
(答卷时间:60分 满分:100分)
1. A. right B. write C. left
2. A. cola B. bread C. hamburger
3. A. shirt B. trousers C. clothes
4. A. dollar B. thirteen C. cent
5. A. careful B. wonderful C. want
6. It’s time to ______ home now. ( )
A. going B. go C. went
7. Three days ago, Sam ______ a letter to me. ( )
A. write B. writes C. wrote
8. Which ruler is longer(更长的), this one ______ that one ( )
A. but B. or C. and
9. They ______ going back to the US. ( )
A. will B. is C. are
10. We'll always ________ friends. ( )
A. are B. be C. is
11. I’m going to learn with my new friends ______. ( )
A. happy B. happily C. happiness
12. We can write ______ English. ( )
A in B. to C. on
13. —______ dress do you like, the red one or the blue one ( )
—I like the blue one.
A. What B. Which C. Where
14. He ______ study History. ( )
A. is going B. is going to C. going to
15. Are you going to Shanghai ______ July ( )
A on B. in C. at
A. Yes, there is. B. By bus. C. Yes, I can. D. I was born in 2008. E. They are eating bananas.
16. Can you speak French ( )
17. What are they doing ( )
18. When was you born ( )
19. Is there a letter for me ( )
20. How do you go to school ( )
Yesterday was Sunday. Lucy was very busy. In the morning, she ___21___ her mother do the housework. Then she ___22___ the flowers. After lunch, she ___23___ to a park with her friend. In the evening, she ___24___ her homework and ___25___ TV.
A. helped B. did C. watched D. watered E. went
Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday
Mike: ___26___
Zhang: Really Did you like it
Mike: ___27___
Sarah: Hainan is far from here How did you go there
Mike: ___28___
Zhang: How was the beach What did you do there
Mike: It was beautiful. ___29___ and I also went swimming.
Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime
Mike: ___30___
A. We went there by plane.
B. Sure.
C. Yes, it was warm.
D. I took lots of pictures
E. My family and I went to Sanya.
A. B. C. D. E.
31. Look! The balloons are flying away. ( )
32. Lingling writes a letter to Jim. ( )
33. My hobby is playing football. ( )
34. Let’s have a picnic in the park on Saturday. ( )
35. This is a stamp from the UK. ( )
There are forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basketball. They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English girl in our class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoon. She is my good friend.
36. There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class. ( )
37. There are two American girls and one English boy in our class. ( )
38. Jack and Mike are our good friends. ( )
39. Jack and Mike like playing basketball. ( )
40. Lucy often does her homework on Saturday afternoon. ( )
Hi, I’m Ellen. Tomorrow is Saturday. I’m going to get up at 7:00. Then, I’m going to do morning exercises. At 8:30, I’m going to do my homework. At 10:00, I’m going to visit my grandparents with my sister. It is far. So we are going to go there by bus. I’m going to climb mountains with my grandpa in the afternoon. At about 6:00, my sister and I are going to go home. Then I’m going to watch TV. I think I will have a busy Saturday.
41. What day is it tomorrow
42. What is Ellen going to do at 8:30 on Saturday
43. What is Ellen going to do on Saturday afternoon
44. When is Ellen going to go home
45. Will Ellen have a busy Saturday
46. What ______ they ______ (do) next Sunday
47. Amy is good at ______ (dance).
48. It’s easy ______ (make) mistakes if you are not careful.
49. Ten years ago, Miss Li ______ (be) a dancer.
50 Sam came into the classroom and ______ (see) some friends there.
51. Keep on ______(learn), and you will be the best.
52. Wishing you ________ (happy) every day.
53. My cousin ______ (give) me an apple when I was hungry.
54. Please enjoy ______ (you) meal.
55. There ______ (be) any milk on the desk.
56. 作文。
When Sunday
Who Sam and Daming
Where park
How bus
What have a picnic, fly kites
(答卷时间:60分 满分:100分)
1. A. right B. write C. left
2. A. cola B. bread C. hamburger
3. A. shirt B. trousers C. clothes
4. A. dollar B. thirteen C. cent
5. A. careful B. wonderful C. want
【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C
6. It’s time to ______ home now. ( )
A. going B. go C. went
【详解】句意:现在该回家了。本题考查动词的形式。It’s time to do sth.该做某事了。go是动词原形,故选B。
7. Three days ago, Sam ______ a letter to me. ( )
A. write B. writes C. wrote
【详解】句意:山姆三天前写了一封信给我。本题考查动词的形式。write写,根据Three days ago可知时态为一般过去时,write过去式为wrote,故选C。
8. Which ruler is longer(更长的), this one ______ that one ( )
A. but B. or C. and
9. They ______ going back to the US. ( )
A. will B. is C. are
10. We'll always ________ friends. ( )
A. are B. be C. is
11. I’m going to learn with my new friends ______. ( )
A. happy B. happily C. happiness
12. We can write ______ English. ( )
A. in B. to C. on
【详解】句意:我们可以用英语写。本题考查介词固定搭配,in English用英语,故选A。
13. —______ dress do you like, the red one or the blue one ( )
—I like the blue one.
A. What B. Which C. Where
14. He ______ study History. ( )
A. is going B. is going to C. going to
【详解】句意:他将要学历史。结合选项,可知本题考查一般将来时,be going to+动词原形,故选B。
15. Are you going to Shanghai ______ July ( )
A. on B. in C. at
A. Yes, there is. B. By bus. C. Yes, I can. D. I was born in 2008. E. They are eating bananas.
16. Can you speak French ( )
17. What are they doing ( )
18. When was you born ( )
19. Is there a letter for me ( )
20. How do you go to school ( )
【答案】16 C 17. E
18. D 19. A
20. B
句意:你是怎么上学的?答语回答交通方式 ,选项B“坐公共汽车。”句子匹配,故选B。
Yesterday was Sunday. Lucy was very busy. In the morning, she ___21___ her mother do the housework. Then she ___22___ the flowers. After lunch, she ___23___ to a park with her friend. In the evening, she ___24___ her homework and ___25___ TV.
A. helped B. did C. watched D. watered E. went
【答案】21. A 22. D 23. E 24. B 25. C
句意:晚上,她做作业和看电视。做作业did her homework,did符合句意,故选B。
Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday
Mike: ___26___
Zhang: Really Did you like it
Mike: ___27___
Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there
Mike: ___28___
Zhang: How was the beach What did you do there
Mike: It was beautiful. ___29___, and I also went swimming.
Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime
Mike: ___30___
A. We went there by plane.
B. Sure.
C. Yes, it was warm.
D. I took lots of pictures
E. My family and I went to Sanya.
【答案】26. E 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. B
A. B. C. D. E.
31. Look! The balloons are flying away. ( )
32. Lingling writes a letter to Jim. ( )
33. My hobby is playing football. ( )
34. Let’s have a picnic in the park on Saturday. ( )
35. This is a stamp from the UK. ( )
【答案】31. D 32. C
33. A 34. E
35. B
There are forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basketball. They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English girl in our class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoon. She is my good friend.
36. There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class. ( )
37. There are two American girls and one English boy in our class. ( )
38. Jack and Mike are our good friends. ( )
39. Jack and Mike like playing basketball. ( )
40. Lucy often does her homework on Saturday afternoon. ( )
【答案】36. T 37. F
38. T 39. F
40. F
句意:我们班有三十九个中国学生。根据There are forty-two …two American boys. 和There is one English girl in our class. 可知班里共有42个学生,包括两个美国男孩和一个英国女孩,计算可知有39个中国学生。与短文内容相符。故答案为T。
句意:我们班有两个美国女孩和一个英国男孩。根据There are also two American boys. 和There is one English girl in our class. 可知班里有两个美国男孩和一个英国女孩。与短文内容不符。故答案为F。
句意:杰克和迈克是我们的好朋友。根据They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. 可知杰克和迈克是我们的好朋友。与短文内容相符。故答案为T。
句意:杰克和迈克喜欢打篮球。根据They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basketball. 可知他们喜欢看电视,但他们不喜欢打篮球。与短文内容不符。故答案为F。
句意:露西经常在星期六下午做作业。根据She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoon. 可知她通常在晚上做家庭作业。她经常在星期六下午看电视。与短文内容不符。故答案为F。
Hi, I’m Ellen. Tomorrow is Saturday. I’m going to get up at 7:00. Then, I’m going to do morning exercises. At 8:30, I’m going to do my homework. At 10:00, I’m going to visit my grandparents with my sister. It is far. So we are going to go there by bus. I’m going to climb mountains with my grandpa in the afternoon. At about 6:00, my sister and I are going to go home. Then I’m going to watch TV. I think I will have a busy Saturday.
41. What day is it tomorrow
42. What is Ellen going to do at 8:30 on Saturday
43. What is Ellen going to do on Saturday afternoon
44 When is Ellen going to go home
45. Will Ellen have a busy Saturday
【答案】41. It is Saturday tomorrow.
42. She’s going to do her homework.
43 She’s going to climb mountains with her grandpa.
44. At about 6:00.
45. Yes, she will.
句意:明天是星期几?根据“Tomorrow is Saturday.”,可知明天是星期六,故答案为It is Saturday tomorrow.
句意:艾伦星期六八点半打算做什么?根据“At 8:30, I’m going to do my homework.”,可知艾伦星期六八点半做作业,故答案为She’s going to do her homework.
句意:艾伦星期六下午打算做什么?根据“I’m going to climb mountains with my grandpa in the afternoon.”,可知艾伦星期六下午打算和爷爷爬山,故答案为She’s going to climb mountains with her grandpa.
句意:艾伦什么时候回家?根据“At about 6:00, my sister and I are going to go home.”,可知艾伦大约6点回家,故答案为At about 6:00.
句意:艾伦星期六会很忙吗?根据“I think I will have a busy Saturday.”,可知艾伦星期六会很忙,答语为肯定回答,故答案为Yes, she will.
46. What ______ they ______ (do) next Sunday
【答案】 ①. will ②. do
【详解】句意:他们下周日要做什么?根据next Sunday可知本题考查一般将来时,will+动词原形,故答案为will,do。
47. Amy is good at ______ (dance).
【详解】句意:艾米擅长跳舞。本题考查动词的形式。be good at擅长,后面的动词用动名词形式,dance的动名词是dancing,故答案为dancing。
48. It’s easy ______ (make) mistakes if you are not careful.
【答案】to make
【详解】句意:如果你不认真这很容易出错。本题考查动词的形式。It’s+形容词+to do sth.做某事怎样。故答案为to make。
49. Ten years ago, Miss Li ______ (be) a dancer.
【详解】句意:十年前,李小姐是一名舞蹈演员。本题考查be动词。根据时间可知句子是一般过去时,主语Miss Li是第三人称单数,be用is的过去式was,故答案为was。
50. Sam came into the classroom and ______ (see) some friends there.
51. Keep on ______(learn), and you will be the best.
52. Wishing you ________ (happy) every day.
【详解】句意:祝你每天快乐。本题考查名词的用法。wishing后面可以跟双宾语,you是间接宾语,后面用happy (快乐的)的名词形式happiness (快乐)做直接宾语,故答案为happiness。
53. My cousin ______ (give) me an apple when I was hungry.
54. Please enjoy ______ (you) meal.
55. There ______ (be) any milk on the desk.
56. 作文。
When Sunday
Who Sam and Daming
Where park
How bus
What have a picnic, fly kites
Tomorrow is Sunday. Sam and Daming are going to the park. They are going there by bus. They are going to have a picnic and fly kites. They will have a good time.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求根据表格信息,简单介绍Sam和Daming明天的计划。然后再阐述什么时候,地点,交通方式和要做的事情。注意文章主要为一般将来时态。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:Sunday星期天,go to the park去公园,by bus坐公共汽车,have a picnic去野餐,fly kites放风筝
参考句型:Tomorrow is …; Sam and Daming are going to …;They are going to …; They will …



