人教版七年级下册 Unit 9 What does he look like? 重点词汇、变形、短语、句型复习巩固.(含答案)

七年级下册 Unit 9重点词汇、短语、句型复习巩固
My cousin is strong with short s hair.
Her parents are tall but she is of medium h .
There will be a bus along in a few minutes.
Her f turned red when she saw the handsome boy.
It is a quarter to four. I’ll meet you half an hour l .
The little boy has a (圆的) face and a small mouth.
This box is so h . I can’t carry it. Can you help me
My n can’t stop running. I’m sure I have a bad cold.
He is an easy (人) and he likes talking with others.
His dream of being a teacher comes true in the (最后).
There will be two tennis matches on CCTV-5 (今晚).
(每个) student in the class had their own unique opinion.
Jay Chou is a popular s and children like him very much.
Do you want to go to the c tonight The movie is exciting.
Some people like to wear (滑稽的) glasses and tell jokes.
Tony doesn't know how to (描述) the man’s appearance.
He opened his m wide so the doctor could examine his teeth.
Sometimes my (小的) brother relaxes with my mother at home.
Mrs. Green bought a pair of j for her son , a skirt for her daughter.
Xu Beihong is a famous a in our country and he has many great works.
tall (adj.) — (反义词,矮的)
straight (adj.) — (反义词,卷曲的)
high (adj.) — (n. 高度)
thin (adj.) — (反义词,胖的)
heavy (adj.) — (反义词,轻的)
glass (n.) — (复数)
handsome (adj.) — (反义词,丑陋的)
act (v.) — (n. 男演员) — (n. 女演员)
person (n.) — (adj. 私人的)
face (n.) — (adj. 面部的)
sing (v.) — (n. 歌手)
art (n.) — (n. 艺术家)
put (v.) — (过去式)
describe (v.) — (n. 描述)
difference (n.) — (adj. 不同的) — (adv. 不同地)
real (adj.) — (adv. 真正地)
She has two big (eye) and a round face.
Each (woman) gets some flowers as a gift.
My sister is going to buy a pair of (glass).
Two days (late), her parents came back home.
It’s raining (heavy). You'd better not go outside.
We have our own (way) to do with our problems.
Don’t ask people (person) questions. It’s not polite.
She is carefully describing what the criminal (look) like.
My daughter is good at drawing. She wants to be an (art).
The policeman may (know) the way to the bank. Let’s ask him.
My brother usually (wear) his school uniform on school days.
We are going to (watch) the football match tomorrow evening.
I remember (put) my key into my bag, but now it’s not there!
The police need you (describe) what the criminal looks like.
My best friend is neither tall nor short. She is of medium (high).
You can always find his (face) expression (表情) is very strange.
The man often volunteers to teach in the poor areas. He’s (real) kind-hearted.
My father doesn’t think Chinese is so useful as math. But I think (different).
She is one of our country’s best (actress) and she has acted in many great films.
There are a few (tomato), but there is little (juice) in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some.
长得像 2. 短发
3. 卷发 4. 长发
5. 直发 6. 中等身高
7. 有点晚 8. 在……的前面
9. 戴眼镜 10. 棕色的头发
11. 我最喜爱的男/女演员 12. 一张圆脸
13. 一个大鼻子 14. 金发
15. 一张长脸 16. 一张小嘴
17. 大眼睛 18. 穿牛仔裤
19. 一份有趣的工作 20. 告诉某人某事
21. 画一张……的画 22. 同样的方式
23. 棕色的卷发 24. 黑色的短发
25. 让某人做某事 26. 同一个人
27. 30岁 28. 首先,第一
1. 我可能会晚一点。
I a little late.
How about
Can you tell me Linda
My cousin has .
That girl has blue blonde hair.
Mr. Smith has a .
, they don’t always .
, only one sun remained.
Are you tonight
He is short and he looks .
Can you help me the picture the newspaper
I people her new look.
Mr. Brown always to have classes every day.
I’m poor in math but I English.
Just him the cinema first.
People don’t always see things .
My mother tall and thin, and she hair.
Her English teacher with short curly hair.
He wants to each criminal, but the job is sometimes difficult.
It was raining very heavily. I went out and felt the rain with a freezing wind on my face. We had our meal and went to sleep.
In the middle of the night, I ____________ (1) (hear) a loud thud (砰的一声) outside. I got up the courage and looked out through the window. There was’ a little dog ____________ (2) (stay) on an old rug (地毯) which my mother had put outside the door. It was we t and shaking. It had a black body, so at first it was difficult ____________ (3) (see) at night. It was the yellow spots (斑点) on its eyes that helped me notice it. It was trying to get inside the old rug to avoid the cold air outside and it managed to get in as I could see only his head outside the rug.
I felt pity for the poor ____________ (4) (animal). I went near the little dog and wiped (擦) it till he was dry. Then I ____________ (5) (take) him inside and made him a bed with an old scarf and a small pillow. He seemed very ____________ (6) (relax) and comfortable in his new bed and went to sleep quickly.
The next morning, I asked my parents, if we could keep him. They agreed and ____________ (7) (slow) Spotty became part of the family. Days passed on and he could take care ____________ (8) the house when we were out.
Almost a year later, one midnight we heard Spotty barking (吠). We came out but saw nothing special outside. The next morning, I woke up and couldn’t find Spotty. I searched for ____________ (9) (he) everywhere, but he was nowhere to be seen. We waited for one long week. ____________ (10) there were no signs of him.
To this day. I still wonder what happened to him. But the question in my mind remains unanswered forever.
一.1. straight 2. height 3. another 4. face 5. later 6. round 7. heavy 8. nose 9. person
end 11. tonight 12. Each 13. singer 14. cinema 15. funny 16. describe 17. mouth
18. little 19. jeans 20. artist
二.1. short 2. curly 3. height 4. fat 5. light 6. glasses 7. ugly 8. actor; actress 9. personal 10. facial 11. singer 12. artist 13. put 14. description 15. different; differently 16. really
三.1. eyes 2. woman 3. glasses 4. later 5. heavily 6. ways 7. personal 8. looks 9. artist
10. know 11. wears 12. watch 13. putting 14. to describe 15. height 16. facial 17. really
18. differently 19. actresses 20. tomatoes; juice
四.1. look like 2. short hair 3. curly hair 4. long hair 5. straight hair
medium height 7. a little late 8. in front of 9. wear glasses
brown hair 11. my favorite actor/actress 12. a round face 13. a big nose 14. blond hair 15. a long face 16. a small mouse 17. big eyes
18. wear jeans 19. an interesting job 20. tell sb. sth. 21. draw a picture of... 22. the same way 23. curly brown hair 24. short black hair 25. let sb. do sth.
26. the same person 27. thirty years old 28. first of all
五.1. may be 2. another cake 3. what; looks like 4. a round face 5. eyes with 6. very interesting job 7. Is; tall or short 8.Also; remember well 9. In the end 10. going to the cinema 11. a little fat
12. put; in 13. don’t think; like 14. wears glasses 15. am good at 16. meet; in front of
17. the same way 18. is; has straight black 19. is of medium height 20. draw a good picture of
六.1. heard 2. staying 3. to see 4. animals 5. took
6. relaxed 7. slowly 8. of 9. him 10. but



