
2026 届南宁三中、北海中学高一下 (五月)联考
(考试时间: 120分钟 满分: 150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What will Andy do next month
A. Change his gift. B. Look for another job C. Celebrate his promotion.
2. How much should the man pay if he buys a blue blouse
A.20 dollars. B.40 dollars. C.50 dollars.
3. What's the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Brother and sister. B. Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter.
4. What are the speakers doing now
A. Having a rest. B. Drinking water. C. Climbing a mountain.
5. What does the woman mean
A. The plane ticket was expensive.
B. She decided to save more money.
C. There were a few plane tickets left.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What's the weather like now
A. Snowy. B. Rainy. C. Windy.
7. What will the speakers do next
A. Watch TV at home.
B. Check the weather forecast.
C. See a basketball game outs. ae.
8. Where are the speakers
A. On a road. B. In a supermarket. C. At a post office.
9. How will the speakers go to the train station at last
A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi.
10. What's the article Jack is reading about
A. Science. B. Society. C. Entertainment.
11. Where do the speakers come from
A. Germany. B. America. C. France.
12. Which word can best describe the speakers
A. Demanding. B. Humorous. C. Sympathetic.
13. What will the people from the Edible Playground do
A. Help cook vegetables.
B. Give lessons about cooking.
C. Advise how to grow vegetables.
14. What does Alice think of the activity
A. Worthyhile. B. Boring. C. Tiring.
15. What's Harry is attitude to garaening
A. Curious. B. Uninterested. C. Supportive.
16. Who set t ne activity rule
A. The cook. B. The gardener. C The headmaster.
17. What do the public pay more attention to according to the recent survey
A. News media. B. Political issues. C. Living cond ons.
18. How many people responded to the survey
A.500. B.1,500. C.15,000.
19. What did most respondents think everyone should do
A. Join in env ronmental protection campaigns.
B. Develop a sense of environmental protection.
C. Donate money to the environmental department.
20. Which one has become the main volunteer activity
A. Driving less. B. Planung trees. C. Jcking rubbish.
第一节: (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Millions of Trip Advisor users voted New York, Chicago, Charleston and 'Las ' Vegas as the top four travel cities in the United States.
New York City
More than 50 million people visit New York City every year. The five regions of New York have some of the most easily recognized attractions in the world. Visitors whose things are tight can take a free boat from Manhattan to Staten Island for a great view of the Statue of Liberty by the sea and the Manhattan skyline.
Las Vegas, Nevada
The desert city of Las Vegas is known around the world for its casinos(娱乐场) and bright lights. Visitors stay at world-class hotels, eat at top chefs' restaurants, and usually see a spectacular show or concert.
Charleston, South Carolina
Some say Charleston is one of the most beautiful and historic places in the United States. The coastal city has a very rich history. The Civil War began at its waterfront, at Fort Sumter, which visitors can explore. But present-day Charleston has a lot to offer, too. Conde Nast Traveler voted it the number one U. S. city, for its beautiful architecture, food, and friendly people.
Chicago, Illinois
America's third-largest city offers world-class museums, great food, sporting events and symbolic architecture ----including Willis Tower, America's tallest building. But what places the Midwest city above others is comedy. It's well-known for comedy shows. The Second City theater is where many famous comedians get their start, including Mike Meyers and Tina Fey.
21. If you are a backpack traveler on a tight budget, which would be your best choice
A. New York City. B. Chicago, Illinois.
C. Charleson, South Carolina. D. Las Vegas, Nevada.
22. Which of the following can offer. tourists beautiful sea views
A. New Yorkand Chicago. B. New York and Charleston.
C. Charleston nd Las Vegas. D. Chicago and Charleston.
23. What makes Chicago quite unique
A. World-class museums, B. Landmark buildings.
C. Comedy and comedy shows. D. Sporting events and tasty food.
School is still out for the summer, but at Eastern Senior High School in Washington, D. C., students are hard at work outdoors. In a garden filled with flowers and beds bursting with vegetables and herbs, nearly a dozen teenagers are harvesting vegetables for the weekend's farmers market.
Roshawn Little is going into her junior year at Eastern, and has been working in this garden for three years now. During the summer, Little gets paid to work Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a. m. until 2 p. m. with City Blossoms, a nonprofit organization that brings community gardens to schools in urban areas. She beliêves that working in the garden has taught her to try all sorts of new things, like eating different kinds of vegetables more often. And she's taken those healthy behaviors home with her and her eating habits have encouraged her family to buy more fruits and vegetables.
Gity Blossoms is one of many groups across the country teaming up with local communities to build school gardens, like the one at Eastern. It works with schools to create learning gardens and trains teachers on how to use them to get students engaged and boost academics. These gardens are really outdoor classrooms. For example, the gardens can be used for math lessons, like calculating the area of a plant bed or learning the science of how plants grow.
For the students, the experience can be a nutritional eye-opener, which has totally changed their perceptions of where food comes from, and what it takes to produce food. Partner schools have also seen a 12 to 15 percent increase in the number of students passing standardized tests and 94 percent of teachers reported seeing mereased engagement from their students. according to an independent evaluation conducted by PEER Associates.
24. What does Roshawn Little think of the summer outdoor activity
A. It is a good way to earn pocket money. B. It has improved her family relationship.
C. It contributes to her healthy eating habit. D. It is helpful to her academic performance.
25. What is the purpose of the school gardens
A. To provide a creative way of learning. B. To promote teachers' teaching skills.
C. To get students interested in science. D. To invite students to care for plants.
26. What does the last paragraph focus on about the project of City Blossoms
A. Its strategies. B. Its outcomes. C. Its operations. D. Its participants.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. City Blossoms: Team up with Local Community Teachers.
B. Happy Holiday, Sweet memory: How Kids Enjoy the Harvest.
C. Outdoor Classrooms: Get out for the Weekend's Farmers Market.
D. Healthier Eaters, Broader Views: How School Gardens Benefit Kids.
Are you an "I person" or an "E person" These two personality labels in particular are widely discussed online. They are part of a popular personality test called the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI. All of the results have four letters, and there are 16 results in total. "I" and "E" refer to "introverted" and "extroverted ", respectively.
Even if someone is typically quiet, many online discussions suggest that an "I" person can still be outgoing at times. For example, when an introverted person is with a group of introverted friends, they might become more social like an "E" person.
According to psychologists, this idea of temporarily switching personalities is called "masking". That is hiding your true personality in specific situations. "Human beings want to feel they belong, and they might become people-pleasers to do so," wrote the Master Class website.
Using the MBTI result to identify and describe someone's personality seems fun. However, I went too far at one time. My sister was excitedly making a day-to-day travel plan when I remembered from an article that "P people" don't like to make or stick to plans, so I said to her, "You don't seem like a 'P person'." "Why " She asked back. "Since when do I need to follow what my personality test tells me to do " It was then that I realized I'd taken the result too seriously.
The MBTI personality test may show something. you don't know about yourself and can. even be a fun ice-breaker question when meeting new friends. And that's all it is ----for fian. On the other hand, knowing someone's MBTI result doesn't mean you really know this person. And those four letters of yours don't define who you are.
28. In which of the following situations an "I" person may perform more sociably
A. Having a conversation with an "E" person.
B. Wanting to feel someone's sense of belonging.
C. Taking the personality test and accepting its result.
D. Staying with some friends with similar personalities.
29. What does the underlined word "masking" in paragraph 3 refer to
A. Pleasing. B. Escaping. C. Pretending. D. Controlling.
30. What does the author want to tell us by the example in paragraph 4
A. The MBTI result is of great help to identify a person.
B. A "P" person is unwilling to make or stick to plans.
C. People need to follow the advice of the MBTI test.
D. Don't take the MBTI result too seriously all the time.
31. What is the author's attitude towards the MBTI personality test
A. Indifferent. B. Objective. C. Positwe. D. Negative.
Imagine driving behind a huge truck shooting clouds of smoke into the air while your new fully electric vehicle cleans up its carbon emissions (排放). This dream may soon be a reality. A team of students in the Netherlands has created an electric car that not only doesn't produce carbon dioxide when driving, but actually pulls it out of the air.
The two-seater sports car was designed and built in less than a year by a team of 32 students.
at Eindhoven University of Technology. Called "ZEM", which stands for "zero emission mobility", the car is equipped with special devices that remove carbon dioxide from the air as it drives. The team says if ZEM is driven about 32.000 kilometers, it can remove 2 kilograms of carbon dioxide from the air. That s not a huge amount. The team calculates that 10 ZEM cars on the road for a year would remove as much carbon dioxide as a typical tree does during that time. However, they also point out that there are over a billion passenger cars in the world that could be using this technology. And if a billion cars were removing carbon dioxide instead of producing it, the result would be huge.
ZEM also has several other innovations that help to make it more capable of being sustained: the car's frame and panels(面板) are 3D printed to reduce waste; it was built using recyclec and recyclable materials; and it can be easily taken apart so that many of its parts can be reused. ZEM's battery is also reusable and has another handy feature: it can be charged with solar panels on the car's roof—and can even be used to provide power to your house when the car isn't on the road.
According to the statistics, transportation was responsible for over 20% of global carbon dioxide emissions in 2020 — and of those emissions, cars were responsible for 41%. The Eindhoven team says its goal is to challenge the electric car industry: If 32 students can build a car like this in less than a year, then surely car manufacturers(生产商) are expected to adopt these innovations, too.
32. What is special about ZEM
A. It can end the world's CO release. B. It can cut the truck's CO emissions.
C. It can reduce the level of CO in the air. D. It can absorb dirty air as well as CO .
33. Why does the team run the calculation of ZEM in paragraph 2
A. To show a promising future of ZEM cars.
B. To explain how ZEM removes CO as trees do.
C. To illustrate the ongoing change in car making.
D. To show the influence of ZEM on the car market.
34. What is the obvious advantage of ZEM according to Paragraph 3
A. They are of high quality. B. They are easy to process.
C. They are convenient to print. D. They are environmentally friendly.
35. What does the Eindhoven team hope to achieve in the future
A. Sharp increase in fuel consumption. B. More production of eco-friendly cars.
C. Big success in beating other car makers. D. Reduced costs in transportation.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Reading books can exercise your brain. Kids who started reading at an earlier age go on to perform better on certain intelligence tests, such as analyses of their vocabulary size. As one gets older, it might help slow down or even stop cognitive decline (认知下降). 36 Many Americans don't read frequently. It's time to reverse (逆转) this trend to give your brain gray matter a good workout.
37 When you have some down time — you're waiting for a friend, sleeping lightly on the way from or to work, or doing a task that doesn't require your full attention —you can open your text instead of pulling up your favorite smartphone game. This brings about a great debate: pages vs screens vs audio. Indeed, paper is still the clear winner in the court of public opinion. 38
Academic research has mostly focused on the ability to remember. A study took place in a laboratory setting: Students all read the same text, but some looked at the words on paper and others viewed an on-screen PDF. It turned out that no meaningful difference between the two media existed. As for audiobooks, they affected the brain gray matter somewhat differently. 39
Finally, if you hope to get a reading habit going, you shouldn't dismiss paper, digital, or audio books— 40 Don't be afraid to change things depending on the occasion.
A. Audiobooks still affect your thoughts and feelings.
B. Go with what makes the most sense for your needs.
C. Words on a page can improve the emotional intelligence.
D. But Science hasn't proven that physical books are better than digital ones.
E. Keep a book, e-reader, or audiobook app on you as you go about the day.
F. Despite this, the overall book-reading time for Amerieans is on the decline.
G. However, they stimulated the brain just as deeply as black-and-white pages.
第三部分:语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
Taylor Hash desired to become a career pilot and she was under training. One day, she had just started building up hours of flight time when a(n) 41 struck. As she guided the Diamond Star plane off the runway at airport, on her third-ever independent 42 , the front tyre (轮胎)of her plane fell off.
Taylor was 43 at that point that she had just lost important landing equipment. "I didn't feel anything wrong in the take-off 44 " she said. However, a(n) 45 pilot Chris Yates, saw something and immediately took action. He knew that Taylor would have to make a difficult emergency landing. He 46 the control tower and said, "The Diamond Star that just took off lost its nose wheel tyre on the runway." Yates asked people there to put him through to Taylor so he could help her. When Taylor learned what had happened, she was in 47 .
Therefore, Yates 48 that the most important thing would be to keep Taylor calm so she could follow him attentively. Then Yates 49 Tavlor and told her that she could 50 above the field until she was ready to land. "When you touch down, I just want that joystick (操纵杆) all the way back. You're gonna hold it back like you don't want that nose to touch," he 51 her.
Despite feeling unsure, Taylor trusted Yates. With palms sweaty and lips 52 , Taylor successfully create a best landing chance. Finally, she managed to land 53 .
No sooner had Yates extended his arms than Taylor hugged him tightly with tears of 54 rolling down cheeks. Yates smiled. patted on her shoulder and encouraged, "it was your excellent skill that help yourself 55 the emergency successfully. I am so proud of you."
41. A. event B. disaster C. fantasy D. idea
42. A. sign B. slide C. mission D. outing
43. A. afraid B. clear C. unaware D. conscious
44. A. process B. progress C. show D. flow
45. A. calm B. strange C. experienced D. warm-hearted
46. A. radioed B. socialized C. controlled D. managed
47. A. panic B. peace C. relief D. delight
48. A. complained B. claimed C. realized D. responded
49. A. changed B. praised C. criticized D. comforted
50. A. wait B. pause C. touch D. circle
51. A. blamed B. instructed C. understood D. appreciated
52. A. aching B. wiping C. swinging D. trembling
53. A. narrowly B. smoothly C. basically D. particularly
54. A. scare B. regret C. surprise D. gratitude
55. A. deal with B. tear apart C. take up D. leave out
第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
China's traditional tea-making techniques were 56. ______(official) recognized by UNESCO on November 29tb, 2022, when the techniques and associated social practices 57. ______M______(add) to UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (非物质文化遗产) of Humanity. 58. ______ forty-three items on the list, China maintains its No. 1 position in the field.
With the success of the application starting in March 2021, the list of world intangible cultural heritage has recognized the knowledge, skills, and practices 59. ______ are about the management of tea gardens, picking of tea leaves, hand-made processing, and the drinking and 60. ______(share) of tea.
The result has been widely praised by the Chinese public and experts because it is 61. ______ important step for conservation and promotion of traditional tea culture. "Years ago, Chinese tea culture 62. ______e(become) widely known by people in many bT. ______(country) around the world through the ancient Silk Road. The 64. ______(success) application of Chinese tea-making can further help improve 65. ______ (it)international influence," Zheng Changling, secretary general of the China Folk Culture Innovation and Development Center, told the Global Times.
1. 词数80左右;
An Amazing City in Guangxi
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
I was moving as fast as I could, stepping cautiously from rock to rock along the uneven dock(码头). Far ahead, I could see the back of my brother's hair and the bright orange of his shorts.
"Too slow, sis!" I heard Sam yell as he jumped with ease.
"I'll show him," I thought, and attempted a double jump. What a mistake! My left foot came down hard between the edges of two gray rocks, scraping (擦伤) my ankle. "Ouch!" I yelled. I tried to pull my foot out, but my shoe was stuck. I bent closer to the rock, and that's when I saw it: a shiny, square shaped stone with the color of water, attached to a glittery gold chain It was just lying there on the wet sand and a few seconds later it was in my pocket
"Why do you look weird " my brother asked once I'd freed my foot and caught up to him. "I don't look weird," I said. Could he tell I was hiding the most perfect discovery of the summer I kept turning the treasure around in my pocket pushing each corner of the square stone into my finger. I was excited, but I didn't want Sam to notice. He liked to tell everybody my collections —the paper napkins stamped with my initials "R. A.", the mini cola bottle perfect for sand art, and the salt and pepper shakers from yard sale. Due to the strange habit I have, my family calls me their "little collector", and some mean kids at school call me "trash girl".
Sam and I walked along the main street, the small buildings giving us a break from the sun. Going by a candy shop, I saw a sign on the window's glass reading LOST: Gold and blue necklace. Very special. If found, call Chrissy at 555-9924. Chrissy had drawn a crayon(蜡笔)version of the necklace at the bottom of the poster. The necklace looked different from the one I clutched (抓紧) in my pocket, I decided. We continued to walk, and I noticed four more posters. Someone must have returned that necklace by now, I thought.
1. 续写词数为150词左右;
Paragraph 1:
Once home, I placed the necklace in the yellow box for my special things. lost in thought . ________________
Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting across from Chrissy in the candy shop. _____________________________
2026 届南宁三中、北海中学高一下 (五月)联考英语答案及详解
第一部分 听力 (满分30分)
1—5BBACA 6—10CAACB 11—15 BCCAB 16—20CCBBA
第二部分:阅读理解 (满分50分)
21-23 ABC 24-27 CABD 28-31 DCDB 32-35 CADB 36-40FEDGB
第三部分:语言运用 (满分30分)
第一节 完形填空 (满分15分)
41-45 BCCAC 46-50 AACDD 51-55 BDBDA
第二节 语法填空 (满分15分)
56. officially 57. were added 58. With 59. that/which 60. sharing
61. an 62. became 63. countries 64. successful 65. its
第四部分 写作 (满分40分)
第一节:应用文写作(满分15 分)
An Amazing City in Guangxi
Located in the south of Guangxi with a warm climate, Nanning is a great destination to visit all year round.
Nanning boasts a fascinating blend of cultures. For example, in terms of music culture, people from different ethnic groups often sing together at folk song fairs during the Sanyuesan Festival, attracting thousands of visitors each year. In terms of food culture, Nanning offers delightful dishes like Laoyou Rice Noodles, a local dish, and Snail Rice Noodles, a specialty from Liuzhou, both delicious creations of people in Guangxi.
Deeply impressed by Nanning, I've visited the city many times. And I'm always looking forward to my next trip to this charming place!
第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)
Paragraph 1:
Once home, I placed the necklace in the yellow box for my special things, lost in thought. "Should I keep it or return it" I asked myself again and again, pacing back and forth anxiously. Apparently, it was the most precious item of my collection, with which I could hardly be termed a "trash girl" again. I tried to convince myself there was only a slim chance that it belonged to the publisher of the poster, but every word on the poster kept lingering in my mind, clearly leaving my thoughts all in a muddle. Finally, I decided to contact Chrissy. With the necklace in my pocket, I dialed the number and made an appointment with her.
Paragraph 2:
Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting across from Chrissy in the candy shop. Placing the necklace on the table, I noticed a fleeting smile in her eyes. Having a second look, Chrissy confirmed it was exactly what she lost half a month ago, tears of joy rolling down her face. She added it was a legacy from her late mother and she would recover it at the expense of anything. Struck by her happiness, I found the anxiety over the moral issue fell away from me, as delight and pride surged through. It also dawned on me that I became "a treasure girl" instead of "a trash girl".




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