2024年中考英语考前模拟测试(南京卷)(无听力部分 含解析)

1.全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
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1.—The lesson that the novel Ordinary World has taught me is that even though my life is ordinary, I should still love and enjoy it.
—In fact, sometimes a good book can teach you things ________ your class.
A.including B.beyond C.against D.above
2.Some friends tried to calm down Mr. and Mrs. White and help solve their problem without hurting the feeling of ________, but failed.
A.none B.either C.both D.neither
3.—If you always ________ yourself with others, you may have tons of stress.
—I agree. But sometimes stress can turn into drive.
A.compare B.complain C.connect D.consider
4.—Mum, I have lost the tennis match. I can’t feel worse now!
—Dear, I know ________ how you feel. But I believe you can make it if you keep practicing!
A.properly B.widely C.exactly D.closely
5.—For lots of left-behind children, love and care were often ________ from their childhood.
—It’s a social problem that is hard to solve.
A.separate B.absent C.extra D.blind
6.Yan Ning, an excellent scientist, has just returned to China. She wants to make a ________ to our motherland.
A.celebration B.conversation C.contribution D.condition
7.China Dream is a great way to gather people together and ________ the fast development of our country.
A.push in B.push for C.push through D.push away
8.—Lily, why does our teacher always ask us to practise handwriting
—Because it’s important in exams. We ________ pay too much attention to it.
A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.mustn’t
9.—A lot of money ________ for the old man’s operation online.
—Yes, but the medicine cost ________ a lot, so we still need to get more for him.
A.was raised; has risen B.raised; rose C.raised; has risen D.was raised; rose
10.—The film Everything Everywhere All at Once is a huge success because it tells a great story.
—Yes. Filmmakers should pay attention to their works ________ they can meet people’s needs.
A.though B.unless C.as soon as D.so that
11.Tan Dun thinks there is no need to use any musical instruments. ________, the best music comes from nature.
A.In all B.After all C.First of all D.Above all
12.—I can’t believe Jack talked to his grandfather like that just now. ______ boy he is!
—I agree. He is not supposed to do that.
A.How polite B.How impolite C.What a polite D.What an impolite
13.—Could you tell me ________
—It has caught a virus. You can use Lily’s.
A.what’s wrong with your computer B.what your computer happened
C.why can’t your computer work well D.why your computer didn’t work well
14.The saying ________ tells us that you won’t be a hero if you can’t get over difficulties and achieve success.
A.No pain, no gain B.Practice makes perfect
C.A miss is as good as a mile D.He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man
15.Which word is the most suitable for ▲
A.grows B.flows C.blows D.shows
Smart phones are the main invention of modern technology, which are completely part of our daily lives. If we look at our society, we can see that all kinds of people are using smart phones. 16 , I would like to suggest that all smart phones in the family should be put away for sixty to ninety minutes each evening.
Why Lets take a 17 look at what the results of it might be if such a piece of advice was accepted. Families could use the time for a real family hour. Without phones, they might sit around together after dinner and 18 talk to one another. In fact, many of our problems are 19 by failure to communicate. By using the quiet family hour to discuss our problems, we might get to know each other better.
On evenings when such a talk is 20 , families could discover other active pastimes. They might take a ride or a walk together to free from smart phones. With free time and no smart phones, children and adults might 21 reading. They might find there is more fun in a good book than in an electronic game. According to some educators, the generation growing up with smart phones can hardly write an English sentence, even at the college level. Actually, writing is often 22 through adequate reading. So with more time on books, a more literate (有文化的) new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.
A 23 form of reading might also be done as it was in the past: reading aloud. The quiet hour could become the story hour. We may find it hard to return from our newly-discovered activities and 24 the next story time.
How will we spend the time without smart phones At first glance, it could be very difficult, or almost impossible. The fact is that it has been only ten years since smart phones came to 25 our time. Those of us at twenty-five or older can remember our childhood without smart phones. It wasn’t so difficult as we think.
16.A.But B.Although C.Since D.However
17.A.regretful B.new C.strict D.serious
18.A.seldom B.hardly C.actually D.nearly
19.A.caused B.resulted C.led D.made
20.A.boring B.unnecessary C.funny D.interesting
21.A.invent B.produce C.provide D.discover
22.A.improved B.brought C.lifted D.raised
23.A.similar B.different C.strange D.new
24.A.refuse B.expect C.hate D.wait
25.A.waste B.spend C.control D.decide
三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。
Spring is the season when plants start to grow freely from the ground. In China, wild spring greens are traditionally thought of as a healthy food. They are still common in many dishes today.
Chinese toon shoots (香椿芽)Toon shoots are usually the best just before guyu, the sixth of the 24 solar terms (节气). Guyu means that spring is almost to end. This is when the leaves are very tender (嫩的). It is often cooked with eggs to balance the sometimes strong tastes of the leaves. It can also be prepared with tofu.
Indian aster (马兰头)The meaning of Indian aster is to make a horse turn its head. It is said that its tender-taste could make a horse stop moving on. Perhaps because of the name, the green has become a goodbye gift, cooked when one wants to wish a friend a safe journey, according to the website The World of Chinese. The vegetable is usually boiled in water, cut and mixed with tofu and sesame oil.
Shepherd’s purse (荠菜)Shepherd’s purse is a green herb (草本植物) with an unusual smell. It grows early in spring and can be eaten both cooked and uncooked. It tastes a little but bitter (苦的) and sweet and can be used in dumplings and wonton or cooked in soup. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to improve eyesight, deal with high blood pressure and stop bleeding.
Luhao (芦蒿)Taken as a symbol of spring, luhao was thought highly of by a famous Chinese poet. He said, “When the land is green and luhao is everywhere, spring has truly arrived.” Before or during guyu, luhao is very tender and is usually cooked with meat. It tastes light and can be simply cooked with ginger, spring onion and a little chilli.
Tips for eating wild vegetables ※ Do not eat wild vegetables you don’t know. ※ Do not eat polluted wild vegetables. ※ Do not eat wild vegetables which have been kept for a long time. Eat them fresh after picking them. ※ Do not take wild vegetables as a main course.
26.Why do people cook toon shoots with eggs according to the passage
A.To look more colorful. B.To make it taste sweet.
C.To balance the strong taste. D.To make it healthy to people.
27.What do toon shoots and Indian aster have in common (有共同点) according to the passage
A.Both of them can be mixed with tofu. B.Both of them are very tender after guyu.
C.Both of them are green herbs with usual tastes. D.Both of them can deal with high blood pressure.
28.What can we infer (推断) according to the tips in the passage
A.Do not eat the wild vegetables in spring. B.Take the wild vegetables as a main course.
C.Store the wild vegetables as long as possible. D.The unknown wild vegetables might be harmful.
Bicycles have long been a kind of transport in China. In the past, only a small group of people thought cycling a sport. Now more and more people discover the joy of it.
________ Riders share their favourite routes and health tips about cycling on some apps like Xiaohongshu or Sina Weibo. On Xiaohongshu, there are more than 2.5 million posts (帖子) about cycling, and on Weibo, the topic about cycling has been viewed more than 700 million times. A bicycle company says the sales in one of its stores rose 20% to 30%, compared to the same period a year earlier. Cycling activities are also welcomed. According to the Chinese Cycling Association, at least 20 million people have joined in the sport.
People turn to cycling as more people care about their health and their demand for outdoor exercise becomes stronger. For people who have begun cycling, the sport seems to provide a good way to run away from the busy city life. It also gives them a stronger sense of being part of the natural environment. Though the sport cycling sometimes costs a lot, many cyclists think spending money on their own bodies is more valuable than on other items. More people take part in cycling as cities in China are also planning to build more cycle-only lanes (车道). Several years ago, Beijing started building the city’s first cycle-only lane. Since its opening, the lane has seen a larger daily traffic flow. Such lanes are also being built in some other cities.
29.Which of the following sentences is the most suitable for the blank (空格) in Paragraph 2
A.Cycling has a long history. B.Cycling becomes a hot topic.
C.Cycling costs a lot of money. D.Cycling brings several advantages.
30.The underlined word “demand” in Paragraph 3 means ________.
A.need B.plan C.design D.talent
31.What’s the purpose of this passage
A.It advises cities to build cycling lanes.
B.It shows the sales of cycling are going up.
C.It introduces cycling is becoming popular.
D.It recommends good cycling routes to people.
I looked down at my shoes as people filled the train, and then I saw her. She looked a little tired and pale. As
I watched the woman, I thought about the letters my mother wrote and how she must have known an ordinary piece of paper turns into a love letter when a person puts herself into it. Then I remembered the notebook in my bag. I would write the woman a note and give it to her as I exited the train, I decided. I pulled the notebook out of my bag and began writing a letter.
When I looked up, the woman was gone. I left the letter in my notebook, unsure of what to do with it now that she would never know that it was meant for her.
After I wrote that letter, more letters to other people I observed came marching out of me, one by one, until soon I had filled up the notebook.
Back on the train, just a few days later, the plan became clear. I was going to leave the letter I wrote to the woman on the subway for someone else to find. Then I would spread other love letters all over New York City. And once I had set each one in its place, I would write even more.
I tried to form a picture in my mind of what would make me pick up a letter if I found it on a random (任意的) subway train or in a coffee shop thinking it might have been for me all along. I settled on something simple: If you find this letter then it’s for you. I wrote those words on my first letter. I folded the letter and placed it behind me. When I got to my stop, I planned to let the letter slip down onto the seat as I walked away.
At Grand Cantral Terminal, I waited for the subway doors to open and then stood up as quickly as possible. Rushing through the doors, I kept running faster and faster once my feet hit the platform. I was more nervous when I got farther away from the train, disappearing into the city.
During the fall of 2010, I kept leaving letters. In the months that followed, I started my own site, , about my project, inspiring others to write and leave letters in their own communities. Now the website connects strangers in need of love letters and those who want to write them.
About a year later, a woman wrote to me about her friend Briana, a single mother struggling to pay the rent. I typed out Briana’s story and published it on the website. A week later, I walked away from the post office with a lot of mail and a big idea about human beings: mainly that if you give them something to do, a task, they will show up. At the end of that month, I mailed letters off to Briana.
Then, I got a thank-you e-mail from Briana’s friend. “They show you’re not alone and that you’re not struggling for nothing,” she wrote.
About all stories, I will always go back to Matt’s from Ohio. He e-mailed me about two years ago. Matt told me he was getting older. His family and he were disconnected. He didn’t have many friends. He was starting to believe he’d leave nothing behind and he’d be forgotten.
The message was sent with no return address. There was no way to write back to him, but I hope he reads these words:
Matt, I want you to know: You were wrong to think you’d be forgotten. And I was wrong to think people couldn’t walk into our lives and change our histories immediately. Because you did that for me.
32.Why did the author decide to write the strange woman a note
A.Her mother reminded her to do that.
B.She preferred to write rather than speak.
C.She was going to show love to the woman.
D.Her mother wanted to offer her some help.
33.The author started her own site in order to ________.
A.call on more people to care for others
B.provide people a chance to write letters.
C.connect strangers with people writing letters
D.show people the importance of her project
34.From the words to Matt, we can learn that ________.
A.it’s easy for people to walk into our lives quickly
B.the author was influenced by Matt in some ways
C.the author’s relatives and friends also forgot him
D.Matt was always connected with his family and friends
35.What can we infer from the passage
A.Matt has a good relationship with his family and friends again.
B.A number of people are willing to make a difference to others.
C.The woman the author met on the train received the letter at last.
D.People came to Briana’s aid with a generous donation in the end.
King Uther died. Since he had not left a son, it seemed that there was going to be a bloody fight to see who would be the next King.
Merlin, the great wizard, called a meeting of all the important people in the country to decide how they should choose their King. In the churchyard was a large stone that had not been there before. Stuck into the stone was a large sword, and written on its handle in letters of gold were these words “Whoever can pull this sword out
of this stone is the true King.” So all the important people who thought they had any right to be King tried to pull the sword out of the stone, but none of them succeeded. Finally they decided to hold a large fighting competition so that the knights could try each other’s strength and fighting ability.
Sir Ector heard about the competition and came to London, with his two sons Kay and Arthur. Kay hoped to win the competition and became famous. Arthur was just there to help support Kay, and to manage his horse and weapons. But just as they were riding to the competition, Kay realized that he had left his sword at the place where they were staying.” “Go and get it for me, boy!” he said to Arthur — not very politely.
Arthur ran back to the place they were staying, but it was locked — everyone had already gone to see the competition. What could he do As he was wondering what to do, he looked around and saw the handle of a sword on the other side of a wall. He jumped over the wall and took hold of the sword. Then using his mind to focus his strength as Merlin had taught him to do before, he easily pulled the sword out of the stone.
Since he was in a hurry, he did not look at the sword too carefully, but rushed back to give it to Kay. Kay was just going to say “You stupid boy! This isn’t mine! When he noticed the words on the handle, Kay went to his father, Sir Ector, and said, “You see, I have the sword, and that means that I am the true King!”
Sir Ector led both Kay and Arthur back to the place where the sword had been found. Then he called all the important people to come and see what had happened. When they were all there, Sir Ector asked Arthur to put the sword back into the stone. People all tried to pull the sword out of the stone, but no one could. Then Arthur pulled it out as easily as taking candy from a baby. After they had gone through this several times, some people there asked Merlin how this boy could be the true King. Merlin told them Arthur’s story. When they heard it, all of them went down on one knee and promised to help Arthur to become King.
36.How many main characters appeared at the scene
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
37.What was Kay like according to the story
A.Kind and helpful. B.Clever and thoughtful.
C.Shy and careless. D.Impolite and dishonest.
38.What can we know about the sword
A.It was Arthur that pulled it out by accident.
B.King Uther made it to decide the new King.
C.Kay planned to use it to win the competition.
D.It had been stuck in the stone for a long time.
39.What is the correct order of the following sentences
a. Kay and Arthur came to London.
b. Merlin told Arthur’s story.
c. King Uther died.
d. Kay left his sword at the place they were staying.
e. The important people decided to hold a competition.
A.c-e-a-b-d B.c-e-a-d-b C.e-c-a-d-b D.e-c-d-b-a
40.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.Merlin supported Kay more.
B.Sir Ector doubted about Kay’s words.
C.The sword was returned somewhere else.
D.People would do something against Merlin.
41.The light bulb (灯泡) is one of the most important . (invent)
42.Your bedroom is so that you should clean it now. (tidy)
43.The gentle wind together with the bright sun his needs of going out every spring. (satisfy)
44.The explorer looked with at what he has achieved. (proud)
45.Don’t you think it would be better to have the robot (iron) the clothes for us
46.Armstrong received his student licence before getting his driving licence. (飞行员)
47. with traditional cars, electric cars are more environment-friendly. (比较)
48.A product needs to be packed to be attractive to the customers. (恰当地)
49.The bird was hurt badly and the pain on the wings prevented them from .(伸展)
50.I’ve never the decision to work in western China. (后悔)
famous invention plenty of used to have fun
The history of the Lantern Festival is not certain, but people have been lighting lanterns for spiritual (精神的) purposes since before paper was invented. Lantern 51 be made of cloth. But they probably were not bright or colorful then. With the 52 of paper, Chinese started to make colorful paper lanterns. The traditions and days of celebrating the Lantern Festival are different in different places of China. In Nanjing, the Confucius Temple and the Lantern Festival have been 53 in Chinese history. At this time of year, lots of
people from different areas come to 54 . Now the lantern show has spread out to Ming Dynasty City Wall. Bright lights decorate the 600-year-old wall. There is also a light and firework show. There are 55 paper lanterns at the lantern market. The government of Nanjing has made the festival bigger and bigger and is tying to make it an international market.
五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)
The Zisha teapots made in Yixing city in east China’s Jiangsu Province are considered to be the best tool for making tea. It was created during Song Dynasty in the l0th century. According to literature, the first Zisha was made several hundred years ago.
Different types of clay (黏土) used for making Yixing teapots, mainly purple clay, red clay, green clay and mixed clay, are totally called Yixing clay. Yixing clay stands for “zisha” in Chinese because purple clay is most commonly used. To make a Zisha teapot, the material should be carefully selected and processed before it can be used. The most important step to make Yixing teapots is to keep pounding (拍打) the clay with a special wooden stick. They are produced in factories, not by machine but by hand.
The Zisha teapot is considered as the best teapot and the tea made in it tastes especially nice. And the tea can be stored overnight in it without going bad in spring, autumn, winter and even in summer. The clay is highly porous (多孔的), but water cannot go out from it. This is the most special about Zisha clay.
Another famous Characteristic of Yixing teapots is that they can absorb (吸收) tea flavours (茶香). Over time, Yixing teapots can smell good even there is no tea in it.
The production skills of Yixing China’s Zisha teapots was listed among Intangible Cultural Heritages ( 非物质文化遗产) in 2006. Many people collect Zisha teapots, since it is not only a daily necessity, but has become a work of art.
When was it created People 56 it during the Song Dynasty in the 10th century. According to literature, the first Zisha was made several hundred year ago.
What material is used Different types of clay used to 57 Yixing teapots, mainly purple Clay, red clay, grecn clay and mixed clay, are totally called Yixing clay.
Why is Yixin clay used commonly It is common to use Yixin clay so Yixing clay 58 “zisha”.
What is the most important step The most important step to make Yixing teapots is to keep pounding (拍打) the clay with a special stick made of 59
How is it made It is made of Yixing clay which 60 different types. Zisha teapots are produced by hand 61 of by machine.
What is 62 about it The tea can be stored overnight in it without going bad all 63 around. Water cannot leak (渗漏) from it, 64 the clay is highly porous (多孔的). Over time, Yixing teapots can smell good even 65 tea in it.
What’s the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of wheat straw (稻草) Most people would probably see it as a pile of waste in a farmer’s field. H 66 , Wu Cui, an intangible cultural inheritor (非遗传承人), can turn the straw into beautiful artworks.
The earliest straw-weaving (编织) products were found at Hemudu Cultural Ruins (遗迹), a Neolithic cultural site in Zhejiang Province. This d 67 means a lot to Chinese traditional culture. The Book of Rites also r 68 that there were already mats (垫子) made of grass and professional straw-weaving craftsmen during the Zhou Dynasty.
Straw weaving is a m 69 of making daily items or artworks. It was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2008.
Wu explains the process of straw weaving: choosing from materials is the f 70 step of a process that may take weeks, or even months to complete. You need to draw the piece on paper, which r 71 drawing skills. Next comes weaving, shaping and preserving of the work. Even by finishing that process, it does not mean that you will always create a good piece of work, and the h 72 part is to make it lifelike.
In the past, straw items could be found almost in every family in the countryside, in the f 73 of straw hats and straw shoes, because they were practical in everyday life. But w 74 the development of industry, many of these products are made in factories. This makes people gain little money, and there are only about 100 people joining in the work across the country.
Wu says to a news reporter that more craftsmen should work together to make a d 75 to the spread of the traditional culture. Many hands make light work.
76.同学们,三年初中时光就要结束了,你们有着怎样的收获?谁对你的影响最为深刻?对于未来,你们有什么憧憬?请以“A letter to myself”为题写一篇短文。
1) What do you gain at middle school (Give one example.)
2) Who influenced you most (Give two examples.)
3) What’s your dream future like (Give one example.)
1) 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯。
2) 必须包括表格中所有信息,并适当发挥。
3) 词数:80词左右(报告的开头已给出,不计入总词数。)
4) 不得使用真实姓名,校名和地名等。
A letter to myself
How time flies! Three years have passed since I became a middle school student.
考查介词辨析。including包括;beyond超越;against反对;above在……上面。根据“sometimes a good book can teach you things...your class”可知,此处指课堂之外的东西,故选B。
考查不定代词。none三者或三者以上都不;either两者之一;both两者都;neither两者都不。根据“Some friends tried to calm down Mr. and Mrs. White”可知是不伤害两者任意一人的感情,用either符合语境。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。compare比较;complain抱怨;connect连接;consider考虑。根据“you may have tons of stress”可知,此处是指拿自己和别人比较,compare...with...表示“把……与……相比”。故选A。
考查副词辨析。properly合适地;widely广泛地;exactly完全;closely密切地。根据“Mum, I have lost the tennis match. I can’t feel worse now!”可知孩子比赛输了,妈妈安慰他,告诉他,自己完全理解他。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。separate分开的; absent缺席的,缺乏; extra额外的;blind失明的。根据“For lots of left-behind children, love and care were often...from their childhood.”和常识可知,留守儿童的童年会缺乏关爱。be absent from意为“缺席的,不在的,缺乏”,固定短语。故选
考查名词词义辨析。celebration庆祝;conversation对话;contribution贡献;condition条件。根据“She wants to make a...to our motherland.”可知此处是make a contribution to...“对……作出贡献”。故选C。
考查动词短语。push in推进去;push for推动;push through强行通过;push away推开。根据“the fast development of our country.”可知是推动我国快速发展,push for符合题意。故选B。
【详解】句意:——莉莉,为什么我们老师总是让我们练习书写? ——因为它在考试中很重要。我们怎么注意书写都不为过。
考查情态动词用法。needn’t没必要;shouldn’t不应该;can’t不能;mustn’t禁止。根据“Because it’s important in exams.”可知书法在考试中很重要,我们在考试时,要多注意书写。can’t...too... 表示“再……也不为过/不过分”,固定用法。故选C。
考查语态和时态。根据“A lot of money...for the old man’s operation online.”可知,应表达为老人手术筹集了钱,A lot of money与raise之间是被动关系,句子描述的是过去的事情,应为一般过去时的被动语态,A lot of money为不可数名词,be动词用was,raise的过去分词为raised;根据“but the medicine cost...a lot”可知,此处应表达医疗费上涨了很多,时态应为现在完成时,结构是have/has done的形式,主语是单数,助动词用has,rise“上升”过去分词为risen。故选A。
考查从属连词辨析。though尽管;unless除非;as soon as一……就……;so that为了。根据
“Filmmakers should pay attention to their works...they can meet people’s needs.”可知,是指制作人关注他们的作品是为了可以满足人们的需求,所以应用so that引导目的状语从句,故选D。
考查介词短语。In all总共;After all毕竟;First of all首先;Above all尤其。根据“Tan Dun thinks there is no need to use any musical instruments...the best music comes from nature.”可知,这里是指毕竟最好的音乐来自大自然,故选B。
考查感叹句。根据“______ boy he is!”可知感叹句的中心词是boy,用感叹词what不用how。根据语境可知是Jack是个不礼貌的男孩。故选D。
考查宾语从句。根据“Could you tell me…”可知,空格处是宾语从句,应用陈述语序,排除选项C;选项B应表达为“what happened to your computer”。根据答语“It has caught a virus. You can use Lily’s.”可知,是在问电脑出了什么问题,故选A。
考查习语。No pains, no gains一份耕耘,一份收获;Practice makes perfect熟能生巧;A miss is as good as a mile失之毫厘,谬以千里;He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man不到长城非好汉。根据“you won’t be a hero if you can’t get over difficulties and achieve success.”可知,如果你不能克服困难并取得成功,你就不会成为英雄,应该是“不到长城非好汉”。故选D。
考查动词辨析。grows生长;flows流动;blows吹;shows展示。根据“The Yellow River”可
16.D 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.A 21.D 22.A 23.B 24.B 25.C
seldom很少;hardly几乎不;actually事实上,竟然;nearly几乎。根据“Without phones, they might sit around together after dinner and...talk to one another.”以及事实可知,多数人们只顾玩手机,忘了和家人交谈,而收起手机,人们会相互交谈。故选C。
caused造成;resulted产生;led导致;made制造。根据“many of our problems are...by failure to communicate”可知,问题是交流的失败造成麻烦。故选A。
boring无聊的;unnecessary不必要的;funny滑稽的;interesting有趣的。根据“families could discover other active pastimes”可知,谈话很无聊的晚上,家人可以发现其他积极的消遣方式,故选A。
similar相似的;different不同的;strange奇怪的;new新的。根据“reading aloud.”可知,是在介绍与上文安静地阅读不同的阅读方式,故选B。
refuse拒绝;expect期待;hate讨厌;wait等。根据“We may find it hard to return from our newly-discovered activities”可知,经过一段时间的放下手机,投入新发现的活动,会让我们很难再回到以前,甚至我们会对这些新活动充满期待。故选B。
26.C 27.A 28.D
26.细节理解题。根据“It is often cooked with eggs to balance the sometimes strong tastes of the leaves.”可知,人们烹饪香椿芽的时候加入鸡蛋是为了平衡强烈的味道。故选C。
27.细节理解题。根据“Chinese toon shoots ... It can also be prepared with tofu.”及“Indian aster ... The vegetable is usually boiled in water, cut and mixed with tofu and sesame oil.”可知,相同之处是两者都能和豆腐混在一起。故选A。
28.推理判断题。根据“※ Do not eat wild vegetables you don’t know.”可知,不要吃不认识的野菜,由此推出不认识的野菜可能有害。故选D。
29.B 30.A 31.C
29.推理判断题。根据“On Xiaohongshu, there are more than 2.5 million posts (帖子) about cycling...”可知本段主要介绍了骑自行车非常受欢迎,选项B“骑自行车成热门话题”符合语境。故选B。
30.词义猜测题。根据“People turn to cycling as more people care about their health and their demand for outdoor exercise becomes stronger”可知随着越来越多的人关心自己的健康,他们对户外运动的需求也越来越强烈,人们开始骑自行车,故此处划线部分意为“需求”,和need
32.C 33.A 34.B 35.B
32.细节理解题。根据“As I watched the woman, I thought about the letters my mother wrote and how she must have known an ordinary piece of paper turns into a love letter when a person puts herself into it. Then I remembered the notebook in my bag.”可知,作者决定给那个陌生女人写一张便条,是因为她打算将一张普通的纸变成一封情书,也就是向她示爱。故选C。
33.推理判断题。根据“In the months that followed, I started my own site, , about my project, inspiring others to write and leave letters in their own communities. Now the website connects strangers in need of love letters and those who want to write them.”可知,作者创建了自己的网站,人们可以在里面写信或者留言,现在这个网站把需要情书的陌生人和愿意写情书的人联系起来,也就是作者创建这个网站是为了呼吁更多人来关心他人。故选A。
34.推理判断题。根据“Matt, I want you to know: You were wrong to think you’d be forgotten. And I was wrong to think people couldn’t walk into our lives and change our histories immediately. Because you did that for me.”可知,作者在某些方面是受到了Matt的影响。故选B。
35.推理判断题。根据“A week later, I walked away from the post office with a lot of mail and a big idea about human beings: mainly that if you give them something to do, a task, they will show up. At the end of that month, I mailed letters off to Briana.”可知,作者收到了很多人的信件,他们都愿意提供帮助,因此可以推断,很多人都愿意为了他人做出改变。故选B。
36.C 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.B
36.细节理解题。根据“Merlin, the great wizard”“Sir Ector”以及“his two sons Kay and Arthur”可知一共出现了四个角色。故选C。
37.推理判断题。根据“not very politely”可知他不那么友好;根据“You see, I have the sword, and
that means that I am the true King”可知他把Arthur拔出的剑说成是他拔出的,可见他不诚实。故选D。
38.细节理解题。根据“he did not look at the sword too carefully, but rushed back to give it to Kay...”可知他没有太仔细地看剑就把那把剑拔了出来,是无意中拔出来的。故选A。
39.细节理解题。根据“King Uther died”可知Uther国王去世了,c排第一位,排除CD;根据“But just as they were riding to the competition, Kay realized that he had left his sword at the place where they were staying...Merlin told them Arthur’s story”可知他发现把他的剑忘在了他们待的地方,最后Merlin才讲述了Arthur的故事,d排在b之前,排除A。故选B。
40.推理判断题。根据“Then he called all the important people to come and see what had happened...”可知他让所有人都重新去拔剑,可见他并不相信Kay所说的话。故选B。
【详解】句意:电灯泡是很重要的发明之一。invent发明,是一个动词。空前形容词important,可知该空应填名词,invent的名词是invention。且one of后要用可数名词复数。故填inventions。
【详解】句意:你的卧室太乱了,你现在应该打扫一下。根据“you should clean it now”可知此处指“卧室太乱”;untidy“凌乱的”,形容词作表语。故填untidy。
【详解】句意:这位探险家骄傲地看着自己所取得的成就。with pride“骄傲地”,固定用法。故填pride。
【详解】句意:你不觉得让机器人帮我们熨衣服会更好吗?iron“熨烫”,动词,have...do sth.“让……做某事”,故填iron。
【详解】句意:与传统汽车相比,电动汽车更加环保。根据汉语提示可知,动词compare表示“比较”,动词与主语electric cars之间是逻辑上的被动关系,所以使用动词过去分词。故填Compared。
51.used to 52.invention 53.famous 54.have fun 55.plenty of
51.句意:灯笼过去曾是用布料制成的。根据上文“...before paper was invented.”及分析句子结构可知此处需填动词短语,“used to be过去曾是”为固定搭配,符合语境。故填used to。
52.句意:随着纸张的发明,中国人开始制作彩色的纸灯笼。此处需填一个名词,根据上文“Chinese started to make colorful paper lanterns.”及备选词汇可知“invention发明”符合语境。故填invention。
54.句意:许多来自各地的人们来游玩得很开心。分析句子结构可知此处应填动词,“have fun玩得开心”,符合语境。故填have fun。
55.句意:灯笼市场上有许多纸灯笼。此句结构完整,可考虑使用量词修饰paper,根据上文“Now the lantern show has spread out to...and firework show”及备选词汇可知“plenty of大量的”符合语境。故填plenty of。
56.created 57.make 58.represents 59.wood 60.includes 61.instead
62.special 63.year 64.though/although 65.without
56.根据“It was created during Song Dynasty in the l0th century”可知人们在十世纪的宋朝期间创造了紫砂壶,发生在过去,此处应用动词的过去式,故填created。
57.根据“Different types of clay used for making Yixing teapots”可知不同类型的黏土用来制作宜兴茶壶,to为动词不定式符号,故填make。
58.根据“Yixing clay stands for “zisha” in Chinese because purple clay is most commonly used.”可知在中国紫色黏土被使用的最普遍,所以宜兴黏土代表紫砂,由“It is common to use Yixin clay”可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语Yixing clay 为第三人称单数,故填represents。
59.根据“The most important step to make Yixing teapots is to keep pounding the clay with a special wooden stick.”可知制作紫砂壶最重要的步骤是用一个木制的棍子保持拍打黏土,故填wood。
60.根据“Different types of clay used for making Yixing teapots”可知不同类型的黏土用来制作宜兴茶壶,即黏土包括不同的类型,此处为定语从句的谓语动词,先行词clay为不可数名词,此处应用动词的第三人称单数形式,故填includes。
61.根据“They are produced in factories, not by machine but by hand”可知在工厂茶壶不是被机器制作,而是由手工制作,即手工代替机制,故填instead。
62.根据“...This is the most special about Zisha clay.”及表格中其后面的内容可知此处应是归纳关于紫砂壶什么是特别的,此处填形容词,构成主系表结构,故填special。
63.根据“And the tea can be stored overnight in it without going bad in spring, autumn, winter and even in summer.”可知用紫砂壶储存茶一年四季都可以隔夜不坏,即全年可过夜储存,故填year。
64.根据“The clay is highly porous, but water cannot go out from it”可知尽管黏土是多孔的,但是水不能从它流出去,故填though/although。
65.根据“Over time, Yixing teapots can smell good even there is no tea in it.”可知很长一段时间,宜兴茶壶能闻起来很香甚至没有茶在里面,故填without。
66.(H)owever 67.(d)iscovery 68.(r)ecords 69.(m)ethod 70.(f)irst 71.(r)equires 72.(h)ardest 73.(f)orm 74.(w)ith 75.(d)ifference
66.句意:然而,非物质文化传承人Wu Cui却能将稻草变成美丽的艺术品。根据“Most people would probably see it as a pile of waste in a farmer’s field.”与“Wu Cui, an intangible cultural inheritor, can turn the straw into beautiful artworks.”可知,空格前后表示对稻草的两种不同看法,结合首字母提示可知,应用表示转折的副词however表示“然而”。故填(H)owever。
67.句意:这一发现对中国传统文化意义重大。根据“The earliest straw-weaving products were found at Hemudu Cultural Ruins… means a lot to Chinese traditional culture”可知,此处是指“在河姆渡遗址找到草编产品的这一发现”,应用名词单数形式作主语,结合首字母提示可知,“discovery发现”符合句意。故填(d)iscovery。
68.句意:《礼记》中也记载在周代已经有了用香蒲草和专业的草编工匠制作的垫子。结合句意及首字母提示可知,此处指“该书记载的内容”,应用动词“record记录,记载”,作谓语。此处陈述事实,应用一般现在时,“The Book of Rites ”指一本书,为单数,谓语动词应用其三人称单数形式。故填(r)ecords。
69.句意:稻草编织是一种制作日常用品或艺术品的方法。根据“a…of making daily items or artworks”可知,此处表示“一种制作……的方法”,应用名词单数作表语。根据首字母提示可知“method方法”符合句意,表示“是一种制作日常用品或艺术品的方法”。故填(m)ethod。
70.句意:吴解释了稻草编织的过程:选择材料是一个复杂、耗时和劳动密集型的过程的第一步,可能需要数周甚至数月才能完成。根据“the…step of ”及首字母提示可知,此处应用序数词first与之构成短语“the first step of…”,表示“……的第一步”。故填(f)irst。
71.句意:你需要在纸上画出草图,这需要绘画技巧。根据“You need to sketch the piece on paper”与“drawing skills”可知,此处指“需要绘画技巧”。结合首字母提示可知“require需要”符合句意,在定语从句中作谓语,修饰先行词“the piece”。该句时态为一般现在时,应用动词的三单形式。故填(r)equires。
72.句意:即使完成了这个过程,也并不意味着你总能创造出一件好的作品,最难的部分是使它栩栩如生。根据“the…part is to make it lifelike”及首字母提示可知,此处是指“最难的部分是使它栩栩如生”,应用形容词hard的最高级hardest表示“最难的”。故填(h)ardest。
73.句意:过去,草帽草鞋等草编物品在农村几乎家家户户都能找到,因为它们在日常生活中很实用。根据“…could be found almost in every household in the countryside, in the…of straw hats and straw shoes, because they were practical in everyday life”可知,此处是指这些日用品以
“草帽,草鞋的形式呈现出来”。结合首字母提示,此处应用form与之构成短语“in the form of…以……的形式”符合语境。故填(f)orm。
74.句意:但是随着工业的发展,这些产品中的许多都是在工厂制造的。根据首字母提示及“...development of industry”可知,此处指“随着工业的发展”,这些产品的制作方法发生了变化,应用介词with与之搭配,“with the development of industry随着工业的发展”符合语境。故填(w)ith。
75.句意:吴对一位新闻记者说:“应该有更多的工匠齐心协力,为传统文化的传播做出贡献”。根据“more craftsmen should work together to make a…to the spread of the traditional culture.”可知,此处是指大家应该“共同努力,齐心协力”。结合首字母提示可知,应用名词单数difference与之构成“make a difference产生影响,起……作用”。故填(d)ifference。
A letter to myself
How time flies! Three years have passed since I became a middle school student. Let me tell you some things now.
Not only had I learned knowledge about subjects, but also I had made many friends at middle school. It is the most lucky for me to gain a friend who often help with my schoolwork, such as teaching me some skills of improving my English. What’s more, I had met a teacher who had an important influence on my life. She is my Math teacher called Anna who often builds some groups and asks us to study in a cooperative way so that we can develop a sense of cooperation. And she never gives up any students. We all like her. Finally, I hope that it is possible for me to be an excellent teacher, like my Math teacher.
I will try our best to study hard. I believe firmly that my dream will come true in the future.
①let sb do sth让某人做某事
②tell sb sth告诉某人某事
③Not only…but also…不仅……而且……
④help with sth 在某事上帮助某人
⑤teach sb sth教某人某事
⑥What’s more更多的是
⑦have an important influence on 对……产生重要影响
⑧ask sb to do sth叫某人去做某事
⑨give up放弃
⑩try one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力做某事
①Let me tell you some things now.(let开头的祈使句)
②Not only had I learned knowledge about subjects, but also I had made many friends at middle school. (倒装句)
③It is the most lucky for me to gain a friend who often help with my schoolwork, such as teaching me some skills of improving my English.(it引导的强调句)
④She is my Math teacher called Anna who often builds some groups and asks us to study in a cooperative way so that we can develop a sense of cooperation.(who引导的定语从句和so that引导的目的状语从句)
⑤I believe firmly that my dream will come true in the future.(that引导的宾语从句)



