2023-2024人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册期末真题专练 专题12完形填空(含解析)

专题12 完形填空
(22-23六年级下·山东临沂·期末)读短文,看看Wu Binbin发生的有趣的事情,选择合适的词。
Wu Binbin had a race with his father and Max. There 1 many people there. His father 2 very fast, 3 Wu Binbin could not. There was nothing he could do. He was so 4 . “I could run fast at school,” he thought. “ 5 am I slow now ” Wu Binbin drank some 6 . Suddenly he felt 7 . He could run fast again.
There was a 8 race. There were 9 animals in that race. Wu Binbin ran like a cheetah. He could win the race! But suddenly he tripped and fell. Then he woke up. He was in bed. It was a 10 !
( )1.A.are B.were C.was
( )2.A.runs B.run C.ran
( )3.A.but B.and C.then
( )4.A.funny B.happy C.worried
( )5.A.Who B.Why C.What
( )6.A.water B.beef C.apples
( )7.A.sad B.bad C.good
( )8.A.second B.third C.fourth
( )9.A.much B.many C.any
( )10.A.dream B.holiday C.race
(22-23六年级下·广东佛山·期末)Read and choose A, B or C.
I am giving a speech(演讲) at the party.
Dear teachers and classmates,
I am so 11 to stand here and give a speech. 12 the six years ,we’ve all grown up and changed a lot. When I first 13 to this school, I was quiet. And now, I am more active and 14 .
I like our school. Our school is 15 bigger than before. We can 16 football on the playground. My good friend Alice often 17 pictures in the art room. We have fun everywhere.
I want to 18 all of our teachers for their hard work. Last year, Ms. Cai 19 me a lot with my English. I will never forget that.
I love my classmates. I enjoy the time with you. Sometimes we have different 20 but we listen to each other and find a good way.
Thank you so much. Congratulations to all my fellow graduates, and best wishes for a bright future ahead.
( )11.A.excite B.excited C.exciting
( )12.A.On B.Over C.Ago
( )13.A.went B.came C.come
( )14.A.happy B.happier C.the happiest
( )15.A.much B.many C.more
( )16.A.played B.playing C.play
( )17.A.draw B.drew C.draws
( )18.A.thank B.thanks C.thanked
( )19.A.helped B.helps C.helping
( )20.A.idea B.ideas C.an idea
(22-23六年级下·山东临沂·期末)Read and choose. 完形填空。
I go to school from Monday 21 Friday. My favourite day is Monday. 22 Monday I have maths, English, music and PE. In English class, I often do some reading and 23 . I play 24 piano or sing songs in music class. In the afternoon I have PE class. I sometimes play 25 football or exercise in the gym.
( )21.A.in B.to C.on D.at
( )22.A.At B.On C.In D.With
( )23.A.write B.writes C.writing D.wrote
( )24.A.a B.an C.the D.不填
( )25.A.a B.an C.the D.不填
Hello! My name is Lily. Last Sunday, my parents and I 26 to Shanghai. I really had an 27 day! In the morning, we 28 a science museum. In the afternoon, we went 29 in a big supermarket. There were 30 people there. I was excited because there were so many 31 . Could I 32 any of them I like My parents said,“Yes!" We forgot the time and we have 33 for food at noon. When we left 34 five big bags of things, it was nine o’clock in the evening. On our way home, I 35 in a car with my toys.
( )26.A.went B.go C.are going
( )27.A.good B.exciting C.great
( )28.A.visit B.visited C.visits
( )29.A.shop B.shopping C.shops
( )30.A.lots of B.lot of C.a lots of
( )31.A.toy pandas B.toys panda C.toys pandas
( )32.A.bought B.buy C.to buy
( )33.A.nothing B.anything C./
( )34.A.and B.for C.with
( )35.A.sleep B.slept C.sleeping
(22-23六年级下·吉林白城·期末)读短文, 根据短文内容选择正确的答案。
Hello! I’m Lily, a 12-year-old girl. I have a good friend. Her name is Sally. She is 13. She is one year 36 than me. She’s 1.68m 37 . Sally is 42kg. I’m 40kg. She is 2kg 38 than me. Sally is very beautiful. She is an active girl. She likes 39 the piano. I like it too. But she plays 40 than me. We always have a good time together.
( )36.A.old B.older C.younger
( )37.A.tall B.taller C.tallest
( )38.A.thinner B.shorter C.heavier
( )39.A.play B.playing C.plays
( )40.A.good B.best C.better
Hello, I’m Wu Ming. Welcome to our school. Look at the old photos first. Our school was 41 . There was only one small 42 . We didn’t have a dining hall 43 a library. There was no gym 44 . Our school changed a lot. Now it is 45 . There are 46 teaching buildings. We have a new dining hall and we have lunch there with our teachers. There are many 47 in the new library. We often 48 in it. There is a beautiful garden now. There are a lot of flowers and grass in the garden. In front of the garden there 49 new gym. We sometimes have our 50 classes there.
( )41.A.big B.small C.short
( )42.A.buildings B.building C.computer
( )43.A.or B.and C.but
( )44.A.to B.too C.either
( )45.A.bigger B.smaller C.longer
( )46.A.three B.a C.one
( )47.A.book B.books C.clothes
( )48.A.see a film B.read books C.play sports
( )49.A.are B.was C.is
( )50.A.Chinese B.maths C.PE
Mary is from the USA.She’s now in Beijing 51 her parents. She studies in a Chinese school. She often 52 Chinese with her classmates. But they can’t understand(理解) her 53 she is only speak a little Chinese.
It’s a Friday afternoon. Mary wants 54 to the zoo after school. She wants to see the elephants. She asks her classmates 55 to get there. But they 56 understand her. She’s very worried. Then she has an idea. She takes out her pen 57 a piece of paper. She draws 58 elephant on it. Her classmates look 59 the picture, and they know Mary wants to go to the zoo. So they tell 60 the way.
( )51.A.to B.for C.with
( )52.A.speaking B.speaks C.speak
( )53.A.if B.because C.so
( )54.A.to go B.go C.goes
( )55.A.when B.how C.where
( )56.A.didn’t B.weren’t C.can’t
( )57.A.but B.or C.and
( )58.A.a B.an C.two
( )59.A.at B.up C.for
( )60.A.her B.him C.she
Gu Ailing was born (出生) in the US, where she learned how to 61 . Her father is American and her mother is 62 . She always came back to China with her mother during her holidays. She 63 Chinese nationality (国籍) when she 64 fifteen years old. Now she is a talented freestyle skier (自由滑雪选手) and the 65 female Olympic gold medalist (奥运会女子金牌得主) in freestyle skiing (自由滑雪) in Chinese history. She is also a model and top 66 . What a 67 girl! To my surprise (令我惊讶的是), she sleeps ten hours a day. “That makes me 68 ,” said Gu Ailing. And she 69 every day. She hopes to use 70 as “a bridge” between China and the US.
( )61.A.play B.swim C.ski
( )62.A.Chinese B.American C.Canadian
( )63.A.gets B.get C.got
( )64.A.was B.were C.is
( )65.A.second B.first C.one
( )66.A.teacher B.pilot C.student
( )67.A.interesting B.super C.funny
( )68.A.kind B.quiet C.healthy
( )69.A.run B.running C.runs
( )70.A.sports B.music C.food
This is my friend, Zhang Peng. He comes from Shandong. He 71 a lot. Before he 72 fat, but now he is thin and tall. He has a red schoolbag, it is 73 than Sarah’s. He often puts 74 umbrella in his bag. There are many books in the bag, too. He is always 75 . Look! He’s helping Sarah carry the bag.
( )71.A.change B.changed
( )72.A.was B.were
( )73.A.big B.bigger
( )74.A.a B.an
( )75.A.helpful B.strict
Lucy is an American girl. She lives in Suzhou 76 their parents, Mr King and Mrs King. Mr King is a doctor. He 77 in a hospital. Mrs King is a teacher in our school. She is 78 English teacher. All the students are friendly to her. And she loves us too. Lucy 79 a lot of friends. They all like eating Chinese food very much. 80 Sunday morning, they usually go shopping. They often buy a lot of things.
( )76.A.and B.with C.also
( )77.A.lives B.walks C.works
( )78.A.we B.our C.us
( )79.A.have B.has C.there are
( )80.A.In B.At C.On
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A
1.句意:那儿有许多人。句子是一般过去时,many people是复数,故be动词用are的过去式were,故选B。
10.句意:这是一场___!A梦,B假日,C比赛,根据句子“Then he woke up. He was in bed.”,可知是一场梦,故选A。
11.B 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.B
17.句意:我的好朋友爱丽丝经常在美术室画画。根据often可知,该句是一般现在时态,主语My good friend Alice是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。A动词原形;B动词的过去式;C动词的第三人称单数形式。故选C。
18.句意:我想要感谢我们所有老师的辛勤工作。want to do sth.想要做某事,to后跟动词原形。A感谢,动词原形;B感谢,动词第三人称单数;C动词的过去式。故选A。
19.句意:去年,蔡老师在我的英语学习上帮助了我很多。去年Last year是一般过去时的标志词,所以该空动词用过去式。A动词的过去式,B动词的第三人称单数,C动词的现在分词。故选A。
21.B 22.B 23.C 24.C 25.D
22.句意:在星期一我有数学课,英语课,音乐课和体育课。on+具体的一天,on Monday在周一,故选B。
23.句意:在英语课上,我经常做一些阅读和写作。A动词原形,B动词的第三人称单数,C动名词,C动词的过去式,do是动词其后用动名词,reading and writing并列做do的宾语,故选C。
24.句意:在音乐课我弹钢琴或者唱歌。play后面是乐器,一般都加定冠词the,play the piano弹钢琴,故选C。
25.句意:有时候我在健身房踢足球或锻炼。play后面是球类,不加冠词,play football踢足球,故选D。
26.A 27.B 28.B 29.B 30.A 31.A 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.B
26.句意:上周日,我和我的父母去上海了。A动词的过去式;B动词原形;C一般将来时。由last Sunday可知,时态是一般过去时态,go用过去式went,故选A。
29.句意:在 下午,我们在一个大超市购物了。A动词原形,B动名词或者现在分词,C动词的第三人称单数。go shopping是固定短语,去购物,故选B。
30.句意:那里有很多人。A许多的,BC表达错误。a lot of是固定短语,许多的,大量的,符合题意,故选A。
31.句意:我是激动的,因为有如此多的玩具熊猫。toy panda玩具熊猫,toy是名词作定语用单数,由many可知,panda用复数pandas,故选A。
36.B 37.A 38.C 39.B 40.C
38.句意:她比我_____2公斤。A更瘦的,B更矮的,C更重的。由文中“Sally is 42kg. I’m 40kg. 莎莉是42公斤。我是40公斤。”可知莎莉比莉莉更重,故选C。
39.句意:她喜欢_____钢琴。A动词原形;B动词的现在分词或动名词;C动词的第三人称单数形式。like doing sth喜欢做某事,like后跟动名词,故选B。
41.B 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.A 46.A 47.B 48.B 49.C 50.C
46.句意:有三个教学楼。A三,修饰可数名词复数;B一,修饰可数名词单数;C一,修饰可数名词单数。teaching buildings是复数,故选A。
51.C 52.B 53.B 54.A 55.B 56.C 57.C 58.B 59.A 60.A
59.句意:她的同学看图画,他们知道玛丽想去动物园。look at看,look up查阅,look for寻找,根据句意可知此处指看图画,故用look at,故选A。
61.C 62.A 63.C 64.A 65.B 66.C 67.B 68.C 69.C 70.A
71.B 72.A 73.B 74.B 75.A
75.句意:他总是___的。A有帮助的,B严格的。根据下句“ Look! He’s helping Sarah carry the bag.”可知他正在帮助 Sarah 提包,他应该是有帮助的,故选A。
76.B 77.C 78.B 79.B 80.C
79.句意:露西有许多朋友。A有,动词原形;B有,动词第三人称单数形式;C有,there be句型。根据句子结构可排除C选项,主语Lucy是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故选B。



