
) (
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姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________
1.This city has got seven ________ people.
A. million B. millions C. millions of
2.I think ten hundred is a ______ .
A. thousand B. million C. kilometre
3.There are chickens in the photo.
A. a B. one C. three
4.There are twenty-five in the class.
A. child B. children C. girl
5.There weren't buses.
A. some B. any C. one
6.three × four =
A. eleven B. seven C. twelve
7.one + eight =
A. nine B. six C. seven
8.nine - six =
A. five B. three C. six
9.seven - two =
A. five B. nine C. four
10.— How many pandas are there
— There are pandas.
A. one B. three C. a
11.Two and is seven.
A. six B. five C. four
12.ten ÷ five =
A. four B. two C. five
13.Nine and three is ______.
A. eleven B. twelve C. six
14.One, two, three, ______, five.
A. four B. one C. five
15.________________ I write the name of a friend.
A. Well B. Once C. One D. First
16.Children's Day is on the of June.
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
17.Our art room is on the ___________floor.
A. one B. two C. second
18.New Year is on ________ day of January.
A. one B. first C. the first
19.Thursday is his _____________________ birthday.
A. eleven B. eleventh C. eleven's
20.I can see thirteen _______.
A. kite B. a kite C. kites
A. A B. some C. Six
22._________ peas lived together in a pod.
A. five B. Fifth C. Five
23.Jenny came _____ in the game.
A. one B. second C. firstly
24.Look at that book. There are ________ words in it.
A. three hundred B. three hundreds C. three thousands
25.He is 1.6 tall. He is than this desk.
A. meter; tall B. meters; tall C. meters; taller
26.Now there are only about ________ pandas in the wild.
A. one thousand and six hundreds
B. one thousand six hundred
C. one thousand and six hundred
27.There are ________ girls in our school.
A. nine hundreds B. nine hundred forty one C. nine hundred and forty-one
28.Tomorrow is my ______________ birthday. My parents will buy a big cake for me.
A. twelve B. twenty C. twelfth
29.The Great Wall is about twenty________ (thousand/thousands) kilometres.
30.It was the ________ (first/one) time for me.
31.There are two________ (library) in our school.
32.I have three________ (pen friend) from the US.
33.Our music room is on the ________(one) floor.
34.There are ________(third) computer rooms in my school.
35.There are twenty________ (child) in the class.
36.The music room is on the ________ (two) floor.
37.It's our ________ (one) spaceship.
38.It is more than two________ (thousand)years old.
39.My bedroom is on the ________ (two) floor.
40.May is the________(five) month of a year.
41.The ________(three) day, we went to the Great Wall.
42.Are you going to eat or play with the toys________(one)
43.Our classroom is on the ________ (three) floor.
44.The ________ (two) and the ________ (one) peas want to fly to the sun.
45.Miss Liu is on the ________ (three) floor.
46.I live on the________ (nine) floor of the building.
(1)three × five = ________
(2)________ + four = eighteen
(3)ten + ten = ________
(4)six + seven = ________
(5)ten - ________ = eight
例:cow 1
(1)cat ________
(2)pig ________
(3)sheep ________
(4)duck ________
(5)bird ________
A. ten B. sixteen C. seven D. fifteen E. six F. seventeen
例:eleven — four =______ five+five=A
(1)eleven — five=________
(2)nineteen — nine=________
(3)eighteen — three=________
(4)fourteen — seven=________
(5)thirteen + four=________
(6)twelve +four=________
⑴2,000________ A. eight thousand
⑵8,000________ B. two thousand
⑶40,000________ C. forty thousand
⑷800________ D. eight hundred
1.【答案】 A
【考点】概数(hundreds/thousands of)与确数
【解析】【分析】句意:这个城市有七……人口。基数词+million,表示几百万;millions of+名词复数,表示数百万……,前面不用基数词。seven7,是基数词,后接million。故选A.
2.【答案】 A
3.【答案】 C
4.【答案】 B
5.【答案】 B
6.【答案】 C

7.【答案】 A

8.【答案】 B

9.【答案】 A

10.【答案】 B
11.【答案】 B
12.【答案】 B

13.【答案】 B
14.【答案】 A
15.【答案】 D
16.【答案】 A
17.【答案】 C
18.【答案】 C
19.【答案】 B
20.【答案】 C
21.【答案】 C
22.【答案】 C
23.【答案】 B
【解析】【分析】句意:珍妮在比赛中得了……名。A1 ,是基数词;B第二,是序数词;C首先,副词,根据句意,在比赛中得到的名次用序数词。故选B.
24.【答案】 A
【解析】【分析】句意:看那本书。上面有......字。 三百的表达方法是three hundred,hundred不加s。同理三千,thousand也不加s。因此A选项正确。故答案为:A。
25.【答案】 C
26.【答案】 C
【解析】【分析】句意:现在野生的熊猫只有……只。表示确切数词是,千位与百位之间和and 连接,百或千前面有确切数词,千或百不能加s,与选项C 一千六百相匹配。故选C.
27.【答案】 C
【解析】【分析】句意:我们学校有……名女生。A格式错误,前面有确切数词,hundred后面不能用s,排除;B格式错误,百位和十位用and连接,排除;C 941。故选C.
28.【答案】 C
29.【答案】 thousand
【解析】【分析】句意:长城大约有两……公里。前面有确切数词,thousand后面不能接s。根据twenty20,twenty thousand两万。故答案为thousand.
30.【答案】 first
31.【答案】 libraries
32.【答案】 pen friends
【解析】【分析】句意:我有三个美国……。数词(1以上)+名词复数,pen friend笔友,名词复数是pen friends。故答案为pen friends.
33.【答案】 first
【解析】【分析】句意:我们的音乐室在……楼。on the+序数词+floor在第几层楼,one1,序数词是first第一。故答案为first.
34.【答案】 three
【解析】【分析】句意:我学校有……个电脑室。computer rooms电脑室,是名词,前面用基数词修饰,third第三,基数词是three3。故答案为three.
35.【答案】 children
36.【答案】 second
【解析】【分析】句意: 音乐室在……楼。 on the+序数词+floor表示第几层楼,介词短语,two序数词是second。故答案为second.
37.【答案】 first
38.【答案】 thousand
【考点】概数(hundreds/thousands of)与确数
【解析】【分析】句意:它有两千多年的历史了。 数词单位前有具体数字限制,数词用单数,故答案为thousand。
39.【答案】 second
【解析】【分析】句意:我的卧室在……楼。on the+序数词+floor,表示在第几层楼,介词短语,two,2 ,序数词是second,第二。故答案为second。
40.【答案】 fifth
41.【答案】 third
42.【答案】 first
43.【答案】 third/3rd
【解析】【分析】句意:我们的教室在……层楼。on the+序数词+floor表示在第几层楼,介词短语,three序数词是third/3rd,第三。故答案为third/3rd。
44.【答案】 second;first
【解析】【分析】句意:第二颗和第一颗豆子想要飞向太阳。这是和定冠词the搭配,都用序数词。two的序数词是second, one的序数词是first。故答案为:second, first。
45.【答案】 third
【解析】【分析】句意:刘小姐在……楼。on the+序数词+floor,表示在第几层楼,three序数词是third第三。故答案为third.
【点评】本题考查了序数词,注意牢记固定搭配on the+序数词+floor。
46.【答案】 ninth
47.【答案】 (1)fifteen
(2)14“fourteen”加上4等于18 。故答案为:fourteen 。
(5)10减去2“two”等于8 。故答案为:two。
48.【答案】 (1)1
49.【答案】 (1)E
【解析】【分析】A. ten 10,B. sixteen 16,C. seven 7,D. fifteen 15,E. six 6,F. seventeen 17
例:eleven—four =seven7;five+five=A。
50.【答案】 B;A;C;D
【解析】【分析】(1)2,000,英文表达是two thousand,B与其匹配,故选B。
(2)8,000,英文表达是eight thousand,A与其匹配,故选A。
(4)800,英文表达是eight hundred,D与其匹配,故选D。



