
1. We, sunbathing, during, enjoyed, the, day (.)
2. will, teach, I, to, you, swim, how (.)
3. you, exercise, should, more, do (.)
4. had, on, a, I, Saturday, interesting, day, very (.)
5. got, from, have, you, some food, China (.)
6. help, I, each, dream, people, other (.)
7. the, near, it’s, door (.)
8. on, What, see, school, to, can, the, you, way ( )
9. visit, last, went, Sunday, he, to, his, grandpa (.)
10.a, Can, use, you, computer ( )

11.Katie, gets, always, up, early (.)
12.is, address, China, his, this, in (.)
13.want, those, you, or, do, these ( )
14.an, we, class, yesterday, had, English (.)
15.cool, us trees, can, keep (.)
16.get, to, I, How, can, the, nature, park ( )
17.of, Chinese, shops, are, lots, there (.)
18.liked, I, much, very, them (.)
19.to, Please, soon, write, me (.)
20.Chinese, there, here, many, shops, are (.)
21.see, boy, we, classroom, a, the, in (.)
22.will, you, What, for, do, mum, your ( )
23.shall, we, where, have, it ( )
24.I, May, speak, Kitty, to ( )
25.car, Why, you, didn’t, the, take ( )
26.pandas, see, can, You, there, go, to, (.)
27.the, how, I, can, catch, dog ( )
28.has, she, twelve, one, lessons, week (.)
29.do, why, winter, you, like ( )
30.of, together, both, us, than, taller, it’s (.)
31.to, going, teach, is, me, to, Danny, skate (.)
32.Daming, to, the, goes, on, Friday, restaurant (.)
33.interesting, my, school, new, Canada, is, very, in (.)
34.train, I, how, can, get, the, to, station ( )
35.on, good, go, a, time, student, should, to, school, (.)
36.four, hours, took, it, get, to, there (.)
37.the, in, of, front, we, cinema, are (.)
38.does, Where, work, he ( )
39.read, you, yesterday, books, did, ( )
40.my, went, and, brother, to, Hainan (.)
41.going, fly, Tom, to, kite, next, a, Sunday, is ( )
42.are, play, going, who, to, you ( )
43.should, talk, the, library, you, not, in (.)
44.run, ferry, don’t, on, the (.)
45.my, homework, to, I, have, do, now, (.)
46.once a week, had, breakfast, Danny (.)
47.has, very, He, a, life, healthy (.)
48.bus, This, our, driver, is (.)
49.to, eat, what, would, you, like ( )
50.my, bigger, yours, than, are, feet ( )
51.they, what, on, do, do, Thanksgiving Day ( )
52.the, where, is, bookstore ( )
53.we, brush, twice, our, should, teeth, a, day, (.)
54.park, in, a, city, there, my, is (.)
55.stays, he, hard, healthy, works, and (.)
56.friend, likes, My, photos, taking (.)
57.you, best, to, wishes (.)
58.hospital, in, is, of, the, cinema, front, the, (.)
59.you, want, to, in, park, play, the, do ( )
60.my, notebook, Where, blue, is, ( )
1. We enjoyed sunbathing during the day.
2. I will teach you how to swim.
3. You should do more exercise.
4. I had a very interesting day on Saturday.
5. You have got some food from China.
6. I dream people help each other.
7. It’s near the door.
8. What can you see on the way to school
9. He went to visit his grandpa last Sunday.
10.Can you use a computer
11.Katie always gets up early.
12.This is his address in China.
13.Do you want these or those
14.We had an English class yesterday.
15.Trees can keep us cool.
16.How can I get to the nature park
17.There are lots of Chinese shops.
18.I liked them very much.
19.Please write to me soon.
20.There are many Chinese shops here.
21.We see a boy in the classroom.
22.What will you do for your mum
23.Where shall we have it
24.May I speak to Kitty
25.Why didn’t you take the car
26.You can go there to see pandas.
27.How can I catch the dog
28.She has twelve lessons one week.
29.Why do you like winter
30.It’s taller than both of us together.
31.Danny is going to teach me to skate.
32.Daming goes to the restaurant on Friday.
33.My new school in Canada is very interesting.
34.How can I get to the train station
35.A good student should go to school on time.
36.It took four hours to get there.
37.We are in front of the cinema.
38.Where does he work
39.Did you read books yesterday
40.My brother and I went to Hainan.
41.Is Tom going to fly a kite next Sunday
42.Who are you going to play
43.You should not talk in the library.
44.Don’t run on the ferry.
45.I have to do my homework now.
46.Danny had breakfast once a week.
47.He has a very healthy life.
48.This is our bus driver.
49.What would you like to eat
50.Are my feet bigger than yours
51.What do they do on Thanksgiving Day
52.Where is the bookstore
53.We should brush our teeth twice a day.
54.There is a park in my city.
55.He works hard and stays healthy.
56.My friend likes taking photos.
57.Best wishes to you.
58.The hospital is in front of the cinema.
59.Do you want to play in the park
60.Where is my blue notebook
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



