外研版(三起)英语五年级下册Module 1 考点梳理与归纳+练习(无答案)

Module 1 考点梳理与归纳
词汇考点 必考单词 ①night(夜晚,夜间)②work(工作;劳动;干活儿)③write(写)④or(也不,也没)
常考单词 ①still(还,仍然)②programme(<电视或广播>节目)③life(生活)④lady (女士,夫人)⑤different(不同的)⑥ago(以前)⑦interviewer(采访者) ⑧enough(足够的)⑨television(电视机)⑩change(改变,变化) field (田地) fire(火,炉火) radio(收音机) telephone(电话) hope(希 望) grandchildren(<外〉孙子;<外〉孙女) couldn't=could not(不能)
必考短语 ①live in…(居住在……)②have got(有)③lots of(许多) ④watch TV(看电视)⑤talk about(谈论)
句型考点 1.It's a programme about…这是一个关于……的节目。 例:It's a programme about China.这是一个关于中国的节目。 2.There are/were…(现在/那时)有…… 例:There are lots of buses and cars now.现在有许多公共汽车和小汽车。 There were many bikes.(过去)有许多自行车。 3.…lived in… ……(过去)住在…… 例:We lived in a small house.我们(过去)住在一所小房子里。
语法考点 学会用一般过去时和一般现在时来对比某一事物今昔情况。
综合运用 掌握There be句型的一般过去时和一般现在时的陈述句,学会用过去式描述过 去时情况。
考点梳理 词汇
一 、找 出 与 所 给 单 词 画 线 部 分 发 音 相 同 的 单 词 。
take autumn farmer play warm make ago game programme
二 、按 要 求 写 单 词 。
1.we ( 宾 格 ) 2.is ( 过 去 式 )
3.lady (复数) 4.work ( 过 去 式 )
5.come(-ing 形 式 )
三 、根据汉语意思,补全单词。
1.ch ( 改变,变化) 2.en gh(足够的)
3.r di ( 收音机) 4.n ght(夜晚)
5.h p ( 希 望 )
四 、选 出 不 同 类 的 单 词 。
( )1.A.radio B.telephone C.lady
( )2.A.bus B.food C.car
( )3.A.watched B.have C.do
( )4.A.or B.write C.read
( )5.A.night B.day C.pen
考点梳理 句型
1. (do)she have a television now
2.How (is)it different three years ago
3.There (are)lots of cars now.
4. (come)and watch.
5.She (work)in the fields many years ago.
6.I (go)to school yesterday.
六 、从 Ⅱ 栏 中 选 出 与 I 栏 相 对 应 的 答 句 。
( )1.What did you do there A.They lived in a hotel yesterday.
( )2.Where did they live yesterday B.I had a class party
( )3.Was there a hospital two years ago C.No,there was a school.
( )4.Did he play football just now D.Now we have enough food.
( )5.How about now E.Yes,he did.
( )1.We lived in a big house.
A. 我们以前住在一所大房子里。 B. 我们现在住在一所大房子里。
( )2.I watched a television programme about China last night.
A. 昨天晚上,我观看了中国的电视节目。
B. 昨天晚上,我观看了一个关于中国的电视节目。
( )3.我希望你一切都好。
A.I hope you are well. B.I want you are well.
( )4.She talked about her life many years ago.
A. 她谈论了她现在的生活。 B.她谈论了多年前她的生活。
( )5.China is changing.
A. 中国改变了。 B. 中国正在变化着。
1.She didn't have a
2.There wasn't a .
3.We worked in the
4.She cooked on the
5.There weren't any
考点梳理 语法
( )1.The old man didn't have a phone a radio.
)A.in C.about
( )2.Life very different in China many years ago
A.is B.was C.were
( )3.She cooked a fire ten years ago.
A.on B.in C.under
( )4.A: now B:There are lots of buses and cars.
A.How about B.Where about C.How of
( )5.There weren’t buses many years ago.
A.a B.a lots of C.any
( )6.A:Where you two days ago B.I at home.
A.are;was B.were;was C.is;was
( )7.Thank you for to us.
A.talking B.talk C.talks
考点梳理 综合运用
十 、阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T) 误(F)。
Dear John,
I watched a television programme about school last night.A young boy talked about his school life.Many years ago,there weren't new desks or chairs.There weren't enough
books.They didn't have a computer or a TV.
Now,many people give them new books,chairs and desks.They have a computer and a
TV.They work very hard at school.
I miss you.I hope you are well.
( )1.This letter is from John.
( )2.The programme is about school.
( )3.There weren't new desks or chairs many years ago.
( )4.They don't have a computer or a TV now.
( )5.They work very hard at home.



