeks. His students use the VoiceThread app on Blackboard to upload videos instead of giving presentations in class.
Duffy said, "Even somebody who was shy and might not have spoken up in class is going to get their chance. They have to kind of be ‘out there’ on a platform. A quiet student wouldn't even be facing their classmates, and now they are facing the whole class."
46.Who is Mr. Li
A. He is an English teacher in Chengdu
B. A teacher who is afraid to speak.
C. A teacher who goes home without textbooks.
D. A teacher who trained students on how to use software.
47.How many reasons does Mr. Li give why he is teaching mostly grammar or vocabulary now?
A. one B. three C. four D. five
48.Why does Mr. Li love in-school communication with students?
A. He likes it because students can ask questions.
B. He can communicate better with his students.
C. He can pull out a student to speak privately.
D. He can use software.
49.What does the underline phrase mean
A. stop B. pick up C. give... a call D. pick out
50.From what Mr.Li and Liam Duffy say, we can know__________.
A. They both like teaching students online.
B. Neither of them likes teaching students online.
C. Liam Duffy thinks online teaching can also be helpful in some way.
D. Teachers can’t teach students well without the help of apps.
51."Do you like my dress " she asked a passing stranger. "My mommy made it just for me." She said with tears in her eyes.
“I think it’s very pretty. ①____________________________”
With a quiver(颤抖)in her voice the girl answered , “After Mommy made me this dress, she had to go to the heaven(天堂).” ②_______________________She gently held the child in her arms and they cried for the mommy that was gone.
Then suddenly the little girl stopped crying, stepped back and began to sing. She sang so softly that it was almost a whisper. It was the sweetest sound the woman had ever heard almost like the song of a very small bird.
③_______________________“My mommy used to sing that song to me before she went away, and she made me promise to sing it whenever I started crying and it would make me stop.”
“See,” she said, “it did, and now my eyes are dry!”
As the woman turned to go, the little girl stopped her. “Madam, can you stay just a minute ④________________________”
"Of course", she answered.
Pointing to a spot (点) on her dress, she said: “Right here is where my mommy kissed my dress and here,” pointing to another spot, “and here is another kiss, and here, and here. Mommy said that she put all those kisses so that I would have her kisses for everything that made me cry.”
⑤_______________________No, she was looking at a mother’s deep love for her daughter. She took all the love she had for her beautiful little girl and put them into this dress.
She not only saw a little girl in a simple dress. She saw a child wrapped(包裹) in her mother's love.
A. Then the woman realize that she wasn’t just looking at a dress.
B. After the little girl stopped singing, she said to the woman.
C. But why are you crying
D. Finally the woman realized what the child meant.
E. I want to show you something.
little, about, use, easy, time, protect, they, follow, nose, even
Nowadays, you can see many people busy with①________ smartphones( 智能手机) if you look around. Smartphones make our lives②________ than before. But have you ever thought③________ what they mean to your eyes Staring at (盯) smartphones for a long time makes your eyes dry and④________ causes a disease ( 疾病) called glaucoma (青光眼).
While you’re probably not going to stop⑤________ them, there are a few things you can do to⑥________ your eyes. Hold your smartphone at⑦________ 30 cm away from your eyes when using it. Take a break every hour and try the⑧________ steps: look at something more than 5 meters away from you and then focus on the tip of your⑨________. Repeat this several⑩________. It may reduce the discomfort in your eyes.
53.Dear Miss Yang,
I’d like to thank you for raising money for Animal Helpers. You helped to make ①_______ possible for me to have “Happy”. “ Happy” makes ②_______ big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.
“Happy” is a special trained monkey for the disabled. It is a good name for him. I feel very happy ③_______ have them. Being unable to use my hands easily is the main difficulty I face. “Happy” helps me to do many things like opening and shutting the doors, carrying things and even answering the telephones. He cheers me ④_______ a lot.
I’ll send you a photo of him, and I could show you ⑤_______ he helps me one day. I thank you again for supporting Animal Helpers and for changing my life.
Best wishes.
Leah White
54.A: ①_______________________
B: Oh, I’m cleaning my car.
A: ②___________________________
B: Of course. But don’t stay out late.
A: Could I stay out until 11 o’clock
B: ③____________________You have an English test tomorrow. You must prepare for it tonight.
A: OK. ④________________________
B: Sorry. I need to use it later.
A: ⑤___________________________
B: Yes, sure.
A. Could I go to Lisa’s birthday this evening
B. Could you help to clean my car
C. What would you like to do
D. Well, could you give me a ride to the party
E. No, you can’t.
F. Could I use your car
G. What are you doing, Mom
解析:考查冠词用法。句意:下雨天你带不带伞是不一样的。a修饰以辅音音素开头的可数名词单数,an修饰以元音音素开头的可数名词单数,the表示特指;第一个空,由于空格后的difference['d fr ns]是以辅音音素开头的可数名词单数,所以此处应用a;第二个空,由于空格后的umbrella[ m'brel ]是以元音音素开头的可数名词单数,且是第一次提到,故此处应用an。故选: B。
解析:考查介词辨析。句意:令他非常满意的是,Mario最后帮忙救了小狗,他看见了主人脸上高兴的表情。To his satisfaction,令他满意的是。由face,可知应为on one's face,在某人脸上。故答案为:A。
解析:考查名词.结合语境"当时我没听你的劝告,所以我的___很糟.".可知,应该是"处境".故选: C.
解析:本题考查短语辨析。A项pick up:捡起,获得,学会,B项take up:拿起,开始从事,占据(时间,地方);C项put up:提供,建造,举起;D项set up:建立,设立。根据题意,应该是“建立”热线电话,故答案为D。
解析:考查固定短语及动词时态。fall asleep意为"入睡,睡着",feel asleep搭配不当,排除A、B;根据last night可知主句时态为一般过去时,排除D。句意:昨晚午夜噪音渐渐消失时,玛丽亚终于睡着了。故选C。
解析:should, need, must, could 这些都是情态动词,后面都跟动词原形.should是shall的过去式,"应该",表示情理上应当.need"需要",表示一种需求.could是can的过去式,表示过去的能力或用于委婉的语气中,must可以表示肯定推测,"一定";can't"不可能,不可以",needn't"不用,不必",mustn't"千万不要。不准".由题干"妈妈,太热了。我能在湖里游泳吗 不,你不准.那太危险!"可知,第一个空格是"可以",用Could;第二个空格是"不准",用mustn't.因此答案应是Could; mustn't.故选: D.
解析:考查动词时态及固定搭配。句意:当我们不知道怎么办时,他给我们提供了有用的信息。根据时间状语从句可知主句动作发生于过去,应用一般过去时,排除B、D; provide sb. with sth.意为"给某人提供某物",offer sb. sth.意为“给某人提供某物”,排除A。故选C。
解析:根据She______to an English program while her parents_____TV,在这里while是当……的时候,它引导一个时间状语从句,而且主句和从句所表示的动作应该都正在进行,并且时态方面也应该保持一致,在这里所使用的时态是过去进行时,表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作或行为,结构为were或was+Ving形式.故选D.
解析:考查the+比较级……the+比较级句型。句意:你越加倍地给你的孩子施压,你的孩子受到的压力就越大。push your kids hard去给孩子施压,hard在这里是副词,努力地,辛苦地。副词比较级形式是harder。所以第一空是the harder。第二空根据句意,孩子的压力是越来越多的,用more。所以第二空是the more pressure。故答案是B。
解析:考查连词辨析。句意:我正在放学回家的路上,突然看见天空中有一道奇怪的光。while当……时,在……期间,与延续性动词连用;when当……时,可与瞬间性动词和延续性动词连用;until直到;so that以便于。saw为瞬间性动词,此处用when引导时间状语从句。故答案为B。
解析:根据Do you know,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法。在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项AC是疑问句语序,排除掉。再根据last week,可知这里句子使用的时态是一般过去时,表示说话这个动作发生在过去,时态应该用一般过去时.故选B.
解析:考查形容词.Weak弱的;beautiful美丽的;clever聪明的;silly傻的.根据下文"She could (2) the sheep well"和"She drove them out to(3)when they were hungry"可知,你不知道它有多聪明.它可以把羊群照看得很好.当它们饿了的时候,它能够驱赶它们去吃东西.故选C.
解析:考查动词短语.look for寻找;compare with和……比较;take care of照看;keep away from驱逐.根据下文"She drove them out to (3)when they were hungry"可知,它可以把羊群照看得很好,当它们饿了的时候,它能够驱赶它们去吃东西.故选C.
解析:考查动词.sleep睡觉;eat吃;swim 游泳;play玩耍.根据从句部分可知,当它们饿了的时候,它能够驱赶它们去吃东西.故选B.
解析:考查代词和副词.when何时;how怎样;why为什么;what什么.根据从句部分可知,当它们害怕时,威利很清楚怎样做(做什么)."what to do"我们习惯上翻译成为"怎么做";而"how to do"才真正是"怎么做".但是,在这个句子中,如果选how,那么在how to do中就没有do的逻辑宾语;而在"what to do"中,what作为do的逻辑宾语(我们可以说Wylie knew how to do it其中do的宾语是it).故选D.
解析:考查连词.because因为;although虽然;unless 除非;if如果.根据前后两句的关系可知,它们是因果关系,即后来它被人送给了最近的那个城镇的两个好人,因为它的主人年龄太大了.故选A.
解析:考查形容词.common普通的;wonderful精彩的;clear清楚的;strange奇特的.根据下文"Every Tuesday night,Wylie went out and came back with her(8)coat wet the next morning"可知,但是不久,这一家人就注意到他们的宠物有点奇怪,每个星期二晚上,威利都出去,第二天早晨穿着它的丝质外套回来.故选D.
解析:考查名词.house房子;winter冬天;silk丝绸;paper纸张.根据下文"But every(11) morning,the farmers would see a little dog with silk coat come"可知,但是每个星期三早晨,农户们会看到一只小狗穿着丝绸外套到来.故知它穿着丝质外套,句意:每个星期二晚上,威利都出去,第二天早晨穿着它的丝质外套回来.故选C.
解析:考查代词.Everybody每个人;Nobody没有人;Anybody任何人;Somebody某人.根据下文"At that time,everyone knew the fact"可知,那时大家才知道事实真相,故知此处说的是,没有人知道它去了哪里,故选B.
解析:考查形容词短语,afraid of 害怕;pleased with对……感到高兴;interested in对……感兴趣;excited about对……感到激动.根据下文"The little dog(12)the sheep like a school-teacher"可知,羊群在那里很激动.小狗像老师一样带领羊群.故选A.
解析:考查名词.Tuesday星期二;Wednesday星期三;Thursday星期四;Friday星期五.根据上文"Every Tuesday night,Wylie went out and came back with her (8)coat wet the next morning"可知,每个星期二晚上,威利都出去,第二天早晨(星期三)穿着它的丝质外套回来。但是每个星期三早晨,农户们会看到一只小狗穿着丝绸外套到来.故选B.
解析:考查动词.sold出售;hurt伤害;led领导(带领);hit击打.根据下文"She made them quiet but(13) hurt them"可知,小狗像学校老师一样带领羊群.它让它们保持安静,但是从不伤害它们.故选C.
解析:考查副词.sometimes有时;always 总是;often经常;never从不.根据下文"Every farmer would like to(14)the helpful dog but couldn't catch her"可知,它让它们保持安静,但是从不伤害它们.每个农民都喜欢喂养这只帮助人的小狗,但是却抓不住它.故选D.
解析:考查动词.keep喂养;drive驱赶;save节省(拯救);help帮助.根据语境可知,根据上文"The little dog(12)the sheep like a school-teacher"和"She made them quiet but(13) hurt them"可知,小狗像学校老师一样带领羊群.它让它们保持安静,但是从不伤害它们.每个农民都喜欢喂养这只帮助人的小狗,但是却抓不住它.故选A.
解析:细节理解题。根据第四句的On streets in the city, the speed limit is usually 25 or 35 miles per hour. 在城市的街道上,限速通常是每小时25或35英里。可知答案为:B。
解析:细节理解题。根据最后一句的Drivers do not get tickets very often for speeding during the rush hours because they cannot drive fast. 在交通高峰时间,司机们不常因超速而得到罚单,因为他们不能开快车。可知答案为:C。
解析:细节理解题。根据第五六句When people drive faster than the speed limit, a policeman can stop them. The policeman gives them pieces of paper which people call traffic tickets. 当人们超速行驶时,警察可以阻止他们。警察给他们一张人们称之为交通罚单的纸。可知答案为:B。
解析:细节理解题。根据第八句When drivers receive too many tickets, they probably cannot drive for a while. 当司机收到太多的车票时,他们可能一时无法开车。故答案为:A。
解析:细节理解题。根据第五句On the highways between cities, the speed limit is usually 55 miles per hour. 在城市之间的高速公路上,限速通常是每小时55英里。而不是每小时55米,可知A选项不符合文意;根据倒数第三四句The rush hour is when people are going to work or going home from work. At rush hour there are many cars on the streets and traffic moves very slowly. 高峰时间是人们上班或下班回家的时间。上下班高峰时,街上有许多汽车,交通十分缓慢。可知高峰时间并不是汽车太多的时候,可知B选项错误;根据第八句Traffic tickets tell the drivers how much money they must pay. 交通罚单告诉司机他们必须付多少钱。可知C选项不符合文意;根据最后一句 Drivers do not get tickets very often for speeding during the rush hours because they cannot drive fast. 在交通高峰时间,司机们不常因超速而得到罚单,因为他们不能开快车。可知D选项符合文意,故答案为:D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句Mr. Li in Chengdu teaches English to public high school students成都的李先生教公立高中学生英语。可知答案为:A。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句,他说,他教授的 "大部分是语法或词汇,因为学生不方便阅读,有些学生有电脑;有些学生只有电话。" 可知有3个理由,故答案为:B。
解析:词义猜测题。根据第五段的最后一句,可猜测其句意为 "在教室里,他可以让一个学生一对一地讲话或提供其他指导,但这并不总是很容易在网上完成的。" 故pull out意为 "挑出" 的意思,故答案为:D。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句Even somebody who was shy and might not have spoken up in class is going to get their chance. They have to kind of be 'out there' on a platform即使是一个害羞,在课堂上可能没有发过言的人,也会有机会,他们一定是 "站在讲台" 上。故利亚姆·达菲认为在线教学在某些方面也有帮助。故答案为:C。
解析:①考查上下文理解。根据上句的 "She said with tears in her eyes." "她眼里含着泪说。" 以及 "I think it's very pretty." "我觉得很漂亮。" 可知此处是这个女人问小女孩话,此处应该是一个问句,可能和哭有关,C选项 "但你为什么哭?" 较为符合,故答案为:C。
②考查上下文理解。根据前句的 "After Mommy made me this dress, she had to go to the heaven(天堂)." "妈妈给我做了这件衣服之后,她就要去天堂。" 可知此处和小女孩的解释有关,D选项 "女人终于明白了孩子的意思。" 较为符合,故答案为:D。
③考查上下文理解。根据前句的 "It was the sweetest sound the woman had ever heard almost like the song of a very small bird." "这是这个女人听过的最甜美的声音,几乎像一只小鸟的歌声。" 可知此处和小女孩的歌声有关,B选项 "小女孩停止唱歌后,她对那个女人说。" 较为符合,故答案为:B。
④考查上下文理解。根据前句的 "Madam, can you stay just a minute " "夫人,您能稍等一下吗?" 以及后句的 "Of course", she answered.“当然," 她回答。 可知此处应该是小女孩要对这位夫人做某件事,E选项“我想给你看点东西。" 较为符合,故答案为:E。
⑤考查上下文理解。根据后句的 "No, she was looking at a mother's deep love for her daughter." "不,她在看一位母亲对女儿的深情。" 结合选项,A选项 "然后这个女人意识到她不仅仅是在看一件衣服。" 较为符合,故答案为:A。
解析:①adj./形物+名词 be busy with their smartphones 忙着玩手机
②than说明用比较级,make sth.+形容词,手机让我们的生活比以前更方便
③think about 考虑
④even 甚至(不缺成分填副词),长时间盯着手机让你的眼睛干燥,甚至会引起疾病。
⑤stop doing sth. 停止做某事
⑥to do sth.表目的,protect your eyes 保护你的眼睛
⑦at least 至少
⑧the following steps, following—adj. 其次的,接着的;下面的
⑨your +n. the tip of your nose 你的鼻尖
⑩several times 几次
解析:①make it possible for sb. to do使做某事变得可能
②make a big difference to sth. 对……有大的影响
③to do sth.表目的
④cheer sb. up使某人高兴/振作起来
⑤show sb.+宾语从句
①情景交际题。根据文中 "Oh, I'm cleaning my car. 哦,我在清洗我的车。"可知上一句应该是问在干吗,G选项"What are you doing, Mom 你在干嘛呢妈妈?"符合题意,故答案选:G。
②情景交际题。根据文中"Of course. But don't stay out late. 当然可以。但是不要在外面待得太晚。"可知孩子想出去玩,所以上一句应该是提出出去玩的请求。A选项"Could I go to Lisa's birthday this evening 今天晚上我可以去参加丽莎的生日聚会吗?"符合题意,故答案选:A。
③情景交际题。根据文中"You have an English test tomorrow. You must prepare for it tonight. 你明天有英语考试。你今晚必须做好准备。"可知母亲不会答应那么晚回来,E选项"No, you can't. 不行。"符合题意,故答案选:E。
④情景交际题。根据文中" Sorry. I need to use it later. 对不起。我稍后需要用到它。"可知孩子在问母亲借交通工具,F选项"Could I use your car 我可以借你车一用吗?"符合题意,故答案选:F。
⑤情景交际题。根据上文可知,此时依然还在寻求去参加派对的方法,D选项"Well, could you give me a ride to the party 嗯,你能送我去派对吗?"符合题意,故答案选:D。



