人教版PEP 小升初英语 语法介词专项练习-单选题(含答案)

1.We don’t have ______ lessons ______ Saturday. ( )
A.any; on B.any; in C.some; in
2.—______ do you watch TV every day ( )
—I watch TV______ eight every day.
A.What; at B.When; at C.What; in
3.You are ______ Sun Street. The cinema is ______ your left. ( )
A.on; on B.at; in C.at; on
4.What ______ do you have ______ Tuesday morning ( )
A.lessons; on B.lesson; on C.subjects; in
5.—______ do you have Art lessons ( )
—______ Thursday morning.
A.What time; At B.When; On C.When; In
6.—Can you see the tadpoles(蝌蚪) ______ the river ( )
—No. But I can see some boats ______ it.
A.in; in B.on; in C.in; on
7.They go home ______ eleven thirty ______. ( )
A.at; in the evening B.at; at night C./; at night
8.—Don’t run ______ the library. ( )
—I’m sorry.
A.on B.in C.for
9.—Mike, _____ do you have breakfast ( )
—_____ seven thirty.
A.where; At B.when; At C.when; On
10.We get _______ _______ 6:00 _______ the evening. ( )
A.to home; at; in B.there; at; in C.home; on; on D.to there; at in
11.—What are you going to do ______ Children’s Day ( )
—We’re going to have a party.
A./ B.at C.on
12.Turn right _______ the hospital. It’s next _______ the cinema. ( )
A.at; to B.in; near C.on; with D.in; to
13.—_______ do you drink milk, Tim ( )
—_______ eight.
A.What; At B.When; It’s C.When, At
14.Turn right __________ the clothes shop. The bookshop is __________ your left. ( )
A.at; on B.in; at C.on; on
15.I get up _______ eight _______ the morning _______ Sundays. ( )
A.at; on; in B.in; in; on C.at; in; on
16.It’s _________ Monday evening. ( )
A./ B.in C.on
17.—_________ do you have breakfast ( )
—_________ even ten.
A.Where; At B.When; At C.What time; In
18.—______ do you get up ( )
—______ seven.
A.When; On B.What; At C.When; At
19.Helen usually gets up ________ six________ Sunday morning. ( )
A.at; in B.on; on C.at; on
20.A: ______ do you go to school ( )
B: I go to school ______ seven.
A.When; at B.What; at C.What time; in
21.We don’t have ______ lessons ______ Saturdays. ( )
A.some; on B.any; on C.any; in
22.I have a dancing lesson ______ nine ______ Sunday morning. ( )
A.in; on B.at; on C.at; in
23.I go to school ______. ( )
A.at seven fifteen B.in seven fifteen C.at seven-fifteen
24.Mike ______ a swimming lesson ______ Monday. ( )
A.have; on B.has; / C.has; on
25.—Let’s meet _____four _____ Sunday afternoon. ( )
A.at; in B.at; on C.in; on
26.My parents and I live ______ Mountain Town. ( )
A.on B.in C.at
27.—_______ are you going to come home ( )
—______ 5:30.
A.What; / B.When; At C.Where; In
28.I usually go to bed ______ nine ______ Friday. ( )
A.on; on B.on; at C.at; on
29.We have five lessons ______ Tuesday. ( )
A.in B.on C.at
30.I get up ______ seven ______ Saturday morning. ( )
A.at; in B.in; at C.at; on
31.Look, there are three boys ______ the bus station, and there are two girls ______ their right. ( )
A.at; at B.at; in C.at; on
32.I usually go to school ______ seven ______ the morning. ( )
A.at; at B.at; in C.in; at
33.I have a ______ lesson ______ Friday afternoon. ( )
A.Art; on B.PE; in C.PE; on
34.I have dinner _______ one thirty _______ the afternoon _______ Saturday. ( )
A.in; on; at B.at; in; on C.on; at; in
35.—There ______ a picnic ______ the morning of next Saturday. ( )
—But I think that the weather _______ rainy that day.
A.is going to have; on; will B.is going to; in; will be
C.is going to be; on; will be
36.I go to school _______ seven thirty. ( )
A.in B.on C.at
37.I have an ________ lesson ________ Friday. ( )
A.Art; on B.Art; in C.PE; on
38.Turn right _______ the second traffic lights. My school is _______ my right. ( )
A.on; on B.at; in C.at; on
39.I usually get up ______ eight ______ Sunday morning. ( )
A.at; in B.on; in C.at; on
40.There is a bookshop ______ Moon Street ______ Moonlight Town. ( )
A.in; on B.on; in C.in; in
41.We don’t have ______ lessons ______ Saturday. ( )
A.any; in B.some; on C.any; on
42.I always get up ______ six forty ______ Sunday morning. ( )
A.on; in B.at; on C.for; on
43.We will(将) meet Mr Green ______ three. ( )
A.in B.is C.at
44.What lessons do they have ______ Monday afternoon ( )
A./ B.on C.in
45.—______ do you have breakfast ( )
—I have breakfast ______ seven.
A.What; at B.When; at C.When; on
46.I go to school ______ seven _______ the morning. ( )
A.at; on B.at; in C.on; in
47.—________ do you go to school ( )
—I go to school ________ seven.
A.What; in B.When; in C.What time; at
48.—What’s wrong ________ Mr Turkey ( )
—He is sad. People eat them ________ Thanksgiving Day.
A.with; at B.about; on C.with; on
49.What are you going to do _____ Chinese New Year ( )
A.for B.at C.on
50.I usually send a card to my cousin ______ New Year’s Day. ( )
A.at B.on C.in D.of
51.We put a stocking ______ the bed and wait ______ presents ______ Christmas Eve. ( )
A.on; to; at B.on; for; on C.in; for; on
52.Mary always goes for a walk _______ the evening. But _______ Tuesday evening she didn’t go. ( )
A.on; in B.in; at C.in; on
53.Helen and I _______ buy some flowers _______ Chinese New Year. ( )
A.am going to; on B.are going to; at C.are going to; in
54.I go to bed ______ eight. ( )
A.in B.before C.on
55.Look! There are some monkeys ______ the tree. ( )
A.at B.in C.on
56.—Will you ______ to the library ______ me ( )
A.go; with B.going; with C.go; and
57.What ________ Yang Ling usually do ________ this festival ( )
A.does; at B.do; on C.do; at
58.The man will come back ________ a week. ( )
A.at B.in C.on
59.He flies to Beijing ________ a fine day. ( )
A.at B.in C.on
60.Teachers’ Day is ________ the tenth ________ September. ( )
A.at; on B.on; at C.on; of
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.B
11.C 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.C
20.A 21.B 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.B 27.B 28.C
29.B 30.C 31.C 32.B 33.C 34.B 35.C 36.C 37.A
38.C 39.C 40.B 41.C 42.B 43.C 44.B 45.B 46.B
47.C 48.C 49.B 50.B 51.B 52.C 53.B 54.B 55.B
56.A 57.A 58.B 59.C 60.C



