
厚德 笃学 慎思 力行
松南学校2023---2024学年度 (下) 八年级期中问诊测试
1. When you feel helpless and ________, just remember you are not ________ in the world because your friends are around you.
A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; lonely
2. There are ________ wonderful movies on TV and the Internet that we don’t need to go to the movie theater on weekends.
A. too many B. so many C. too much
考查词义辨析。too many太多,修饰可数名词;so many如此多的;too much太多,修饰不可数名词。根据“wonderful movies”可知空缺处修饰可数名词,故排除C;根据“that we don’t need to go to the movie theater on weekends”可知,此处为so...that引导的结果状语从句,B选项符合句意。故选B。
3. Our teacher didn’t allow us ________ too much noise because the other students were having an exam.
A. to make B. not to make C. making
考查非谓语动词。allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”,固定短语。故选A。
4. —There is no need for children ________ sports at home.
—I don’t agree. Why don’t they do sports ________ using smart phones
A. to do; take the place of B. to do; instead of C. doing; instead
【详解】句意:——对于孩子来说在家做运动没必要。 ——我不同意。为什么不让他们做运动代替使用智能手机呢?
考查非谓语动词和短语辨析。第一空考查句型There is no need for sb to do sth.意为“某人没有必要做某事”。第二空考查短语辨析,take the place of取代;instead of代替,后接sb,sth或doing sth;instead代替,通常单独使用。第二空不缺谓语,应用介词短语instead of。故选B。
5. ________ the volunteers in our city, the homeless got enough food and clothes.
A. Thanks for B. Thanks to C. Thank you
考查短语辨析。Thanks for感谢……;Thanks to多亏了;Thank you谢谢你。根据“...the volunteers in our city, the homeless got enough food and clothes.”可知,是多亏了志愿者们。故选B。
6. —Can you ________ me your homework
—Sorry, you can’t ________ homework from others. Copying others’ homework is wrong.
A. borrow, lend B. keep, borrow C. lend, borrow
考查动词辨析。borrow借入;lend借出;keep借,持续性动词。“Can you...me your homework ”可知要借出,用lend;根据“you can’t...homework from others”可知考查borrow sth. from sb.“从某人处借入某物”,故选C。
7. We are proud of ________ when we give others a hand and see the look of joy on their faces.
A. us B. ours C. ourselves
8. I’m going travelling to southern cities. Can you ________ me ________ some information about places of interest
A. offer, to B. provide, with C. provide, for
考查动词短语辨析。offer sth. to sb.把某物提供给某人;provide sb. with sth.给某人提供某物;provide sth. for sb.把某物提供给某人。根据空后的“me…information”可知,B选项的短语合适。故选B。
9. —Look! Our school library is in a mess.
—Let’s put the books on the bookshelves ________ other students can find them easily.
A. although B. in order to C. so that
考查目的状语从句。although尽管;in order to为了;so that以便于。“其他学生很容易找到”是“把书在书架上”的目的,用so that引导目的状语从句。故选C。
10. —My father likes to volunteer to help make cur neighborhood clean and so do I.
—Well done. I think you ________ your father.
A. take off B. take after C. take down
考查动词短语。take off起飞;take after像,指在外表、举止、性格方面像某家庭成员;take down取下。根据“My father likes to volunteer to help make cur neighborhood clean and so do I.”可知,我和父亲都喜欢自愿帮助邻居打扫卫生,因此此处是说我像我父亲。故选B。
二、完形填空 根据短文内容选择最佳答案(本题共10分,每小题1分)
In many families, no matter in China, in America or in other countries, moms do the most housework. So does Amber who is a doctor, having great ____11____ from her work. Every day, after a day’s work which makes her exhausted (精疲力竭的), she has to clean the house and cook for the whole family.
One day when she got home after work, she found that her room was completely ____12____. Though she wanted to clean the room as usual, she was too tired to do anything. She did ____13____, but sleep on the sofa to have a rest. When other family ____14____ came back home from their work, she didn't get up and continued ____15____. When they saw this, they began to ____16____ the room and put everything where it should be quietly. Then they cooked dinner themselves.
Amber said, “They were cleaning the room ____17____ I was lying on the sofa. And they did a great job which made me feel amazed and moved.” Then she realized that the whole family lived in one house so it was everyone’s duty (义务) ____18____ chores.
Now Amber teaches her family some ____19____ of doing chores so that they can do chores better. Her daughter says that she can’t ____20____ her mom all the time. Doing chores helps her to be independent. Now everyone in Amber’s family has got into the habit of helping out around the house.
11. A. independence B. development C. pressure
12. A. in a mess B. in danger C. in order
13. A. nothing B. anything C. something
14. A. volunteers B. friends C. members
15. A. playing B. reading C. sleeping
16. A. give up B. clean up C. cheer up
17. A. since B. because C. while
18. A. helping with B. help with C. to help with
19. A. skills B. relations C. interests
20. A. care for B. depend on C. take after
【答案】11. C 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. B
independence独立;development发展;pressure压力。根据“Every day, after a day’s work which makes her exhausted”可知,每天她都很累,压力很大。故选C。
in a mess杂乱;in danger处于危险中;in order整齐。根据“Though she wanted to clean the room as usual,”可知,房间很乱。故选A。
nothing没有事;anything任何事;something一些事。根据“but sleep on the sofa to have a rest”可知,她什么都没做,只是休息。故选A。
volunteers志愿者;friends朋友;members成员。此处是短语family members“家庭成员”。故选C。
playing玩;reading阅读;sleeping睡觉。根据“but sleep on the sofa to have a rest”可知她继续躺在沙发上睡觉。故选C。
give up放弃;clean up打扫;cheer up使振奋。根据“the room and put everything where it should be quietly”可知,他们开始打扫房子。故选B。
since自从;because因为;while与……同时。根据“They were cleaning the room...I was lying on the sofa.”可知,前后句的动作同时发生,应用while引导,故选C。
helping with帮助,动名词/现在分词;help with动词原形;to help with动词不定式。此处是it’s one’s duty to do sth.“做某事是某人的责任”。故选C。
skills技能;relations关系;interests兴趣。根据“Now Amber teaches her family some...of doing chores”可知,是教他们做家务的技能。故选A。
care for关心;depend on依靠;take after长得像。根据“Doing chores helps her to be independent.”可知,不能一直依赖妈妈。故选B。
三、 阅读理解 (每题1分,共20分)
Art Class
This design and art course starts in early February and ends in late April. In this course you will learn to draw pictures of persons.
When: From 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm every Wednesday
Where: Room 415, People CC
Who: Children from 7 to 12 years old
Cost: $180 for the whole course
Please call Moon at 6978899 for more information.
A Day Trip to Hydroponics Farm (溶液栽培农场)
Visit Healthcliff Hydroponics Farm. Learn how vegetables grow without soil. You can buy vegetables at bargain prices too. I’m sure you can pay less for what you want.
The one-day trip is on February 8th, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Cost: $20
Please call Hoon at 6297998 for more information.
21. How long does the art class last
A. Nearly two months. B. Almost three months. C. About four months.
22. What is a kid able to draw after he learns in the art class
A. Pictures of persons. B. Pictures of mountains. C. Pictures of animals.
23. How much should a 7-year-old kid pay if he takes the art class and the one-day trip
A. $20. B. $180. C. $200.
24. Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined phrase “bargain prices”
A. High prices. B. Low prices. C. Fair prices.
25. If an 8-year-old kid is interested in plants, he may ________.
A. go to Room 415, People CC
B. call Moon at 6978899
C. visit Healthcliff Hydroponics Farm
【答案】21. B 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. C
细节理解题。根据“This design and art course starts in early February and ends in late April.”可知,美术班持续三个月,故选B。
细节理解题。根据“In this course you will learn to draw pictures of persons.”可知,可以学习画人物。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Cost: $180 for the whole course”和“Cost: $20”可知,一共需要200美元,故选C。
词义猜测题。根据“I’m sure you can pay less for what you want.”可知,说明这些蔬菜价格不高,故选B。
细节理解题。根据“Visit Healthcliff Hydroponics Farm. Learn how vegetables grow without soil. ”可知,如果一个8岁的孩子对植物感兴趣,他可以参观Healthcliff水培农场。故选C。
Zhang Guimei is famous as the headmaster of Huaping High School. She puts all her life into helping the girls in Huaping of Lijiang to have the chances to go to school. Huaping is a small and poor village which lies in the southwestern part of China’s Yunnan Province. People there do not have enough money for kids, especially girls, to go to school. Therefore, Zhang Guimei has started our country’s first free high school for girls.
She is considered as a heroine (女英雄), not only because she starts such a free school, but also because she sticks to trying her best to talk with these girls to let them return to school and study hard. She has done it for more than ten years. As a result, she has changed many girls’ lives.
Although the school lies in the mountains, the students in Zhang Guime’s school perform well in the College Entrance Exam in Lijiang. She uses love and wisdom to help the girls who live in the village to realize their dreams. Since 2008, nearly 2,000 girls from this school have entered universities and changed their lives through education. Because of her contribution (贡献) to education, Zhang Guimei becomes a moral model (道德模范) and is written into the brief history (简史) of the People’s Republic of China in 2021.
Besides her, there are plenty of heroes in our daily lives, such as Yuan Longping who increases the output (产量) of rice, and Tu Youyou who makes a great contribution to medical development. Thanks to people like them, our country will develop faster and better.
根据短文内容判断正、误, 正确的写“A”, 错误的写“B”。
26. Huaping is in the southeastern part of China.
27. Zhang Guimei helps the girls who are too poor to go to school.
28. Since 2008, nearly 2,000 girls from Zhang Guimei’s school have entered high school.
29. Zhang Guimei has started our country’s first free high school for girls.
30. From the passage, we learn that Zhang Guimei is a heroine who helps many girls change their lives through education.
【答案】26. B 27. A
28. B 29. A
30. A
细节理解题。根据“Huaping is a small and poor village which lies in the southwestern part of China’s Yunnan Province.”可知,华坪在云南省的西南地区,而不是在中国的的西南地区。故答案为B。
推理判断题。根据“People there do not have enough money for kids, especially girls, to go to school. Therefore, Zhang Guimei has started our country’s first free high school for girls.”可知,张桂梅帮助那些贫困的女孩上学。故答案为A。
细节理解题。根据“Since 2008, nearly 2,000 girls from this school have universities and changed their lives through education.”可知,自从2008年以来,来自这个学校的近2000名女孩进入了大学并通过教育改变了她们的人生,而不是进入高中。故答案为B。
细节理解题。根据“Therefore, Zhang Guimei has started our country’s first free high school for girls.”可知,张桂梅创立了全国第一所免费的女子高中。故答案为A。
推理判断题。根据“She is considered as a heroine (女英雄), not only because she starts such a free school, but also because she sticks to trying her best to talk with these girls to let them return to school and study hard.”和“Since 2008, nearly 2,000 girls from this school have entered universities and changed their lives through education.”可知,从文中我们了解到,张桂梅是一位通过教育帮助众多女孩改变命运的女英雄。故答案为A。
If you’re planning a trip to London, don’t miss the chance to see Big Ben. Here are some fun facts about Big Ben.
People commonly use “Big Ben” to refer to the whole clock tower, but “Big Ben” is actually a nickname for the clock’s largest bell, which is officially (官方的, 正式的) called the Great Bell.
Big Ben was completed over 160 years ago and the tower holds the world’s second biggest four-faced chiming (报时) clock. It even survived (幸存) bomb attacks (炸弹袭击) during World War Ⅱ.
Each of the four clock faces is around 7 meters wide, with the hour hand that is about 2.75 meters long and the minute hand that is about 4.27 meters long. The Great Bell weighs about 13, 760 kilograms, while the hammer (锤子) that strikes it is about 200 kilograms.
People make sure that the time of the clock is correct, and they do so by winding (上发条) the clock three times a week. Back in the days when London was less developed, Big Ben’s mighty chimes (鸣响) could be heard as far as 15 kilometers away. Today, the sound waves don’t travel as far as before, since they are blocked by the buildings in and around the city.
With any luck this information will make your first trip to Big Ben more enjoyable. Let’s hope it will be the visit of a lifetime!
31. The writer talks about ________ in paragraph 2.
A. the size of Big Ben B. the time to build Big Ben C. the name of Big Ben
32. What is the fourth paragraph about
A. The history of the clock.
B. The shape of the Great Bell.
C. The sizes and weights of Big Ben’s parts.
33. The underlined word “strikes” means “________”.
A. hits B. kills C. hurts
34. Which of the following is NOT true about Big Ben
A. It has four clock faces.
B. It holds the second biggest four-faced chiming clock in the world.
C. It fell down during World War I.
35. Who is the author most likely to write this article for
A. Travelers. B. Teachers. C. Workers.
【答案】31. C 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. A
细节理解题。根据“People commonly use ‘Big Ben’ to refer to the whole clock tower, but ‘Big Ben’ is actually a nickname for the clock’s largest bell, which is officially (官方的, 正式的) called the Great Bell.”可知,作者在第二段中谈到了大本钟的名字。故选C。
段落大意题。根据“Each of the four clock faces is around 7 meters wide, with the hour hand that is about 2.75 meters long and the minute hand that is about 4.27 meters long. The Great Bell weighs about 13, 760 kilograms, while the hammer (锤子) that strikes it is about 200 kilograms.”可知,第四段主要讲了大本钟各部件的尺寸和重量。故选C。
词义猜测题。根据“The Great Bell weighs about 13, 760 kilograms, while the hammer (锤子) that strikes it is about 200 kilograms.”可知,句中的it指代the Great Bell,所以strikes的含义是“敲击”。故选A。
细节理解题。通读全文并根据“Big Ben was completed over 160 years ago and the tower holds the world’s second biggest four-faced chiming (报时) clock.”及“Each of the four clock faces is ...”可知,文章并未提及大本钟在第一次世界大战期间倒塌了。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“If you’re planning a trip to London, don’t miss the chance to see Big Ben. Here are some fun facts about Big Ben.”及“With any luck, this information will make your first trip to Big Ben more enjoyable. Let’s hope it will be the visit of a lifetime!”可知,这篇文章最有可能是写给游客的。故选A。
It is said that the eyes are the windows of our soul (心灵). ____36____ Your eyes need everyday attention.
First, you have to pay more attention to what you eat every day. ____37____ Vitamins A and B2 should also be taken.
Second, you must have a good sleep. ____38____ Sleep can help the body to repair its tired part. Usually, you must sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day. If you don’t have enough sleep, you’ll get a pair of dark circles under your eyes.
____39____ Do eye exercises every day. Blink (眨眼) your eyes to make the eyeballs watery.
Last, you should use your eyes correctly. Fox example, if a small thing goes into your eye, don’t rub (揉) it. Rubbing is bad for your eyes. ____40____ You’d better use sunglasses to stop the sunshine from shining directly into your eyes. Too much reading, watching television or working on the computer can also cause eye tiredness, so a good rest is needed.
Follow the tips above and take care of God’s most beautiful gift!
A. It relaxes the eye and gives them the rest needed.
B. Have more fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, eggs, and milk.
C. Next, it’s necessary for you to exercise your eyes every day.
D. However, to have healthy eyes, you have to look after them properly.
E. Don’t read or write in poor or bright sunlight because it makes your eyes tired.
【答案】36. D 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. E
根据“It is said that the eyes are the windows of our soul (心灵)”和“Your eyes need everyday attention”可知,据说眼睛是我们心灵的窗户,你的眼睛需要每日关注。故空格处内容应与保护眼睛相关。选项D“然而,要想拥有健康的眼睛,你必须好好照顾它们。”符合语境。故选D。
根据“First, you have to pay more attention to what you eat every day”可知,首先,你必须更加注意你每天吃的东西,故空格处内容应与饮食相关。选项B“多吃新鲜水果、蔬菜、鱼、蛋和牛奶。”符合语境。故选B。
根据“Second, you must have a good sleep”和“Sleep can help the body to repair its tired part”可知,第二,你必须有一个良好的睡眠,且睡眠可以帮助身体修复疲劳的部分,故空格处应介绍睡眠让我们的眼睛得以休息。选项A“它能放松眼睛,让眼睛得到必要的休息。”符合语境。故选A。
根据“Do eye exercises every day. Blink (眨眼) your eyes to make the eyeballs watery”可知,每天做眼保健操。眨眼使眼球湿润,故空格处内容应与让眼睛运动有关。选项C“其次,你有必要每天锻炼你的眼睛。”符合语境。故选C。
根据“Last, you should use your eyes correctly”可知,最后,你应该正确使用你的眼睛,故空格处内容应与正确用眼有关。选项E“不要在昏暗或明亮的阳光下看书或写字,因为这会使你的眼睛疲劳。”符合语境。故选E。
四,交际运用(共 15 分)
从A—G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)
A: Hello, may I speak to Jack
B: This is Jack speaking. ____41____
A: This is Sam. I called you last night, but there was no reply.
B: ____42____ I bought something for my trip to Hong Kong.
A: Hong Kong How lucky you are!
B: So I am ____43____
A: I’ll have a birthday party next Thursday. Would you like to come
B: I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t come! ____44____
A: What a pity that you can’t come! ____45____
B: Thank you very much, Bye!
A: Bye.
A. Have a good time.
B. My plane will take off next Thursday.
C. What are you doing
D. I was shopping at that time.
E. Who’s that
F. I’ll stay there for a week.
G. What did you call me for
【答案】41. E 42. D 43. G 44. B 45. A
根据“This is Sam.”可知,此处是在询问对方是谁,英语中常用指示代词this和that来指代电话中的双方,选项E“你是谁?”符合语境。故选E。
根据“I called you last night, but there was no reply.”可知,此处是在解释为什么没接电话,选项D“那时我正在购物。”符合语境。故选D。
根据“I’ll have a birthday party next Thursday. Would you like to come ”可知,此处是在询问对方当时打电话的原因,选项G“你打电话给我干什么?”符合语境。故选G。
根据“I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t come!”可知,此处是在解释去不了的原因,选项B“我的飞机下周四起飞。”符合语境。故选B。
根据前文提到杰克要去香港旅行及“Thank you very much”可知,此处是萨姆在祝福杰克玩得开心,选项A“玩得开心”符合语境。故选A。
根据对话的情境,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整(每小题2分,共 10分)。
Dave: You look sad, Kim. ____46____
Kim: Well I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. She took some of my new magazines and CDs.
Dave: Hmm... that’s not very nice. ____47____
Kim: Yes, but I’m still angry with her. ____48____
Dave: Well, I guess you could tell her to say sorry. But why don’t you forget about it so that you can be friends again Although she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal.
Kim: You’re right. ____49____.
Dave: No problem. ____50____.
【答案】46. What’s wrong
47. Did she give them back to you
48. What should I do
49. Thanks for your advice
50. Hope things work out
根据“You look sad, Kim.”可知金姆看起来很伤心,所以此处应是询问怎么了。故填What’s wrong。
根据“She took some of my new magazines and CDs.”及“Yes, but I’m still angry with her.”可知,此处是在询问妹妹是否归还杂志和光盘。故填Did she give them back to you。
根据“Well, I guess you could tell her to say sorry.”可知戴夫在给出建议,所以此处应是金姆想寻求解决问题的办法。故填What should I do。
根据“No problem.”可知,此处金姆应是在对戴夫的建议表示感谢。故填Thanks for your advice。
根据前文提到金姆对戴夫的建议表示感谢及“No problem.”可知,此处应是表示希望一切顺利。故填Hope things work out。
先阅读(A) (B) (C)三篇文章,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列三项任务。
A hurricane (飓风) is a huge storm that forms over warm ocean water. Hurricanes have ____51____ (wind) that move in a circle. Hurricane winds are very powerful, and can move at speeds from 120 km/h to over 300 km/h.
The center of hurricane winds is ____52____ (call) the eye. Winds in the eye ____53____ (be) not very strong. Around the eye is an area called the eye wall. The wall is where winds are the ____54____ (strong) and rain is the heaviest.
Strong winds and heavy rain can do a lot of damage (破坏) when a hurricane moves over land.
Hurricane winds can be strong enough to break windows into ____55____ (piece). The winds can even knock over tall trees, which might fall on ____56____ (build) or cars. Strong winds can pick up objects and send ____57____ (they) into the air, causing damage.
Heavy rain from a hurricane can cause floods in areas that are not close to a coast. The flood water can be very deep. It sometimes ____58____ (reach) almost up to the top of houses. Water goes into the houses ____59____ (quick) and does a lot of damage. Wooden structures (结构) might not be safe after a flood.
Although there is no way to prevent a hurricane, you can get ____60____ (prepare) for it.
【答案】51. winds
52. called 53. are
54. strongest
55. pieces 56. buildings
57. them 58. reaches
59. quickly
60. prepared
句意:虽然没有办法预防飓风,但你可以做好准备。此处是固定短语get prepared for“为……做准备”,故填prepared。
Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.
On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help.
After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you can’t seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells about his own story and how to grasp one’s own life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.
61. Where did the accident happen on April 26, 2003
62. Why couldn’t Aron move
63. How did Aron free himself
64. What did Aron do after the accident
65. What do you think of Aron
【答案】61. In Utah
62. Because a 360-kilo rock fell on his right arm and he could not free his arm
63. He used his knife to cut off half his right arm
64. He wrote a book and continued to climb mountains
65. He is a tough and brave man
【导语】本文讲述了美国登山爱好者Aron Ralston在2003年4月26日独自在犹他州登山时,右臂被一块360公斤重的落石压住,在孤立无援且水源耗尽的情况下,他选择用刀子切断自己的右臂自救,并最终成功下山寻求帮助的故事。
根据“On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.”可知,这个事故发生在犹他州。故填In Utah。
根据“Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days”可知,Aron的手臂被一块重达360公斤的落石压住,并且他无法挣脱手臂,所以他在那里待了五天。故填Because a 360-kilo rock fell on his right arm and he could not free his arm。
根据“So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm.”可知,为了从巨石下挣脱,他用刀子切断自己的右臂。故填He used his knife to cut off half his right arm。
根据“After losing his arm, he wrote a book”和“he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.”可知,这次事故后,他写了一本书,并且还继续爬山。故填He wrote a book and continued to climb mountains。
本题答案不唯一。根据“Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days...He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm.”可知,当他被困在巨石下五天后,他没有放弃。他切断了自己的手臂以保全自己。由此可知Aron是一个坚强且勇敢的人。参考答案为He is a tough and brave man。
Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.
Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. “It’s hard work,” he says, “but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces.”
Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. “The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they’re going on a different journey with each new book . Volunteering here is a dream come true for me, I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.”
66. Mario would like ________ ________ an animal doctor.
67. Mario works ________ an animal hospital because he wants to learn about how to ________ for animals.
68. Mary decided to ________ ________ for a job at an after-school reading program last year.
69. Mary still ________ there now to help ________ learn to read.
70. Mary has a ________ job because she can do ________ she loves to do
【答案】66. ①. to ②. be
67. ①. for ②. care
68. ①. try ②. out
69. ①. works ②. kids
70. ①. dream ②. what
根据“Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. ”可知,马里奥想成为一名动物医生。故填to;be。
根据“He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.”和“but I want to learn more about how to care for animals”可知,马里奥在一家动物医院工作,因为他想学习如何照顾动物。work for“为……工作”;care for“照顾”,空前有动词不定式符号to,动词用原形。故填for;care。
根据“she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.”可知,玛丽去年决定试着在一个课外阅读项目中找一份工作。故填try;out。
根据“She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read.”可知,她仍然每周在那里工作一次,帮助孩子们学习阅读。故填works;kids。
根据“Volunteering here is a dream come true for me, I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.”可知,玛丽有一份理想的工作,因为她可以做她喜欢做的事情。dream job“理想工作”。故填dream;what。
六.书面表达 (共 15 分)
71. 假如你是Amy,今天班会课上同学们讨论了上周末大家的活动,你的美国笔友Tommy对此很感兴趣,请你根据以下信息,给Tommy写一封电子邮件,告诉他讨论的情况,并说说中学生应该做家务的原因。
1.讨论主题 (theme): 我们的周末活动
(1) 张丽做了运动、听了音乐,
(2) 王峰看了英文电影,
(3) 你帮助父母做了家务。
2.可适当加入细节,使内容充实, 行文连贯。
4.至少80 词。
Dear Tommy,
How are you doing ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dear Tommy,
How are you doing I’m writing to tell you something about the class meeting held today. The theme of the class meeting is about the activities at the weekends. Here are the activities of several students in our class. Zhang Li did some exercise and listened to some music. Wang Feng watched an English movie. As for me, I helped my parents with the housework and let them relax after working the whole day.
I think it is important for teenagers to do the housework. On the one hand, it can help teenagers to get necessary life skills. On the other hand, it can develop their responsibilities.
Best wishes!
①tell sb. about sth.告诉某人某事
②help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事
③be important for sb. to do sth.做某事对某人很重要
①I think it is important for teenagers to do the housework.(省略that的宾语从句)
②On the one hand, it can help teenagers to get necessary life skills. On the other hand, it can develop their responsibilities. (On the one hand...On the other hand...一方面……另一方面……)厚德 笃学 慎思 力行
松南学校2023---2024学年度 (下) 八年级期中问诊测试
1. When you feel helpless and ________, just remember you are not ________ in the world because your friends are around you.
A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; lonely
2. There are ________ wonderful movies on TV and the Internet that we don’t need to go to the movie theater on weekends.
A. too many B. so many C. too much
3 Our teacher didn’t allow us ________ too much noise because the other students were having an exam.
A. to make B. not to make C. making
4. —There is no need for children ________ sports at home.
—I don’t agree. Why don’t they do sports ________ using smart phones
A. to do; take the place of B. to do; instead of C. doing; instead
5. ________ the volunteers in our city, the homeless got enough food and clothes.
A. Thanks for B. Thanks to C. Thank you
6. —Can you ________ me your homework
—Sorry, you can’t ________ homework from others. Copying others’ homework is wrong.
A. borrow, lend B. keep, borrow C. lend, borrow
7. We are proud of ________ when we give others a hand and see the look of joy on their faces.
A. us B. ours C. ourselves
8. I’m going travelling to southern cities. Can you ________ me ________ some information about places of interest
A. offer, to B. provide, with C. provide, for
9. —Look! Our school library is in a mess.
—Let’s put the books on the bookshelves ________ other students can find them easily.
A. although B. in order to C. so that
10. —My father likes to volunteer to help make cur neighborhood clean and so do I.
—Well done. I think you ________ your father.
A. take off B. take after C. take down
二、完形填空 根据短文内容选择最佳答案(本题共10分,每小题1分)
In many families, no matter in China, in America or in other countries, moms do the most housework. So does Amber who is a doctor, having great ____11____ from her work. Every day, after a day’s work which makes her exhausted (精疲力竭的), she has to clean the house and cook for the whole family.
One day when she got home after work, she found that her room was completely ____12____. Though she wanted to clean the room as usual, she was too tired to do anything. She did ____13____, but sleep on the sofa to have a rest. When other family ____14____ came back home from their work, she didn't get up and continued ____15____. When they saw this, they began to ____16____ the room and put everything where it should be quietly. Then they cooked dinner themselves.
Amber said, “They were cleaning the room ____17____ I was lying on the sofa. And they did a great job which made me feel amazed and moved.” Then she realized that the whole family lived in one house so it was everyone’s duty (义务) ____18____ chores.
Now Amber teaches her family some ____19____ of doing chores so that they can do chores better. Her daughter says that she can’t ____20____ her mom all the time. Doing chores helps her to be independent. Now everyone in Amber’s family has got into the habit of helping out around the house.
11. A. independence B. development C. pressure
12. A. in a mess B. in danger C. in order
13 A. nothing B. anything C. something
14. A. volunteers B. friends C. members
15. A. playing B. reading C. sleeping
16. A. give up B. clean up C. cheer up
17. A. since B. because C. while
18. A. helping with B. help with C. to help with
19. A. skills B. relations C. interests
20. A. care for B. depend on C. take after
三、 阅读理解 (每题1分,共20分)
Art Class
This design and art course starts in early February and ends in late April. In this course you will learn to draw pictures of persons.
When: From 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm every Wednesday
Where: Room 415, People CC
Who: Children from 7 to 12 years old
Cost: $180 for the whole course
Please call Moon at 6978899 for more information.
A Day Trip to Hydroponics Farm (溶液栽培农场)
Visit Healthcliff Hydroponics Farm. Learn how vegetables grow without soil. You can buy vegetables at bargain prices too. I’m sure you can pay less for what you want.
The one-day trip is on February 8th, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Cost: $20
Please call Hoon at 6297998 for more information.
21. How long does the art class last
A. Nearly two months. B. Almost three months. C. About four months.
22. What is a kid able to draw after he learns in the art class
A. Pictures of persons. B. Pictures of mountains. C. Pictures of animals.
23. How much should a 7-year-old kid pay if he takes the art class and the one-day trip
A. $20. B. $180. C. $200.
24. Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined phrase “bargain prices”
A. High prices. B. Low prices. C. Fair prices.
25. If an 8-year-old kid is interested in plants, he may ________.
A. go to Room 415, People CC
B. call Moon at 6978899
C. visit Healthcliff Hydroponics Farm
Zhang Guimei is famous as the headmaster of Huaping High School. She puts all her life into helping the girls in Huaping of Lijiang to have the chances to go to school. Huaping is a small and poor village which lies in the southwestern part of China’s Yunnan Province. People there do not have enough money for kids, especially girls, to go to school. Therefore, Zhang Guimei has started our country’s first free high school for girls.
She is considered as a heroine (女英雄), not only because she starts such a free school, but also because she sticks to trying her best to talk with these girls to let them return to school and study hard. She has done it for more than ten years. As a result, she has changed many girls’ lives.
Although the school lies in the mountains, the students in Zhang Guime’s school perform well in the College Entrance Exam in Lijiang. She uses love and wisdom to help the girls who live in the village to realize their dreams. Since 2008, nearly 2,000 girls from this school have entered universities and changed their lives through education. Because of her contribution (贡献) to education, Zhang Guimei becomes a moral model (道德模范) and is written into the brief history (简史) of the People’s Republic of China in 2021.
Besides her, there are plenty of heroes in our daily lives, such as Yuan Longping who increases the output (产量) of rice, and Tu Youyou who makes a great contribution to medical development. Thanks to people like them, our country will develop faster and better.
根据短文内容判断正、误, 正确的写“A”, 错误的写“B”。
26. Huaping is in the southeastern part of China.
27. Zhang Guimei helps the girls who are too poor to go to school.
28. Since 2008, nearly 2,000 girls from Zhang Guimei’s school have entered high school.
29. Zhang Guimei has started our country’s first free high school for girls.
30. From the passage, we learn that Zhang Guimei is a heroine who helps many girls change their lives through education.
If you’re planning a trip to London, don’t miss the chance to see Big Ben. Here are some fun facts about Big Ben.
People commonly use “Big Ben” to refer to the whole clock tower, but “Big Ben” is actually a nickname for the clock’s largest bell, which is officially (官方的, 正式的) called the Great Bell.
Big Ben was completed over 160 years ago and the tower holds the world’s second biggest four-faced chiming (报时) clock. It even survived (幸存) bomb attacks (炸弹袭击) during World War Ⅱ.
Each of the four clock faces is around 7 meters wide, with the hour hand that is about 2.75 meters long and the minute hand that is about 4.27 meters long. The Great Bell weighs about 13, 760 kilograms, while the hammer (锤子) that strikes it is about 200 kilograms.
People make sure that the time of the clock is correct, and they do so by winding (上发条) the clock three times a week. Back in the days when London was less developed, Big Ben’s mighty chimes (鸣响) could be heard as far as 15 kilometers away. Today, the sound waves don’t travel as far as before, since they are blocked by the buildings in and around the city.
With any luck, this information will make your first trip to Big Ben more enjoyable. Let’s hope it will be the visit of a lifetime!
31. The writer talks about ________ in paragraph 2.
A. the size of Big Ben B. the time to build Big Ben C. the name of Big Ben
32. What is the fourth paragraph about
A. The history of the clock.
B. The shape of the Great Bell.
C. The sizes and weights of Big Ben’s parts.
33. The underlined word “strikes” means “________”.
A. hits B. kills C. hurts
34. Which of the following is NOT true about Big Ben
A. It has four clock faces.
B. It holds the second biggest four-faced chiming clock in the world.
C. It fell down during World War I.
35. Who is the author most likely to write this article for
A. Travelers. B. Teachers. C. Workers.
It is said that the eyes are the windows of our soul (心灵) ____36____ Your eyes need everyday attention.
First, you have to pay more attention to what you eat every day. ____37____ Vitamins A and B2 should also be taken.
Second, you must have a good sleep. ____38____ Sleep can help the body to repair its tired part. Usually, you must sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day. If you don’t have enough sleep, you’ll get a pair of dark circles under your eyes.
____39____ Do eye exercises every day. Blink (眨眼) your eyes to make the eyeballs watery.
Last, you should use your eyes correctly. Fox example, if a small thing goes into your eye, don’t rub (揉) it. Rubbing is bad for your eyes. ____40____ You’d better use sunglasses to stop the sunshine from shining directly into your eyes. Too much reading, watching television or working on the computer can also cause eye tiredness, so a good rest is needed.
Follow the tips above and take care of God’s most beautiful gift!
A. It relaxes the eye and gives them the rest needed.
B. Have more fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, eggs, and milk.
C. Next, it’s necessary for you to exercise your eyes every day.
D. However, to have healthy eyes, you have to look after them properly.
E. Don’t read or write in poor or bright sunlight because it makes your eyes tired.
四,交际运用(共 15 分)
从A—G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)
A: Hello, may I speak to Jack
B: This is Jack speaking. ____41____
A: This is Sam. I called you last night, but there was no reply.
B: ____42____ I bought something for my trip to Hong Kong.
A: Hong Kong How lucky you are!
B: So I am. ____43____
A: I’ll have a birthday party next Thursday. Would you like to come
B: I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t come! ____44____
A: What a pity that you can’t come! ____45____
B: Thank you very much, Bye!
A: Bye.
A. Have a good time.
B. My plane will take off next Thursday.
C. What are you doing
D. I was shopping at that time.
E. Who’s that
F. I’ll stay there for a week.
G. What did you call me for
根据对话的情境,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整(每小题2分,共 10分)。
Dave: You look sad, Kim. ____46____
Kim: Well, I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. She took some of my new magazines and CDs.
Dave: Hmm... that’s not very nice. ____47____
Kim: Yes, but I’m still angry with her. ____48____
Dave: Well, I guess you could tell her to say sorry. But why don’t you forget about it so that you can be friends again Although she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal.
Kim: You’re right. ____49____.
Dave: No problem. ____50____.
先阅读(A) (B) (C)三篇文章,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列三项任务。
A hurricane (飓风) is a huge storm that forms over warm ocean water. Hurricanes have ____51____ (wind) that move in a circle. Hurricane winds are very powerful, and can move at speeds from 120 km/h to over 300 km/h.
The center of hurricane winds is ____52____ (call) the eye. Winds in the eye ____53____ (be) not very strong. Around the eye is an area called the eye wall. The wall is where winds are the ____54____ (strong) and rain is the heaviest.
Strong winds and heavy rain can do a lot of damage (破坏) when a hurricane moves over land.
Hurricane winds can be strong enough to break windows into ____55____ (piece). The winds can even knock over tall trees, which might fall on ____56____ (build) or cars. Strong winds can pick up objects and send ____57____ (they) into the air, causing damage.
Heavy rain from a hurricane can cause floods in areas that are not close to a coast. The flood water can be very deep. It sometimes ____58____ (reach) almost up to the top of houses. Water goes into the houses ____59____ (quick) and does a lot of damage. Wooden structures (结构) might not be safe after a flood.
Although there is no way to prevent a hurricane, you can get ____60____ (prepare) for it.
Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.
On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help.
After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you can’t seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells about his own story and how to grasp one’s own life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.
61. Where did the accident happen on April 26, 2003
62. Why couldn’t Aron move
63. How did Aron free himself
64. What did Aron do after the accident
65. What do you think of Aron
Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.
Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. “It’s hard work,” he says, “but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces.”
Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. “The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they’re going on a different journey with each new book . Volunteering here is a dream come true for me, I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.”
66 Mario would like ________ ________ an animal doctor.
67. Mario works ________ an animal hospital because he wants to learn about how to ________ for animals.
68. Mary decided to ________ ________ for a job at an after-school reading program last year.
69. Mary still ________ there now to help ________ learn to read.
70. Mary has a ________ job because she can do ________ she loves to do
六.书面表达 (共 15 分)
71. 假如你是Amy,今天班会课上同学们讨论了上周末大家的活动,你的美国笔友Tommy对此很感兴趣,请你根据以下信息,给Tommy写一封电子邮件,告诉他讨论的情况,并说说中学生应该做家务的原因。
1.讨论主题 (theme): 我们的周末活动
(1) 张丽做了运动、听了音乐,
(2) 王峰看了英文电影,
(3) 你帮助父母做了家务。
2.可适当加入细节,使内容充实, 行文连贯。
4.至少80 词。
Dear Tommy,
How are you doing ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



